Django Project – Code a CRM App Tutorial

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in this course you will learn how to build a powerful CRM application using Django Python and MySQL you also learn how to use Version Control with Git and GitHub and how to configure MySQL for your application John Elder teaches this course he is an experienced instructor who has created many popular courses what's going on guys John Alder here from and in this video we're going to create a basic CRM app with Django and python all right guys like I said in this video we're going to build this basic CRM app with Django and python but before we get started if you like this video you want to see more like be sure to smash like button below subscribe to the channel give me a thumbs up for the YouTube algorithm and check out where I have dozens of courses with thousands of videos to teach you to code use coupon code YouTube 50 to get 50 off lifetime membership it's all my courses videos and books for one-time fee which is insanely cheap all right as like I said in this video we're gonna build this basic CRM tool with Django and python CRM customer relationship manager management you know what I'm talking about this will allow us to add customer records see John Elder address city state ZIP code date created anything else you want phone number or whatever and then add it to the database we can click on one of these guys and we can see the record we can update the record if we want so John 2 update this record boom John 2 Elder if we want to we can update the record back there we go uh we can come down here maybe we don't want a record anymore we can delete it record is deleted successfully we've got this nice table when you hover over it it sort of changes color so you can sort of play around with it and it's very cool we can log in and log out so we could also register so you can create accounts log in see I'm as admin here and then here we go so that's we're going to be building this video this should be a complete video I'm going to start at the beginning go all the way through it and this should be a lot of fun so let's head over to our terminal I'm using the Sublime Text Editor and the gitbash terminal as always and as always you can find a link to the code in the pin comment section below so check that out if you're interested so I've just got a basic get bash terminal opened up and uh you can see I'm just in my default directory so let's create a directory we're going to hold all this stuff so I'm going to say mkdir I want to put it in my C drive and I'm just going to call this uh Django CRM dcrm whatever so now we need to move into that directory so CD dcrm and when we do when we type in LS to list the stuff here there's nothing in there so all right that looks good now I should mention before we get started I'm going to be using a mySQL database for this one just because I get a lot of requests from my Sequel and Django and I don't really understand when that happens because the point of Django is that it abstracts away the database layer so it doesn't matter what database you use you can use any data base it's irrelevant you're not going to be doing like my SQL commands in this you're just going to be doing regular Django database coding but I keep getting questions about the mySQL database so that's we're going to use in this video you could swap this out for postgres most people will use postgres because when you push this online postgres is the most popular and easy to use database with Django and everything else but you can use MySQL too it just takes a few extra steps to get it going so we're going to be using my SQL this one just to mix things up a little bit and it should be fun but like I said if you want to use postgres it's very simple to swap out postgres instead it's just basically a couple of settings that you need to configure so no big deal so all right let's head back over here and let's first create a virtual environment we always create a virtual environment so I'm going to go python Dash m v e n v and let's call our virtual environment vert sure for virtual hit enter this should spin right up all right so now when we hit LS we can see there's a vert directory so let's turn this on let's go Source vert scripts activate so now we see this vert here so that we know the virtual environment has been turned on so all right let's pip install Django the first thing we need all right we're good there now we also want to pip install MySQL now we're also going to have to actually download MySQL onto your computer from their website we'll look at that in just a second but uh we'll need to do that next we need a connector to connect our Django app to our MySQL app so there's a couple of them so you can pip install my SQL Dash connector that's the original one go ahead and try that and you may be fine but more likely than not you're gonna have to install pip install MySQL connector Dash python so I know I probably need that but if for good measures you can install the regular one as well if one of them works the other one won't be needed and vice versa so okay we're good there okay so now we need to download and install my SQL so I'll put a link somewhere to this let's head over to a web browser and just head over to this website forward slash downloads forward slash installer and we want the MySQL installer for the community version right and it's 437 megabytes go ahead and click here to download now I'm not going to do this because I've already downloaded it's a little bit tedious process you have to click next a bunch of times and it installs a bunch of stuff takes like five or ten minutes to install this thing the important thing here is when you install it it will ask you to set up a username and a password and root is probably the username you're going to want to set up it may default to root but if it doesn't type in root for the username and for your password pick whatever you want but remember that password because we're going to need it to connect to the database later on in our Django app so I think mine is just password one two three so whatever for the purpose of this that's fine but you know pick a good password now once you install it you'll need to turn it on there's probably an option that says at the very end you know start my sequel click yes it needs to be running sort of in the background you won't notice that it runs in the background of windows so just make sure that's turned on so okay let's now head back over to our terminal all right so let's head back over to our terminal I'm still in my cdcrm directory our virtual environment is still there it's still turned on let's go ahead and create our project so let's go Django Dash admin start project and I'm just going to name this dcrm so now we see this dcrm directory so now I'm going to change directory into it so so CD change directory into dcrm and we can see here's our manage.pi file so that's cool so now we need to create an app inside of our project so let's go python manage.pi start app and let's name this website because basically this is a website so I'm just going to call it website so now when we LS we could see there's that directory so okay we've got our stuff now let's head over to Sublime Text and add all this in come up to project add folder to project navigate to your C drive and then find that dcrm directory double click it go inside of it click the second one just once to highlight it click select folder and boom there we go so the first thing we need to do is make some changes to our settings.pi file so I'm going to get rid of our comments here and let's come down here to installed apps we need to add our app so we call that website there we go now we need to come down here and configure our database section because by default Django uses sqlite3 but we want to use like I said my SQL for this one so we need to make some changes the Django DB back ends should be pointed to my SQL now and we can get rid of this but we need to add some things first we need to add a name so I don't know what you want to name your database let's call it I don't know Elder Co something like that Elder company whatever name it whatever you want and then now we need to set the user and this is the user that you set up when you installed my SQL so it should be root or whatever you set up next we need to designate the password and again that's that same password you set up when you installed my SQL mine was password one two three pick something better than that I'm just doing this on my local computer so it doesn't really matter next we need to set the host so this is just on our local computer so it's going to be a local host and then finally we need to set the port my sequel generally runs on Port 3306 and that looks good you can I think maybe change that during installation of my SQL but you don't want to just take the default so okay go ahead and save this and we're good to go there so now we need to set up that database that we just designated remember we called it Elder Co right we need to create that so what I'm going to do is come back to my terminal and we're in our dcrm dcrm directory it's the same one that has our manage.pi file right and I'm just going to create a file using the touch command and let's call this mydb dot Pi there's lots of different ways you could do this but this is really kind of the easiest in my mind so we'll just do that head back to our Sublime Text and you can see there is our file so really quickly let me just comment in some things we've done so far so we want to install MySQL this is the URL to the installation thing we want to pip install MySQL we also need a connector so either the basic one or more likely this one whichever one works on your computer try them both maybe try this one to begin with if it doesn't work try this one in my case I know I I need this one on my computer so I just would do that one but you could try them both there's no harm in that so now we need to import MySQL dot connector okay that's this guy or this guy they both go by that and we need to create a database connection so I'm going to create a variable called database and this is going to be a MySQL dot connector dot connect and then inside here we need to designate some things so host is we know localhost and then our user we know is root and our password is now notice this is past WD pass would not password that's just the convention we know that that is going to be password one two three because I'm very lazy all right and there we go so now we want to prepare a cursor object and this might seem like a lot of work but it's really not too bad just a few more lines of code so we want a cursor object and we want to set that to database dot cursor and that database is this thing right here that we just defined right we also now need to create the database right so we can do that by calling this guy paste that in dot execute and this is just a MySQL command to create a database we just create database and what do we want to call it we want to call it Elder Co right now we can give a little message here to the terminal if we want all done something like that and go ahead and save this file so we're only going to need this right now one time just to sort of set up this database and if you know how to set up a database by hand in the terminal you could do it that way too or you could go to the MySQL workbench and do it there however you want to create your database you can but this is super easy so I'm just going to do it like this so let's head back over to our terminal here and if we LS we see sure enough there's that file so let's just run it so let's go python mydb.pi and boom it says all done and we should be good to go now if you want to confirm this you can open up your MySQL workbench and let's see here we could come down here to schemas and when we hit refresh we see now there's an elder Co database in there right so okay that looks like it worked so all right we're pretty much done with the MySQL stuff that's the extent of all the MySQL stuff we're going to have to do uh we're pretty much good to go now we can make sure this worked by coming up here clearing the screen and running python manage.pi migrate because by default Django comes with a bunch of database stuff that needs to be pushed into the database with a migration right out of the box so we could do that now and if this works boom boom boom we should be all good to go now we can again confirm this if we want in our MySQL workbench we can click on tables and you can see now there's a bunch of Django stuff in a table in our Elder code database right so that looks like it worked and we're good to go so all right that looks good one last thing I want to do in this sort of area is create a user so to do that I'm gonna go win PTY and then python manage.pi create super user now I'm using the win PTY command because I'm on Windows and get bash and you have to if you're on a Mac or something else Linux you can leave off this win PTY and the command is just python manage.pi create super user so let's do that and I want to set the username to admin and we don't need an email address and then set a quick password okay we're good to go so now let's run our server and see if this all works so python manage.pi runs server that looks good head back over to the browser and when I hit reload here at localhost 8000 boom we get this Django start screen which means everything works out and we are good to go so we have set up our project everything is working we've got a mySQL database installed and connected and we're ready to start building this thing out so before we start building this thing out let's set up Version Control very quickly with Git and GitHub just so you guys can check my code as I'm going along if you want to watch that so to do that we head back over to the terminal hit control and see at the same time to break out of our server and now we just need to set up git and I've already got an SSH key created on my computer if you don't know how to do that check the channel there's tons of videos on setting up an SSH key you need an SSH key to connect to GitHub I've also got lots of videos on connecting to GitHub for the first time if you don't know how to do that so I'm just going to run through this as if you already know so head over very quickly to this webpage forward slash git these are the commands to set up git on a project and I never remember them I just come to this page and uh copy and paste them so this is the first one we just need to copy each of these and paste them into the terminal real quick so head back over here right click paste and enter your name John Elder hit enter boom that one's good the next one is email address so copy that head back over here right click paste and here's my email address johnny4196 I suggest you use the same email address that you use at GitHub this makes things easier next we have this guy's copy him and like I said I don't remember what these commands do I just know that every time we want to set up git we need to paste them in so that's what I do I've been pasting these commands in for like 20 years they never change and I still don't really know or care what they mean that's just what we do so add back over here paste enter and the last one I do remember the last one it is get a knit so there we go here boom boom get a knit okay so now we see this master on here that's the master branch that means git has been basically uh installed and it's been turned on so now we need to put all of our files in there so let's go get add period git commit Dash am let's call this the initial commit all right so we've committed it all now we need to push it up to GitHub and in order to do that we need to go over to GitHub real quick so go to login so my username is I think flat Planet no I don't think the world is flat I just find it hilarious some people do okay and then click on repositories and then let's create a new one and I'm gonna call this Django CRM and this will just be public so we'll click create Repository and then we need to come down here to push existing repository from the command line and we need to enter these commands into our terminal one at a time so let's paste this guy in alrighty then this one will change the name of our Master Branch from Master to Main common now so you can see now it says main there and then finally the last one is just to push all of our code up to GitHub we'll grab this guy paste it in and boom that looks good so now when we come back here and hit reload you can see here's all the code that we have so far and we can confirm that we can click this dcrm go to settings you can see up there it says website we made that change and then we come down here and see up here's all the database stuff Elder co root now your password is right here this is open so if you're doing this professionally when you set up your repository you want to probably set that up as private right so remember I picked public um but we can let me show you here again go to repositories click new name it and then right here where it says public instead you would click private so people won't be able to see your code right but for our purposes I don't really care I don't care that you guys know that my mySQL database is password123 there's nothing in there you can't hack it well I suppose you could hack it but there would be no reason to there's nothing interesting in there so there you go so okay that looks good so all right we're moving right along so now let's come back here and let's run our server so python manage.pi run server head back over to the website make sure that's working hit reload okay we're good to go there so all right let's start building this thing out so let's head over to our code now you could delete this mydb.pi file we do not need it at all anymore I'm going to leave it in here just so you guys can reference it if you want if you head back over to planet and then click on the Django CRM director you can see here it is right there if you want to copy and paste it or whatever you can do that so okay so let's start to build this thing out so let's head over to our code and start building this thing out so I can close out our dcrm folder we're going to be working mostly from now on in our website folder here so actually know that we do need to do one thing first in this folder that we didn't do we need to play around with our urls.pi file so open up this file and here we need to add include and we go there and we need to create a new path so I'm going to call this two single quotation marks nothing in between them and we want to include our website dot URLs file right now we don't have a URLs file in our website directory yet we need to create that so I'm just going to copy all this and close this head over here to our website directory right click new file and then file save as and let's call this urls.pi and paste in that code now we don't need this and we don't really need this include and we really don't need that okay so let me minimize this dcrm directory again we're not going to be using that much at all if at all from now on and okay so instead of this thing right here let's create a new home page so anytime in Django when you want to create a web page it's always a three-step process you create the actual template file the actual HTML page you also create a URL and you create a view so let's start out with creating a URL right here and this is going to be our home page so we could just so we just want it to be in root which is nothing just two single quotation marks and we want to point this to views dot home let's call it and let's give this a name equal to home now up here we need to import our views so let's go from period import views okay so this is our URL we're good there now let's head over to our views.pi file and let's create our home page view so let's define home we want to pass in our request as always and then here for now we just want to return render request and then we want to point this to home.html now this doesn't exist yet but we'll create it in a second and we want to pass an empty context dictionary so okay that's good there now we need to create this home.html file so let's head over to our website directory right here right click and create a new folder and then down here at the bottom let's name it templates now Django knows to look for all web page files in the templates directory so it will just know to look there so we can create a new file file save as and we want to call this home.html and for now I'm just going to say uh hello world just to make sure this is working go ahead and save this now we can head back over to the website and click reload and hopefully that worked oh we got an error because let's see no model named website URLs ah let's go ahead and break out of our server run it again now that should work just need a little reset there when we made a change there to the settings.pi file and boom there we go hello world so we've got our first web page so very cool now let's set up the base.html file and a base.html file is just the file that every web page on your site will reference and it'll pull like the headers and the Footers out of right so I'm going to come over to templates right click new file file save as we want to call this base.html and inside of here we want to put all of the code that's going to go on every page so the code we're going to use for our styling is something called bootstrap the bootstrap CSS framework it's the most popular CSS framework and we can use that for free by going to clicking on the docs and then just coming down here and we want the one with CSS and JavaScript so I'm just going to copy this to clipboard and then we just want to come back here and right click and paste all of this stuff into our base.html file and up here the title let's change this to Django CRM something like that and then here where it says hello world we need to take this out and add a little tag and the tag we want to use is a Django tag and it's the block content tag right so that's the opening block content tag we also need a closing one so type in in Block here all one word and basically what this does is it will pull everything out of our web page in this case all we have in there is this stuff it will Django will basically pull stuff out of there and it will place it inside of this tag right but it'll do it behind the scenes so okay that's cool now we need to come back over here and make a quick little change we need to say hey use that file right so up here at the top we want to extends base.html right and then in this page we need to wrap everything that we want that based.html file to use inside that same block content tag so here we can just type that in real quick so that's block content and then again we need to close that tag down here so end block okay go ahead and save this make sure that base.html file has been saved so now let's head back over to our website and see if that works now notice the text it's all kind of Blocky and dark if we click reload oh we get an error ah I didn't put a quotation mark at the end of that uh head back over to our home yeah there we go right there typos I'm the master of typos it's gonna happen a lot all right so boom now you see the text is skinnier it's kind of not as blocky that means bootstrap has been installed and we're good to go so all right that looks good now this is shoved right up here in the top we need to change that a little bit and we can do that by going over to our base.html file and wrapping this whole thing in a bootstrap div called container right like that and we need to close our div there we go and if you want you can tab this over to make it look pretty so now if we save this and head back and hit reload boom it pops it over a little bit you might also want to add a little line break or something so I'll just add a br line break tag come back over here hit reload boom and we're good to go so all right that looks good now let's create a nav bar so let's head back over to our templates directory right click and create a new file I'll save as let's call this navbar.html and we're going to grab that from bootstrap as well because it's super easy head it back over to bootstrap scroll down to components and then look for navbar now there's navbar and navs and tabs you don't want navs and tabs you just want nav bar so I'll go ahead and click that and then just come down here and find one that you like I like this one right here so we'll go ahead and copy this and we can head back over to our navbar.html right click and paste all this in so let's just go ahead and save this and see what we got right out of the back now we need to add this to our base.html file so we'll come back over here and right under the body tag let's add another Django tag called include and here we could just include our navbar.html close your quotation mark there and that should be it so let's go ahead and save this head back over here and let's hit reload and boom we've got a navbar so okay looking good now let's modify this nav bar because I don't like light nav bars so let's go ahead and change that so let's head back over here and go to our navbar.html and up here at the very top where it says BG body tertiary we can get rid of that and instead let's type in navbar dash dark and BG Dash dark so that will change it from light to dark so if we come back over here and reload boom I think that looks much better so okay let's play around with this let's navigate let's modify this bar a little bit more and we can start with this navbar guide instead of it saying navbar let's call Django CRM and instead of pointing to hashtag let's point this guy to a URL tag pointing to our home page all right okay let's go ahead and save this and back over here hit reload all right now if I right click and open in a new window it goes to the home page right we can click it forever and it just keeps going to the home page so that looks good next let's get rid of the search thing I don't think we're gonna need that come down here to the bottom of our nav bar and see this search come up until let's see yeah you see you can click on form in the closing form tag appears that's how you know kind of you know what to delete so you just highlight and delete it save it come back over here it reload all right that's gone next let's get rid of this disabled link same deal just come back over here and kind of look for the word disabled there it is go up above click on this Li the closing Li tag highlights you can see there's a little line underneath it so that's again how we know what to delete save that and I like to do one little thing at a time to make sure I didn't mess something up so we've got this drop down thing we don't need that so again let's head back over here look for the word drop down ah there it is and then come up see we don't even really need to know HTML we could just sort of eyeball this and when I click on this Li this closing Li tag way down here highlights so I know all of this can go save that and back reload all right and now we've got these links we are going to need some links up here so I want to use this one and not this one I just like the the look of the sort of more muted one right there so let's get rid of this home link instead again come back here look for the word home there it is click on the LI tag Right Above It the closing tag highlights we can get rid of it save it come back over here boom all right we're good to go so we are moving right along we've got a functioning website we've got a home page we've got a nav bar things are starting to come together now I think we want to add the ability to register as new users log in and log out so I think we'll look at logging in and logging out first and then we'll do registration that's a little bit more complicated there's a little more stuff involved logging in and logging out is relatively simple and that's because we're going to use the Django authentication system this comes with Django it will do all of the heavy lifting for you it will take care of logging people in logging people out keeping track of who's who and what's what and it just comes with Django and it's really easy to set up and use so we're going to do that now so let's head back over to our code and let's close out some of these things just because so we need to import the Django authentication system into our app so let's come up here to the top of our views.pi file and let's go from django.contrib dot auth short for authentication we want to import several things first authenticate then also log in and log out and while we're at it we want the ability for Django to flash up little messages on the screen so like when somebody logs in we want to flash up a little message that says you have logged in you know when it logs when you log out we want to flash up a little message that says you've logged out see ya whatever when we register we want to flash up a message that says you've been registered successfully whatever all that good stuff so we need to import that too so let's go from django.contrib we want to import messages plural and that looks good so we've already got a user we set up a super user and if we come back over here we can go to the admin section of Django and we can log in with that user right so we don't need to register that user we've already got it so we can log that user in and out so I'm going to go ahead and log out but that's why we can do the login and log out stuff before we set up the registration because we've already registered a user now what you're going to want is to be able to register users on the web page not on the back end like we did when we set up the super user way back at the beginning of this thing so we'll build all that out in a little bit but we're going to start like I said with logging in and logging out so what we need here is a couple of new views so I'm going to Define login underscore user I want to pass in the request and for now I'm just going to say pass and we want to Define log out underscore user again we want to pass in the request and if you're not familiar with what a request is anytime you go to a website you're requesting that website you're requesting that web page that request gets sent back into the back end right here and we pass it into the view and then return something in this case we're returning the home page so that's what this request is you see a request a lot in Django and just think of it as that somebody going to a web page and requesting that web page right so that's all that is so okay we've got these two new views we also need URLs because like I said it's always a three-step process in Django you need a view you need the thing you know like that and you need a URL so let's head over here and create our URLs open our urls.pi file and I'm just going to copy this and paste it a couple more times so let's create a login URL and this is going to point to views Dot Login underscore user that we just created in our views.pi file and let's name this login okay so that's good we also want to log out right and this is going to be views DOT log out User it's very complicated right log out user and we want to give this a name of log out now the reason why I'm calling this logout user instead of just log out is because here we're importing login and log out and these are basically functions that will run so our view can't be named log in because it will conflict with this login thing it can't be named log out because it will conflict with log out so we you know get around that by calling it login user instead of just login so that's why we do that so all right head back over here this looks good go ahead and save this now head back over to reviews.pi file and I've created this login user function and if you want to create a separate login page you need that but I think we're just going to add this to the home page so what we want to happen is if somebody comes to the home page if they're not already logged in we want to flash up a form that says login if they are logged in we want that form to disappear here and we just want to show the database like the CRM list of all the records but we don't want to show those records unless you're logged in so we will do this all on the home page so let's head back over here and we can add all this stuff in our home view so before we do that let's add the form to our home.html page just so we can see what we're looking at here head over to our home.html so and let's Center this form in the middle of the screen so I'm going to give this a div with a class equals and this is going to be col Dash md-6 and this is just pure bootstrap and then we also want to give it a space and then give it an offset Dash md-3 and basically like I said this is just bootstraps code that says Center everything in the middle of the screen so if we just save this and head back over here and click reload well we got rid of this login view so we need to modify this very quickly head back over to urls.pi file and we don't actually need that guy anymore so we can comment him out and for now we'll comment this out because we haven't built this out yet and I'll throw an error so if we save this head back over here now if we hit reload we can see boom hello world is more centered than it was before and that looks good so let's head back over here to our home page and let's start building this thing out so there's a couple of ways to create forms in Django you can create a forms.pi file we'll do that later with the registration you can also just hand code it we'll do that for this I want to do both of them in this little video here so you can see both ways to do it so here let's just change this to log in and let's create a form and the method we want for form is post anytime somebody fills it out and clicks the button it posts that to the server and then we also want to give this an action of and this is going to be a Django URL and we want to point it to home because we want to send those back to the home page right so then down here we can close our form tag anytime you create a form with Django you also need a csrf underscore token that's a cross-site request forgery token it helps your form from getting hijacked by hackers so that's just a requirement now let's create a form and we're going to use bootstrap for this so I'm going to head back over to bootstrap and come up here to forums and click overview and let's just grab the first one it doesn't really matter and we can head back over here and paste it in and if we save this and head back over to the website and hit reload you see okay that's looking good it's asking for an email address and a password and the password has these dots in it that's good it also has this check me out thing we don't need that so we can get rid of that as well also this is crammed right up here I'm going to put a little space in there so I think uh that will be better so right here I just gonna add a line break and all right let's start to modify this thing so let's come down here and first things first this button is primary colored blue I want to change it to secondary so if we save this come back over here hit reload boom now it's gray I think that looks better it says submit maybe you want it to say log in you could just change this to login and now let's get rid of this checkbox so check me out click this div the closing div highlights so we know we can delete all of that save it head back over here all right that's gone the password field is fine uh but uh this needs to be changed from an email address field to a text field so we can do that let's see first let's get rid of this label we don't need the label for the password thing and get rid of this div it says we'll never share your email address we don't need that and let's also get rid of this label that says email address and instead of a type of email this is going to be a type of text right and we have a class of form control but we don't need an ID so let's get rid of that and same thing here with the password field we don't need the ID thing so we'll get rid of that okay so these two things do need some things they need a name so this one will give it a name of first underscore name and let's give it some placeholder text and let's say first name all right same thing down here with password we need to give it a name so I'm going to name it you guessed it password right and also let's give this some placeholder text and this is going to be password so let's save this come back over here and hit reload and oh that looks much better we've got this placeholder test text that says first name when we click it and start typing that disappears uh here we can still type the password and that looks good when we click log in nothing happens because you know we haven't done anything yet we need these to be required though so if you don't fill them out we need a little thing that pops up and says hey fill that out so we could just come over here and then just type in required same thing for this guy required and bootstrap will take care of this for us so now when we hit reload we don't need to resend this if I click log in it says hey please fill out this field so if I enter a name and then click login it says hey please fill out this field so that looks good it doesn't actually go anywhere so uh maybe we'll give a line break above that button too so I don't know I like line breaks I like to space things out that's just me uh resend okay so I don't know maybe that looks better whatever you could also put a line break between these two things if you wanted whatever um let's see let's just do it right here save this reload whatever whatever you like you can play around with that so okay that looks good but it doesn't actually do anything and really we only want to show this if the person hasn't already logged in so how do we determine if a person has logged in or not well we can come up here to the top and we can say if user dot is underscore authenticated right then let's say H1 hello world right else do all this stuff and then down here at the bottom we need to end our if statement so let's go ahead and save this come back over here now if we hit reload nothing changes right but if I go to the admin section and log in right now I'm logged in now if I go back to the home page it just says hello world and that form disappears so that's pretty cool that works I'll go ahead and log out again now when I go back to the home page it shows the login form again so okay we've got this form it doesn't do anything yet so probably need to work on fixing that so let's head back over here and go to reviews.pi file and inside of our home view let's create some logic let's say check to see if logging in so if a person is logging in they are posting otherwise they're just going to the web page in which case they're getting they're getting the request right other than posting a request so we want to run some logic let's say if request that's this guy right here dot method equals host we want to do something right remember this method here on our home page we set this form method to post right so we're posting the form whenever we submit it and here it's saying hey are they is this request method a post if so hey they're filling out the form let's do some form stuff what do we need to do well let's grab whatever they just submitted so let's create a variable called username and we can get whatever they typed into the form by calling request dot post and then passing in username why username because on the form we gave this field a name of oh first name we should probably name this instead username there we go yeah brain freeze and instead of having placeholder text say first name let's have it say use her name that looks much better save this let's head back over here and refresh this okay so now it says username and password I don't know what I was thinking right so add background reviews.pi file so our username is going to equal username and then we want our password to equal again request dot post and then use our little square Brack brackets and pass and password again y password well because on our home page here this password field we gave it a name of password right right there so that's what we're looking out for on the back end here these guys right here and then we're just going to assign whatever the person typed into the form into this variable called username we're also going to assign whatever they pat whatever they typed in as their password into this password variable so now we have their username and password we can run some logic and say hey is this a real user is their password correct should we log them in and uh how do we log them in so let's um you know authenticate and we do that by calling I'm just going to create a variable called user and then this will call the authenticate function which is this guy up here that we imported and inside of here we need to pass in our request as always and then set the username equal to username which is this guy right here which is whatever they typed in as their username and we also need to pass in the password as password which again is you know this variable right here which is whatever they typed in as their password so all right that's pretty simple there so now let's run some logic and see did they type in everything does everything look good let's go if user is not none then we want to log them in right so log in and then we want to pass in request and user now if everything checks out here if the username and password is correct it gets passed in here and they'll be logged in and let's create a message right so let's go message.success and then as always we pass in our request we do that a lot and let's say you have been logged in I don't know that looks good and then we want to redirect them somewhere well where do we want to redirect them let's just redirect them to the home page so let's go return redirect and then home now we don't have the ability to redirect yet so I'm going to copy this and come up here to the very top of the screen and we need to import the redirect function there so okay that looks good and we're good to go now we can create an error message we could say hey if something with went wrong and they couldn't log in let's create a message so actually this should be message as there we go so messages dot success and we want to pass in our request and let's say there was an error logging in please try again I like the dot dot dots I don't know it's just me and then I guess we probably send them back home again right so okay now we still have this guy down here and the reason why that is is because this is all set up to work if a user is posting so if they're posting process that else we can come back here and we just want to send them to the home page because if they're not posting that means they're just going they're just getting that page and in which case we just want to show them the page so let's go ahead and save this head back over here and let's play around with this first I'll hit reload and I'm going to type in just nonsense here and click login and we didn't get an error how come well we actually need to add that to our base.html file so if we come back here to our base.html file and underneath our nav bar but probably still in our container let's create some logic here let's say if messages so if there are messages and right away I'm going to end our if because I forget to do that a lot of times otherwise right so then inside of here let's display the message so let's go for message in messages so it's plural and then again I'm just going to right away end my four and inside of here we could just type in the message for now so let's go ahead and save this and let's see if that worked so let's type in some nonsense click this it says there was an error logging in please try again there's an air logging in please try again so this doesn't look great we want to format this so let's head back over to get bootstrap and come down here to components and click on alerts and here's a little alert looks good we want one with a little X in it so we can close it so I'm just going to keep scrolling down until I find one with an X in it oh there we go I'm just going to copy this code head back over here and inside of here I'm just going to paste all of this in tap it over to make it look nice okay now we don't want it to say holy guacamole so I'm gonna get rid of that and instead of that we just want to type in the message right that's this for message and messages type out the message so all right let's go ahead and save this try this again head back over here type in some nonsense there is an error logging in please try again looking good we can now try to log in with our actual username our admin guy and it says you've been logged in and now it says hello world very cool and that's all there is to it we can now log in okay so let's Now log out head back over our code and the first thing we need to do is head over to our urls.pi file and uncomment out this log out thing I'm going to leave this guy in here just in case you want to create a separate login page if you do you'll uncomment this out and then you'll just come back over to your views.pi file and create a log out a login user function and basically just put all this code in that function but we're going to keep it the way it is and do this all on the home page I think it's a little more elegant doing it that way so okay now let's create our log out user function so this is actually very simple a lot easier than logging in and to do that we just call the log out function and then pass in our request now we can do that log out function because up here we imported this log out function that will do all the work for us so that's all we really need but we should probably make this look nicer so let's give this a little message so let's go messages dot success that's in a request and let's say I don't know what you have been logged out dot dot love the dot dot dots right and again we can just probably redirect to the home page so I can copy this guy and then paste it down so all right that's all we need now we need to probably add a link to this in the nav bar so let's head over to our nav bar and here's this link now we only want the logout link to appear if a user is logged in if they're not logged in we don't want them to be able to log out they can't log out they're not logged in right so that's actually pretty simple to do let's just do some logic here so let's go if user dot is underscore auth so that means hey if they are logged in then let's allow them to log out right else if they're not logged in and let me just very quickly end my if so I don't forget and I'm going to copy this link and let's create another link inside of here so if they're not logged in we want them to be able to log in all right so now we need to point these somewhere so we need a Django URL tag and we want this to point to log out there we go and let me just copy this guy come down here and this one will point to home because if they're not logged in going to the home page will show the login screen right so we want to point them to the home all right let's go and save this head back over to the website and hit reload see if that worked and we get a logout link when we click it it says you've been logged out and it redirects to the home login screen and now we get this login link we can try some nonsense that doesn't work hey there was an error that's what we want to see we still see this login link if we log in the login link changes to a log out link and we're logged in and we can log out and we can log in and it's good fun all right so I'm gonna go ahead and log out because now we need to register and registering is a little bit more complicated than logging in and we're actually going to create a Django Forum to handle that for us with logging in we built the form ourselves by hand and that's fine when it's basic like this but the registration form is going to be more complicated because we wanted to be able to do a sort of logic type things like if they type in a password that doesn't follow the password rules you know your password needs to be so long it needs to have letters and numbers and special characters and so we need to be able to account for all of that we need to be able to ask for a password twice when you're registering so you enter it once then you have to enter it a second time to make sure the two match up so that it's you know you've written it correctly so that's a little bit more complicated than a basic form like this guy right here on the screen so we're going to create a Django form for that and it'll take care of it all for us so there's gonna be a little bit of copying and pasting because it's a lot of code but I'll give you a link to my GitHub where you can just copy and paste it straight from there and that should be piece of cake so let's get started doing that okay so a registration and I should mention before we get going you may not want to add registration right uh if you don't want sort of open to the public then leave this part off you can always add users by coming into your admin section here coming over clicking on users and then clicking add users and then manually entering them right here pick a username have a password boom you're done now you could do that if you want to open this sort of company-wide or whatever and you want people to be able to sign up on their own at the website then you need to do this next little section so totally up to you whatever you're interested in with your project here but I'll give you both methods here that way and this regular registration method so let's head over to our code and create a registration page so let's hit up our urls.pi file and I'm just going to copy this guy and instead of log out let's call this register and it's going to be views dot register underscore user and let's call this register all right that looks good save that head over to our reviews.pi file and let's define register underscore user pass in our request as always and then let's come up here and grab this guy and paste him in but instead of home.html let's call this register.html and we're good to go there so I'm going to copy this and head over to our templates directory right click and create a new file file save as and call this register.html and let's open up our home page and grab this stuff and paste it in and let's say H1 register just for now and let's go back to our home page and grab this guy because why type it when we can copy and paste it all right okay all right so let's save this and add a link to this page in our nav bar so if a user is authenticated if they've logged in we don't want them to be able to register because they've already registered so this should go in our else block right here and let's just copy this guy and let's put it another one in first and instead of it saying login let's have it say register and we want to point this to URL register all right go ahead and save this head back over to the website and let's see if that worked we want to log out when we're logged out we see there's a register link we can click on it and go to this page if we log in that register link disappears okay and we're good to go so let's log back out again head over to our register page and now we need to build out this page now I mentioned before we're going to be creating a Django form for this we're not going to be hand coding this so that would be both easier and harder so let's come over here to our website directory right click and create new file file save as and we want to save this as forms dot pi and in our forms.pi file we need to import a few things so let's go from django.contrib dot auth dot forms we want to import the user creation form and you notice the U the C and the f are all capitalized here and the user creation Forum does just what it sounds like it creates users right it does all the work for us so we also want to go from django.contrib Dot auth dot models we want to import the user model and the user model is what we've been using up until now it's what allowed us to create our super user what we've been logging in and logging out with that admin user that all gets saved to the user model right and that just comes with Django it's already set up we just have to import it and that should be good enough so let's create a class and I'm going to call this sign up form and this is going to inherit the user creation form and that's just this thing we just imported right so we're saying hey use that form but we want to modify it a little bit right so what we want is to grab let's say people's first name their last name their email address now you may not want to grab their first name last name and email address but I I suspect you probably do just because it's good stuff to have and this is how you do it so let's define those things we want email we want first underscore name and we want last underscore name now we're also going to want username and password but we'll deal with those separately in a minute so first here this is going to be a field now this forms we don't know what this is so we need to import it so from up here we go from Django we want to import forms and that will allow us to use all these forms so we've got an email field we also want a field for this and also a field or this guy as well and car field stands for character Fields so characters and a name letters email is just email addresses it allows Django to do regular email address stuff like if you don't type in at symbol Django will know because it's using this email field and it'll throw up a little error saying hey that doesn't look like a real email address try again things like that right so that's cool now each of these we're going to give a label of nothing because we're gonna use placeholder text so we don't want to actually text above or below the fields so we can give that to each of these next we want to give this a widget of forms dot text input and that'll basically say hey the form field that shows up on the screen that's a text input field it's just a text box basically right and inside of this we want to give it adders attributes right and this will allow us to pass different attributes onto the page to style our form so we're going to be using bootstrap to style our forms and bootstrap requires a class of form control so we can designate that right here so let's go class and then a colon and then we can just type in form Dash control and that's it now we also probably want to pass some placeholder text so again we can pass in placeholder right here and then designate whatever our placeholder text should be and this should just say email address right so okay that looks good so now I'm going to copy this and we're going to paste that again in right here but we need to modify it a little bit before our widget we need to give this a Max underscore length of something right so this looks like a capital l right here it's not it's a lowercase L I promise you anytime you see an L that kind of looks swoopy like that in Sublime Text same thing with this label here this L there and that L and that L those are all lowercase L's Sublime just does that it makes it look weird like that it confuses a lot of people they think that's a capital l it's not it's a lowercase L anyway we want to give this a max length and I misspelled length length there we go of I don't know say 100. right a person's first name shouldn't be more than 100 characters long right you should you could probably make it 50. it doesn't really matter I'll just leave it like that uh here again text input we also want adders with form control for the placeholder text here though we should probably change this to first name that looks good now I'm going to copy all of this and paste it in again right there and this one will say last name okay that looks good so I know this is all kind of scrunched up on the screen maybe it's hard to read I'll give you a link to all of this code uh in my GitHub repository you can check that out after this little section here we'll push our code up to GitHub so that you can sort of see it if you you know want to copy and paste this stuff or look at it in a web browser so okay that looks good there now we also need to give this a class with a meta of and we need to set the model so our model is going to be a user because we imported that right up here right we also need to designate the fields in our form so they're obviously going to have these three fields we also want to designate username password one and password two and remember we need two sets of passwords so that we can compare the two to make sure the user isn't typing a typo or something it's just a basic security precaution so here we want to designate a username we want to designate a first underscore name we don't want to designate a last underscore name we want to designate an email address and then we want to designate password one and password two and Django expects password 1 and password two so you gotta have them both right so okay that looks good so we're halfway done now now we need to copy and paste a few more things and I'm just going to paste all this code in and the first thing I want to do is tab all of this stuff over because sometimes when you copy and paste the tab gets a little out of control so you want to make sure these have been all tabbed properly so you can do it manually each one like this and I'm just using the tab button on my keyboard to make sure that everything is tabbed correctly even though it looks like it's tabbed like it may look like this see these dots that means spaces have been used instead of tab sometimes that happens when you copy and paste things it doesn't look like it did here but I just want to make sure so I'm going to do that so what do we got here well we are basically doing the exact same thing we did here but we're doing it down here for our username our password one and our password two and that just allows us to add whatever we want in this case our adders our class of form control as well as our label of nothing so if you look through here you'll see we've got username class form control widget adders placeholder right the label is nothing and also this help text the help text is I mentioned this a little while ago if you mess up somewhere if you don't type the right thing in a field this is the little help text that will pop up and you know says uh if we can look at here like the password thing here it says hey your password can't be uh let's see let me pull this back your passwords can't be too similar to the other personal information your password must contain at least eight eight characters your password can't be too commonly used password your password can't be entirely numeric and these are just different things that can pop up and Django will pop them up as needed but they have to be designated here just to make them look good using bootstrap right so like I said I'm just gonna leave all this here you can copy and paste it from my GitHub account we'll look at that in just a minute I'll show you where you can find that I don't want to type all this stuff out it would take forever and you don't either so you're going to want to copy and paste this this stuff here just initializes all of this stuff it's basic python class stuff these are double underscore so underscore underscore right there's no spaces here or here that messes up people sometime and you'll notice we're passing in the sign up form which is this guy here this sort of allows us to take all of this stuff and all of this stuff and kind of mush them together and output them onto the screen so okay I think that looks good before we move forward let me just push all this code to GitHub and point you in the right direction in case you want to copy and paste this stuff which you probably will let's head back over to our terminal hit Ctrl C to break out of the terminal and let me just add all this stuff to my GitHub repository so get add period get commit Dash am and let's just say registration we've done more than that but good enough and then get push all right now I'm going to turn our server back on so that's running now let's head over to forward slash flat planet and no I do not think the world is flat I just find it hilarious that some people do so that's what my account is and you can click on this Django CRM Link in repositories or you could just go to forward slash flatplanet forward slash Django Dash CRM the capitalization is important so get that right and then just click on website and let's see forms.pi where is that ah there it is and here's all that code so you could just you know copy it right out right click copy paste it in boom you're good to go so okay that's good now we've got all this stuff we need to sort of put it into the web page so let's head back over to reviews.pi file and we need to import that form that we just created so let's come up here to the top and let's go from dot forms we want to import our sign up form and it's sign up form because on our forms.pi file here we named it sign up form right there so notice the capitalization capital S capital u capital F that has to be the exact same right here so all right that looks good now we can come down here to our register user View and we start playing with this so like with our login right when somebody fills out this thing they're going to be posting it so we could just copy that right here if request that method equals post then our form is going to equal the sign up form and we want to pass in the request dot post so we're basically saying hey whatever they filled out in that form send it over to our sign up form and do something so what do we want to do well first we need to figure out is what they typed in valid right so let's go if form dot is underscore valid and Django is doing all of this stuff for us behind the scenes so we really don't even care what most of this stuff is so if it is if the form is valid then we just want to save it so form dot save and what is the form that's this guy right here which is our sign up form we just want to save it right so now that the form has been saved you know when somebody fills out a registration form they usually want to fill out the registration form because they want to use the site they want to log right in and start using it so let's log them in right now so let's uh authenticate and log in so let's grab their username and that's going to equal form dot cleaned underscore data and we want to pass in username this is just this form.clean data takes whatever they posted on the form and pulls out the username and assigns it to this username variable we also want their password so that's going to be form.cleaned underscore data and then password one right because on the form on the website it will be password one because let's see in our forms.pi file that's what it's called there right so now once we have their username and password we can try to authenticate them so let's go user equals and again we want to call authenticate and we want to pass in the username equals username and the password equals password why password and not password one because we took password one and we assigned it to this variable called password so that's what gets passed in there okay so once that's been done we can log them in so let's log in we want to pass in the request and we want to pass in that user so if it was successful we want to give them messages Dot success and we want to pass in the request and let's say you have successfully registered welcome whatever and then we want to redirect them somewhere so let's go return redirect and let's send them to the home page right so again this is if they're filling out the form if they're posting the form if they're not posting the form that means they're just going to the website so else now we still need that form so let's set the form equal to our sign up form you'll notice up here we passed in the request here we're not passing in the request because they haven't filled out the form right they're just going to the page they want to fill out the form they haven't done it yet so we don't have to pass in that post right right so we do need to pass this form onto the page so we could do that inside of this context dictionary so we put quotation marks form colon form now notice this has quotation marks this does not so this will pass the form into the web page our register.html page and then we can do something with it right so let's do something with it so let's head back over to our register.html file and let's add a little line break here and I'm going to come back to our home page where did that go there it is and let's see I'm going to grab this guy so let's come right up here and before I forget let's close that div and you know what we can also grab this stuff as well we'll grab that and we need to close our form tag we also need a submit button so let's grab this guy go oh it looks like we've closed our form tag twice we don't need that all right uh back over here boom instead of it saying login let's have it say register okay and we also don't need that there what is going on we don't need two forms get rid of that on the home page okay and that looks good there head back over here all right this looks good so we don't need to point this to the home page we could just take that out if we leave it out it will post to itself so you don't really need that so that's fine we need our csrf token now we need to add the actual form and to do that we just type form dot as underscore P so if we save this head back over here and hit reload boom we get this very cool form now I'm going to copy and paste some more code here very quickly that you can find in my GitHub account if you want it but above this right below the csrf token I can paste in if there are form errors then this is a little div with an alert it looks just like if we go over to our base.html file there we go this is the same code we grabbed from bootstrap earlier it posts the messages up on the screen right uh back to our register page it just does that same thing here and if there are errors it says your form has errors and then it Loops through here and it puts out whatever error is on the form right so that's kind of good to have so I'll leave that in here you can copy and paste it from my GitHub if you want or you just leave it out it doesn't really matter all that much but we're good to go so if we come back over here and hit reload we see we've got this thing now if I click on this it says oh you got to fill this out so let's give this a try so let's create a username I'm going to call this uh John and now this is case sensitive so you'll have to log in with capital j o h n in the future so this is going to be John Elder my email address is John e4196 my password is that and if I click this again it says hey you got to fill out that field now I'm just going to type in garbage here so these won't match and we get an error because our views uh head back to reviews.pi file and at the beginning at the very end of our registered user let's copy this and we need to paste it in again so this will that should take care of that let's save this head back over here give this another try um now we get a little pop-up so I'm going to type in my password let's try this again gibberish here now it says your form has error to password field the two password Fields don't match so that is uh let's go back to register.html that's this thing right here in action so all right that looks like that works that's pretty cool so now let's actually register I'll type in correct passwords here click register boom you successfully registered welcome and I can now log out so let's now try and log in John you have been logged in hello world now if I log out and I go to my Dash admin section and I log in as admin and I click on users I'll see there's John and there's admin uh you'll notice admin is a staff user he's got a little check mark John is not John's just a regular user that signed up on the website they can't log into this section this admin section if they're not a staff user thing so okay very cool I'm gonna log out here head back over here and we are good to go so that is registration and we'll notice if we log in again with say John our register link disappears our login link disappears all we have is a link to log out which is what we want or we can go back to the home page which is again what we want and we're good to go so all right we are moving right along I think the only thing left to do now is actually set up the CRM stuff up until now this has just been playing around getting the website up and running we want to now actually add in the ability to save and view records to update them to look at them to do all the fun things and I think it's time and I'll start doing that so to set up database stuff the first thing we need is a model so let's head over to our models.pi file and this is where we Define our model now like I said earlier it really does not matter what database you use the code here will always be the same we're not writing SQL code here we're not writing postgres code here we're not writing sqlite 3 code here or MySQL code here this is Django code it's just pure python that creates a class that will then abstract away and create that code for us on the back end it will create the MySQL code if you're using MySQL it will create the postgres SQL code whatever database you're using it will do it for you behind the scenes and that's the great thing about using Django so um let's just dive in here and Define our class so let's come down here and let's create a class and what do we want to call this I'm going to call this record now you're going to say we're saving records shouldn't it be records no Django will pluralize it for us so I'm going to call it record uh anything you want if it's customers maybe you would call it customer whatever and we want to inherit model dot model right and again this is a lowercase l so is this which you know looks like Capital but it's lowercase so now we just Define the things we want so the first thing I want is a created at field and this is just going to add a little time stamp for us so to do that we'll call models dot date time field and we just want to set auto underscore now underscore add and set that equal to true so Django will just anytime we create a new record it will just slap a timestamp on there of when it was created just automatically and keep track of that for us if we ever want to know when a record was created sort of useful I always do that for almost every model I ever create because even if you're not going to use it you might someday want to know when a record was created and it's just a really easy way to do it automatically so now let's designate what we want to save we definitely want to save a first name we probably want a last name let's go address and then City state zip code you know whatever you want if you wanted their email you could do email leave that off um if you wanted well let's let's put it on let's be crazy email equals and phone equals and maybe we'll put these two up higher right after last name maybe so we've got a fair amount of stuff here right so what do we do now well we need to designate what these are going to be so this is going to be a field and again that stands for character field and we want to set the max underscore length to I don't know what's let's say 50 right so I'm just going to copy this and again this is a lowercase L I know it looks Capital but uh it's not so let me just pop all of this stuff in here now we can change these Max lengths for instance maybe your email address might be a little bigger put that at 100 it really shouldn't be uh a phone number is like area code three digit code and maybe there's a one so I mean I don't know that at 15 or something that should be fine your address I don't know maybe 100 City characters are never longer than 50 state is more like probably what yeah 50 unless you're doing like abbreviations like NV for Nevada IL for Illinois but ah we'll leave it at 50. and the zip code I don't know let's put that at 20. now some people want to do like number fields for zip codes but I leave it at care as car field because you're never going to do math on a zip code even though a zip code is a number in some countries zip codes have letters in them too right so I don't know in Canada I think it's like 26 H 597 or something you know same thing in grade Britain a lot of countries use uh letters in zip code so we're gonna leave that as car field so that's pretty much it now we can Define underscore underscore Str underscore underscore pass in ourself and then here we can just return what we want to show on the screen if we just access one of these records so I'm going to create an F string and inside of here I'm going to pass self DOT first underscore name and we'll do it again and we'll go self dot last underscore name so if you just call one of these records in the admin area or on a web page it will return the first name and the last name right so that's good that's a good enough representation for us for now and uh that should be good so go ahead and save this and this is it this is all you have to do to create a database model in Django you don't need to know any SQL Django will take this and convert it into the SQL but to do that we need to make a migration and push that migration into the database and we did a migration way back at the beginning of this course because Django by default has some database stuff that needs to be pushed into the server into the database migrated into the database and we did that using the migrate command watch back to the beginning of this video to see that again we need to do that again but first we need to make a migration so let's head back over to our terminal and we're getting oh we got an error it looks like here on line four which uh yeah this should be models.model right here is up here at the top we're importing models so models.model save that that looks good always nice to check in with the terminal before we get going and okay it looks good now now Ctrl C to break out of our server and let's create a migration let's go python manage.pi make migrations and this is plural we're making one migration but the command is still migrations uh so keep that in mind hit enter and boom it's created a migration and we can look at this migration if we want it's zero zero one underscore initial dot pi and it's in our migrations folder so if we head back over here and here's our migrations folder if we open it boom yeah sure enough there it is here's our migration and this is what Django has done it's taken the stuff from our models.pi file all of this stuff and it's created a migration and you'll notice here's our created at first name last name email phone address city state ZIP it's also given us an ID now this is very useful Django does this automatically as well it assigns a primary key to each record so it will take care of all that for us we don't need to Auto increment anything we don't need to designate something as the primary key that's what this ID field is and you'll see it kind of tab over here it's set as the primary key right so that's really cool and that's pretty much it this is our migration so now we have this migration we need to push it into the database into our mySQL database and we do that on the terminal we just go python manage that pie migrate which we did this command earlier at the beginning of the video with that initial migration and boom it's done so you could probably look at this in the MySQL workbench if you want you can come over here to elderco and click refresh and you'll see website record now exist in our table right and if we click on it we see it has the created at first name last name email phone address city state and zip code very cool boom done right that's all there is to it so very very cool and we can now start using this thing and to do that let's head over here to our admin section and log in there just to see and oh gotta turn server back on so python manage.pi run server okay now when we head back over here hit reload we can log into the admin section and you would expect to see that new records model listed here but it's not we have to actually add it so we can do that really easily just come over here let me close this migrations folder and we want in Min dot pi and from here we just need to import that model that we created so let's go from dot models import record right and that's because our models.pi file we called that record right so from dot models models.pi import this record right there we go and then we need to register this on the admin section of the site so we just go admin Dot site dot register and pass in that record save this head back over to the website hit reload and boom now our records pops up and you'll notice it's records it's pluralized it like I said it would and so if you named it records when you created the model it would be records with two s's right which is weird but that's why we only put it as record in the model when we created it so we can click on this guy and you can see there's no records right now I just want to manually add a couple so we have something to work with pretty soon here we'll create a form on the website where you can add them there but for now I'm just going to create a couple so let's say first name John Elder say John at that's not real one on one two two two three three three three my address says 10 West Elder Street uh Las Vegas Nevada 89137 we can click save and boom there it is so if we go back to this main thing click on records again there's John Elder very cool so let's add another one just we'll just add two for good measure and this is going to be Mary Smith her name her email is Mary at her phone is six seven seven seven seven six six six five five ah whatever her address is uh 27 Mary way right in Chicago Illinois 60610 whatever fake data and there's Mary Smith so very cool now we want to be able to view these things from the website so let's head back over to the website I'm still logged in as admin and we want these to show up on the home page when a person is logged in we don't want this stuff to show up if they're not logged in but if they are we want to show up there so let's head over to our code and start to build this all out so let's go to reviews.pi file and let's play around in our home view right here so let's well first we need to import that model up here at the top so let's go from dot models we want to import record right so right at the top of our home view let's grab all of the records that are in the table right now so I'm going to create a variable called records and this is going to be a record dot objects dot all so this will just grab everything in the table and assign it to this records variable now we can pass that in to our web page right so let me copy this and let's come down here this stuff is still if a user is posting We don't want to mess with that but if they're not posting the form to log in it means they've already logged in and we want to view the page so here we'll just pass in records colon records all right so let's go ahead and save that and now let's head over to our home.html file where'd that go there it is and we've already got this set up to where if they're authenticated we want to say hello world instead of that let's say uh Records for now we'll probably get rid of that but for now let's just say that and let's run some logic so let's go if records if there are records we want to do something and right away I want to end my if so I don't forget now what do we want to do well we likely have lots of Records we're pulling everything out of the database there's probably more than one right we would expect so let's Loop through them all and put them on the screen so let's say for record in records and again right away I'm gonna end my four because if I don't I'll forget now where's this records coming from well that's just this thing right here that we passed onto the screen which is actually this thing which is all of the records from the database table right that we just created from our model so okay so for record and Records let's just print out the record and we can give a little line break here between each one and okay so let's see what this looks like so let's hit reload and we see John Elder and Mary Smith why is it only putting John Elder and Mary Smith where's the rest of the stuff well you'll remember right back here where we defined our model that's this stuff right here we've told it only to return first name and last name if we just call the record so if we call a record it's going to return first name and last name all the rest of the stuff is in there it's all packed in there we just have to pull it out explicitly if we want which is what we want to do right you don't want to spill out everything like this so to grab each specific item we would call record dot whatever so record DOT first underscore name and let me just come through here and make a few of these so this would be a record dot last name and I'm just gonna paste a bunch of them in here and just look at our model these are the things so next is email let me close some of these so this will be a record email then we want phone probably and you could put these in any order but I'm just gonna go through and put them in the order we have them here uh let's see this is gonna be address then City this is very exciting work and copy paste copy paste City state and finally zip code we could also do let's see what else we have we also have created at we can output that if you're curious to see what that is we also have an ID because Django automatically creates an ID so let's go ahead and save this and see now I put these on multiple lines but in reality the HTML is going to print it all out on one line and we see sure enough there it is John Elder John Mary Smith same deal so this is hard to read even with a couple extra line breaks here still hard to read what we really want here is a table that you know looks nice and we can click on and do things so let's look at that and to do that we're gonna head back over to bootstrap and bootstrap has something called tables and I'm just gonna search for table there it is it's in the content section so click on tables and here are all the different table options so to create a table in bootstrap we just need to copy this stuff so I'm going to copy let's see actually let's grab all of this so we want the table we want the head which is this first row and each of these things are each of these columns and then we want a table body and a TR so that looks good we're gonna have to Tinker with this so let's go right here and paste all this in there we go uh we also need to close all those things so let's come down here to the bottom and grab those closing tags and we'll just paste all that in okay maybe tap that over so this is our table head and so the first thing is going to be name and we'll smush the first and last name together for one name and then after that it's going to be email then phone then address and we're going to need a few of these so after address is City then state and zip code then we probably want the created at maybe and then ID so let's save this and just refresh to see if that looks okay and we're getting smooshed in here so we'll we'll have to play around with this a little bit for instance I guess we don't really need this offset centered thing so I'll take I'll take that out and that out so now okay stretching all across that looks better the name email phone address city state ZIP code created at an ID all right and I think we can take credit I think we need to take out that records thing for now it's just annoying okay so now we need to put all of this stuff inside this table so I'm just going to grab all of this copy it and paste it right in there and this TR I'm going to copy this it stands for table row so that will go here have all that over and then let's close the table row so we can get rid of that one there so for each record it will Loop through here and create a new row a table row with each of these things now the actual columns we designate those with TD tags and closing TD tags so again I mentioned we want a first name and last name in the same column right I think that makes sense and then for the rest of these we just give them a TD so I'm going to copy and paste like that very quick and then same thing here we want to close our TD tag oh let me just sort of paste this in that's pretty fast I got skills okay so let's go ahead and save this and refresh and see if that all matches up and okay looks like it does name John Elder notice how we put both the first name and the last name in the name category you could have a you could have a column for a first and a column for last name if you want I don't know I think this looks better uh name email phone address I'm just checking to make sure everything lines up looks like it does okay so we're good to go so now we want to modify this because this does not look great right so uh bootstrap has all kinds of cool things you could do so just come through here and look and see what you like now striped Rose I like that that looks pretty good so to add that we just add this table striped class to our our main table class so if we come back up here and go to the top here's our main table class we just inside these quotes add table striped save this and back over here hit reload and okay now they're striped we only have two records so there's only two stripes but you can imagine it looks better uh what else we got uh let's come through here different types of stripe uh hoverable so when when you go over it's it hovers I think that's cool let's do it up so we just copy this table Dash hover and again we just paste it into the same spot we give a little space there and paste it in space and paste all right so let's come back over here hit reload now when we hover it changes color very cool what else we got here active tables no we don't need that uh what else table borders I like borders because otherwise it looks incomplete to me so let's add a border again space and paste I'm going to run that into the ground catchphrase all right so now we've got that okay that looks better what else we could make it into a small table right giving it a table SM command I don't know that I want to do that but let's take a look space and paste I'm easily amused if you didn't figure that out so if you hit reload boom it just scrunched together I do not like how that looks so we're gonna take that out save that come back over here hit reload much better I like space space is good uh you can have dividers man vertical alignment whatever you like play around with all this stuff we can change the color of the head too dark I like that to do that we give a we give our table head tag this class so let's copy this and find our table head tag and there it is so space and paste save it and back over here reload and yeah I like that that looks good and now we're moving right along so yeah that was pretty easy so now we need a few different things right we need the ability to add a record on the web page we also need to and the ability to click on one of these and go somewhere and view the record on its own we can do that we also want to edit those records probably when we click on them and view them as their own on their own so we need to do all of those things so that is up next so yeah let's make this ID clickable so when we click on it you could do the same thing for the first name if you want have it clickable and then let's go to a separate web page where we can view just that record right so let's head back over to our code hit our urls.pi file we need a URL for that so I'm just going to copy this last guy here and let's call This Record because we want to look at specific records and now we want to pass something we want to pass an integer as a primary key right and you'll see what this is in just a second we want to point this to views dot let's call this I don't know customer underscore record and let's point this to record go ahead and save that now head back over to reviews.pi and let's come down here and let's define customer underscore record we want to pass in the request we also want to pass in that primary key what primary key well if we go back to our urls.pi file that's this thing right here right so this will essentially look like uh you know localhost colon 8000 forward slash record forward slash two right and the reason why is because that two will be the primary key it will pass into the view it'll come in here then we'll take that to or whatever and we'll pump it into the database and say hey return record number two right so we know for instance that Mary Smith is two and then Django will return Mary Smith's record so that's just a very quick and easy and normal way to look up specific records from a web page so let's head back over here and let's build this guy out so we probably don't want everybody in the world viewing these records you we probably only want you to be able to see them if you're logged in so we can check right here if you're logged in or not so we could go if request dot user dot is underscore authenticated then let's look up that record so look up record how do we do that well I'm going to create a variable called customer underscore record and we're going to set that equal to record dot objects dot get and we want the ID to equal PK which is that number they got passed in with our request right and the ID of course is the ID from our migration this guy right it's our primary key right they're unique everybody's record has a unique primary key so you'll notice this lookup thing here if we come back here to our home page we we looked up record.objects.all to get all of the objects to get a single object we call record.objects.get and then pass in the ID that we want to get and then it will take that record and assign it to this variable that we can then pass on to the web page and view on the web page in the same manner we've done other things like that like here and here all right so let me grab this guy and just copy it and paste it underneath here instead of going to register.html we want to probably go to what record that HTML and instead of passing form we want to pass the customer record so boom and boom okay now that's if the user is authenticated if they're not then let's create a little message and I'm just going to come up here to one of these other messages and copy them paste them in make sure the tab correct they're tabbed correctly and let's throw up a little message that says you must be logged in to view that page and then we'll redirect them to the home page so okay let's go ahead and save this now we need a record.html page so I'm going to copy this remember Django is always a three-step process when you're creating something you need a URL you need a view and you need the page so this is the view we already did the URL now we just need the page head over to templates right click new file file save as and we want to save this as record.html or record.html and then let's grab our maybe our register page I just want to copy these things here very quickly our block tags foreign let's just say uh customer record for now we'll change this in a second I just want to make sure this works for now and there we go so let's give this a try so let's head back over here and let's go to record slash one and what we do it says customer record good now if we're logged out and we go to record slash one it says You must be logged into the Via this page and it sends us back to the home page all right so let's log in here now we want to make these clickable with a link so how do we do that so let's head back over here to our home and I've noticed that the login screen was different so let's go back to our register page and let's grab this div we took it off a bit ago so this entire table would fit but down here in the login we probably want to put it back so let's save this now let's just test that real quick log out okay now it's centered again but likewise this one is allowed to stretch out so okay that's what we want so now let's add these links right here so head back over to the home page and for the ID you could do it like I said on the first name last name but I'm going to do it just for the ID the process is the same let's go H or f equals like that and then we want to close our H our a tag and then here we create a Django link URL tag and we want to pass this to a record but we also want to pass in the record dot ID so if we save this head back over here hit reload now we have these links if you hover though so look down here in the corner down in the bottom left hand corner it says record four slash one if I go to this one it says record forward slash two that's what this thing here does it puts the ID which we know is this guy right here into this link so okay let's go try that let me reload it again and let's click on this and boom customer record all right now it goes to record slash one and record slash two but there's nothing showing up on those pages right now so we need to change that so back to our views.pi file and let's see here is where we're passing in the customer record we have the customer record we can access it on the page so let's copy this and let's head back over to our record.html and here I can just pop in the customer record so if I save this head back over here hit reload we get Mary Smith come back again click one we get John Elder now again it's the same deal it's it's putting out the default thing we can break it down into into everything in the record if we want so let's go ahead and do that so I'm going to go back over to our home page and we're going to do some copying and pasting here as we want all of this stuff so let's go back to our records page and instead of that let's pop this in um we need to we could take out all of these things very quickly here not as fast as deleting as I am as copying and pasting [Music] very exciting work here okay so again we probably want little spaces here because this is all going to be on one line until we fix it we don't want a URL here so we'll take out this link as well okay so let's just save this and see what we got here hit reload oh everything is gone wonky oh this should be customer underscore record obviously oh let me just paste paste paste paste paste and paste okay save this head back over here now that should work and boom we get all of John Elder's stuff scrunched onto the screen so all right that's not great we need to want to format this a little bit so let me just move this over make it look nicer and we can start out by adding some line breaks so let me copy this there we go save this head back over here all right that's looking a little bit better not a whole lot better but uh let's see we're missing a first name and last name here oh I forgot to add this this is what happens when you copy and paste all right let me there we go that's easier to read so now all right so okay that's not great let's make this look nicer so let's head back over to bootstrap we always go to bootstrap when we want to make things look nicer and head down to components and let's grab a card so I'm just going to scroll through here until something catches my eye and uh oh this looks good let's grab this so I'm going to copy this head back over here and let's get rid of customer records and let's paste in this card so if we save this head back over here and just look and see what we have we got this nice looking card that looks pretty good where it says featured let's put the name all right I think that'll look professional so I can just get rid of this BR and copy this first and last name and let's just boom pop them right in there so let's save this head back over here see how that looks that says John Alder there very cool let's get rid of this button here we don't need that so that's this guy right here get rid of that save it reload it all right that looks better and then maybe right here where it's a special title treatment that's where we'll put everything else and we'll get rid of this one here so ah that would be this otherwise it's going to be card title H5 for everything in our list here so maybe we want that maybe we don't for now let me get rid of all these br's there we go and we could just copy all of this stuff Ctrl C to copy or right click and copy and right here I'm just gonna paste all these things in so I'm a little I'm a little torn we could do like this for each one of these so like that you know on and on let's save this and see what this looks like all right so if the size of the text is what you want I don't really like that size of that text so let's change this out instead of using the chord title H1 let's use this p uh class card text I think that probably will be better so let me just copy this and here we'll just do it like this we'll get rid of this and this and all of these things all right and instead of H5 tag this will be a closing P tag now actually we do now I'll need all of those line breaks that we deleted so I don't know play around with this make it look however you want I'm bad at design stuff uh but uh that should work let's take a look at this and and we don't need the John Elder because it's already there so see we'll take that out there we go so maybe that's good enough maybe you want to put the email phone City like the words in front of them maybe something like that so let's go strong strong let me copy this for each of these guys and inside of here maybe we type in like email and then phone and this is becoming unruly address though you probably want to put some spaces around here so City all right state zip code created at and finally ID something like that again this is beginning to be ridiculously hard to read so I'm going to put some spaces after the br's so at least it's a little bit easier to designate what's what here so all right go ahead and save this or you could just kinda see highlight all of this stuff and tab it over a few times it makes it a little easier to read whatever good enough let's head back over to the page and hit reload and ah there we go like that I don't know it still seems a little scrunched together to me so instead maybe we do a P tag for each thing and instead of a br let's get rid of those again we do something like this let me save this and reload it see yeah that puts some space in between each item maybe that's what you like whatever you like I think maybe I'll do that real quick here just add peas each of these guys and then like that there we go get rid of this one and this is not very exciting television is it or YouTube division okay so save this we could Tinker with this all day and that looks good whatever and here John Elder maybe you want to make that bold I don't know let's go strong strong I don't know we're just playing around at this point whatever whatever you like uh it's totally up to you like that and uh yeah looking good so we might want a back button down here below so let's go test save this make sure we're in the right spot yep there it is so we definitely want line breaker 2 there and we can create a little button here we can go href equals and this is going to be a Django URL tag you want to send it back to what the home page probably right and then here we can have it say back and then inside of here we can make it a button by giving it a class equals BTN space BTN Dash let's say secondary something like that that will make a gray button so if we hit reload we've got this back button now will we go to Mary she's got a back button very cool so okay step one put the thing on the screen step two maybe we want to delete so we want to delete button right so let's come back over here let's grab this guy and right next to him let's put a let's say delete button instead of button secondary let's put button danger that will make it red and scary so there we go now it says delete we click delete it goes back it doesn't actually delete yet we're gonna have to build that functionality in and um let's go ahead and do that now so all right what are we doing here we're doing a thing in Django things in Django are always three-step processes you need a URL you need a view and you need the thing in this case we don't need the thing we're not sending them to a delete page we're just doing an action so actually we need two things this time but we can start to do that head over to urls.pi file and let's copy this guy and paste it in and let's Create A New Path a new URL and instead of calling This Record I'm going to call it delete underscore record again we still want to pass this primary key because we need to know which record to delete right so that makes sense and here instead of customer record let's call delete record and for the name again let's call delete underscore record oh okay that looks good save that head back over to reviews.pi file and let's create a new view so Define delete underscore customer pass in our request we also want to pass in that primary key so we know which record to delete very important and deleting records is pretty easy sort of like logging out there's not much to it so I'm going to create a variable called delete it all right and this is going to be a record dot objects dot get just like when we looked it up earlier we still just want to pass in the ID of primary key right that will get the record that we want to delete now we just delete it so we call delete underscore it dot delete and that's it so again just like earlier when we're logging in and logging out we probably want to flash up a little message or something right so let's say record deleted successfully dot dot dot and we probably want to send them back to the home page now anybody can do this so we probably want to say only do this if the person is logged in right so let's grab all of this else let's say again you must be logged in to do that thing to do that I don't know whatever and pass them to the home page all right let's go ahead and save this and see if that worked I'd be very very sad to see Mary Smith go but in the name of science uh oh we've got a we've got an error at our terminal uh oh delete record I did not save ah we called this delete customer what did we call in our urls.pi delete record so that's the problem Elite record there we go save this now if we head back over here and hit reload there we go so like I said Mary Smith's gotta go click Mary Smith click delete and that did not work because we didn't update our button here so all right let's head back over here to our record.html come down here to our delete button and this needs to go to I've already forgotten again what we've called it delete record so the name of this is delete record copy this add back over here and instead of pointing this to the home page we need to point it to delete record and again we need to pass our customer underscore record dot ID all right so go ahead and save this Mary is just sticking around didn't she now when we hover over here you see down at the bottom it says delete underscore record forward slash two so let's start over let's click here boom two Mary Smith nice knowing you record deleted it successfully oh it says records deleted let's change that so record there we go all right not bad and that was pretty easy so all right so moving right along we can see all of our records on the home page we can click on each individual one see them individually that looks decent and we can delete them or go back now let's add records so let's head over urls.pi file and I'm gonna grab one of these and let's call add underscore record and this is going to be views Dot add underscore record and here the name we'll call it add underscore record so that looks good I'm gonna go ahead and copy this and let's head back to our views.pi file and let's create a new view so let's define add record we pass in our request as always and let's see let's come up here and grab one of these guys here come down here paste it in so again we're going to point this to add underscore record dot HTML we haven't created that yet so let's do that we don't need to pass anything in just yet we might later we'll see go ahead and save this now head over to templates right click new file file save as and we want to save this as add underscore record dot HTML and again let's head over to our record page and grab these basic things and let's say H1 add record and head back over here again grab the end block paste that in okay that looks good now let's add a link to this in the nav bar so let's head over to our template slash navbar and we probably only want to see this if a user is logged in right so that's going to be in our is authenticated block right so let's say right here let's give this a link to add record and we want to point this to add underscore record save it and back over here hit reload now we have this add record link well I click it it goes to this add record page and uh yeah looking good so all right let's build out this add record page it's getting exciting so let's head back over here I'm gonna go to my home page and come down here and grab this centering thing that we've been playing with in the past and let's add a little line break and let's also go back here and grab our form stuff here so grab this and what else we need this closing stuff and a button so we'll just copy this as we go along this gets easier because we can just reuse code that we've already played with in the past so here let's have it say add record and instead of pointing it to home we want to point it to add underscore record okay that looks good and let's just create a form for this so let's go form dot as underscore p and like I said we're going to create a Django form for this so all right that looks good so now let's head back over here and let's go to our forms dot Pi file and let's build out this form so here's our sign up form we could just come down here below it and create add record form so let's create a class and I'm going to call it add record form and this is going to inherit forms dot model form like that now we don't have to import model form because we've already imported forms so up here we from Django import forms that will allow us to use the model form and a model form is just what it sounds like it takes a form and adds it to the model our model is the record model so we need to import that so let's go from dot models we want to import record and now we can use that on this page so let's come down here and build this guy out so we want a first underscore name we want our last underscore name we want well basically all the things from our model dot Pi file so first name last name created at we don't need that because Django does that for us but we need email phone and address so let's go email phone and address what else we got city state ZIP code so City State and zip code we also don't need the ID Django will create that for us so up here let's create one let's go forms dot car field it's almost always a car field right and we probably want to set required equal to true for all of these because we want info for every one of these we don't want people to be allowed to leave anything blank right so okay so like earlier we need to set a widget and this is going to be forms.widgets dot text input and again we need our adders curly brackets and here let's give this a place holder text of first name and we also want to give this a class of form Dash control for the bootstrapifying make it look nice with bootstrap and then outside of here let's also create a label and set it equal to nothing now again this is a lowercase L both of these are I know they look like they're not but they are and that looks good so I'm just gonna copy all of this stuff and let's paste it in for each one of these okay but this is going to be last name this is gonna be email this is gonna be I think phone let's make sure yep that looks good address city state ZIP code so address City state and zip code okay that looks good so I know this is kind of hard to read again you can look at it on my GitHub page if you need to now we also need to set our class of meta and designate what model we want to use so model equals is going to be our record model we also can either designate the fields or we could just say exclude and set it equal to our user and a comma and that will just add all the fields so that's an easier way to do it sometimes you can get away with doing it that way and in this case we can so okay let's go ahead and save this so we have this add record form let's now import that to our views.pi file so up here at the top we want from forms import signup form and add record form so now we can use this in our view so let's do that down here to our add record View and let's designate a form and this is going to be our add record form and let's go request dot post or none so this will allow us to say hey are they posting the form are they adding a record if not just go to the web page so that's a second way to do that we did it a little bit differently earlier but I like to show you different ways to do the same things in case something is better suited to whatever you happen to be working on so let's go if request dot user dot is underscore authenticated if they're logged in then let's allow them to post so let's say hey if request dot method equals host then again from earlier we need we know we need to say hey is this thing valid so let's go if form dot is underscore valid then what well let's add underscore record equals form dot save and again unless messages dot success SNR request and let's say I don't know record added that whatever and then let's return redirect to the homepage okay otherwise if they're not posting then we just want to well do this guy make sure this lines up with this if statement for the Post right but we want to pass in the form so form colon form because we want that form to show up on the page if they're not filling out the form it means they want to fill out the form so we need to pass the form onto the page right all right else so if they're authenticated do all this stuff otherwise they're not authenticated so we need to send them a little message uh let's just copy this right and let's just say what you must be logged in whatever okay so let's go ahead and save this and that should do it let's try this out so let's go add record and we've got this nice form now I'm going to copy this link and let's log out now let's go to that page ah you must be logged in that works so let's log us in now we can add a record and let's bring Mary Smith back man she was she was something right Marriott Mary's phone is 555 that's not six she lived at 10 Mary way in Maryville Illinois with that zip code all right fingers crossed add record boom record added there she is and now her ID is three because it's incremental right the last one was two we deleted that the next one will be three that's how primary Keys work and we're good to go so we are moving right along we can add records right we can log out we can log in we can register now all we need is the ability to update our record so let's come through here head back over to our record page and where did that go right there and let's grab this now let's grab this link here and let's say what update record and let's pass this to update underscore record so now we need to create this guy all right so save this head over to our urls.pi file and I'm going to copy this delete guy because you guessed it we're going to have to pass the primary key again because we need to know which record to update right so here instead of delete record this will be update record and this will point to our update record View and let's call this guy update record okay so save that head over to reviews.pi file and let's define update underscore record we want to pass in our request as always and also that primary key because we need to like I said look up which record to update and we only want to allow this if somebody's logged in as always so I'm just going to copy this guy and if the authenticated what do we want to do well let's grab our current record right and this is just going to be the same thing we've done before let's just grab this so this is going to be record.objects.get the ID of whatever that primary key is assign that record to this current record and now we can play with it so we can use this ad record form so I'm going to just grab this whole thing copy it and paste it now what we want is when somebody goes to this page and this form pops up we want it to be already what's the word propagated with whatever the record is and we can do that by just passing right here where it says or none we could just give this an instance of the current underscore record and we've defined what that current underscore record is right here it's the record with the primary key that we passed into the page right we've grabbed that record we can pass it back to the page in an instance of it just like that so very very cool and uh actually pretty simple so now we've done hey are they posting or are they doing nothing if they're doing nothing it means they want to post they're going to change something and then resubmit it otherwise they're going to post so if they have posted right so let's go if form dot is underscore valid we've seen this before we just want to form dot save the guy right and then let's throw up a little message because we're marrying and helpful people right and let's say record has been updated and we just probably want to redirect to the home page all right otherwise let's just show them to the page so let's come down here and paste this guy in and instead of add record this is going to be update record and we still definitely want to pass in that form right which is this guy else so if they're authenticated do all this otherwise let's throw up a message let's just copy this guy right here you must be logged in redirect them back to the home page okay so now we need this updaterecord.html page it's easy to forget about that guy but let's go ahead and save this and head over to our templates right click new file file save as update underscore record.html and again let's just kind of grab some stuff here actually let's grab all of this stuff we're probably gonna need it so ah we don't even need this let's get rid of this action let's streamline this stuff csrf token form as p uh add record let's change the button to say update record yeah pretty much everything is going to be the same uh we have this guy here we never really close that div tag which means we probably didn't over here either in our ad record that's just bad form still works still valid it's just not good form so okay uh update record that looks good so now if we head back over to the web page we need to fix our button here so this is on the regular record page so let's go to our record at HTML and down here we created this update record but we need to pass the customer underscore record dot ID so we know which one to update right obviously let's go come back over here create some reloads all right so Mary Smith here she is we want to update her boom here is the form it's already filled out with Mary Smith's stuff which is awesome notice there's no field for ID we don't want to be able to change the ID that's the primary key you can't change that and you also don't want to be able to change the created at field because that's no good either you can add an updated at field if you wanted to I'll leave that to you same principles as the created at field you just you know Tinker around and add it here but let's change Mary to Mary to update record record has been updated it says Mary to Smith and that seems to have worked if you come back here we want to change it back get rid of that update record boom record has been updated and we are good to go I think that's it I think we are done right has everything you would want to do we can register we can log in we can log out we can see all the records we can add a new record we can maybe we want to put a button here that says back I don't know if we click we can click on an individual record to view it we can delete it we can update it we can go back yeah let's do that add record page very quickly uh down here let's just create another button and instead of saying add record let's have it say back no actually let's go to our record page and let's grab this back guy because this is an actual link which is easier and we're just going to copy and paste all right save that now let me come back here and hit reload it says back yeah that's nice all right and we're good to go we've got the link here to click on the ID maybe you want Mary Smith to be clickable as well or instead we could do that go to our home page and come up here and let's just grab this link and like I said we could easily just as easily add it to our first name and then close it right here save this and back over here it reload now the names are clickable instead of the ID when we click on John Elder it goes to John Elder we could you know just as easily put another column here that says click here to update if you wanted to update from this page we could do that as well it's trivia I'll leave that to you I'm going to take this out because I think that's kind of ugly I'm just gonna hit undo a couple of times here save this head back over here hit reload and we are good to go now one last thing let's push all this final code to GitHub so you have the updated code so to do that let's go get add period so get commit Dash am and let's say final project whatever and then get push to push it up to GitHub let me run our server again just so that it's running in the background now if we come back over here go to forward slash flatplanet and let's just do it like that click on repositories and then Django CRM the complete final code is here that's forward slash flatplanet forward slash Django Dash CRM there you can find the totally completed code if you like this head over to I have got like over a dozen other Django courses if you're into Django stuff basic Django create a dental website Django to-do list app Django authentication a whole course just on authentication but we pretty much covered everything here well no we didn't actually there's more stuff in there that's interesting stock market app flash card app push your code to a Roku app a weather app cryptocurrency that's kind of outdated build an API here's a couple of chat GPT courses this one we created a code bot that chat GPT will write code for you and give it to you it's really cool this one is just the basic chat bot so if you're interested in Django check all those out like I said you can always sign up for membership by clicking on lifetime membership which is usually 249 dollars if you come over here and type in YouTube 50 you get half off so you get all of my courses over 50 courses and all my future courses at no extra charge for a one-time fee of 125 which is pretty fantastic or you could sign up for monthly for 12 bucks a month you could get individual courses for 49 each or you can get yearly membership for 99 bucks but honestly if you're going to get yearly for 99 you might as well sign up for a toll for just 25 bucks more or whatever 26 bucks more that gets you all my future courses I've got an aggressive course release schedule this year 2023-24 so I'm trying to release at least one if not two new courses every month and so far we've been able to do that and uh should be good so all right I think we're gonna call this guy done pretty simple app but all kinds of cool functionality in here and this is basic crud applications create read update and Destroy so we can create a record right we can read a record yeah we can update it record yeah and we can delete a record crud create read update destroy if you're interested in all things web development everything on the internet is a crud application create read update and destroy a Facebook post is nothing more than crud you create a Facebook post you read a Facebook post sometimes you update a Facebook Facebook post or sometimes you delete a Facebook post everything Twitter you can actually update a Twitter tweet can you yeah Instagram everything is just crud and this is how you do crud and Django pretty simple pretty straightforward and very fun so that's all for this video if you liked it be sure to smash like button below subscribe to the channel give me a thumbs up for the YouTube algorithm and check out or you can use coupon code you do 50 to get 50 off membership so that's access to all my courses over 50 courses thousands of videos and the PDFs of all my best-selling coding books doing over 150 000 students learning to code just like you my name is John Elder from and I'll see you in the next video
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Length: 143min 40sec (8620 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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