DJI Mavic 3D Mapping Explanation with PIX4D (For Dummies ONLY)

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in this video I'm going to show you how to 3d map using your drill in this case I'm going to use my magic so how does a thing or an area be three dimensionally reconstructed like what you see on a Google map basically you take whole bunch of picture of an object on different angle and you set all this picture into a software that picks 4d or drone deploy and there are many software out there that does 3d reconstruction I will link in the description below and after all these pictures gets into this software the software is going to chew also picture up and grind them down into millions of single pixel and the computer algorithm is capable of using all these pixel and reconstruct them into a three-dimensional figure right in the horse's mouth remember I say take picture from multiple different angle of an objects and not a very crucial point and let me explain why this takes a cereal box as an example as if I want to 3d reconstruct this thing if I just take a picture from the top right here and fit it into the computer the algorithm will only not help this side of the fly but I will know what the are the other side goes like and the algorithm will only know as much information as I see into it so if you want to properly reconstruct this object or see robots you need to take pictures on all sides so the algorithm will be able to construct a box same goes to 3d mapping you want to first map out an area to dimensionally or people call it order mosaic have the drone flyer in a consistent pattern looking straight down using ad like pics for D then orbit the building or houses or any structures around at about their rules level to capture the depth of the object now that's turning to the pics 4d software if you're interested in learning how to use software I suggest you to go to the pics for D they have a YouTube channel where they post all the intuitive tutorials now let's get back into it so I was how in my neighborhood taking some picture of this neighborhood and as you can see I first took some picture of the overhead view and that will be around the entire swimming pool at a lower altitude then I went ahead and fly a little bit closer and over around the building and the chair and also the light hole to get more detailed shot quickly going through the setup I'm going to first import the overhead shot basically just follow the step I'm going through pause the video if it's going too fast as you can see the software is capable of aligning all the images on a map based on the coordinate of each image that was recorded there are different outputs and resolutions option that you can choose from this process setting in my case I'm only selecting all the default setting for the sake of my computer processing speed of course you can always increase the resolution if your computer is capable of processing that once everything is set click on the third button on the bottom left corner to start a process the entire process is going to take about approximately 15 minutes or an hour depends on the setting and this computer speed the process has now completed let's take a look and this is what happened when I only import the aerial image looking straight down you can see the fences are missing the building looks like it's missing walls looks like the walls melted you can only see the shadow of the light pole but the lipo is missing where it's supposed to be so if I import the aerial image that captured the lipo from the side then you will show up on the 3d map I have now imported the lifeboat images in a separate project and the process is now completed oh it looks like I got three reconstructed in there too anyway now I just have to merge this project with the previous one together and now the light pole just magically appear oh yeah now here's the side-by-side comparison between the width and without adding the site image of the light hole just to show my point that you can expect all the details like the light ball to show up by only having a top view shot of the area you actually have to get into each single detail that you want to present and take some image around it here's another example of a 3d model without the detailed sight images of building versus the 3d reconstruction with the side images the difference is nice and day as you can see there's much more details on a window and then the wall texture it's just much better that's all guys make sure to thumbs up if you find my explanation helpful and click on the subscribe button for future video comment below if you have any question
Channel: NonStopFilmer
Views: 48,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI Mavic, drone, UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle, 3D mapping, pix4d, orthomosaic, point cloud, DJI mavic pro, aerial mapping, aerial photography, agisoft, dronedeploy, orbit, for dummies, DJI Spark, DJI phantom 4, DJI Osmo, multicopter, quadcopter, FAA
Id: 37PHwgsGvC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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