I Made a Dressing Room for My Dolls! 😍

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hi guys today we're gonna make a fancy Barbie dressing room there now there now stop and let me take off the blindfolds ta-da so what do you think um no you're so easy to trick we're gonna have to furnish the room first be careful Sammy here's a fancy bed to chill after shopping and some wall displays of course all Barbie's accessories will be in a full view here [Music] I was talking to this people no more shopping today Sammy look we already have enough Furniture here I better keep myself busy um I guess maybe you'd rather use straws to make something for the wildest place [Music] the dressing room is almost ready let's finish it up beautiful you're right [Music] let's also hang these paintings ah Sammy so the straws can be a great addition to the shells all we need is just a bit of hot glue all done [Music] you can proceed without well Sam is diving I'll prepare the mannequins one two three wow oh I totally agree it looks amazing here guys give us a thumbs up it is the wrong man again what let's fix it done now Barbie will know what to wear [Music] your clothes and it's good that we're crafting a dressing room huh we can create as many new outfits as we want and we'll have a place to store all of them the more fashionable dresses there are the merrier and we'll finish this look with a nice silk ribbon great [Music] there can be too many of such pretty dresses guys do you agree [Music] or should I oh I know we'll cut out tiny beautiful hangers out of foam paper check this out but we're gonna need more of them hmm Boop Boop voila get in line Sammy I have a pretty long waiting list okay you persuaded me but can you teach me how to make a bag like that wow I've got the material where's my teacher season first of all you should glue about to the front side got it oh it's so cute I love the decor like this you can just glue the bottom piece here you go what's next thanks Sammy you're a great teacher here Fancy Shoes for my favorite pity they're too small for me so I better give them to Barbie she'll love it which she just arrived from a ball and she wants to see a new room okay girl let's show it off [Music] is on the way we have this that's what this mannequin was made for what can I say it's a perfect size and now it perfectly fits in here and I released some stress with shopping we have so many shelves we'll place it all here there we go [Music] let's focus on new furniture now we haven't made any drawers yet we'll use some glue gun again guys be careful with the glue gun there we go hop [Music] like this content for my Instagram [Music] wow what a luxurious thing good job guys let's not be greedy and make two drawers that's a very good idea Sammy thank you for these and here's what Barbie keeps in her vanity table I think yeah let's place a new perfume [Music] I'll go first I want something fresh like the morning after rain and I want a fruity sweet sand like strawberries I prefer scent of Oriental spices and wood can you get both okay ladies calm down my head is gonna flow girls keep saving some time who wants some makeup I do me first wait for me the dolls went to a party with new makeup in the meantime we can wrap it up with the room you brought so much jewelry each Barbie will have something suitable for any occasion hold on Mister it looks like we need more hangers paper clips are perfect for it [Music] here we go now all the dresses can fit into the closet this is the last one do you think we have enough space don't worry we can put something on the empty shelves [Music] ah Sammy I'm afraid to have to take some serious action stand still done now everything's in place what about you Sammy you shouldn't get bored and that's all check out this fancy outfit guys [Applause] [Music] seems like your party went out of control right no more pillow fights with dogs away let's put it on display [Music] all right you're right the room would be empty without them let's make the tiniest version right now Magic Touch wow they look awesome do you agree guys then give us a thumbs up check out little Chelsea with shiver Me Cheddars are these tears of joy hey do you like it much better let's see what else we can do crying we didn't have anything for children here anyway we have enough space for a toy box let's put something fluffy in here that tickles this is all for you Chelsea enjoy Ed how can I help you our first client seems to be very tired okay who's next hi I saw beautiful flowers in the window can I I'm sure take as many as you want they're all yours will anybody come for clothes do you have colorful sandals I wanna look edgy here you are I'm not sure they're the right size though thanks what a weird opening day nobody even asked about these adorable shoes and here's a challenge hahaha [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys today we will take care of our Barbie doll just look at her hair what a mess [Music] so let's change your hair to this I think Barbie will love it is good but Barbie needs her own hair not a wig where did you get it well Roger is brought it for you and I'm just testing it well not anymore for me but why I didn't ask him to do that you are hiding something from me aren't you well um I've heard you wanted to change your image and I'd like to hope that's all thank you Sammy that I was talking about changing my dress not my hair there you go now watch out otherwise you might get soaking wet I just realized make this wet leaves next time water them on time or you'll have to buy a new one thank you thank you I will always remember that by the mozzarella while Sammy's running back and forth I will untangle Barbie's hair you are gonna be beautiful very soon the best helper ever is here with something for Barbie I just need to find it here [Music] a hair clip [Music] and Barbie doesn't need candy she needs deep skin cleansing but I don't have such small masks however I can use a brush and a toothpaste in our homemade spa [Music] oh I see but the candy isn't for Barbie is for me oh I got it but now your face is covered in chocolate clean it that's my favorite candy Kitty was the last one from the box Roger gave you last Saturday I see you've stolen my candies again we'll discuss it later I need to watch the doll now Sammy your duck is clean and Barbie is not you had better choose a hairstyle for the doll I can't imagine what Barbie had to go through if she is this dirty I just hope Sammy didn't bury her in the pot with the plant he forgot to water Holy Cannoli it is the best hairstyle for her well done Sammy that's not a very simple option but I'm sure we can handle it my Barbie will look like the sorry mermaid [Music] okay but first of all we should wipe her hair with the towel that's right Sammy what do you think is our Barbie ready for the next step or not I'm sure she is and I can't wait to see you doing her hairstyle [Music] all right the Barbie's hair is already clean and we just need to comb it I have a brilliant idea let's dye her hair as well no Sammy don't even think about that she will keep her hair color watch out my scissors are sharp and I don't want to change your hairstyle [Music] Sammy you are so impatient as always wait a bit and you'll see everything for yourself this process is not very fast and requires attention I will help you let me braid her hair I know how I think no Sammy we don't need braids the curls can be made in a different way [Music] but I have maybe one day I'll become a famous sir oh really and who's here will you work with human doll slime maybe oh I think I have a name for your future beauty salon slime and tangled hair doesn't it sound marvelous [Music] it was my first experience be thankful it didn't blow your hair that time which is what across your hair by the mozzarella Sammy your duck doesn't have hair at all even in nature it has feathers oh no I I Sammy look all of your toys are already scared of you stop chasing them better come here and help me finish this process you can't do anything without me thanks Sammy but I'm done oh oh Barbie looks like a gourd what if she turns me into stone what would I do Sammy relax she has curls in her hair not some snakes all righty [Music] now it's time for making a dress and this time we won't use any Fabrics ooh I want a new dress too and I'm ready for that look at me Sammy I asked you not to take the wrap you are not going to be cooked and I suppose we can find clothes for you without using these kind of props guys be careful here king of our dress for the Barbie we'll take a bit of Sammy what I just wanted to prepare the pieces of sticky tape for you ouch oh you're all covered in that check it out we'll transform it into a ball we can only it's time for playing soccer I'll win the golden championship Sammy is so funny sometimes I wish Roger were here I'm not a soccer fan hey what's up the dog's back is not a playground huh I'm afraid to think what he would hit if he was aiming at me that's why I prefer to concentrate on making the dress for Barbie with the help of me with the help of me I brought nail polishes in all different colors now let's see which one of them will fit our Barbie better the cream won't do hmm pink maybe no it doesn't work either ah it's so hard to choose the right color Tammy I've already painted the tape I've decided to use the blue one but if you want you can paint something else with your nail polish look at my ball no it's no it's poor beautiful I see check this out I will add some glitter to the nail polish what do you think [Music] wow I think it'll look good on my ball yeah where is my ball Sammy I hope you'll clean everything later but now I want to help you should I add some glitter here thank you but I had better do it myself and you can take a break [Music] by the way you might think of a party for Barbie if she wins in your challenge [Music] it'll be so funny and happy and amusing and it won't be like that at all if you use all the decorations now and make a mess on the floor [Music] all of our guests will just fall down it wouldn't look very funny huh so clean up here please boring boring okay next time you sleep I'll take a marker and draw a mustache on your face [Music] Hey You singer check out what I've made while you were blabbering the dress is finished it just needs several last touches I'm not going to I just want to cut out the unnecessary parts a few more cuts here we are the dress is ready these things should be moved to the trash can [Music] find another use for them for example it may become like crap you can do whatever you want with that I don't think Barbie needs it now we'll dress her up again so that Barbie is the most beautiful doll at her party [Music] [Applause] our curls are done so these things are already unnecessary too shiver Me jetters well Barbie is ready for your party but I don't think you should look like that [Music] away from me Sammy when will you become more careful one day our table will be broken because of your constant falling down [Music] I just realized that I don't have the photos over my body so I've decided to make it by myself who can do that better than me check this out would you like to take a photo with this background looks cool sure and I'll definitely do that later I just want to finish the shoes for your Barbie this is gonna be a high heel up high heel check this out Susan I have a magic wand now I see so instead of helping me you're just gonna do magic why don't I use my magic then to turn you into a party decor huh Sammy you're so funny I was just kidding of course I'll never turn you into something okay okay what do you think I don't know about Barbie but I would like you to do that for me sometime I'm often so tired you know anyway check this out it's like the Cinderella shoe your magic works here is your second shoe Barbie now our dog can dance and have fun all night long her outfit is complete do you like the result Sammy sorry mermaid [Music] s thank you [Music] so what do we have here whoa promoter I don't want to work outside no way hey what are you doing um advertisements oh Sue keep quiet I'm looking for a part-time job oh a tutor well two plus two equals me who needs a tutor well what do you like to do oh oh well I like to play with Barbie dolls and also tasty things I know you can start cooking mini food for the dolls come on is that even a thing it is come with me I'll teach you a couple of Tricks okay before we start it's nice to have a break for a snack oh later Sam we need those for our first dish oh come on can I have just one please but our dolls had none yet wait so they're getting chips and I get ships holes ew hey don't throw food you'll eat soon be patient uh typical Sue first hamster crab then everything else and all is ready I better try it first hey no way if I can eat chips you can either give me this but they can our dolls will be the tasters drum roll it's time to try the chips oh that is so good just a future and I want some soda do you have some I want I want just a snack we have other things for you it's time to take care of other dishes but we need a smaller sausage oh we can cook this on a campfire and here it is you can search for a fire and I'll use a frying pan Huh we're gonna add some oil so the food won't burn right you are the dolls one round and perfect sunny side up eggs how do you know that when did you add some I don't have to I know everything about them oh I got it by the way our fried egg is ready but we need to fry the sausages too it's best for breakfast you know do you remember how you burn them while talking on the phone I do but you promise you won't tell anyone sorry guys you didn't hear anything I think your sausages need some tomato ketchup and we need two plates dear guests here's your breakfast enjoy your meal [Music] hmm that was delicious I guess they liked everything and I kind of got hungry too oh Sue don't be like that our dolls want these cookies too hey I'll share oh my precious cookies you know I have a great idea let's make a mini version for our dolls here um we're gonna need this feeling later oh I got it put the cookies in here I'll crush them now I know a special dance Sammy taught me it helps crushing anything we just need to mix everything to make a homogeneous mess okay I'm putting on the gloves so shall we proceed we can shape the cookies now like this don't forget about the filling it's the most important thing here oh I won't argue with that and I can do this and we'll have enough cookies for everyone I even prepared the packaging yeah yeah I remember that you like to prepare everything in advance sure we mustn't make the doll's way okay okay let our dolls try it oh it's so tasty oh sorry I'm such a mess it's okay I'll fix it now I guess they really liked it hey I want one too what did you eat everything oh guys don't go anywhere we'll be back in a second so Sammy once showed me a trick Abracadabra yay it's a fondue set we can cook so many things on it I don't get it something must have went wrong with a trick oh nothing's wrong we'll cook something very special I have what we need right here okay I trust you you're the expert in doll food already we'll start with milk I think I know what it is but I won't tell let it be a surprise for our viewers and the dolls as well and here's another surprise Cup and the candle is burning foreign [Music] we'll use another Bowl we did it woof it's ready now let me I'm more careful and this is Blaze ready for the decor I'll take care of it I learned from the best YouTube vloggers Sure Thing go ahead [Music] oh this chocolate looks so beautiful I want a chocolate fountain first we need to finish with a souffle decor [Music] at home dear guests we probably present to you our souffle can I take some of this stuff way to go I like it too is there anything else yay the doll's approved and I came up with a new trick so can you help me why sure and let's see what we've got they look like teeny tiny funny shoes I know Sue these are perfect mold while you're whisking the egg I'll take care of butter and sugar thank you [Music] now let's add your mixture to mine working together makes us a great team this and also the recipe that I found on the internet [Music] now we need to mix everything up what oh no that's better let's get started I'd better learn how to fold the napkins properly for your Posh Restaurant no Sue I can't do without you here of course I'll help I already have everything we might need vanilla sugar salt and baking powder just one final ingredient and our mixture is ready [Music] now I'll show you how to put this mixture in the mold easily but first we need to apply some vegetable oil like this you'll want some hand moisturizing great we're doing serious business here [Music] I can do this one two three four well you and your tricks again I'm gonna go bake this hello my dear subscribers today we're cooking the meal for the best vlogger don't make the dolls wait let's decorate oh this is my cup of tea I love decorating everything [Applause] thank you [Music] hurry up I'm placing the napkins already here are the cupcakes enjoy your meal these are delicious unbelievably tasty I'll take this one more cupcakes so much I'll finish this and we'll proceed friends now we'll make a real magical potion your potion doesn't look scary at all whatever normal cooking is also cool and it's more fun to cook together right sister let me add the preheated milk to your gelatin hmm But the color doesn't look good let's make it red oh I've already chosen the green color for this dish oh our Masterpiece will be blue foreign [Music] like this and a couple of more spoons we'll place the mixture in a better mode not this soup this one now I'll divide the food into portions look [Music] it's time to add some cute heart-shaped toppings ladies this is a compliment from our shaft how am I better this is delicious ew I'm full we'll have the Bell now hey Rush maybe they have something else for us you're right the last dish for today will be Pizza we just need to shrink it a bit so that it fits in here I wonder if I'll be able to cook food for people with this kind of experience Sam you'll definitely do it hey people support her with your thumbs UPS oh thank you sue now I'm ready to proceed then I'll Place everything onto the parchment paper and add some ham I got tomatoes and bell pepper tomatoes and pepper great hey you forgot the cheese foreign and now it's time to bake our pizza with a hair dryer no no no stop we better use the oven for that and here's our pizza we'll put it into the box and deliver it to our dolls and the top dish of our evening Pizza it's very tasty this was magnificent thanks a lot ew we did great today yep we're a great team oops sorry laughs [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] like this and again and like that and one more time yep awesome turn around let's take more pictures ew I'm kind of tired after cooking and posing now time to relax I will gather some reviews from our customers and we'll have everything ready for your job interview oh I got something bye bye Sue great and our dolls will give you the necessary references it's the best doll shop that I've ever met so far you should totally hire her you won't regret it her dolls are happy give us a thumbs up bye bye
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Keywords: best crafts for kids, crafts, crafts for kids, crafts ideas, decor ideas, diy, diy family projects, diy for kids, diy ideas, diy ideas for kids, diy kids projects, diy projects, easy crafts, family crafts, family diy, hacks, how to, ideas for kids, kids diy, kids videos, know how, learning video, school hacks, school tips and tricks, slick slime sam, slick slime sam live, smart ideas for kids, tips and tricks for kids, tutorial, tutorial for kids
Id: im7yjvAx8d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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