Peyote Stitch Tutorial Part 1

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what I thought I'd do a beading tutorial today today's tutorial is on the peyote stitch so what you need are seed beads various sizes you can pick whatever size you want after you learn this tutorial you need some kind of needle that will pass through the beads this is an actual beading needle it's very very thin and you also need something to bead onto so here would be on the keychain before the beads are put on this one has tassel but this one doesn't so you could pick either one and you bead over top of this part you'll also need beading thread this is a spool of beading thread this is last I've had it for years and I have a couple of them that I work off of but you know it's a good investment it might be an expensive investment but it's a good investment if you're very much into beading what else I think that's it for the mean I wanna pair scissors you need that to snip the thread I'm going to do an enlarged version with these funky kids beads um they're a large beads so that you can better see the peyote stitch I also got myself um a paper towel roll and it's really good to practice on whether using big beads or the seed beads I say just keep going all the way up to teach yourself and I got some really thin yarn so that's just for me to do this this tutorial but when you're up there working with the seed beads you're going to need this these other materials with the thread the scissors and the beading needle I'm actually going to use today so a beading needle is an embroidery needle that's a bigger head that I could get the yarn through so let's start so the first step you need to take is to cut off a large piece of string so I'm going to take a really long piece very very long as long as I can get it now you can always as you are beating tie on more little pieces the next step is determining how many beads you need so I have predetermined I needed 24 to get all the way around now this is an even count peyote stitch you always have to have an even amount of beads so here you see is kind of loose um but I'm going to try to tighten it as much as I possibly can and as I'm beating um it will tighten further so tie it off double tie it get a distaste you can't okay we have now tied off our beads 24 beads you can use whatever color you want as long as they're even so 30 28 26 whatever whatever you need for whatever you're beating it on to so this little town eventually at the end well we'll shove it under or weave it through buta they're not beat it through but weave it through I put my needle on my yarn and we're ready to go some people like to start off right away going but I like to see where we tied our not right in between here I like to go and I work you work from right to left so I like going in this first bead I like to start off this way I don't know what I don't know if there's a logic to it but I just do okay so I pick up a bead and I'm going to skip this bead and go under so skip that bead go under this one and what will happen as I pull it tighter is that it should sit on top of the bead that we skipped now I'd brace yourself because when you're working with seed beads it's gonna look crazy and it's not going to look very neat for a while so I'm telling you right now stay calm okay so we're going to skip this next bead here see our strength came out of that one that's our start off bead we skip this bead and we go to the one right after now it's going to take practice watch this over and over again if you need to so just further explaining we had started off here are not lies right here we had gone under this one we skip that bead tucked under there so that bead would sit there right on top so you will over keep repeating this pattern skip that bead and go under the next one keep pulling tight he's kind of getting like a up and down kind of motion so we skip that bead Condon's so I'm going to jump along to the end and I'll show you before I get to the end okay so I'm nearing the end and I want to show you because it's a really distinctive look that the beads start to get we had started here and progressed all the way around so you can see if your pattern is right if you can kind of poke your needle through like there's all it looks like there's a spot like a bead missing almost okay so I'm going to pick up I think it's the last bead but let me just see oh I already picked it up okay so again where our thread is sitting coming out through this this bead and what we need to do is skip that bead is right after it and go under the following bead okay so we're now at the end there's like looks like there's three beads sitting there our thread is coming out of one of them we're kind of stuck what we need to do is pick up a bead and you're actually going to see it we're going to step up through the beads okay so what I'm going to do is I skip that bead and I'm going to go under this one and up through the one that's sitting higher up pull pull pull happens with your thread cheese donors you get not just be patient pull slowly now what we've done is we've closed off the gap see all pretty now it's their symmetry all around this is the e0 this is the role I like because it goes quick you just stick put your bead on the needle and stick your needle through that upraised bead and you go all the way around hoping I don't get knots in your string so I'll meet you up the end so I'm just going to go through the last couple beads and you'll see very clearly why I like to keep the tail on - ok so again just in case somehow you're confused we're just going on this level right directly through the beads so keep pulling but pull slow because you get a lot of knots and you don't want to not that eventually will loosen up and then really go slack and ruin your beads okay knots are not fun okay I keep saying okay okay so we reached the end of this row and you're kind of gonna see a valley you see it there's one bead sitting right there it's like these two rows have converged and there's one bead in the middle and your tail is sitting right directly below this is how I always know I've come to the end of my row so I like to keep that thread so we need to step up again so take a bead on your needle and you're going to go directly through both of these beads right here see you at the top of my needle peeking out so take a needle go directly through and pull gently and we've closed the gap so what we're going to do is skip that bead and go through the next bead and you just keep repeating this pattern I'll meet you at the end and hopefully you're starting to get the pattern see eight we now have that stepped-up position again that gap in the middle again that you can recognize
Channel: Renee B
Views: 305,310
Rating: 4.8772521 out of 5
Keywords: beading, beads, peyote stitch, Native American
Id: cpgiyq-X2nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2009
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