DIY Outdoor Sofa for Beginners

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hey what's going on guys donald this is molly pie and uh today we're gonna have a project which will be creating a outdoor patio sofa and this is going to be for rookies i'm a rookie myself and i got some help my boy hussain over here and uh we're gonna make a patio outdoor patio so far and any videos that i see a lot of them ask you to get these um pocket holes and special tools and so i'll show you step by step everything that you need and it's for rookies literally if i can do it i'm sure you can do it stay tuned we'll see you soon [Music] uh uh the wood that we got there was another video that we saw online and it asked you to get eight by fours now for rookies what does that mean okay so if you look at this wood right here there's a size right here and the size right here this one is six by six which means this is six this is six and then right here this one is two by eight which means that this is eight inch and then and this is two inches and then there will be another length which is usually in like eight feet or ten feet so all of these so this is six by six by eight which means six by six by eight foot this is two inches by eight inches so two by eight and eight foot long so i got two of these and i have three of these that's all the wood i need but then uh the video that i watched was very good but it asked me to get uh four by eights and they don't exist easily from home depot or lowe's or you got to go to special lumber stores so this is off the shelf something that you wouldn't have hard time ask for pressure treated those are the that's the wood that will be used for outdoors so it's a lot uh easier other than that yeah you know i'm gonna get started and uh and then time by time i'll stop and uh teach you guys a little bit here and there but i'm really excited for this i got help so let's do this [Music] all right so we're gonna cut our um uh two by eights together so we have two pieces we want four of these pieces and three of them are going to be used for where you sit and one of them is going to be for backrest so four pieces but we're gonna cut both of these together in one shot uh it's eight foot it's already got a four foot mark right here and uh we're basically gonna cut it in half what we're gonna have is like cousin has it here this is the uh this is how high it's going to be uh basically two this is about two foot and each of these pieces are going to be um you know we're going to put it together using these um these bowls so what we're going to do is we're going to drill a hole through it but only halfway right enough for this guy to go through so we only want to go halfway so cousin has an idea that you know what why don't we just tape it so basically we're gonna just tape it halfway so we know that when we're drilling it we don't go all the way down we only want the hole to be just halfway not all the way so we're gonna tape it halfway all right so this is uh where's the drill okay so what we wanna do is is uh on our drill uh we wanna connect basically um we're going to we want the drill to do the job not manually it might be a little bit hard so this is going to go in our hole and of course we want the drill to uh take care of the the whole thing so here's another set that i recommend all the rookies to have it's um what do you call these ratchets all right so basically you have uh so i found that uh so it has different sizes that can fit here so i know that this guy is going to fit perfectly but how do i fit this to my drill so one of the things is you can just con let's see this thing doesn't connect i know this guy is going to go in the drill uh you know i can put this on the drill but this can't fit in so now you have another adapter so basically what we're gonna do is is connect this guy to here then this guy goes into here all right so you can see we got the both of these in and it's very sturdy it's not going to move so i decided we're going to return these things because these are like two dollars each and i got like 50 worth of these so we just uh going to only put two so now the next one we don't want the hole to be right in the center because then it's going to go through it so we're going to drill somewhere right here and that's going to go into this piece so what is even though is we bought a 6x6 it's not which is always half an inch smaller so even though this is a six by six if you measure it it's 5.5 oh i didn't know that so even with the 2x4 if you measure it the thickness is always it's going to be 1.5 even though it sticks a 2 by 4 or 2 by 6. and the width should be yeah it's not even eight not even eight right seven so it's always weird is never exactly the size it advertises it all these four pieces are connected you can see there's a hole so now you'd be like well how do i cover this top hole well we won't we're gonna just flip it upside down so if we do like that you can see there's no holes over here and this is pretty straight but we'll sand this down sand both sides down and we should be good [Music] so the brackets that we got are what we call the l-shaped bracket so here are the brackets and all we're gonna do is screw them in and we're gonna use um these wood screws so these are uh uh get them in bulk you're gonna use them and if you're gonna do more projects best to get something like this in bulk i think you get them for like 10 20 bucks at the most so once you're done with the side posts what you need to do is just flip them upside down and attach the brackets to the side and then drill the the planks the two by eights on those uh brackets and then flip it upside again now you still need a back support so we attach the back support and then you're pretty much done but what i noticed was it looks good but it's still very wobbly very wobbly and i know what the reason is because it doesn't have a proper support which i'll show share with you in a bit how to fix that but i decided to take it all apart and then just uh stain the wood and then next day we're gonna make the support system so it's not wobbly anymore all right so as you can see when we finished the project and it was kind of wobbly so the reason was because the the the two sides are not really connected with each other uh so for that we need to make a support and uh it will make more sense once we are uh completing the whole uh project but i'll show you what we're trying to do with this uh we're gonna make a support so those legs right here and the ones right here i actually stained it and they're gonna connect through this frame right so this will give it more sturdiness so we're just making this this whole frame right here and then on top of the frame we're gonna have basically this is upside down and on top of the frame we're gonna put our our seat now bring your final project to your destination the final destination where you're going to be having your couch because this thing is very very heavy so as you can see now we attach those two side posts by using the frame that we just created and then we attach our four by eights on top of the frame all right so put the planks together it's coming along this is the back actually so we still have to put a a back over here but let's show you that it's still a little wobbly but not as bad so i think that once we put that plank over here the back it should be much more stirred here this is it all right let's do a wobbly test because i got the the back it is that's it it's solid it doesn't move all i need is put some cushions on and then we're all ready to go so good job bro high five bam
Channel: Malik Bhai
Views: 29,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: muslim, islam, prayer, quran, allah, DIY Outdoor Sofa for Beginners, diy, outdoor furniture, do it yourself, woodworking, diy furniture, diy outdoor sofa, diy couch, diy outdoor furniture, diy sofa, how to, modern furniture, outdoor couch, wood, diy outdoor couch, modern outdoor sofa, outdoor sofa, patio furniture, sofa, diy modern sofa, furniture, outdoor, modern sofa, modern couch, diy patio furniture, how to build, how to make furniture, modern diy furniture, couch
Id: Mxumkk2GQUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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