DIY Menards premade fence panels ON a BUDGET

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[Music] everyone this is CL someone and today I'm going to show you how to install some pre-made fencing quick and easy without digging or using concrete so I'm using some pre-made fence panels I purchase these at Menards over four foot high by 8 foot wide and I'm using some metal posts these are ternal posts that are two and three eighths by six foot long and I also purchased a Caesar Menards along with all the other materials that are in this video but most of you bigger hardware stores are gonna have a similar product but it might just be a different brand and here's a look at the opening where the fences can be installed and it's about 24 feet wide so I'm gonna be using three fence panels and here's a quick preview of the fence after it's done being installed and I had this installed in just a few hours alright let's go ahead and start from scratch so the first thing we want to do is run a string line so we have a nice straight line where your fence is gonna be so there's a lot of different ways you can attach your string line you can use a small screw and tie a knot around it or if you have no structure to attach to you can just try some stakes in the ground at each end of where your fence is supposed to be then tie a string between those two points alright next we need to mark our posts our fence is four feet high but our posts are six foot tall so I'm gonna make a mark on each post at four foot and for whatever length post you decide to use you want to make sure you get that post aground at least two foot that way you have a nice stable post so to drive the posts on the ground I'm going to be using a tee post driver but these work great for terminal posts also so what I want to do is line up my post towards just barely touching the string line and it's level from side to side in front to back once I have the posts in position where I like it I'm going to start driving it into the ground and what I'd normally like to do is drive at about 6 inches in the ground and after that I go ahead and check it with the level again and make sure I'm good from side to side in front to back and if I need to adjust it I just push it whatever direction it needs to go then I started driving the post again and after getting about a foot in the ground the post should stay in place and you shouldn't have to adjust it anymore in some situations if there's a lot of rocks in the ground you might not be able to drive the post you might have to adjust the post six inches one direction or the other direction and if that still doesn't work he might have to dig and if the end up havin to dig you might as well just fill that hole back up with concrete but for me I've done this fence method at multiple jobs and I've only had an issue maybe one or two times where the ground was too rocky and I couldn't do it okay I got my fence post drove all the way down and I drove it all the way down to that four-foot mark I made earlier and my post stayed nice and level but the top of that post did mush them a little bit from driving it but no worries we're gonna be cutting off the top of the post later and here's a look at the bracket so I'm going to be using to attach the metal posts to the wood fence so these are terminal posts to wood adapters so there's multiple brands of these adapters that are all pretty similar so these attach to the posts for the bolt and the nut so I'm going to go ahead and attach these two posts I'm gonna put one on the top and bottom but I'm just gonna hand tighten them for now now it's time to grab a fence panel and we're gonna put that in place so the ground here is pretty level so I'm just going to set all my fence panels right at level but if the ground is not level you're gonna have to stagger your fence panels so it matches whatever the ground slope is so here's an example of staggering your fence panels so if you're using pre-made fence panels they're already nice and square and if the ground slope you can have to stagger one panel at a time to try to make up the difference in the slope so in a situation where you have to stagger your fence panels if you're not okay with the way that looks then the pre-made fence panels might not be for you okay back to my fence panel and what I've done is I've lined up the brackets with the horizontal lumber on the fence panels once the brackets are in place I tighten the brackets to the post now I'm going to use some inch-and-a-quarter exterior wood screws to attach the brackets to the panels and I use four screws to secure each bracket now we're on to our next post and we can do this a couple different ways we can either measure and put the post exactly where it needs to be but I found this is easiest for me I just install my bottom bracket towards sitting halfway on the panel and halfway off and if you have to stagger your fence the routine will be a little bit different and I'll show you that here in just a second so with one bracket secured in place on the fence panel I'm gonna go ahead and insert my post into that bottom bracket and then eyeball my post as good as I can with my string line now I'm gonna grab my level and what I want is I want the post nice and level both directions and just barely touching my string line now I'm gonna start driving the post but I'm willing to go about half a foot I'm going to check the level both directions again if I need to make some adjustments I will then I'm gonna continue to drive the post to my 4 foot mark after driving the post all the way down I'm gonna go ahead and attach my top bracket but before I secure that bracket in place I'm gonna go ahead and check my fence panel for level again and make any adjustments if needed so if you need to make some small adjustments you can stick a 1 by 4 under one side of the panel or a 2x4 or you can do a little bit of digging on either side to get that fence panel to the level you want so my fence panel is already nice and level and it's ready to attach and again on the top bracket that brackets attached to just half of the fence and half of its sticking off that way we can attach to the next panel really easy so all's I have to do is line up my second panel level with the first panel and then I can start securing it with the brackets so after joining you two panels together and they're level with each other it should look like one continuous fence and if you join in panels together that are staggered the process is gonna be a little bit different on your second panel you'll want to remove at least one picket then you want to overlap the two panels then you want to Center our posts between the two panels then you want to attach two brackets to each panel so you want four brackets total if you're gonna be staggering and there's multiple different ways you can stake your fence but for now I'm just gonna cover this one way all right now I'm on my third panel and alls we do is repeat the process that we just did with that second panel and we'll continue to do that with all the remaining panels until we get to the end all right now I'm at the end so I'm going to go ahead and install my post first and get that in place now I'm going to measure about two inches past the posts I just installed to the last fence panel I installed and the reason I measure two inches past the fence posts is I need to have room for my bracket to attach on both sides of the post so now I'm going to mark a fence panel that measurement I just made and make my necessary cuts and if possible try to make your cut where one of the fence picket ends otherwise you might have to make a rip cut on one of your fence pickets all right now I have a cut it's time to go put the panel in place and this is going to attach just like the rest of fence panels I'm going to attach it to the existing fence first and then to the end post so I'm going to slide my brackets in place then tighten the brackets then secure the brackets with two screws on each side now this steps not necessary that'll make those posts look a lot better especially if they've mushroomed out when you're driving them down so I'm just gonna make a mark on the top of each post where I want to make my cuts now I'm gonna use a sawzall to make my cuts and they also sell caps for the posts if you want a more finished look but for me this is good enough alright I'm all the way done let's go and take a look and if we got to mention earlier these fence panels are pretreated so I don't have to spend the extra time treating them or staining them alright everyone thanks for watching if you like that video please click that like button and if you want to hear more from me please subscribe and if you want to see more of my videos just click any of these links [Music]
Channel: C.L.S. All-IN-ONE
Views: 1,328,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: menards, sutherlands, fence, fencing, chainlink, hardware, diy, how to, handyman, contractor, pretreated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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