Sony ZV-E10 Beginners Guide - How-To Use The Camera

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by the end of this video i promise you will be able to harness the power of this vlogging beast of a camera the sony zv e10 hey guys how's it going it's jay from sony alpha lab and i'm super excited about this video because what i got for you today is the sony zve10 now this isn't a review this is the beginner's guide all right so to start this video off i'm going to show you what to do when you first take the camera out of the box you have to charge the battery you got to put the memory card in there and you got to go through the initial setup procedure it's very easy but for somebody that's never done it before it might be a little confusing so i'm going to go through it with you and then after that i'm going to go around the camera show you what all the buttons do show you how to use the camera and stuff like that then we're going to go into the menu system and i'm going to break down some of the features that this camera offers all the features that you need to know all right guys so if you want to skip ahead to a particular topic just look below in the description area and i have a bunch of time stamps all right let's just get right into it all right guys so once you open up the box for the sony zv1 this is what you end up with here these are all the little parts that come in the kit i got mine with a 16 to 50 millimeter kit lens so it came comes to about 800 however you can just get the camera body itself without the lens and that'll be about seven hundred dollars so this is what it looks like with my kit so i'm not going to put the camera neck strap on because it's kind of a it's kind of cumbersome to show off the settings and stuff on the camera with the strap but i do recommend you put that strap on it just weaves through these nice large strap holes which i really like but anyway i'm not going to put that on now that's just what that is now this thing is a wind diffuser that's what this looks like it looks like a rabbit's foot it actually goes into the or the hot shoe here and it covers this screen this screen is the on-camera microphone it's a very high quality mic for a built-in mic on a camera and this wind diffuser will help you out big time if it comes to like windy stuff when you're outside so that's what this is and i highly recommend you use it when using the camera in any kind of conditions with wind i'm going to leave it off for now though because it's a little bit harder to see some of the buttons pretty much the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to put the battery in and start charging it now this is the charging solution that sony gives you they do sell stand-alone wall chargers but it doesn't come with this camera so what you got to do is you got to put the battery in the camera and then you got to use this cable to charge the camera that way so it's just a usb cable it has a usbc on one side which is this side here that plugs into the camera and then this side here is what plugs into the charger so that goes in like that and now this guy's ready to go so you just need to plug this into the wall plug this into the camera now let me show you how to put the battery in on the bottom of the camera you have this little door you just slide this little lever over there and then the door pops open and in there is the chamber where the battery goes now here's the battery and as you can see it's an np fw50 and i recommend getting a couple extra of these because the battery life is not that good on this camera just so you're aware definitely get a few more of these you don't want to have a dead camera in the field in the middle of a shoot and also you're going to need to put a memory card in there i recommend this kind of memory card i'll put a link below they're fairly affordable and they work amazing but basically that goes in this little slot right here next to the battery and it goes like this just slides in there and it clicks in so if you want to take it out you got to click it and you can see it kind of pops out there and then you can grab it and pull the card out and same thing with the battery it has that little blue lever there if you press that blue lever the battery pops out and then you can grab the battery with the tips of your fingers it's kind of hard to grab because it only comes out a little bit but then you can get the battery up so like i said see how it locks in there so now the battery is in there push the memory card now the memory card's in there we close the door it doesn't automatically lock you have to slide this over and now the thing's ready to charge but while we're on the bottom of the camera let me just show you this this is where the tripod thread is it's a quarter inch thread and you can hook up a tripod plate or you could mount it to various rigs using that thread on the bottom that's what that is for i'll show you that in more detail in a little bit all right so let's plug this thing in on the side of the camera you have a door here if you stick your nail in there you'll be able to like pop open that door and now you can see there's ports in there so what you have is the usbc port so that's the port that you're going to use to transfer the photos and videos off the camera and also to charge the camera now down here is the micro hdmi port you're going to use that if you want to hook this up to a monitor or a tv or something like that below that is the headphone jack and up here that red one is the microphone jack you can see up there so i'm going to plug the usbc into the usbc port right there like this all right so you're going to plug this in like so i just got an extension cord here for demonstration purposes and you'll see here on the bottom right below where the cord plugs in you see that orange light that lit up that's how you know the camera's charging so that light will go out when the camera is 100 charged so i'm just going to unplug this because i already have it fairly charged all right so walking around the camera once again we have the hot shoe up here we have the built-in microphone we have here a mode button now this is a really cool feature this mode button because it makes it easier to use the camera it makes it simpler and makes it more beginner oriented you have a photo mode a video mode and then an snq mode and snq stands for slow and quick video so you can set that up for whatever you want i'll show you that more in more detail in a moment and of course you have the on and off toggle so you just slide that over to turn it on you also have the record button here you have a dial here that will help you navigate in various ways depending on what mode you're in has a nice feedback on that dial you also have the shutter button if you press the center button that's the shutter button for taking photos and then you have a zoom lever here which you can use to zoom in and out when you have a power zoom lens like this one but you can also use this in the playback area when you're reviewing your images you can zoom in and out to get a closer look at your images using that that way now looking at it from the back you have a nice large three inch lcd screen and you have a thumb rest here for your thumb which is pretty sweet and you have a bunch of buttons on the back now you got the menu button that that'll bring you into the menu system which is ridiculous you'll see that in a minute you have the function button now this is an awesome button the function button is your friend and when you press the function button it'll bring up a little menu i'll show you in more detail in a moment when i turn the camera on but it's basically a shortcut menu that's what the function button does and depending on what mode you're in it'll change then below that you have this navigation wheel now this navigation wheel spins and you can press it in so it's four directions you got an up down right left and you have a rotate and then in the center there's also a button so you can press the center down here you have a playback button and then you have a garbage can button so the the garbage can button can be custom configured to whatever you want by default it is set to product showcase up here on the top you have a c1 button and that is set to clear and blurry whatever you want to call that feature basically it just makes the background blurry for you without having to know how cameras work one other thing i just wanted to show you is how the screen turns out like this it comes out and then it rotates around so you can have the screen aiming like this let me just close that microphone door you have the screen aiming up like this if you want to get down close to the ground or you can have it aimed like this if you have the camera over your head super convenient and when you're in selfie mode you could aim it forward like that so you're looking at the screen while you're filming so that's a super nice feature and the flippy screen is definitely highly welcomed now while we're looking at the front of the camera here let me just show you up here you have a tally light right there that little circle will light up red when you are recording video also down here there's a button that button is so you can release the lens so if you press that button down and rotate the lens it will come off and that is your sensor there you always want to make sure that that's covered though you don't want to hang out you don't want to leave your camera laying around with nothing covering that you can put the e-mount cover on there if you want or you can just mount a lens so i recommend mounting a lens and in order to do that all the lenses when you mount them will have like a white dot or a red dot you can see the white dot right there now notice there's a white dot on the mount of the camera the e-mount bayonet this is called the lens bayonet so you just line up the white dots like so and then you can just rotate the lens and you'll hear it click that click is this mechanism right here there's like a pin and that pin actually comes out you can see it moving right there that's what's locking the lens on now you also have a pinch style lens cap take that guy off and then you can see the front of the lens element now this kit lens is a 40.5 millimeter thread so if you wanted to get filters for the front of this which i do recommend you have nd filters polarizer filters and uv filters a uv filter is a clear glass one and you can use that to help protect the front of your lens and i recommend getting one because you can see that glass is really close to the front pretty easy to scratch and there's no lens hood here to protect the glass like on most other lenses so i do recommend getting a uv filter at the very minimum i also recommend getting a variable nd filter that will help you maintain proper shutter speeds when you're recording video also on the lens here while i'm looking at it this is the power zoom slider so you can use this rocker here to zoom the lens in and out let's turn this beast on and i'll show you how it works all right so here we are looking at the back of the camera i just turned it on by sliding the toggle switch on the top to the on position this is what you get prompted with so you got to select your language first i'm going to select english and then we've got to enter the area date and time and this is how you navigate this camera up down left right and then the center button is basically the enter button so you can turn the wheel to scroll through stuff like this you see if i turn the wheel how it's moving or you can just use the navigation left and right all different ways you can go up and down it depends on what menu screen you're in but you'll see on the bottom how it shows you the navigation left right up down enter menu is to cancel so that's how the this camera works when you're in any menu system this is how you navigate using this navigation wheel so let's go in there and daylight savings time i like to leave that set to off now when we go to date and time you're going to go in there and set that and that is important to set correctly all right so today is september 26th and it's 2021 and it is 8 55. all right i gotta go to the other eight because it's i we need am 8 55 then i'm just going to hit the center button and that's it it's all set up enter again and now it's telling you about this app the imaging edge app i have videos on this if you want to learn how to use it i'm just going to click ok and there we have it so now the camera just turned on and this is what it looks like by default so what i'm going to do is i don't want the camera moving around constantly while i'm talking so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this on a little mini tripod and then the camera won't be moving and it'll be much you know the video won't be so herky-jerky so here's the little tripod plate and i'm just going to show you how you mount that to the bottom of the camera and guys don't forget you can just skip ahead if you want you don't have to watch all this below the video there's navigation links and you can check those navigation links out if you want and just skip past this beginner type stuff if if it's if you're not interested it all right i'm just going to tighten this up like quarter like so all right so that's good to go get the tripod set up here all right so here we are we're all set up on the tripod now and i have my little lab scene set up here just to show you you know how this camera works in a real environment and first thing i want to go over though is the screen now you can see there's a lot of information on the screen and you can change that by hitting the display button on the back of the camera the one that says disp and if you press that you'll see the screen will change the way it looks check that out i'm just keep pressing it this one is the one with the histogram so you'll see the histogram on there and the histogram is just showing you light modes and stuff like that and now this one will show you the aperture and shutter speed and this one will give you a little bit of info on the sides and on the top as well so you can see here on the top left you have the mode this is showing you what mode you're in so right now it is in video mode and it's set to auto video mode now here you have the memory card information so that'll tell you you've got two hours and 30 minutes left up here it's telling you the recording format it's set to hd at 60p right now on the top right it has the battery life information below that you see that little thing with the hand that's letting you know that image stabilization or optical stabilization in this case is turned on and also notice this little green guy there see that little green thing that is a symbol letting you know that the camera knows that it's on a tripod you see how it shows the little tripod underneath the camera so it's automatically going to adjust for that so at this point you can zoom in and out by using the lever as you can see here and notice the little iaf popping up you see the little square on the eye that's iaf and by default it is set up to work also by default over here you have the face smoothing see the skin smoothing there it's set to middle or medium and that is on by default and also face autofocus is on by default as you can see here notice the face af on and down below here you have shutter speed aperture and iso alright so you can zoom in and out like so i can hit the record button by pressing this button and now it's recording video and you can see this square that comes around to let you know it's recording and then on the front it has that tally light as well that's lit up right now because i'm recording video and you can zoom in and out while you record and this lens does make a little bit of noise when it zooms so you will hear it when you're recording the audio um they do make other lenses that are quieter though like the 18 to 105 millimeter f4 g oss lens that's a great lens that's a lot heavier and a lot larger but it is very quiet when you're zooming in and out recording video all right so let me stop recording there and that's how that works now watch when i hit the mode button here it just switched to s and q mode as you can see on the top left that's telling you the mode that you're in s and q so that's where we're at now and it's set for right here you can see it's hd 30p so it's set to 120 frames per second microphone is off so that'll give you four times slow motion so this is a great feature for slow motion and i will show you how to set that up in a moment because right now it's not set up optimal for how i would like it but it is set up by default for slow motion which is pretty sweet and now if you press the mode button one more time it's going to switch to photography mode so now instead of a video camera it looks more like a photography camera icon up there as you can see on the top left alright so now that we're in photo mode if you press the shutter button it will focus and you could see it by default focusing on the eye again because facial recognition is turned on so it is prioritizing that face and eye but by default it will focus on whatever is closest to the camera assuming it's not too close if it's too close it won't focus because every lens has a minimum focus distance but whatever is closest to the camera by default is what the camera will try to focus on unless there is a face in the scene then it will prioritize the face so that's what we're doing here it's prioritizing the face and if i just press this shutter down halfway it will focus if i press it all the way it will take the photo and that's how you have it and because it's in full auto mode it's going to select all these settings for you so right now it's it actually has a little picture of a baby there because it thinks i'm taking a close-up of a human and that's the little like taking a picture of a baby icon i guess up there on the top left however if you go into the function menu remember i was telling you about the function menu if you click that this is that shortcut menu i was telling you about earlier and depending on what mode you're in this menu will change for example let me change it to video mode and i will hit the function button again notice when i hit video mode it cropped in so now i'm closer to the subject and also some of the options have changed now if i hit the function button now i have different options in the menu here i have active stabilization is the bottom button there you have the mic volume which is this up here it says level 26 and then you have the skin smoothing feature product showcase up there and then the video mode that you're using is on the lower right here so i could actually scroll in let me just scroll down and turn active steady shot off or put it to standard you see how it zooms in like that look at that so when you have it set to standard mode it's only going to use the stabilization that the lens offers so the lens has optical stabilization built in that's what standard mode is it'll use just optical stabilization if you put it on active stabilization it'll actually use digital stabilization as well so in order to do that it has to zoom in a little bit to give it that extra room on the sensor so it can accommodate for stabilization and but what the problem the downside of that is you it crops in on your subject a lot and if you're standing in front of the camera it might your face might be too big in the scene because of that crop so you can switch it to standard mode and that will give you what the lens actually is without that digital stabilization or you can just turn it off if you're using a tripod in a studio environment you can just turn this feature off you don't even need to use it if you're using a tripod so for the time being i'm just going to leave it on standard mode because i don't like this cropping effect so i'm going to put it to standard mode for now and then if i hit the function button again let me just show you what this over here does see this shoot mode option if you click on that these are all the different shoot modes on the left hand side they're a little bit hard to see because of that the picture on the screen there but you have all these different exposure shoot modes so you have manual exposure shutter priority and it'll give you like a description of what that mode does aperture priority and program auto so i normally use manual mode for all my purposes but that's a more advanced way to use it so i'm not going to show you that in this particular video but i want to make you aware that that is there so if you're totally 100 new and you don't really know what you're doing with the camera settings i recommend leaving it on intelligent auto mode for now you could always go to program auto which is still in auto mode but it gives you way more power as far as what features you want to change in the camera so once you're comfortable with intelligent auto i would recommend trying program auto next and then when you get more comfortable you could move on to aperture shutter speed and manual mode so now again let me switch to photography mode and if i hit the function button we have a bunch of features in here you got product showcase and you got drive mode and steady shot you can turn that on and off as well if i go into drive mode all i got to do again i'm navigating with this pad on the back like i showed you in the beginning if i just hit enter and go into drive mode here's the different drive modes so what the purpose of this feature is if you just want to take one shot like this it'll just take one shot but if i go back in there and i change it to continuous shooting high see how it's set to high notice how there's these little arrows on the left and the right if you go left and right on the navigation pad you can change this feature and a lot of features on this camera work this way if you see those little arrows that means you have more features to the left and the right so if i set it to high plus that is the fastest shooting mode that it has so watch this you hear that super fast and that's what continuous shooting is now this is a great feature if you're trying to capture sports high speed moving subjects things like that or you know portraits even your subject is moving all over the place little kids and stuff you can change this to like medium and then when you're taking portraits you just hold the button down the shutter button and it'll shoot like that now this is how i usually set the camera if i'm taking pictures of my kids and stuff because they're always moving eyes are opening and closing and stuff like that so medium continuous shooting mode is a good way to go if you're taking portraits of kids or even people in my opinion and you can get to that by going to the function menu you can also get to that feature just by hitting the left side of this directional pad that's default for drive mode so if you hit the left side of the pad that'll bring you right into drive modes now the other drive modes you have are self timer this is if you're going to take a picture of yourself in front of the camera and you need to hit the button and then run around and get in front of the camera this will give you 10 seconds to do that but notice you can actually change that by going left and right you got the 5 second and the 2 second now where you would want the 2 second so you have the camera on a tripod and you want like absolutely no shake so you would set the camera to two second self timer hit the button and then that will ensure that the camera is perfectly still so if you're taking longer exposures and you like press the button that will move the camera and the tripod will shake just a little bit so that two second self timer will let the tripod and camera rig settle for two seconds after you hit the button and that'll ensure that you get like super tack sharp shots so i use self timer all the time when i'm taking longer exposures so that is just basic function of how this camera works in photography mode and in video mode and you just hit this button to change those modes let me show you what the clearing 4 does so if i zoom in to this subject here you see how the background is blurry and the foreground subject is super sharp now watch what happens when i hit this c1 button it switched background defocus and that's what it's set to right now i just turned that mode on so i'm going to click it one more time and now it's set to background defocus clear and what it should have done is sharpened the background and it did sharpen it up a little bit you could see if i press the shutter down halfway it'll show you what the aperture is see how it's f11 there so it stopped it down to try to make the background more sharp if i hit this again now it's in defocus mode watch what happens when i press the shutter see how the aperture is at f 5.6 that's a wide open aperture so that's making the background as blurry as it could possibly be now if i press it again like i said you could see it sharpen up a little bit but it's still a little bit out of focus just because of how close i am to the subject if i zoom out a little bit the background will sharpen up a little more you can see now the background looks fairly clear if i press this you could see the background went out of focus a little bit so let me just take a picture and i'll show you these two pictures so that's the out of focus one this is the clear one so i'll show you those two pictures side by side so you can see the difference and it's a really cool feature and you just press that button and it works great so in order to get out of the clear and defocus mode you see in how it tells you if you hit the mode button it'll clear this feature so right now this feature is enabled so if i hit this button here like the menu says it'll turn that feature off so now that feature is off so i'm not using the defocus or the clear option anymore that feature has been disabled so that's how you disable that now if you hit the garbage can button remember that's the product showcase button so now product showcase is set to on now take a look here i want to show you this see this facial recognition icon there watch what happens when i turn product showcase on and off you see how the facial recognition is turning on and off that's all product showcase does so now if i focus it's still going to focus on the face because that's the closest thing to the camera but notice how the iaf is not coming up see how that's not coming up anymore it's just focusing on what's ever closest to the camera so if i put something out there like this lens for example even though the face is in the scene it's going to focus on the lens now watch when i turn that feature off see how it immediately focuses on the face and you can see that's because the facial recognition is turning back on check that out watch this i'll turn it off again and it focuses on the lens turn it on focuses on the face so that's what product showcase does it basically just turns on and off facial recognition and it's just a quick way to do it by hitting a button before we get into the menu system i just want to show you a couple more things let's say we're taking a picture like this and we don't want to focus on the face we want to focus on the walkie-talkie to the right so the easiest way to do that is to just touch the walkie-talkie on the screen and look at that the focus just shifted to the walkie-talkie isn't that incredible and you can do that anywhere you just touch around the screen and the focus will shift now watch what happens when i switch to video mode alright so now it's in video mode and it's focused on the face again so watch what happens when i hit and notice how the iaf is working in video mode you see the little square there now watch what happens when i hit record [Music] it's focused on the face now watch while recording i can just touch anywhere and the focus will switch like that is absolutely incredible power and that's one of the reasons why this camera is so awesome to cancel tracking you can actually hit that little button up top there which is like a little tracking icon with an x or you can hit the center button on the back of the camera and that will cancel it notice how it says cancel tracking and then it'll put it back to the given focus mode which in this case is zone focus mode you could see that bracket there the square bracket now one other thing i wanted to show you if you go into the function menu and you click on this microphone this is where you set your levels now by default you would want your levels to be somewhere around 12 as a good rule of thumb so if you lower that a little bit you can see right there it's pretty good nothing's clipping in this environment right around there is where i would have it set so that's how you adjust your audio when recording video and i'm actually still recording right now so i was able to make those adjustments while recording pretty cool some features you can do while you're recording and not while you're recording product showcase you can't turn that on and off while recording you have to do that beforehand product defocus you can change while recording however all right so one other thing i want to show you before we go into the menu system is the playback area so if you hit the playback button on the bottom of the camera here that'll bring you into the playback area now here you can view your photos and videos and you could navigate by turning the thumb wheel like so so i'm just scrolling through the stuff i just took and notice here how it's like a stack of images that's when i had it in continuous shooting mode when it was like rapid firing it just puts those images in a stack for you so you don't have to go through like hundreds of images and now if you want to play back your video you just hit the center button and you can see right here on the bottom it's telling you you got the volume if you hit down you can change the volume play is this button and now it's recording and now the video is playing and you can see here on the bottom this is how you navigate so you can fast forward and so forth and another thing i want to show you if i go to a photo here here's a photo so when i hit the zoom lever it automatically if you zoom in it automatically zooms in to 100 and then you can just back off if you want to check your focus and then you could move around the screen by navigating with the rear wheel this is great for checking eye focus make sure the eyes are sharp and you can see how blurry the background is there stuff like that and if you keep zooming out it'll actually go to a thumbnail style where you can actually navigate much quicker and then if you zoom out another time it'll go into a date format which is really cool so if you're on vacation or something you can go to the day you're at epcot center and just look at those photos and you can navigate all that by just zooming in and out and notice here on the left-hand side you could navigate as to what file type you're looking for if you want so you can also change that stuff if you scroll over here you can scroll down it'll just show photos just show video and so forth so i'm just going to go back over here and i'll hit the zoom in and now i'm at the photos i took the other day zoom in again now i'm looking at the photo zoom in again now i'm looking at 100 of that photo so that's how you would navigate the playback menu and again you can just scroll using this wheel as well notice how you can zoom in and out with this wheel now if you zoom back one more now you can scroll and go through the different images and video clips so that's how that works in the playback menu alright guys so i'm just going to hit the menu button here and notice i am in video mode right now so i'm going to hit the menu and one thing you need to understand about sony cameras is that depending on what mode you're in certain features in the menu system will be grayed out or not accessible so in this case i'm in video mode so it's not allowing me to change the photography file format settings notice how they're grayed out and that's just because i'm in video mode so if i switch modes so now now i'm in photography mode and i go to menu now i can change those settings see that so that's one concept you really need to understand and if something's grayed out it's because you're in the wrong mode or you're in the wrong file format for example let's go over photography mode first so here what we're looking at is jpeg now that is just the file format that the camera is going to save your file in you can change that to raw and jpeg and or just have it at set to raw raw will give you a higher quality image but it does require you to edit it in post-processing i generally shoot in raw quality almost all the time because i prefer editing my photos in lightroom after the fact but if you want the camera to do all the work for you and process the images for you i would recommend leaving it in jpeg mode and if you're new to photography and a beginner i would recommend leaving it in jpeg mode for now and once you get to the point where you want to start getting more out of your photos and you want to start processing them yourself you can switch over to raw and then go into post-processing and stuff like that now jpeg quality you can change that to fine extra fine for the best quality possible i recommend putting it on extra fine jpeg size you can change the size of the file if you don't need that full 24 megapixel file and you just need 12 megapixel which is a lot 12 megapixel still a lot you can switch that and save a ton of room on your memory card this is great if you're just taking like hundreds and hundreds of photos and you just don't need that high resolution aspect ratio this is where you would go to change the shape of the file that you're taking pretty much so three by two is a four by six format four by three is more of an eight by 10 style frame 16 by 9 is more of that long cinematic rectangle frame and then one to one is a square so if you want a square photo you can switch it there to that i like to leave it at 3 to 2 myself and i change that format in post processing if i want to crop it now if we go to the right we got a couple other features here like i said a lot of this stuff is grayed out because we're in full auto mode alright so color space you can change that to adobe rgb if you want depending on your workflow kind of more an advanced feature lens compensation i recommend leaving this on auto it'll help correct for issues with certain lenses and stuff automatically for you now on the next page here now we're on page three we have shoot mode and a couple other options here so it's set to intelligent auto i'm gonna go in there and i'm gonna change that to program auto and now program auto as you can see looking at the screen i have a lot more stuff if you just look over here on the right hand side i have dro auto standard i have picture modes here that's what that icon is and on the bottom it's showing you that if you turn these wheels you can change settings so if i turn the wheel on the top notice how the settings are changing so i'm changing the aperture and shutter speed here by turning this wheel so when you're in program auto it gives you that power if i just press the shutter button it'll bring you back so now if i go into the menu and i'm in program auto now you can see my mode changed if i go back look at how these features are no longer grayed out now i can go in here and turn on and off long exposure noise reduction for example by the way if you're taking pictures of stars and astrophotography you definitely want to turn this off otherwise you could probably leave it on and then here's just the power of the noise reduction and so forth and if i go back here here's more file modes and notice how panorama and stuff is still grayed out that is because i'm not in panorama mode so check this out if i go back to shoot mode and click that if i scroll down i can change the camera to panorama mode see that sweep panorama all right so let me change it to sweep panorama and now the camera is set up in panorama mode and you can see it shows an arrow and it's grayed out on this side and pretty much what you do is you just point the camera and you start shooting and you have to turn the camera as you're shooting and it'll create a panorama for you inside the camera which is amazing and that's how that feature works but let me just show you another option here if you go into the shoot mode if you scroll down here this is your scene mode options and notice those little triangles remember how i told you a lot of these features have triangles on the left and the right if you go to the left and the right you can change your scene mode now this is an excellent tool for somebody new to photography so if you don't know what settings you want on your camera but you do know what scene you're shooting in go to the scene modes here and you can select your scene if you're taking a portrait set the camera to portrait scene mode right here in this menu and that's how you can get the best possible quality portrait if you don't know how to use the camera in more advanced modes sports if you're taking sports photos set the scene to sports mode macro set the scene to macro this is a really really awesome tool guys and i highly recommend you check it out using scene modes great for beginners you just select what scene you're currently shooting under and the camera will do all the settings for you and it'll get you killer results almost every single time of course knowing how to manually control all the settings yourself is the best way to go but if you're a beginner that can take you years to learn all those things so utilizing these tools is a really really good way to go and i highly recommend checking them out in particular this scene mode feature don't think you're stupid no one's going to make fun of you for doing this this is a tool that the camera provides you use it and you will get better shots that's what scene mode does now if you hit menu that'll bring you back so i'm just going to change this mode back to program auto like so and just so you're aware this is aperture priority mode shutter priority mode and manual mode this is memory recall mode where you can set the camera up to specific settings and then recall them at any given time so i'm just going to put it back to p mode here program auto because i want to show you the settings in the menu and a lot of them are grayed out when you're in full auto mode so let me go into the menu and here we are back in the shoot mode area so remember you have the drive mode that's where you can set to continuous shooting like i showed you earlier and you got self timer which is what i have it set to single shooting continuous shooting self timer this is self timer continuous so it'll actually take three images at the end of 10 seconds this is a cool feature especially if you're taking like a family portrait or stuff because you know somebody's eyes are going to be closed so this will actually take three shots instead of just one so you can just use the regular self timer it'll take one shot or you can use this feature and it'll fire off three shots when the timer runs out bracketing this feature is great for taking multiple exposures at the same time pretty much it'll just take three shots in a row at different exposure values and it's called bracketing i use this feature for hdr photography and i use it all the time how i like to set it is two evs and three images so when you take the photo it'll actually take three shots at three different exposures and that's how i like to have that set if you're interested in hdr photography be sure to check out my hdr photography video tutorial and it'll go over all these details in much more in depth and down here you just have other bracketing settings this is a single bracket then you have a white balance bracket and you have a dynamic range optimizer bracket and you can play around with those white balance is good if you're not sure and you're trying to get skin tones more accurate you can actually spread the white balance a little bit and the white balance by the way is the the way that the camera figures out what colors or what and it wants to make sure that white is white and not yellow or blue and white balance is basically a factor of temperature color temperature i'll show you more about that in a moment so if i go back into the menu here that's drive mode bracket settings interval shooting is time lapse photography and if you click this you can set the camera up so it will interval shoot you have to turn it on and off and by default it's off and if you go in there you can actually set the camera up to how many times how long it's going to take how many seconds in between shots the number of shots it's going to take and also the auto exposure tracking sensitivity you can change that which is great for sunsets and things like that and that's how you would go about doing interval shooting you can also set the camera for silent shooting in interval which it is on by default and shoot interval priority that will basically control depending on how you have your camera set as far as long shutter speeds and stuff like that this will control those types of things by the way when you're in the menu system if you don't know what something is if you hit the garbage can button it'll actually give you a description as to what that function means it's not always the greatest explanation but this it'll tell you sets whether or not it'll automatically adjust the shutter speed prioritizing shooting intervals when the exposure mode is in program auto or aperture priority so it gives you a nice description of what that does now if i just hit menu that'll bring me back now memory recall this is where you can go in and set the camera up how you like it and save those settings and this is where you can recall those settings you can have up to four of them as you see up there one it's got one then m1 m2 m3 and m4 and it's a pretty cool feature for more advanced users that like to have the camera set up specifically in a variety of ways and this is an easy way to switch between those camera settings because it can be a pain in the butt going through and changing all sorts of settings if you want to use the camera in a different mode and that memory recall feature helps with that tremendously as far as saving time and stuff now remember i am in program auto mode so if i go to the right one more time now i'm on page four this is where you have focus mode and if i go in there you can change that you have single shot af which is what i tend to use for photography most of the time then you have automatic af which will switch between afc and afs afc is continuous autofocus mode continuous autofocus mode is what you want to use if you have moving subjects or if you're recording video so if you're recording a moving subject autofocus continuous will constantly track the subject so let me show you what i mean because i want to select afc right now won't let me select it and the reason it won't is because i have self timer on see that self timer so you can't do continuous autofocus and self-timer so let me change that to single shot and then i will go back into the menu go to focus mode now look now i can change it to afc you see so that is one of the most confusing things about the sony cameras how stuff is grayed out sometimes and you don't know why and it's because it depends on what mode you're in and what feature you're using that determines what's grayed out and what's not grayed out so now i can have the camera set to continuous autofocus and if this subject all you got to do is press the shutter down and hold it halfway and you can see how it's tracking that face that's continuous auto focus and again you could just touch the screen as well and now it's touching and i don't have to hold the shutter down now it's just touch tracking the subject which is pretty awesome so that's how autofocus continuous works now remember i'm in program auto mode so now if i hit the function button notice how i have all these other features in here now remember that there was very few in there when i was in the other mode so now i have the option to change the focus mode within the function menu so i'm just going to switch that back to afa now afa will switch between afc continuous and afs which is single shot so afa is a good spot if you want the camera to automatically detect if your subject's moving so if i start moving this around the camera will automatically switch to afc watch see how it's tracking the subject so it's in afc mode right now even though it says it's in afa mode because afa remember is both continuous and single depending on what the camera sees cameras extremely intelligent and it will automatically switch between those modes so that's a really cool feature right so if you go into the function menu here and you hit the iso button now it's there because i'm in program auto mode it wasn't an option before when i was in intelligent auto or full auto mode so you can see there it says p for program auto that and that's why i have all these other features so iso is the camera sensitivity and that's right here so it's set to auto right now but notice there's an arrow whenever you see an arrow that means you can do more so if i hit the right top the right side of the navigation wheel it brings me over to the right so now i can control my maximum and minimum amount see that so i can change my minimum iso here and i can change my maximum iso so i can raise this up to like 12 800 for example now you might not want to do that but that's where you would change that so now when i'm using auto iso it will have that range available to it now you could lower that down and that will severely you know limit the amount of iso that the camera has when in auto mode or you can go down and hard set your iso so you can set it to like iso 100 for example or you can dial it into whatever number you want this is where you would change that option and remember iso is the camera sensor sensitivity the higher this number the more noise that's going to be introduced to your photos or videos so the higher the sensitivity the more noise the lower the number the less noise 100 is the lowest noise you're going to get you're not going to notice any difference between 50 and all these numbers 100 is pretty much as clean as the images is going to look and you'll start to notice noise by the way right around about 800 is when it'll start creeping in but you could use 1600 even and it'll look really good when you get up to 3200 you're going to start to see a little bit of green in your footage and your photos for sure but right now i'm just going to leave it at auto for now all right so i'm going to go back into the function menu and i want to show you this other feature it's called white balance now white balance is what keeps track of what colors or what and right now the camera is set to auto white balance but watch what happens when i change that notice how the color the tint of the scene is changing because i have it set to sun now it's set to sun mode and if i scroll down now it's set to shade here's cloudy here's incandescent light so you can see the color temperature is what's changing and it's going from cool to warm and that's pretty much what light does light has color a color temperature associated with it and if you scroll through here there's all these different options auto auto white balance for underwater white balance by temperature this is the feature that i use most when in a studio environment and this is why i wanted to show you this because when you buy a studio light a decent light will have a color temperature option and they all have color temperatures associated with them so the lighting that i'm using right now for this scene that we're in right here i have the light set to 5000 so i'm using two light sources on both sides of the camera here and they're configured to 5000 kelvin so that right there would be the most accurate white balance color based on the scene i have set up right now so that's how white balance works it's very important that you have white balance set correctly when you're recording video if you have your white balance set to auto like this notice how the color is different than when i had it set to 5000 so the camera is trying its best it's doing a good job auto white balance works great but where it becomes an issue that i noticed in particular when using auto white balance is when you put something in front of the camera like this and it takes up a large portion of the screen the white balance might shift and it might turn the scene like a hint of green or a hint of magenta but if you have it hard set to a number it will not fluctuate no matter what you put in front of the screen like if i put my hand in front of the screen it only has my hand to figure out what color temperature it should be it doesn't have like all the information from the background anymore so this is why the camera might guess wrong and this is why you really want to change it and hard set it when you're recording video and definitely when you're taking photos as well you really want to change that to what lighting condition you are in all right so i'm going to go back into the menu system here and i'm going to show you focus area if you click the button here it'll bring you in and you have wide focus area basically what the focus area is is how much of the sensor is going to be used for autofocus purposes so right now the entire sensor is being used when you're set to wide focus area so if i focus right now it can focus on anything all the way over to here see how it's focusing on the face all the way in the corner watch what happens when i go into focus mode by the way you can get to that in the function menu as well hit the function button you can go up here and notice how focus area is there like i said the function menu is a cool shortcut to some of the key features depending on what mode you're in all right so zone focus is what the camera was set to now notice that zone see how all it's a grid you can move that around wherever you want it's an awesome feature so i'm just going to put it over here to the right for now so now the camera is only going to focus on stuff within that that rectangle area see how it's not focusing on the face anymore even though it's in the scene now watch once i put that within that focus area now it's focusing on the face but if i go over here it's not focus area controls where the camera can focus like where the auto focus will work and that's what that feature does it's extremely powerful and it's very very helpful if you're trying to limit the focus to a particular area in your scene another option is this flexible spot now check this out the flexible spot is just this little square so you can move that around and it will limit the focus to just that tiny little area now this is a great feature to use if you're trying to track something small or you just want to focus on something very small in the scene like let's say there's like a little rock you're at the beach and there's like a shell and you want the shell just the shell to be sharp you could move that focus point just to that area and then the camera will focus on just that area you could take the shot and be good to go but i never use this feature and the reason is because you could just touch where you want to focus at any time you just touch around the screen and it will focus so i never use that that feature anymore but it is there so i've just got to cancel touch operation so cancel touch operation by hitting this center button and then i can go back into the function menu and i can change that focus area back to zone i tend to use zone most often for what i'm recording in front of the camera because i don't want the camera focusing on anything outside of that that like square area so i usually have the camera set to this when i'm recording in front of the camera in the studio environment so let me go back into the menu system so focus area limit this is all the focus area features now you can go in here and enable all these but they're off by default so you have all these flexible spot options large was there but you also have these smaller sizes see that so you can turn these smaller sizes on and you'll get a smaller flexible spot if you want that and then you have over here expand flexible spot is a great feature if you want to track moving subjects that's a really good feature to use you can turn that on right here and then that will appear in your focus area options right now the focus area is very limited though you can see a lot of these checks are off and for to be honest with you the touch to focus kind of replaced a lot of these so you don't really need to use them especially with the touch to tracking options but that's what that feature is and you can turn them on and off to get more focus area options if you need them now face i af set if you go in there this is where you can turn your facial recognition on and off but remember the product showcase button which is the trash can here will also turn this on and off for you but if you go in here you can turn it on and off manually and subject detection now this is critical if you click on subject detection this is where you change the camera from human to animal so if you're recording videos of your cat dog bird pet whatever you're going to want to change it to animal mode and then the iaf will work so that's where that option is you might need to change that and you can also change which eye you want it to focus on turn the display on and off i like having it on so you can see that square pop up like that frame that pops up over the subject like you see that square there that's what it's talking about in the menu and that little square for the eye i like having that turned on because it just it helps clarify that the eye is going to be sharp when you take the shot so autofocus with shutter that's turned on that feature is basically when you just press this halfway it autofocuses so that's what that does you could turn that off though pre-af pre-af is for the most part what that does the camera will automatically auto focus for you even before you hit the shutter button to make it auto focus so if you just put something in front of the scene the camera will automatically switch to that by default even if you don't tell it to refocus now you can turn pre-af on and off if you want like if you don't like the camera doing that turn this off save you a little battery life but i actually do like that feature so i tend to leave it on now going to the right you have focus frame color by default it's set to wipe you can change that autofocus area auto clear this is a more advanced feature i'm not going to cover in this video continuous autofocus that's by default on and that'll bring those green dots up when it's tracking something so you know that it's actually tracking it i would recommend leaving that on autofocus micro adjust this is a feature if you have a lens where the focus is off you can adjust it a little bit in there next page we have exposure now this is your exposure compensation so remember when i hit the button on the bottom before on the bottom of this wheel that's the exposure compensation button it didn't work before when we were in full auto mode but when we press it now you can see the exposure comp coming up and you can turn the wheel right and left to compensate the exposure so notice that plus two it's over exposing the image two full stops and you can see that right there plus one zero is a correct exposure in general but sometimes you wanna adjust that like sometimes you might have something really bright in the scene and you wanna under expose it a little bit to make sure that that bright object doesn't blow out you know like a wedding dress for example and then if you're in the snow because the conditions are so bright the camera will automatically underexpose the scene which will yield you like gray looking snow so if you're in snow you're going to want to set the exposure comp to like plus 1.5 1.7 area even plus two and that'll make sure that the snow looks white and the exposure is correct for that environment so that is what the purpose of exposure compensation is and you can get to it by hitting the bottom of the thumb pad as long as you're not in full auto mode you have to be in program auto mode or other more advanced modes in order to get to that feature so here's iso i already covered that that's the camera sensitivity now metering mode this feature is pretty cool because this will tell the camera how to expose the scene so right now it's using the entire scene to figure out what the proper exposure is so if i change that to center priority it's only going to prioritize the center of the scene and if i set it to spot mode it's only going to use a very very small portion of the scene to do the metering and that's what metering mode does you also have the entire screen average and you have highlight mode highlight mode is awesome i recommend checking out highlight mode especially if you're taking pictures of like frothy water in the sun where that white froth is like blowing out if you set the camera to highlight mode it'll make sure that that bright water doesn't blow out or the bright wedding dress doesn't blow out it'll make sure it maintains the highlights so this is a great feature if you need to maintain the highlight detail now it will generally underexpose the image probably for the most part but it will maintain the highlight detail when that matters that's when you would use this feature like i said guys this camera is so powerful and to really harness the power you need to understand what these features are and how they work and to get the most out of it so down here you got face priority in multimetering what that means is it will prioritize the face even if the background is like super bright like so for example if if there was a sun or something behind the face a backlit situation the camera would still prioritize the face and that's what that feature does i just need to change my metering mode back to multi i i set it to a spot there exposure step you can change that if you want i would just leave that at default flash mode you can change these settings if you get a flash the flash would actually go into this hot shoe here and once you plug that in you can control flash mode features here i'm not going to go into that in this video though white balance i already went over that that is set to auto priority set in auto white balance is set to standard you can set it to all these other modes here you've got ambience and you've got white so it'll prioritize different lighting conditions depending on what environment you're in i tend to leave it on standard however dynamic range optimizer and auto hdr if you go in there by default what that does is it'll automatically fill in the shadows a little bit for you and try to tone down the highlights that's what auto does for dynamic range optimizer you can turn that off if you want for shooting raw and auto hdr is a really cool feature if you click on auto hdr you can go to the right and change the auto hdr values you can set it to auto one i tend to use 4ev for auto hdr when you're when i'm using that mode and what that'll do is it'll actually fire off multiple exposures and then combine those exposures on the camera to give you a more dynamic range fulfilled scene so if you're in a scene with super bright highlights and super dark shadows using auto hdr will yield you a pretty awesome result because it'll capture that highlight detail and the shadow detail and then bring that out in the final product the only downside is you do have to be in jpeg mode you can't do this in raw quality watch what happens when i take a photo in auto hdr you see how it took the three shots and now it's processing so now it's combining the three shots and if you go in there it actually takes two pictures it takes one picture without the auto hdr and then it takes another one with it so you can see the one with auto hdr here i know it's a small screen now if we're looking at creative style so this is how you need to think about creative style this is how the camera is going to process your images so you can change your creative style to vivid portrait landscape sunset black and white there's all these different creative styles and notice the arrow again so you can go to the right and you can dial in these settings even more if you wish so what a lot of times i like to do is i like to set it to vivid when i'm using auto hdr mode for example and it'll give you a little extra punch when you're taking landscape photos and stuff but i tend to leave it on standard for the most part that's what creative modes do picture effect is a more fun mode i would say to just play around and get interesting photos such as toy camera for example pop you got here you got posterization which is a pretty cool effect you got retro you got high key there you got partial color so partial color will just show you what color it's set to so right now red it's only showing you the reds you can set it to green you can set it to blue yellow so forth high contrast black and white is an awesome picture effect i really like that one you got hdr painting as a pretty cool one miniature also very cool one watercolor produces some pretty cool results check this out let me do a watercolor i'll show you what that looks like on in full size in a second and then let me go into the menu and i'll show you what illustration mode looks like illustration mode is one of my favorite actually illustration mode is my favorite uh picture effect mode for sure and i'll show you what that looks like in full screen as well so let me go back into the menu that's what picture effects do and again you have to be in jpeg mode for picture effects to work now picture profile this is more for video you can use it in photo mode but it's really for video if you go in there you have all these different picture profile modes all right so picture profiles you have pp1 all the way to pp10 so as you can see on the list i have up on the screen these are the s-log modes and cinema modes that you would be using if you're a more advanced user and you really want to grade your video in post-processing or if you're looking for a specific look you could use these picture profile modes i do not use these modes at this time i just don't do it i don't like grading the video in post processing it takes a lot of time and effort and i find that having the camera set to creative style standard works really well and as long as you have your white balance set correctly the images and the video quality comes out excellent and so that's why i don't use that mode but a lot of users use picture profile it's almost like shooting video in raw quality and it does has a skill required and there's a learning curve and you would need to grade the video in in post-processing to get the most dynamic range so it does have an advantage when it comes to dynamic range and stuff but again for the most part in studio environment i don't need to use it so i don't more advanced feature for sure the soft skin effect you can turn that on and off right here focus magnifier let me show you how that works so i'm going to hit the function button and i'm going to go to focus mode and i'm going to switch it to manual focus so now if i try to focus by turning the focus ring here you see how it zoomed in there that's what the focus zoom is the magnify zoom it's automatically focusing and zooming in there for you pretty cool right so that's how you can ensure focus accuracy when you're using a manual focus lens or just using a lens in manual focus mode sometimes if you're taking macro shots pictures of flowers and things like that the camera just will not focus on what you want it just focuses on the wrong spot in those cases you can go in there and just switch it to manual focus and then you can dial it in perfect and get it exactly where you want that's what's so cool about using manual focus and the other focus mode here is direct manual focus dmf direct manual focus is cool because what you can do there is you can focus using autofocus and then you can fine tune it after the fact so i have the focus button pressed and i'm still holding it and you could then fine tune it and take the shot so that's what direct manual focus is it still auto focuses but it gives you the option to dial it in after the fact now let me go back into the menu here and i need to turn off auto hdr i left that on by accident i'm just going to leave it on auto right here like that so these are just another couple of features that refer to focus magnify autofocus and focus magnify manual focus assist on that's that feature where you turn the lens it automatically pops up peaking settings peaking is a feature that's good for manual focus users and what it does is it'll tell you where the contrast is in the scene which will help you manually focus so let me show you how that works if i turn that on and let me just switch the camera to manual focus again so notice those that white that just popped up can you see the white on the on the face so when i zoom in you can see those little white dots around the eyes and that's focus peaking so those little white dots are showing up so i know right there is sharp and you can see when it zooms out now you can see more of it on the hair and stuff those white dots that's what focus peaking is and you can change the color and stuff see that you got level and you got color so if i change the color to like red or something let me show you what it looks like now you see the red and if i go to adjust you can see the red focus peaking showing up right there on the eye so that's what focus peaking is and this is another excellent tool that will help you yield the power of this camera when using manual focus like a cinema lens and or something like that a lot of those lenses they're all manual product showcase you can turn that on and off here but don't forget there's that button on the back for it face registration you can actually register faces on this camera and then once you register the face like your kid for example you could then prioritize your kids face like this is what this is so cool for if your kids like posing or playing a sport but and you know there's a bunch of kids there you don't want you want your kid to be sharp so you can register your kid's face set the priority to on for your kid's face and then even if there's a couple of kids or a couple of people or whatever the camera will prioritize the face that you tell it to super powerful feature and most people don't use it because they don't really know that it's there or what the purpose is but when you're trying to pose more people and there's like people everywhere the camera with facial recognition is going to focus on the wrong face a lot of the time so your options are to turn off facial recognition and just focus on the particular face you want by like touching the screen on the face or you can register a face and go this route as well alright so now i'm up here on the sep second tab now another thing i wanted to show you guys real quick when navigating if you just hit this function button it goes through the tabs on the top which is a nice little shortcut otherwise you can go up and down if you go up to the top you could then move left and right as well and then if you go down you could navigate the pages and you can see the pages right there as i'm scrolling through but that function button will help you just skip through the tabs quickly if you need to all right so here we are in video mode now and this is where the video options are but they're grayed out and the reason they're grayed out remember i'm in photo mode so because i'm in photo mode i can't change the video settings so let me change the camera to video mode there we go now the camera's in video mode let me go back to menu now i can change the video settings so i can change the file format and the shoot mode right now it's an intelligent auto mode this is where i recommend you guys leave it if you're brand new to the camera for more advanced users i would definitely recommend at least putting it on program auto mode so you can adjust the settings yourself and you have more power to turn certain things on and off so right now i am in program auto mode for video so now if i go down here you got the usb streaming feature here which is pretty cool there's a button for that you have your file format now in here i recommend changing it to 4k 4k is the best quality and it's going to yield you the sharpest crispest shots so now now that it's in 4k if you go down to record settings this is the actual record setting that it's going to format the file in so i like to use 24p at 100 megabits per second if you guys are not seeing these frame rates right here that is because your camera is set to pal mode so i live in the united states so the default for my camera is ntsc if you live in europe or overseas and european countries your camera will be default pal because the frame rates are different in different regions so that's why your frame rate is going to look different than mine i'll show you where to change that right now if you go back to the menu and hit the function button and you go into the setup area if you scroll over right here page 2 ntsc slash pal this is where you would change your camera if your camera is set to pal mode you would need to change it to ntsc in order to have the same frame rates as mine so this is where you would change that so going back to file format if i go back to hd here and now i go to record setting now look at all these frame rates i have so depending on what record mode you're in that will determine what kind of frame rate options you have now i got 60p at various bit rates 30p various bit rates and 24p at 50 megabits right there and that's what i would use if i was just using regular hd 1080. now 120 at 100 megabits 120 is that frames per second that you use if you want to get slow motion footage but this is where you would go to change those frame rates and 120 would give you that slow motion footage if you bring it into post-processing i have a video that will show you how to do that so if you want to check that out just look at my how-to videos and how to create slow-motion video i'm just going to hit menu and i'm going to go back and set it to 4k and i'm going to set it to 24p at 100 megabits per second this is how i have my camera set whenever i'm recording in front of the camera unless i'm doing slow motion stuff then i have it set to 120 but otherwise i have it set to 4k at those settings now s and q settings these are the other mode that's on the top of the camera s and q now this is how you can get slow motion video in camera you can't do that with the 120 mode 120 mode records and the video plays back at regular speed you have to slow it down in post processing snq does that for you on the camera so if you go in here record setting it's set to 30p i want to change that to 24p because that's how i edit my videos all my videos i use for youtube i use the 24p frame rate so when i upload it to youtube it's at 24p now i'm gonna leave this at 120 frames per second however which is going to yield me five times slow motion so if i record video it's going to be five times slow motion by default recorded right on the camera which is amazing so that's how i'm going to have my s and q set up like so i'm just going to hit menu and go back also note how the battery life is draining quite quick because the battery life on this camera sucks it's really not that good and you're going to want to get a couple extra batteries i know i mentioned that already i've been recording for about an hour or so and you can see it's down to 21 already so that's what we're looking at there so moving on to the right you have what's called proxy recording now proxy recording is a nice feature for those looking to have multiple video files so you'll have your full resolution 4k file and then a lower resolution proxy file and what that can help you with is it'll speed up your workflow process in post processing if you use proxy video for your editing workflow more of an advanced feature but why you need to know about this is because if you have this turned on your eye autofocus is not going to work you lose features when you have proxy recording turned on and the tracking facial tracking and object tracking and stuff it doesn't work when you have proxy recording turned on and that kind of sucks but it's good to know so i don't use this by the way i never use proxy recording but it can definitely speed up your workflow if you're a proxy user now af transition speed and af shift sensitivity this is a really important feature that you need to know about so watch what af transition speed does it's set to fast by default so when i'm recording video like so if you touch somewhere on the screen it's going to switch focus so it just focused to the car in the background there there focus to the car now back to the face so you see how quick it tran it it changed if it the transition was fairly fast so watch what happens when i change this transition speed i'm going to lower it down to 3. all right so now let's watch what happens when i select the car in the background you see how much slower it changes much smoother and much slower so i i much prefer a slower transition speed like this than that fast choppy one however if you are tracking a high speed moving subject you're gonna want the tracking to be set to fast but if you're just sitting in front of the camera or you're doing something like i'm doing here i think it looks better when it's set to slow you know so if you're talking about a product and you want to like transition to the product behind it for example like to show the packaging it looks nice and smooth when you have the transition speed set slower so that's what that feature does now the other option is that subject shift responsiveness and if you change that that will just slow down the responsiveness when you put something in front of the camera alright so check this out alright so see how it just focused on the lens cap now watch when i pull it away do you see how it took a second or two before it focused on the face same thing with the lens cap you see how it took a second that's because responsiveness i just lowered now watch what happens when i put the responsiveness back to fast or i should say responsive alright so now i have it set to responsive you see how fast it switches it's almost immediate the transition is still slow but the actual time it takes for it to acquire focus is much faster there's no delay it just automatically immediately goes right to the subject that you're putting in front of the camera so why would you want to change this feature in in my opinion i like to have it set to the middle and the reason being is i talk with my hands a lot and when i put my hand in front of the camera sometimes it'll focus on the hand and my face goes blurry and if you lower the responsiveness to like three it'll give you you can put your hand up in front of the camera for a second and then take it away and it'll still stay locked on your face if you have it set to five and you put your hand up in front of the camera it will it just instantly will focus on your hand and that will create like a pulsating effect and it won't look good so this is what responsive does so if you do not want the focus to shift you can leave it on locked on and then you can have your hands in front and stuff and it's just pretty much going to stay locked on to what it's currently focused on and it'll take a lot for it to switch or decide to switch and that's the priority of the autofocus subject shift sensitivity so that's what that feature does auto slow shutter this is good for video i recommend leaving that on because if you're in a situation where the shutter speed gets too slow you want your video to keep working you don't want it to go all dark on you so what will happen is the camera will automatically slow the shutter speed below you know the frame rate that you're recording at just to make sure that the exposure is correct audio recording you could turn that on and off here audio recording level that's actually grayed out right now probably because i'm in photography mode yeah i'm in photography mode oh by the way even though i'm in photography mode as you saw a second ago i can still hit record and it'll start recording so let me just change that to video mode though and go back in the menu alright so now i have the option to change the audio recording level audio level display you can turn that on and off because remember on the screen you see that those green bars that's the audio display so you can turn that on and off wind noise reduction you can turn that on and off here i recommend leaving it off and just using the wind diffuser steady shot now if you go into steadyshot you can change that to active mode standard or off and remember i showed you that earlier when it's set to active it crops in a lot so you lose a lot of your wide angle lens when you have it set to active but you will definitely get far superior stabilization if you're walking and stuff so active is great for that purpose but it's not you lose a little bit because it crops in so that's where the steady shot options are marker display is a more advanced feature so i just leave all this stuff off for the most part marker settings movie with shutter i have that off record lamp that's the lamp that's on the front of the camera so if you don't want people to know you're recording them you can turn that off right here so record lamp just turn that off and that light won't light up on the front because when you see that light people just know you're recording them so yeah you can turn that off right there and then if you want to hit record with the shutter button you can turn that on here if you want but i'd leave that off there's a big record button right there so why would you do that silent shooting it doesn't apply when in video mode but if you want to shoot in photography mode and you want the camera to be silent you can turn that on right there release without lens is a feature if you're going to use a fully manual lens that has no electronics the camera doesn't know if you have a fully manual lens attached because it has no electronics so the camera won't take a photo or it won't record video because it thinks there's no lens attached so if you go in here and you enable this now you can attach a fully manual lens and the camera will just ignore it it'll still take pictures and work normally even though the camera thinks there's no lens there because there's no electronics so i would recommend enabling that if you have any possibility that you'll be using fully manual lenses at some point i always leave mine on and here's where you can turn steady shot on and off as well zoom range if you go in here and you can adjust to optical zoom only or you can have it set to clear image zoom i really highly recommend setting it to clear image zoom and i'll show you why check this out so now if i zoom in look up here on the top you see that like zoom bar there's like that bar there that shows you how far you're zoomed in so right here is 50 millimeter that is the end of the optical zoom so i can't zoom in anymore with the actual lens but you can still zoom in digitally with clear image zoom so you can see it goes 1.5 times so it gives you that little extra bit of zoom it is a digital zoom guys but you can't tell like it doesn't look digitized at all and it works awesome in video and photography digital zoom however looks like garbage don't use that unless you have to but that you can tell that starts to pixelate and stuff clear image zoom does not now zoom lever speed right now that's how fast the lens will zoom in and out so watch this if i'm just zooming in and out while not recording it goes that fast and while recording it'll go the same speed because they're both set to three zoom lever speeds see so check this out i'm going to change this to 1. so the record speed i now have set to 1 so watch i'm going to record now and now watch how slow it zooms so that's its slowest zoom and that looks much better in my opinion it's much less herky-jerky and it's a smoother smoother look the video footage is going to look better when it's set to a lower speed and you have a lot of options here so let me put it to six oh wow it goes all the way to eight all right so let me show you what eight looks like holy cow that's fast so yeah and obviously the lens makes a lot of noise when you do it that fast as well when it's set to slow it goes way slower and it's way quieter i'm going to change this back to one all right so display button remember on the top of this thumb dial is the display button so you can actually control what screens you have in display modes so you can turn these on and off so when you hit the display button it's going to cycle through all these options you can turn off the ones that you never use or don't want to see and it'll be less toggles when you hit the display button that's what that does zebra settings this is an advanced exposure mode setting what zebra does is it overlays like a zebra pattern so when i turn that on i'll show you how what it looks like you see that zebra pattern that pattern where those zebras are is just telling you a specific brightness value and it's a good way to judge exposures line now if you turn the grid line on i like rule of thirds and what that does is it puts the grid on the screen you see that crisscross there and that will help you line up your shot use the rule of thirds to get a better composition and stuff it also helps make sure you have the camera level you could use those lines to make sure the camera is level great for water and things like that now the order review time is how long the photo will display after you take a picture so after you take a picture the photo will display for two seconds that might drive you crazy and you might want to turn that off i usually have it turned off but it is nice sometimes to see the photo for a second or two now here you got custom keys this is where you would go in to program your custom keys and right now you could see that garbage can button is a custom key and it's set to product showcase now the custom button here in the center is not set i would normally set this to magnify zoom if i was using manual lenses though by the way and then you got drive mode iso exposure comp and you got the custom button on the top it's by default background defocus and then the record button so you can change these buttons to other options focus hold buttons some lenses have a focus hold button on it you can change that in here if you have one of those lenses and again if you want to change it just click on it and by using the center button here and then you can go in and you can scroll through you can see there's 25 pages of options here so you would scroll through there and pick which one you need depending on what you're trying to do there i'm just going to leave it at default though and you have custom keys for photo mode video mode and playback mode so you can change these custom modes independently of what camera mode you're using again just incredible power function menu set if you go in here you can custom configure your function menu remember the function menu is that awesome shortcut menu i was telling you about and it changes depending on what mode you're in so if you're in photography mode these are the options that are going to come up and you can change these you can go in here and if you never use you know whatever if you don't use creative style you can get rid of that and put something else in there you can configure this how you like it now you got the dial wheel set up that just controls what this wheel does versus this wheel on the back you can change that as well function of touch operation now by default it is set to touch tracking you can change that though to touch focus if you want if you don't want it to track your subject you just want to move the focus point a lot of times i change this to touch focus because i don't necessarily want it to track for example if i touch focus in the center it's going to focus on that face and it's not tracking the face though it's just focusing on that area so if the face moves it's not going to track it but if i go into the menu and i change that to touch track now if i touch the face it's going to track it and if i move the face around you could see this the box coming up it's tracking the face that's because it's set to touch tracking so that's what that feature does and depending on what you're doing you might not want it to track you might want to change it to touch focus but in general touch tracking works amazing and that's where i have it set for the most part now touch shutter is grayed out and that's because i'm in video mode i believe let me change the mode here alright photography mode menu yeah touch shutter so now that i'm in photography mode you can actually have it set to touch shutter so if you want to enable touch shutter there's this little icon on the right top right of the screen it's hard to see it's gray so if you select that now there's like this little orange line there that's how you know touch shutter is enabled and ready to go so now when i touch it takes the shot pretty sweet right and to turn it on and off you have to hit this little button up here that overlays on the screen itself and that is the touch shutter option so if you want your camera to be perfectly quiet and you don't want to hear it when you hit record and stuff like that you can turn the audio signals off so you won't hear that beeping and stuff all right so now we're in the network area guys and here is where you would go to connect to a smartphone for example so if you have the imaging edge app installed on your smart device you can go in here and you can connect the camera to the smart device if you go in here you can send an image to the smartphone and that's what this function is i have several videos on the imaging edge app that will are in my how to area so if you want to use that be sure to check those videos out because it's it's pretty indeed a lot of information there so i'm not going to go over it in this video pc remote function this feature you will need occasionally if you're trying to use your computer to remote control the camera or if you have the camera hooked up to a gimbal for example you would need to turn this on or off possibly depending and then in here you have a connection method usb so you can go in there you could check it to wi-fi or access point again it's a pretty advanced feature and if you have pc remote function on you will also lose facial tracking and iaf unfortunately it doesn't work when you have pc remote function on so that could be causing you problems in the focusing area if you're not aware airplane mode is a great feature if you want to save battery life set the camera to airplane mode on and a lot of all those network features and stuff will definitely all be turned off and you won't have to worry about like bluetooth or anything like that draining your battery wi-fi settings you can go in here and you can adjust your wi-fi settings you can change your name of the wi-fi network and stuff like that bluetooth settings uh this is where you can go and you can turn that stuff on and off for connecting via bluetooth some remote controls for example connect via bluetooth that's where you would go to enable that location info link set this feature will basically take the gps information off your smart device like your cell phone and it'll automatically embed that information into your photo bluetooth remote control you need to turn that on if you are using a bluetooth remote it's grayed out right now because the bluetooth function is turned off if you turn bluetooth on which is right here under bluetooth settings one page back that will ungray and then you can turn that on device name this is where you can edit your device name and stuff playback mode this is where you can go in and adjust your playback settings you can rate your images and stuff you can delete them rotate them protect them so you can't accidentally delete them in here you can go in and you can enlarge your image a couple other options continuous playback for interval shooting this is one of those features i wanted to show you after your interval shooting is completed in the playback menu it'll put it in like a group so you can actually go in here and you can do a continuous playback for your interval shooting and it'll play back your photos and it'll look like a time lapse so this is how you can preview your time lapses if you go into the playback menu and just look at it it's not going to be a completed time lapse it's going to be a series of images that you need to turn into a time lapse in post-processing but to get a preview of that you can go in here and select this option and then your playback speed you can also change here depending on what your interval shooting speed was when you recorded your interval shooting series so that's what this options are for slideshow this is another nice feature if you have your camera hooked up to a tv or a monitor and you want to do a slideshow to show you know like your family the photos from vacation or something it's got a couple other settings here display as group on that's how remember i was telling you how it groups photos together when you're in continuous shooting mode you can turn that on and off here display rotation you can turn that on and off when we go into monitor brightness this is a feature that you're going to need to use because this camera does not have an electronic viewfinder see the electronic viewfinder on my a6400 so the zve10 does not have an electronic viewfinder so you have to rely on this lcd screen and sometimes you can't see it because it's really bright out or there's glare or something like that so that is a downside of this camera but if you go in here to brightness setup you can manually change the brightness so you can raise it and lower it so if you're in really dark conditions you can lower it really bright conditions you can raise it up so you can see the screen better alright so if you click on monitor brightness just click on brightness again and now look you have this sunny weather option this is how you make the screen crazy bright so if you put it in sunny weather mode the screen is going to really be bright and it's going to be much easier to see in like daylight when you're outside and stuff so this is an important feature you need to know about but if you have it on sunny weather mode it's definitely going to use more battery life so be aware of that make sure you get extra batteries and turn off sunny weather mode when you're not when you don't need it to help save some battery life now we got gamma display assist this is a really powerful feature if you're using more advanced modes like s-log s-log 3 hlg which is hdr and so you can simulate what that will look like by using the gamma display assist very very powerful feature but a much more advanced feature you would use this if you were using picture profiles and s-logs and things like that volume settings you can change that there delete confirm yes or no display quality i have it set to standard but you can make that high and it'll look a little bit better on the back of the screen if you want to set the display quality high but it will use a little bit of extra battery life power setting options this is where you can change how long the camera will be on for if you don't touch it so if i stop touching the camera it's gonna shut off in one minute you can change that here i usually have it set to two minutes because a lot of times i'll just be like doing something but i don't want the camera to shut off so two minutes works pretty good power saved by monitor if you have hooked up to a monitor it will automatically shut off so order power off temperature this is a really important feature if you go in here i would definitely change this to high so this will make sure that the camera stays recording even if it gets hot and warm don't worry it's not going to hurt your camera it just won't shut off when it gets warm it'll stay on until it gets to the point where it has to shut off and you'll get much longer record times if you have the set temperature set to high so make sure you set that to high so if you go in here and you enable this it'll do some kind of sensor cleaning so this is a good option if you have dust on the sensor give that a try you can turn touch operation on and off if you're one of those people that keeps touching the screen by accident and the focus mode gets stuck or something because you know you touched in the corner and you missed a bunch of shots and it it just keeps happening it's driving you crazy you can turn touch operation off just turn that feature off you don't even have to use it it's right there this is time code and user bit settings this is a more advanced feature for video users when you're syncing multiple cameras together you can use what's called time code and you it'll be easier to sync up all that footage and in post-processing hdmi settings this is where you would go to change your hdmi settings for that micro hdmi output so you might have to change some of these settings depending on what kind of monitor you are plugging in and you can turn features on and off like display features so if you're playing back and you don't want the overlays to be on the screen you can turn that stuff off here i actually like leaving it on when i'm using it as a monitor though so i can see the information usb power supply that's turned on so if you have the if you have a power cable plugged into the camera it will charge the camera while you're using it it's like a trickle charge though the camera will still ultimately die but it will take a lot longer to die if you have a charger plugged in while you're using it and this is where you would change your language date time and area we already have that set up now here you got format this is where you would format the memory card and you can go in there and do that very simply file folder settings you can change the name of your file folder and files file settings here for video if you go in here i'm going to change the name here file name format i'm going to go to instead of standard i'm going to select title all right so now i just got to go to page 2 and now i can change the title settings so i'm going to go in here like so and it works just like you know any like anything when you have to type stuff in like on the tv and stuff 2z v e zv e10 and then i'm just going to put an underscore like so and click ok so now when i record video the video file is going to have zv e10 underscore and then like a number after it and that's a way better way you can see here that's what it's going to look like something like that so if i'm recording with multiple cameras i got my a6400 i got this i got an a7c i got a gopro you know that it'll be much easier to navigate and find like i'll know right out of the way oh that video file that 4k file it was shot with a zv e10 and it's a great way to go i highly recommend changing that it'll help you in the future it's a good workflow just concept in my opinion click ok and that is set and then recover image database you can just check that if you want there let me go to the right display media info this will just tell you how much space you have left on the memory card pretty much version will tell you the firmware so you can see here it's at version 1.0 it's a brand new camera i just got and then settings reset this is where you can go to initialize the camera back to factory default which is what i did to start this video because i wanted to show you how to set the date and time and stuff so i just initialized it that's where you go to do that now if you go over to the right you have this awesome section here called the my menu settings and this is where you can set your settings so your favorite settings so i'm going to go in here and i'm going to click add and i'm going to do file format and i'm going to put it in that location so that's added and then i'm going to do i'm going to go to the right here interval shooting i'm going to add that soft skin effect i might want to turn that on and off i'm going to add that file format record setting going to add that and for now that's pretty good so now if i go into menu notice my menu now has two pages you got the add sort delete and so this is how you manipulate what you have in your menu system and if you go back to page one this is actually my menu these are the items i just added so now i got all these items in there and i can quickly get to them without having to remember where they are in the menu so this is a super powerful feature and now you can program this with multiple pages of you could put a ton of crap in here not just one page you could have like four or five pages so that about wraps up this beginner's guide if you guys have any questions and you want me to do more tutorials on this camera please let me know but for this video i just wanted to get you going and really show you how to use this camera and how to get the most out of it because it's extremely powerful so i really hope you got what you were looking for in this video if you did please do me a favor give me a thumbs up and also be sure to subscribe be sure to share the video and don't forget below the video there will be links to recommended accessories for this camera if you're looking for that please have a great day you ask questions if you have them i'm happy to help and i will absolutely catch up with you guys next time take care
Channel: Jason Hermann
Views: 582,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sony ZV-E10 Beginners Guide, Sony ZV-E10, Beginners Guide, ZV-E10, sony zv-e10 help, sony zv-e10 tutorial, sony zv-e10 how-to, best vlogging camera, sony zv-e10 camera, sony zv-e10 video settings, sony zv e10 video settings, sony zv e10 setup, sony vlogging camera, sony zv-e10 setup, sony zv-e10 photography, sony zv e10, sony zve10, sony zv e10 menu, sony zv e10 settings
Id: lvt6cCrgEnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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