DJI – Expedition Greenland: Ski Mountaineering with Jimmy Chin

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I was once told that there's two great risks in life. Risking too much, and risking too little. In the game of ski mountaineering, you're always trying to find that edge. When you're starting to push yourself, you have to be able to make good decisions in the mountains, and there's a ton of variables. Different weather patterns and avalanche conditions. Looking at the objectives, understanding your abilities. You're all amped up after skiing a big line and don't want to sleep. Before you know it, it's one in the morning and you're still totally wired. I've been here for a day or two just doing some scouting on the boat, looking for some first ascents, checking out avi conditions. Kit just showed up, and we're gonna head up on the coast, and explore some of the fjords. Greenland has always been a blank spot on the map for me. I've been to all seven continents, and I've always thought of Greenland as kind of like the eighth continent. You know, you show up here and it's evident pretty quickly that this place is outrageous for skiing. So, this is Eternity Fjord. And we'll start to see this thing as we come around the corner. I see a giant couloir. That looks more like a climb than a ski. So this zone here has a ton of potential. We figured we'd start with something that came straight out of the ocean. I think we're going to try to land the boat over here and build a base camp. I don't know if we're going to get to sleep much. A lot of why I love what I do is the people that I'm with in the mountains. These expeditions can be pretty challenging. Variable conditions, weather, a lot of waiting. Sometimes big scary objectives. And when you've got a partner you've known for a really long time, it really simplifies that whole process. Water's almost ready. You want coffee or tea? I'll have coffee. Jimmy is above all a good friend. And he's one of these honest, trustworthy people whose shoulder I can cry on when I need to. And with him I can ski big lines and feel confident in my partner. We've just been dealing with some weather the last few days. Kinda in and out. I mean it's mountain weather, but we're definitely in a shed cycle. Not sure how the skiing's gonna be, but it's such an epic feature it's hard not to get up in it and take a look around. Jimmy really enjoys just charging. When he wants to do something, "Let's go let's go," no matter what time of day or what the conditions are. That is an epic coulee. Kit's a great partner for me because she's a good voice of reason for me, and balances me out pretty well. I'm probably more cautious. She's very objective with her decision making. I trust her judgement implicitly. I'm thinking about skiing just to the right of that cornice debris. Where the ice comes down. - Yeah. It's really like that ice land right there translates right into the couloir. That's where it turns really icy. Sometimes going with what Jimmy wants to go for leads, to some of the most rewarding days I've had in the mountains too. Every step you take is like, wow! Look at that. Holy sh- That's awesome. Look at this. Wow. Haha! It goes all the way around. All the way around. Kit and I decided to summit this little peak and actually, it's not that little. It's just endless. It's 360 degrees of absurdity. And the terrain here is just out of control. It's ski lines everywhere and climbing lines and just the most picturesque peace you could imagine. Well, I think we're going to go skiing. Yeah. Woohoo! This is so sick. Down to the beach. Spending time outside and being in the wilderness, it's just good for you. I think I find the best version of myself in the mountains. In life you get bogged down with a lot of different things and there's a lot of noise in the world. To be able to go out and not have an internet connection, and not have to check your phone. I think of it as wilderness therapy. Get up high. Whale! Oh! Whale, whale. I told you you were going to see one. Yeah. That was right in front of us, too. It's really hard not to be moved in a landscape like this. I personally aspire to creating images and stories that encourage people to get out and have their own experiences and find that best version of themselves out here. If I can do that, then I'm happy.
Channel: DJI
Views: 200,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI, DJI drones, drone with camera, drone, Aerial Photography, Aerial Photography Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV, aerial photography drones, aerial videography, drones uav, greenland, jimmy chin, skiing, ski, mountain
Id: j-fhzEyPkdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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