DJI FPV Drone Beginners Guide | Getting Ready For First Flight

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good day folks my name is Sean and this is air photography whenever DJI releases a new drone I like to create a beginner's guide to help those who are brand new or perhaps picking one up get familiarized with the new equipment no matter whether you've never flown a drone before at all or perhaps you have a little bit of experience with some of dji's other drones we're going to go over this whole DJI fpv system in great detail we're going to go over all the hardware that's included all the controls and functionality how to update your firmware and activate the Drone and of course everything you need to know to get ready for your first flight so let's just jump right in and get started foreign get started here I just want to mention that this video could get a little bit long as there is a lot to cover I recommend perhaps that you bookmark it and that way you can always come back and reference it or watch it in small chunks and that way you don't get overwhelmed this video is a good place to start if perhaps you've just ordered it and you want to familiarize yourself with all the equipment or perhaps you're still on the fence you just want to kind of learn a little bit more about it so let's go ahead here and we're going to start by taking a look at everything that comes inside the box so when you purchase the DJI fpv combo this is everything that's going to be included inside the box we have our digital goggles there's going to be a separate package that has the strap for the goggles you will have to install them and you'll have a separate package for the antennas again you will have to install them you will have your aircraft you'll have your controller you'll have one battery a battery pack for the goggles you'll also have a power cable for the goggles you'll have a USBC to USB a cable you get this small OTG cable and we'll talk about what these things here are for in a minute you get a spare set of sticks for the controller you get a small allen wrench and that's for basically making changes on the Drone we get the charger we get a spare canopy you can see here we got a green canopy which you can switch out if you so wish you get two complete sets of props one set of clockwise and one set of counterclockwise and we'll kind of go over that in a minute on how to know which is which so let's go ahead here and we're going to take a closer look at all the hardware that is included and how to use it this here is the controller the fpv controller that comes with the kit when you're ready to use it you're going to fold out the antenna there just like that and you're also going to attach the control sticks as you can see they're stored down there in the handle and if you do happen to lose them as shown you do get a spare set doesn't matter which side you put them in they're both identical so on the top here of the controller we have our control sticks and we'll go a little bit more into detail on them when we go to fly it for the first time we have a C1 button that button is programmable within the goggle settings you can program it to do various things beside that we have our power button to power on the controller you do a short press and then hold down with a long press and that will power it on to power it off you do the exact same thing short press and then a long press below that you've probably seen when I powered it on we do have some LED lights those lights serve two purposes the first thing it does is show us our battery level and you can check that anytime without powering on the controller just by a single press you can see they will light up as the battery depletes the LED lights will go out but when we power it on you can see how they're flashing so that's signifying that the controller is not connected to the Drone when we go ahead and Power on those drones those lights will turn solid that way you always know you have a good connection to the Drone when the lights stop blinking there in the middle you can see we have this Loop that's for connecting a lanyard if you want to hang the controller around your neck there in the middle we have our USBC Port that's how you charge up the controller but it's also how you can update the firmware via a computer and we're going to talk a little bit more about firmware here coming up in a minute on the back of the controller here you can see we have various buttons this dial here on the right hand side is the gimbal control so you can move your gimbal up and down just by moving the dial this button right above that that's your pause button and it's used for a couple different things if you're flying the Drone perhaps apps and you get into a little bit of trouble maybe you lose your orientation you can just press that pause button at any time and the Drone will come to a complete stop and hover when the drone's out and you've flown it you can also press and hold that will initiate a return to home while the Drone is returning to home if you wish to stop the return to home again you can press the pause button and it will stop above that we have our mode selector so we can put the Drone into various modes you can see we have an N an S and an M that stands for normal sport mode and manual mode we'll go a little bit more into detail about those modes here in a minute on the other side of the control you can see here we have another switch the switch by default is set to control the gimbal again just like you do with this wheel on this side you can flip it up to turn the gimbal all the way up you can go all the way down to put the gimbal all the way down or you can put in the middle to have the gimbal Point straight ahead again this button is customizable so if you'd rather it do other things you can do so in the goggles menu beside that we have our record and our shutter button for capturing content this button down here something going to use if you're flying in manual mode it's a way to arm and disarm the motors so the next thing we're going to do here is take a look at the goggles as you can see here the antennas when you get the goggles are not installed all the antennas that come with it are identical so it doesn't matter to which Port you connect them you just want to make sure before you fly that you have all four connected properly otherwise your signal is not going to be very strong so if we take a look at the top of the goggles here you can see we have three buttons this first button here at the top is our start and stop recording just like on the controller you can press that button to start recording video the button below that is a back button that's used to navigate the menu in the goggles now right below that we have our 5D button now it's called a 5D button because we can move it in any direction including pressing down when you press down that is the select button over on the side here you can see we have our power port that's where we're going to connect our battery and above that we have a headphone jack over on the other side we have a USBC port and that's used for a couple different things such as connecting it to a computer to update the firmware right beside that we have a spot for a Micro SD card and we're going to talk a little bit more about that in memory cards here in a minute at the bottom here you can see we have two sliding switches that's your diopters so you can adjust them for your eyes everybody's eyes are a little bit different the way they're spaced so you can adjust them to get yourself a nice clear picture as you can see I have my headband connected you will have to go and attach that when it comes time to connecting power you're going to take the goggles power cable it has a barrel end on one end and USBC at the other you're going to plug the barrel end into the goggles and you're going to take that other end and plug them into the power pack now before you actually start powering things on and off it's a good idea to make sure you've charged up all your batteries and we'll get to that here in a minute as well power on the goggles it's the same as the controller we're going to do a short press and then a long press and you can hear the fans inside the goggles turn on again to power off the goggles short press and then a long press just like that there and the LED lights will illuminate to show you how much power is left in the pack so now let's go ahead and we'll take a closer look at the Drone now the first thing you're probably going to notice is mine looks a little bit different than yours I have some arm braces on mine it's an accessory that you can order and we'll talk about that here later on at the end of this video at the front here is our camera and Gimbal and you can see there we have a gimbal protector to pull it off we're just going to grab from the top and bottom and it just comes right off just always make sure you pull it off before you power up the Drone right below the camera we have a flap we can open up and below that we have a spot for a second memory card the first one being in the goggles and beside that we have a USBC Port again for connecting the Drone to a computer which is another way in which we can update it beside that flap you can see we have two front-facing sensors below that we have two more Vision sensors and of course we have a couple more here in the middle there's also an LED light that makes landing at night time a little bit easier at the back here we have our connector for the battery and we have an open cavity where the battery installs to install the battery we're just going to make sure that the connector is facing upward and we're just going to slide it in until we hear a good solid click and then you just plug in the power connector make sure it's pushed in all the way at the bottom here we have four LED lights again a single press on it will show us how much power is in the battery and to power on the Drone we're going to do the exact same thing we did for all the other devices a single press and then a long press you'll hear the Drone turn on and you're going to also notice the motors jiggle around that's quite normal to power it off it's the exact same thing single press and then a long press so now let's go ahead and we'll connect our propellers basically inside the box that you received you're going to have two small boxes that are going to contain the propellers they're labeled clockwise and counterclockwise so you want to grab two of each propeller now you don't have to memorize which one's clockwise and which one's counterclockwise the only thing you do have to pay attention to are these red dots here in the middle of the propeller you can see these ones have these red dots or red circles I should say these ones over here don't and when we go to install them you can see on the motors on the Drone we have red circling around this motor we have red around this motor these two Motors are gray so when you go to install them you just want to match the red circle to the red on the motor to install them we're just going to line them up to the grooves and then twist that's going to lock them in we do the same for the other side and then we do the same for the gray now you probably can't see it but when you go to twist to lock them in they're actually labeled on the propeller which way it twists to lock you can see there there's a little picture of a lock with an arrow like I said you don't have to memorize counterclockwise are clockwise just always make sure you match up that red circle in the middle to the red motor now all the propellers have these red tips on them that doesn't really mean anything it's just there for safety so now we've kind of gone over all the hardware let's talk about memory as mentioned there's two memory cards that are going to be needed one for the Drone and one for the goggles now the ones for the goggles aren't really necessary basically that is a low-res secondary recording it's just going to record the feed coming into the goggles your HD footage the high resolution 4K footage is going to be stored on the Drone but it's not a bad idea to put a memory card in both in that way if something messes up with one you know you always have a backup recording as for memory just make sure you get a nice fast memory card and I would recommend getting at least 128 gigabytes as I already shown you the memory just pops into the front there of the Drone and on the goggles they install the same way you just slide them in until it clicks now at this point it's a good idea to get all your batteries charged up charge up the controller charge up the Drone battery and charge up the battery for the goggles now all the batteries that come with the kit when they're shipped they're in a hibernate United State that's for shipping safety so they need to be activated and the batteries are simply activated just by plugging them into the wall to charge them however all the equipment here in front of us will need to be activated as well and there will be some firmware updates that need to be installed so it is a good idea to get everything charged up first before you proceed and do that so to charge up your drone battery you're going to take your power brick and you're just going to line up it can only plug in one way and you're just going to plug the battery in there like that you're going to see the lights start to Blink as the battery starts to charge when the lights go right out that means the battery is fully charged now to charge up the power pack for the goggles we're going to take that USBC to usba cable that came with the kit we're going to plug one end into the power pack and then at the side of the charging brick that came with it you can see we have two USB a ports so we're just going to plug it into one of them and again you're going to see the lights illuminate and when they go out that means it's fully charged now we're going to also use this same cable to charge up the controller we're going to leave it plugged into the power brick there and we're just going to plug it into the bottom of the controller and again we're going to see the lights illuminated signifying that it's charging now the kit only comes with one USB cable if you have one laying around you can plug it into the brick there and charge both at the same time now one of the options for the DJI fpv system is the fly more kit basically with the fly more kit you get a charging Hub and you get two spare batteries so if you did order the fly more kit I'll just show you quickly here how to use it we're going to take the power brick that comes with the Drone and we're going to plug it into the side of the charging Hub just like that there and then all we're going to do is plug in the batteries one at a time right into the charging Hub there like that now what you might notice it's going to bounce around the lights are going to kind of bounce around from One battery to the other what that's doing is checking to see which battery has the most charge in it because with the charging Hub it doesn't charge all three batteries at the same time it'll only do one battery at a time starting at the battery with the most amount of charge and the reason it does that is if say this battery has the most amount of charge it's three quarters full it's going to top that one off first and that way you can unplug it well it's going to continue to charge the rest and get out flying so now that the batteries are charged we've got our memory cards installed we have to go ahead and power everything on and activate it so you want to make sure you install the battery back into your drone and you want to connect the power pack to your goggles and then at this point it's just a matter of powering everything on again like I said everything takes a quick press and then a long press so we'll start with the controller and then we'll power on the Drone and then we'll use the power pack to power on the goggles now I just want to show you here quickly now that we have everything powered on you can see here how these lights are now just fully illuminated that means it has a good connection to the Drone so now what we're going to have to do is make sure we have the DJI fly app downloaded to our phone because we're going to use that to update the firmware and to activate the equipment so to connect the phone to the equipment so we can activate it and update the firmware we're going to take this cable that came with it the OTG cable and we're going to plug it into the USBC port on the side of the goggles now if you have an Android device you can use the USBC cable that came with the kit to connect to your phone they don't include a cable for iPhones they figure everybody probably already has them so if you're going to be activating and using the DJI fly app on an iPhone you will have to provide your own cable now before we go ahead and connect the Drone make sure you download the DJI fly app you can see I have mine listed right there just go to the Google Play Store search for DJI fly or the Apple App Store and again search for DJI fly now the DJI fly app is good for a couple different reasons first of all it's a nice easy way to activate the equipment and update all the firmware but it's also a good way to get a secondary view from the drones camera if you're out flying and you have a spotter with you you can plug the phone into the goggles and they can see what you're seeing so I'm going to go ahead and connect it here now I've already activated my equipment and updated the firmware so what's going to happen here for me is going to be a little bit different than what you're going to see on your screen as soon as you plug it in it's going to detect that it's connected to the DJI fpv system you can see that there how it changed and for me it's just gone right into the camera view and this is like I said people can get a view of what you're seeing through the camera if this is your very first time plugging it in a message is going to pop up that's going to ask you to activate to activate it you will need to create a DJI account once the Drone has been activated again another message is going to pop up asking you to update the firmware again just go ahead and update it it'll take you maybe about 10 minutes and then everything is good and you're ready to fly now one thing I do want to mention here if you did purchase the fly more combo these extra batteries have firmware on them as well and they need to be updated so to update your extra batteries all you're going to do is once you've updated the firmware for everything power off just the Drone plug in the new battery power it back on it's going to detect that this firmware needs to be updated on the new battery and it's going to go ahead and just update the firmware of the battery so you want to repeat that step for every additional battery you own now one thing you may want to check out before you go out and fly the Drone for the first time is DJI has released something called the DJI virtual flight simulator basically it helps teach you how to fly the Drone now in all honesty if you're just going to be flying in normal mode or sport mode you don't really need to do any training on a simulator because they are completely self-stabilized it's just like flying a mavic however before you venture over into flying in manual mode definitely get some time on a simulator because it's completely different flight experience I'm not going to go too much into detail with this I've already made a full video going over everything with the flight simulator if you want to watch that you can go back through my channel and you'll see the a tour of it basically how to set it up and what you can do in it but just to quickly show you how to set it up here again you're going to need a cable to connect to your phone and unfortunately right now the flights emulator is only available for iPhones it will be coming for Android at some point as of the recording of this video it is only available for iPhone if you are an Android User there's other options on the market that you can train on something like liftoff unfortunately you do have to pay for it I believe it's about twenty dollars but it's a pretty good flight simulator as well so to connect everything we don't have to power on the Drone what we're going to do is power on our controller here we're also going to power on the goggles we're going to take the OTG cable that came within the package we're going to plug it into our iPhone cable we'll plug it into the goggles and then we're going to plug it into our iPhone you want to make sure you download the flight simulator from the App Store it's called DJI virtual flight so we can go ahead and launch it here now with this simulator you can look at the screen while you fly or you can put the goggles on which is probably a good idea and that way you can get a feel for how it's going to feel when you're flying at this point we're going to take a quick look at the menu system inside the goggles now there's no really easy way for me to show you this there's no way to capture the Telemetry within the the goggles so I have to get a little bit creative I have the insta360 go to filming the inside of the goggles the picture quality is not going to be great but it'll be good enough for you to see what I'm doing and to take a quick look there are a few things that I do recommend that you change before you fly for the first time so what we're going to do now is we're going to press on the 5D button and you're going to see right over on the left hand side a new menu pop-up we're going to use the 5D button to scroll down to where it says settings and again we're going to press the 5D button to select now a new Sub menu pops up and you can see we have all different options in which we can explore first we're going to go into safety has quite a few different options here the only things you may want to change here is to set your height limit maybe you don't want to go too high or your distance limit you may not want to fly too far so you can set that within this menu it's also a good idea to set your return to home altitude right now mine's set at 50 meters but it's a good idea to set it higher than the tallest obstacle that you're going to be flying around if possible now the next option here we can go into the controller we'll select and at the top there there's an option for remote control when you're ready to go into manual mode you're going to have to go in and enable that so what you're going to want to do is go down to custom mode and you can see by default it's set to sport mode what happens is if you were to put it into manual mode right out of the box it's just going to remain in sport mode so what we're going to want to do is change that and make sure we select manual mode there so the last thing we're going to take a look at here are some camera settings there are a few things of interest in here so let's select it and we'll go into it so if we scroll down to the bottom here and we're going to see Advanced Camera settings so we're going to select that to go into it we have the option here to set what we're recording to remember we talked about how you can record to the goggles and to the Drone in 4k so you can see right now I have mine set to both that means when I hit record it's going to record a copy to the goggles now it's going to be a lower res version on the goggles just the feed coming in so if you have any breakups anything like that that's going to be recorded as well the high definition video like I mentioned will be recorded on the Drone in 4k so it's up to you what you have it set to right below that you can see there there's an option to Auto record at takeoff so what happens as soon as you take off it's going to start recording it's not a bad idea to leave that on and that way you don't forget to accidentally hit record I know it's something that you don't think you're going to do but you know you have the goggles on the thrill of flying maybe you're a little nervous you sometimes forget that by setting that you know you're always going to record a couple other options to make sure you have enabled is the electronic image stabilization that's going to smooth out the video of the recorded video on the Drone in your goggles as you're flying around it could be a little bit shaky but the recorded footage as long as you have that enabled will be smoothed out the other option I would turn on there you can see right below that is Distortion correction and I have mine set to aircraft only now the main reason why you would want to turn on that image Distortion correction is it will get the props out of the view it crops in the video a bit when it records so that way when you go to play it back you're not going to see the props because they can sometimes appear in the recorded video so those are just a few settings in the menu system that you may want to check out I would definitely spend some time before you fly exploring the menu system seeing what everything does and where everything is located as mentioned there's nothing that you must change right out of the box if you just want to get out and fly everything is already set up and ready to go those are just some optional things to help enhance your flight experience so now at this point we're familiar with the hardware we've kind of gone through the goggle settings we've updated the firmware and everything is charged so now we're getting ready to take our first flight now I just want to kind of go over the different modes with you before we do that the brilliant thing that DJI has done here is they made fpv available to anyone doesn't matter what kind of skill or whether you've ever flown a drone before anybody can now fly and have that FP TV experience with traditional fpv drones you have to spend a lot of time and it's very difficult to learn the DJI fpv will basically fly like a mavic in normal or sport mode the only difference being is the gimbal is not three axis stabilized and the reason being is that when the Drone turns you want that movement on the horizon and that's what gives you that sense of flight so at the back here you can see we have our mode selector and right now it's in normal basically normal is the slowest mode and it's the most stable once you launch the Drone which we'll cover here in a minute the Drone is just going to rise up to about a meter and just hover there like any mavic drone because it's locked in with GPS it's not going to go anywhere in normal mode you can just go ahead and fly like you would any mavic if you push forward on the left control stick that'll give you altitude and raise the Drone up if you go side to side that's going to spin the Drone accordingly on the right stick if you push forward the Drone will go forward if you pull the stick back towards you the Drone will come backwards if you go side to side the Drone is just going to move side to side so it's a good idea to spend some time flying in normal mode get used to the controls and how it all works the next mode that we can go to is sport mode and basically the flight logic stays exactly the same except you're going to be flying a lot faster you can turn faster you can Bank faster in sport mode you also get an additional feature called cruise control basically cruise control is if you're going forward on the front stick to set your speed if you press that start stop button that's going to enable cruise control you can then let go of the stick and the Drone is just going to continue flying forward at that speed that's really nice if you just want to kind of get some nice banking shots at that point you can just use your left control stick to move the Drone and send it whatever we want to move to disable cruise control just hit the start stop button again and it will stop and again as mentioned anytime you're flying if you get uncomfortable if you lose your bearings just hit the pause button there some people call it the panic button just press that and the Drone will come to a complete stop and hover in place now lastly the last mode is manual now when you go to use manual for the first time you actually have to go into your settings first and enable the manual mode they do that just so people don't accidentally put it into manual when they don't mean to once you have that set once you don't have to do it again in addition to that a graphic will come up on the screen where you have to line the sticks to a certain spot just again as a secondary precaution so you don't accidentally put it into manual mode in manual mode you have full control of every axis of the Drone you can have it do in rolls and flips you can have it going straight up straight down all kinds of crazy stuff that's where you get the True fpv Flight and you can fly even faster however I highly recommend that you get some good experience on the sticks first before you even think about putting it into manual mode it's also a good idea like we already talked about going on the simulator for a bit to make sure you're fully comfortable in manual mode so let's just go out for a quick flight and I'll show you how it all works so when you're ready to take your first flight it's highly recommended that you go to a nice open field park somewhere where there's nobody around and not a lot of obstacles just while you learn the Drone before you have the extra challenge of obstacles and it's also a good idea before you fly for the first time get yourself really familiar with the control especially the panic button and your mode button when you're wearing your goggles you're basically blind so you want to make sure you know where all these buttons are just by feel also make sure you have your controller in normal you want to make sure you start your first flight in normal make sure your goggles are fitted correctly and you can see clearly now personally myself I like to take off without the goggles on that way I can kind of get my bearings make sure the Drone is hovering correctly and there's nothing around so we're going to go ahead and get our motor started up I've got the Drone powered on and we're going to do that by pushing down and in see there that the Drone has started the propellers are now turning and to take off what we're going to do is press on the left control stick we're just going to press upwards [Music] and you can see there it's now hovering now I'm just going to move it forward a little bit so you'll be able to hear me a little bit better and we do so by the right control stick now this point I will put my goggles on and we'll go ahead and do a quick flight don't forget to make sure you hit the record button or at least to double check to make sure it is recording so let's just go for a quick slow flight here so we're in normal mode and uh we're just gonna go nice and easy straight we're going to use our left stick now and we're going to kind of yaw to the left nice and smooth there's nothing around so you don't have to worry about hitting anything [Music] and now we will yaw to the right and I'm using my left stick only right now that kind of keeps things smooth you don't want to make very fast movements so yeah we'll just fly around get comfortable with things just want to try and keep the stick movement smooth just little micro movements if you get too much in there you can see things get really jittery and uh yeah you don't want that and that can make you a little nauseous too so yeah it actually moves pretty fast in normal mode once you're ready Let's uh just stop here once you're ready you can pop it over into sport mode if you feel comfortable in sport mode it's going to behave pretty well the same except you're going to have a lot more speed so let's go ahead here push the stick to start slowly because it's surprising how quick you can come up on things here [Music] I'm going over a road here so I'm going to go up because there's some wires there [Music] we'll do a yard to the left so at this point it's just all you know spending some time on the sticks getting used to the controls trying different things there's a lot of different settings that we didn't go over in the menu system so it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with them and uh you know try playing with different things [Music] so yeah let's go ahead and we'll come back now so once you get close to yourself it's a good idea pop her back into normal mode with normal mode you do have that obstacle avoidance now just uh important thing to keep in mind it's not true obstacle avoidance it's not like a mavic drone where it's going to come to a complete stop it's going to give you warning and it's going to slow the Drone down but if you keep pushing forward on the stick you can actually hit stuff so so let's go ahead I'm going to land now and again when I land I like to take the goggles off and just land at line of sight now I don't recommend Landing this close to yourself but just for the sake of this video so you can see I'm a little closer than I normally would be just going to Edge over the landing pad and then once we're over The Landing Pad we're just going to hold down on the left control stick so yeah folks that is the DJI fpv drone Now quickly before I go here I just want to kind of go over some accessories that you may want to consider first off like I talked about at the beginning of the video are these arm bracers in theory what these are supposed to do is make the Drone stronger so if you do happen to crash it which sometimes with fpv they do it's supposed to prevent the arms from breaking quite as easy I've crashed mine once and thankfully I didn't break anything you know so that's kind of a personal choice whether you want to have them on there myself I don't see any negatives to it I find the Drone is just as agile with them on than when they weren't on if anything I'd like that extra piece of mind now unfortunately at the time of recording this video they are out of stock but they should be back in stock soon as mentioned the fly more kit is also pretty essential these batteries are rated for 20 minutes however if you are going to be flying very aggressively in sport mode or manual these batteries are only going to last you under nine minutes anyways so you're going to be left wanting more So Def definitely pick up the fly more combo if you can afford it I would actually get two because even three batteries will burn up in no time at all another thing you want to consider is something to carry your drone equipment around there's a lot of components to it so you want a nice case that's going to fit everything I own two of these drones so I have two different cases first of all I have a combination hard soft case which I have featured in different videos it works really well but apparently it's kind of hard to come by now a lot of places have sold out of them the other is a hard case by GPC again I featured it on my channel already I've done a full review on it if you want to go back and watch it it holds everything you need and you also have the bonus of it being Crush proof and waterproof it's a little bit on the pricey side but definitely well worth the money definitely if you're able to pick up some extra props like I mentioned fpv drones tend to crash especially if you get really aggressive with your flying props are usually the first things to get damaged even if you're flying in and out of trees and you're clipping branches you know they can get nicked up pretty easy so you want to have lots of propellers on the ready another thing here you may want to to consider is a lanyard it just connects to the controller there like that and it's just a nice way to hang the controller around your neck especially because you have goggles on you can't see where you're setting it sometimes well folks that is my beginner's guide for the DJI fpv system hopefully you enjoyed this video and got some value out of it give it a thumbs up if you did don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos and we'll see in the next one [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Air Photography
Views: 119,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI FPV Beginners Guide, DJI FPV Drone, Beginners Guide, Tutorial, Training, First Flight, DJI FPV Tutorials, DJI FPV Drone Beginners Guide, DJI FPV, Updating Firmware, Activating Drone, Charging, Complete Beginners Guide, Tips and Tricks
Id: qXBzFaRMtqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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