DMX interview on Oh Drama (2002)

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and we are so happy to have you with us mr. diem actually promised he was coming on anybody's here yeah and we are so happy that song is so incredibly beautiful like your grandmother thank you it is really nice to feel that much love towards somebody isn't it well I mean you know we all have that special person you know I'm saying sometimes it's the mothers your times the grandmother knows Han but we all have that person you know that one person that says regardless of what the world thinks of you you are my baby man I love you to death [Applause] portrait you use poetry um somewhat I use poetry to just like put out a prayer I mean it's not like you do it like that no I like to put a prayer in a poem like out okay you might shown us an example yes I mean I I mean if I do it that's what you were saying that we praying for real it's now that was right I'm saying so if we don't do it we do it okay okay father God I'm just learning how to pray bear with me first I thank you for the life of everyone that's here with me then I thank you for the love you give me why I don't know I don't deserve it and it hurts inside many a nights I cried and called your name out loud but didn't call you when I was doing good to proud and still you gave me love I wasn't used to that most of the people that gave me love ended up taking it back that's something new to me so I'm asking you for time to adjust let me make it there I will be one you can trust but I stand for I put my life on I do I guess what I'm asking is show me how to stand for you and I will rap for you sing for you reach for you preach for you teach for you I would love you like you love me unconditionally and I will always be prepared for whatever the mission will be give the nutrition to me and I'll properly digest it when I give it back I will show you word well-invested and whenever I go before I go let me give thanks to you Lord for my birth for every day that I've lived you gave me a love most of my life I didn't know what's there in the name of Jesus I give you my life because you cared this morning I was getting dressed and I noticed you know you you deeper now you know it do you think that you know people don't think you soft now cuz you digging so deep into yourself what's that there's so much deeper now it's like I'm heard more now so there's different opinions now you know where there was once there was once just the opinion of you I'm saying my hood you know my dogs you I'm saying that was the only one that was copping my joints in the forget it you know saying burn everybody even caught on to it so it's like I got a lot more opinions I'm saying well cop it if you like it you know I'm saying you like it if not you know alright yeah sure what was your childhood like what would you like right now I mean it was you know I mean it was what it was because I was reading about how you met your wife and you know she was saying that she saw because she was raised Muslim yeah yeah she says Tara she had the same house and I know it in but I saw she said it was attracted to you because you had that edge you know what she kind of saw me you know making the move you know she was in the house and I was in the stadium stance it was like that you know obviously the track zapatero saying I went down you know you know but um that's that's dusty about a man I mean there's all kind of things that women find attractive about a man but one of the things that is the most sexiest about me it's a man in love and you are deeply in love with your wife you profess it you talk about it you write about it and and of it you're not ashamed of it you pull her up into your world on stage and and I think that is so incredibly sexy [Applause] [Applause] my dad was speaking to me you know remember when you first met you and I thought you was a group yeah this is my question forward legs right did you give your wedding rings and analyst um we went to a fuel gauge arranged okay who doesn't do that is something totally different I'm saying it makes all the ears and all the arguments and all the translations worth Wow 1998 but it was like we've been together like 12 years but you gotta wait do they get their money get the wife that wants the wedding with the friends and the limo like the first day I sort of go over because it was like it we from the first day I met her we moved in together cabs to my house where I used to live caps house first first alone she's pregnant girl this time I got two boys man you been doing it from the back on the back you do miss yeah she'll know what I'm saying I mean it's like hey you know just because you're knocking to go for giving us some ass some don't don't mean you love among cinema to feel good you feel accepted for what it is leave it alone no love when you see love for real and you knew that was your love and you saw I felt like I was a hero yo say first right away Paris I'm like listen you know well number come between us this place right that's you know it's my mother her father buffer don't matter to that she was like no my parents are not gonna stop me from loving you yeah and that's hot because I was good yeah yeah when you love a man ain't nobody gonna stop you there you go 9 + 2 9 and 2 yeah and a nice it used to be at Apollo I mean do you get up and you know I don't there's no company's Anatomy in the morning no you talk to you know anybody you just gotta be conserving your voice and you know just that I'm not a morning person might get the wrong side of me well what's happening [Laughter] [Laughter] did you look off in the breakfast you ready I want to ask you about you're a great actor thank you yes all rappers but when you're making that transition you know people really look and they're like yeah yeah and I felt that heat to first of all don't even like them and like you know most these cats out here doing it thing ain't really doing it you don't see it getting on because of their name you know saying but you know you got somebody you see these doing it's very respect that matter you know right some happen well we appreciate that's right DM X now we were before we took the break we were talking about acting on someone how much I loved just to see you put it down because you know how people are saying it and exit wounds you actually it's different for me for music music is music when you're going to movie one into a character music though that attracts people to people yeah because it's like you give in yourself and they see you're like inside you when you perform it and when you write and then when you know with hearing and that's when it started when I was like I just love them for you because now you know I know a lot of people have problems with rappers taking over nachiket studied all my life and I always say to those people everybody has the same plan to get on that big screen everybody just has a different route of getting there but this is what I want to ask you did you prepare for that action because acting is not easy and you could only be yourself on the screen so many times before that plays out because you really have to have a craft and you really have to learn tools and and how to do it so do you have a coach did you study my first movie no the first now what was your persuasion wounds I did did he ever go into me you know yeah I know I'm not the best at this I know I'm not as good as I can be at this one not taking people you know either you can act you can't act you have a natural talent so you if you hone it it will become better there's something you're gonna further you know study in the movie no cradle to the grave oh that's what's that leave yeah oh that's like scene in it no I'm saying I forget all that hanging trainer nothing nudity wasn't a bigger mature I'm at the stage in my career where I couldn't you know kind of put that in there I need one at widows who's your first belly so belly with us when they get in the first movie some physical combat you know maybe someone who's like changed they show me what I'm a teacher and you know but I have a dark past you know handle my business or maybe the postal work and y'all sing just like you want some just some you know handle my business get it on I'm gonna do the damn thing type of thing this curious at what point in your life because I know we all have our paths that we all have to struggle to our neighborhoods in Suffolk what point in your life did you say go make it I'm gonna turn this around and I'm gonna make something of myself in my life I get to say that that's date that was that was date that profound Oh like a [ __ ] can't read I can read on the grace of God I mean that is the only way I walk no by His grace that's right that's by his understanding I mean one day I'll say this is where I'm going oh you know what you've already said that you may not I've done it you've become insane okay were you done it toward us to be giving a gift ride and just you know go at some point coming up you know how we all come up this is what I'm gonna do well you you turn things around and you made it work for you I did everything that I was supposed to be doing for thirteen years then I got a deal right I changed nothing so you think you were doing because you know I don't read as much I was inspired by but uh crush move I'm gonna do that's ended up on Def Jam what oh well okay okay to see these a Great Depression okay this record on shot it was the bomb yeah just sorry about me yeah I want to know about your dogs uh I got ten dogs you got one with you or what with me they're all trained them yourself a nice boy looks like a puppy but the chain why is the chain the biggest chain I've ever seen cuz it needs to be because she's only 13 watches she's strong do you train them yourself or do you ever trainer I trained myself dogs dogs dogs you train a dog by being around the dog you train the dog by putting time into a dog there was no time with dogs what does she eat okay puppy chow [Music] [Laughter] we'll be right back what made a decision I mean obviously he's your family member but what no so he had like just my best interests at home Joe said he was concerned with my well-being I'm saying before that was a career you upsetting wondered you know did you eat is there this in the house is you know you all right how's the family I mean okay I figured you know look after you know soon cuz you have your own record label yeah so now I see running that what is it no I'm not running his labor he made a decision to hire someone else which I thought was great because you don't want to be too involved in every entity of his life you want to have some spaces between to keep the relationship with fam somebody come on now we have no boat what a vital more time the argument we come to common grounds on certain who usually when you have to sit back as you know give me fighting and then that moment comes you go I try to get more done and it's like needing more time to myself so it's like neither one of us are wrong but it's you know we gonna play ground yeah in the latter part of it I usually win that's why we are where we are today but you manage other clients other clients I have roster like twelve people now okay bloodline that's interesting yeah so okay did you what's thought if I asked him if he was producing a writing and he said if you can't write it you don't need to be saying it Oh but you get it you get a taste of the bloodline true at the end of the city right she bites oh yeah she fears I mr. Kaji Wesson but you know I had to feel cuz I was coming on drama had to know what yeah so I didn't know what's your relationship not with Rough Riders salmon's always been it was always gonna be oh we built something together we started something we changed something else I mean we grew right here I mean um you know what it's funny you say that because um said um see your work fighting up sin that's my dog for life down accident yesterday Oh doing much better I'm saying just move most on rehabilitate them go send with that size and everything you know I just want to say doggy I'm saying from the heart man yo San not anybody being around on man I'm with you baby I'm saying and he's with you well she wouldn't be here man how can I be one of the dancers and outfit dropping it like a hot in the video what's happening what I got to do look all our videos you should well now that you're making it you're not wasting it all right George Bush became about $600 well you know they've taken out all of you income tax return when you get it don't you it wasn't really no extra money but I know it from you they buy you your own gifts in this record industry they say you know what we want to get you a gift and then you look with your P&L report then they charge you for it oh you figured you'd get me something with my own money thanks for nothing foundation was named after his grandmother to pass and I lived I named it after because you know says she was always the type that Joe said no matter she had 11 kids no matter how many of her kids were at her house or grandkids kids warehouse or their friends they all were fed mm-hmm you know you come by it's my money was just like it's like world's ladies that you know you could beat a thunk the hardest thing on the street and you know you out there robbing somebody by the pull of sleep but when you see this any one place a because you know that was a lady on the blanket you know saying that that paid attention was going on around block saying she's paid you if he was hungry yeah we've been giving charities in Harlem Hospital donating time and you know to other people for like what four years now thank you for giving back really well right back we got to take a break
Channel: Ancient College
Views: 257,760
Rating: 4.9352202 out of 5
Keywords: dmx, interview, rare, prayer, bloodline, exit wounds, rapper, actor, hip hop, cradle 2 the grave, movie, 2002, marriage, vanessa bell calloway, kym whitley, dogs, sheryl underwood, julissa marquez, the great depression, ruff ryders, talk show, tv show, oh drama
Id: mCDqHVyp-ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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