DJ Envy on Birdman, Soulja Boy, Angela Yee, R Kelly, Prince, Robbery Attempts (Full Interview)

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foreign okay DJ Envy we just did a feature on your car as well as the other cars that are here in your garage yep but since you're here I want to ask you a few questions we haven't done a real interview in probably over a decade long time at this point so I figured we'll do a little bit of catch up and the one thing I asked Charlemagne yes when he came to my show last time was who had the better Soldier Boy interview Breakfast Club or Vlad TV last year you had an interview with Soldier Boy yeah who do you think had the greater Soldier Boy interview me or you [Music] know I broadcast I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you why I would have to equal them right because there's two moments in that interview that are forever memeable the over exaggeration you know what I'm saying yo me telling people how I survived 2020 in coronavirus I see that now and then like the way he said Drake people use that inflection for like anything now you know what I mean like any time they wanted like Corona or R is another one they use now when uh people imitate other people like I just saw it when the young lady who was pretending to be black they was like Rachel dozal when she finds out about this woman and his Soulja Boy he stole my whole [ __ ] flow or they put they put the coronavirus picture on Soulja Boy's head no it wasn't coronavirus it was SARS it was one of those diseases and it was like Ebola when they find out about coronavirus he stole my whole [ __ ] flow so it's just so many memorable moments that still apply to things that happen right now so I don't I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know I think it's pretty even like that's how I that's how I gauge things like that oh Breakfast Club really I think so I mean you know the Vlad TV interview the power power Drake you know because that you know the Soulja Boy challenge was launched from the Vlad TV interview everyone started doing professional actors and everyone else remember it was a big deal I mean if I had that one you might have that one I'm thinking about it now the Drake was big it was big this sweatband yeah that's classic so yeah but that always comes up like you know when Ukraine got invaded they're like you know me telling my grandkids what what are you crazy yeah I give you that one y'all got that one we got that one I got that one oh okay are we expecting that to happen when you guys interviewed him you know what we don't expect anything when somebody comes for an interview because you never know hmm the second time when Dr when uh Soulja Boy came after that yeah it was calm it was calm you just don't know what's gonna pop somebody off what's gonna make somebody upset how somebody's gonna react you just don't know but you just go with it right and I remember I think from that first Soldier Boy interview uh his Gucci headband I think got its own Instagram page that's right that headband looked like it's been through a war that was a big moment I don't even think they made that Gucci headband in years but exactly I'm sure they made it after that it was like on his original album cover or something yes it was an old ass headband yes crazy shout out to Soldier Boy man he's got it going through some things right now financially but it seems like Soulja Boy always ends up on top yeah the day you know me and him have had our back and forth over the years but to me it's not really that big of a deal I mean he's an innovator and what he's done uh the first rapper to go viral um you know a lot of people followed his footsteps you know at some point we may get him on Vlad TV again shout out to Soldier I like them I love them one thing about Soulja Boy he has a catalog he has records so yeah he'll always go on to a Soulja Boy exactly now the Birdman walkout yes were you surprised that happened not really why is that back then there was certain protocol that artists would do when they walked in and the protocol was when an artist would walk in the first thing they would do was do a drop for revoke because that's when we were on Revolt TV hey what's up this is Birdman you're listening to revolt tomorrow I'll be on the show he refused to do it refused he didn't want to do it okay so right then and there we're like something's up then usually an artist sits down before the interview and you know waits for us to finish the show he didn't sit down so we like guys something's up and he was kind of just walking back and forth so he's like this is going to be something and then he had uh like a large amount of people so was it like you know usually you come with your label rap and two people I think Birdman was like 12 people yeah so we like uh this is gonna be something he's not happy and as soon as he walked in he started and I if you really listen to that interview he thought he walks in and the first thing I say is start recording because I already hear it and I see when if you really go back and listen I go start recording start recording because I already know what it is so before he sits down and he was like all true y'all y'all gonna put some respect on my name and that's when he sat down and that was the classic moment oh Trio yeah oh Trio yeah and he was just kind of just mad like as soon as he started talking he was very upset what was he mad about exactly do you know he felt like Charlemagne was playing with his name and I think that's when Charlemagne was questioning the artist that was signed to him if I could remember correctly and he was very upset about that and that was what he was upset about and he wanted to confront Charlemagne the crazy thing about Birdman is me and Birdman have been cool since back in the days when you know we went on tour I was on his first tour it was Nelly Birdman fabulous and a Marie like so we've known each other a long time who are you DJing for five for five okay if that makes sense yeah yeah okay and I mean listen you gotta hand it to Birdman I mean you could say he's the greatest hip-hop music executive of all time he's wonderful I might not even say one of them I might actually say him because if you look at his track record I mean he still has viable artists today it depends how you break it down if you put Nicki Minaj and Drake under that yes hands down that's what I'm saying hands down absolutely because outside of that you know you could also say Suge Knight Dr Dre Snoop but what I'm saying all those guys their run ended at a certain point I mean Master P had a hell of a run but the last time Master P had a viable artist was probably what 15 years ago or something like that that's true you know puffy incredible run but that run eventually started to to fade out um you know Russell Simmons once again it's incredible run and you keep talking about these various people but Birdman still has blueface uh Jacquees um did he sign some other people recently sure and and and really if you count Nikki and Drake in that then his sort of eclipses everyone already that's true you see what I'm saying but I'm not sure if Nikki and Drake are still yeah Young Money Cash man I'm not sure because I'm sure that they did enough albums with her off but if you keep it to that lineup hands down absolutely no Nobody messes with with bird and swim all right the one thing that he mentioned to somebody I forgot who it was but he kind of pointed out that unlike the other music Executives all he did was music yeah he double dabbled here and there but like he didn't go and start a clothing line that was all that serious sneakers he didn't go and do headphones he didn't do credit cards you didn't do water you know I mean like all these other Executives went and branched out bird had looking for a little bit I think he had a sneakers it wasn't anything that made yeah it was like a little side hustle whatever I'm saying he never really all his effort went into the music that's facts yeah because Diddy had of course Sorak and then of course daily on and yeah beat by Dre yeah a lot of these guys became billionaires you know Jay-Z like through their other Ventures like the other Adventures started started to actually eclipse the music in a way but with Birdman really it's just been all music but then you could say that with J2 because Jay had Rihanna yes Jay has trying to think somebody Kanye yeah Jay his head J Cole J Cole yeah you could put JFK you gotta put J in that conversation too Jay is in that conversation great interview by the way I remember when he was like storming out you were like bye I see like you're kind of annoyed at the whole situation too yeah because I was really I knew he was upset at Charlemagne and and I really wanted to have a conversation with bird and I think Birdman what what it was they called me later on apologized to me they apologize yeah he apologized to me I think he apologized to Yi and he wanted to come back uh we haven't had him back up there as of yet I can't wait to get Birdman back up there okay where do you say to you when he apologized uh they called he was just like my bad you know he was like uh you know I felt Charlamagne was playing on my name and I wanted to have that conversation and I was like all right well let's come back up and have the conversation we just were never able to make that conversation happen hey Birdman's all over the place me and him been talking for the past I think six months about doing an interview and it's like we just can't quite coordinate it you know I mean he's always flying around he's always you know he's working with NBA young boy now he's working with a little Uzi vert now I mean he always has hands in the music and the hot [ __ ] like I said people like young boy and Lil Uzi vert who's really the biggest some of the biggest rappers period right now in burban right there with him you gotta hand it to him absolutely yep uh you're supposed to have an R Kelly interview back in the day long time ago what happened with that this was the mixtape day so this was when I was maybe 1920. and this is when I was doing mixtapes and uh they reached out to me all Kelly wanted to do an r b mixtape uh flew me out to Chicago and that was it that was it I remember it like flew me out like on a Friday it sounds crazy I say flew me out but I was flown out you got fluid out I got flown out on a Friday and uh yeah I get there I get in the hotel nice hotel five star everything first class Friday nothing no they didn't return my call no studio so I said all right Saturday and it was supposed to be a weekend thing so Friday Saturday Sunday Saturday wake up no call now mine I'm by myself nothing waiting no call no call status I got on the flight and flew myself back Saturday night I feel like I was an Instagram model that somebody flew out there I was too ugly to highlight but yeah I always it's just one of those funny stories I think I was like 19 at the time I mean I interviewed R Kelly uh from jail but all the conspiracy stuff he was talking about made me just not want to put it out I mean I mean it's crazy how a documentary puts you in prison which I mean not to say that he's innocent because I don't think he is but he was really living his best life up until surviving R Kelly came out and then suddenly all the attention from that started to really just pile on and you know I mean what do you think of him being in prison right now I mean uh if you did what they say they did he deserves to be in prison I mean I I really you know the thing with when I comment on on things like that I like to know every side of the story before I make a comment and if it's what they said he did from the jury to the what the judge said yeah he deserves to be a president he's a pedophile he took advantage of young girls he took advantage of a situation and if that's what he did yeah you know I mean I got four girls and I would hate for a older man to take advantage of my daughter because he's a celebrity or because he might not he might know more than her so if he did it and it's facts that he did it he deserves to be there I mean being in the music industry knowing what you know and how girls get down and stuff like that I mean do you have conversations with your daughters about that and you know I mean because I don't know whether they're going to go in the music industry but with having a dad like you there's a reasonable chance that they might you know kind of be involved yeah I mean you take it out take it out of R Kelly right you just look at a young girl that's 16 17 years old 18 years old very impressionable right they see their favorite artists on TV their favorite artist singing their favorite artists on the radio they see them on concert so now they get a chance to meet their favorite artists and they think they're in love they think that that's what they want and a lot of artists can use that against them you know they can use that to mind [ __ ] a kid or mind [ __ ] a team and some of these people are 35 40 they see in the world they know what to say they know what this young girl might want hey I'm a fly her to a destination where she's never been I'm gonna buy her a bag I'm gonna buy her a car imma do the little things that make her feel special and especially if there's no dad in her life because if there's no dad in your life you want that male figure yeah and a lot of times people take advantage these are these kids and these teens and these young girls like that and yeah that's that's a fear of mine but that's why I'm always in all my kids lives to make sure that that Daddy's okay that's what's up well uh Angela Yee she left The Breakfast Club recently and I had Charlemagne on the show and he explained why he you know he thought that she left straight from the horse's mouth was the reason that you know Angela left The Breakfast Club because I know Angela really well I had done her show on lip service before she even you know joined the Breakfast Club and you guys became what you are and you know I've been cool with both y'all forever so straight from you what was the reason that she finally left I think people wanted to be something salacious you know what is but it's not like you know she left Breakfast Club because she got the opportunity to do her own nationally syndicated show you know way up when Angela is a nationally syndicated show it comes on you know 10 a.m to 2 p.m right after The Breakfast Club and I mean I think that's that would be hard for anybody to pass up from your point of view what do you think I think she wanted her own yeah that's pretty much what he said I think that she you know she deserves it and I think she wanted to give it a shot you know she had her own serious uh and she did well and I think she wanted a situation when she wanted to Blossom and do things that she wants to do with it it's like anything else when you're a teen you might not be able to get to do what you want to do at that particular time but now she can do what she wants to do talk about what she wants to talk about have whatever guest she wants to do and her show was doing great so wish you the best of luck I mean after she left she said a few things and she said she was the only female on staff Charlemagne said that's not true is that true that's not true there was other females on staff and if you ever go back to the comments and all that other stuff there were other females or staff and I think she cleared that up later on but you know um yeah there were a million and one I wouldn't say a million and one females but just at the top of my head that was Sasha who was a producer there was Taylor who's a producer now uh there were so many people but I think she cleared that up and you know what she felt I I guess I'm not sure what she meant by it but even our boss the person that actually you know the program director is a woman Thea Mitchell that went to Hampton University by the way HG what up but um yeah so there are women that work on the behind the scenes in Breakfast Club absolutely I mean she talked about sometimes there was problems you know on the show as there are in any kind of situation uh you know I've known Angela I mean forever I used to go on a show on Sirius I mean I've been on Breakfast Club a bunch of times um I mean do you felt like her being the one woman on there that there were situations that made could have been handled differently and so forth or do you think that you know because she did make a few comments there was a situation with Charlemagne when the two of them were talking remember and then I remember on my show he actually apologized to Angela for some of the stuff that he said that he said could have been uh phrased differently you know what I'm talking about with that are you talking about what Gucci Mane okay yeah I guess that was it yeah if me and Angela Yee weren't necessarily on the the best of terms I could see why she would feel like I'm I'm not her friend and you know that's that that's what I'm glad you asked me that question because nobody's ever asked me that but it's like I literally just apologized to Angelique for that like literally I'm talking about like yesterday if I'm doing this interview it was today I'm doing this today this is literally like yesterday because we hadn't been in the studio since March um because of the whole pandemic thing man and you know I think one thing this pandemic made us all do it just made us all like just sit down and and reflect you know and for me working with envy and Angela for almost 10 years I got genuine love for them so what exactly was that about um you know what I don't know see I look at it like this in every situation it's a team and if one of my team members don't want to do something I'm gonna ride with the team that's just who I am whether it's Charlemagne whether it's Angela Yee a lot of times I'm put in the middle but I'm loyal like that so in that situation I think it was a huge misunderstanding between the both of them and I I think that's what usually happens we don't get a chance to talk it out and talk things out the sad thing about I'm not gonna say the sad thing the dope thing about The Breakfast Club is we all started together we all knew each other together and I think when we all started growing we all started growing separately and we didn't necessarily keep things cohesive but I think if they would have had a conversation I don't think it would have went as crazy it was and I think at that time maybe the Press jumped in between them but I think I think that they apologized to each other or he apologized to her and and they squashed it out but I still think that what Angela wanted is what she got and that's her own show and I think it's dope I think she deserves it I think Anjali is a a a powerful person she's a power house in this industry and I think the things that she does is dope so if that's what she wanted I'm happy for I mean in terms of the the current lineup after she left you guys started rotating different guests and just hilarious seems like she's the one that's kind of sticking around more than others do you expect her to be part of the show in the future um I love jessalaris I think she's dope I think she's won one of the ones that stuck and when I mean stuff like fit right in can crack a joke on myself or Charlemagne I'm not scared to do an interview and there's a couple of others that really really stuck now just a matter of if if she wants to do it I mean because Jess is doing a lot of things Jess is on tour every weekend Jess is killing it out there you see her on TV but she is definitely one of the ones that I would love to have in that seat now here we are with all the cars and you and I were talking off camera and you were telling me about some of these have gone wrong over the years involving cars and the most serious one was a shooting incident yeah can we talk about that yeah of course what happened yeah so I was DJing the club in Jersey uh man I was wearing all my jewelry and I have security that usually comes out with me all the time uh my security at the time was from Jersey so they pretty much damn near drive me to the highway where I cross over the bridge because every night I would sleep at the radio station I would leave the club at 4am have to be up at six it made no sense to go home so I would sleep at the station security got me on the highway once I got on the highway they kind of veered off and he went his way um and we didn't know that there was a car following us car following us uh pulled up behind us and put a police light on a siren uh and tried to pull me over uh my father's retired police officer so I kind of know what police lights look like and this was more of a blue light which is usually firefighter not police officers okay so when I seen it I slowed down because I still wasn't 100 sure because I'm you're going through your mind now you're you're black you're driving you're like I don't want to make the wrong moves but I'm looking I'm like I don't see that much red so I started slowing down and then the car ran into me crashed into me wow trying to get me to pull off I'm gonna call ran into me I took off now this time I'm driving a Rolls-Royce Wraith and I take off phone they take off uh but I'm that kind of person if somebody does something to me I need to know who why what and where if not I won't be able to sleep if I pulled off on them and I and I got out of Dodge I would not be able to sleep because I'm like is this a hit is there somebody looking for me what is it uh so for myself I slow down I let them catch up to me and I went right through Easy Pass if you don't know what EZ Pass is it's the device where you don't have to pay the toll you put the little sticker in your car and you drive right through but I pulled the easy pass down and the reason I pulled the easy pass down is when you go through it it takes a picture of the car they were so close on me it took a picture of not only my car their car so when we got to the Easy Pass they try to cut me off now we're on a highway I put the car in reverse and now I'm driving backwards okay at that point I realized that I didn't know in my some of y'all might not know out there either that a car really only goes 35 miles per hour backwards right so when you watch Fast and Furious and the car is going backwards at 110 miles per hour that's modified that's all [ __ ] yeah it's all [ __ ] okay only goes 35 miles an hour so now I'm looking like biggie in the in the hypnotized video back was trying to go in this car so when I hit it in reverse they jumped out the car now they're running towards the car but I'm already in Reverse going backwards so they pull out and just start shooting at the car hit the car around four times uh three were in the bumper and one hit the tire huh uh shout out to Rolls Royce because they make a sturdy car the even though the bullet went in the tire it got lodged in the tire and I guess the whatever they have in that tire created a phone and kept the tire going so I could still drive and wouldn't be flat because if it would have been flat I wouldn't be able to go when they would have caught up to the car so I was able to drive out spin the car around go off the next thing and it was a cop right there and I got I pulled over right there and was able to uh talk to the cop and make it home that next day okay so you go to the cop you tell them what happens your car got bullet holes in it and then they start checking the Easy Pass and they find the license plate of that car yeah so what happened was uh at first I don't think the cops necessarily believed um and all the cops came but there's bullet holes in the car they did not they still did not believe okay treated me like I was a I feel like I was the the suspect okay made a report and I went home I didn't say nothing to anybody because a lot of times when things like that happen all you have to do is be quiet somebody's gonna talk um and I guess one of the cops in the actual Precinct knew who I was he was like that's DJ Envy's call and after that when I got off the radio the next day there must have been 20 police cars at my house uh and you know they did you know they they took the car they did ballistics they even did uh look for gunpowder because they thought maybe I was shooting back at him at the time so they checked all that um and like you said easy pass so I told him what happened to Easy Pass they checked the Easy Pass records They found the guy they found the car and the guy was arrested I think he did a couple of years I think he did like six seven years so he kept his real license plate on his car while he's attempting it basically Robbie correct so they didn't want the car they wanted a jewelry they wanted the jewelry okay so the guy gets arrested you have to go to court and everything no they pleaded out they were they was their face was on Candy Camera one guy almost multiple guys it was uh I think it was two three people in the car two or three people that is so not worth it man seven years for nothing correct got nothing out of the situation nothing at all was that the first time I remember our first interview we talked about how Nas put a gun on you you know he's trying to hand him a mixtape have you ever been shot so you've had guns pulled on you before have you ever been shot at before yes really another situation uh well first of all I just say thank God for New Jersey and New York and everybody legalizing Firearms so now I'm allowed to carry and I think like 40 something States so different different day different era uh this is when I was probably about 22-23 uh walking out the club uh and this is before this is before social media so I'm walking out the club it's about 3 30 in the morning see two guys coming across the street dressed up dressed up in all white clean and I see them looking at me and they start crossing the street it's gonna sound stupid but back then I thought they wanted an autograph right because there was no social media back there it's nobody was just taking pictures or nothing like that um so they come around and uh I'm on the left side of my car it's a Range Rover at the time I'm on the left side and my two boys is on the right side so they come on this side so my boys don't even see them so they're like yo give me a chain so me I sound stupid I'm like huh what give me a chance I'm trying to talk loud so my peoples can hear them I'm like huh what so now my peoples went around and was like what's up so now the dude steps back with a gun I take my chain off now it's a little building it's the city I try to throw the chain on the building why I don't know wait you threw it up in the air onto the building okay I don't know why so the other dude hits my arm the chain falls under the car so now he has the gun out he said yo give me your chain give me your chain one one of my friends run my man stays and I'm like I don't know where the chain is so he goes right there there goes so he goes and picks up the chain they run down the block and fires one shot I sound like Soulja Boy so they fire one shot foul they hop in a a BMW and take off okay what do I do I hop in my range and chase them you chase them I chase them okay so now we're going through Manhattan high speed chase I'm chasing them with switching lanes crossing over we're going just standing up yada yada yada we go all the way way around to the to the Brooklyn Bridge and right when we go to the Brooklyn Bridge I guess they were gonna do like a some type of thing where they jump off and and maybe go fake left and go right they fake left couldn't go right crashed so now they hop out the car so now they're running towards me now I just told you they had a gun yeah I did so now I'm back in again down the street because I'm thinking they're coming at me shooting me then I realize that they don't and now that they get down the street now they're running down the street one runs right one runs left so I started chasing the run the guy that runs left the driver so we chase them and then we get he's running and now we're on him I jump out the car didn't put the car in park so now the car hits like 10 part costs bang bang bang bang but I'm trying to catch this guy we catch him okay me and my friend catch up now my friend is in the car so I jumped out he can't jump out because it's hitting Park cars he jumps out in this construction site and we are detain him [Laughter] legal terms we detain them into the police come okay uh we detain them uh I guess with the process of us detaining him he's in a coma in a coma coma okay he's in a coma uh he was in a coma for a couple of days uh now this was the time when when I was doing a lot of parties in New York City and this was the quote unquote streets so when the cops came it was like you have to press charges I was like I'm not pressing charges the main reason was because I'm like I'm a DJ in New York City you know where I'm at every night my press charges it might be and I don't know where it came from this Daniella and the second charges is oh you don't snitch you don't snitch stupid [ __ ] ever yeah but I'm not mine I'm young I'm like 22 23 at the time or whatever I was I was I was pretty young so the kid wakes up out the coma uh and I remember this like it was yesterday I'm at Hot 97 at the time working Miss Jones in the morning and they say uh Envy please sit downstairs for you so I'm like what are they downstairs for it's like I don't know they wanted they said they want to talk to you about a robbery so I go out the back door and I dip oh so you don't meet with the place no dip I called the District Attorney district attorney was like well you know we need you to come down here I'm like why it was like well this gentleman just woke up out of bakuma and said you robbed him for his Rolex oh okay wow and because you didn't do a statement we only have his statement huh so I said all right we go down this me and my pops go down there and he and so down your dad is the police officer he's retired we're tired of the time okay so what problems me and my pops went on in and they're like yeah so we need you to feed it was like well if you don't press charges on this kid you know he's saying that you robbed him and beat him and beat them right even though we held them down and detained them to the police game so I'm like nah we're not doing that something I'm telling my dad like no I don't want to do that then the police goes and this is where I say if anybody who does anything in Manhattan you're a damn fool they go you sure you don't want to do it I'm like nah they were like have you seen a video I'm like video he presses play and it's every scene from me driving chasing him to the car crash into US catching them to us detaining him and everything and it was like so I'm gonna ask you again are you gonna press charges on the guy to rob you I was like yeah what door is it what door do I have to go in yeah but you know but they didn't have footage of them trying to rob you initially no they didn't have that footage everything after that oh so you kind of screwed it in a way over there yeah that that was the uh last the last bit and then uh from then I always had security and okay let me ask you a question so you then decide to press charges and as your man also like press charges as well since he was there no so what wound up happening and this is all alleged because I don't remember this part of it but the funny thing about it is one the kid was driving his mom's car Sue they said he had just won the lotto the week before one like 80 000 in the lotto in real life he won the lotto and he's driving people right afterwards that's crazy yep okay and what happened to him ultimately uh he got he had to serve a couple of years he actually got out early he actually got out early I guess it was something with a mistrial or something like that he actually got out early but um what about all the cars that you hit do you have to pay for all the cars that you damaged you know what a good thing about that and see these are things you learn uh insurance only pays for a certain amount right thank God the cars that I hit were like Toyotas and Nissans so it wasn't that much of an expensive but you had to pay for all those cars your insurance status yeah I was dropped after that definitely dropped after I think it was Liberty Liberty to drop me right after that that was it okay final question you've done hundreds of interviews over the years maybe even thousands is there a single interview you feel is your favorite interview of all time my favorite interview it was so many of them you know and I really like the interviews of two people I like the interviews when it's a fresh artist when they haven't had training yet and they're very very open and I like an interview of uh I would say like a vintage artist like an artist that's been through everything it doesn't care anymore about press it just has a conversation I always love my Fat Joe interviews because Fat Joe is a Storyteller yeah he's going to tell a story he's gonna he's gonna paint a picture like no other uh I do like interviews like when Jay came up because you don't get that too much yeah um when we get a chance to talk to like Jennifer Lopez and even even when um Farrakhan came up there the crazy thing about the Farrakhan interview is growing up you know you hear about Farrakhan and you don't like what he says right because of what the people tell you so I remember when Farrakhan came I didn't want to do an interview I wasn't gonna do the interview I actually wasn't going to go in that day and I remember my wife pulled me to the side and was like why don't you see for yourself like I get it once you see for yourself and we were able to have a great conversation with him and I thought that conversation was was really good so I thought the Farrakhan interview was a great conversation I also thought trying to think of another conversation that was really surprising to me that just really really opened my mind uh even Barack Obama I was gonna mention that one that was a big deal I think Barack Obama was was a big one because he's the president yeah who gets to talk to the president so I thought that was was pretty good and even when we got a chance to speak to Hillary Clinton and the reason I thought Hillary was dope not necessarily because of Hillary because we had Stevie Wonder singer happy birthday and that was the first time we got a chance to meet Stevie Wonder I thought that was dope I think the first time I think the time we spoke to Prince was dope you spoke to Prince oh I didn't know that okay it wasn't an interview what happened this was like six o'clock in the morning with breakfast club and uh if nobody was in the building and somebody was like princess here huh he was like yeah whatever and um we put we put the Breakfast Club on autoplay and we went out to the hall and there's Prince walking with these two women and we're sitting like oh that's Prince oh so you know I say I think Angela goes a prince I'm a huge fan and I say like I'm a huge fan and Charlemagne is is pretty much stuttering and um it's the first time I Charlamagne didn't know what to say he was like uh Prince was like hello instead of just saying hello he was like uh I'm seven-day Adventist too Prince looks at him and was like okay maybe we should have that conversation and I think we tried to get a picture and he says no not right now and he starts walking off and then Charlemagne takes a picture of Prince right and we the prince the pictures of him walking away and show them to take the picture we run back and I was like look at the picture look at the picture we look at the picture and we look like oh that was really Prince and then the prince had just the picture just evaporation was full wait what you tell me the prince has magical powers I swear to God to erase pictures off other people's posts where's my phone where's my phone all right we can't get Charlamagne took that picture and it was going and we talk about it all the time because we was like this is the one time in in history that we have a conversation with Prince and we can we have no documentation there was no proof but we were all there me Angela and Charlamagne with it but it wasn't an actual interview you guys just nah we just gotta just talk to him for a second okay I think that was the coolest thing I'm like who gets a chance to talk to Prince even if it's for a minute yeah I've never talked to Prince no I thought that was dope so those those are probably my favorites yeah that's what it is DJ enemy man appreciate you uh letting us into your garage here thank you and uh you know showing this incredible collection I learned so much about cars you know I thought I knew about cars until I came here I'm like I don't know [ __ ] about cars but let me ask you a question before you go what was your favorite interview my favorite interview there's two um there's the key for the interview because I feel that essentially solved the Tupac murder okay Tupac who is arguably the greatest rapper of all time there's been so many conspiracy theories about how he got killed it was the government I mean his own Dad recently said it was the government that killed him Suge Knight had him killed you know all this kind of stuff to actually sit with someone who was in the car when the shooting happened and give a play-by-play of everything that happened leading up to it during the actual incident and then afterwards I think had never been done before and I felt that historically that was a very important interview absolutely my other one is uh fat Moore Van from Milli Vanilli because for those who don't know Millie Vanilli was the first and only artist to ever have their Grammys taken away from them yeah because they were lip syncing their songs and to actually you know that was just such a huge deal in fact it changed the laws to the point where you actually have to say who the vocalists are on albums and everything else like that so to break down that whole situation of what led up to them almost being forced to lip sync music from a producer that was doing that with other artists as well to you know the aftermath of the embarrassment having to give back their Grammys and his partner end up dying from a drug overdose possibly suicide depending on who you talk to I just feel that historically that was such an important interview that that you know I would say that's my second most important interview those two wow yeah what's what's the guy from Millie Vanilli doing that living out in Europe I mean he does like commercials he does music on the side he still looks good you know long dreads and and so forth um yeah man very cool guy and it's a story that's been told here and there but never first person yeah I mean because you know you could do documentaries and usually in documentary there's like 30 people talking it's different when you have one person telling their own life story um in third place I would say Smokey Robinson because that's probably the most accomplished artist that I ever sat down with an interview like I mean this guy's like the blueprint of Soul music you know Motown uh you know everything else that he's done I think he has like 10 Grammys or you know what does he have 10 Grammys that's some ridiculous amount maybe that's one Grammy I don't know but the accolades and the music and the timelessness aspect the Timeless aspect of his music was just mind-blowing and the guy's like you know I think 80 something years old until really see the history of Music being told firsthand I thought was was amazing yeah and I think Patti LaBelle I think going to Patty's house and Patty cooking for us I thought was amazing I think you know people have interviewed Patty but the fact that we actually went to her house and she cooked us breakfast was different yep that's what it is DJ Envy until next time yes
Channel: djvlad
Views: 156,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: wah7uZhbCwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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