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type of consistency good morning everyone except for guess what it's actually not morning it's actually very late in the night because we were doing a special blog for you guys today I am partnering with sugar cookies by step and you guys we are gonna show you how to do sugar cookies we've done this once before it went over very well those are Valentine's cookies but we need Christmas cookie it's time it's time and christmas is upon us stephanie is going to show us the entire process of making sugar cookies ooh Stephanie is gonna show us exactly how she makes these exactly what goes into them she's going to clarify a few things because we were just discussing the questions that people always have some questions of people always say how many cookies does it make what kind of butter is it what do they say salt I get asked if it's salted or unsalted I always get asked if it's a typo that there's four teaspoons of baking powder typo answer though answer all of them okay so how many cookies does it make I think it makes three to four dozen depending on the size depending on the size you guys because she makes a cute little teeny tiny one tiny ones you could get sixty but I mean if they're like average three to four it probably poor doesn't well it's pretty generate quite a bit yeah it makes about four dozen yeah Psalter unsalted salted salted okay salted butter is it a typo to put four teaspoons a baby without a lot of typos there's four teaspoons oh where did you get this recipe I wanna know the story behind this is that my dad had it as a child and it was this thing is ancient just kidding Johnny it's right I don't my dad grew up doing this recipe with his mom and they got it from a neighbor lady oh and some neighbor lady a new job there's some neighbor lady it's from the neighbor lady yeah I have posted this recipe on this is how we bingham calm on our blog but i think i'm going to do a revised recipe with the details of salted butter how many it makes so we're gonna get started stuff is gonna show us how she makes this recipe it's really easy although I've never done it it's super OB we need a cup of salted butter softened I usually just put it out the night before so if I'm making cookies the next day put it out the night before room temperature it's a little bit colder in the winter than when you wake up in the summer but and this is a Bosch mixer I have a standard KitchenAid I was wondering when I came here the first time I was like what are you using Team Bosh not 10 kitchen aides I know once you've had a Bosch mixer you would never go back to kitchen it just looks like an old machine they're known to make bread we make cookies here so after room temperature softened butter salted salted one that's a sugar Wow one teaspoon of vanilla I don't want more dishes so I just use the cap good if nobody wants more dishes why would I want to do dishes gonna mix this first and then we'll have aches [Music] I'm just gonna scrape the side make sure it mixes really well I'm gonna mix the dry ingredients separately and then we're gonna add them in there we have four cups of flour I do get asked what kind of flour it's just flour it's just white flour like it's just regular flour not cake farming or anything it's nothing special okay and then I do a half a teaspoon so not the whole thing but again I don't want more dishes want you to want to do the dishes I'm using the same with half a teaspoon of salt and then four teaspoons baking powder well mix all of our dry ingredients together make sure that they're evenly mixed we'll add it to this step all at one time yeah oh you mix okay Wow all in you're going all in looking for trick guys this is my trick so then I take my bowls I don't want flour everywhere super-nice doh okay now it's ready it's ready so now she has got it all mix she's going to put it on this awesome silicone mat just awesome kiddo what are you putting down flour but it's probably somewhere between third is perfect it's honestly she's been doing it for so long she just knows what to do look at all of these tricks though remember the first time I watched Stephanie do this I was just shocked that she like beats the crap out of her dough so you guys can see not how thick she has it not crazy thick it's just perfect honestly and she uses a really great silicone yeah this is actually Wilton oh wow that's a great silicone rolling pin yeah any craft store would have it are we ready - Mindy should do this I'll do that yeah do it let's do like six of each so we can have enough to practice on [Music] my favorites I want to be a rebel and do the bumpy side I know it's cute but only if you're going to baby shower or something Wow look how perfectly it fit we did the right amount of stuff everything she uses is like silicone she Pat's everything in the flour and she's putting his very close together and you guys will notice she is using parchment paper I think the parchment paper goes in this drawer look okay we should show everybody your course so this is from Orson giegi yeah and she buys it but it's not like a half she cuts like a half of an inch we saw her do that in the last video they don't play well together anyway she uses this parchment paper puts it down that way I think the bottom of her cookies are never browned they're always just perfectly cooked they're all ready and you guys are gonna notice they are gonna stay true to their shape spread very much they really don't I've been so surprised I'm gonna make these for myself we're gonna do these on Christmas Eve we're gonna let the kids do it okay look you guys double oven I need to get one of these how long do you cook them so when I give out the recipe I can to just say 350 for eight to ten minutes because I really think it's gonna depend on your oven and I don't even know if this is really a thing or if I'm just making it up in my head but I have seen because we live in Utah we're kind of it a little bit higher altitude that can also affect your cooking so it's gonna depend on every single oven so yeah they raised but they don't necessarily spread like some no they don't use their shape oh I forget we have to going on here and our little square these are gonna be so cute these are gonna be Santa's obviously snowflakes and Christmas trees we are now going to make the frosting Stephanie has like a really awesome method to this if you have a really awesome method because oh I don't see what I was looking for but where's your squirt bottle oh yeah okay we do that later oh it's in there okay these are two pound bags by the way the recipe calls for four pounds powdered sugar once it gets mixed with something like this you get a lot yes two bags of this the next step which is probably the most well I use Wilton meringue powder because I've tried other stuff and it does work it did not harden icing like I wanted it to so stupid Wilson even though it's pretty pricey but it works so well this recipe calls for 3/4 a cup I have had people ask me what if I want to half this recipe just use one bag of powdered sugar and they're like how do you have 3/4 a cup I take this and I just fill it up halfway so is this the 3/4 3/4 if you want to have this recipe just fill it up halfway are we making a full wrestle somewhere between a third and a half I mean it's like one and a half one third somewhere around there is the water room temperature cold what does it I mean I think warm would be best and we'll do two tablespoons of vanilla or any flavoring I mean I do vanilla but a lot of people like almonds would be good yeah so any any flavoring you want now we have to mix it I broke my hand mixer because well I break them about every two to three months seriously you ought to buy a new one every two to three months because this frostings thick and I'm making these multiple times a week and so I'm not saying I'm gonna break Mindy's because it won't happen I could use a new one I've had the same one since I was so I got married are you serious yes no I buy a new one like every two or three months I mean I wonder if it's because I was buying the $20 ones man I bought a nicer one and it's still broke so oh okay well buy the crappy ones yeah here is my crappy one that still has everything in it cuz I don't use it that much look and you have all the different options for mixing let's do it so what I'll tend to do is kind of get that mined powder mixed in a little bit before I actually turn on the beaters I just like to kind of get a mixed you know together then we've got our water mixed with vanilla will you just go all in right away I'm curious to see if she breaks it after one [Music] so now comes the part that Stephanie is so amazing at and she's gonna try and help me again to do it you know with every different cookie design that she does it's like a new art she is going to now show us how she mixes all of her frosting so the meringue powder is what makes the frosting setup so she's covered it in a white paper towel until we're ready to use it so what I usually do is actually what you want to remember is to mix this well it's just but I think that's good enough for today we're gonna start with white because we're gonna be the fair amount of white for what we're doing this consistency for piping what you want it to be is similar to toothpaste kind of a soft but what we're gonna do is mix colors put them in the saran wrap and those are gonna go into the piping bags almost show exactly but for now we need some white I don't even need to thin it out I think it's gonna be pretty good consistency and you take it you put it right in the middle of that square saran wrap fold corner to corner and then just kind of twist it up and we will let it sit well we do some others so we're gonna need to do some white what we'll do with each of these is will probably be needing like an edge and then a fill icing so a piping and a fill so the piping obviously is this consistency or it will keep its shape and then I feel like Singh will be really thin so we'll Piper on that edge and then fill into the middle now she has put some new white so here's the first white this is what we're gonna turn into a color no there's not gonna be the fill okay bill what we do and I use a spray bottle so that we don't get too much water at a time so you can work with the consistency and make it the exact consistency that you want if you were to just walk over to your sink and put some water in here you're most likely gonna get too much so it adds it nice and slow that's it really slow you can really like decided how much you need she's gonna go back some more okay your arm has to die after all again I do have like blisters on my hand oh my gosh good now there calluses now as you're doing this what is the consistency you want of the fill I see I think we're getting to that point so the fill icing needs to be the consistency of like probably shampoo so it will fall right off the cookie got an edge it's very runny but not too runny I mean it's it falls right off the spoon so what we're gonna do is put it into these bottles but a lot of time I can tap it on the counter to get the air bubbles to make it to the top because we don't want air bubbles in the cookies you guys everything that Stephenie uses has a silicone bottom I noticed that about this little bowl she used this one has a silicone bottom she's the silicon spatulas everything she uses is that soft silicone tell us what kind of coloring you use oh yes that is another common question actually people wonder how we get such bold colors cuz you know their little stuff you buy at the grocery store the little drippy yeah that doesn't work so americolor is my very favorite brand except I have something else this is this is hobby lobby's brand and it's just as good so you can do either one this one I'm running really low but I like it some change and so does a little bit go along oh yeah it's very potent it's very very old yeah really great colors so what we're gonna do is we're gonna mix this blue and I first want to get a piping consistency then I'm going to take a little bit out for my piping and then thin out the rest of it so that I'm only mixing this color once and so the color is match [Music] she has whipped up all of the colors here guys will see all of those right there and now she's making up the black but she says okay we need to talk about this what do we need to know about the black okay there is an icing consistency that is somewhere in between piping and whoa and what it is is it just kind of means that if you were to take your spoon and like run through it that it'll take about 20 seconds for it to get back to settled oh wow so we might not be quite there yet you might use it for just things that you need them to go flat but you don't want them running off the cookie so it's just an in-between and it's really hard for me I'm not super good I just find that perfect 20 seconds and is it always with black or is this just this is just design that we need right now I just need it you guys are gonna notice that her little cup has all different colors in it it's because she started with the lightest color first and worked her way darker so she didn't have to wash and rinse them up every time do you notice the theme Stephanie hates dishes [Music] these are her piping bag these are the bags I don't put the icing right into the bags as you've noticed they are rolled up into a saran wrap plastic wrap stuff and we are gonna put them into these piping bags so you put in your coupler thing put in your coupler first and then you'll get your color he'll kind of twirl it around again you're gonna put it straight in it's just much faster than sitting and filling bags oh yeah done that much much cleaner too and she just cuts off this ran up off the end puts on a tip there you have it perfect we'll do that so I was just over here looking at all the different things I'm like do you always use the same size so what size one of the most common questions like people ask is what size of tip is good for piping and I always use a two and then for writing words that's like a 1 sometimes you could use a 2 for that as well depending on how small your writing is she has like every shape size I feel a little bit like a child we have like a little art setup here she has a trait I have a tray we are going to do this you want to start with the sound of first art the San Jose because they have sprinkles on at the end and we need the whole thing to be pretty dry before we can do the end sprinkles I'm going to show you that and then maybe is gonna try okay for these Santa's we're gonna do a super easy white rectangle just down the middle that's it then so this is the piping now this is called the fill or the flood yes either one is fine and you're just gonna put it in fill it up there and I like to take a toothpick and just swing it to the edges you know help bring it to the edges I don't let it go over the edge and if you see any bubbles you can pop them it's hard to see them but you kind of Easter they'll show up and that is what we need to start with and then you let this set up for just a minute yeah can't let that set up we're gonna do the same thing with red I'm gonna need rectangles of red gotcha but if it goes over [Music] a little later okay ten more five to shoot more I feel like I can do this because I do nails all the time but cookies and nails are very different can I leave that while I do do next one yep next we're gonna do red on these little Santa's so we neither red on each side so you're basically doing another rectangle [Music] get them dry and work on foods you've got here okay we're gonna put them under the pan while we work on other stuff so that'll be good and give one more perfect okay now ready the snowflake most cookies are gonna have two or three layers you need to get that base layer down which way we're doing and then we have a couple more layers of things on top of those these are only gonna have two layers because we're gonna do blue on bottom and then the white snowflake design and then we'll be done and then the Christmas trees that we're gonna do are actually just one step all these are kind of like when we did like the frost the fill on the fill and then we yeah like played with it a little bit as you can see this cookie cutter it does all these fancy shapes but to be honest I don't do that because once you pipe on the snowflake design you really can never tell that you did that I tend to just kind of go around not really following any hard edges because I just in the end I just don't think you're gonna be even notice this looks hard you could do it maybe the same thing piping around the edges fill in the middle then we need to get this under the fan so that we can do our snowflake design I notice if I fill this way you know kind of cross but you get too much in the middle so when I'm doing the snowflake so I'll kind of turn to go there's like two spots two spots and two spots like that and then just spread it out with the toothpick oh that sounds easy enough so we'll just fill these up get them on the fan and move on to our trees this just goes to show you how much work and how each cookie has so many different steps so we just did the blue I broke one of my cookies on the shell flakes and I ate at the little corner those chicken and now we're back to the Santa's is the 22nd frosting she was telling us well if you remember we had the 22nd I see and the reason I wanted it is because we're gonna make buttons a lot of the time when you're doing like dots or any kind of dot you've got to have it settle it'll settle or you can do this and it'll settle those looks so good though so then that 20 second hold sheep but it is not running everywhere before we do Santa's black belt these two knots are not the same size they should be we're just gonna put some white down the middle of these colors just kind of puts a little finished look on it then we're gonna go right over the top of it we are gonna make a rectangle going this way so many rectangles so many rectangles if you notice we are doing piping and fill with this same icing xxii because we needed it for the buttons anyways it works just fine for we have out you spread it around it'll be fine so there you go we did the rest of our Santa's they're over there drying by the fan and now we are gonna start Christmas trees they're gonna be super cute these are gonna be a one-step cookie and you'll get like your fun sort of I mean yeah one layer there's no drying before you have to wait for anything right okay okay we're gonna outline in white you could do any color obviously if you are under green [Music] that's gonna be the fun part we just barely put the white on it is still away I'm so excited I have a bubble I wanna pop okay so you're gonna take green fill icing again you can change the color but you need some sort of fill icing and we are going to go like this so I can fourth woo then you're gonna take your toothpick you're gonna start at the bottom right in the middle and just go straight up the my gosh they're beautiful then we want something that looks like lights right some little Christmas lights so don't want them all over my floor so we'll put them on a plate we're just gonna like kind of scatter these Christmas lights and honestly this is this part this step is not on my Instagram posted my last either side of it I thought it'd be cute aren't those cute they look so cute and you know what's cool is the colors are not bleeding in the frosting cuz sometimes bring your do that we just had to add sprinkles because we're working with the bands people of ours wrinkles okay ready we're gonna do a pretty simple tree stump I just like to go back and forth like a little tree stump yeah so I just went back and forth then my thing got clogged we're gonna try another one but you can just make it super simple like that those are so cute [Music] now we're moving on to the snowflake again so we let this dry for what 20 minutes or so and then we're gonna do a snowflake design before the middle dress I'm going to get some little blue dahlia just put it right there and then the design you're gonna want to do is just use little bees I guess you can see these look like Elsa cookies they are Elsa cookies [Music] we are now back to mr. Santa Claus hey guys we're gonna hope that this is dry enough so we can apply some sprinkles sometimes if you apply sprinkles too early it sticks to the whole country one that up and the work that a short on time as you can see it's a little up it pastillas the reason we did this though is so we have kids running everywhere right no no okay we're having fun we are gonna actually make Santa a thick buckle on his belt and so I'm switching my tip to a four if I had a five a 95 but 4 is fine we're gonna hope this works out I think what I'm gonna do sometimes I will pipe something and then sprinkle right over it other times you can pipe and then you could even put some sprinkles in here and just turn it over oh that's a good idea so I think that's what I'm gonna do so that I don't completely hit the entire thing we're gonna make a pretty thick square here might even go a little thicker like that okay that's his belt buckle there oh my gosh that's perfect oh yeah I think that you can just kind of make sure you get sprinkles everywhere if that's bothering you like it is me okay that is so cute okay this is my favorite just kidding I love the tree I don't know I love them all [Music] now Steph is doing the cleanup process you guys can I tell you it's way more fun to make a mess in someone else's house yeah just kidding I hope they're cleaning up she has to do it all you're not following Stephanie on Instagram you need to go over and do that her Instagram handle is at sugar cookies by Steph so go check her out give her a follow thank you we're going to make a blog post this is how I bingham calm it's just under the blog and recipes and I will post the pictures from tonight her recipes again we've done it before but we'll do it one more time with all of the information that you guys have wondered about hopefully answered your question seriously this is taking her entire night and I told her I said you basically did my job for me today thank you so much she was fun we got to have a good time it's fun so thank you guys leave a comment below for Steph what your favorite part of sugar cookies is what your favorite thing we did tonight was or what you learned the most leave a comment down below let us know what you think thanks so much for hanging out with us this is not a traditional bingham vlog you didn't see any Brandon you did not get chopped Stephanie I could have done that more the kids are not in this but the kids are going to eat these tomorrow and they're going to be so good I love it kids love them you guys they're great for gifts they're great for any party she has so many tips and tricks you guys thank you so much for following our family and also a lot of you follow stuff too so thank you so much for following both of us thank you for everything you do you show up every day and watch us you're showing up stay watching this sugar cookie tutorial and you're probably drilling at this point but we are so grateful Steph and I are super good friends we've known each other for a really long time so it's fun for us to be able to do this kind of stuff I got something good we love you so much thanks for hanging in we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: This Is How We Bingham
Views: 1,341,866
Rating: 4.9100652 out of 5
Keywords: Family, Fun, Life, Happy, Daily, VLOG, VLOGS, VLOGGING, This Is How We Bingham, How We Bingham, Bingham Family, Bingham, Binghams, The Binghams, Big Family, Our Family, TIHWB, Royal Icing, Sugar cookies, royal icing sugar cookies, how to decorate, how to, how to decorate sugar cookies, how to make royal icing sugar cookies, how to decorate royal icing sugar cookies, sugar, cookies, royal, icing, decorated sugar cookies, sugar cookie frosting, frosted sugar cookies, recipe, christmas cookies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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