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all right so my last video I tested out the DJI fly 1.9.1 the latest update for the Mini 3 Pro and I said that this was the best firmware the best version of the fly up I have experienced really good performance and I stick by that but where do I start so after the end of that video you saw on part one there was a bit of a cliffhanger and let me explain what's that on what will now follow don't let the actual fly update your firmware put you off this is all down to me so if you cast your mind back like literally a couple of months ago I crashed my Mini 3 Pro into a lake now there were several factors that went into that if you don't check that video out I'll put it at the end of this video to go and check it out but it was the first time I've ever crashed a Mini 3 Pro which is quite an achievement and in about 10 years of flying I probably only crashed drones five or six times I'm fairly lucky I'm quite Reckless with it but lucky however this now is going to be another tally on that sheet that unfortunately I have yet again crossed a Mini 3 Pro so I got this drone replaced by DJI because it was proven that it was a drone fault so I got a new one it's fantastic then I was testing this firmware this fly up out and then I just crashed it again now I've not filmed all of this but I will talk to you through what happened and what the current state of the Drone is have I got it back or not quite a lot went into it and it was a bit of a a Panic Station so yet again treat this as a learning experience and and I certainly will not have been the best start however I will learn from this and I hope you will as well let's get into the video all right so I was testing out the latest DJI fly update and it was going great nice videos nice photos everything was going well I even managed on the second location to get a snowball fight in but then soon after that everything went wrong so after testing sports mode find the Drone forwards and backwards everything was working great and I wanted to create my favorite shot which is the pull away shot I love this technique I do this all the time in so many videos and it looks great especially on Instagram reels so I wanted to fly the Drone backwards through a small Gap in the trees now this is a risky shot but by flying it through small spaces it looks even better so before we do this I flew the Drone around the area a few times having a look at this Gap and seeing if it was possible so I thought it was I turned my sentences off I brought the Drone back to me and I went for it put it into normal mode I was flying backwards everything was going great but then I just completely miscalculated that there was a small twig in that Gap and then the Drone got stuck now you can see here the Drone is still on the propellers were still turning so I was trying to move the Drone around with the controller stick trying to get it to just flow y upwards nudge out of these twigs but it didn't happen but then the gimbal got overloaded and it shut down disaster so what happened next well this was the quick thinking so I ran over to look where it was it was right at the top of this tree you can see it here now stuck in some tiny little twigs so after a lot of swearing and shakes of the head I had to figure out a way of how to get this drone back the propellers wouldn't spin when I crashed it the Drone had about 24 battery we were also losing light and in that area there was no phone signal so not a good combination at all but it's in situations like this you have think fast so I went over to where it was located which was conveniently at the top of a hill covered in ice it also was protected by a river stream so I had to run across the river and think of a way so after shaking the tree like a madman for about five to ten minutes with the locks of some passes by thinking what is he doing I started throwing a combination of snowballs and rocks trying to hit this this failed dramatically so I thought the best option is is to go and resupply so we left the area to try and get a phone signal I also rang up my partner and asked to come to this area with a combination of rope a torch a hook and wire I did have the DJI mavic 3 in the car and I was going to use this to try and hook on to the Mini 3 Pro with some fishing wire so I resupplied a bag full of some more rocks particularly this one run across a stream like Moana and then began firing these rocks into the tree hoping it would hit the Drone my daughter thought it'd be a great idea now to use a slash Edge whilst I was frantically trying to get this I had about 30 minutes of daylight left so not much and then this area would be pitch black so not good at all however I noticed that the only way I could get this down was to hit this with some rock in a completely straight line so after throwing some quite large rocks trying to hit one of these branches I ended up firing one of the smaller rocks now you won't believe it but this is was the second to last small rock I had I ended up throwing it this Rack in particular in one straight line and luckily it hit the side of the Drone and ended up flying out of the tree my daughter using the Sledge flew down and managed to recover the Drone now you can tell I was fairly happy one hour later we did it baseball throw at me sign me up we did it oh my God what are these mini threes like these many threes are the curse of me how is it you can tell by your face not good the condition of this drone it was whacked by a rock flew out of the tree from some distance and it was soaking landed in the snow not good but my idea was if I can get this dried off and get it home I can leave it overnight it might be okay I had near trench fought from running across this River a few times but I had the Drone so worst case I could get it sent off and repaired but what do we do in situations like this first thing turn it off take the battery out take the SD card out give it a good wipe down and then if you're not near your location I was about an hour away wrap it in a blanket or some clothes I went straight home I was able to then put the memory card into my computer and luckily all of the SD card files were saved so that's one step done and I can replay my errors so what I did then was put the Drone into a e overnight so I took the Drone I completely wiped it down and I left it on top of a radiator not directly but covering on some clothes beneath it and then left it and hoped for the best I didn't turn it on and that's one thing do not turn it on at all let it completely dry out I wasn't banking on much hope for this drone to recover it had taken a knock from a rock it fell from a decent distance and then it was soaking with snow probably one of the worst things but the recovery process is really important allowing it to dry out without turning it on without having the battery in it and then just fingers crossed the controller was also completely flat from the find my drone so let's just see what happens the next day so overnight I left it completely to dry you can see now it's the next day I've wiped it down again you can see some of its scars and battle wounds here and now let's turn this on and this is live when I was turning it on see what happens so the first thing is is get this battery put it in and then see if it lights up now in the past on the mavic mini one this happened and nothing lit up I've got four green lights so that's a good start let's turn this on now you can see it's booting and it's come on that is absolutely fantastic news so that's another hurdle that I have jumped I was really happy at this point another thing is to look under control and see for any error messages so I've seen on here that the obstacle avoidance is disabled now this could be because it's not took off it could also be because it's knackered I tested out the camera and this was rotating well so everything was going great I've got it outside now I want to then go and put it hovering in place and see can it actually take off I still had the error message about the obstacle avoidance but even if the obstacle voters doesn't work I don't really care as long as it can just take off let's turn it on you can see now the propellers start spinning really great at this point I was like what anyway so let's now see what happens so it's spinning let's take this off and see if it can have it in place and look at it it's hovering in place it is working fine within the air I even take it for a quick Spin and it is working brilliant it's just absolutely remarkable how you could tell I was pretty happy so over the moon decided to treat it and I replaced every single propeller I noticed on some of the other propellers it also had some knocks as well so using the included DJI screwdriver I took off all them and replaced all the propellers it's got Battle Scars but it survived so these quick actions obviously helped but it just shows you even though it's a tiny drone you can take some severe Knocks how lucky am I I can't believe that this is still fully working everything on it the obstacle avoidance sensors the camera is all working great and this was whacked by a a rock it fell out of a tree from quite High distance fell into snow was absolutely soaked wet it was dried off it's got some War wounds it's got some scars some knocks but it's working fine you know so although these are really small and plasticky they do have a decent degree of build quality of them that they can withstand this so I am those are the things that I did that might not work for you so if you have a crush of your drone if you get it wet if you get it into water or snow it's about these fast quick actions that you're going to do straight away to again to keep this working in place now obviously if you can recover this drone you can send it back to DJI refresh it's like the main thing you could do if you have that but if you don't try some of these methods first to see if you can get it working and the most funny thing is is that one of the next few videos you're going to see is about how to do a pull away shot which it just doesn't make sense of it I filmed that before this happened so yeah go easy on me on that video but it's a great shot I love doing the pull away shot I think it's one of the best drum moves you can do I do this all the time it's really popular on like Instagram and reels so yeah practice this but don't try it through small gaps like I was trying to do unfortunately with more confidence you know you use more risk you want to do better shots it's going to look better and that was one of them I thought that looked brilliant however you know with all this problem was going to happen and one of those was that drone getting stuck in a tree luckily I was able to recover it you might not be so think about this but I hope you learned something from this I hope you found this relatively entertaining I was really lucky so I'm going to slow down a little bit on the risk factor but if you like that like And subscribe really appreciate it and I'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: DM Productions
Views: 51,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI MINI 3 Pro CRASH, DJI Fly 1.9.1, DJI, DJI Mini 3 pro, DJI Mini 3 pro crash, DJI Mini 3 pro crashed, DJI Mavic 3, DJI Mini 3 crash, DJI Mini 2 Crash, DJI Mavic 3 Crash, DJI Mini 3 entry level drone, DJI Mini 3 vs Mini 3 Pro, DJI Mini 3 Pro, Best entry level drone, DJI Mini 3 drone review, DJI Mini 3 video, DJI Mini 3 pro video, DJI Mini 3 4K, DJI Mini 3 battery, DJI Mini 3 range, dji fly app, dm productions, dji, dji fly update, dji find my drone, drone crash
Id: BupSyCH0-kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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