Charlamagne on Drake, Kanye, Young Thug, Diddy, Boosie, Nicki, Busta, Angela Yee (Full Interview)

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foreign welcome back to Vlad TV Vlad what's up my guy oh man this is my original repeat guest on Vlad TV yeah we've been rocking for a long time I've been knowing Vlad for like I think like 20 years now 20 years at least 20 years yep yeah way before Vlad TV actually yeah when you was doing the uh the beef the beef mixtapes yep and he was putting my stuff on the beef mixtapes but yeah I was I was coming to Vlad before Vlad was the the multi-million dollar conglomerate it is now multi multi-million dollar media Empire it is now vice versa Alice rock with Charlemagne before he was the you know had all the radio shows and the syndication and the BT and the black effect and the Crystal Restaurants and whatever else you have that's been going on that I haven't been keeping track of no I referenced some I always referenced that one uh the one conversation I had up here after I got fired from Philly I think I either came here the same day I got fired or like the very next day yeah it's just like I you know you go back and watch that I prophesied everything that you know came to be yep absolutely yeah well let's get into what's happening right now and you know we had our last interview like I think two years ago and I was on brilliant idiots about a year ago so we haven't caught up in a while but a lot has happened in both of our Lives since then and I think the biggest thing is that Angela Yee has left the Breakfast Club yep now what exactly you know straight from the horse's mouth was the reason that you know Angela left The Breakfast Club because I know Angela really well I had done her show on lip service before she even you know joined the Breakfast Club and you guys became what you are and you know I've been cool with both y'all forever so straight from you what was the reason that she finally left I think people wanted to be something salacious you know what is but it's not like you know she left Breakfast Club because she got the opportunity to do her own nationally syndicated show you know way up when Angela is a nationally syndicated show it comes on you know 10 a.m to 2 p.m right after The Breakfast Club and I mean I think that's that would be hard for anybody to pass up I mean we've all been doing The Breakfast Club we're in our 13th year now and you know Angela Yee never got the opportunity to host her own show on terrestrial radio of course she had you know uh what was it the morning after on Shade 45 and that was kind of like after cypherd sounds left I think she if I'm from if I'm remembering this correctly she was type of sounds co-host and then when Cypher sounds left she kind of like inherited that show you know made it her own of course but for me I had my own Morning Show in Philadelphia you know I've had my own radio shows in South Carolina for terrestrial radio Envy you know he's had his own afternoon show on Power 105 one in New York so I mean it's kind of hard to pass up the opportunity to be the only the only syndicated black woman at iHeart if I'm not yeah yeah I don't think that yeah there's no other sister at Idaho would have heard their own syndicated radio show so I think it was just kind of that's a great opportunity why not take it and when you've been doing something for 13 years everybody don't have the same um you know the same way of doing things like I like getting up in the mornings to do morning radio 6 a.m to 10 a.m I have not gotten tired of it yet you know maybe for her you would have to ask her but maybe it's something that she just didn't want to do anymore you know you get to wake up a couple hours later come in and do your show the way that you want to do it like why not well I remember there's an interview where some drama came up where Angela said that she was the only woman on the staff at The Breakfast Club and I think Envy came back said no that's not true there was a producer a couple of female producers and so forth so can you clear up what exactly happened with that yeah I mean I I saw what she said on uh Tamron Hall show but I I honestly didn't think anything of it because I you know the reason I didn't think anything of it is because I've worked with a bunch of women at The Breakfast Club we know this like you know I think my our first producer our first producer at The Breakfast Club um was a guy named Q so and I I'm glad you asked me that because I do want to say this when we first started at The Breakfast Club and I don't think people realized this it was only five of us it was me Angela Yee DJ Envy Q who was our producer and M easy who was our board up um my good friend her name is Sasha Kitty you know Sasha me and her met when we I used to work at WBLS with Wendy she was a producer up there and then when I got my own Morning Show in Philadelphia I bought Sasha to be my producer in Philly so me and Sasha used to literally wake up every morning you know I was living in Lyndhurst New Jersey at the time I think she was living in like I want to say Linden I could be totally wrong I think it was either Linden or wrong way all right Elizabeth I don't know somewhere in Jersey but I used to wake up in Lyndhurst pick her up where she was at and we would drive every day Monday through Friday to go do morning radio in Philadelphia so you know after about a year so a breakfast club you know once we started to build the show a little bit more I was able to bring Sasha in as uh one of our producers as well so then it was six of us it's me Envy Angela Q Sasha and am easy are brought up and that's how it always was for years Sasha was with us for like you know seven years and then you know um you know Taylor Taylor Hayes who people know from you know Breakfast Club man the brilliant idiots podcast you know she came in as a producer and then just like you know the countless amount of you know interns who who worked at the show you know that were women and like we've never had a big staff at The Breakfast Club like it's never been a big staff behind the scenes you know art in front of the camera it's always the three people you see me envy and Angela and then it was always the board up who was sitting there and like sometimes you would see another producer in the room but up until like right now we've never had a team that was bigger than like six or seven people because even when Q left we bought in a new brother named Eddie F and so it was Eddie F at one point it was Eddie F Taylor and Sasha and then you know Sasha left Shashi works at uh Apple now so it was Taylor Eddie as as our produced production team but we've never had a production team that was bigger than like six or seven people at the most this is the biggest that The Breakfast Club has ever been right now and you know right now we got you know my homegirl Sim and Sid and Taylor and Victoria and I mean a bunch of women that work at breakfast club okay well this is something that actually hits close to home for both of us uh and I didn't realize it until I was going through my notes this morning was that uh you actually introduced me to tax tone I saw a tax Zone I think on The Breakfast Club or or the the MTV show you were doing I forgot which one it was but I saw him on there and I'm like yo this dude is dope and I think I'd reach out to you and you connected us and tax became a regular guest on Vlad TV in fact he did his last interview before he got locked up on Vlad TV which was an interview I never put out because I was worried that something that he may have said could somehow influence his his case and you know after six years of sitting in jail he went to trial and he blew try well um he was found guilty on a bunch of charges luckily not the murder charge but there was a bunch of manslaughter and so forth uh gun charges and now he's facing 25 years when you heard the news what did you think same thing I thought from the day I heard about this you know six years ago it's just tragic you know you got a life loss you know rest in peace to the to the brother Banger you got you know taxed on in jail now it's not just taxed on the jail tax done you know uh was found guilty on a bunch of charges you know Troy Ave I'm sure he's gone through trauma that that none of us can even speak to because I think a lot of people even forget you know it wasn't that just that situation you know Troy got shot again you know during this whole process so I can just imagine you know the trauma that he's dealing with too so man it's just like a a terrible tragic situation all the way around and I mean everybody in hindsight can say oh man you know I wish this would have happened and I wish that would have happened but you know what happened happened and you know there's there's no changing the situation and that's that's tragic because you know all you think to yourself is why did all of this happen like I feel like this was one of those situations that was totally totally totally preventable and um I wish in hip-hop that we took things a lot more serious because you know there is a lot of conversations that happen right every day you can go online and see some new social media beef happening you know this person said this about that person or that person said this and like you know nobody ever takes any of these situations serious until serious [ __ ] happens and this was a Beyond serious situation because somebody you know literally lost their life and then I I still don't know you know what happened I don't I don't I don't want to know I know everything that everybody else knows the things that I know are the things that you know people saw play out in the courtroom or the same things y'all have heard are the same things that I've heard I don't have any inside information on the situation I just know that from the outside looking in it's just tragic yeah man I mean like I said it hit close to home because me and tax became close and like that whole year between the shooting and his arrest we were hanging out you know I saw him in Cali we rolled around uh we did multiple interviews um you know it's it's a horrible horrible situation and I remember right on the trials about the Star attacks someone wanted to do an interview with me and I just you know I spoke to his lawyer and we both agreed that it was just a bad idea and I had to tell him no and he was kind of mad at me at the time but I'm like listen I don't want to be the person that ultimately affects your trial in terms of you speaking about it as it's happening if you want to go with someone else I can't stop people me personally I don't want to do it and you know we haven't really spoken since I don't know if he's still upset at me and I you know it's it's an ugly situation I think I remember right around that you know in between the shooting and the trial I think Troy out was on The Breakfast Club but you weren't actually there and was that a situation because of your relationship with tax that you didn't want to put yourself in the middle of that well um I interviewed Troy once after that after that that situation happened but I think people forget you know uh the first time he came to Breakfast Club you know the the uh the brother bang his family was upset I don't think people remember that like like like I do you know like because we were getting those those calls and you know they were directing that energy towards you know us The Breakfast Club you know and they were they were just upset that you know he was on the show and I I guess you know the things he was saying about Banger which I mean by the way which we can understand right you can understand the trauma that that family was dealing with right so I don't know what the situation is between the family and Troy I just know that when I saw it at the family was upset you know it made me take a step back you know it made me take a step back and and and I did feel like yo I might have been um a little too close to the situation because because of the relationship you know I I have attacked on right so it's just like I think for me as a journalist and I know people don't like they don't look at all of us as a journalists but if you go have some type of journalistic Integrity yeah you should you should take a step back from situations where you might have you know an obvious bias maybe or something you know I mean I don't think I think that's the fair thing to do and once again I think that would be that that's very fair to Detroit I think and I think that's at least just for me morally when I started the family was upset I'm like look man I can't tell y'all who to interview right I can't tell envy and Angela who to interview I just know that you know I think I should remove myself from the situation and it wasn't like every time he came to to Breakfast Club I was purposely not there like like I think it was like twice I was really I really had something to do like if you go look at that week I might have missed like three or four interviews you know from that week but you know now that everything's I I guess clearing up just moved over you know you might see that conversation happen yeah I think people don't realize that people in our position get put in weird situations because if you interview one side then people feel like you're choosing size yeah the other side and if you interview both sides then you're instigating that's right right so you ultimately you can't win and you have to make these decisions as they're happening I remember me and you kind of had the falling out over the no plug interview because I interviewed no plug and he talked about the you know the shooting of bankroll fresh and I remember you felt some type of way about it you and I stopped talking for a while years later the footage came out that he was actually returning fire and he acted in self-defense and me and you once again had a conversation about that but this happened all the time because I didn't want to interview um you know bankroll freshest people because I felt like the situation was starting to get so bad over this that if I interviewed them they'll continue to escalate things and and so forth so sometimes I just have to take a step back and say okay I'm just gonna interview this particular side and if the other people could you know the other side could go and do their own interviews but you know I need to be a soldier boy who talked about the home invasion shooting then I interviewed the guy who got shot and Soldier Boy's still mad at me to this day to this day you know what else I never did and and people don't ever pay this any attention tax was never on Breakfast Club during this time you know what I'm saying like like tax was never on Breakfast Club during this time like the the the responsible thing to do what you're supposed to do when you're when you're a journalist is what you just said right if you're gonna interview one side you got to have a conversation with the other side that never happened like there was never any conversation you know from tax storm in regards to you know the things the things that that Troy would say you know so yeah because taxes being smart and not speaking about the situation I mean I I would never ever ask him about that situation all the time we hung out I'm like I I remember when it happened I called him I said are you good he said yeah I'm good that's it that was the end of all of our conversations from that point on because I did not want to potentially I mean you don't know who's you know phones are being tapped who's wearing wires these days you know what I'm saying like when you look at that whole situation Casanova called up his man and said something about the shooting and his Man's phone was being tapped now sure that became part of the case that's right who who would have known who would have known I don't think Casanova was doing anything malicious but who would have known so I'm glad we are not in the street we just we just have you know careers that have us talking to people who are way closer to that lifestyle than we are you know when I'm when I'm when I'm uh building with somebody I'm building them strictly from a talent perspective you know I mean when I when I used to see tax on Twitter tax was funny he was smart and he used to make me laugh and at the time when I was doing Uncommon Sense what I always wanted to see was who from social media can I can take from social media and put them on television like that was the whole thing behind Uncommon Sense like my talk show that I had on MTV too let me see if I can take some of these black Twitter personalities and put them on camera yo we auditioned literally like 50 60 of your favorite black Twitter personalities back in like 2013 2014 and I promise you out of those 50 or 60 people two of them might have had What It Takes I'm not even joking like I'm talking about like literally two of them were able to sit in front of a camera and express those thoughts and express those same opinions you know Touchstone was one of those people so when I invited tax Stone to come on brilliant idiots podcast that was the first time that he had been in front of a microphone that I know of and people loved that episode they loved that episode so much that it was like yo maybe you should start your own podcast at the time you know uh loudspeaker Network which I'm still my pupils I'm still affiliated with them sleuth to Chris Monroe and combat Jack God bless the deck like yo y'all need to connect with this brother get him a podcast and it wasn't just me it was uh my man Kid Fury Kid Fury was co-signing for for tax done too and you know he ended up launching the tax season podcast and it took off you know so clearly we were all right engaging you know him as a talent and then I you know I was using him on uh my talk show Uncommon Sense he would be on there every week I had him in the Savage section at first where I had him in his own section but then I took him and he just started using them on the panel you know other shows that I would executive produce like the top 10 hottest MCS I would have him you know as one of the uh the the round table Talking Heads for that show so he was just somebody who's Talent you know I respected and still respect I I think you know if techstone is still out here everything looks totally different in this podcast You Know audio landscape but once again that's why the whole situation is so tragic because number one you had a life loss you know God bless um or the brother Banger and then you had two people who work who are extremely talented y'all you can say what you want about Troy Ave Troy I make good music you know what I'm saying and we don't know what the the last six years of his career looks like if that situation doesn't happen you know in in Irving Plaza so you know it just feels like it just feels like so much was was lost because of that situation man well you're a young thug on The Breakfast Club and uh you said something interesting uh when you spoke to me said I will say I made one of the worst predictions about 10 years ago when I did Vlad TV they asked me around longer Rich Homie Quan or Young Thug I said probably Rich Homie Quan clearly I was wrong the Young Thug said how do you feel about that Sean and then you said uh I mean you don't always get them right and then uh you know the other thing was like yeah you were wrong fast forward a couple years and this whole YSL train wreck that's happening right now in Georgia um you know like I just had an interview with the lead attorney uh this uh Georgia lawyer who you know we talked about how this is the biggest train wreck in the legal system that Georgia has ever seen they are still not even past jury selection and Young Thug is in a world of trouble and everything else like that when you look at that interview and you look at what's happening now what do you think same thing you know it's just tragic like I don't I don't I don't know too much about you know the YSL situation I mean I know that is a RICO which I didn't even know that they could do state recalls that was a new one to me I never even heard of a state recall until you know this situation but you know those recalls are are those recoils are tricky man you know because when you are somebody who's from a certain environment like how far away do they think that you're going to get from your environment like especially if you're somebody who's still trying to you know uplift said environment who's trying to empower a sad environment like yo we saw what Young Thug was doing in the community you know I don't know anything about what he's being accused of I just know what I saw forward facing as a radio personality media personality I saw him you know constantly giving back to to Atlanta right and constantly trying to empower people in Atlanta like think about how many jobs somebody like young thug provided think about how many jobs somebody like YSL provided because it's not just Thug when Thug goes and he gets a gunner then a gunner blows up right and now you've created this label YSL you're probably going to go get people you know from your community to work at this label so how do we know that he's just not a a a victim of you know just being close to an environment you know that that he might have probably should have got away from but how far can you actually go you know if your people are still there and you're trying to help your people and Empower your people you know what are you supposed to do in that situation you just supposed to turn your back on your folks and say yo man middle finger to all y'all I think you should do that if they're not willing to change if they're not willing to change and they still doing the same old [ __ ] and that [ __ ] is gonna you know hinder your business yeah you should absolutely walk away you should absolutely fall back from them but you know how do we know that he wasn't just trying to help some people and Empower some folks and you know those same folks were still doing doing doing dirt I think once you reach a certain Financial level certain people could come with you but the majority of people are going to be left behind like look at your life look at all the people you grew up with all the people you've been around during your elevation how many of those people have come along on the ride seriously how many people I don't it's a DOT okay but I'm saying all the people you've been around over the years how many of those people are part of Charlemagne's Entourage right now none authorizing yeah entourages don't do nothing but get you in trouble Entourage your business your your personal your finances your day-to-day none of these people around because ultimately when you get to a certain level you have to find the best people at the level that you're at like trying to bring everyone around who you know are still [ __ ] up in certain ways like I have a lot of friends who are [ __ ] up and I I talk to them every so often and we might have lunch or I might invite them to my house you know hang out by the pool but they're not part of my business they're not my Affiliates I'm not going around with them and I feel like young thug wanted to still have that whole kind of Aura and energy around him which ultimately got him messed up I mean same thing with the whole wide fan Lucci situation like to have both of these guys as talented as they are as big as they are as rich as they are with as many fans as they are with as much money as they make legally to both be sitting in prison for Ricos and murders and gang ties and everything else like that is insane yeah you got to find people who match your dream and and when you ask me that when you ask me like you know how many people you know you came up with are still with you it's because you know they couldn't see my dream and and nobody's supposed to see your dream and nobody's supposed to believe in your dream but you like if you meet people who actually believe in your dream and Believe in Your Vision like those are the people that you should you know keep close but you know as you grow and as you evolve you got to constantly find people who who match your dream and then man the crazy part is there might be people that you met 20 years ago right who at the time they matched the dream you had meaning like you might have saw yourself in a certain position and they might have been right for that moment right but then once you got into that position you started to see other things so your dream changes a lot of times those people that you bought with you to a certain point they don't see your dreams changing they don't they don't they don't they don't see the level that you're thinking at now because they're still you know where they were and they got with you to a certain point but now they like man I can't even believe this dude want to do this it's like it's almost like what you know you say I was running for office and it was like okay I was a I was I was a councilman right and then I became mayor and they're like oh man he was a councilman and he became a mayor that's cool but then what happens if I become Governor you're like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn't know you was gonna be Governor what happens if I decide to run for president and become president but this person still sees you as just the councilman do you know what I mean you can't believe how big this dream got for you some of those people man you know you don't even got to cut them off they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna fade away on their own they're gonna fall off on their own it's like if you it's like if you uh stop sending blood to one of your limbs eventually that limb will just fall off it's the same thing when people can't match your dream and they don't see where you're going they'll fade away because you know they just don't fit into that equation anymore since our last interview Kanye had the Meltdown and essentially lost everything you said something interesting you said that you'll suck a dick if things work out between Connie and Adidas I gotta stop saying that you have to stop saying I gotta stop saying that yeah did you say something like that about Takashi at one point yeah because it's like here's the thing when I say things like that I'm saying it because I know it's a short bet like I got I I first of all I would never cash in on the BET number one contrary to people's popular belief I would that's never a bet that I would uphold all right that's great ass betting or in that case mouth betting but it would never happen that's number one all right but number two it's like I say that as an extreme because these are things that I know just aren't going to be when I said that about six nine is because I'm like there's no way he's beating this case which he didn't that's like people think he beat the case he did not beat the case like he did not yeah he didn't pled guilty yes which means that he's found guilty yes he lost yes yes yes yes period um and same thing with Kanye and listen man stranger things have happened but I don't see that I don't see Adidas ever doing business with Kanye ever again because the the amount of atonement Kanye would have to do I I I I you know sometimes people just go too far man and and when you got when you got the ADL and other Jewish organizations saying how he caused anti-semitic hate crimes to go up when people can look and say you know this person got attacked because of Kanye that's that's that you that's too far like that like what what could I don't even know what you could do to fix that well you and I have spoken about this before I guess during private conversations with Kanye he would tell you that he loves Hitler this is years before all this had happened right no I heard him well and recently you know I got a van Lathan you know van um yeah van spoke about this I remember doing that whole TMZ debacle when he said the thing about uh slavery was a choice or whatever it was you know during that I heard during that time he was spewing you know anti-semitic rhetoric and he was saying how he you know loved Hitler oh you know I interviewed van we talked about it he actually said that one of the Jewish employees at TMZ basically told Kanye like yo like this this really hurts him and bothers him and ultimately all that was cut out of that TMZ interview although slavery was a choice got left in there okay so when he said the whole I love Hitler or Nazi thing yeah um what did the producer say said I'm Jewish and that offends me and what did Kanye say nothing he's like he said I'm Jewish and that offends me it's like I'm stood up like right I'm I'm Jewish what you just said is offensive to me you didn't say anything he then goes on like after that a little while after that he goes does it feel like I'm speaking freely and then that's when I say it doesn't feel like you're speaking Yeah but yeah Kanye had been saying this for years and years uh you know I think he's getting sued by a former Yeezy employee where he would talk about this in meetings and everything else like that and it's not even just that yo man like yo you know when you say things like you know slavery was a choice and you know when you you know discredit people like Harriet Tubman and you know Rosa Parks and you know Martin Luther King Jr you know like like it's like who are you bro like you you can't be you can't be a black you can't be anti-black and anti-Semitic you know what I'm saying like you can't you can't be both and like and and then turns around and you know speaks So Pro black and I'm trying to liberate black people and it's like are you really are you doing what you always do which is offending one group and then you actually offended two groups because you wore the White live matter shirts you know uh at that fashion show right so you're [ __ ] on the black lives matter movement you do that you do the anti-semitic stuff and then when you get backlash you do what you always do which is start saying things that black people want to hear you know and then when you start saying things that black people want to hear you know black people are still loving and so forgiving you know that you know we they gonna have your back right but the reason I don't like stuff like that is because you know don't leave my people into an unjust War you know what I'm saying like that's what I don't like like don't don't lead them into an unjust war and don't say you're doing it because you're trying to liberate black people no you trying to liberate Kanye Kanye West cares about Kanye West that is always remember Kanye's number one priority will always be Kanye well did Connie call you on the phone and scream at you about uh Pete Davidson's penis that is a that is an absolute fact that is a hundred percent fact and the reason I never forget that is because I was sitting in front of the passport office uh getting my my my my youngest daughter a passport because she had just been born and we were going out of the country um it's a 20 it's 20 20 was it 20 or 2021 I think it was 2021 I don't remember 2020 2021 it was 2021 and so I'm I'm I remember getting the phone call that Kanye wanted to talk to me and I'm like I don't that's I already know that's when you get that's an exhausting phone call I don't feel like talking to Kanye I don't want to talk to Kanye and you know the the the the person who was calling me you know that it was their job they were tasked with kidding me and Kanye connected so me and this person are cool I already know what situation that person is in I'm sitting in front of the passport's office waiting I ain't got nothing but some time to kill I'm like all right man reach out and so when he reached out like that was the whole conversation was you know uh getting me to be on his side to go against somebody who's actually my friend Pete Davidson is actually my friend I've known Pete since he was 16 years old like Pete started with us at Guy Code when we were doing the mtv2 show Guy Code like Pete Pete used to follow me and Duvall around like we finished taping go out to eat he'd be with us like I know I know his mom you know what I'm saying like I've gone to his house and kicked it he's been to my house and kicked it like I know his family he knows my family like that's an actual friend and somebody who I literally watched grow up like I normally he was 16 17 years old like he's 27 28 and 26 27 now you know I mean I think a 20 I don't know I don't even know but I've known him since he was a kid so it's like that's my actual friend somebody I have a relationship with me and Kanye are industry Associates so you're calling me so to try to get me to side with you against my friend because you're upset this man is dating your ex-wife like you you like come on and I said that to him I'm like bro you know you know that's my guy you calling me you know trying to get me on team yay saying you want to save the new Marilyn Monroe we got to save the new Marilyn Monroe yo yo that's what he was saying about Kim yeah you know can you know how Marilyn Monroe died right which I did not know and I don't even know if this is true but Marilyn Monroe died you know because the drug and you know Pete have drug problems and you know you know you're gonna we gotta save the new Marilyn Monroe from being addicted to drugs and you know dying and like and it's the funny the funny part is everything he came out and said about Pete later publicly he already had said all that he was saying all that behind the scenes the Pete got AIDS and all that other that all that stupid [ __ ] you know all that stuff he eventually said publicly he was saying behind the scenes and that's what I always said about you I always said like you know if you want to know eventually what Kanye is going to say publicly hang around him enough privately because he got some wild takes you got some wild cakes and some wild opinions and some wild views about people and we all saw every single everything a lot of the stuff that we've heard publicly I've heard in conversations just being being around so you know I just think it's strange for a person to try to get you to side against your friend like what kind of what kind of person would I be like and why would I be doing that like what what for free Yeezys like like to have proximity to Kanye like like no I'm never gonna [ __ ] on one of my friends for somebody who's not really a partner of mine I'm not doing I'm not sitting on none of my friends period but I'm definitely not doing that because you just upset that you know your woman is out here with another another guy well uh look he's Stanfield somebody who doesn't like me either I remember we had uh he did an interview a while back I think might have been variety magazine or something like that he talked about how he really wants to play a gay role and he wants to really get in touch with that in his acting we did an article about that and he was like yeah [ __ ] Vlad you know I guess it's because I'm a black man and he's Vlad he's doing these articles about me and I'm like thinking like this was your interview I'm not sure what you mad about right now the Keith uh well he's taking a few shots at me over the years but I remember with you he had made a video about you and there was a picture of you on the screen and him holding a gun at the screen and I was like whoa whoa this is a bit crazy especially for someone I mean I can imagine it's just a random you know I don't know YouTuber was doing this but this is an established actor who you know has real jobs and pays pays taxes when you saw that video of him holding the gun pointing at pointing at you did you feel any sort of concern I was concern for him um that's that's truthfully I was concerned for him because I was like damn what is his brother dealing with mentally and emotionally that he thought that was okay and and you're right like for somebody like him who's in the position that you know he's in like oh Keith is one of the most brilliant actors that you know we we've ever seen at least I think so I think I think Latif is a a brilliant actor you know I know a lot of people just you know know him from Atlanta but you know I've seen him in things like sorry to bother you and I've seen him in things you know like of course uh you know the Fred Hampton movie stuff but he's he's like a very very talented actor and you know somebody like that who you know sky is the limit for in Hollywood you know it was just kind of like disturbing to see that that brother doing that because something like that could cost him a lot you know um it didn't you know I mean I I don't know I don't know if it did or not I don't know if there was calls made behind the scenes it definitely didn't have any any public outrage no you know social media outrage but when I saw that I just I was concerned about him you know I wasn't even thinking like oh my god oh I got a beef up security Now the Keith Stanfield is you know he just he's pulling the ham out on me oh my God it's going to be a problem I wasn't thinking that in no way shape or form I literally was thinking what is this brother going through emotionally and mentally that you know he would do something like that but I feel like um I could be wrong because I don't know him but I feel like I see a lot more stability now you know what I mean personally you know I don't I don't see like you know there was a time where he'd be like doing Twitter outbursts and you know posting like really crazy salacious provocative stuff on social media I don't know if he was doing that for attention or if you know or whatever but I haven't seen any of that in a long time so it feels like he's got some stability going on and that's all I want for everybody man I want whatever issue you're dealing with mentally whatever issue you're dealing with emotionally man go get some help for it like you know people clown me all the time because I'm always talking about therapy and you know I've become a a mental health Advocate but that's that's real because that's what I see everybody dealing with and I see everybody trying to do escapism right like even when we talk about like the YSL case you know when you see people getting drugs you know uh snuck to them in court or or or whatever it is are people attempting to give folks drugs or lawyers having drugs I just be hearing I'm like man that lets me know that I understand these brothers got a criminal case going but man somebody should be trying to get these brothers some help you know if you're going to be calling these institutions Correctional Facilities then man how about trying to get like some real correcting and some real you know straightening going on like I think that these brothers be having you know addictions and the reason they have addictions is because they have trauma and they're constantly trying to escape from things and I think that man when you see situations like that happening we got to start even rethinking you know how we even approach some of this some of this [ __ ] we call criminal you know so it's just like once again when you talk about him waving the gun I didn't see somebody committing a criminal act even though that is a criminal act I saw somebody that's like emotionally and mentally unstable something like this I mean there's some healing that needs to go on there okay well you touched on this on million dollars with the game the the past beef with Busta Rhymes and I remember around that time you and I were doing interviews and you talked about the actual altercation and everything else like that and I remember I was in the studio I was I did interview Busta Rhymes around this time and he told me the whole cause of the beef was he felt well he had heard you said something about I guess his family when you were still with Wendy or you were in the background laughing or something like that so when you guys ran into each other there was multiple things going on I think between you two yeah that was never true though because I wasn't even on 1D the time he was talking about like I I remember I remember him uh I I don't know if I saw the Vlad interview or something but I wasn't with Wendy when all of that transpired I remember that because he I forgot exactly what it was but I don't know if Wendy had interviewed somebody or something but I wasn't even there I didn't get with Wendy until 2006. you know and I was with Wendy from 2006 February 2006 to November 2nd 2008. so I wasn't even there for that you know in my mind I thought Buster was approaching me because I had gave him Donkey of the Day when he put out the oldest freestyle with DMX by the way there's nothing wrong with that freestyle that freestyle is dope I was just an [ __ ] who who who who needed content for the day and was just stirring up Waters to catch fish you know and and I and I honestly always feel bad about stuff like that because the reality is man what's the Rhymes is an icon and if we don't you know hold our icons in high regard who will so a lot of times man I'm I'm on there well back in the day I'm on there making jokes and you know I'm clowning you know OG's in the game Legends who have paved the way even for people like me and you don't know the impact that that could have on a generation of people you know what I mean or or or are a large group of people they might start looking at you know Buster funny or whoever I was talking about in the moment funny now there's nobody above critique but let the critique be like warranted you know what I'm saying like you know I'm not going to be just making jokes about a person's appearance or you know making jokes about a person's music if you know it's not a it's not an accurate critique I couldn't tell you anything that was wrong with that oldest freestyle now I couldn't tell you why I gave him donkey today other than you know I was trying to stir up water to catch fish because it was him and DMX on that a matter of fact well yeah I mean it seems like you know when I talked to the Charlemagne of 2023 it's very different than the Charlemagne of you know 2015. yeah because I realized that if you don't want your piece Disturbed don't disturb the Peace of others and also too man you talk about the Charlemagne from 2015 we can go back prior to that me and you've been doing interviews since what 2008 I think oh eight yeah yeah so wait yeah 15 years we've been going strong so always I don't know [ __ ] but I think I know everything meaning that meaning that you can get on World Star and at the time the internet was really just starting to Bubble you can get online and you can see all these conspiracy theories about you know your favorite artists and you hear all these things about artists I don't know any of these people so these people aren't even human to me like they're not even human they're just like characters that we read about and we see online so when you think you know something it's easier to sit down and just go at them but damn when you start to grow in the business and you start to grow in the industry and you start to actually have conversations with people and you start to be around people and black you start to become a public figure yourself you start to become the person that wasn't wasn't talking about people now you're being talked about now you looking at yourself online and you like that ain't happened that didn't happen that's not true I didn't say that like what do they mean I'm in the Illuminati I'm not in no Illuminati so it's just like when you start having things like that happen to yourself you know and you start to see people and actually have conversations with people and meet people you realize oh man this brother or this sister they human just like I'm human and they they figured something out just like I figured something out and you know they made a way for their stuff when you when you look at it from that lens and you have that perspective it's impossible you know to be to be who I was in 2009 well yeah I mean I remember some of our earlier interviews I remember I'd bring up Drake I remember one of your famous lines was there's gay there's straight and there's Drake fantastic line fantastic line but I remember that was the line that when I was in New Orleans Drake's crew you know approached me on you know I was like oh I heard you talking [ __ ] about Drake and I'm like okay y'all probably talk about the Charlemagne [ __ ] you know I mean cause I've never said anything about Drake but they're probably talking about that interview and it's like it's interesting seeing the progression where you were really at the shock jock that I don't give a [ __ ] you know back then now it's a little more tempered and you know I mean some people might like the old Charlemagne some people might like the new Charlemagne you know when I look at like academics you know he reminds me a lot more of the old Charlemagne you know we'll see where academics is in 10 or 15 years he may be you know a lot more tempered and a lot more calm or he might even be crazier who knows but in your case I could I could see the growth and everything else like that and I'm sure you know you could get much bigger numbers if you were still the old Charlemagne but no it might close no you don't think so no I I think I got I got much bigger don't know I I think he will I think the audience the old Charlemagne the audience is way bigger now and and and the reason the audience is way bigger now is because I grew up and when you grow up you have more things to talk about when you grow up and you got you know four daughters you know and you know you've been going on a journey of healing within yourself and you start having conversations about you know mental health and you know uh even even politics like people say what they want The Breakfast Club and myself we grew tremendously when we started embracing those political conversations like you know it's it's one thing to be featured on you know Vlad TV and the world stars and all that that's great that's culture but man what about when you're on CNN all the time what about when you're on MSNBC all the time what about when you're on Fox News all the time what about when you're talking to people who were talking to former sitting presidents like President Barack Obama we talked to uh now the President Joe Biden Joe Biden gave us a moment that's going to be in history forever when he said if you don't know whether to vote for me uh or Donald Trump you ain't black like that [ __ ] was being used in Republican campaigns against him they still bring that up now you're going to see that resurface from now until 2024 when Joe Biden runs again in 2024 for president the Kamala Harris you know uh talking about smoking weed in college and you know they misconstrued her words and had her saying that you know she was smoking weed with Tupac or whatever when com was on my you know late night talk show hell of a week and she you know told me to stop acting like a Republican and she got she got at me a little bit because of my line of questioning like that's a different audience like we I I love listen I love hip-hop I am hip-hop to death but man A lot of times man in this space that we're in hip-hop um the things that we care about bro don't nobody care about that [ __ ] with us it's a very Niche thing in a lot of ways don't get me wrong hip hop is definitely pop culture and it's the most popular culture but a lot of this [ __ ] Vlad that we talk about on a daily basis on the regular don't nobody care about but us and if you step out that's true if you step outside and you have a conversation with somebody they won't know what the hell you talking about I can and we we talk about numbers yo man All The Breakfast Club is continued to do is grow like back then when when we I was doing all that wild [ __ ] we didn't have eight million monthly listeners you know what I'm saying we weren't nationally syndicated in in 100 plus markets you know we didn't we weren't getting 15 to 20 million downloads a month on our podcast the reason the Breakfast Club and myself have continued to grow is because we're not limited limiting ourselves to one genre and I'm gonna tell you something man that was always my fear growing up because I saw the ceiling for a lot of hip-hop personalities like I saw the ceiling I saw when the ceiling happened I saw when you know these people put themselves in a box and I was no I refused to be that I'm not about to die in a beard I'm not about to put my hat on backwards I'm not about to be yo-yoing and acting like I know what's going on with little you know young shorty such and such like nah I'm not doing all of that if it's not organic and natural to my everyday life I'm not about to wake up every day in front like it is and and if it ever got to that point I'll be willing to walk away but without what I've always wanted to do is I've always wanted to push the coach of hip-hop forward I grew up on Public Enemy I grew up on Goodie Mob I grew up on Outcast I grew up on all of these people who talked about things of socially redeeming value like you don't get to be Jay-Z or Nas or any of these people who've had these 25 30 years 30-year careers if you just keep doing the same thing even when we talk about rappers you saw ceilings for rappers because rappers would be 40 plus Rich As [ __ ] still talking about the hood still talking about Street [ __ ] and you wonder why nobody's gonna acting with your music anymore because we know that it's not believable when you look at somebody like Jay-Z Jay-Z has evolved every single step of the way I remember hearing the 444 album on my 39th birthday that album came out on June 28th uh 2000 uh what 17 right that was my 39th birthday I turned 39 on June 29th I remember leaving the party I was having on the roof just a little small get together it was me and like Jesus and Mero and there's a few friends there wasn't a lot of people and I got into the car and I couldn't wait to throw 444 on and all I kept thinking was this is the soundtrack to my life right now this is where I'm at in my life right now fatherhood therapy big black owned businesses you know trying to be a good husband to my wife addressing my infidelity things like that like that's where I was at in my life right then and there I'm Not Looking Back if you're looking for the old Charlemagne then y'all got to go on YouTube you know what I mean because I'm not why would I why would I go back when I'm doing better than I ever have been well speaking of hip-hop media you and I are both on the uh the complex hip-hop Media power list uh you were number three uh I was number nine uh Angela Yee was number 14. uh DJ Envy wasn't on the list which kind of surprised me uh did he feel some type of way about that um I honestly don't know if he did because when that list came out I was in St Lucia you know what I'm saying I was in on in St Lucia on a vacation just me and the wife and you know when the list came out I was actually uh Nyla Simone now is the one who sent me the list and I was I was happy for Nyla because she was she was number 24 on the list and knowledge somebody that you know I've watched you know get it from the mud you know I remember when Nala came into the studio for an interview for an internship position you know and I've seen her go from being an intern to you know Angie's assistant and I remember just having a conversation with her one day and I remember I literally said there I said Yo God told me to tell you that you just got to find one thing it is that you want to do and everything else is going to fall into place and so she she started investing into the DJing and she became a DJ and so you know things have really taken off for her you know she got a show on Amazon the rotation round table with Rob Markman and Gabe and uh speedy and you know she got a show on amp with Gabe and you know we use her on Breakfast Club every Friday for pastor aux I I use her as my house DJ for my late night show hell of a week so she's got a lot going on so I was happy for her I honestly didn't even think anything else about the list other than that I remember you text me and you asked me and I just was like well what is power like I don't even know what power in hip-hop media is right and first of all that's their list salute to their list that's a team of people like complex came together and decided to say hey this is our list this is our 25 most powerful people in hip-hop media they put the list out cool more power to them but for me I just want to know like what is considered power in hip-hop media because power to me man is like when you look at all when you look at these other lists lag like when you look at like you know the most powerful people in Hollywood or the most powerful people in New York media it's a lot of Executives on that list like it's people that like call shocks it's people that provide jobs and you know opportunities not saying that you know people on the the the complex lists don't do that but I didn't see a lot of what I would call execs on that list so I would just ask them like what is what is what is power power can't just be you know about clicks and Views and lights right well I think the thing about that list is that the the personalities that were on that list and they focus just on the personalities as opposed to companies which is why Nori's on the list but drink Champs is not right uh I think that when people speak it resonates and it goes viral and it goes into multiple areas on multiple platforms and it affects the culture in certain type of ways you know and I was glad to be on the list because I'm never on any list you know over the last whatever 15 years I've never been nominated for nothing I've never been include any list so to get in the top ten I thought okay cool this is nice and to see some of my friends like you know you academics uh math hospital I was happy for act two you know Adam all being on the list was like yo like these are all people that you know you know there are Clicks in this media thing and certain people get along and certain people don't like I get along with you with academics with with Adam um you know those the people that I talk to on a regular basis you know I mean other people on the list either have beef with me or we just haven't connected for whatever reason and it's nice to see my peers celebrated that's all you know and to me that was nice and I felt like that was the first list that really included what I felt was a lot of the actual prominent players in hip-hop media as opposed to like the older radio dudes that may still have shows and so forth but don't really cause a stir when they do interviews yeah I'm saying even when they have big names yeah to that point that's why I felt like you know certain people you can't even have on that list like you can't have Angie Martinez on that list you can't have sway on that list you can't have big boy on that list you know those people are already home you can't have Flex on that list those people are already home like like literally sway Big Boy Angie Martinez are literally in the radio hall of fame you know I mean and and I feel like you know when you when you do lists like that you know for a generation that may not know it kind of like might have like like I said about what I said when I was talking about when you discredit certain people like you know the the ogs of the game it's just like certain people shouldn't be on a list like you don't you can't put Jay-Z on a list anymore with rappers you can't put Nas a Scarface you know I mean you can go straight you can't put these people on a list with rappers anymore not not like they're they they've done it already their home already that's why I say for the new people like the knowledge I was very happy for I was happy for academics I was happy for acne because it's like yo people been fronting on act for a long time like you know people don't want to accept act as a media personality but that's just people who don't realize that media has changed and like those uh traditional Outlets that we know like radio and television there's something else now they're the podcast there the YouTube there the social media pages so yes you can become a big you know personality you know via social media via YouTube you know via VIA a podcast you know so I I was happy for for people like that because of what you just said they're getting recognized but once again what is power power just can't be no boys you know why Vlad TV is powerful to me Vlad TV is powerful to me because Vlad TV revitalizes careers you know what I'm saying live TV you can you can come on Vlad TV and become like a major personality like people will start looking at you different and remembering like damn I remember why I like that person in the first place you know what I mean like they might have showed some of their personality through music but now I can sit down and watch them talk like people tune in they want to hear what Boosie got to say they want to hear what Tony Yayo got to say that's because of the platform that Vlad TV has provided same thing with drink Champs drink Champs gives flowers the people who nobody else might even be thinking about honoring you know what I mean like you can have your VH1 hip-hop honors and all that [ __ ] but they're gonna miss a lot Nori is of the culture he came up in the culture you know there's people that Nori have loves and respects that he's going to reach out to and be excited about sitting down and having a conversation with that other people won't you know and and that's power to me you know power to me is the people who can provide jobs power to me is the people who can provide you know opportunities I tell folks all the time man you know if what I'm with what I'm building only benefits me then it's not big enough you know so I don't think complex should ever do a list like that again if they're not going to include platforms you know they they need to include platforms and then when you include these platforms you have to look and say to yourself well which one which one of these platforms is really providing opportunities for for for for other people you know which one of these platforms is actually creating jobs and opportunities for other people because once again if you know what you're doing only benefits you it's not big enough no I agree I mean look Tony Yayo someone who we brought on Vlad TV for the first time in like a decade you know you've seen him really get out there and tell his personality and everything else like that you had him on The Breakfast Club which I'm sure was you know some would have a result of his Vlad TV interviews absolutely and yeah and now Tony AO is doing his first ever solo show in New York at Sony hall for the first time in his life because of you know the push that we gave him and then you followed up on and suddenly he's doing his own tours and and so forth like yo I love to see it I love to see it absolutely I mean think about that's like even something like verses versus even though it's not a considered hip-hop media that's powerful because these people get on on verses and then their screams go up and then you know they get booked for tours because all you all you're showing is that oh that person still has an audience you know and we live in a we live in a game we live in a industry where people man they really not even gonna check for you unless they see that you still got some some heat you know unless you still got some steam behind you and I think that's what a lot of these you know uh platforms end up showing folks like oh no that person is definitely still an audience for sad individuals so you know that's that's that's literally my only thoughts on that uh on that list like you know what what is power because power just can't be noise man I I I've made a lot of noise but there's a difference between noise and having actual influence and power you know there's people that'll there's people that'll you know they'll bring people on Breakfast Club because Breakfast Club helps to sell books Breakfast Club can help your podcast numbers jump Breakfast Club can you know have people tune into your TV show Breakfast Club can have people go out and vote for you breakfast club can have people pull up to your you know movie you know that first weekend when those box office numbers really count I never forget you know Diddy yelling and screaming at me this before I even recognize truly you know the power you know that that the platform was commanding that's when he dropped the uh Last Train to Paris album and I gave him donkey today for that album right I'm like yo this [ __ ] is Shake Weight music you know I mean once again being an [ __ ] because if people love that album right but I'm just [ __ ] with him and he came to the station hot like to go out the back door Charlemagne type [ __ ] and I remember when I finally had a conversation with diddy about it put us on the phone and um Diddy was like bro you can't do that on my first week because I'm a big boy you know I can take criticism with the music but not on my first week when I'm trying to get these first week numbers up you know you you come out and you you know [ __ ] on my project like this people might not even go check for the project and and that was one of the first times I was like oh [ __ ] he's right you know another time going back to Young Thug you go to The Breakfast Club interview Young Thug said it in the interview he was like man you know you Charlemagne and you know you you was you were [ __ ] on me when I first came out I'm just a kid from the hood you know trying to figure things out I'm paraphrasing his words but he was like I'm just a kid from the hood you know trying to make good and you know you you [ __ ] on me for whatever reason and you know I got people around me like you know damn Charlemagne don't [ __ ] with you this and that yada yada and that [ __ ] made me feel [ __ ] up too cause I'm like man he just a young black man from the hood trying to figure it out what does it matter if I like his [ __ ] or Not by the way I love thug music while we was clowning about everything else the dresses and all of that stuff like that but I'm like what does it matter why does my opinion about what he's wearing matter well he's just a young brother from the hood trying to figure it out trying to make it man as long as you're not out here trying to hurt nobody as long as you're not out here you know being dangerous to our culture or being a danger to society who I we shouldn't have nothing to say let these let these people do their thing you know and that's just my mentality like that's that's literally my mentality now I'm not trying to hurt nobody I wanna I wanna help you you know I don't want to hurt because I I really didn't even realize that a lot of these people I was really hurting them in a real way and then you know especially when it comes from the younger ones because you gotta think people we man we like Tom Joyner out this [ __ ] for a generation so it's like you got people parents and they aunts you know what I'm saying and their grandparents listen in The Breakfast Club people forget when Birdman you know came to Breakfast Club Birdman his daughter heard me talking about him on the air and his daughter came to him with it that's gonna make anybody Furious was on a breakfast club precisely look at me said man my mama loves you man you know what I'm saying I know who you are because of my mama my mama been listening to you for years man when you get when you when you understand that yes you're gonna be very you know cognizant of how you speak on people and how you speak on people's families you know you're going to be very cognizant of that one of my biggest regular guys Boosie uh at one point in my interview he said that you pick size by speaking out against him transgender uh Madison actually went on The Breakfast Club and spoke about you and you actually got mad at Charlemagne about it no it's just Charlemagne pushing the issue even when I was on the thing he was pushing the issue bro even when I was on a thing you know every time I go you know I guess this Charlemagne was you know just that I think I think you know when I when when I talked to Charlemagne off camera I don't see that but when the cameras turned on he really pushes that way you know I don't know maybe for success in the future you know because I was thinking about I'm like maybe they do you know uh but uh that's just how it is man you know like easy you're gonna have to pick a side bro you know you're gonna have to pick a side bro you know basically you know you're gonna have to pick a side and you know he's basically picking aside you know it he's basically picking inside of you know a lot of people picking sides we're pushing his agenda and uh I'm the biggest one you can you know uh come at with that so uh you know I'm prepared for whatever like you know like uh you know like I ain't the person you gonna bite and they ain't gonna buy back like you know like I ain't gonna do [ __ ] [ __ ] and I ain't gonna I ain't gonna say nothing about it I don't care who you is and you actually responded to and say that I'm not picking side so what exactly was that situation about I wasn't picking size I just was trying to keep Boosie from I don't want to say self-destructing because that's not the word but causing unnecessary problems for yourself you know what I'm saying and and Boosie he'll tell you there's things that Boosie lost because of his views you know I mean Bootsy was supposed to have a reality show from what I was told from the from what the producers told me they had a reality show they were doing with Boosie and then Boosie you know made some comments online Boosie being Boosie and you know they they they had to stop production on the reality show so it's like that's that's the thing I'm not picking sides I'm just trying to keep you boosie your brother from the south I know you I am you I'm from South Carolina you from you know Baton Rouge I'm just trying to keep you from putting yourself in a position that might [ __ ] up your money that you making now and [ __ ] up some money that you making in the future and Boosie ain't the only one I guess there's been plenty of times man we've edited interviews you know I mean I I'll tell you that straight up I've edited things out of Breakfast Club interviews because I don't want to see the people get jammed up and I let them know all right bro we taking that out because that goes out he ain't gonna do nothing but cause you a whole bunch of problems and not just cause you a whole bunch of problems it's gonna hurt people you know and I learned that through trial and era because I've made those mistakes before I've had people come on Breakfast Club and say things that ended up hurting communities and when I would hear it I didn't think nothing of it you know I mean but it ended up hurting communities and ended up hurting those people so if I if I'm sitting here telling you right now I don't want to hurt people right I got to be consistent in that so I'm not I'm not I'm not picking aside I'm just trying to keep that brother Boosie from you know saying something that could you know be detrimental because there's a big difference in saying things on Instagram or even saying things on Vlad and saying things on a platform like Breakfast Club saying on a platform like Breakfast Club it's gonna get right to those organizations quick fast in a hurry because they're going through everything we do with a fine-tooth comb don't get me wrong they'll hear a Vlad interview they'll get to it and they'll be like oh let's raise some hell about this but Breakfast Club is a a entity connected to a much larger entity which is my heart so that lawsuit is different Vlad right that's the thing that people don't ever want to talk about that's the thing that people don't see that lawsuit is different when you can you know not just hold Boosie liable you can hold me liable and Breakfast Club reliable and I heart liable it happens all the time you think I never got sued for something I said on Donkey today even if it was actual and factual and I was citing sources come on man is it like we know the world we living in yeah I mean the whole thing what star said about I think DJ Envy's kids got star fired and I heart got sued and they had to settle with Envy over the whole situation you're looking for example Charleston white he's talking about you know killing people's kids and raping babies and everything else like that no one really cares because it's just on his YouTube channel the channel gets shut down he go goes and makes another one and then people keep it moving so you're right it is there's ramifications on where you are and the platform that you're on it's a very very big difference and yeah you're right I mean I I would tend to agree with you when you got I heart behind you that the stakes are much higher because they could sue I heart that's right and I Love Lucy who don't love Boosie everyone loves people you know what I'm saying like I love Boosie I grew up man I might be a little older than Boosie actually but I grew up with Boosie's music you know I mean so I am not trying to pick a side I'm literally trying to protect everybody in this situation I don't want Boosie to say nothing that's gonna hurt nobody and I don't want Boosie to say nothing that's gonna hurt himself well you had mentioned that uh you and Nicki Minaj should uh patch things up what exactly happened between you and Nikki man me and Nikki used to be super cool man um I've always liked Nikki always respected Nikki's Talent um and I was actually on Nikki's second album I was on uh her second album uh which one was the name of that um okay with the Japan print I don't know if it was a pink friend but I was on her second album I did an interview uh with her I did with Pink Friday Pink Friday right Pink Friday yeah oh is that the first one no pink Friday's in the second one uh Roman Reloaded her second studio album was Pink Friday okay so I I interviewed her for that album and that was a interview that went on at the end of the album so me and Nikki was always cool but I think it started with a uh Anaconda came out and I hadn't heard Anaconda the first time I heard it was on the radio and I was just like I I don't like that record it ain't for me but I was like yo the video the video probably gonna be fired and it's probably gonna work because you know it's Nikki you know talking about the baby got back you know uh sample like can't really lose right and yeah I don't think she took uh she took too kindly to that and so I think our relationship kind of was a low a lower Rocky sends it in and then you know I've had I've had other opinions about her about her or her music or how she might have been moving you know since then but I mean I got nothing but respect for Nicki I got nothing but love for Nicki Minaj you know I mean so I I I do nothing but salute her I don't care if she ever comes to Breakfast Club ever again I don't care I don't care if we ever cool again it's just like yo I I got respect for her she's another one but that's what I mean right like she's another one nobody's above critique I want to be clear in saying that nobody is above critique but you know let's just make sure the critique is something actual factual you know and make sure the critique is about the art you know as opposed to the person I think sometimes when the critique you know uh becomes about the person because there's a lot of things that we know Vlad we know people behind the scenes in a different way like you know we hear and see things behind the scenes in a different way and I think whether we realize it or not sometimes we bring some of that on the microphone I might not have liked the way I saw you know somebody talk to somebody else you know and I bring that to the microphone about that person and their art and um I don't think that's that's fair and and I think it's pretty hard to be objective you know I think it's almost impossible to be objective I think people be lying when they say their objective like nah we all got our biases and we got our biases for reasons so always got always got to check myself as to why I'm saying you know certain things so I think um yeah I think with with Nikki I think some of those things might have just got personal like some of my opinions might have been personal based off things that I saw her saw and heard her doing you know behind the scenes but I ain't got nothing but love him did you make several work things out because I remember I think you had said certain things on Vlad TV about mace and you guys ran into each other I think in Miami and there was some sort of mini altercation yeah I said the same thing everybody was saying everybody was questioning Macy's moved to a pastor and then back to rap and then going super gangster with G Unit like we had like yes like that was something that everybody was saying but you know when me and Maze ran into each other he brought in something different to the equation and that's why conversations are important because in my mind I'm like you tripping off me for something everybody else was saying mace thought that I was leading a black ball charge against him in New York City for New York City radio this is his exact words may say you and some other people are leading a charge to blackball me in the business and I'm like no it's just like yo I haven't heard no hot music nobody can blackball you if you had hot records if you had hot records and people were like yo ain't nobody listening to mace we're not playing no mace that's different but what records have you had for us to blackball what what's what I'm saying all that to say his perspective was totally different than mine in my mind he's running up on me because I was clowning the whole you know move to the faith but in his mind it's like no these people are blackballing me same thing with Nikki Nikki thought people were blackballing her she thought that people were getting paid to blackball her and not play her music in the push party and all this other stuff and I'm like none of that is true like at least not on my end I can't speak for anybody else but at least not on Maya yeah I don't understand this whole conspiracy theory blackballing thing like look we've been in business since last week for 15 years and no point does someone say Hey listen we're going to pay you to write negative stories about this person or to do negative interviews about this person like I I've never seen it you know I I have no idea if it actually happens but to me the whole thing sounds ridiculous this whole black balling thing in today's society in today's business there's so many outlets to get your stuff out there's so many fans that you can go direct to that blackballing I think is an imaginary concept and to people like Nikki and mace who keep pushing this weird thing and let me tell you my my experiences with mace to me he's one of the worst people that I've met in the in the music industry this is someone that will constantly waste your time we've had so many Mace Interviews that were supposed to happen that never happened you know I know so many people that like mace was supposed to take him on tour they would show up at the airport and mace wouldn't even be there you know I mean they'd have to go back home you know with their luggage you know you the whole five-year foreign situation like to me it's not surprising that somehow he has it in his head that someone's blackballing him and so forth when the reality is is that the type of person that he is the type of bridges that he's burned will ultimately come back to taunt you at some point yeah that's just life now I will say I have seen situations where people have hired PR's and they've given PR's you know negative stories whether those stories are true or not and that PR will try to get those stories placed on different Outlets I've seen that before you know what I mean I don't I wouldn't call that black balling though I would just call that you know uh slander and defamation especially especially if this stuff isn't true you know but yeah I mean yeah I I I get exactly what you saying but you know mace is doing his thing now with that uh it is what it is yeah uh So within the camera that's that that looks like that looks like something that they always should have been doing like and that's that's the funny thing about the business right like when you think about all the things Macy's attempted to do over the past 15 years nothing looked organic everything always seemed like what is going on yo whether it was the pastor thing whether it was the G Unit thing all of that but now this is the first time I'm looking and I'm like that's what he should be doing him and his OG friend killer cam killer cam murder mace two people that we know with standout basketball players sitting around talking Sports it is what it is like that I'm like I'm looking like that makes all the sense that right there makes all the sense in the world and and can't nobody so-called black ball you from that in fact it's the complete opposite right he's created something that is has picked up a lot of steam in the culture and now people want to talk to him you know what I'm saying people want to speak to mace like they want to embrace this mace this it this it is what it is Mace they were they weren't feeling the other versions of mates the other variants of Mace we got but this very enemies their feeling that's why I don't believe in the whole that's why I don't that like that black balling thing isn't true it's like if you build something we are here's the reality we live in a dick riding business if you build it they will come period if you build something and it gets it picks up steam in the culture everybody's gonna going to jump on it everybody's gonna rush to it so remember back in the day they say they used to say you one hit away nowadays you just won create piece of content away from everybody being on your dick ever like literally you're one great piece of content away whether it's a Vlad TV interview a a podcast that you put out a YouTube show you start whatever it is you're one great piece of content away from everybody being back on your dick right and then the trick is after you put out that one piece of content you need a library to follow it up with because one spark will not give you a career but it could set you off to a career but it won't give you a career you know what I'm saying like I'm I'm not still talking about my Tupac rap phenomenon mixtape from back in the day that was a great moment in time but that was 20 years ago you see what I'm saying like it's a nice notch in my build but I never mention it because every day you got to create new content you got to create more moments and you gotta you know turn into a real business like the studio you're sitting in right now there's 20 employees to make this happen you know it's a very different Studio than when you were at two years ago I remember when it was just me and you yeah you know what I'm saying I remember when it was just me you hold the camera right you're holding the camera I remember that here's the thing man the reason that's happening is because we are not afraid to grow and evolve that's the only thing that scares me about hip-hop and Hip-Hop coaches sometime man people are not willing to grow because they get stuck in the one thing that worked for them like literally they get stuck in that one thing imagine if I was still doing what I was doing 15 years ago I'd have been played out the reason I would have been played out is because people will see through that they know that's performative it's like oh that that guy is the character of himself like no don't be afraid to grow don't be afraid to evolve you're gonna lose some people on the way but you're gonna gain a lot more people too you know what I mean and that's what that's exactly what has happened and and I know you can see say the same we've Vlad there's plenty of people that you've lost along the way but your platform just continues to grow because you don't limit yourself man I sit down and I watch Vlad TV interviews like I read books because they're very in-depth interviews and you're talking to people that I never even thought to talk to you know what I'm saying and you're talking to people who I wouldn't even think I would be interested in the story they have to tell but they're telling these very intricate detailed stories about things and people and events like those are the things that are going to be documentaries in the future those are the things that are going to be movies in the future you're collecting this whole library of intellectual property that is going to turn into other intellectual property in the future that's what we got to be looking at as a coach when I when I have conversations with academics and you know the knowledge of the world and all the youngins that's the stuff that I'm telling them I'm telling them like you know don't get caught up in being a character to yourself and if you have something that works for you in that moment don't just keep going back to that add more things to your game add more things you know to your repertoire because that's what's going to keep you growing and going like you can't teach longevity man you can't I didn't expect to be in this [ __ ] 20 plus years we've been doing Breakfast Club 13 we're the longest running hip-hop radio show morning radio show in New York City history that's number one where the longest running hip-hop morning radio show in New York City and the most successful because we're syndicated in 90 Plus markets yeah like it's not even close but that's because nobody nobody limits theyself Envy was the mixtape DJ who now you know got six kids is big into real estate he's the car show guy you know he's the father without everybody loves you saw his his ups and downs of his marriage him and his wife got relationship books out like they got things that a wide range of people can Embrace same with me you know we got things that are why I got things at a wide range of people can Embrace I could still be talking about you know what's your favorite rapper is doing but how stupid would I look at 44 years old born in 1978 talking about what a 19 year old rapper is doing final question because I know you have to go soon when you look at all of your interviews and at this point there's hundreds of them if not a thousand plus you're all time favorite Charlemagne interview you've ever done I don't think I've ever asked you this before in all the years that we've known each other oh man I just did it uh Judy Bloom ah I know I saw that Judy Bloom I've always um you know I grew up you know reading Judy Bloom books because my mother was an English teacher you know and and she would always say to me um read things that you know don't pertain to you so when I would go in the library you know I would pick up these you know books that you know had these white people on the cover the Judy blooms and the Beverly clearly and you know what I realized even as I got older the reason I love Judy Bloom is simply because of the storytelling and because she actually talked about things of socially redeeming value in her books whether it was addressing racism in Iggy's house whether it was addressing you know finding your faith and are you there God is me Margaret and now that I'm a father of four daughters you know understanding you know uh how young women think when they're growing up and going through puberty and you know all types of other stuff whether it was all you they got is me Margaret or books like Deanie you know all those type of books and I just grew up liking Judy Bloom and I realized she's just a great Storyteller same reason I love Killer Mike it's the same reason I love Judy Bloom same reason I love Jay-Z it's the same reason I love Judy Bloom and and I would always talk about Judy I talk about Judy on Breakfast Club I talk about her in you know different interviews because people with the question they used to ask me was you know um what's your dream interview that you haven't done yet because I've sat down with so many people so many of my different Heroes that I love and I was like I always would say Judy Bloom Judy Bloom and like about four or five years ago she sent me an autographed copy of all you there God it's me Margaret but she lived down in Key West and so um the book I mean the movie came out a couple weeks ago the are you there God it's me Margaret movie it came out in theaters and so and her documentary is on Amazon Prime now so the the documentary Judy Bloom forever came out one Friday are you there guys it's me Margaret came out another Friday so throughout the year since the beginning of the year she's been kind of doing press for this stuff and so she called me to uh she came to New York and she asked me just to come see us I went to go just see her in New York just to say what's up you know just to meet her and we you know we kicked it and then um she told me to come down to Key West and so me and my wife we flew down to Key West which is Beautiful by the way because you know Judy got a Judy and her husband George they got a movie theater in Key West and they got a bookstore in Key West so we just went down there and you know kicked it and then that led to you know us us having the conversation that you see on you know YouTube now and then I went I went back to Key West to go to her her movie premiere for are you there God it's me Margaret so you know that's just somebody who I've always looked looked up to as a Storyteller and now that's somebody who I can actually you know call a friend you know he saw her she was on Andy Cohen saying how much you love me and I appreciate that because I love her too of it I love it well Charlemagne listen you and I go back 20 years uh I would you know like to say that I was the first person outside of South Carolina that recognize your talent and reached out very early on that same way you know I mean this is one of the things I pride myself on is I love to see the up and coming content creators and I've always reached out and offered whatever OG advice they're willing to take you know you academics uh Adam 22 Sean cotton uh the list goes on and on and on of people that I've seen come up that I've you know reached out had relationships with had them on my platform went on their platforms whenever they asked Math Hoffa as another person you know I mean that I always like push to do this type of stuff and now he's doing very well at it and I definitely appreciate our relationship over you know over the years you've helped me out with some business stuff uh you know I'm sure I've helped you out in my various ways when you've you know we're going through things and so forth and and I love how you and I have continued to sort of Elevate and have built these businesses and have taken care of our families and are still essentially the same people that are still doing the same you know still pursuing the same visions that we originally had when we first started yes we've evolved but the same overall direction the way I started Vlad TV in 2008 was basically the same way that Charlemagne started on the radio in South Carolina you see what I'm saying absolutely and man listen thank you so much for coming in and you know next time I'll be on your platform and the feeling is mutual and we're not stopping like you know Vlad we got a lot more to do like and that's the funny part like people don't even they don't even understand like just the business aspect of things and and what we're building towards but you know one day you just gonna look up and you're gonna see in you know the the Wall Street Journal you know Vlad TV just sold for 500 million dollars or something crazy like that you know what I mean same things same thing over here you know sbh Productions uh black effect just you know sold for 400 million 500 million who knows you know but stay tuned that's all I can tell people stay tuned that's what it is until next time peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 243,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: 4nPz9IMv5Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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