DIY Springtime Suncatcher - Home & Family

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[Music] [Applause] capture those rays of springtime Sun and bring them into our homes with DIY crystals Sun catchers his page look how beautiful that is paging oh it looks so delicate yet took so long just some people know okay I know what dreamcatchers all we've all grown up with the dreamcatchers yep but Sun catcher I've never heard of this this is new to me it's similar to a dream catcher in that Native Americans my people I'm part Cherokee really if they did come up with Sun catchers as well and Sun catchers are kind of like the optical equivalent of wind chimes so you hear the wind blowing this is the optical version so you want to put it it reflects the light from the outside you can hang it on the window you can hang it outside and it's supposed to catch the Sun and then put that out everywhere throughout the did you see that look at the Rays yeah the rays coming through so you're basically making a rainbow you're making rainbows and things Chris and it's so much fun when like when we have sunset here tonight this it's just so gorgeous the way it just completely makes rainbows all around the room it's like a big diamond without spending the money a lot of diamond it's very beautiful and I like the the decoration that you did on our Sun catcher so let's get started that's like a little tree climbing up the side of the Tree of Life yes which my theology degree I'll give you a little history real quick the tree of life actually means something in every link or in every religion and in Christianity it means God loves us and we have his wits his wisdom it's so beautiful and that's why it shows that but I think the Sun comes in alright let's go Kate Arden where should we start what would you like to know well what do we do folks the first thing we do you can see I used a lot of different wires here and the lower the gauge the thicker the wire so when you're building your base you actually this is a an 18 gauge it's a little bit harder looks thick it is thick I actually used this one which is picking a thicker huh picture hanging wire it's steel galvanized so this is I mean you can baby it bends yes but what you want to do is kind of create where you think you will want the base of your tree okay and on the top and I would suggest using you can see the little needle nose pliers right that that I have that is for jewelry making and it actually came in quite handy because it's kind of like you're making jewelry except you're making it on a tree sure so this is gonna be our tree body so you're just freehand the whole thing you're not and know you can print something out if you want and kind of follow the lines and then for this talk about jewelry making goodness I added all of these too you can see this over here just a regular chain with jump rings and I really want that this prism is where you're gonna get the most color so I'm gonna lay that down where I want it and then wrap the chain around the top okay yep so you get the perfect length exactly yes and this will not be held up by its own chain alright I just went around and around and then I'll go back over it with some of the other wire so this kind of disappears and we make sure that it's held and you'll make it like decoration exactly because I see on this tree back here that we have you have like a double wire situation go yes I have double triple Quadra lot of wires a lot of wires yeah let me show you I'm gonna swap that one now yes please so this is one a little bit further Oh beautiful but that's how it starts you start with one you can kind of see this was my first one goes up the middle that's where this one would be in the one in your hand okay this is hung on and then do you see how actually it is this way do you see how this is covered up so where I wrapped that up I also wrapped it with the copper wire now the copper wire is key this one is a 22 gauge okay this is very soft on the fingers it's very nice to the touch alright it's very nice and that's what you kind of made the trunk out of yep I just rewrapped and you can kind of see all the different colors I liked using the steel galvanized I needed that on if you look at this one at the window I needed the steel galvanized wire for this right because that's a little bit heavier I like the different metals as well I like that you mix the metals now let's talk about the crystals for a moment okay matter what kind of crystals or beads we use here yes okay so there are something called bicone crystals and those are the ones that really reflect light so you can kind of see the big one is a bicone as well this this is really reflective there's an you can see like if you you use little D amantes that will reflect the light and one more here there this will also reflect the light so you can kind of see how they're a little bit iridescent and how they are actually put together they're meant to put light to reflect the rest is just if they're just so pretty they're just fillers they're just fillers but if you're making the tree of life yes so gorgeous that supposed to be like a leaf yes or like this one does have a hole in it but if you were using gems that didn't have a hole all you would need to do check this out you could just wrap it all the way around right and you can use that but since it did have the hole we're pretty secure and then you look how you want your tree how you want your branches and we want it to come off of this so this is really just your creative license whatever you think it's a tree life this is you know even whatever tree you would like to make but you could do endless different decorations for Sun catchers you could yes and you can pick your favorite colors I went with green just because we are mimicking a tree or I can take that for you holding it the entire time I know it's it's so pretty but what about these - Allah painted these little do the curly castles I love that so this I took a sharpie and look how easy this is so high tech with my yes isn't it very low-tech I took a piece of the 22 gauge and then I just wrapped around the sharpie oh my gosh so easy so easy and then you pull it off if you want to keep it coiled this much really handy if not you can pull it out and extend the coils that is almost as if they're there this is so beautiful and so artistic I feel like I would buy it at an Art Fair oh you could yes oh my gosh making it yourself you can make it whatever color whatever you want to have in your never design I'm all about the Sun catcher now yes thank you for helping us catch Sun pazi
Channel: Hallmark Channel
Views: 54,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hallmark Channel, lifestyle show, recipes, Do It Yourself, How-to, Home and Family
Id: stbCwct4z-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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