Hot Chocolate Bomb Tutorial

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hey guys it's teresa welcome back to my channel today i'm going to show you guys all of my tips and tricks on how to make the best hot chocolate balms [Music] so i made these salted caramel hot chocolate balms on tick tock a few weeks ago and everyone seemed to love them so i thought i would do a full tutorial here for you guys so we're going to start off with some gold decoration which i love to do so i'm using some edible gold luster dust mixed with some clear alcohol i'm using vodka here and the alcohol will evaporate away so don't worry about that and i'm just going to splatter that into the inside of my mold this is a two and three quarter inch silicon mold i got mine a really long time ago so i'm not sure where it's from but i know you can get them on amazon so check there if you are looking for one [Music] okay so now i'm going to tell you guys the secret to getting perfect hot chocolate bombs every time and that is to use a compound chocolate so compound chocolate acts kind of like candy melts you just microwave them for 30 seconds at a time and then they'll act like tempered chocolate so they'll be shiny and they won't melt in your hands and they're just a breeze to work with so i highly recommend [Music] so i'm just dividing that up into my molds i used about a cup and a half of chocolate total for this [Music] and i'm gonna smooth that out with the back of the spoon making sure you go all the way up to the top edge and then we're just going to swirl around the mold so the chocolate is evenly coated there and then let all of the excess fall out onto some parchment paper you can let this harden and break it up and reuse it so none of the chocolate's gonna go to waste and then we're gonna let this harden upside down that's going to make sure the shells stay nice and even all the way around if you let them harden right side up all the chocolate will pull to the bottom of the shell and we don't want that so upside down you can leave it on the counter or in the freezer if you're impatient like me just for a few minutes and you'll be good to go and then to release the chocolate from the mold just gently pull the sides away and push straight up from the bottom and the chocolate will pop right out and you'll have this beautiful shiny chocolate with a nice gold splatter on [Music] it okay now the next step is to make sure the edges of those shells are nice and smooth so they come together in a perfect line so for that there are two options the first is to use a kitchen torch and heat the bottom of a baking pan and then just rest the chocolate on top of there and the very edge will melt down and you'll get this beautiful smooth surface [Music] the other option is to just take a frying pan heat it on the stove for just 30 seconds or a minute you don't want it hot just a little bit more and that'll do the exact same thing you'll get a nice smooth edge okay so we're done with the hard part making the shells now we just have to make the filling you can totally skip these two recipes if you want to just use normal hot chocolate powder but i personally think this is the way to go so i'm starting by making some chocolate ganache i'm just chopping up some calaba chocolate you can use any good quality chocolate i'm using about equal parts of milk and dark [Music] and i'm just going to weigh that out it ended up being four and a half ounces so i'm going to do the same amount of whipping cream [Music] i'm just going to put that on the stove and bring it to a simmer [Music] and then pour that over my chopped chocolate let it sit for a minute give it a stir and you're good to go [Music] okay now let's move on to the salted caramel i just want to put in a quick disclaimer when you're making caramel you're working with very very hot sugar and it is very easy to burn yourself so please please be careful so the most important thing about making caramel is nissan plus as the french call it which just means having all of your ingredients measured out and ready to go because once we get started things are going to move very quickly so i'm just measuring out my ingredients and then we're going to head over to the stove [Music] so i'm starting with half a cup of sugar and then taking a tablespoon of water and just pouring it around the edge of the pot [Music] and then we're just gonna wait for the sugar to caramelize you don't want to stir it at this point just let it do its thing once you have that beautiful golden color you are going to gently place in three tablespoons of butter cut up into little pieces and then stir that together until it's nice and emulsified [Music] then we're going to add a quarter cup of heavy cream a little bit at a time and as soon as that's incorporated you're going to take that off the stove and pour it into something else to stop the cooking process and then add some salt and vanilla i just eyeball it you can add as much or as little as you like [Music] okay now all of the hard stuff is out of the way let's fill our chocolate balms and close them up so for this i'm going to use cocoa powder instead of hot chocolate powder because the caramel is very sweet and the cocoa will balance that out nicely so i'm using about a tablespoon of chocolate ganache [Music] and a teaspoon to half a tablespoon of caramel depending on how sweet you want it half a teaspoon of cocoa powder and as many mini marshmallows as your heart desires then i'm going to melt down the other half of the chocolate balm just like we did before and then just place it right on top [Music] and look at the beautiful chocolate bomb [Music] okay guys don't go away yet we are done with the palms but now it's time for the best part and that is to watch it open up into a beautiful magical drink so i've got my hot milk here and side note i didn't just drop my jar of caramel i was doing a photo shoot and i did it on purpose but anyways we are going to take our chocolate bomb drop it into the milk and you guys i cannot believe how beautifully this opens and just watch [Music] look at that is that not the most satisfying thing you have ever seen [Music] so that's pretty much it for today's video guys i hope you liked it and you found it helpful and if you want to follow me on tik tok where i originally posted this hot chocolate bomb and i posted a few others on there as well you can follow me this is my tick tock it's just at arisa just like this channel and yeah so if you like this video give it a big thumbs up let me know in the comments if you have any questions or what you want to see next and i will see you in my next video thanks so much for watching bye guys
Channel: Areesa
Views: 607,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, hot chocolate bomb, hot chocolate, hot cocoa bombs, hot cocoa bomb tutorial, easy hot chocolate bombs, hot cocoa, hot chocolate bombs, how to make hot chocolate bombs, hot chocolate bomb tutorial, hot chocolate recipe, hot cocoa balls, chocolate bombs, hot chocolate bomb recipe, hot chocolate bombs diy, hot chocolate bomb tiktok, hot cocoa bombs with marshmallows, marshmallow, easy hot chocolate bomb, areesa, how to make salted caramel, how to make chocolate ganache
Id: rGz_BR6WEO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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