DIY Landscape Renovations | 1880s Farm House EP11

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this time on reality renault vision for the love of god nate can you just go for a run around the block and i'll call you when i'm ready all right i was gonna suggest maybe use a sledgehammer but you might have to jump out of the way the last second to avoid getting run over [Laughter] oh and it's nice and greasy too i like it just the way i like nobody's going to care about the quality of the installation as much as you will that's why i think you're the best person for the job i don't think this house has had a single permit since 1880. wow hey shovel yes sir i'm gonna have to open all this up this is the fun part oh holy crap that seemed dangerous 800 square feet outdoor living space hit perfect every [Music] time [Music] well in typical fashion every time we try to film outside mother nature has a problem it's pretty windy out here we're dealing with uh 25 mile an hour winds by day the show goes on uh what we're up to now this base layer here is just to get us out of the dirt we're using a machine on tires not track so it's nice to have a nice packed form here we're also planning on lifting it up a lot higher than normal so what we're doing is we're digging a trench for our gas line it's going to be at 18 inches below the surface before the finished stone that's really some hard digging too dude i'm feeling sorry about that all right no you're not a little bit there's no way no way all right so this is going to take you a good hour or so wow all right anyway the idea here is when you're running a gas line to an outdoor fire pit we already have propane tanks on the house for our heat source and our mixed fuel so we're just going to tie in in the basement the last time we did the kitchen my gas guy left an extra tee off on there for this purpose so what we're going to do is we're going to run an abs pipe two inch underground and come up where we want to have it we're going to thread it with the nice strong string he's busy off with his wife right now they're having a baby so when he gets some time later on next week or the week after he gets back to work we'll have him come out and run the gas line yeah so congratulations brad on your baby we will see you soon in the meantime we're going to have it all set up for him we're going to backfill the pipe pack it in with some gravel and then we'll be good to go this way the fire feature never has to turn off whoever wants to have a fire feature in a little propane tank it's like kind of when you're cooking you're halfway through your burger and the gas dies that ain't no good so if you're gonna have outdoor living run your gas line the beautiful thing about it is patio like this no permit necessary a gas line no permit necessary i know that's mind-blowing but because brad has got his gas license he doesn't need a permit he just has to invoice me so i can prove who did the work win win right okay speaking of wind let's get back to work before what maybe a storm comes in i don't know anyway that'll be today tomorrow we'll put the textile out and then we'll put another six inches of crushed stone on top that'll give us an amazing base and a weed layer so we aren't going to have problems in the future all right let's get back to work [Music] [Music] you know we started off thinking this would be really simple we're just going to dig a trench put in a pipe for our gas line and it ended up being something that we've been doing since yesterday at noon we were only able to get a few feet an hour of of constant digging because it's so full of rocks i've never seen anything like it this is supposed to be you know clean backfill and topsoil but the house is so old i guess this is just the condition of the dirt and it's never been disturbed so what a what an ordeal this has been it's funny because we never rented an excavator with a claw we didn't really need it on this project we trenched around the other side of the house a lot easier than over here but for some reason this area is just full of rock unbelievable so we're gonna get rid of this and then we'll backfill it with clean ga yeah yeah it's just every ounce of this takes so much effort eh in our patio we have got a different process than traditional usually you dig down the the depth that you need so you can backfill your six inches of ga add your stone and come to your flush finish height of the lawn but in our situation what we want to do is we wanted to raise the whole height of this area of the house because we need to start working on the water drainage diverting from the house into the back 40. so we need to get this all leveled off while we're getting the ga all leveled off around here we're digging a trench because we want to run a gas line over to a fire pit we are on propane out here in the country so we got big tanks we're just going to tie into the propane to the house have that line come right to the fire pit i'll never have to fill another propane tank again and for the rest of my life this was really rocky but perseverance you'll always win just wanted to try to make sure that the depth is the same all the way around so i can't stress how important getting the right equipment for this job is yeah you could probably use a wheelbarrow and a shovel you could probably run around hand tamping but you're never going to get the compaction that a thousand pound packer has we're only a three-man crew and this is only our second day we've done all of our excavation we're almost leveled off the whole property now we're going to throw the pipe in back fill it tamp it get the ga on here and hopefully we'll have the whole patio level in about another hour or so then it's gonna be time for our geotextile and that's are gonna be our membrane to keep the weeds down and we're gonna go six more inches on top of that it's gonna be a lot of fun [Music] do [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so the success of your patio is all about the integrity of the operation and being a homeowner you're not going to cut corners so this is what we're going to do we're going to take the packer we're going to go around the outside perimeter a couple of times and we're slowly going to work our way into the middle all right and then we're going to go in a different direction instead of circular we're going to go back and forth on the short side and then back and forth on the long side and then you can be confident that you're packed in and nice and tight during that process we can take shovelfuls of gravel and fill in some low spots and that sort of thing but then before we're done take care of around the edges right you can't cheat around the edges because that's where you're going to have failure on your stone so make sure that you're making your pad bigger than what you need because it's a lot easier to backfill dirt and grass than it is to get really good edging stone if you don't make the pad bigger than what you want all right so now it's time for a geo textile it's basically woven plastic so it's permeable water can still get through it but it does inhibit the growth of weeds and that's the goal here to keep this from having all that crap that's hidden in the dirt growing through over time the goal is to drive straight onto the pad all right so we're not going to disturb what's packed we'll drop the stone and and rake it backwards and then we'll add more layers as we go it's going to take a few minutes but this first layer here is really key to keep the overlap on the on the geotextile a little about six inches and right now the world's got a shortage of this product so we're using what we could find which is a four foot roll a bit of a pain in the butt usually we'd use a six or a seven but it is what it is so let's get to work all right well it's starting to look like an outdoor living space but my helper had to go and empty out his locker at school so i'm left driving this beast and uh maddie's gonna have to be paying close attention because he might have to jump out of the way at the last second to avoid getting run over okay let's do this [Music] oh so many safety protocols [Music] not sure what that means there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] whew [Music] hahaha [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and it's nice and greasy too i like it just the way i like nice and greasy [Music] i thought i was gonna take out the camera man so one of the things you saw us using when we were packing our dirt was we always wet it first it really helps to get a much better tighter pack and you'll notice that you're going to get a combination of uh of the of the rock the three quarter stone and the stone dust which means that different parts of the pack are going to be a different consistency and they will pack differently so just because you had the same height when you started after the packer goes over you're going to have this going on now you'll see because i put this pipe on here you'll see the differences in the compaction and so there's two things we're looking at here if you slide this long rod all over the place which is 10 feet long it gives you a really good idea of what's going on with your patio all right and so now is the time after you've done your last pack you go around and you have to fill in all of these [Music] holes [Music] [Music] it is really hard to find a crew of people out there we're going to take this much time and effort to put your patio together now they might have more experience and they might be able to say oh that we don't need to do all that extra work we know what we're doing but reality is if you don't invest your time and really get this leveled out and packed properly it's just not going to last there we go [Music] so if you have too much material in a place and you put your stone in the packer will come by and redistribute all that for you [Music] okay [Music] this it's just like a day at the beach when you're a kid and remember nobody's going to care about the quality of the installation as much as you will that's why i think you're the best person for the job i'm telling you when it comes down to this kind of work it's not difficult it's labor intensive but it's mostly an issue of integrity and let's just be honest in in the world of construction the guys that are getting paid to do nothing but labor they're usually there because integrity is not the top skill that they have just saying um i enjoy the fact that i get to make decisions that are practical yeah that are are based on um in a lot of cases i'm doing things that i think are going to be easy for people to replicate um so that's kind of what drives my decision process i'm not trying to go over the top with our design uh it's gonna be really clean and simple really nice materials exactly but this is kind of our philosophy if you use really nice materials and you use simple procedures you can have an amazing result and make your space look absolutely gorgeous it's whenever you try to like you got you put a too small of a deck in the backyard that it doesn't function it just you get that whole man i wish we would have made it a couple feet bigger or like adding the pantry in the kitchen instead of upper cabinets we saved a fortune and it looks gorgeous it makes the house look bigger absolutely all these little details things that you generally aren't going to get information like that anywhere else because it means you spend less money on material everybody in the industry seems to be pushing towards buying all kinds of products that just aren't necessary and it creates the need to spend even more money for someone i just like to keep things simple simple if we keep it simple keep it keep it really clean simple i i i don't know how to say it i love the fact that i don't have to sit there and let a client pick something out that i know is going to look atrocious yes the love of god nate can you just go for a run around the block and i'll call you when i'm ready sorry dad how's over here [Laughter] all right jeff we're just gonna go for it whatever happens happens oh jesus all right well it's demo day we're getting rid of the two sheds this morning we cleaned out the contents they're in the truck we're hauling them back to the new house and as you can tell nate's back we haven't had him on a job site for a while here alex we're going to save the window and the door for the new shed before we tear this apart right nate yup nate's really excited to rip this thing apart you know whew that is one messed up screw wow you can tell i only put this door in kinda when i first built this all right now if you guys are interested we we built the sheds six years ago right the three of us we first moved to the property i was still running a construction company back then and uh you guys are what 13 14 15 15 and 16. really 17 18 or something maybe the timing is wrong because we've got some pictures we're going to show them to you right now you can let me know how old they look in those pictures maybe we've been here longer than i think we have all right nate is that still kicked that's attached over here what what's going on oh yeah it's that it's that hinge screw right here all right the more i'm looking at this door the less i want to save it [Music] this looks sketchy screw that i want a door with a window shed yeah boy that's a real delight okay tough guy all righty i don't know how you're gonna manage that but yeah i don't either you just good luck with all that all right i think before we go any further we'll take these stairs off because they're more of a hazard than a help dude that killed got me right in the uribus cortex all right oh there's a beehive that's where the old hornet's nest was remember when i got stung on the nose it was right there roll the picture roll picture yeah you know what i was just going in to get some tools and i stepped on the stair and i had the risers so they thought they had a nice comfortable place to hide on the way out there was just a swarm of them had to run for it but i needed more tools so i went and got two cans of raid and i waged war with the hornets and one of them we're in the side of the nose good times stung me up like hitch yeah you guys both had a good laugh out of there yeah yeah whenever bad things happen to me this always seems to be a good reason to have a good laugh eh there you go tough okay it's usually once a week [Laughter] all right let's get all of that right in the in the i really wanna if you're gonna pick it up put it down in the bin yeah half the work right now i know this is only built seven years ago and the truth is yeah we could probably do surgery on this thing and save ourselves a few pieces of lumber but best thing about building with trees is they grow back so i don't care if i have to throw it out because the other good thing about trees is they turn into really good quality dirt so it's like a win-win ah that's good all we got left in this building is the skin so nate if you want to go kick off the skin for me all right all right so kick off the kick off okay stretch that was interesting that was sick all right i was gonna suggest maybe use a sledgehammer but no all right that's full of nails now so you want to put that in the bin right away please put somebody steps on them i see i see you following your old man and you're wearing your safety shoes two more there it is this this this shed feels very precocious today it's like got a good bounce it's kind of freaking me out all right now you see how i built this thing i got this big beam holding up the roof uh-huh are we taking that down i'm thinking if i rip the beam out first on both ends it'll still stay there sorta but when we drop it it'll be that's a lot easier to work with no that's not in the middle i just threw that up there to keep the walls from falling over when you guys are little well i can still reach no no it's not in the middle yeah yeah yeah okay i'm going to take out the post i need a little bit of a batter up action watch the nails are sticking up on that board jeez freaking me out [Music] she feels like she's ready to go [Music] no but do you want me to move the wheelbarrow out of the way or uh i don't think it's necessary how long is this board [Music] man anybody else want to swing at this [Music] that didn't work dude this thing is so wobbly yes sir this thing is gonna fall on her head ah sure not a bad idea [Music] well maybe we should tie up the truck to it now move i like living on the wild side baby [Laughter] all right here goes the other structural beam [Music] that was a good solid hit that was a home run right there buddy and i over nailed the plates too so it's all good there you go you don't need to convince me that it's structural you just need to convince me that it's not gonna fall in your head my head no no it's not falling in anybody's head yet [Music] there we go that'll work eh no need i think truck idea is better i'm doing this you know the best part of having your family do your work for you it's not even a job site legally here's just a all right what is this uh 2020 you got a built-in handle why don't you just use it 2021 strongest man uh this audition right here yeah okay go ahead maddie don't don't get that swing and have him fall over backwards right all right well i'll have to jump on the strap with you you got no chance all right let's get the truck i just need you to get the tension yeah once you get tension wave me off yeah i'm gonna put it in four wheel drive and then you get everyone clear up all right safety safety third [Music] fantastic okay build it that took nothing that was fantastic all right you know that corded skill style that we have oh this is tomorrow i'm just saying this corded skill saw we're gonna just bury that blade at about an inch they'll take the asphalt and the aspinite we'll peel it off two pieces all right that's been a lot of fun we're gonna throw all this trash in the trash and then the next time we come back up from the commercial we'll be pouring our brand new pad we'll be talking about all that and this time we're not doing bags and mixing it ourselves i've called the truck we're going to go through that whole process so that you have some information how to do that for yourself see you there [Music] all right guys well today we're building a shed we're gonna make this quick and simple we uh just got to cut our ground vapor barrier we're going to lay our mesh back on top concrete trucks and arriving right now so let's just get this done really all we did was just uh pour a bunch of ga compact with a packer build a frame in the neighborhood and now we're putting down a vapor barrier we're going to tape these joints together all right there we go the idea here is to have a form have separation from the ground water and then have some mesh to bond it all together and give you your strength and if your farm is somewhat squaring level you'll have a lot of success building the okay bud let's do this [Music] there you go we'll just get this one down flush to the side pull it tight like that all right hopefully we can manage this all right next one [Music] it's like a one-inch overlap that's all it takes okay [Music] all right we're good stretch that out a little bit alex beautiful there we go all right this mesh has already been tied together they come at the store seven feet by three and a half oh what the hell am i dealing with here there we go [Music] got the same crap i'm dealing with there there we go all right let's roll all right so we're doing this in real time today no fooling around all right so full disclosure it's a diy channel i'm not a concrete guy i'm using a magnesium float and an edger that's it i'm gonna jump into my rubber boots that's right we're getting rid of the dad shoes today we're just gonna jump in and play in the mud concrete guy is going to mix up a little bit wetter for me so it's a little easier for me to work in other than that that's just a race against time so mike your machine isn't what i would call traditional so you're not mixing it and driving at the site you're just taking components and then mixing here that's right so you can pick your psi and everything else oh forgot you want to switch from this to that that's beautiful up here and there whatever whatever you need i got it on nice brilliant who would have known well that was an unexpected surprise learning something new i'm just gonna uh measure off from zero to hero microwave [Music] wow that is amazing eh he's dropping the aggregate and mixing it with the water right there up on the spot [Music] that's pretty good technology let's see if the sides blow out on us or not [Music] left big city for the simple country life allow myself a woman that it took for me to be my wife i have a working on the ground coming up to sometimes hey i'm trying to make a reputation for a man inside this town [Music] hard as i try maybe i just can't i ain't know what i'm kind of leaving you kissed me one time and you took my heart baby you can love me you can leave me i'm on your daughter's car yeah i'm a honky-tonk star well we're degree jobs living out of a car mama never told me life would get this hard run around the world playing my guitar baby you can love me you could leave me i'm a honky-tonk star yeah i'm a honky-tonk style [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] never told [Music] start lord i'm a hotel store [Music] baby you can love me you can leave me i'm a honky-tonk star two things in life you don't mess around with a man's woman in a man's truck that is awesome so if you can just work the room with this thing all right and i'll use the edger between the two of us we'll get something that looks pretty reasonable we're not looking for perfection as much as we're looking for uh pretty damn nice so the j-bolts are going to hold up hold the 2x4 to the concrete and that protects you against the uh the lifting power of high winds here we go now the edger is really simple it's just flat with a curve and that curve is designed to remove pebbles and that sort of thing from the edge of your concrete because what they do is they'll they'll grab a hold of ice and frost and snow right and no there'll be reasons why water can't run off smoothly and so on the last two inches of this edge i'm putting a bit of a downward slope on it and then making a nice smooth edge so i had the concrete truck guy scheduled for nine o'clock he was right on time it is 9 45. ha that means in the same amount of time it took us on the last shed to go to the store to pick up the cement bring it back and just move it into the area we were gonna work and we're gonna be almost done that's hilarious all right guys so we're going to break down the total cost for this project up to this point and i'm going to compare it with the price that the concrete guy gave me if he was to take care of the whole job for you we framed this use material right we just recycled it uh you could buy something new if you wanted to but we recycled so that was free underneath all of this is uh a little bit of plastic super six vapor barrier a couple hundred square feet we're gonna throw in 10 bucks for that on top of that we've got the wire mesh that comes in seven feet by three and a half feet sections and so do i say there's 12 pieces of that that ends up being about 200 bucks not joking it's not free that load came out to 850 after tax and keep in mind i live in canada so depending where you are there's going to be vary in some price but that's actually about the same prices i would pay if i went and bought all this concrete in the bag at the local hardware store his option as the concrete contractor was to come in make the form put down the plastic and the mesh the j bolts pour it tool it and they've got the big float right and all of that would have been about 12 a square foot that comes out to about thirty four hundred dollars so i got mine for twelve hundred they could do it for you for thirty four hundred what i'm trying to say is it only took us an hour i saved over 2 000 bucks and it only took us an hour all right so we got the pad done i'm a little disappointed in myself to be honest with you i was at the store i was going to buy a bowl float because the last time we did a shed video everybody's in the comment section oh you need a bow float okay great so if you work for concrete construction company that's like the only tool you own is a bow float i get it i got ten twenty thousand dollars with the tools laying around no bow float i was gonna buy it turned out to be about 300 tool i don't need no stinking bowfloat i'm just gonna go in and travel it by hand i'm looking at it that's not bad it'll do you know but now in hindsight i wish i had the time to organize i would have gone to the store and done the rental i would have rented it for the day it would have been a lot nicer sometimes with my life you know i'm so busy trying to make videos and keep my production schedule going because i'm trying to finish the house to sell it that i run out of time and that's what happened to me today so i didn't have time to organize the rental of the bow float i'm gonna pay for it now i'm gonna be using the cup grinder to flatten it out but it's okay it's just a shed i'm not gonna let my feelings get hurt over it i feel like i have more to do on this house than that that went today christine's we have a a bunch of deliveries that are due to come any day now any day or week yeah regardless they're all going to come at once within a few days of each other yeah um that's going to be very interesting the good news is is um i i i have all my patio materials yes so that's next here's the siding's all finished i'm moving on to the patio yeah which will be exciting so you're going to want to definitely subscribe to the channel so you don't miss those videos that's a good idea that's killer i'm doing my own 800 square foot outdoor paddling 200 square feet i'm making my own fire pit it's more like a a stand-up kind of bar style with a five-foot linear fire pit it's gas it's gonna be cool that's gonna be amazing yeah so there's some really cool projects in there that you can do to scale in your own home and uh we're not doing a traditional concrete paver we're doing porcelain tile outside beautiful sexy as you wanna be and it's so easy it's just style you just gotta have the right materials and a couple of tips and tricks we'll show you how to do it anybody can live like you're on the rooftop of miami it's a piece of piece of cake next time on reality renault vision so remember how i usually preach when you're doing a project uh make a plan and stick to it well we broke our plan this is gonna be a lot sexier this is so exciting this is next to watching paint dry that's really pretty i love it that didn't look like it came out like it's supposed to but this works no no no no no [Music] safety second production first i feel like the nature boy rick flair oh i'm bleeding [Music] you
Views: 22,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, blog renovation blog, lifestyle blog, fixer upper house, house flipper, house flipping, house flipping for beginners, backyard renovation, backyard renovation diy, how to renovate your house, how to renovate your house on a budget, how to renovate your house yourself, How to build a patio, Patio renovation, house remodel, farm house renovation, farmhouse renovation
Id: GKkl9n1hIuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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