DIY Pool Vacuum with NO PUMP

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do you struggle trying to get all the debris at the bottom of your pool well today i'm going to teach you how to build your own above ground pool vacuum with very little parts [Music] so the only things you're going to need for this are your handhelds skimmer pole a hose it doesn't have to be a specific pool hose it could just be a garden hose and you don't need these but the clamps help two clamps and two zip ties better if you space the zip ties out so when you stick the pole in the water the hook the hose will be more straight and it won't just flop around everywhere so now you're gonna take your hose and just stick it straight down in the water all the way down until it hits the bottom of the pool just like that okay and then once you've done that you're gonna take your remaining hose and just push it in the water straight down now if you just do it straight down it will get all the water out of the hose because if there's any water in the hose this technique will not work be sure that this hose is completely under water okay and once you've done that you're going to put your hand over the end of the hose make sure there's a good seal on the end of the hose so so nothing can get in or out and then you're gonna take it outside of your pool remember as you're taking this out of your pool to keep your hand around it so no air gets inside of it and take it to the lowest point you can and take your hand off and water will begin to flow out of the end that's because of physics gravity is pulling water out of the hose and it will continue to suck water out causing there to be a suction at the other end of the hose allowing you to vacuum your pool this is where the clips might come in handy just to clip the hose to the side of your pool so the whole hose doesn't just slip out because the hose gets heavy once it fills with water after that once you've taken one end of the hose out of your pool that water is still flowing through the end and while you're vacuuming don't let the other end of the hose come up above the water because if it does it will break the siphon which means air will get into it and the siphon will stop once you've got all that done you can just use it put the hose down and it'll suck up the debris it's better if you can actually tape a a funnel to the end of the hose that's going to be in the water so you can pick up more things at a time it just makes makes it go faster but if not this works fine as you can see i'm taking all the debris up keep in mind since the hose does have a suction on it it might want to suck to the bottom of the pool liner so just try and keep the hose high enough off the bottom of the pool so it doesn't do that but if it does it it's fine just lift it back up off the liner and it'll continue to vacuum so as you can see it it vacuumed the pool pretty well i i just spent a quick five minutes doing that i wasn't very thorough i just wanted to show you how it works in my opinion i think it works just as well as a store-bought um vacuum it's just this one will take a little bit longer to set up but in the end it works just as good so i hope you found this video useful and until next time [Music]
Channel: Cameron Pennelly
Views: 102,398
Rating: 4.6838708 out of 5
Id: Wdok_umiBIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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