DIY Hogwire Panel Fence using Dado groove on a sloped yard

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[Music] we're starting our project something in a hog wire fence panel fence in our backyard we've got all the strings laid and now we are digging holes for the posts which we are gonna hopefully put in next week and hopefully it doesn't rain we have this auger rented this was the one that cost like eighty dollars for 24 hours I would not recommend renting this for a project like this if you live anywhere near me we live in southern Indiana and this I don't know I've never used an auger before but I thought it just kind of dig up the hole and I wouldn't have to do that much work but I'd say it's almost just as much work as an actual post hole digger [Music] about twenty to ten inches [Music] [Music] whether you don't hit the longer to this is the fence that I've got right now obviously we're looking to increase our space in our backyards because we have a pretty good sized backyard so we're gonna tear all this out and this is what I'm building and I'm almost done I'm just got a couple more panels and the gates basically you take this welded wire I think this is four gauge wire you cut a groove in two by fours you make a two by four frame and then you stick this welded wire in here screw it together then these are screwed into four by four posts that go down into the ground obviously basically what you want to do is make these two horizontal boards this one and that one from that end to that end you want to measure the space between the 4x4 posts that go into the ground and that's the measurement for these boards and then this measurement will be for whatever size high your fence because these come in different sizes so those will vary obviously all right so I got all that assembled I just used three inch screws on the outside here for each corner to cut these whatever you know with you want whatever works for you and I mean if you your pose shift like minded and they're not all the exact same measurement you know they're off by 1/8 here or 1/4 here it's really easy to make little Corrections you know with this because you can make it whatever size you want also it's really handy to have a clamp like this to help hold this in place as you're assembling it because it will pop out of the grooves constantly if you're doing it alone but you can just use a mallet don't use a hammer use something like this I've used this so much during this project just a kind of whack into place and then you know just go around the top level it out let's see this piece down here that's just a 2x4 for sort of like a rot slash support board after that you're just gonna screw it in put a few screws down here on each side same with this side and then you're done I just use pretty much like five or six screws you know total sometimes you might have a gap between the posts and your frame that's another good reason you can use a clamp like this just put it on there and close up your gap and then screw in and you're good also you want to make sure you're level make sure you're all the way down on the rock board so it's getting support and then you're done with your panel and you get to go to your next one so I'm gonna measure for the next panel here I'm clipped on to the other side of that 4x4 but I already measured that 4x4 and it's right at three and a half inches so I just have to subtract there gonna happen whenever I get here which looks like about ninety seven and an eight so I'll just subtract three and a half from that and that'll be the length of this board for my next panel okay so I'm on the final panel here just installed my rock board so that measurement was ninety three and five-eighths so it went in pretty well you don't want it to be super tech and then ready for the panel and this process you just do over and over and over for however many panels you have which I think I had 40 I just finished installing my panel fence panel fence just finish the gates hey buddy and now the last step is to rip out this old fence so we can enjoy much larger yard and something this guy he has no idea what's about to happen hi Brody so I didn't actually take as much video as I would have liked while I was building the fence just because I was building it by myself for most of the time and I didn't have a free hand for the camera so I just thought I'd make a post video and just gonna show a few things that I did things that worked for me also I just wanted to kind of put a disclaimer on here that I am NOT a fence builder I'm not a woodworker you know I don't really know what I'm doing I'm just kind of watching YouTube videos and reading about stuff online and sort of figuring out and going from there there's several other videos online that I watched a lot and so I'm just sort of offering mine up if case anybody wants to glean some information from this video hopefully they will so that's that so the first thing I did was mark where I want a defense to be and then I you know had to figure out my measurements for how big my panels were gonna be and then that you know kind of helped me figure out where I was gonna put my posts and then you know I laid out my twine all that I'm not gonna go over all that in detail I did not worry about squaring this up with my house just because I don't really have like a symmetrical yard kind of a weirdly shaped yard the way my house is angled off the road so I just sort of eyeballed it most of the time I rented an auger from Home Depot and had an 8 inch 8 inch bit on it I could get about halfway down and then it would just stop and maybe I was doing it wrong I don't know I've never used an auger before but anyway that's when this tool came in handy very got a lot of weight to it so you can really generate a lot of power but once I knew how long I wanted to make my panels I just cut this board down which is 93 and a half inches and I just laid it on the ground next to the twine that I had set up and then these are just 2 by 4 pieces I just used those to simulate what my four by fours we're gonna be and I would just put one of these on each end lay that down and then I would just draw a mark up here with some spray paint and that's how I just so I didn't have to get my tape measure out every single time because I had like 40 panels to make that's how I marked my post holes so after I had all the post set then I had to make my panels so for this I a dado groove out of two by fours I went pretty deep I probably shouldn't have gone that deep but I didn't really think about that until I was about halfway done with the project so it was too late at that point it seems to be fine I mean not it's very stable I can't see any Bend or anything but we'll see maybe I did it totally wrong and the fence will fall apart in six weeks I don't know you have to buy a special dado blade for this and then you just slide it right through here this thing's not plugged in so don't worry this is the dado blade this chipper inside here and then these two blades 60 bucks and it comes in a case like this just a tip whenever you're deciding how wide you want your panels to be probably want to stay a few inches under eight feet ninety six inches because not all boards are gonna be exactly ninety six inches so if you make them a few inches under like I did here you will be able to control for that and also if you go over then you have to buy more boards and then you're just gonna have imeem if you have a 10 foot 2x4 then you're gonna have like two feet hanging out depending on how wide you make your panels I guess anyway I think this makes the most sense as far as in cost-effective you just end up with one of these on the end of every one of your boards so you use pretty much all your board for the actual fencing panel I got this I think it's called sheep goat panel I got this at Royal King I've also seen it at Tractor Supply it comes in this was 48 inches tall and 16 feet wide so it's kind of hard to actually get it to your house just because it's 16 feet long or wide and then I believe it's 4 gauge I think this is a 3/8 inch wide dado get it in there I use a 24 inch set of bolt cutters at these from Lowe's I think there are only maybe 30 bucks which seem very reasonable to me anyway definitely recommend a set of bolt cutters like that another thing that I saw was you just make you put in your posts and your panels as you go along so this would really only work I think if you had access to an auger for a longer period of time I only had mine for 24 hours so I had to dig all my holes out at the basically at the same time but what you would do is you would lay your post you know dig your hole set your post attach your rock board on the bottom should have mentioned that and then once you saw how far that was gonna go you would dig your next hole set that post and then put in your panel right there so your panel would fit you know perfectly because you're doing it as you're putting in this post over here that would have been nice I just didn't have that option because I only had the auger for 24 hours and obviously this was gonna take longer than that actually just saw a video of a girl who did this recently after I was done with my fence and I wish I would have seen this before and because I think she may be on to something basically before she put the metal in she would have she already had all her posts set and then she would drill in the sides the bottom that she would leave the top off and then she would just take her whole panel of metal across until she got to about here and then she would just eyeball it and then she would just cut her metal right there and then just sort of finagle it in and then add the top and that looked actually a lot less physically demanding there was no you know hammering it into place or anything like that I wish I would have seen that beforehand I would have liked to try that I think that may have been the best option so one of the differences between my vents and the ones I see online is that mine is on a little bit more of the slope I mean I just stepped it down and then I use the excess of the metal fence to fill in these gaps and I might do something else with these I add some dirt at some point but for now this fills in the gaps anyway it works pretty well I wasn't sure how it would look but I think he came out pretty well this fence is great for somebody who wants to have a see-through fence just to keep your dogs in and the kids who live next to this pond we wanted to be able to see the water but you know so be able to not have to worry about our kids trying to kill themselves all the time alright so then I have this 45 degree turn I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with this I did a lot of research on what the best way to deal with something like this is I thought about putting another post just right next to this only angled like that I thought about just driving like a two-by-four wedge in here angled out like that ultimately I just bought some of these things from Lowe's I think these you can bend to whatever angle you want I found them in the lumber area and then I just put three of them in there and this works in working pretty well so far it was it's July 5th so this was aftermath from last night another gate you know I didn't have enough room here for an extra panel so I just created a gate which is really nice because you can make your gates whatever size you want to you can customize your gates I might still do some more stuff might put a cross brace or something in here even though the fencing seems to be holding a pretty rigid and then the fence starts to step back up on this side and then I got my fourth gate over there so that's it that's my fence he's happy the dog will thank you I also forgot to mention that I did drill some weep holes in the bottom of the groove so water will not collect in here and rest that out and one thing I wish I kinda would have thought of is when I put my rock boards and I put them right in the middle of the 4x4 post because I kind of like the way that looks but that means I had to drill my holes like at an angle down through the side otherwise I would have had to go like straight down through this entire Dubai for which I didn't want to do that so just keep that in mind when you're deciding where you want to position this rot board you know we had a couple fence companies come in to do estimates on just like a regular chain-link fence with wooden posts I've heard that called California chain-link before and I was gonna be over $5,000 for our space for a chain-link fence I like the way this looks much better the chain-link and for doing it myself I mean just for the supplies it was about $3,000 and then I had spent a couple hundred on a few tools that I didn't already have so I mean I saved you know at least two grand doing it myself it was hard work but now I have the fence and I also have two grand so I think it was worth it oh one more thing to the other few people who have videos of hog wire fences on YouTube I just wanted to say thank you very much for putting your videos on there I don't think I would have attempted this without seeing somebody else do it first because it's quite an investment of money and time so I just wanted to say thank you there's a guy in Texas I think this name like Gator underscore Overland I watched your video like at least ten times there's a lady somewhere I'm not sure where she is her name is Abby I watched your video tons of times if you guys happen to see this video I just wanted to say thank you to you guys and I'll try to leave the link to your videos on my on this YouTube video as well just because that helps me out a lot so thank you very much hopefully this video can help somebody and just good luck with your project I hope it goes really well I'll leave a comment if you want and I'm not really looking for you know subscribing this for subscribers I'm really just kind of wanted to pass this on in case somebody else could get something useful out of it anyway thank you for watching and good luck hey Brody [Music] so you notice any difference what do you think road
Channel: The JadeForest
Views: 72,061
Rating: 4.8966789 out of 5
Id: RmMFiO1_6VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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