DIY Mermaid From Cardboard! How To Make A Doll From Cardboard

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hi guys today we're making an amazing and super useful organizer for hairpins and comps and this little lady here gave me an excellent idea of what our organizer should look like maybe let's make a Little Mermaid organizer from very thick cardboard we need to draw a silhouette let's get started this is gonna be so much fun I promise make sure to make it big enough guys so that it fits all the hair stuff you might want to put in it there are a lot of videos about different organizers on our channel so go subscribe and we're done now we'll just need to cut the whole thing out guys be very careful with the cutter it's really sharp or you can ask an adult to help you because this cardboard is pretty thick I always trust you with this kind of work oh thanks Sammy now that the silhouette of our mermaid is ready we can make it look more natural let's make our upper part beige closer to the color of the skin hop and turquoise will be just perfect for her tail awesome yeah let me see oh it looks like someone missed a spot not exactly I have some other plans for her tail fan but we'll get to that in a minute for now let's work in some shades a regular Q-tip will do the trick we'll simply smudge this line like this see how cool is that now we'll do the same thing all around her body and face [Music] and that's it well what do you say Sammy I say it's time to make clear an impressive look so we drew the mermaid's face but to make it look awesome we need to come up with a cool makeup let's start with the eyes it is important to draw them symmetrically of course [Music] I wonder which type I have oh Sammy your eyes are round I guess and mine are probably almonds and which type of ice these beautiful creatures well we're just about to see that [Music] okay now that we have the nose we can rightfully say that her eyes are symmetrical right guys [Music] I think you should match the color of the sea I mean she's a mermaid after all so we'll go with a beautiful blue Sammy since you're an eye expert do you have any information on the colors of the eyes well of course um the colored part of the eye is called the iris it can be a different shades of blue green brown or even black although once I met a couple of cute white bunnies with red eyes have you seen those guys give a thumbs up and we're done with the blue now it's time for white [Music] if you look look baby eyelashes Sammy these kinds of eyelashes won't do we're just gonna draw them on later but first let's use the darker color to draw the upper eyelid like this and here come the actual eyelashes like this don't forget about her lips too Susie this color will be just perfect oh you're right Sammy this pale pink is very beautiful and mermaid-ish this actually gave me an idea about her hair she's the most creative parties yet to come guys it's time to deal with our mermaid's tail it'll have several layers we've already glued the craft foam layer and we'll have this pretty piece on top actually it's very easy to make Sam is doing it right now making the side fins you need to add a pattern with a marker here let me do it [Music] is [Music] but so far I don't see any compartments or anything don't worry Sammy I'll explain that we're about to make one pretty big pocket but first we need to finish with the fence [Music] yes and no now we need to attach them to the tail here comes the first one there you go and another one great and now we'll take one more piece of foam paper to make the pocket I was talking about earlier it's important to not glue this part right here a hairbrush through this opening awesome exactly bye so you're not gonna just leave it like this are you of course not it's time to work on the details we'll need some felt I'm gonna use some magic right now guys so watch closely baby yep I did now we need to glue these all around our mermaid's tail let's start from the bottom we need to glue the scales with an overlap to make them look as natural as possible [Music] you know where to find those videos we'll also use some shiny details to make the Tails Sparkle beautifully [Music] ah this work for me is kind of meditative even though I must admit it's quite time consuming but you may want to ask your friends or parents to help you creating together is always fun am I right Sammy um Sammy yeah and I actually have an idea be right back I wonder what this little slime has in mind [Music] Sammy I'm done here what was that idea of yours [Music] wow it turned out wonderful Sammy just look at those feather-like scales guys I love it let's just add one tiny detail these beads look like magical pearls don't they [Music] now we'll make her top just like we did her tail whoosh let's move to the final step her hair whoa what's happening nothing special I'm just beginning to work on our mermaid's hairdo this will be the front part let's make a tie like this one and cut the extra be careful with the scissors guys [Music] now we can glue this whole thing to the head like this and now let's shape the hairdo this way so that her cute little face stays open oh I really like how her hair matches her tail and everything you bet Sammy [Music] this is the prettiest organizer that we need I totally agree with you there's only a couple of final touches left let's glue them huh and our little mermaid is done [Music] thank you hey let's do something super unusual and interesting today huh yay finally I haven't been to the beach for ages um I didn't actually mean the beach laying on the beach not cool we better take a nap nap again sleepyhead like it's much more fun she's always like that sleeping or napping girls don't fight let's find something that Everyone likes huh well yeah let's shoot tick tocks and take selfies boring do you have a better idea huh way cooler than yours so funny oh it's so difficult to deal with all of them help help what is that noise all about there are so many voices here wait so it was one in the same doll the whole time what did you think and it's very easy to make it guys see for yourself oh wait for me hi guys today we're gonna make an awesome doll from cardboard naturally we'll start with the preparation of the details grab your pencils and let's go [Music] when all the details are drawn and cut out you can outline the edges these black lines all along the pieces can be made with regular marker okay A bit here and that's it [Music] look is everything right Sammy just kidding oh let me help you looks like there's been a minor accident oh poor Sam I'll give you another piece here paint this let me just add a couple of touches and I'm done with the doll check her out guys wow a bunch of them guys give us some more hey you blogger can you help me with this drawing I definitely can't do it without you give me a sec [Music] oh the Right image is ready and I'm coming foreign [Music] let's start coloring I'll take care of her Rosy Cheeks because pink is my favorite color oh well well in that case I should deal with the eyes okay [Music] a little bit more you and that's it all that we've left to do is cut it out well you can handle this without me in the in the meat slime designer will pick up new clothes and I have everything ready so how's my favorite designer doing shiver Me cheddars every then let's make her new outfits hold on for a second so what are you doing are you putting gum in here oh wait Sam it's just a piece of special sticky rubber see now we can attach and detach the pieces even for a thousand times how cool is that Holy Cannoli it's so cool Sam pull yourself together him maybe it's time to start designing her clothes huh I'm tired of waiting okay okay Sammy we'll have it your way but what are we gonna draw I already have a sketch I was inspired and this is what I got out of it we don't know that's not it it doesn't bid at all where are the colors where is the brightness oh oh sorry you can't be pleased huh here decorate everything yourself Sammy don't worry you are still a great stylist of course [Music] guys check it out everything suits her so well she can go to some beach party right away right so they give me something to try on her too please for just a minute no can do oh coming right up we don't have much time let's first Provide support under her left shoulder then under the right one that's it damn she's coming to her senses here we go well wasn't that a miracle oh hell the greatest after stress like this look over store her nerves in a beauty salon coming through should we start with a haircut in the paper Beauty Salon ah so many colors which one to choose oh I know let our doll be red-haired [Music] we will take a photo before the transformation oh great guys just look at what hairstyle we've got let's try it on carefully like this the hair is a bit too long Susie especially it doesn't quite right no worries I will fix everything right now aha she was a beautiful name there is no cool hairstyle with a funny bouncy curls huh let's bring them in there you go through that's awesome Sammy [Music] Sammy that's exactly what we need that but I wasn't idling my thumbs either I've made this pendant and sunglasses oh what a beauty and this is how well the necklace looks on her comes the ultra fashionable sunglasses let's fix her bangs oh she's so pretty give a thumbs up if you agree guys just check out this fashionista she totally should be on the cover of a magazine what's going on her fans lost their mind we need a new car then let's get to it I hope she would like blonde hair and whoosh that's a trick even her pretty bangs are here but different hairstyle is not enough we need to completely change her what if we change her face features huh no one will acknowledge her for sure that's such a great idea give it to me always happy to help guys now our doll is definitely going to become unrecognizable look what a perky cutie we've got and here's how she sends you her air kisses we will replace the necklace with a bowl choker perfect match [Music] and we'll complete her look with a trendy earring I wish I had one like this too [Music] let's curl her hair a little just as we did before here a curler yes that's brilliant Sammy well well we'll pinch the Strand wind it up a little and then hold would you just look at the coolest airplane ever we nearly forgot about it thanks Sammy sure no problem and finally her look is complete who's gonna say that this is the same doll [Music] with me today let's do that I'll show you everything oh here's my favorite Master say Hi Sam oh hello everyone come on let's go wash your hair yep let's go just relax take a deep breath we'll get your hair done soon oh this is so good you're gonna be shocked I added a special ingredient to the shampoo you see so is everyone ready on the count of one two three oh what happened calm down don't see animals [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you I guess she sleeps let's make her a mask so that she sleeps till the end of the makeover [Music] she will only have Ariel dreams oh so we're not gonna decorate her hairdo oh well of course we'll do that don't be upset better bring on the accessories in a blink of an eye [Music] oh come on Sue we already had a fun doll then a floaty doll and now we've got a sleepy head and I am something else [Music] wow it's a little Flamingo oh what a cutie it is perfect for decorating the top of our doll look you know what's weird we had a blonde a brunette and a redhead but there was no doll but pink hair you're right how could we do without pink right but we can easily make one right now sugar returns that's the speed Susie I had someone to learn from Sammy and also I made her fashionable braids looking cool huh what are you talking about her braids hold tight oh right thanks Sammy yeah that's nothing oh what should I do now [Music] I'm gonna Draw Something everybody's gonna be shocked well Sammy when are you going to surprise us we can't wait I'm coming there you go Susan it's all the rage seriously huh I like the look of this let's try it on oh this really suits her I told you so let's go look in the mirror oh Sammy you need to be careful oops I'm sorry forgive me please oh what's with the face now she seems to be very unhappy with you and you shouldn't have walked around with your eyes closed very funny Susan oh what do you think if I give her a present will she forgive me I don't think she's angry anymore Sammy so relax but this doll is gonna be a rebel here we go and the print on her top is just right [Music] I don't get it where are my girlfriends oops my bad let's show them all to the viewers now come with me [Music] hey [Music] thank you [Music] that's right you don't say he's always in such a hurry hey hey are you talking about me I have to hear that what are you talking about Sammy and who are we guys do you understand what just happened I'm completely lost at least that was quite fun guys do you agree if yes then give us a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe a lot of amazing dolls are waiting for you bye bye bye guys see you soon we will start with her hairdo a tip from a pro you need to wear gloves for this work let's proceed with the hair dyeing I think our doll will look fine as a blonde oh I almost forgot an important ingredient awesome now let's mix it thoroughly and the makeover will begin [Music] the client is ready let's take a hair strand and wrap it in foil die is here now carefully apply it to the hair [Music] it's great we'll wrap the Strand to make the dye hold better [Music] now we can proceed [Music] wait a little while for the pigment to show up in the meantime I'm gonna check on the water it's all working wow her hair is so bright now let's wash off the excess although we could add some color [Music] hey I think the shower's against it now let's apply some hair care products like this here we go [Music] check this out here is a fluffy bubble foam oh be careful it stings Let Me Gently rinse it that's better oops the hair's a bit Tangled I'll fix it watch and learn friends if your hair gets Tangled use some hair conditioner distribute it gently over the length of the hair like this and then rinse it off with warm water good [Music] now your hair is clean and soft we'll let it dry while cleaning up here a stylist's desk should always be tidy to be dried out now wow check this out So Soft oops so we need to wait a bit more oh I'm sorry we'll just change the plan then let's dry the hair properly with this [Music] wait it's not my hair I have to dry [Music] yay I'm done finally I can take my gloves off I won't need them anymore today a real stylist keeps up with fashion trends let's see huh and put this picture in here the best hairstyle for you who's bossing me around again although he's right this one's perfect for the doll very soon she will have a stylish haircut [Music] oh that's better oops actually I forgot about the bangs [Music] okay done give a thumbs up if you like it what does the model have to say there you go [Music] she approves yay but I think there's something missing [Music] right I have an idea the dolls with straight hair always want curls is it the same for you [Music] it came out great right we need to add just one Finishing Touch ah where was it was it you are a hairpin the perfect accessory for every Fashionista and this one is really cool too we'll definitely put this one on as well [Music] I like her new look okay I'll make it up to her with new makeup stay tuned our paper doll looks really tired Let's help her relax makeup is the best cover-up for fatigue first we'll clean her skin with wet ones you should get rid of wipes with one precise throw I'm sorry Sammy we need foam for deep cleansing it gently cleanses all of the pores and skin let's lather it up [Music] massage her face with a sponge too like this oh [Music] the cleansing stage hasn't finished yet we need to apply a refreshing toner sewing come back here [Music] you should make time for yourself where are they I definitely remember putting them here aha we'll use these patches to remove the bags from under your eyes let's leave them for a while here we go you can take a little nap now [Music] oh wow [Music] I almost fell asleep myself let's see how great it turned out yay no more tired eyes and here's my favorite part a tissue face mask [Music] it's also good to use incense sticks enjoy the scent foreign wow our Dolly looks awesome and now let's hydrate her skin with a serum just a few drops all over her face we'll help it soak in so pretty now let's get her makeup on or shall we dance to the beats I think I've missed one step we need to apply some face cream first her lips are too dry they also need moisturizing I have a special balm for it now our skin is glowing and it gets even better from here [Music] it's Beauty time so are you ready to complete our doll's look start with a makeup foundation and here's my special brush set which will make our job easier choose this one will do let's gently blend concealer under her eyes like this we need to clean the brush now or maybe I should paint first all right let's get back to work now the base will come in handy let's go we'll take a sponge and carefully distribute the base against her face skin forehead the cheeks the nose it all needs our attention and here's something else for a striking look [Music] hmm let's start with contouring it helps add volume to her facial features and we need some highlighter for the glowing effect [Music] use some blush I like to apply it with my finger how about a temporary tattoo huh okay okay the guest Wishes the law what eyeshadow color would you like bright pink maybe let's try it on one eyelid first wow so bright I'm gonna apply it on the other one too I love pink makeup it's my favorite now let's calm the eyebrows just a bit [Music] we should pay more attention to the eyelashes let's glue them on I chew whoops this looks funny let's glue them on to the right place up and right here now let's apply by the mascara just need to pick a lipstick so which color is the best I like this one we have lipsticks for any occasion here let's try it this color is great only now I want to try a different one Don't Panic we'll remove it and now we'll try this shade [Music] all shades of pink I love it I also want to add a few more details [Music] wow this is insanely stylish makeup artist Sue Has finished her job shall we do a fashion show let's go [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music]
Views: 62,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best crafts for kids, crafts, crafts for kids, crafts ideas, decor ideas, diy, diy family projects, diy for kids, diy ideas, diy ideas for kids, diy kids projects, diy projects, easy crafts, family crafts, family diy, hacks, how to, ideas for kids, kids diy, kids videos, know how, learning video, school hacks, school tips and tricks, slick slime sam, slick slime sam live, smart ideas for kids, tips and tricks for kids, tutorial, tutorial for kids
Id: dVvXvurDMFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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