I built the same app 3 times | Which Python Framework is best? Django vs Flask vs FastAPI

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which python web framework is the best flask is considered the most popular beginner framework django is the most popular full stack framework offering the most functionality and is used by many companies in production and fast api has only been around for three years but it took the hearts of the python developer community by storm facilitating rapid development and offering a tremendous web app speed when comparing google trends flask is on top closely followed by django but fast api is rising quickly based on github stars django is the winner but also closely followed by flask and fast api catching up quickly and in the speed benchmark test fast api is the clear winner outperforming the other frameworks by a factor of two or even three so which one should you use it's hard to give one clear recommendation because as always the answer depends each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses and all of them are great so in this video i created the same to-do app with all three frameworks in the process you learn how to use each framework and hopefully get a better feel for the trade-offs between each of these so in the end you can make the best choice for your next project the project we are going to build is a simple to do app providing functionality to add update and delete to-do's for each app you'll learn how to use a database use html templates and implement the api routes so let's get started let's start with flask flask is well established in the python community it is loved by beginners and experts for its simple syntax while still being capable of managing full-blown production-ready web apps so let's see how to do it first i recommend to create a virtual environment and then activate it then we need to install flask and also flask sql alchemy to work with a database then we create one file app.pi and import all classes and functions from flask that we need the convention is always to create an app instance with a double underscore name and then creating a route is as simple as defining a function and using the appropriate decorator here we say app.get and then a simple forward slash since this is our home page this would now display hello world on the website in order to use the database we import sql alchemy now we have to set some configuration variables for example the name or path to the database here we simply use a sqlite file and then we create a database instance by using sql alchemy and passing the app to it now we create a model for the database so we create a class to do that inherits from db.model and we give it three columns with the appropriate data type we want an id a title and a complete flag for the to-do item and then we call db.createall to create and initialize our database now of course we want to use this so in the home route we call db.session.query2do to retrieve all to-do items and then we use the render template function from flask with a template file name and the to-do list is additional arguments so that we can use it in the html code of course we need to create the template so we have to create a folder named templates and then a file that we call base.html and here we can use normal html code that displays a form and all to do items now what is special here are these curly braces with percent characters this is special ginger 2 template syntax that basically allows us some python-like logic for example we can have a for loop where we iterate over all to-do's and show the id and title for each to-do then we have an if-else statement to check the complete flag and show the label in a different style and then we also need closing statements for the if and also for the for loop we also create two links that are the buttons to update and delete a to do and the important part is that the ahref points to the update and delete route for this particular to-do id please note that these will be get requests which is not a best practice for updating and deleting data but it works and for simplicity i will use it like this now we go back to the app.pi and can implement the remaining routes first let's create a route to add a new item this has the app.postdecorator since it should be a post request we get the title wirerequest.form and then we create a new to-do item and call and db.session.add.com the changes as last step in here i use the redirect function together with the url4 function to redirect and load the updated home page the update route works similar here we query the particular to-do item with the id remember that we also specified the id in the html code then we update the complete flag commit the changes and again redirect to the home page and the delete route is the very same code except that here we delete the to-do and that's it 49 lines of code is all we need super simple and straightforward this is where flask really shines it won't be that quick with the other two frameworks now to run the app we can export the environment variables flask app equals app.pi and flask n equals development to get hot reloading and then we say flask run to start their development server and now we can add new to-do's update them and also delete them next let's use fast api it's one of the fastest python web frameworks out there right now it also provides an easy syntax allows for rapid development and offers some more nice to have features like automatic interactive documentation and type validation that's why developers love it and it's rising so fast in popularity that i think it will soon catch up with flask and django let's create a new virtual environment for this project then we need to install fast api we also need an asgi server for example uv corn and for the template files and database support we need python multipart sql alchemy and ginger 2. these are essentially the same dependencies as we get with the flask and flask sql installation here we create three files app.pi models.pi and database.pi we need a little bit more code for each compared to flask and we want to maintain a clean project structure the basic app will be very similar to before we import fast api create an app instance and create a function that we decorate with app.get here we return a dictionary which will be automatically converted to a json response one cool thing to mention here is that we could also declare the function as async dev since fast api supports asynchronous programming out of the box and allows for an extremely fast web app but for simplicity i'll stick with a normal function here fast api heavily relies on tie pins so if we want a dynamic route we use this syntax we put the argument in curly braces in the route and then we use the same name as function argument together with a type hint in this case it should be an integer this is concise reduces bugs and gives us automatic type checking which we will see later so let's continue with our to-do app we need a few more imports from fast api we also import a few requirements from starlet this is the asgi framework that fast api is built on top of then we specify our template directory and use a template response in the home function we pass the request as argument and also the database which is a session object that depends on another function don't worry about this syntax yet it will become clear in a moment but note that again for each argument we are using typins here and then again we query the database for all to do's and return a template response that needs the html file the request and the to-do list in this case the arguments for the template file are passed as dictionary now we also create a template directory and the base.html file and here we can use the exact same code as before since we are also using ginger 2 templating syntax now let's set up the database we get the imports and set up the path to the sqlite database then we need to create an engine we also need to create a session instance and lastly we declare the base class from which the model will inherit in the next step for the model we import the database and this base class we just declared and then we create a to-do class that looks very similar to the one from the flask app but now we inherit from base then we define a table name and use the same fields as before now we can go back to app.pi and make use of all of this we import the session class so we can use it as type hint we import the models the session local object and the engine then we create all database tables and then we create a helper function to access the data by session this will now be passed to the home function as a dependency which means if the database cannot be accessed then also the request to this route throws an error and this is already handled for us by fast api so you can see we need a little bit more code here but in return we get a lot more functionality already and a safer code now inside the function we can use the session object and query the database with the same syntax as in the flask app let's continue and add the add route which must be a post request as parameter we also use the request and the database and now as new argument we also put in the title which is a string that comes from the form and then again we create a new to-do added to the database and commit the change and then i get the url of the home page and return a redirect response i also specify a particular status code which is needed because we now change from a post route to a get route very similar we now add the update route and as mentioned before we use the to do id as dynamic argument with a tie hint then we query the to do change the complete flag commit the change and again redirect to the home page and finally we use the same code for the delete route but here we delete the to-do item and that's it we can now start a server by saying uvicorn app colon app the first is the file name and the second is the app instance we also use minus minus reload while we are in development mode and then we can go to this address and have a working to-do app one more cool feature we also get out of the box with fast api is automatic api documentation so we can go to the slash docs route and here we see all the different api endpoints together with the type for example we can click on the add post endpoint and then we see more details like that it needs a title as string we can also try this out enter a title and execute the command and then we can inspect the result so here we see we get the response code 200 so all is good and we see the raw template response that is visible on the page we could also try another route so let's test the update route this needs a to-do id as integer so if we try to send a string here then it wouldn't let us and on the page we would see an error code and again all of this is handled for us by fast api and this is possible because we used the tie pins all right and that's the to-do app with fast api i hope i could demonstrate some of the cool features here now for the final app we use django while flask and fast api are considered to be more like a micro framework change is a full stack framework with many batteries included it's the backend framework of choice for many fortune 500 companies while the learning curve might be steeper than with the others it offers so many features that it makes your life easier once you know your way around it again i start by creating and activating a virtual environment then we only need to say pip install django this comes with all the requirements that we need now we say changu admin start project and give it the name to do app this creates a new folder and inside the folder we have the manage.py file and another subfolder with the same name and all the starter files we need we cd into the first folder and can run python manage.pi run server this starts the server and we have the initial app up and running for now we quit the server again and say python manage.pi start app and the name to do list an app is a component inside a project that is responsible for certain things like here for managing the to-dos in this simple project this is the only app we need but imagine if we add authentication then we could put this in another app to keep the logic separate and clean after creating an app we also need to add the app name to the installed apps in the settings.py file now we want to add the views so inside to do list.views pi we add a function that gets a request and then we return the render function with a template name and this dictionary all items we want to pass the missing to-do part will be implemented in a moment for each view we need to register a url so we create a urls.pi file inside the to-do-list folder import the path function the views module and then we define all url patterns we want to add in this case we leave the route of the path empty since this is our home page and then we use the corresponding function and can also give it a name now we go to the to do app.urls.pi and use the include function to include all urls from the to do list app you can see that there already exists an admin path this is because django gives us an admin panel out of the box which we will see in a moment now we will need to create the template file so let's create a new templates folder in the top directory and then we again create the base html file and put in the same code django uses its own templating language which is similar but slightly different than the ginger 2 template but in this case we only have a for loop and an if statement and this is actually the very same syntax but there is one thing we need to change in the form part we need to add the csrf token this is a security mechanism that prevents attacks to the form but we don't need to do more than adding this here now we need to go back to the settings.py and add the templates folder to the directories key now we implement the model class so inside the to-do list models.py we create a class that inherits from models.model and then we again create the same fields with the correct data type and we also implement the string method to see an accurate description here we don't need to create an id since django does this for us now in the console we say python manage.pi make migrations followed by pythonmanage.pi migrate then we also create a super user because i want to show you the admin panel so we say python manage pi create super user we follow the instructions and put in a name and email and the password as next step we go to the admin.py and register the to-do model and now we go back to the views.pi import the to-do class and then query all to-do's in the index function let's run the server again and test this we see the home page with zero to-do's for now if we click on the add button we get an error since we haven't implemented this view yet but one cool feature that is already available is the admin panel so if we go to the slash admin route we can log in with the super user we created and here we can see different groups and users if we would add authentication we also see the to-do models with all the fields we specified and here we can interact with our database so we could add or modify the database entries right from the admin panel this is one very cool built-in feature that you don't get with the other frameworks so now let's log out again and implement the missing views so we import two more functions and then implement the add route we require that this should be a post method by using this decorator we could also check the type of the request inside the function but i wanted to show you this second way of doing it inside the function we then create and save a new to-do and redirect to the index page now we implement the update function this gets an additional parameter to do id which is then be used to query for this to do and then we change the complete flag and save it and again redirect the syntax for working with django models is slightly different than before but in my opinion it's even more simple and straightforward and the last view we need is the delete view which is very similar but here we delete the to do and now we only need to add all these views to the urls.py so in here we add all the paths with the corresponding route and view function we can use this syntax with a data type and parameter name to add dynamic views and that's it we can now go back to our app and we should be able to add new to-do's and then update and delete them awesome alright that's it you can find the code for all apps on github the link is in the description this video was a lot of work so if you enjoyed it please hit the like button i'm also interested to hear what's your favorite framework so please leave me a comment below and as always i hope to see you in the next video bye
Channel: Patrick Loeber
Views: 730,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Python, flask, django, fastapi
Id: 3vfum74ggHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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