DJI Mavic Mini || Drone Harmony - 3D Drone Images (FREE)

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome back to drone the sky yet again it's been about two weeks finally the weather's come around and i can make another video now today we're going to be looking at how with the drone harmony application and our dji mavic mini we can create free 3d drone images now the techniques we're going to be using is a form of photogrammetry and i'm going to be showing you two techniques today one's fairly simple one's a little bit more in-depth and takes quite a bit of time but has a better outcome now for your information as well this video has chapters so feel free to skip ahead at any time all right let's get on with it all right so before we even begin the fly i've got to explain a few things what is photogrammetry first well you might remember from a video i made regarding author mosaics the links at the top of the screen now you remember that i talked about having to take photos at a 90 degree angle with overlap so that software could stitch them together by identifying points in those images now photogrammetry works in a similar manner by matching points except there's a big difference automosaics use 2d flat images whereas photogrammetry requires images that it can match within 3d space so as an example you can see here this is a orthomosaic flat image 2d space and we can see the axis on the left but when it comes to photogrammetry we start introducing things like geometry and depth of field and we now get another axis which represents that 3d aspect now we're matching points in an image unlike an orthomosaic that just does it from the top 90 degrees down photogrammetry will not only match points from different angles altitude depth of field but it will also use metadata within the images taken by your drone such as pixel size gps of the drone itself and will use all those to match them together and triangulate the point it's looking at within the 3d space now once triangulation has occurred across multiple overlapped image within 3d space we get a thing called a point cloud and a point cloud as you can see here is literally a cloud made up of points that have been identified by the software now this is an oversimplified example of how this software works but what i'm trying to get across is there's certain ways that we need to take our photos so that it will work within this software and we're going to go over those considerations now so the first consideration is image quality so our mavic mini is using a 12 megapixel camera it's not as good as the top end drones but it's still sufficient for what we're trying to achieve now we need to think about shadows we want to try and avoid shadows when it comes to creating these images luckily for me today i've got cloud cover usually i'd like a lot of light but again it's a double edged sword because if the sun's coming in on an angle we've got shadows everywhere now drone movement we want to try and avoid that i.e a windy day is going to push our drone around it might blur the image once we get blur the quality starts to go down if it can even stitch that image because of blur now it is a bit of a windy day today but we're still going to give it a go now the last one is the scene if you try and shoot a scene that's featureless i.e sand and there's no points again the software is going to struggle same as the author mosaic you want to try and shoot a scene that has buildings or structures or trees or whatever it may be so points can be made and depth of field can be created so the next consideration is depth of field and angle now this is really important when it comes to 3d space or something like this because we need the points to be matched from different angles heights and so forth like i've already covered so to give you an example we'll grab this water bottle here now if i was to take a photo of this side of the water bottle we see the side of the water bottle that's 2d what we don't see is this side the top the bottom the edges so the way we'd get around that we wouldn't simply stay in the same spot would we we'd rotate the camera to the other side and go from there and that's what we're going to do with the drone today we're going to be shooting from multiple angles multiple altitudes in different areas so we can capture all angles and geometry and the last important consideration is image overlap now just like the author mosaic where we had to overlap images for the points to link with photogrammetry it's a bit different well it's actually more in depth we need a 60 to 80 percent overlap when it comes to these images now we can get away with 60 but the more overlapped the better especially when we're trying to capture things from different angles all right so hopefully you have an understanding of how our photos need to be taken and what we should be doing we're going to get the drone up now and we're going to test this theory out all right so here we are in the drone harmony application now if you look to the bottom right there you'll see what looks like an oval with a building in the middle that's the one we're going to be photoing today or flying around today so first things first what we need to do is we need to get a set of top down images so that we can create what it would look like from an aerial view okay so what we're going to do with that one is if i just go in here quickly and i'll show you see how we've got top down and multigrid we're going to go multi-grid because multi-grid puts a slight angle on some of the photos and that's going to assist with getting that sort of side shot or 3d view so let me go back to kick this off we need to create a polygon so let's go into polygon tools and we're going to use the square type polygon and what i'm going to do i'm going to zoom in here and i'm going to put the polygons around like one two three four and five now we want zero meters uh in regards to this polygon so we'll keep it at that and i'll just go dark blue that's it all right so that's our polygon there and you can see i've got a couple of trees around me the good thing about this map is this building's been here so long so the trees i know i'm not going to fly into it if i have a polygon in that position so now we need to do the multi-grid uh shooting mode so i'm going to go into the cross and we're going to go multi-grid now first of all we're going to have a lift off point so the lift off point i'm going to create just above where my drone is at the moment so i'm going to click there okay then i'm going to go next and the lift off point's going to be same as the landing point we'll go use the same all right so we can see i've got my polygon here it's brought it into uh 3d space so what i want to do is it's got the meters now i haven't measured this building i'm about two meters so i'm guessing it's probably about five meters in height so i'm going to put my drone up to about seven meters we'll soon see if it flies into the building there we go okay so that's what it's got so far that's the grid that it's going to follow from the top down so i press the tick now you can see we've got grid type double triple and quadruple basically what that means is in double pattern it's going to go back and forth let's say north south and east west now in triple it's going to go on a diagonal and then on quadruple it's just going to cover the building multiple times over i think double is probably going to cover the roof so we'll go double and we'll leave it there you can see the gimbal pitch is at 90 degrees look that's fine for now because we're going to be flying later at another pitch angle in an orbit mode and again i'll explain that but just leave it like that for now so now we come to overlap i'm going to bring it down to about 65 because this is just a experiment anyway and we'll leave it at that now it says take images with timer interval so we can either do that or we can turn it off and we end up with about 200 waypoint images we just want to stick take images with timer interval now the only downside to this is once the drain lifts off in the air it might not even be near the target zone and it will start taking photos but because we need that overlap we need to leave it on we'll just delete those photos later come across to advance yes dji mavic mini press generate okay so there's our flight plan there so i'm going to help the drone along a bit i'm going to lift it off and then i'm going to tell it to go ahead and carry out this plan that you can see here okay so it's in the air now the reason i wanted to lift the drone off as well i wanted to ensure that the attitude i set it at will clear the building which it clearly does i'm at eight metres um i could easily go down to five meters but we'll keep it at seven all right let's kick it off we'll press play now what we need is flight speed i'm gonna keep it at three point four kilometers just leave it as precise images not stopping now here we've got set auto exposure lock now i'm in two mindsets about this because if we lock the exposure bear in mind if it's a sunny day and the sun's on an angle whenever the drone turns around it's going to get a different exposure level but because i'm in an area with clouds today i might be able to get away with it but let's test it out we'll go locked in this case bear in mind it's usually better to have not locked but anyway let's go next return home attitude 35 meters ah we'll just leave it at that this is our animation this is what it's going to do see the double pattern so there you go so press next we know the emergency procedure we press next and we press launch drone all right so we've just landed that's been done you can see the drone there now what we need to do now is get some side angles of this building so that we can start creating that 3d aspect so you can see we're not quite a circle for the orbit we're a oval so to speak so what we do is i'm just going to get rid of this i've already made one before as you can see but i want to go through it we go to the cross symbol at the bottom and we go shapes and we go orbit now the lift off point is going to be where the drone's at press next and the point that's going to focus on is in the middle here no worries let's press submit all right so as you can see here i've already changed the ellipse or the circle by adjusting this ellipse angle or screw point here as you can see it gets bigger as we go up and obviously goes back to a circle as we go down so i know that about 1.45 is the oval shape that i want now it's not exactly on the building but it should be sufficient for what we want now orbit radius is 9 meters that's fine i'm not going to hit a tree now relative altitude remember we're flying at 7 meters before what i might do is i'll take it up to about 10 meters that should be sufficient to get the side all right don't worry about touching anything else press generate and turn it on okay see as i said it's not quite on the building but it should be sufficient now the big one here is the angle and pitch of the gimbal now with this software this online software we can't go beyond 50 degrees up which means you can shoot photos from 90 straight down up to 50. if you go beyond 50 so ie 3020 or 0 which is straight the software won't take the photos on because it's not a dedicated 3d software so what we're going to do is we're going to select this orbit we go to the pen here and we've got gimbal pitch and we'll change it to about 51 just to be safe and we'll set it there we go now we've got the gimbal pitch set so that we can use this software alright so that's done now i actually went in and took three manual photos myself by all means you can do that just remember the camera angle the gimbal angle and that you've only got 500 points to work with when using this free online software so what we're going to do now is we're going to get on the computer we're going to go test it out all right so we've come back home and we've got our images on our laptop as you can see here with mini photos we open it up and there they are there now i've gone through the photos themselves and i've had to change the colors a little bit what i'm talking about is if we open this first image here this is from our orbit that we did at the end of our little flight session but if i open another image which is the first image from the multi-grid and we compare them side by side you'll see the color difference straight away see the one on the left is a lot brighter than the one on the right we want to avoid that so what you have to do is retouch your images before you even think about forming them together in a 3d application it's easy to do you can use batch image editors i use a software called dark table which you can find the download link in this video description we're about to use that again in a second for another reason but i'm going to quickly touch those up and then we're going to continue on all right so i've retouched those images if we have a quick look here we open the first one we open the second one there we go same images this one's still a little bit dark but it doesn't matter it's pretty much on par with the one on the right so that's what i was after so next thing we do is we open dark table so let's do that all right and this is the first screen we're going to get with the dark table software now what we want to do is we want to bring my my retouched images in this case into the table so we go to folder here on the top left and we go to the folder that i want being retouched and we go down to open it's loading them in as you can see here all right so here they all are here now the reason i've loaded them into dark table is because i'm going to resize them now there's two reasons for this the first one is when we use the initial technique with the free software online it works on a point based system as i said i'll show you that in a bit and the bigger images are the more points it uses and the more likelihood you're going to go over 500 points therefore it's not going to let you do it unless you pay by reducing the image size it's a bit of a hacker or a work around we can actually reduce that and stay under the 500 threshold and you can get a bigger 3d image now the good thing is with a 12 mega pixel image that we're using here from a mini even if we harv it still got enough quality to make a 3d image if we go below that we start to have trouble so this is what we're going to do my images are in a 16 by 9 ratio so if i jump out here and we go to retouched and we have a look we'll click the first one we'll right click it this is windows by the way and go to properties and have a look at details you'll see it's four thousand pixels by two two five zero now my images are in a thing called a 16 by nine ratio as opposed to a four by three don't worry about that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use an online calculator now this one here is fairly simple we could do that in our head but if we had something that was a little bit different or a bit of a weird number we might need a calculator so all we do is we go to google and we type in something like 16 by 9 calculator and see this one here where it says calculate aspect ratio we click that and straight away you can see it's set to ratio width here and it lets you type in what you've currently got so i've got a 4000 and immediately it makes it two two five zero we know that's the size so what i'm going to do is i'm going to type 2 000 in which is half and it tells me i need to change it to 2 000 by 1 1 2 5. so that's how you use that let's go do it now okay so what we need to do is we need to change all the images and have their ratio or their size now they're not all selected at the moment the way we select them all is we press ctrl and a and now they're all highlighted with an apple computer i believe it's option key and a we then come across and see where it says export we go export selected and we come down here so you see where it says set size we change that to what we had on the website which was two thousand by one one two five so now what it's going to do is change it from four thousand by two two five zero to this ratio here or this dimension now what we're also going to do if you have a look here you've got image quality it's currently set at 91. again if we reduce image quality it will also reduce size and it's also handy when we go into our second technique which is actual dedicated 3d software so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take it down to around about 70. we can actually get away with that if we go any lower we start to lose too much detail we can't find points in the image so 70 by 2125 now we've got to select our folder by coming up to this little icon here and selecting where we want it to go so i'm in retouched we come across here we can make another folder we'll call it done press create and then select as output destination and press export so while that's exporting one more reason i use dark tables over things like adobe lightroom i've found that adobe lightroom will actually strip the drone's image metadata out of your photos and when we use this software in a second this free 3d software online it actually needs dji information because it works off a dji workflow if you use something like lightroom it actually strips all that out it won't work dark tables doesn't strip it alright so they've all been rescaled or resized let's go have a look at them and see what they look like right straight away you can see there's not really much quality loss there and this is going to be sufficient to make a 3d image now let's have a look comparison wise if we come down here look at the size of them 742 kilobytes versus 4.96 or almost 5 megabytes okay so you can see the drastic size reduction all right so now let's look at uploading them into the 3d online software all right so what we're looking for is a website called maps made easy and enter now this is the one we want here let's click on it all alright so this is the website here so what we need to do is we need to sign up as it says here for free so let's click that now before we sign up i just want to show you a little hacker a little trick remember we're working with limited points here now the good thing about this website it doesn't make you signing with a google account or something like that it actually lets you put any email addressing that you want this is where we have a little trick let's say we've made a map and we've used our 500 points up this is what you do go to google again and type in 10 minute mail enter pick any of these ones we'll pick this one all right see how you've got a number 10 here and it's counting down what this does it gives you a temporary email address for 10 minutes it's actually more if you want more time you can always reset it but it's giving us a temporary email which is just here so we click copy see this little icon here copy come across and in username we'll just type in whatever let's say jim pym like that and the email is the one we just made with 10 minute mail paste it and my first name is going to be jim my last name is going to be pim my password is going to be uh cats at one two three four five and again cats at one two three four five and we just fill in our security capture here all right now we have to verify our email address we just go back to our 10 minute mail here here it is here click it there's our verification click to confirm press confirm again and now we have a user account with 500 points that we can use and we can do this over and over again so we never have to pay for it sounds bad sounds like we're ripping off the company we're not really we're just making free maps so it doesn't really matter anyway put your new email address in type your password in cats here we are so this is the initial screen you're going to be dealing with here so if we come down see how we've got 500 promotional points that's what we're talking about what we do is we go up to new map click that and see how it's got dji specific workflow that's the one we're going to be using if you've got a dji drone if you don't have a dji drone you can use classic workflow and it'll do the same thing so let's go dji workflow right so as we go along it's going to tell you how many points you're using so the first thing we need to do is we need to upload a file for it to take a sample of so it knows what it's dealing with it's going to get the metadata from dji out of that image so we'll click here we'll go to the folder with the images that we've resized and i'm just going to click the first image and press open okay so what it's got here is we scroll down it's got processing urgency right so you can process the job in 24 hours 12 hours or you can make it zero hours but look when i click it see how it's made three times points there so whatever points you get it's going to add a three times on there that makes sense or a two if you release the urgency if you're happy to wait 24 hours i can tell you now this will actually get done even if you leave it as normal it will get done in about an hour maximum so i wouldn't even worry about that but we can probably get away with it because our images are so small we're using less points so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go expedited the next thing we need to click is come down here see where it says full 3d click that it adds a 0.5 times mark on there no worries and don't worry about any of this here next we go down to name and verified data let's just call it 3d we then go across to confirm tick that box tick this box and now we load the rest of our files so click here select the first one on a windows computer hold shift click the rest and open and now they're uploading okay so see this area here remember i spoke about when we took our photos that you can only work at 90 degrees up to 50 degrees somehow i've got an image that's 49.8 don't ask me how that happened maybe the wind or i steered it wrong doesn't matter we can actually remove an image it's not going to have a major bearing especially when you've taken multiple images now if you're removing like 10 images you're probably going to have a problem so i'm just going to press ok and what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove that offending image which was 0 7 7 0 so we come out of here go back in here go over to here go down to 0770 wherever that is there it is there and i'm simply going to delete it all right it's gone and i'm just going to run through that process again okay so that's ready to upload as you can see here and we've only used 253 points now imagine if we left our images at five megabytes a piece would probably be using a thousand points would never get this done this is why we resize and take the quality of the image down so now i'm going to click upload and we're going to go from there okay so all those images just uploaded as you can see here i accidentally pressed the cross button at the top and exited out don't know why they're uploaded anyway what you'll see i won't go back into it for now but what you'll see is once the images are uploaded there will be a little status bar and it will show you how long it's going to take now what you'll have to do is continually log in or leave it open so you can see the status usually if you used an email address that was yours they'd send you an email or a text whatever it may be i don't know what they call it these days telling you that the image is done but we're just gonna have to keep logging in but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna wait and then i'm gonna log back in and have a look at the finished image all right so that's been done it's been processed that probably took about an hour like i was saying so if we go click on it we go public one here click on it it's going to show you what it looks like on an actual google map so let's zoom in there it is there okay that's our images stitched together to make that section within the map but what we want is the 3d aspect so let's scroll down here and you'll find this link here see where it says public link click that one right so this is what we've got here let's see if the quality is good right there we go right here so the roof's not looking the best that's fine come around come around let's zoom in right okay like i said the roof's not too good now if we come around this way and the bars aren't too good either don't worry about that this is limited like i said this is not dedicated 3d software but here's our 3d image here so we can scroll around have a look the ground looks good because remember we got better pictures shooting straight down when we went to the side we only did minimal orbits all right so we're not going to have the best quality in regards to that we scroll around like that you can see underneath it right so there's your 3d image now the best thing about this is if you don't reduce the quality but you reduce the size it's going to come out a little bit better also with this 3d link we go back here this public link if we right click on it like this and we can go copy link address go up into our browser and go like this paste it in it will take you straight to it now this as it says is a public link you can actually post this link in your facebook page as a message and other people can click it and go have a look at what you've created okay so this is the easy method straight away what we're going to do now is we're going to look at the slightly harder method it's going to take a bit of time it yields a better result so let's go have a look at that now all right so for this second method we're going to actually be using a dedicated 3d software and it's called metashape so if you type metashape in google you'll see this website here just click on that now what you can do is you can go to downloads and what it is it's a 30 day trial so what you simply do is you click the standard edition or professional edition like that and it's going to start downloading as you can see on the bottom left i'm going to cancel that because i already have it so you can use that for 30 days and you can create as many 3d images as you want all right so go to the website download it okay so i've installed it as you can see up here let's open her up okay so this is the meta shape dashboard looks pretty daunting it isn't really i managed to work this out in two days i'm by no means an expert but i managed to get some good results with it so with metashape and other 3d software you remember that i took top-down photos and a few orbits really you should be taking a lot more photos than that because again we didn't cover the full side the bottom really close under the roof or anything like that we only covered the top and down on a roundabout i can't remember the angle we used but it wasn't a big angle the good thing about this software is because it's so powerful it can actually create even better images or 3d models even with those minimal images that we caught all right so we're going to have a look at that now so the first thing we do is we go up to workflow and we click that now it's going to say add photos or add a folder we're going to add a folder we're going to add the folder of the images that we reduce size and quality on select folder okay so it's going to ask if you want single cameras or dynamics we want single cameras because what it's going to show is each individual camera shot that we took with our drone so click that one and press ok ok so you can see it's got chunk 1 here and 224 cameras that's our images so next we go up to workflow and we go align photos we want it to be set to high generic please pre-selection come and talk and keep it as estimated and press okay okay so what's occurring now is if we go into details you'll see gpu next to it the graphics card is currently being used to align each photo with each other using those points and in a second you should see a point cloud like i explained before of all the points it's identified we're just going to wait a little while all right so that's done here's our point cloud here obviously if we zoom in turns into little dots all right so it's starting to make a basic shape now just in regards to what i was talking about before let's jump out here go back to here this is the settings or the equipment that metashape likes to use so your basic configuration is that they're obviously advanced and extreme look if you've got a xeon workstation good luck to you probably got a lot of money i don't this will be sufficient it'll just take time all right back to metashape all right so if you're wondering see this little ball here you see how it's got a green blue line and uh red line if you hold the green line and hold your mouse button down it allows you to rotate it like that blues that way and obviously you get the idea depending on what axis it's on okay so let's bring it around okay so next thing is workflow again and we go build dense cloud now this is going to take the most amount of time so i can tell you now if we didn't reduce the file size of these images this would be going for hours but luckily we've reduced the file size now it's got quality we can do medium high ultra high low or lowest look i'd never go below medium i'm going to go with high for this one i don't really need ultra high but what it's going to do is it's going to make this cloud that you see here even denser as the name implies it's going to give it more detail and obviously correct more points so we'll go high on this one and we'll press ok and off it goes now just for your information when we align the photos before that took me about five minutes all right so that's the dense point cloud now created so we zoom in rotate still looking the same really hasn't changed too much once we get to textures and it applies the textures from the images then we should start to see a better result now i forgot to mention something before totally went past my mind what we need to do is we actually need to clean up excess pixels or points that you can see on the map here now the reason we do that is when it processes it takes every single dot or pixel into account and processes them and it just increases your processing time so there's dots there that we don't need we get rid of them so if i rotate here what i'm talking about is see these dots here see how it's underneath our 3d image we're never going to see those so we don't actually need those and the same you can trim around the way we do that is see up here we've got a rectangle we've got tools so we've got a rectangle selection circle selection or free form selection so pick whatever you want i use free form quite a lot but you can do whatever you want so i'm just going to zoom out here and see these dots here that i don't want i'm just going to drag and go like that see some are highlighted just press delete on your keyboard and it gets rid of them okay so i'm just going to clean this up quickly and then we'll continue on all right so i've actually squared the model off a little bit that'll do for now so the next thing we do go to workflow and see where it says build mesh now we've got to build a mesh around the identified point so let's click that again we want to use the source type as the dense cloud which is all these little dots here don't worry about arbitrary 3d we just leave it at that quality we can't change anyway leave the face count as high and press ok all right so that's completed now straight away we can see that the model's looking a lot better so let's zoom in okay so apart from the roof that i can see here look it's starting to look like the one that we did online with the free software so the roof's a bit weird at the moment but we can fix that so if we bring it around and we scroll like that we can see that it's looking fairly good let's go this way and bring it out of it there we go so look at the details straight off the mark that looks pretty good now i did notice around this side the bars look like somebody's broken out of prison just here not much we can do about that that comes down to the photo itself at the time that we took it all right but just for your information that took around about 20 minutes and the session before that took around about 15 minutes so so far we're up to 35 40 minutes just for this level so let's zoom out i'm going to quickly clean it up a little bit more and we're going to continue on all right so that's done next up on the workflow is build texture now like i said this is where the final touches really come into it so we'll click on that now it says texture type we've got diffuse map and occlusion map just stick to diffuse or diffuse map now source data is images so in essence what it's going to do is it's going to wrap the final quality of the images around the model now bear in mind we did take the quality down if we didn't do that it might come out a lot better but it still should look like our images when we viewed them before so we're going to go with that as for mapping mode we go generic and we'll use blending mode as mosaic all right so that's now done the texture is applied and again we can see the difference so let's zoom in here shall we we've now got detail on the roof we can actually see the corrugated iron there as we come around here let's drag it across rotate it like this and drag you can see the detail in the chimney bring it around this side so somewhat uh fine art trying to rotate these things okay so we rotate around you can see it looks pretty good now i'm just going to point out a few things straight away remember we didn't take many photos especially we didn't take photos pointing straight up under the roof as a result we zoom in you can see we've got a few issues here with black lines but strangely enough it's managed to pick up the wood elements that hold the roof up which is quite amazing considering it's hidden under the sheet metal layer so fantastic but anyway we zoom out this is the sort of model you've got here and now if we view both maps side by side being the one we just used in dedicated software versus the maps we made in the online free software if we zoom in on this one first there's the quality there bring it around have a look we come across to this one look at the difference look at the roof look at the quality on the ground so you can see straight away there's the tree you can see straight away dedicated software is a lot more powerful but a lot more time consuming and requires some more photos but bearing in mind we used exactly the same photos reduced in size reduced in quality and more importantly we didn't even get the right amount of photos required for 3d software you can see what it's come up with compared to the free one online so really it's your choice with regards to what you want to try out okay all right so i've spoken about how good this version looks with the dedicated 3d software what's the downside you can't simply just share your 3d model with anybody on social media or anyone really without having a technical knowledge of how it works now what i'm talking about is when it comes to exporting this model if we go up to file and we go to export and we go model you've got many options as you can see here okay now this one here dot obg possibly object is the really the generic version but you need specialized software to look at it now facebook can house 3d models but they'll only house 3d models of a particular format called gitf 2.0 and it has to be three megabytes in size now bearing in mind this one here which is photos that are reduced in quality and also size is around about 187 megabytes so we'll take that down to three megabytes we probably wouldn't even see it anymore and wouldn't have any quality left okay and when it comes to hosting these 3d models online you have to actually pay to go beyond about 100 megabytes but there is a silver lining you can actually download particular applications such as this one here emb 3d for your phones and tablets such as android and apple ios and with this you can actually view your model so i'll quickly show you how to do that now so what we do is we go again to file and we go export and we go export model we then pick the folder that we want okay and we want an obj and we're just going to name it view and press save and once we go to this menu here we want to make sure that export texture is jpeg because that's the photos we took and we press ok right so now that we've exported it you can see we've got three files we've got the obj as we're talking about an mtl and if we go to this jpeg here this would be the texture skin of our model so next thing we're going to do is we're going to transport it across to either our tablet or our phone by just simply dragging into the phone's memory we need all three files all right so that's done let's jump across to our phone okay so we want to go into our play store if it's an android if it's not then ios would be the app store let's go in there and we type in embed emb 3d i think that's correct and click it all right there it is there see the logo i've already got it so what i'm going to do now once you install is press open all right so we're now in here so what we want to do is we want to go to that folder at the top there go to device memory okay so mine's in the download folder so we'll scroll down and we'll go here straight away there's only one obj in there remember we also transferred the other two files so there's three all up so let's click it now it's currently loading that obj file plus the textures right here it is here see the little light bulb on the bottom right click that and it'll light it up a bit more and use two fingers in a pinch mode to bring it down and there we go there's your model and the good thing about this you just use your finger to rotate it okay so if you want to show friends and family uh what you've made you can do it this way here all right right there we go photogrammetry and 3d drone images we got there in the end i know it was a long video fairly technical i know it took me three days to get my head around both techniques from looking at google we got there in the end now if you like the video give me a like if you dislike the video give me a dislike but leave a comment to why more importantly leave a comment if you're struggling with any aspect of this or you've just got questions in general i'll attempt to assist you with it i'm by no means an expert i'm new to it as well but i'll find a solution if i can if you know anybody else who might benefit from this video share the video with them more importantly subscribe to the channel ring the bell and you'll be informed of any future videos that i release all right so that's it for now i've got to get another light bulb this is really singing my eyeballs hopefully i'll be back soon with some more videos to help you out for now have a great day speak to you all again soon [Music] you
Channel: Drone The Sky
Views: 9,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mavic mini 3d, greatest drone photo technique, 3d drone images, mavic mini for learners, mavic mini greatest footage drone modeling, 3d drone footage, dji mavic mini, drone harmony mavic mini, maps made easy, maps made easy mini, greatest drone channel, helpful drone channel, mavic mini greatest, aussie drone channel, drone the sky channel, mavic mini drone, dji 3d model, 3d modeling mavic mini, dji drone tutorials 2021, top mavic mini tutorials, greatest mavic mini help
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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