Making a Rattlesnake Hat Band From Snake to Hat Band

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[Music] you [Music] well I took the dogs for the walk to close the gate this evening and look what I come across it was dark he missed the dogs I don't understand that but I heard the stump and he looked down it's a ways away so he missed me too so I drew rocks on top of him and pinned him down and then came and got Gary and we shot him in head with the 22 so I'll teach him to be naughty Idaho buzz worm and a dark out here I don't know some things see him fit pretty good sized rattlesnake he's probably went two and a half feet yeah but I did pin him down with two rocks he struck at you though huh yep yeah wonderful like I said he had a big he would have just kept on going we wouldn't have known he was there maybe good hat man yep last night Cindy took the dogs for a walk and come across this little rattlesnake it was right there in our driveway and so she decided to go ahead and do it in and it's about the right size to make a cat band out of so I'll show you how to do that here real quick there you leave the skin I felt like skinning a fish really Birds gutting a fish anyway this one for some reason doesn't have any rattles they've been broken off no that makes them even a little bit more of a danger all right split him up the belly pull around the lips the hide from the head end and then you just peel them right on down [Music] actually if he had rattles honor to go ahead and skin that out - but since he doesn't I'm just gonna cut that off okay so we got our snake dried got a couple of rings on a piece of leather what you need to do next is take your hat and measure it around see just how long it hat band should be it looks like with my hat just a little under two feet so this leather square up the end here two feet two feet is right okay folks I had a problem here technical difficulties my camera card was full and I missed part of this video here basically what I didn't get is the your strap when you cut it out it needs to be about the same length as you want it to be finished then for this ring here we need to taper it down a little bit on both sides on both ends as well so that it will fit through one of these rings wet it down just a little bit and then slice this a little bit thinner so that it'll hold easy around that ring and do both ends glue them down dang I'm sorry I missed that but I didn't realize the camera wasn't running though anyway you fold it over on both the ends underneath here and glue them down and then you have a basically a strap that's a little short of coming together with both the Rings in it to glue your snakeskin to now sorry about that they messed up on this video whether the camera did no here we go all right so put that down there like that plenty X right here so next thing to do is to coat your leather with glue where is the prettiest part looks like this hand is a little bit prettier put it just like that Oh [Music] hope this Slayer the leather of glue so this is getting old and kind of thick okay hold one side only over your glue [Music] okay now right down the center and trim off these scales the belly scales what then you gotta trim off this piece right on the edge of your ring you don't want to cut it all the way off you want to be able to leave enough to tuck this back so cut it the same width as your folded piece of leather pull this back a little blue head and set too much Chuck this on through your ring hold it up underneath there and put it back what [Music] and bird thinks I'm cut something to eat here asking once some he's asking me to feed him was what he's doing okay now with a little bit more glue along the edge here hold the other side over I'm gonna pull it early tight [Music] okay and then run your knife right back down kind of where it was before get rid of these belly scales [Music] okay that's the site you'll see against outside of the Hat well it it's got the good pattern on it the Rings are for adjustment you can either put a stitch right here on both ends to keep it from coming undone the glue will hold it after it dries anyway or you can put a rivet in there and I've got a rivet tool in the other room so I'm going to run back there quick and put a rivet in these all right now I've got a rivet and either end and that uh keep it from coming untucked it goes clear through and help hold everything together yep okay so just go through it cut a slit in it and the tail and through that slit to put it onto your ring like so flesh side up this direction on the outside of they have band around go up through the bottom of it on up through like so then go back through this one your first one okay then this goes around like so over this piece of string the over the fold back up through the bring like that and then through this loop you just made here [Music] like that and that ties it on there put it on to your hat and just this down to where it's snug and thing on this end go through your ring around back through your ring oops and then through that loop you just made like that that way it's tie it off both on this hand and on this hand and then so there's plenty of adjustment I'm gonna sell this hat band and it might not fit everybody's head so I'm gonna cut it off at an angle a little bit low if I was keeping this one I would make this much shorter in fact I'd probably even poke it through this ring again and then just cut it off right in here someplace but anyway then you put it on to your hat then that's what it looks like that's too loose I gotta tighten that up some that pretty simple I usually get 20 what's 25 bucks or so for a rattlesnake hat ban on being that this one was being unfriendly and frayed to bite Cindy he turned into a hat man oh okay that's a little bit closer to it should look like snugged up on there or it won't fall off and it's a fully adjustable you can make it a lot bigger smaller I almost made it a little too long but that's what you got there and I have to say I'm gonna sell this one but this is what it would look like on this guy's the noise you hear in the background and this one in here that one's loud that's the one that's screaming so thank you for watching and this could be done with any kind of a snake rattlesnakes probably the most common but copperheads and some of those that they have in the south they're awful pretty snakes too garter snakes and whatnot they're not big enough but there's a lot of them that are probably bull snakes but they're kind of good to have around I wouldn't be getting rid of them I generally don't kill the rattlesnakes either but the the ones are close to the house like that especially ones that trying to make my wife they need to go so thank you for watching and please think about subscribing and I'll see you next time
Channel: Muskrat Outdoors
Views: 29,032
Rating: 4.839046 out of 5
Id: a3womdzhgBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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