Sony FX30 Beginners Guide - How-To Use The Camera

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hey guys how's it going it's Jay and what I got for you today is the Sony fx30 beginner's guide this is what you get when you take all the hardware out of the box you get a battery you get a charging you know Port here this you just plug into a power strip and then you have to plug the USB cable into this like so here would go into the actual camera on the USB C port to charge let's just throw the battery in really quick I'll show you if you look here on the bottom you got this little door you can just swivel that open it's got that little lock lever there all right so to put the battery in we basically just turn it this way and it's going to slide in like so see that and notice this little blue lever that's the lock lever that holds it so again if you just swivel this little lever that will pop the battery out and then you can take it out like so and you see there's like a spring in there that pushes the battery up so that's how that works then when we close the door we have to slide this little lever over to lock it so now that the battery's in we can get charging it and that's really the first thing you're going to want to do when you get this camera you really need to charge that battery up so if you notice here we got a bunch of doors on the side I'll go over this in more detail in a second I just want to show you how to get this thing charged as quick as possible see that Port there that's the USBC port and that is where you are going to plug in the charging cable so that would literally plug in right here like so and then you can plug this into the wall so I have a thing right here a little power cord so I can plug that in and now you can see there's a yellow light lit right there that'll tell you that the battery is charging once that light goes out the battery will be fully charged all right guys so now that the battery is charging I assume you have it plugged in and you're still watching along here so first of all congratulations awesome camera you got one of the best crop factor video cameras on the market today in my opinion especially because it's Sony you you have so many lenses to choose from when it comes to Sony and this camera is a absolute Workhorse it's a cinema line camera so it has that special finish on it and it's not going to overheat it's weather sealed like this is like a really really hardcore camera you might have seen my fx3 video this is basically the same exact camera it just has a smaller crop factor sensor in there and it costs about half as much so Sony cut the price in half and they made the sensor a little bit smaller but what that did was for you know around eighteen hundred dollars two thousand dollars approximately they gave you access to a video camera that is unbelievably awesome let's just go over the camera body itself now notice how you have the quarter 20 threads they are black instead of silver on the fx3 so that is a little bit different but otherwise the bodies pretty much identical as far as I could tell a couple of things are black though instead of silver you know so that's what we're looking at now there is an XLR handle that I did not get with the fx30 only because it was just back ordered but as you can see here on the fx3 I'll show you from that video this is what the XLR handle looks like and it actually bolts into these screws right here on the top of the camera and you can see now when the handle is mounted just how secure it is and you know just how you can now hold the camera from the handle and all that and it basically just slides into this hot shoe so this plastic cover comes off and that's where the XLR handle slides in now also looking at the top of the camera we have a bunch of cool uh stuff here we got the record button that actually lights up by the way when you hit record you have this navigation toggle to move around the menu and move your focus point for example and it also acts as a button if you click it you have custom button one two and three here which are default set to Iris white balance and ISO or ISO this little icon here shows you where the sensor plane is so if you need to a measure for macro photography for example you would measure from that line right there so you also have stereo mic ports here if you're not using the XLR handle for example and you want some audio now also looking at it from the top we have the shutter button here which is like a two-stage button so when you press it lightly it'll focus if you press it all the way it'll take the photo and this is actually a zoom in and out lever this is great for power zoom lenses which will actually zoom in and out with a power assisted motor inside the lens but most lenses are not power zoom lenses just so you are aware but you can still use this Zoom lever for clear image Zoom which is a really high quality digital Zoom so it's not like a useless lever even if you don't have a power zoom lens notice here there's like a translucent Notch that is actually a tally light so when you hit the record button that will light up red to let you know you're recording and there's also another one on the back here this gray looking bar is also a tally light that will light up when recording so these two Loops here are for your neck strap if you want to put a neck strap on or a wrist strap or something like that that's what these are for now looking at the front of the camera you have here this is your lens release button so there's a lock pin in there and if you press this button you can see this little pin here move and that's what locks the lens on and off now here you have your lens pins so that's how the lens communicates with the camera and of course you have your aps-c sensor in there which is five axis stabilized as well now this body cap just while I'm here there's a white dot there the body cap has a little notch on it you just line that up to the white dot and that's how you would put that on same thing with a lens lenses will have a white dot as well you need to line that up now looking at it again from the front here you have another custom button number six by default that's a record button which is quite nice if you're in front of the camera you can just reach out and hit that button very easily you also have the AF Illuminator here this will light up to help focus in low light conditions now looking at it from the back we have a bunch more buttons now this is actually the on and off button here and it's a really cool design it's got like a slide lever and has like a protection on this side so you won't accidentally slide it off you can see how it's not there if you look at it from the top you see how it has that little notch so it'll just make it a little bit harder to turn off accidentally now there's no mode dial on the top of the camera or exposure comp dial so you actually have a mode button here so I'll show you that when we turn the camera on then we have a menu button of course I like how the menu button is on the right side so you can hit it while using just one hand when the menu button is over here you can't quite reach it with your thumb and you need to bring in another hand you know just a little feedback there that I noticed I really like this thumb rest here the ergonomics are pretty darn good on this Ultra compact Cinema grade camera now you also have a dial here that you can turn and that's recessed quite a bit so you're not going to accidentally turn that you have to kind of press your finger into it a little bit to get access to it you can see how it's kind of like close to the edge there so it's not sticking out that much so it takes a little bit of effort to get it but the feedback feels really good on the dial now you also have more custom buttons here you got five you have a function menu button which I'll show you in a minute we turn the camera on custom four is also the garbage can you also have a playback button here you can turn this dial so this dial acts as a wheel and it also acts as a four-way button so you can press in all directions if you go up that'll be display if you go to the right that'll be peaking by default then also if you press on this button like that that's the enter button so when you're in the menu and you have to select something or whatever just press on the center button there and that is like your enter button or select button now you also have this really nice LCD screen here that opens up as you can see here and it also rotates so you got a nice rotation there so this would be selfie mode if you had the camera facing towards you like so that'd be selfie mode then of course you can rotate the screen so you can have it like this so if you have the camera really low to the ground you can have the screen aiming up or you can rotate it and use it like this if you want or you can rotate it all the way like that and now the camera if you have it like over your head you can look at look up and look at the screen which is just a nice feature also when vertical shooting which a lot of people are doing these days for Instagram and things like that you can hold the camera like this and you can see the screen and it's very easy to frame your vertical perspective when you use the camera like this you can hold it from the grip and then make sure you have your framing correct for vertical shooting and again you could do the same thing you can hold it this way and have it over your head doing vertical shooting as well and it's very easy to make sure that you know your verticals are vertical and so forth now also note you can put the camera camera screen and armor mode so when you're stowing the camera highly recommend putting it this way so you don't scratch the screen and you have this nice Notch here to grab the screen like so and then of course you can close the screen this way and have the screen you know out which is how we're going to be using it in the lab scene in a in a moment all right so looking at it from the side here I already showed you where you charge it so we'll just start there but you also have a micro USB port there so it's not just a USBC it's also a micro USB which is Handy for some other features if you want to use those now you also have a microphone and a headphone jack there and these doors are really nice they're very stiff and rigid doors and they close with like a nice little lock and underneath here you have a HDMI type A so a full size HDMI port which is really nice especially for those hardcore video users the micro hdmis are not near as good and they tend to come loose and stuff so full size HDMI is really welcomed now over here you have the heatsink vent so this has active cooling inside the camera so if you look at it from the bottom you have a input here so this is where the air would go in and then it comes out on the side over here to help cool the sensor now also on the bottom here you have your tripod mount right there I want to show you the memory card slots so to get to those they're like part of the grip here so you just gotta slide this down and then push out and that will open the door so here what we have is dual CF Express type A slots that are also dual SD slots so they're like Dual Purpose slots now the CF Express type A cards are really fast they're faster than SD cards but they're astronomically priced in my opinion they're so expensive they're just not worth it but you know depending on your work case and your budget they might be worth it for you if you need fast turnaround times and you can budget that into your project or whatever so I got these Pro grade cards here and they're on sale the other day for Black Friday so I picked up two of them they're really good cards and that's what I mostly have been using so they actually go in this way like so and the other card that I really like to use is the SanDisk here and this is one I've been using for at least a year now no problems whatsoever the pro-grade cards are just a little bit cheaper but this is also an excellent option and I'm going to put that into slot two like so so now I have the camera set up using both slots so when we get into the menu I'll show you how you can set this up for redundancy so if one card were to fail like in a professional environment I highly recommend using the camera that way so like I said if one card fails you'll still have your video and photos on the other card you can also set it up to it as an overflow so if you're not doing Pro work and you just want more capacity you can have two cards and when the first card fills up it'll flow over and start filling up the second card or you can just have photos and videos on separate cards if you wanted as well so a lot of options there I'm just going to close that like so all right so let's just Mount up a lens here let me show you how to do that in case you've never done that before again looking at the front I'm just going to unscrew the body cap and what I got here is I have my Sony 20 millimeter F 1.8 lens and again if you look see this white dot that white dot is going to line up to that white dot right there so let's line those up as you can see here see the white dots and then we just twist and it locks into place and that lock is that lock pin that I showed you before right here that's that lock pin clicking on the lens so once the lens is locked on it will not come off you can't get it off without hitting that button on the bottom here to release it so yeah you have to hit this button and then you can twist the lens off so that's pretty much how that works let's take the lens cap off and this particular lens has an aperture ring on it so if you want to use that you can otherwise make sure you have that set to the a option and then you can control the aperture on the camera this is a zoom lens it's the 16 to 35 another really good option but to zoom it you would have to actually turn the zoom ring so remember how it's telling you how the fx3 has that power Zoom lever on there but this is not a power zoom lens so if you have a lens like this you have to actually turn it it won't work with the power Zoom lever so again here on this lens let's take that lens hood off this is the focus ring and it's nice and buttery smooth and the aperture ring and then you have a button on the side that you can custom configure and then you have an autofocus manual focus switch different lenses will have different features some lenses will have an optical stabilization switch as well so this is just a more complicated lens basically just so you're aware so on the side here you're going to have feature that you may or may not want to use all right guys so let me just turn this on and this is what you're presented with when you first turn the camera on so I'm going to select English and I'm going to go with that option there and today is January 5th as it turns out here in New York 2022 and we're looking at 9 15 a.m so I got to go to the other nine and I just hit this button here for ok remember that center button there this is awesome this is normally a feature you have to go into the menu and change so it's just telling you right out of the gate yeah set that now 100 click ok we're good to go all right so now this is telling you about the Imaging Edge mobile app I have a bunch of videos on that if you guys want to learn how to use that app and uh it's just telling you basically how you got to register and stuff like that I'm going to click ok so I'm going to leave it as fx30 but if you were to buy multiple of these for example you can have it fx30-123 whatever the case may be or put a dash in somebody's initials you know for somebody on your team as an example Bluetooth pairing I'm just going to cancel that now it's saying perform pixel mapping optimizes the image sensor so yeah do that it's setting to attach the lens cap but it doesn't I'm pointing at the desk so it's black it's good I'm going to click ok it wants the screen to be all black when it does the pixel mapping so make sure you put the lens cap on or you have it pointed down at a desk or something like I'm doing right now all right pixel mapping complete okay all right so now we have the camera basically right out of the box pretty much set up so I got this plate here from my manfrotto tripod so I'm just going to mount that to the bottom so it just screws in you see the screw all I gotta do is screw that in right there this is a really big plate which is nice gives it really good support so I'm just going to screw that on clamp it down there like so there we have it all right so I'm going to mount that to the tripod all right so I highly recommend investing in a good tripod now I just invested in this this is brand new I haven't even taken it outside yet but it's the 190 it was on sale and this is an unbelievably good deal from manfrotto they have a newer model out there but like I said there's a little older but it was on sale so it's carbon fiber it's got you know three sections it's not the most compact tripod but it's really high quality and I gotta say I am so impressed with this tripod I actually got this ball head for it as well so I got a new ball head it has this nice little drag option so you can actually have tension on the top which is really nice so this is the tripod that I'm going to use and like I said I highly recommend investing in a good tripod you want to take professional video you're really going to need a good tripod and then of course the top here is where the camera is going to mount that's where that Fleet is gonna go so let me let's set this thing up in the lab and I'll show you what I'm talking about all right guys so here is the top of the tripod and here's looking at the bottom of the fx30 with the tripod plate and it's just going to slip in here like so kind of just notch in the front part and the back part locks in so now you can see it's like it's loose but it's locked on it can't fall off to take it off you press this lever here and now I can take the camera off so once it locks into place you just need to tighten it up like so now the camera is nice and tight on top of the tripod you don't have to worry about any camera shake or anything like that all right guys so when you turn the camera on right out of the box this is what it looks like so it puts it into movie mode right there and that's what that stands for flexible movie mode now I just touched the screen which enabled touch Focus that's what that little box is there you can cancel that by hitting this button here or pressing right there and that'll cancel the touch tracking that was there by default like I said I touched the screen by accident and if you hit this display button here you can change the way that this screen looks you can bring up the histogram the auto leveler thing and so forth so that's pretty much what you're looking at there now if you are brand new to this camera though this mode is going to be a little bit too hard for you to use in my opinion so I would recommend going into the mode dial here and switching the camera into this full auto mode now again this is if you're brand new and you want to get out there and start using the camera immediately if you don't know how to use it put it in auto mode like that now you can see the camera screen looks much better it looks like a proper exposure and stuff because the camera is doing all the thinking for you so this is a photography mode but you can record video with it as well so watch what happens if I press the shutter button it's focusing and notice how it's focusing on the face in the center of the scene there if I zoom in a little bit I can see a little better see it's focusing on the eye of the face which is absolutely remarkable but you could just touch wherever you want like I could touch on the dollar bill and it'll focus there or I could cancel that and now it's just going to default back to focusing on the face so facial recognition is on by default and that's why it's focusing on the face and if I hit the display button here it'll change the way the screen looks like just giving you more information around the screen there so this is the woman all the information now notice here you can see where the facial recognition is on so now if I want to record video I can just hit the record button and now the camera is recording video and notice that rectangle that came up on the screen to let you know you're recording in addition you have a tally light here there's another tally light on the front of the camera and the record light itself is also lit up so all those indicators are letting you know that it's recording and now you can actually change the focus while recording video if you want as well so I can touch around the screen all right so now if I touch over here it's going to focus on the background it was just a little too dark before so now watch what happens when I cancel tracking it's going to go right back to the face because face facial priority is on when you turn facial priority off it will just focus on whatever is closest to the camera by default so if I stop pressing record so that's how you would use full auto if you want to take a photo you can just press it'll focus and take the shot if you want it to focus somewhere in particular you can just touch to that area that will change the focus and then you can cancel the touch Again by hitting that button or hitting this center button here and that is just basic operation of how you use the camera now let's go into the menu here and I'll show you some more stuff and then we'll come back out and I'll show you some of the more advanced modes so if we go into the menu here I just want to show you what it looks like when in full auto mode if you look on the left hand side you could see these are all the different menu options so we have setup we have Network playback Focus exposure color and then we have main one and then we have my menu setting so my menu you can go in there and you can program this with all the stuff that you use most and you can easily access it in the my menu area now main one this is a new feature that Sony introduced which I really like I hope they adopt this to all the new cameras because I'm in full auto it's only one page but when I switch this to the more advanced modes there'll actually be two main pages but if you go over to the right here this gives you access to some of the stuff that you might want to change when using full auto for example if you want to shoot in jpeg mode you can change that here I don't like using jpeg mode I shoot in raw quality jpeg the camera will do all the processing for you and you have a pretty much ready image to share on social media or whatever raw quality you have to edit in a program like Lightroom for example so you have to process the raw files and then save them as a JPEG if you want to you know go out and share them on social media for example so now I have the quality set to Raw now if you go over here to record media settings check that out this is where you can configure what the memory cards are doing so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on this and I'm going to do simultaneous recording and I'm going to do simultaneous recording so this is where you're going to want it so now I'm going to simultaneously record the photos to both memory cards and I'm going to simultaneously record video to both memory cards so that's how you would want it set up for redundancy for professional work so I highly recommend setting it up that way but again you can set it up a number of ways as you can see here depending on what you want to do so another option here you have drive mode so if you click on that box this is where you can change your drive mode now it's a little bit hard to see because of the lab scene in the background but over here on the left you have a couple of options you have self timer so if you want to set the camera to self timer you can go left and right on the directional pad here and change the amount of time so you can do 10 seconds you can do five seconds or you can do two seconds all right I guess that was five seconds sorry but anyways you see how it counted down that's how that works now you can also get to that by hitting the function menu this FN button here so if I hit the FN button notice how on the bottom this little Sub menu pops up now there's not many options in here because again I'm using full auto mode but you do have the self timer see that so I can change that drive mode right here like so so now it's back to single shot mode and if I hit the function button again you can go in here and this is where you can change the focus mode now right now it's set to auto focus automatic so basically what that means is it'll switch between continuous autofocus which is what you would use for moving objects like sports and stuff and single Focus which is what you would generally use if you want to focus and then you could reframe the shot and take the photo but the focus won't change it's like once you establish the focus it's locked when you're using AFS mode in AFC mode it's constantly focusing when you have the shutter pressed down again great for moving subjects so AFA will automatically switch between those two modes so it's just like the smarter version so it'll switch between AFS and AFC depending on what the camera sees you're you're doing you know if it sees moving subjects it's going to switch it to AFC mode now here we have direct manual focus and manual focus so this is what you would set the camera to if you want to manipulate the focus manually as you can see here just by turning the focus ring direct manual focus will actually work in autofocus but then once the focus locks you can actually change the focus and dial it in like so so the focus is locked but I'm actually manually focusing it after it and you could take the photo so why you would want to use DMF for example is if you're doing like macro photography or something and you take you focus automatically but it focused on the wrong part of the flower you could then just focus it and then dial it in to exactly where you need it so that's a really cool feature for more advanced manual focusing but with autofocus assist kind of it's how I like to think about it I'm just going to leave that on AFA now in addition to that we got a couple other settings here peaking steady shot peaking is a more advanced mode where it'll show you it'll highlight where the contrast is and it's helpful if using manual focus steady shot here this is where you can go and turn that on and off I'm just going to leave it on for now but I'm on a tripod so I don't need it on image quality this is where you can go and set that up I already showed you this from the other menu but I just wanted to make you aware that that's how it works in the function menu now to go into the playback menu if you want to see the photos that you actually took you can hit this button down here and that'll bring you into the playback menu and this is where you can you know check out all the different photos and you could use the zoom lever on the top of the camera to zoom in and out which is really convenient so you can check your focus really easily and you could zoom all the way out to this like calendar view as you can see here and then you can scroll through the different days if you wanted to you can also go over here to the left and you could limit it to just photos or just video If you're looking for a certain you know clip for example so that's pretty much how that works let me switch to a movie here so here's a video so if I just tap it'll start playing and there we go you can just tap to stop it if you want and so forth so that's pretty much how playback works it's pretty straightforward so let me go back into the menu here and I just want to show you how the menu changes depending on what mode you're in so what I'm going to do now notice again how there's just main there main one and then again the function menu how it's a lot very limited here so let me change the mode let's go into a more advanced mode so let's say we want to use aperture priority mode for example we'll select that and now when I go into the menu we still only have main one but if I go into the function menu you can see now we have a lot more options in here so now I have the ability to change the metering that's what this is the metering mode is how the camera decides to expose for the scene so right now it's basically using the whole scene but if I go to Center area it's only going to use the center area of the scene and then here we have spot mode and you can change the size of that and that will limit the exposure to just that area that the spot is which is the center of the screen by default and now this is the entire screen average and highlight metering highlight metering is awesome because it looks for the brightest stuff in the scene and exposes for that so this is great if you're exposing for the lights or like a really bright object like a white wedding dress or something like that or white frothy water for example so that's what the metering modes do and here we have the iso that's the sensor sensitivity so you can dial that in as needed we'll talk more about that when we get into the more advanced modes and this is your exposure compensation so you can basically swing the exposure one way or the other depending on what you're trying to do so if you want the exposure to be underexposed a little bit you can do that or you can over expose a little bit again depending on what you're doing a lot of times you might need to do that if shooting in snow for example you're going to want to overexpose quite a bit because the snow throws the camera metering system off so you have the power for the exposure compensation in this particular mode aperture priority now you have Focus area Focus area is basically what it does is it limits the focus to a specific part of the screen so right now I'm using the entire screen and that's what wide stands for but you could lock that down by switching it to zone so Zone you can see now there's these four little brackets and you could move them around and so now the camera will not focus outside of that rectangle all right so let me go back in there and change it to a different one so we got Center focus so now you can see there's just that little rectangle in the center of the screen and if I go in here I can go to spot focus and then we have expand flexible spot I like expand flexible spot it works really well so you can use this toggle on the top of the camera to move it around or you can just touch whichever is easier but when you touch it's going to default to touch tracking just so you're aware how the camera is set up by default so I'm just going to cancel that by hitting that button or you can hit this center button to cancel it remember and I'm just going to use the joystick so let's say I want to focus on the dollar bill right here now the focus is limited to that tiny little area it can't focus on anything but what's in that little box so it works really good for precision Focus so let's say I want to focus on the quarter right there it's locked onto the quarter now I can go right here and I could focus on the background by the way if you push on this button if you push down it'll automatically put it back into the center so if I focus here it's going to focus on the background now see all right so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put the iso into auto mode so if I go into the function menu and I go over to ISO I'm just going to go up here and put it in auto so now it's in auto ISO so let me hit record and now it's recording video at the current camera settings at our default you can see on the top what the camera is currently set to we'll change that in a minute but I just wanted to show you how the focus works when recording video so again notice this Focus area if I move it over here if I just touch over to the dollar bill now it's going to focus on the dollar bill and if I touch over there it's going to focus back on the background and you can change the speed at which it Focus transitions so you can make that transition slower or faster just so you're aware right now it's set to default it's going to turn that off so now if I go into mode let's switch the camera back into where it was out of the box so movie mode now we're back in movie mode and if I hit the menu button notice now how we have two main options we got main one and Main two so this is awesome because these are the features that most likely you're going to be changing the most if using the fx30 so main one gives you all the different options here for video that you kind of need so for example if I were to be using this would I always shoot at is 4K quality for the most part so let me go up here I'm just going to select 4K so you can select that option there and then we can go over here and you can select the bit rate so I want 10 bit so I'm going to select that option there 10 bit now it's currently set to pp11 which is s cinetone which is like a turnkey picture profile looks really nice highly recommend trying pp11 for now but you can turn this picture profile off or you can change it to a different picture profile so I'm just going to turn the picture profile off for now so what I want to do now is just change my frame rate here to 24p like so because I just changed the frame rate now the bitrate changed so I got to go back down here and change that that's the reason why I did it in that order so you can see how sometimes other settings will change so now what I want is the 10-bit option here 10 bit 422 so now we're back to shooting 10-bit quality which is the best quality and 4K now you have proxy recording here so that's very convenient if you need to do proxy recording wind noise reduction that's set to Auto I'm going to turn that off I don't want that and now you have microphone record level so you can see it moving as I'm talking now on the fx30 and the fx3 since they updated the firmware they kind of separated the picture profiles in the log stuff the log stuff used to be in picture profiles and if you go over to picture profile you could see when you scroll down they got rid of a bunch of the numbers it goes from P6 and it skips right to P10 now so P10 P11 by the way is s cinetone and then here you can import your own lud if you go to main two so if I just go down to main two this is where you can turn log on so check this out it's going to turn log and then these are the different options for log shooting so flexible ISO is very similar to shooting how you would normally shoot in photography mode so but notice below that here is the log so now the camera is set to s-log and it's also going to embed the Lut file so if you are using a Lut it'll put that into the XF data so you can see what Lut was being used when you were filming but it won't actually change the log footage it'll just give you that look while you're recording just so you're aware the log footage will still be flat and you'll need to apply the Lut in post-processing so now if I just go back to menu and now I'm in flexible video mode here and you can see how I have this option see how there's an option there this is where you can change the shutter speed to Auto so you can basically put this into Auto put this into Auto put this into Auto and now the camera is basically in full auto mode using log so if you don't want to control any of the settings the camera will do it for you and that's just one cool thing that you can do in flexible mode now you can also do this in the flexible mode without log so if I turn log off if I go in here go back to flexible ISO and shut that off and go back up to main one notice how I still have these options here to turn it to auto so I can it's set to manual now but I could change that to Auto and then that would put the camera basically an aperture priority mode shutter priority mode or full auto if you have them all set to Auto and you can see there's one for ISO one for shutter speed and one for aperture so again if I scroll down let me just show you the other option here for log the cine EI menu but this is where it is if you want to enable it and it's pretty cool this is where s-log 3 is but you can go in here and you can change that if you want I like this dot cine version and then if you go back to the menu here notice how it says base ISO so the camera has two base isos so you have ISO 800 and ISO 2500 those are the two base isos for the FX 30. so when you're using cine EI mode you can't change the iso it's locked at whatever the base you have selected so all you can really change is the shutter speed and the aperture but it is still giving you the ability to set that to Auto which is pretty cool even in an advanced mode like cine EI mode so that's just a quick very very quick overview of how this works if you want to shoot in log and cine EI or flexible and cine AI quick is very similar it's just less options so that's how you would go about shooting log if you wanted to shoot log now if you scroll over here you have your memory card options so you can go in there and format the cards recording media this is where you can control how you have them configured I have it set to simultaneous showed you that a minute ago now here steady shot you have set to standard exposure mode can't change that file settings this is where you can go and change the file name of your files I highly recommend doing that because if you go in here you can go to title settings and you can change that so I'm going to change this to f X 30 like that fx30 underscore and then what it'll do is it'll put the sequential numbers after the underscore and that's what it'll look like fx30 I'm just going to switch this to title like so and now you can see fx30 underscore one two three four so that'll sequentially count as you take photos and videos and stuff it's going to click menu here now down here again we have autofocus continuous so it's going to be continuously focusing when you're recording video by default but you can switch that to manual focus for the more advanced Shooters out there now autofocus for facial you can turn that on and off here so if I turn that off and then I try focusing let me just put this let me change my focus area here put it back to wide and now you notice see how it's not focusing on the face it's just focusing on whatever's closest to the camera so you can see all the different Focus squares coming up but not the eye icon that's because I have that facial turned off if I go back into the menu here turn that back on and now Focus you see how it's focusing on just the eye that's the difference there that's what facial recognition does and this is awesome for recording video just tracks the human eye and if you don't want it to get stuck on the faces you can just turn it off now if you go in here this is where you can change your subject so I have it set to human but of course you can select animal and bird there as well so those are the two new modes pretty much in the menu here and it's so awesome because all the key settings that you need for video and stuff you can change right in these first two menus so the more advanced stuff is going to be you know deeper down in the menu system as we go all right guys so we're just going to go through the menu here now I'm not going to go through every single option in here because it's just so unbelievable how many options there are but I am going to go through all the stuff that I think matters and also some stuff that I think you should change for starters here on the left hand side we have shooting so you can see here the menu tab is called shooting and here's the different options if you go over to the right you now have the sub menu area and you can scroll through the sub menu and then to get to individual items you have to go over again to the right and you can get more items so this is where a file format is now I want to show you this lens compensation here if you go into lens compensation I highly recommend turning all this stuff on if the camera will allow you to some lenses won't let you do Focus breathing compensation for example and you may not want that anyway but Focus breathing comp is pretty awesome and my 20 millimeter G lens actually does support that but I have the 16 to 35 millimeter older lens on here now so I am going to do Distortion comp I'll set that to auto and I highly recommend turning that stuff on it'll help with Distortion and things like that so if we go back over here and go down now we have media now here are the media settings so you can go in there and check that stuff out this is where you can format the memory card you can format card one card two and so forth Now record media settings I already showed you that that's where those options are display media info this will show you basically what is on the card you know how much stuff you have in there now if we just go back we go down to file we have right serial number you can have the camera write the serial number of the camera to your files if you want if we go back shooting mode these are the different shooting modes now flexible exposure mode that's what it's currently set to so I can change that if I want to this option here flexible is pretty much all of those modes in one so if you want to make it a little bit more simplistic for video you can change that to this and now I can go up here to exposure mode and see how it says manual exposure now I can change that so again back to being beginner oriented if you want the camera for video purposes and you want it to be a little easier to use this is where you can go and change that so I would recommend putting it in P mode if you're a beginner and the camera will do most of the thinking for you again you do have power to change some stuff but the camera will do a lot of the thinking for you in this mode so I would probably set the iso to Auto and let the camera do all the work for you in that regard again if you're new to the camera but I'm going to switch that back to flexible exposure mode and notice here when you look at it it's showing you what all the different dials do and you can configure those dials in here to your liking so if you want to make the back dial aperture as opposed to the front dial for example and so forth you can make this wheel ISO if you'd rather have it that way that's how I have my a74 set up I'm just going to click ok so again I'll show you how that mode works in more detail in a moment I just want to continue going through the menu first okay so now if we scroll down here we have recall camera settings camera set memory so this is where you can go and set the camera up to record whatever the camera settings are so I can have the camera highly configured for log footage with all different settings enabled and you can go in here and this is where you can go and set it so you can set it to one two or three and then that will correspond to those modes on the camera when you hit the mode dial and that's really how that works and it's very powerful because if you use the camera inside a studio and you also use the camera you know outside for example you're going to have it configured completely differently and changing all those individual settings is a huge pain in the ass so this is where you would go and try to limit the amount of work that would be required when going from one environment to another it's going to go back there Now Memory recall media this is where you can recall from the actual memory card so you can save camera settings to the memory card and then put it in another camera for example if you have multiple fx30s or fx3s whatever you can uh you know save that so save those settings to the memory card and then swap the memory card for another camera and then load the camera with those settings really quick so again just a really fast way to get your workflow going in particular if you're working with a team of people or multiple camera units you know what I'm saying so if we scroll down more we have silent mode this is where the camera will eliminate all the beeping and stuff like that if you don't want the camera to make any noise release without lens I would recommend leaving that enabled anti-flicker this is where you can go to change the shutter speed to a variable amount and this is great for flickering lights depending on what scene you're in so if you see flickering going on this is where you would go so if I turn that on so now you can see I can change the shutter speed you can just dial it to whatever you want specifically you see that so that's how you can cancel out the flickering very powerful and you know if you have flickering lights you're in LED lights or you know those fluorescent lights you might have to enable that so I'm just going to continue to scroll down here we have audio recording on and off you got the level here you can go in here and you can change your level so you want to make sure that you're not clipping when you're recording audio I'm going to keep scrolling down this is where you can set up your time code if you're using multiple cameras and you have them all synced up this is where you would go and enable that steady shot again this is set to standard but it also has an active steady shot mode so it will crop in just a little bit more and give you a digital stabilization in addition to any lens obstacle stabilization and the sensor stabilization so by default I recommend using standard but if you need a little more you can switch it to active and get a little bit more stabilization if you're using a tripod though you can have that turned off as well click menu here if you're using fully manual lenses you can set the focal length of that fully manual lens in here but you can go in there and you could say like 85 millimeter or whatever if it's like a fully manual lens with no electronics so just continuing to scroll down here we have zoom range optical zoom only is what it's currently set to but if I turn on clear image Zoom like so watch this nope I just got to change some settings here because it's a little uh underexposed so let me put that to 150th right around there all right so check this out now if I zoom that's clear image Zoom right there and you can see it right there on the top there's like a bar that comes up and it'll show you the the zoom see that so that's just clear image zoom and clear image Zoom works really good it's a very high quality Zoom so you don't really see any degradation in the video when using it it's a it's a very nice feature and it's cool to be able to get a power Zoom sort of effect when not using a power zoom lens and you can get even more zoom with digital Zoom but digital Zoom definitely you could see the video quality is not as good so I would not use that but clear image Zoom I would check that out that's worth using now Zoom lever speed you can change the speed at which the zoom happens incredibly powerful and you have a lot of different options here custom configure it and stuff like that which is amazing custom key Zoom speed and then remote Zoom speed so if you're using a remote you can have a different speed than if you're using the zoom lever and you can also have a different speed if you have a button set to zoom so if you don't want to use the zoom lemur and you want to use a button you can do that as well and then set the speed of that said button so just crazy amount of power this camera has shooting display this is where you can turn on the grid view I recommend turning that on I really like that and you can see here you can see the crosshairs now and it's just easier to make sure that your camera is level and stuff like that and you could use it as the rule of thirds guide as well it's a nice feature I recommend turning that on emphasized record display this is that rectangle that goes on the screen you could turn that off here if you don't want that marker display this is more advanced stuff if you want if you have like different frame markers you can enable that stuff here safety zones aspect and it's pretty cool because it'll give you like an idea of where those borders are so when you're recording you you know to keep your camera in the correct Framing and that's what all this stuff is auto slow shutter that's on that's good ISO so in here you can change the iso range limit so right now I have it set to as low and as high as it'll pretty much go and that's where I have it but you can dial that back if you don't want to go above like ISO 25 000 for example you could set it like that and now the camera when using auto ISO won't go above that so you can set that there now when you're log shooting this is where you can set the base ISO and stuff like that and because this is like a video camera basically that also does photo photos it has that in the menu now this is cool when in flexible when in flexible exposure mode you can make this stuff Auto if you want so I can change this to Auto and uh it makes it much easier to use the camera see auto manual switch set so like again if I'm using the camera like this everything is fully manual so I have to use the try Navi to control the exposure and stuff but you can change that in the menu here if you want all right I'm going to keep scrolling down we have metering mode spot metering if you do choose spot metering you can have that set to focus Point link I'm going to enable that so if you have that really tiny spot that you're exposing for you can just have it set to this where it's the camera is focusing which makes a lot of sense because that's usually what you want to do now white balance is where you can go in here and set your white balance and stuff like that and you can also go in here and if you scroll down you can set custom white balance these are all your different white balance options and then right here is custom white balance so if I go over to the right now I can hit the set button there see that so if I hit set you could see that little box comes up and you could actually move the Box around so I'm going to move the box to right there and I'm just going to put this little gray card up so now I have the gray card there and if you hit this little button here so you see how it's showing you the circle that's this button here but you can just press the screen and it'll capture so it just captured the white balance data I'm going to click ok and now I have a custom white balance set so now the scene is going to be super accurate as far as color goes so I always highly recommend custom white balancing and use them custom white balance when applicable especially inside a studio environment because you never know even though the lights might say they're 5000 that doesn't mean they're actually five thousand so and that little gray chart by the way was like eight dollars on Amazon I'll have that linked below for you guys if you're interested in that so that's how you set custom white balance now priority set I just leave that at standard this is the speed at which the white balance changes I'm just going to leave that at default now if we continue to scroll down dynamic range optimizer you can have that on or off I'm actually going to turn that off that just fills in the shadow detail a little bit I prefer to do that type of stuff and post myself creative look is set to standard now if you scroll down you have all these different creative looks and this works for video as well so you got Vivid all different options in here black and white sepia and so forth so if you're looking for something like neutral for example this is a good way to go if you want it to be a little bit flatter and not quite as Punchy as default but again standard is where I'm going to leave for now and it works pretty darn good now picture profile pp11 is s cinetone so I recommend using that one if you're going to try this out first for a picture profile now we got select Lut you can actually load in a lot onto the camera which is incredible and then you can manage your Luts so if you're shooting an s-log 3 and you normally apply a Lut in post-processing you could now load the Lut onto the camera and you can get that preview which is incredible that it has the ability to do that so that's a nice feature that the fx30 has and it makes sense because this is more video camera than a Stills camera now if we keep scrolling down we have zebra display zebra display is a great tool to use if you want to check exposure and that's what I I use it for so if you turn it on like so then you can set your zebra level now if you go down here to C1 this is where you can go and customize it so if you go over to the right you can set the range so if I had the camera set to s-log 3 I would want this at about 41 brightness basically and then I would set this to plus minus two and then I can click the OK button and so now the zebras are set for that exposure so what we're going to want to see is the zebras on that gray chart so right about there is the proper exposure for that gray card so that's how you would use zebras to check exposure just as an example so that's how I do it anyway I really like that zebra method with the 18 gray chart it's so much easier to get your exposure nailed and that's how I use it in the studio whenever I'm checking the exposure for my face and stuff like that I just hold up the gray card so if we scroll down here we have Focus mode now remember I was telling you how you can change the autofocus transition speed this is where that option is so right now it's set to fairly fast but you can slow it down like so let me zoom in a little bit so now if I hit record and I focus on the background here it's going to go much slower than it did before so watch when I go back to the face you'll see how it's a much more cinematic like slower transition that's what transition speed does so really like that feature and depending on what you're doing you can speed it up or slow it down now the autofocus subject shift sensitivity this is set to responsive so that means it's really going to shift pretty easily if you put something else in the scene so locked on is going to be less likely to change so for example if I'm recording video and it's focused on this face right here and then I put my hand in front of the face if I have it on locked on it's not going to change to my hand near as quick if I have it set to responsive it's going to instantly change to my hand so watch what I'm watch what I mean here watch if I hit record and I'm recording and I put my hand in front let me cancel tracking it goes to my hand goes to the background hand background all right so now watch when I change let me just stop recording now if I go to menu and I change this to locked on hit record so now it's focused on the face and now watch when I put my hand in front see how the dollar bill is staying sharp because it's not focusing on my hand it's locked on the background so it will eventually switch to my hand I don't know how long it takes but it takes a while and that's what that feature does so this is super helpful if you're recording something and occasionally your hands come into the scene that's why you would use this feature and that's what lockdown does so I'm putting it on three because I want it like in between all right so this autofocus assist feature what that does is it'll still use autofocus but you can actually adjust the focus ring on the lens while recording video and the autofocus will change to whatever the focal plane is it's similar to like that direct manual focus that I was showing you earlier if you're doing like macro photography remember how you like focused and then you can adjust the focus ring this is kind of the same thing but for video highly recommend checking that out and it's has its use cases you know so Focus area I showed you that already that just limits the area that the camera can focus area limit these are all the different Focus areas now you can uncheck the ones that you don't ever use if you want less options in the menu that's what that means Focus area color I actually like red better than white and I'll show you that let me show let me change this Focus area to Zone again and now you can see you see how the Zone brackets are red if I move this down a little bit you can see them so they're a little easier to see in in some cases when they're set to Red so I like having that set to Red now this is where you can select the right left eye so you can program this to a button and then you can have it switch eyes if you want so face I frame display I'm going to turn that on because I do like seeing that that will just show a box around the face oh there it is see the box that white box so that white box will come up depending on the zoom range and stuff like that now you can see it's just a box so that's what that is I recommend having that on it's helpful to see if it's seeing a face or not in the scene Focus map this is another way to manually focus if you turn this on you could see this is what the screen looks like and when you change the focus ring if you're in manual focus if I go to function go to manual focus now you can see how the focus map changes and clear means that it's sharp so you just got to turn until right there see how the face is clear that's how you know you got the focus on the face when using manual focus and that's what Focus map does turn that off now Focus magnify this is so you can zoom in you can see that little rectangle and if you hit this button it'll zoom in again and it'll just help you manually focus again another tool to help you manually focus let me just hit the uh function button and put this back to auto focus continuous all right so scrolling through here you can change the initial magnification to four times if you want instead of one time it's kind of helpful if you're just checking the I for Focus for example Focus magnify time you can make that so it only lasts a couple of seconds and then it'll default back which is kind of cool if you only want to see it for a minute I like having it set to No Limit though my purpose is keep scrolling down focus peaking let me show you what that looks like if we turn that on it's set to middle and it's set to White that'll work so now let me go back I should have left it in uh yeah I should have left it in manual focus I'm just going to put it back to manual focus so now you can see those white see the white showing up on the dollar bills right here that's focus peaking so that's how you know the focus is right now you can see it showing up on the little face and it's just again a visual indicator to show you where focus is and it's very helpful when using manual focus and you can change the color and the size of the peaking so you could change it to red blue yellow as you can see here a little easier to see depending on what you're shooting you know if you're shooting yellow flowers so this is just your playback area settings in large image so right here in large initial position I have that set to focus position protect images ratings stuff like that can delete the photo this is just letting you know if you want to delete by pressing twice it'll automatically do that you can turn this on and off so you don't have to constantly hit yes I do want to delete so it's just a confirmation there now here is a couple of features that you can this is kind of like editing your photos in the camera so you can rotate them copy them you can actually capture a photo so this is where you would extract a photo from a video so you would go into a video clip of yours that you want you'd navigate to where you want and then you can extract the photo from the actual video footage that's what photo capture means now here you can just process the jpegs back into heif if you want or vice versa and if we keep scrolling down here this is for a time lapse interval shooting so this is where you would play that back so you can actually preview what the time lapse looks like which is pretty sweet then you have slideshow if you have this hooked up to a TV or something for example a large Monitor and you want to show your client some of the photos from the shoot you can actually do slideshow and it'll actually put the photos and videos to a slideshow for you which is quite nice now image Index this is just how many images you're going to see at once when you're scrolling through so this is an option for grouping photos if you want display rotation that will automatically switch between landscape and vertical Focus frame display I'm going to turn this on this will show you where the camera was focused when you're in the playback menu so if I go into playback and I scroll to a photo see right here that photo you can see on the eye the Green Dot it's hard to see because it's kind of small but that's what that does it tells it shows you in playback where you were focus great feature so highly recommend turning that on all right so this is where you can go and just narrow your results down to specific time frame if you have a really ton of images on a card for like a long period of time now image jump settings you can just however when you turn the dials how many images it'll go each time you turn the dial for example now this is the network area this is where you would go to you know connect to the smart device your smartphone or your tablet for example this is where you would decide how to send the different photos and this is a really powerful area for that type of stuff so I did do a video on the Imaging Edge app where I go over a bunch of this stuff so be sure to check out that video if you want to know more about this because it's pretty complicated the app is a little finicky as well but it does work and it will allow you to remote control the camera and stuff like that which is really cool and then of course you've got FTP transfer PC remote function this is if you're controlling the camera from a computer via the USBC cable for example it's pretty awesome this is where you can turn Bluetooth on and off for the Bluetooth remote USB streaming this is where you can go and change the settings on that and you can record if you want during the stream you can turn that on and off there you can change this to 4K for the best quality possible but the frame rate does drop to 15 frames so I would recommend doing HD at 30p probably for the most part depending on what you're doing now if we continue to scroll down here we have some more network settings Wi-Fi frequency band display Wi-Fi password things like that Bluetooth we have that function turned on pairing this is where you can go and you can add and delete things that have been paired to this so if you have multiple smartphones that have connected to the camera you can go in there and delete those for example if you get a new phone or whatever manage pair devices that's where you would go to do that stuff display device address and so forth this is where you can set your IP settings for the FTP type stuff a little bit more advanced networking options now we have airplane mode this is where you can turn that on and that will just save some battery life if you don't want any of the wireless features working like Bluetooth and stuff like that you can either turn Bluetooth off or you can go in here and enable airplane mode if you like you can edit the device name keep scrolling here this is where you can select your language we already set this up when we turned it in now this feature I wanted to show you this is very important this is where you select your video format type now see here how it says Pal versus ntsc so pal again is the European Standard so the frame rates are different so again when I went into the frame rates before you saw 24 frames 30 frames 60 frames 120 frames pal you're going to get different no numbers you're going to get 25 you're going to get 100 frames for example for slow motion this is where you would go to change that if you want my frame rates you're going to want to have the camera set to ntsc Now setting reset this is where you can go to initialize the camera which is what I did when I started this video to make sure everything was set to factory and save load settings this is where you can go and you can load settings which is awesome like from a memory card for example now if we keep scrolling down now we're in the setup area where you can customize the camera so this is where you can customize the camera for photography so these are all the different customizations and as you can see this camera is insanely customizable super powerful and it's for both photo and video so you have separate customer customization for each mode independently which is you know just fantastic Now function menu setting this is where you can go and you can custom configure your function menus you have one for photos and one for video or you could just make them both the same it's up to you so again super powerful and depending on your use cases this is where you would go to set up the camera for your specific needs now different set for still and movie this I highly recommend going in there and clicking OK and then selecting all these options now this will keep everything independent from photo and video so if you switch the camera from photo mode you're not going to have to turn off picture profile and all that other crap this will keep it independent between the modes so highly recommend turning that on now your display screen this is where you can go and customize that you have four different screens so when you hit this display button it's going to cycle through four times you can disable some of these if you don't want them and then it'll only cycle three times for example if you were to turn one of them off Now record with shutter that's off that's if you want to use the shutter Button as a record button but there's a button on the top of the camera for that I don't see any reason to change it now here's the custom key dial set all right so what it's showing you here is how you can change the dials so you got these different dials and this is where you can go to configure that and you can separate them in manual mode if you want with that check box so I'm just going to leave this stuff at default but again this camera is so highly customizable and again for photo and video you have separate dial adjustments so it depending on how you like your try Navi setup this is where you would go to configure that stuff my dial settings so this is where you can go and you can set your dials up for specific purposes if you want to change them to something else now avtv rotate this just means that depending on which way you turn the dial the feature will go either up or down you know shutter speed will get faster or slower for example depending on how you have that set lock Operation Parts this is where you can go and you can lock the camera down so if you're handing the camera to somebody and they have no idea what they're doing and you don't want them changing settings you can select all there and then hand them the camera and just tell them to hit the record button and if they turn these dials by accident nothing will happen so that's what that features for touch operation if you're somebody that does not want to use the touch operation this is where you can go to turn that off I like leaving it on now if you swipe up it'll open the function menu touch function in shooting so it's set to touch focus by default that's because we're in video mode when we're in photo mode you can change that to touch tracking or touch shutter let me just switch modes here and show you that real quick put it in aperture priority mode menu all right so now I'm in aperture priority mode and I can change this so watch check out touch shutter so touch shutter is cool because all you got to do is touch the screen and it'll just focus and take the shot which is awesome and now if notice that little button there see that button that's the touch shutter button so if I press that this button here now it's off if I press it again now it's set to touch Focus so if I touch around it's just going to focus where I touch you have to actually touch the shutter for it to focus but that's just moving the focus Point around now is what it's doing you could see there by that little icon all right so if you keep pressing it now the icon is set to touch tracking so now if I touch it's tracking you see the box it's a different style box so anyways you can just touch that button on the top to cycle through the different features now it's back to touch shutter so you can see how that icon changes but if you go in the menu this is where that option is it's kind of you might not know what those icons mean but you can change it in here as well so I'm just going to set it to touch Focus for now if we continue to scroll down we have screen reader this is for people that are visually impaired you can turn this on and it'll actually read the screen for you which is super helpful if you're getting visually impaired you know now monitor brightness I want to go in here and show you this because if it's really bright outside you're going to want to make this brighter and if you just click on this you can switch it to Sunny weather mode sunny weather mode will make the screen super bright and it's way easier to see when you're outside in you know sunny weather but manual is also cool I have it at plus one right now just because I'm recording I like to screen just a little brighter for when I'm in the studio here recording now if I scroll down you have display quality I recommend putting that on high monitor flip Direction you can actually change the way that it flips which is pretty cool a lot of times people will ask for how do you set this up when you're doing it in selfie mode I want it to look like a mirror or I don't want it to look like a mirror that's where this option comes into play now if we continue to scroll down we have more stuff here we got time code and user bit display settings gamma display assist this is a feature that you would want to use if using log footage it'll give you a more accurate looking exposure on the screen for you basically is what that does and you can have it set to Auto and it'll depending on what log mode you're using it'll automatically adjust for you auto review for photos what this means is when you take a photo it'll show you the image for like two seconds and you can change the timer and then it'll go way and you'll get back to seeing what you normally see so you can take more photos I like having that off by default but if you're one of those people that takes a photo and you want to look at the photo like immediately I would turn that on power save start time this is a really good feature I would recommend setting this to like a minute or two depending on your use cases I had it set to off so if I just walked away from the camera it would just stay on until the battery was dead so two minutes is usually pretty good depending on what you're doing auto power off temp when I first turn the camera on WE enabled that already but that's where that option is and click OK again and I was going to keep scrolling down you have the volume settings four Channel audio monitoring audio signals that's the beeping like when you focus you can turn that off right here USB connection mode you can set this to a specific mode if you want or you can select when you plug into a USB cable so if you're hooking up to a computer or whatever the case may be that's where that option is USB power you're definitely going to want that on HDMI resolution you might have to mess with this stuff if you're hooking up the camera to a external monitor sometimes TVs don't automatically know what resolution and stuff like that so you might have to hard set some of this stuff but that's where those options are and this is where you can turn the info display on or off so if you have the info display set to on all the camera data like all this stuff all these icons will appear on the monitor so that's what this feature does the downside to having that on is this monitor will go off if you do that now if you keep scrolling down you got a power link option for video light modes Now record lamps these are the tally lights now you can turn that stuff on or off you see that you can only have the front one off if you want or you can turn them all off very very nice feature I'm just going to leave them on because I like that fan control you could turn that on or off I just like leaving it in auto sensor cleaning this is where you can go and it'll try to get the dust off for you you can do pixel mapping as well now version if you go in here this will tell you what the camera's current version is so the fx30 is currently at version 1.0 on the camera that I got here let's click OK and that is pretty much it so we're back to the my menu area so let me just add an item in here and show you how that works really quick so if you go to add item and again we're on the top left my menu so if we go in here and we scroll through let's say I want log shooting setting and I'm going to put it in my menu one adds to this location added there we have it so now if I go back into the menu here and we go all the way to the left we have my menu one see that and now look on the right hand side we have log shooting so that's how you would add items to the my menu and again if you want to add more items just go down and go over to add item see that so you just go to add item and this is where you can go to sort them delete them delete a page all right so let me show you how that flexible mode works a little bit better when recording video so if I go into mode and I'm going to put it back into video mode right here all right so I want to change the white balance so there's a button on the top of the camera and it says WB it's button number two and I'm going to go to my custom here because I want to custom set this remember how we did that before set that right there there we go so now I got that custom configured and you can see it's actually 42k 4200k is the actual color temperature so now I got that custom configured and because we have independent settings for both photo and video that's why that didn't stay as was set in photo mode okay remember when we checked all those boxes all right so depending on what we want to do here when recording video basically what we need is an accurate exposure so we're going to want that meter there to be near the zero Mark for the most part depending on what you're doing so notice here if I start dialing up the iso the image is becoming way Overexposed so let's say I put it at ISO 5000 right so the image is way Overexposed so the only way to compensate for that is by changing the shutter speed or the aperture but we're recording video so we don't really want to change the shutter speed we want that at 150th so I can change the aperture though like so so F14 will get us an accurate like exposure in this scenario but don't forget ultimately what you're really going to want to use is the base isos when recording video and s-log but if you're not using s-log and you're using regular video like we're doing here you can manipulate these settings and you're still going to get good results but again best use case you're going to want to use log footage and have those base isos hard set but this is how you would adjust the exposure if you're just using it as a regular camera or if you're using S cinetone for example so now I have the iso at 100 and you can see the cameras way underexposed so I'm going to need to open up that aperture to let more light in and F4 is as fast as this lens is that's the max aperture for this lens so the only other option now is to turn up the iso a little bit so I'm gonna have to bring it up now the meter is back at zero and I have a proper exposure so that's just very basic how that works and then again I can just record video and now we're recording zoom in and out while recording video no problem and so forth so let me just change the mode into photography mode and I'm going to show you just how these modes work a little bit in more detail for those newer to photography and video so if I set the camera up to aperture priority mode for example if I turn the aperture is that F number there so if I turn the front dial here that's going to change the aperture and the aperture is basically like the pupil of your eye it gets smaller and larger as the aperture opens and closes so F4 right now for this lens is wide open now if I stop that aperture down by turning it to a higher number like F18 now the aperture is like a tiny little hole so that's what's changing so at the higher numbers though we have a larger depth of field so notice when you're looking at the face how the background actually looks fairly sharp now that's because the depth of field is really large so now if I lower the aperture to F4 and focus on the face now you can see the background looks blurry you see how those bouquet balls are for the Christmas lights I have hanging so that's depth of field so if you want to get that blurry background you really want to have a fast aperture lens now this is an F4 lens so it's not the fastest lens but let me show you what I mean hang on one second let me change this out so now I have my 20 millimeter F 1.8 lens there and now if I open the aperture up look now it goes all the way to F 1.8 you see that so now I have an F 1.8 aperture so the background is going to potentially be even blurrier and it'll be better for low light situations because I can have a lower ISO so again if I want the shutter at 150th of a second right there see how the iso is only at 64. so to get cleaner images you're going to want to use a faster aperture lens in lower light situations so there's a huge difference between F4 and F 1.8 you can see here right there so that the shutter speed went all the way down to one tenth of a second to get a proper exposure at F4 so that's what aperture does so notice when I change the aperture how the shutter speed is automatically changing pretty interesting right so if we go in here to ISO and we change it to auto ISO now I have the iso set to Auto and notice what happens when I change the aperture see how the shutter speed isn't changing as much it is changing but notice how it's not going below 1 40th of a second instead the iso is going up if I press the shutter down you can see it's at ISO 4000 now and if I lower it to like F7 you can see it's at ISO 1000 now and if I keep going down the shutter speed will eventually get faster so now it's at ISO 100 so now it's at 1 40th but it won't go any slower so 150th is the fastest it'll go so again if I change the iso if I go into the function menu and set the iso to like say 100 like so now if I change the aperture see how the shutter speed is changing so now the shutter speed the shutter has to be open for two full seconds in order to get a proper exposure so that's what aperture priority mode does it basically allows you to change the aperture and if you have it set to auto ISO or hard set to ISO that will depend if the shutter speed changes or not so let me change the mode now to shutter priority mode all right so now if I turn this dial on the back you can see how the shutter is changing and notice how the aperture is changing automatically right now it's blinking because it's underexposed but watch when I make the shutter speed see that the aperture is automatically changing because it's trying to keep the exposure correct based on the fact that the iso is set to 100. so if I go into the function menu change the ISO to Auto and now I change the shutter speed the aperture see how the aperture is at F 1.8 right there so now notice how the camera is not under exposing because I have it set to auto ISO now the iso is at 320 so I can put the shutter up to like 1 500th of a second right it's at ISO 640 now as you can see so what's cool about shutter speed is you can basically control the amount of time that the shutter is open so if you want motion blur or you want to freeze action that's where it comes into play so for example let me show the slow the shutter down to a third of a second let me just turn this a little bit right there should still be able to see that okay all right so now Watch What Happens if I spin this and take a photo and I go to the playback menu you could see look at the motion blur because that fan spun around multiple times within that one third of a second exposure all right so I got the iso and auto and I'm just going to raise up the shutter speed to 1 500th of a second for example so now watch so at 1 500th of a second it froze the action as you can see there now this doesn't have a mechanical shutter in there so you will get a little bit of distortion with with stuff spinning like that but you could see how the faster shutter speed froze the action and that was the point that I'm trying to illustrate here that's what shutter priority mode is for it allows you to just control the shutter speed and the camera will handle the other settings for you you can hard set the iso if you want but if you leave it in Auto the camera will then automatically adjust so now if we go into full manual mode like so this is the m full manual mode now we have full control but you can still use auto ISO so if I turn this dial it's going to turn the iso so it's on auto but you can change it if you want it's going to leave it on auto for a second this front dial here is changing the aperture see that and this rear dial is changing the shutter speed I'm going to take the iso off auto I'm going to put it on ISO 100 like that and now you can see that the camera is under exposed because the meter here is blinking it's at negative two it's probably more than negative two so now what I can do is I can change the shutter speed so if I lower the shutter speed I'm allowing more time for the light to come in and if you just look at the meter right there 1 60th of a second looks like a proper exposure at F 1.8 ISO 100 so now let's say that I want more sharpness like I want the background to be sharper because right now remember we're F 1.8 so the background is looking a little blurry because I'm focused on the face here so if I want the background sharper I could just focus on the background but if I want the foreground and the background sharper I need to increase the aperture and that will increase the depth of field so let's say I want F 5.6 so you could see here it's way underexposed so I have two options I could slow down the shutter speed and that'll allow more time for the light to come in see that so that's a proper exposure but the shutter speed is really slow at 1 6 of a second so if there's Motion in the scene that's not going to be good if I'm hand holding the camera that's not going to be good either if you're using a tripod though and self timer then 1 6 of a second is no problem but check this out let's say I need the shutter speed to be 1 60th of a second because I'm hand holding so the only option now is to raise the iso so if I raise the ISO and watch the meter right there so we're looking at ISO 800 so 1 60th of a second F 5.6 ISO 800 is a proper exposure for this scene so again the two other factors that matter are if you want to capture motion or not or if you want motion blur that will control what you want the shutter speed to be at the other thing that matters is depth of field with the aperture so depending on how close you are to your subjects and how blurry you want the background you're going to want to manipulate the aperture there as well as for low light the larger the aperture the more light is going to be able to come in which will allow for a lower ISO right because right now it's at five six so watch what happens if I want more light to come in I open up the aperture you see how the screen's getting brighter that's because more light can come in in that given period of time because the aperture is larger so now because I have a fast f 1.8 lens I could lower the iso to get a cleaner image right the lower the iso the cleaner the image so right there so that's one of the huge advantages of using a fast aperture lens now I'm at ISO 100. so that's pretty much how that works so now if I go to mode and I go into video mode flexible video mode that works the same way as manual mode that I was just showing you so if you press the iso button on the top of the camera you can actually turn it into Auto or turn it off by holding the iso button down so see now it's ISO Auto and now if I hold the button again now it's back to manual so that's how you can actually change that which is kind of cool but again if you go into the menu you can turn that stuff on and off right here so you can put the camera into aperture priority mode basically by putting these two in Auto if you want the camera in shutter priority mode you would put the bottom one in Auto and the top one in Auto for example but as it stands now we're in full manual mode recording video so those things that I was telling you about earlier all apply so I have it in manual focus let's put it in autofocus continuous go to focus area do wide all right so there we are recording video I have it set up so I want the shutter speed I'm going to want the shutter speed at 1 50th of a second because I'm recording in 4k at 24p so I am going to want to double that frame rate so 1 50th of a second I'm going to change the aperture to F 1.8 like so that's looking pretty darn good it's slightly Overexposed but we're okay we can just chop that just a little bit if we want there we go now we can hit record now in recording video you can still change options so I can still change the aperture see how I'm changing that while it's recording so you can do that just so you're aware and there we have it so that pretty much about covers the Sony fx30 from a crash course perspective beginner's guide how to use the camera I really hope that you got what you were looking for in this video it's a very powerful camera I mean it's extremely powerful I have a lot of videos on the fx3 as well so you can watch those tutorials I also have tutorials on the Imaging Edge app like I mentioned earlier and of course below the video guys I'll have all the links that I was talking about in the video such as memory cards tripods and other accessories you might be interested in so if you have any questions please be sure to ask Below in the comments area and I'll be glad to get back to you all right I'll catch up with you guys later have a great day take care foreign [Music]
Channel: Jason Hermann
Views: 92,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony fx30 menu settings, sony fx30, sony fx30 review, fx30 sony, sony fx30 cinema camera, sony fx30 menu, fx30 setup guide, sony fx30 settings, fx30 setup, sony fx30 photography, Sony FX30 Beginners Guide, Sony FX30 tutorial, sony fx30 how-to guide, how-to use fx30, content creator, sony fx30 cinematic, sony fx30 cinematic video, sony fx 30, exposure index, dual base iso, cine ei, sony fx30 low light, sony fx30 unboxing, sony fx3, sony fx3 cinematic
Id: b2SDQcZ8Qys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 55sec (5275 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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