DIY Shed Kit Review - Princeton (Liberty) 10x10

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i got tired of my bike and lawn mowers sitting in my driveway all the time needed a shed went to home depot found the princeton 10 by 10 bought the kit over the course of two weeks i came out here an hour or two every day after work and was able to put it up by myself the directions will tell you you need a friend and honestly that that's a much better way to do it but i couldn't really dedicate a whole saturday to putting it together so i would rather come out here for little bits and pieces during lunch and after work and i was able to get it done this video hopefully will show you a few tips of how to do that well so you don't kill yourself or break your shed in the process but honestly overall i'm pretty happy with it hope this helps someone out in in your decision making process that's the area of my backyard i dug a few inches down and put gravel in for those concrete bricks to sit on top of that is 5 8 plywood i also had to buy separately and that's the package that arrived from home depot on top i've got some treated lumber i bought to reinforce the floor put down those four by fours also bought separately leveled it all out then i started assembling the floor those are the instructions following along reading carefully leveled it out looks pretty good i was happy with that so i put the subfloor on top created a jig per the instructions built the rafters with the jig i didn't want to get a whole new sheet of plywood so i did use two little pieces in the corner there those are the rafters that were assembled using the jig little tip i wanted to make you aware of i was looking for this stud right here in the middle um doing this step right here and it is supposed to be labeled pr but it is not i cross-referenced the little index at the beginning of all the parts i'm supposed to have and this board here was labeled nk a part that i'm not even supposed to have at all but it is the right length so i'm using it assuming it is pr and uh just letting you know there might be some that are mislabeled so cross-reference with what you're supposed to have and measure everything first don't just assume moldy that's not what you want to see just from a few days out in the rain compared to this new one i have to get see the color difference too this is a broken piece you can see where it was cut off there it's no big deal but just be aware where it's broken so you can place it correctly there's the front part of the wall there are the rafters here's my base with one of the sidewalls there's the other side wall and there's the back wall tried to situate things roughly where they're gonna have to go so i don't have to carry them too far now that they're all assembled and heavy now watch me shooting some b-roll doing random construction things for no reason even turning the wrong direction okay this portion is not easy to do alone but uh it is possible i just did it the key to doing it alone is preparing the brace ahead of time so put in a screw down here on that part of the brace and make it so that it's strong up there even prep the screw there so that when you lift the wall into place you can just grab that part of the wall hold it while screwing it a little tricky but i'm going to try the same thing with this wall i'm going to lift it up alone i've prepped the nails in place so that i can hold it with one hand nail with the other all right after getting the wall up successfully i transferred the brace that used to be here put it in the middle kind of attached it that wasn't in the directions but i just like the the feel of this more when it had an extra brace for when i put this wall into place um you know you never know with wind and things and i'm doing this alone so just wanted to make sure it's a little bit more stable walls up time to put the front side it's going all right it's coming along part of the roof is on doors are on nice in here put some hardware on got this piece here okay felt paper is on some shingles here starting to put them in upside down for layer one right side up for layer two one side of the roof done the other side coming along roof is done just finished these caps at the top i think the end cap looks a little weird but from what i'm reading that's how it's supposed to be done and there she is done i'll do a little bit of painting maybe in the spring but for now i'm very happy here it is inside i already have some some tires there he's plenty of room spacious i'm gonna put a shelf in overall i'm very pleased with the way this turned out all right the project is complete overall i'm happy i think it's doable even if you're just by yourself a couple little tips look over all of the instructions before you start i know it always says that and guys hate doing that i didn't do it but i wish i had also buy everything in bulk when you're buying nails don't just skimp don't buy the three or four pounds it says buy five buy more than you need you can always return stuff to home depot at the end um i spent a lot of time going back and forth to home depot and it really was a pain i recommend buying a big tarp so if you have to stop for the night or you have to run inside during lunch or if it just starts to rain whenever you're not out here working you can cover things up so mold won't start to grow you'd be surprised how quickly that can grow especially on the plywood on the floor if you've got sitting water there so take your time and do things the right way don't try to rush through this you're going to hit trouble by the end if you rush the other thing i'll say is if you don't have any construction experience maybe this will be a great first step and you'd learn a ton but i'd say be cautious it will leave you a little frustrated i've had plenty of construction gigs in the past and through college so i felt pretty comfortable and i still was a little frustrated at moments so if you are really new to this read those directions watch a lot of tutorials and buy all the tools before you start and i really recommend having a friend come join you who actually knows what they're doing because otherwise you could just be really frustrated maybe even hurt yourself and certainly could ruin your shed i hope this video helped someone and if you have any questions throw in the comments maybe i'll be able to assist have a good one
Channel: Danny
Views: 66,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #YouCut, home depot, shed, diy, Princeton, 10x10, home project, backyard, review, how to
Id: jGj9iBrCl6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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