DIY Floating Concrete Garden Bench Seating

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so after I put these in place of where I wanted him I pretty much just made an outline of them with the pencil we're exactly I wanted them with the little holes here and put X's just to make sure that I knew exactly where the holes were measured make sure there was at least eight inches from the corner of it or from the edge to prevent any cracking or anything like that and make sure that these were at least 16 inches apart and and then this is the hole for this one which I just drilled a hole through because I'm gonna do that one as well here's the retaining wall so after I do this making sure that I'm not pushing it but in the girl who at the work every once in a while I'll take it out like that mark on that side Decker thing for this drill bit because sizes I don't know if this is ghetto or what but I am what I am and I'm not afraid to admit so I'm going to clean up the holes now Dustin's toughen them before I put the epoxy and I am a genius after that coming out the holes and using a straw to manually blow out all the mess build it up with epoxy about 3/4 of the way use that 5/8 drill bit the rebar in there [Music] [Music] you can see now what I'm doing is I'm going to I went ahead and placed everything where I wanted to make sure that everything underneath did is brushed out from underneath it so it doesn't make anything I'm lovable or anything like that and then we want the part that's actually going to be holding the wood which is going to be this inner part to be just like right here that's 21 inches different like right here just to kind of give it that more I guess above the floating effect and then so then what I do is I just move this block in that spot and marked it right in between these spot in between here and then I got a let's see I got a special I guess concrete on both of these or marked it and that goes well if I have any advice or anything like that or if it's challenging at all I'll let you know you know this stuff is kind of brittle so I just be a disaster hopefully it won't be might use some water alright alright so I cut those uh smaller blocks it's a little harder than I thought but got the job done definitely need water otherwise I'll just spit up all that dust and everything in your eyes how to do just some minor tweaks I put I think I'm making those holes and those things and I ended up making it flipping them over to the other side just to make it a little bit smoother there's my trusty help right there did the same thing here so now what I'm gonna do I just wanted to make sure everything fits so I cut this thing to square make sure that it was flush with this and that some people aren't gonna be doing it with this retaining wall already built in that might be the way to go I just know that we did the math on the cost savings and to get somebody to actually do this for us was a lot cheaper than actually doing the cinder blocks all the way around so now what I'm gonna do is oh yeah I just wanted to make sure we even got lined up now I'm just gonna wait until some of those blocks that I had wet and cut dry out so I can put this construction adhesive adhesive I'm just gonna make sure that I put this on all these different blocks like on the insides of them and then against this wall whichever blocks are touching this wall I'm gonna do it on this on the side and then screw them back in and then once that sets and cures or whatever I'm gonna take these blocks off just fill it up with concrete and yeah oh yeah just say you know I'm just I'm gonna have to remove all the blocks again and then put the adhesive on and then put it against the wall when I want to set it I just haven't done that yet but I'll show y'all once I get done hopefully right all right so this is during the whole covert 19 things so you would think I would have lots of time during the day but these kids and this wife won't leave me so this is my only free time with no distractions so my next step is to get this which is commercial-grade quikrete advanced polymer construction and he sieve and pretty much what I'm doing is just putting this in between the blocks on the sides against the wall just right here is just my makeshift clamp for it just to make sure it stays in place and bonds together good so now embassadors to this side I put them in a row of which way they were so that's this rebar on the side and then these two going top and then that that actually that that that and going that place as my wife just said it's getting kind of late to make sure you don't make any mistakes so I just realized when I was about to put on the covers of the concrete blocks that I couldn't because I haven't made concrete yet so I have to mix the concrete tonight because this little bottle a little misstep because but anyway I do know what I'm doing so anybody who has a wife or husband that says he bet to the professionals you don't know what you're doing by the end of this hopefully you'll say hey if this guy can do it I can do it that's the way I see it those are the only DIYs I follow so anyway you go cheers me so this was already here but then built this that's gonna be the retaining wall and then we're gonna do a floating bench right there in that little area there's my construction babe mixing the concrete so we mix the concrete a wheelbarrow filled it up there I'm gonna let it sit for I guess 24 hours or something and then and yeah then I'm gonna put the adhesive on the top caps then start to using that concrete service bonding material one thing I didn't think about was when we spray enough to slab that there's no drainage right here so everything's gonna kind of collect here so what I'm going to do is I'm probably ended up draw drilling a hole through this wall right there in the corner just so that there's proper drainage so we don't run into any issues as far as drainage everything's still wet this is just in ziwei yeah okay so I forgot to make a video of this yesterday when I was doing this but this is the construction ceiling pretty much what I did is before it started drizzling was kind of just go around and just sealed any gaps and holes or anything tried making it a little bit more seamless you know real rough edges or anything like that those blocks are just holding it down yeah yeah we ended up having to make this a little bit higher so we added an extra cat block on top of this one and we end up having to add cat blocks on this one because the break is that we have our 15 inches high so there's parts of the patio that heard to be level would be like 14 inches that we had to raise it about an inch and a half inch in three quarters so that's why we added the cap block but we still one of those arm has to be about eight inches from where you sit on the bench like a standard armrest so it's what we get and so all that stuff is set make sure you spray down the concrete blocks with water prior to applying the surface bonding cement I'm about to mix it up right now and then apply it and I'll let y'all know if anything happens all right so I've mixed the surface bonding cement with some water okay so I'm starting to put the brackets in just making these little holes in them of where I needed the wood to be on the top and then also or one of the brackets to be and I'm just making little holes with a little impact driver and my concrete masonry drill bit and just mark off the drill bit make a little hole I'm using a little straw just to put inside there and blow it out all the dust make sure it's clean you can also use a steel brush or something like that to clean the hole and then just putting in there putting in the drill bits but these things are she was dirty [Music]
Views: 89,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete floating bench, diy floating bench, diy garden bench, garden bench seating, floating bench brackets, modern patio, modern patio bench, concrete garden bench, cedar wood bench, diy cedar bench, diy patio furniture, concrete block furniture, diy retaining wall, backyard retaining wall
Id: Gj9vZde6zMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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