DIY wood Pallet raised bed (step by step)

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all right what's going on friends in this video i'm going to show you how i made these raised beds out of just some pallets that i've acquired over the years maybe you could go to some of your home improvement stores or maybe a walmart or somewhere just see if they will let you have a couple pallets i found mine at my local hardware store today for this one and these pallets here came from all the pellets that i buy to heat my house all right let me take you in my garage and show you how i made these raised beds i'll show you some of the stuff i'm going to use and if you've seen in the beginning of this i already had two of these built and they came out so nice i think it was a really nice easy way to make a raised bed that i thought i would show you guys so now i'm not going to worry too much some people are going to worry about what kind of wood that some of your pallets have i'm not worried too much about that because i'm gonna line it with my six mil plastic that i bought um i'll put some of this stuff down in the description but you can probably really just go to the like a lowe's or go to a home improvement store and buy this plastic maybe even some of the garden centers and you can put weed mat in the bottom but i really don't think you need that my wife just seems to like to have the weed mat in the bottom i don't know how weeds are going to grow through like this much soil but if you don't want to put weed mat you could also maybe just put some newspaper in the bottom if you want that's about it and i'm going to end up using a hammer and i'm going to have to use a pry bar and i'm using some three inch screws and something to cut it apart a sawzall and need a tape measure and how i built mine i have the pallets i got it's nice to have a pallet that has like seven boards there's three here one in the middle and three there because that'll be a side this would be a side and we got to try to take these other boards off they're going to be used to put over the top edge and the ones out there were like about 19 inches which is about so you don't have to make them exactly 19 inches but see up to this go i'm going to count one two three boards and that ends up being really close to 19 inches you see that this third board up is 20 inches so it's going to be a little bigger so if you would want to make it i could probably make this 20 inches if i want that way i don't have to rip this one down but i have this is going to be two sides and then this one here will also be two sides so you're going to probably want to do the same thing 19 inches see 19 inches would work on this one it just happens that one's a little goofed up so now you could either try to take it off and move it or rip it down or you could just make it a little bigger whatever you want um i think i'm going to try to make them 19 inches because that's what my other two i have out in my yard are so they'll all match not that anybody probably ever noticed but real cause ripping these boards off that's probably the hardest part here is trying to rip these off and not really trash them i'll try to show you what i do to rip them off if you got a better way to take these boards off these pallets let me know all right i'm going with the 19 inches like i said i am going to use a speed square you really don't have to use that but i like everything to look straight so i think i'm gonna make it 19 and a half it'll be a little easier but still that board's still on my way though 18 and a half measure up from there 19 and a half let's do these all at the same time speed it up 19 and a half 19 and a half draw some lines all right i think i lied to you i think i used my circular saw when i first did this but a sawzall would work all right i gotta rip down this little piece first you gotta do that might be easier to rip this down before you start cutting it i got somewhere to put my saw [Music] there i still have to measure this center one which i can see where i cut that one i'm going to cut that there needs to be and a half right here draw a line there [Applause] there there's a couple of my boards that i'm going to use out of this piece this would be one side that'll be one side let me cut my other pallet and we'll get to i'll get to showing you how i build it when you're cutting this center board it's kind of nice maybe to prop the one end up now i got to try to get these four boards off of here which this one here is kind of broke so i might have to try to find another board to replace that one so when you get your pallets try to get some with nicer boards i mean i could definitely still make some raised beds with just that with just these ones i cut up i don't even need these but i want these for my top cap piece definitely makes it look nicer so let me try to get what i can get off of here sometimes i take my sawzall with the metal cutting blade and i will cut right through them nails so i'm going to try that with some of them a little gap on that one so i can definitely get down in there and cut them it's definitely the best way to not have to worry about ruining the board that's kind of how i do it so i don't totally trash the boards and then you can take a little nail punch and punch these nails out if you don't have a nail punch you could maybe even just use an old nail or something to punch these out you don't want to let them in your yard or don't let them in your garage either some of this you might want to do somewhere besides in your yard there's one good board now i want to make sure once you get your all your boards down i'll show you show you what i'm going to do with all these boards and you don't have to watch me do you want to watch them do them all once you get your boards off then either your board is going to be ready or like these i to me i think i think they're a little too wide so i'm going to rip these down because i want these to cover the top of this and they're a little bit wider than the top like my other ones i did out there i didn't have to do this i think they're actually a little smaller so i couldn't i mean unless you want to let them wider maybe it looks nice wide like that let me get these other four done and then i will put it together here i might as well show you this trick too while i'm at it if you get your soles all blade and it ends up looking like this can you see it it's all not straight you take your hammer with your claws you hook that on there and you just bend it straight there that's a lot better it also might not be a bad idea to have hearing protection and eye protection on [Music] and maybe some gloves if you have really like girly hands or you never do this i like to put a splinter in my hand once in a while that's just how i do things i forgot a couple things that you might need you're gonna need probably a staple gun there's maybe other ways to do this but staple guns easiest and i am going to use some like maybe inch and three quarter screws maybe some two inch screws would probably also work and probably a drill to drill in your screws so let's get this put together now i'm putting these three boards on the inside and the one board is going to go on the top on the outside yeah see this is where i could have help i'm gonna use inch and three quarter screws on this because this wood's so much thinner i don't think i use those three inch screws i think these inch and three quarter or two inch screws would work for the whole thing you guys have a coals in area i buy these screws at kohl's i really like these screws and i'm just going to put one all the way at the bottom kind of make sure it's this is kind of lined up not a real huge big deal but and put one in the middle all right let me finish screwing these up and we'll move to the next step [Music] if you like how these are turning out give this video a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel hit that subscribe button help support my channel and check out the rest of my channel i have a lot of videos on pools my harm and pellet stove my camper my john deere lawn mower i have a husqvarna lawnmower videos i have cub cadet videos and i do have t-shirts down below my videos just like this one all right now since my wife wants some weed mat down the bottom i'm gonna put some of that down or you can put like i said maybe a layer of newspaper or really just nothing i really don't think you need anything but now i gotta cut some plastic and i end up making mine about two foot it's a little bit bigger than the taller than my sides the nice thing with my plastic i can just roll this out measure two foot i don't know if your plastic will be the same way and i can cut it and it cuts it all the way through if i can find this exact same kind of plastic i'll put that down in the description and i'll label it that way because if i find something different it you i don't know if you'll be able to do that see i cut that two foot and then i can just pull this out makes it real easy to cut so let me put that inside my planter this is what's going to keep all my dirt in i don't know if it matters but i kind of like to start my plastic right in the center of one of the pallets here and i like to take this top edge and roll it over a little bit like that and then staple it down all right just trim these corners pull that edge over staple it down and i put a couple down at the bottom just to keep it tight it really matters sometimes it's hard to staple into that now i have one little spot left here so you might have to cut another piece i so happen to have a piece left from my last one i'm going to cut some off i still might build one more of these if i find a couple more pallets so i'll cut this piece in half i can cover this spot up now i just lay my top boards on here it kind of dresses it up covers up all that plastic that you folded over and i had to take one and rip one down so it's gonna have to work that turned out beautiful oh really my battery is dead son of a gun hang on let me try this again be careful screwing these down real tight because you'll split your wood unless you go get a drill and drill them all out if your holes line up where you pulled your nails out just screw down in there i ended up getting a drill anyway because i forgot i had these ones i ripped and it's really gonna split them so i gotta drill these out [Music] all right last thing i'm gonna do except for filling this up with some topsoil is i'll just sand off some of these edges a piece of sandpaper [Music] and i would recommend maybe getting a little bit of mushroom soil and just some regular soil mix it up put it in your raised bed and plant some plants in there i don't know what you want to plant in their tomato plants i think my wife has some carrots in the one if you made it this far i want to show you another thing too now when i'm weed whacking i want to be careful because my weed whacking string can go right under this one so just be careful when you're weed whacking i might do like i'll show you over here on this other one what i did do my other ones are all the way down to the ground so if you have a board here you could take that board off because on my other ones that's what i had to do take that board off but let me show you over here see on this one the board was really high so i just took a scrap piece of 2x4 and i put it on there so that way i'm able to weed whack that and not get into the plastic not like it's really probably going to go anywhere but it just made it so i don't have to worry about it and my other one is all the way to the ground see this one doesn't look really as nice because my boards weren't they just weren't as wide and she's got something in here growing i don't know what it is but all right well if you like this video give me a thumbs up that really helps me out here on youtube and leave me leaving me a comment down below also helps me out a lot so leave me a comment hit that subscribe button like i said to help support my channel god bless and have a great day
Channel: DIY JIM
Views: 23,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY with JIM, DIY jim, rated garden bed, raised garden bed, diy raised bed, garden bed, gardn bed
Id: qrgfoF92m1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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