DJI RS3 MINI Tutorial - A Beginners Guide & How-To Use w/ Sony A74

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[Music] hey guys how's it going it's Jay and in this video I'm going to go over the DJI RS3 mini gimbal from a beginner oriented perspective so as you can see here this gimbal is really Compact and it's very very powerful and like I said I'm going to go over everything you need to know on how to use this tool for your video and photo needs it's got tons of features built in and uh if you've never set one of these up before it's a little bit complicated when it comes to balancing and so I want to show you how to balance it horizontally and vertically depending on which way you're planning on shooting and that's like a setup process so I'm going to go through that and then we'll turn the gimbal on and I'll show you how to go through that little setup process you have to register it it's not that hard don't worry strap in because it's going to be a pretty lengthy video and below the video guys I'll have time stamps set up so you can skip ahead if you're looking for a certain feature so first thing you're going to want to do do is plug this in to a USBC charging port now it doesn't really give you anything to charge the gimbal there's no plug that plugs in the wall that came with my unit but it's not that big of a deal most of us have Chargers nowadays so it does come with two cables in there but no charger I already have this thing fully charged up so it is ready to go so first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to screw this little mini tripod onto the bottom of the gimbal so I can stand it upright like so so I'm just going to spread the legs out on this tripod here now I'm going to use my Sony a74 with the full frame 20 millimeter F 1.8 lens and then of course we have the tripod plate that for the camera that slides into this on the Gimbal and I also got this extra handle here guys so this is an accessory you can buy it does cost an extra like I don't know 50 or 60 dollars I'll show you more about this later all right so this is the quick release plate that needs to go on the bottom of the camera and notice how it has this little lip here you see that lip on the front that's going to go to the front of the camera you can see that lip there is going to go this way and I'm just going to get it started and then I'll get it in the right position and now you can see here on the side of the camera you see that little lip all right so the next thing we're going to need to do is unlock some of these arms now you're going to see on the arms each motor has a lock associated with it so there's a lock right here there's a lock right here and then there's another lock right here on the top of this guy here so those are the three locks that you're going to need to work with when it comes to using this gimbal so the first thing we're going to want to do is unlock this lock here which is on the side like so and that will release it so you can do this and then what we're going to do is we're just going to swivel it this way and then we're going to lock that again so it stays in place like so now on the top of the gimbal here we have this other lock right there so I'm going to unlock that let me just tilt this back so you can see it's this lock right here I'm going to unlock that and that's freeze this up so now this thing is like free swinging as you can see but this arm is locked and the bottom is still locked if I unlock the bottom one it'll allow it to swivel like this but we don't want to do that yet we just want to leave it pretty much all locked except for this one at the moment all right so now what we're going to need to do is Slide the camera into this quick release you want to make sure that you have this unlocked here on the side this lever here has a lock and an unlock you want to make sure it's in the unlocked position when you go to slide the camera in which is back here like this so that's the unlocked position this red handle here I'll show you that while it's visible that allows you to slide this thing back and forth as you can see so that's to adjust the camera width basically so it's a little harder to see that once the camera is mounted so I'm just going to put it like right there for now we might have to adjust that though we'll see in a minute all right so check this out I'm just going to slide this into the top like so and then it clicks into place so I'm just going to put it right around the center area and then we have the lever now if you want to take this off there's this pin on the outside if you push this in that will release it look if I try to take the camera off it won't come off you have to actually hit this pin that releases it to take it off and that's the clicking that you're hearing right there when you slide it on like so so just put that somewhere about in the center and then we're going to tighten it but you can see you got to be careful you always want to hold the camera because right now it's grossly unbalanced and it's going to swivel down so listen check it out this is the next step what we're going to want to do is we're going to unlock this right here you can see the little lock and unlock we're going to swivel that to the unlock and then we're going to drag this back and now the concept here that you need to be aware of is we're trying to get the center of mass so the center of the camera body basically like with the lens the center of that mass we're trying to get a line with this motor that's what we're doing right now so let's try to do that so you can see here it's swiveling back now so I can game it just a little bit forward let's go a little bit more all right right about there is pretty good so I'm just going to tighten this down by swiveling this lever here and uh let's see what we got now so if I let that go it's pretty close you can also adjust it just very so slightly with this slider plate on the bottom so if I just scoot It Forward like another 16th of an inch from the original plate here that's now pretty good so the next thing we're going to want to do is swivel this upward and we're going to want the camera to stay and shockingly it's actually staying right out of the gate so you can see here there's actually measurements on this bar and I have mine right now almost at the bottom you can see right here there's only a little bit sticking out if you need to adjust this you need to just swivel this and now you can slide the camera up and down as you can see here so right about there is pretty good let me just lock that back like so and now what you should have is you should be able to put the camera into any direction like this and it should stay on its own as you can see it's working quite well when I get to here it's actually swiveling back just a little bit let me just fine tune this just a little bit more here all right I think that's pretty good right there yeah that looks pretty good and remember this Gap here that you're seeing right here this is the width so we can adjust that now with the red lever remember that red lever I showed you before is right here I can actually Slide the camera over a little all right that's as far as it goes so I have that maxed out all the way so the camera's all the way to this direction so that's looking pretty good so now what we're going to do is we're going to lock this motor like so and then we're going to unlock this motor on the back and that lock is underneath here so I'm just going to unlock that motor and make sure that your hand is on the gimbal okay so I'm holding the gimbal here so when I unlock this you can see it wants to swivel like that now we got this handle here on the back I'm going to loosen this handle up and that'll give me the ability to slide the camera left and right so I'm going to slide the camera this way I'm kind of lifting up on the camera to take the weight off so it's easier to slide this as well it's actually easier to slide it like this if you have your thumb here and you just kind of push all right right about there is looking pretty good so let me lock that down all right not bad so that's that now let's lock this guy and we can unlock this guy here on the side and that'll allow us to do this swivel so to balance this one we need to tilt the camera and you can see how much it just swiveled it's not supposed to swivel so we need to adjust the camera either forward or back so it doesn't do that and if you look at the payload of the camera you can see that it clearly needs to come back like that if you look at it like from the top like the camera is not centered with the mass when it comes to this motor here so what we got to do is like I said slide it back so let's move it back to somewhere around there on the red line here on the top it actually has a red line I have it at the two inch Mark right now so that's still not enough it doesn't look like so let me put it at the one and a half inch Mark see what that looks like all right so right about here is pretty good I actually have it at the half inch Mark so that's pretty good and you can see now when I tilt it it's not swiveling and that's what you want so you can see it's swiveling just a little bit but not much at all all right so that's a balanced gimbal so let me show you how to mount this in the vertical orientation if you're a vertical shooter here so I'm just going to release the camera and remember you got to press this button here on the side to slide it out like so and there we have it so in order to put this into the vertical orientation what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to take this stuff off so this lower arm and the quick release plate so the quick release plate to take that off you got to unloosen that red lever and notice how it doesn't come off that's what this other pin is for so you push that in and slides right off like so now we need to take this bottom bracket off here so to loosen that we take that off and then there's a little button on the bottom kind of like one of those lock buttons and that slides it off so you can see this comes off we can just set this to the side we're not going to need that for this so this is the release pin that allows that bar to slide off the bottom guys see it right there kind of looks like one of the Lock Pins but a little bit different so what we're going to need to do now is put this quick release plate on this side over here so this is going to slide on like so and then we can lock it in position like that the red red handle and that's pretty good to go so now what we're going to do is we're going to slide the camera in except it's going to be in the vertical format like so right about there and I'm going to lock this and there you have it so now it's in the vertical orientation as you can see here which is pretty darn cool right so if you're doing Instagram or YouTube reels or whatever shorts things like that so now the balancing process is the same as what we just did but the payload has changed so the orientation has changed the center of mass is not the same because of where we're mounted to so let me just show you how to balance this quickly in the vertical orientation and it'll be a nice refresher for you if you've never done this before to watch The Balancing process one more time quickly so again first thing we're going to do is start with this top one and remember you want to support the camera always support the camera make sure that it's balanced and look at that it's actually balanced right where it is that's cool I wasn't expecting that all right so now if we swivel it this way there we go that's pretty far off all right so now what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to slide the camera using this red lever here we're going to need to slide the camera up or down so it's swiveling this way so we're going to just slide the camera it's not actually up I mean it's up if it's in the oriented position but right now it's going to be back towards me so right about there and go a little bit too far sliding these things is always a little bit tricky you got to find like right where to put your fingers all right right about there looks pretty balanced so let me lock this red lever and see how this thing performs it's going back so I need to slide this just a touch forward all right right about there so let's see all right now it's staying that's what we're looking for guys Perfect all right cool all right so let's lock this one down there we have it now we will move on to the back motor just like we did last time now remember you want a sports camera and we're going to unlock it and you can see it's swiveling this way this time so it's not as bad as it was last time as far as being way off but still pretty far off so now because the payload has shifted to the right overall because the camera is in a vertical spot we now need to take this arm and bring it this way so let's bring that over until we get that Center of mass calibrated all right that's getting close right about there nice all right cool that's good now lock that guy and we will unlock this one on the bottom here so we're unlocking this guy now all the other two are locked so they're not swiveling and now we're going to do that test where we see if it swivels oh sweet we don't even need to adjust it cool all right so there we have it so now we're in the vertical format which is so cool you know what I mean I'm actually going to put it back into the horizontal format guys because I don't actually want to use it in the vertical format I just wanted to show you that though if you need to use it in the vertical format so I'm just going to pause the video quick put it back in the horizontal format and then we're going to go through the process of booting this gimbal up and I will show you how this sucker works first thing we got to do is we're going to have to unlock all the motors so I got them all unlocked you could see here so you have the three different unlocks you got the lock here for this motor you have a lock over here for this motor and then you have the lock for this motor here so they're all unlocked now we're just going to hold down the power button which is on the side of the camera right here I'm just going to hold that power button down and the gimbal turns on so now the gimbal is on and when you first turn this on for the first time on the back screen you're going to see a QR code that looks like this I'll bring it up on the screen and what you're going to want to do is scan that QR code and it'll bring you to the download page to download the Ronin app which I actually have on my smart device as you can see right here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to tap on the Ronin app and it's going to automatically look for the gimbal now it's going to want to pair with your phone so mine automatically connected what you're going to have to do is hit connect here where it says DJI RS3 you're there you're going to have a connect option there when you hit that button that will allow you to give you the opportunity to pair it with DJI Gimbal and you're just gonna have to enter the password which is by default one two three four five six seven eight so once you enter the password it should come up here and show you that you have the DJI RS3 MINI Connected and it'll automatically prompt you if your firmware is out of date so mine did when I first turned this on it said that the firmware was not up to date so before this worked it went through and updated to the latest software so just so you're aware that is how that works now if you click on the status button here you can go through here and it'll show you all the different status options and this is where we're going to want to go to calibrate if we're having issues like horizontal calibration for example is fantastic if you're trying to film and the Horizon is a little bit crooked you can go in here and you can adjust the horizontal calibration and that will make sure that your horizon is level just in case your gimbal is very slightly off for example like the what you have it sitting on is just a little bit off that will account for that and then restore gimbal setup you can put it back to factory by hitting that system calibration will help if your gimbal is like drifting for some reason and then demo mode we'll just put the gimbal in demo mode as you can see here and it'll just move around in various ways for that so I'm just going to turn that off and if you double press the trigger here it'll bring it back to the default position and now checklist you have Bluetooth connection and camera cable camera control cable now because I'm using the Sony a74 the a74 has a Bluetooth remote option and that's how I'm going to communicate with the Gimbal and the camera allowing me to focus record and which is just fantastic and zoom if I was using a power zoom lens I would also be able to do that so very very cool all right guys so right here is where you would plug the cable in if you're using the cable to connect to your camera so it's on the end of this arm here you could see it's like the front of the gimbal kinda luckily the a74 you could do it as a Bluetooth remote which makes it super easy next thing we're going to do is if you go into your user profile also by the way it's going to ask you to create an account you have to create an account with Ronin now because I have the other rsc2 gimbal I already had an account created so I just had to log in with my credentials you guys might have to create an account it's very easy it's just as you would expect for any kind of you know account creation process now user profiles we have M1 M2 and M3 and you can go through here and configure the gimbal for however you see fit now one I'm going to set to pan follow two is set to pan and tilt and three by default is set to all three motors which is cool you know so that's just how it is by default and the follow speeds and stuff you can change here push mode what that means is if you have it in push mode you can just grab the gimbal like you could basically rotate this thing any way you want it's good very convenient for setting waypoints if you're using the waypoints feature but by default that is off and deadpan is another option that will just it basically indicates how much you have to move the gimbal before it starts balancing for you that's what the deadpan is all right guys so the first thing we're going to want to do is an auto tune so let's go in here to motor parameters and and we have an auto tune option so let's select auto tune auto-tune is preparing to start make sure all gimbal accesses are unlocked tap ok to begin so I'm just going to hit OK and here you can see the camera does its little thing it's just shaking it around to try to figure out what the payload is you know whether it's a front heavy lens whatever the case may be so it just goes through there and it checks all the different Motors and uh then it comes up with a result and you can see here this is what it decided that it needed to be so we're good there so the next thing we're going to want to do is a balancing test and what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to tilt the gimbal it says at like 15 degrees so something like that for example and then I'm going to hit begin test and now you can see at this weird angle the camera is moving in you know a predetermined path and it's determining how good the balance is based on this path it's kind of hard to hold steady but I'm trying my best here there we go so you can see there the results are done and the balance test came back till excellent roll excellent pan excellent so we are a hundred percent ready to go to start using this gimbal so I highly recommend checking out the app because it's a really awesome the way it's configured and let me just show you really quick if we go into create here these are the different modes that you can use now we have a panorama mode for you know panoramic photography you have a force mobile mode so you can use your phone to actually move the gimbal around that's kind of cool but it doesn't really work that good in the real world it is a nice feature though but it's hard to get it where you actually want it you know the manual tells you to mount it to a tripod and then use the ball head to control it and then of course you have virtual joystick mode which is kind of cool then we have time lapse which is a really nice feature and you can actually set waypoints for the time lapse then you have track which will basically just set waypoints and the camera will then move from Waypoint to Waypoint and you get to decide how long it stays at each Waypoint and how long it takes to get to the next Waypoint so that's very powerful if you're doing complicated sequences you know but if you're just filming yourself it can be quite challenging to get it you know to actually time correctly and then we have game controller now here you can set up your PlayStation controller if you want to control the gimbal with that I actually didn't play with that at all but it's pretty cool feature nonetheless and then you have the Raven eye which is another feature that Ronin offers in case you want to uh check that out and also up here on the right you have this little catalog area and that will be a bunch of tutorials for you which is really nice and it'll walk you through some of the processes for different tutorials and camera movements things like that over here on the top left this is where you have settings device list and firmware and you can see here this is the firmware that mine's currently at device list you could see here we have the gimbal serial number it's the mini here's the password that you can change if you want to because like I said it's set to that default password and then settings in here we have different settings you have the DJI product Improvement I have that turned off quick start guide you have there then you have a log out Delete account and uh those are pretty much all the different app options all right guys so looking at the back of the gimbal here when you turn it on this is what's considered the home screen and on the top left you have just what mode you're in on the top right you have the power of the battery so it's at 99 then you have that green icon that's telling you that the gimbal is balanced and it's happy if it wasn't happy it would be orange or red based on the balance of the gimbal so for example if you were to screw an ND filter on the front of the lens it would make the lens a little bit more front heavy and you would need to recalibrate it and this might go orange on you or if you have a zoom lens and you zoom it out for example that might go orange on you and you really should recalibrate it ideally just so you are aware that's what that means now on the top left here we have the start calibration auto-tune process which we already did via the app but you can do it here you also have it the results of the auto tune there and now here is your different modes so this is the pan follow mode let me just click that and I'll show you you have pan follow pan tilt follow and then the full orbital mode so all the accesses are unlocked then you have custom so you can go in there and do whatever you want custom then you have 3D roll 360 or Vortex mode as it's called on some other gimbals and you use the joystick for that if you want to use Vortex mode and you can change the speed of this by changing the speed of the joystick so the joystick actually has speed controls in there so that's what that is guys I'll show you what these different modes do in a minute once I'm done going through the back of the screen here so also on the bottom right here you have follow speed and this is a key feature here you're going to want that on Fast if you're tracking fast moving subjects medium is good for normal slow you're going to want if you're doing very slow delicate movements and you don't want any kind of abruptness going on with the follow speed so now you have two other screen you can swipe down and you can swipe up now you have the power button on the side of the gimbal over here you have the trigger here which you can press if you triple press the trigger it'll go into selfie mode so it'll reverse the camera around and you can actually disable that if you do not want it to go to selfie mode and if you just double tap it'll go back to the normal position and then this by default is set to zoom so you can change that to other features if you want but that's what it's set to by default and again here's the charging port now if we just swivel this back we have this right here which is the mode button and then we have the record button now the record button if you just half press it will focus for you and if you hold it it'll start recording same goes for photography mode if you have the camera in photography mode just pressing it lightly will focus for you long pressing it will actually take the photo for you and so let me just show you what happens when we swipe down so when we swipe down these are the other features that are important now you have lock mode here this is where you can lock the screen and then swipe up to unlock screen see that so you just swipe up now the screen's unlocked now here we have the Bluetooth option now this is what will allow you to connect the Bluetooth to the a74 camera I'll show you this in a minute because I want to show you the menu on the back of the a74 when I do this so just stand by for that I'll show you that in a second now here you have volume so you can turn the gimbal on and off so you don't hear the beeping and stuff like that and then there is the settings so this is where you can disable selfie if you're doing orbit follows the camera will be a little bit smoother when you have it enabled like that so you can turn that on and off there push mode you remember how I told you that earlier this will allow you to grab the camera and just force the gimbal in any direction you want without you know they're causing problems you know without fighting the motors basically so you can turn that on and off there it's great for Waypoint setting then you have the gimbal auto check which is pretty cool so you can just double check your settings if you want to do that you have restore parameters you have your language option there you have device info firmware version turn compliance info so it's you know not really that important but that's where all that stuff is and now if we swipe up and then swipe up again we have more features now here is where you can change the joystick speed remember I was telling you that earlier so you can make that slow medium and fast and that will just change how fast this thing moves around so if we put it in fast mode you can see the joystick is is now allowing the camera to turn much faster which will make that 3d60 move much faster as well as you can see here so I'm just going to put that back to medium double click the trigger and that'll put everything back to Center and then you have joystick smoothness now here is where that goes so you can play around with those settings if you're having issues dial speed that refers to the dial on the front of the camera here that's what dial speed is now dial function remember how I could told you you could change that this is where you can change that so right now it is set to zoom I don't like it set to zoom because it keeps coming up with an error message saying that the camera this lens does not support that so I'm just putting it on ISO even though it's not going to control that on the camera so that's how I like having it set because like I said I'm not using a power zoom lens and I don't want to keep getting that error message when I accidentally hit this Zoom thing and I did keep hitting it with my pointer finger so I ended up changing it to ISO there just so you know that's why I have it set like that all right guys so if you want to go into sports mode what you can do is you can just hold the mode button down and it's in sports mode right now while holding this button so what it's telling you is if you double press the trigger it'll stay in sports mode so now if I just double tap the trigger now it's in sports mode and you can see up there that little Sports guy icon you can see a little guy running all right guys so to disengage sport mode you just got to do the same thing hold the mode button down double tap and now it's out of sports mode as you can see from the top all right so let me show you how to connect the a74 alright so now if we go in here to the menu I want to turn bluetooth remote control on so I'm going to navigate to the network area and I'm going to scroll down to Bluetooth so you can see here Bluetooth function I have turned on all right so in the transfer remote area we're going to go in here and do Bluetooth remote control and I have that turned on so now notice how we have the little icon there with the camera showing the Bluetooth you see that you can see up here on the top right it's connected that Bluetooth option pretty cool right go back to the home screen and we are looking good to go all right guys so I'm just going to mount up this handle here really quick and it's very simple it just slides on like so this little bevel here and you just crank it down and now I have this nice awesome handle so you can do a dual handle grab as you can see here pretty nice way to handle it and it's very easy to do as you can see so let me just show you what the different modes are now again I just showed you the pan follow mode so if you notice watch how the camera doesn't tilt like if I turn the gimbal like this the camera is staying level so it's just going to follow how I move the camera when I turn it so you can see when I turn it it's following that so that is the pan follow option [Music] so let me change it to pan tilt Follow by hitting the mode button and now if you look if I tilt it like this it's still not tilting you can see so it's not going left and right angle wise but if I aim it down it will tilt so now that's the pan tilt option so it'll follow left and right and it'll follow up and down like so now if I go back to the other mode here the fpv mode foreign [Music] so now this mode watch you see how it tilts now we're getting the tilt action and you see how there's a little bit of a delay those are those things that you could speed up if you don't want it to be if you want to be quicker when you do that you can change the speed and that will help with those situations so those are the basic three modes now if I scroll and I go in there to 3D roll mode you can see now the camera is in 3D roll so if I were to stand up for example you can actually double tap the controller to the right and now it'll just keep spinning so you can get this cool 3D roll going on if you double tap the trigger it'll stop rolling so you can go double tap to get it to roll double tap the trigger it'll stop now if we double tap the remote the other way it'll the joystick the other way it'll go like that double tap the trigger and it'll stop and notice how it stops in the correct orientation which is quite cool [Music] let me change the mode back here we'll just scroll down and we'll put it in pan follow mode double tap the trigger and it'll set everything up back to square all right guys so now we're going to do is we're going to go into the create area on the app and I'm going to show you how to use panorama time lapse and track now I'm just going to do it here in the studio so it's going to be like a simulation but I just want to make sure that you guys understand like the details when it comes to this stuff so first thing I'm going to do is I have the gimbal here so let me just plop that down and I'm just going to put it to the center by double tapping the trigger as you could see there so now the gimbal is set up at default I have it set to pan follow mode but none of that stuff matters because I'm using the app so what I need to do is I need to turn the camera on make sure that's working camera's connected all right so I have the camera in photography mode right now so you have to to have the camera set up how you want it for the Panorama so I'm talking shutter speed ISO aperture things like that you want to make sure it's all dialed in also what you need to remember is depending on which way the camera is facing the exposure might change if you're using auto ISO so you also may want to set the iso to a hard number so the exposure does not change now that's up to you it depends on the scenario and what results you're looking for but just it's just things to keep in mind so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this panorama and you can see here that you can click and drag this box around so I had it set up for a 360 panel that's what this looks like it's almost 360. not quite but uh right there would be 360 Pano and you can see how the camera is now going to where it would start if I were to do a panorama like this now also I have it set for full frame because I'm using the full frame Sony a74 focal length I have set to 20 millimeter because I have the 20 millimeter F 1.8 lens on there you know makes sense overlap now this is something you need to play with I just left it at default 30 and interval I have set to two seconds so that'll give it a little bit extra time just to focus and take the shot between when it moves now you don't have to do that but it's it's good to note the interval because depending on what kind of shutter speeds you're using that matters so if you're doing this at night for example and you're doing very slow shutter speeds you're gonna have to change the interval time to you know more than what your camera is set to you know what I'm saying so I hope that makes sense so I put it to two seconds which is a little bit longer than I need especially if the clouds are moving you might want it a little bit shorter but again just food for thought there and also note the push mode I have push mode enabled so that will allow you to just push the camera around to where you want and you can you know start at that point for example so what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to drag this over I don't want a 360 shot I just want a pan out so notice how the camera is moving and it's letting you know where it's going to start just by dragging these boxes around so if I do something like this for example you could see how much the camera is going to move it's quite a bit so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to hit start so it's just going to fill in the grid and you can see how it's moving to each location and I have the camera set up for auto ISO so it's probably going to change depending on the brightness like when it's aiming at the light over there versus aiming at the shadow areas to the left so the panoramas might not look that good when I Stitch it together but you know this is just demonstration purposes so you guys you know can see like a proof of concept sort of thing you know what I mean so three more shots and then it's done there you have it so the Panorama is complete so that's the basic concept of how that works so let me go back here and let me click the time lapse option all right so this is what time lapse looks like by default now you can change the interval the duration uh push mode you can also change your frame rate as you can see here I have it set to 24 frames per second because that's what I want to Output as and that's what I normally have for my YouTube videos 24 frames per second so again you could use push to move this if you want like so for example if I want to start here you can see how the camera moves on the grid which is pretty cool I'm just going to hit the plus icon to add a waypoint now I want to add another Waypoint for where the time lapse is going to be when this ends so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to move this over and I'm going to hit the plus icon to add another Waypoint so that's how that works and now what you can do is you can actually hit preview and it'll just show you like The Sweep you know that I just created and now it's showing how it's actually going to start and then finish it's going to go much slower during the time lapse though of course now you can edit these if you want if you select the Waypoint like it's on Waypoint one right now I could move that a little bit and then if you select Waypoint two you can adjust that Waypoint for example so let me just aim this up a little bit like so and now I just adjusted the Waypoint so you can go in there and edit them you can add them and you can have a lot more waypoints if you want but two is what I'm going to do so now I'm just going to click Start and it's going to go back to Waypoint one and then it's going to start the process and there it goes it's just going to start taking photos and moving along see how it's just moving that tiny bit because I have it set to 10 minutes so it's going to take 300 photos so I'm just going to cancel that that's how time lapse works now the other thing I want to show you is track what that does it kind of works like how time lapse does except track you know you can change the how long it takes to go from one point to another and you could add multiple waypoints similar to Time Lapse so I'm just going to add a waypoint here and you see how it says movement duration and stay time so I'm just going to do that now I'm going to move the camera so let's say we want it facing this way towards the monitor I'll aim it up a little bit and I'm going to hit the plus icon to add another Waypoint so that's going to be the second Waypoint so with the Waypoint selected either Waypoint you can change your move duration so that will just indicate how fast the gimbal will go from one Waypoint to another so let's make this three seconds like so and stay time we could make that we'll leave it at two seconds so I'm going to add another Waypoint but first we need to move the camera now you could move it with this virtual joystick also by clicking this if you'd rather do that like if the gimbal is Out Of Reach um you can just do that so let's go over here and I'll aim it like so at the other light I have here so we'll hit plus to add another Waypoint oh you know what I apologize I'm actually editing Waypoint two I made a mistake I'm glad I did that though so this way you guys can see so let me just put this back to where it was for Waypoint two all right so in order to add another Waypoint you have to deselect it alright so we don't have anything selected now so what we're going to do is I'm just going to use the virtual joystick to move this to the next Waypoint where I want it right about there and now I'm going to hit the plus icon and that will add the third Waypoint and to get out of this just hit this little joystick button again and then again if you want to edit any of these times or anything you just got to activate the Waypoint and then you could manipulate the time and duration and stuff like that so if I just hit preview you can see what this is going to do check this out so this is Waypoint one that's way point two and that's way point three so I want it to stay at Waypoint two longer so stay time I'm going to make that four seconds and I'm just going to hit record so the camera just started recording and now it's going to move through the different waypoints and see how it's sitting here so this is super powerful if you're trying to do like a multi-scene shoot and you're by yourself for example you could do that or it just depends there's so many applications that you could use this for all right so I just want to show you just a couple other things really quick with this gimbal now if you hold the gimbal like so and you tilt it like this this is what's called briefcase mode you might remember from the 3D roll it looked very similar to this as well now one other thing I wanted to show you is you see how this is kind of like a pretty large form factor as is so what you could do is collapse it down but the problem is this arm here is now going to hit you see how it hits right there so you can't collapse it all the way but what you can do is go halfway then re-lock the lever and it'll lock in this position so now it's kind of in a more compact position and it'll be much easier to use when you know when I go to reuse it again in the field I can just throw this in my camera bag all right so here's my camera bag and you can see if I take this out you can see how this just fits in here so easy now super simple and I got the handle right here so I have the handle like Behind These dividers so it doesn't scratch anything and then all I got to do is cinch this one down like so and then I just put this one down on top of everything and that just keeps everything tidy so nothing's going to be flopping around all right guys listen if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments below and do me a favor please hit that subscribe button and please give me a thumbs up if you thought this video was helpful I really appreciate that I'll catch up with you next time all right take care [Music]
Channel: Jason Hermann
Views: 96,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI RS3 MINI, DJI RS3 MINI Tutorial, DJI RS3 MINI Beginners Guide, how to use dji ronin rs 3 mini, how to use dji rs 3 mini, how to use dji ronin rs3, best travel gimbal, dji gimbal, dji rs 3 mini, dji rs3 mini review, dji rs 3 mini gimbal stabilizer, dji rs 3 mini gimbal, dji mini 3 beginners guide, set up, how to, first use, sony a74, sony a7 iv, dji rs3 mini gimbal, how to use a gimbal, dji rs 3 mini tutorial, dji rs3 mini, rs3 mini, dji mini, how to use dji rs3 mini
Id: X0ELPTehTxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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