DIY Honeycomb Grid for Elgato Key Light

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hey friends my name is Morgan and this week I wanted to show you guys the honeycomb grid that I built for my alato key light as part of a mini studio upgrade let's jump right into it so taking a step back the Elgato key light is a fantastic product it allows you to change the brightness and the warmth of the key light on your computer and so it's a really versatile tool in a bunch of different lighting situations the unfortunate thing about the Elgato keite and LED light panels in general is you typically get a lot of spill over of light so other words you might be trying to light a subject but the LED panel is actually lighting not only your subject but the background as well and the way that lighting technicians usually solve this problem is with something called a honeycomb grid and what that does is it attempts to focus those Rays into a single direction that way you're just lighting the subject that you're really wanting to film in a particular situation unfortunately there is no honeycomb for the Elgato keite so I figured I'd make my own to try to minimize the spillover that I experience on my shoots and I was actually really happy with the results and I was able to do it all for under 10 bucks the concept I came up with is a honeycomb grid based on the grids you see on some more expensive soft boxes except mine is going to be made out of a super cheap material in this case foam core I started by measuring out the key light and deciding how deep I actually wanted my grid to be in this case I settled with around 2 in I'll put the dimensions on screen now so you can follow along if you like next I traced out the pieces I needed and cut them out with a box knife assembly was done with a hot glue gun and I was finally ready to give it a quick layer of paint I wanted to make sure the honeycomb was throwing off as little as light as possible so I chose black to minimize refractions finally I mounted the grid with some black painters tape and fired it up here's a comparison from last week without the honeycomb and then this is this week and I'm actually using the honeycomb right now thanks for watching this week's video I post a video on Fridays so be sure to check back next week for another episode and I'll actually be posting a behind the scenes on my blog Morgan Clemens doxyz where I'll talk about things like scripting and shots lists and notion templates and other gear that I'm using to actually learn this stuff and produce videos so if you're interested feel free to check that out and you can actually sign up with your email and so new blog post will actually land directly in your inbox I hope you found this video helpful and I'll see you guys next week cheers hell
Channel: Morgan Clemens
Views: 3,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kcyupBABG1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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