DIY Gourmet Sausage Rolls

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- Why am I excited over sausage rolls? What has my life become? (dramatic music) Hello everybody, it's Barry here. Hope you are well. Welcome to my kitchen. Today, we're doing a video on the Taste the World Playlist, this is homemade sausage rolls. I don't know if everyone in the world knows really what a sausage roll is, but it's basically an encased sausage medley parcel, wrapped in puff pastry and it's a staple here in the UK. I don't know if they're that common. In America, I think pigs in blankets are similar where you have the pastry wrapped round it, different to our pigs in blankets, but people love them here. And the other day, Mrs B had a pork and apple one. It was like a big, fat, gourmet homemade one from a cafe near where we live and I was like, that is insane. I have to clone this thing. So that is my aim today. We're gonna do a caramelised onion with apple, pork and apple onion sausage rolls and they're gonna be bloomin' stonkin'. Let's get going. - I never knew how we could make a sausage roll. - You've come to the right video. All right, first we've got is two large Granny Smith apples, quite popular for apple pies, things like that. We're gonna peel, core and cut them into little chunks, ready? - Yeah. - All right. - We're going to use this. - Yes, that's one of your favourite tools, isn't it? - I remember once when mummy was out with her friends, you used this to cut my apple. - I did. - And I never will forget that. I never knew that you could have apple in a sausage roll. - Yeah mate, pork and apple is an amazing combination. Whoa, that's cool right? - Yeah. - Now get your little knife. So this is perfect for kids, they can just cut up the little segments. - How small? - Nice little, about half that again, all right? So this is another tool I've got, so if you haven't got one of those, just get your standard apple corer. This is a bit different though this one. But then that just pops it out like that as well. And then you can just cut the heck outta that, all right? So while I leave Chloe to do the apples, I'm gonna cheat and do the onions with my veggie prep kit. (banging) Actually, when I went to London, the YouTube Space in London, which they've now shut down for creators, where we film Barshons, which is quite sad, they had this gourmet sausage roll place nearby and they once did a chorizo one, they did vegan and veggie ones which are really easy to do, but there was also a pineapple one once, and I missed that, it was a Hawaiian one for a special for one day. But we'll just stick to apple today. The main thing is, let your imagination run wild with this. Or just cut up apples. Bizarrely, although we're using pork, we don't cook the pork at all. We actually make everything, all the other flavourings, we're gonna cook that, all right? Some butter and then the onions will go in first of all with a little bit of sugar, we're gonna caramelise them up. Pour these onions in. It might be too much actually. Just over a teaspoon of sugar and that's gonna help to caramelise it, okay? So we're gonna fry this up, we might stick a lid on as well and even if you get too much, it doesn't matter. The apples are looking good mate, good stuff. All right, not sure if you can see, as I'm stirring it now, you're getting these little golden brown pieces appear, we want almost that colour all the way through. So keep stirring it, another five minutes or so. All right, I'm not sure if you can see but we've got a really nice lightly golden colour on there now. So what we're gonna do, it might sizzle, to contra that sugar we're gonna add a little bit of vinegar and then the apples go in. It all looks the same, but stir it through 'cause we're gonna soften these apples and keep caramelising the onions. All right, I'm loving that colour now, Chlo, can you see how it's all starting to caramelise a bit? The onions are caramelised, the sweetness of the apple as well, the tang of the vinegar and the sugar. Smell that Chlo. Smell it. What does it smell like? - Apples, onions and sugar. - Smells like apples, onions and, that's because that's what it is. (laughing) So keep going for about 15, 20 minutes, all right? Yeah, so just while that's frying up, the sausage roll that Mrs B had the other day, had actual chunks of apple, so that's what I'm trying to replicate. There's nothing wrong if you wanted to, to whizz it up with a food processor and make some of weird puree that you can blend in with the pork so it's all a lot smoother, but I like the idea of it being chunky. And if you wanna add any more tweaks now, seasoning, herbs, whatever, you can. I'm just gonna add a teeny bit of chilli flakes, not much, like half a teaspoon, just to give it a cheeky little punch, you don't have to do that. Not sure if the camera's doing it justice, but it is, oh. Oh my goodness. - It looks like I'm a frying pan. That smell. - [Barry] You like that? - Yeah. - All right, so I'm putting this to one side and Chloe is just plugging in the little mini food chopper. Thank you. (laughing) Basically that's a piece of wholemeal bread, we're making some breadcrumbs, so we're just gonna whizz that up, it's gonna help bond it together. A bit like when you make burgers, some people like to put breadcrumbs in, that's gonna help give it some shape. Kinda like be a bit of a filler as well and bond. (mixer whirring) Yes mate. - Barry Lewis. - A couple of garlic cloves there. Remember, I think you struggled with this last time. You gotta rock one at a time, back and forth. Down and, that's it, keep going. No? - I'm not strong enough. - There you go. Garlic crusher. Holding my camera, please don't drop it. Behold, what is this? Smell. - Sage. - It is sage, you can read. It is some fresh sage which goes amazing with pork, right? - Yes. - Just as much as apple does, and we've already got the apple. So we're gonna rip this up, okay, so just grab a leaf. And just tear it. Yeah, just tear it again, keep tearing it. All right, let me season with the pepper, and this is some flaked smoked salt that I've talked about before on the channel, you guys have raved about, unnecessary Salt Bae. But it's smoked, if you've never tried it, get some. Garlic and the sage in. In goes the onion and apple mixture which I think, look at that, it's still warm. Ah, oh. Oh, that's nice. But we're bringing it together into one big sort of burger patty kind of shapey sausagey thing all right. - Is that how you make meatballs with the meat? - Yeah, we could easily turn these into meatballs right now, that would be amazing. Going for that Chlo? - It smells of ham. - It does smell like ham a little bit. - Which is my favourite thing after pepperoni. - Chloe I love your idea of a meatball, should we just literally just bake that, that would be amazing. Oh, looks like a brain a little bit, but this is our filling for our sausage role, and bizarrely, despite it being not cooked raw meat sort of thing right now, the rest smells amazing. - Can't wait to try it. - [Barry] What gonna happen to our sausage filling? - I don't know. - It's gonna get housed in pastry. This is egg wash, if we brushed it just in egg, it would make the sausage rolls more golden in colour, but you can brush the pastry in milk as well. It makes it slightly lighter. So we're gonna go for a bit of a fusion. And that's gonna be our egg wash, okay. I went out last night to the supermarket, legitimately to get sesame seeds, I had to go, I got all my other ingredients, sesame seeds, I had to go to four different supermarkets and there was one left in the last supermarket, I was like, oh. It was like a moment, yes. But this is our puff pastry ready made sheet, Chloe, we need to, if we had it like this, we could just roll it up and make a massive sausage roll. Which I'm sure is probably a request I've had, make a giant sausage roll. Shove that in there, wrap that in pastry, done, but no, we're gonna halve this so we can get lots of strips. Because it could have got a teenie bit tacky, I'm just gonna give you a little floury line to go through it. So cut through that nice and straight. Start at the top. Imagine that this is a pizza, we're just gonna do a little border around just this rectangle. So like, a quarter of an inch. Yes, because that is gonna be our glue that's gonna bond this together when we roll it up. So now raw meat hands again. I've got meat here, oh my gosh, and I'm gonna compress it together. - So how many sausage rolls are we making? - Well, I think we're gonna have about 10, at least, 10 big fat chunky ones, yeah. Look at that. - Sausage rolls. - Sausage roll party. - Whoo. - Sausage. - Brick wall. - It is like a brick wall, that is how all houses are built. (gasping) Oh no, there's too much. There's too much. That is not big enough. So I've got a spare sheet, and I've really wanted these to be nice and chunky and thick. So the really cool thing is, this is not a problem, we can- - Third time lucky? - Third time lucky, hopefully. Even that is quite... (gentle music) Oh it's not coming off the sheet. Oh no. My ready made pastry I didn't flour the back of the thing, it's not coming off. That's pretty stuck. - Just remember, it's not the end of the world. - It's not the end, we've got a spare sheet, and we'll get that out and get it floured, and then we'll just do one big one. Now we know the size that it needs to be. - Deep breath, (inhales and exhales). - Oh, I'm fine mate, I've been in way worse situations. Like on my wedding day. Sorry. I think what I'll do this time is put the meat in there, and roll it to a point and then do the egg wash to seal it. (humming) I think it's quite important to show some steps like this, how to do it properly. - How to mistakes. - Yeah, well definitely, cooking shows don't show you this, do they? So if I now do this, I can get a rough idea where the edge is gonna be. Which is nearly all of that, oh my gosh, that's amazing. So if I just do an egg wash about here, roll that onto the seam. Probably looks horrendous right now, but what I'm hoping is if I cut this straight down. Oh, there you go. Then you've got nice packed ends on it. And we just cut these into little segments. And they are gonna be our sausage rolls. So I'm really aiming for these chunky, gourmet size ones like that, but we've no idea if when they bake, if they just gonna go enormous. When I make burgers, normally it actually shrinks. The pastry should look good, but I really wanna get those, this size would be amazing, if not, we've got the other batch, we'll make them smaller. My egg wash assistant is back, right Chlo? - Hello. - Hello. Like you're painting, there you go. And that's what's gonna help give it the colour. - Do you do the sides? - You can do the sides as well, yeah. I just made a couple of slits at the top with a knife, and we have got those very rare sesame seeds with poppy seeds here, so we just wanna sprinkle just a teenie bit on. There you go. Look at the chunks of apple, that was exactly how Mrs. B's looked the other day. I cannot tell you how excited I am for this. The only thing is we're gonna have to wait about 40 minutes for them to bake. Well folks, we've saved them, right? - We have. - Like, so cool. We've managed to get, these are much smaller, but honestly, in trend right now it seems to be the big fat, chunky ones. I've just had a little look, 'cause obviously these are already in the oven, they've had about 10 minutes. And they are like, they're just boulders. They look amazing, the smell is so good, why am I excited over sausage rolls? What has my life become? Boom, oh my stonking times. Look at the colour on them. Oh wow. - [Chloe] That smell is amazing. - [Barry] I'm sorry but they look good too, and they're like your standard size sausage rolls would you say? - I would, they just all look amazing. We want some, don't we? - Yes. - [Barry] Have we achieved? - They look just like the ones I had yesterday. - [Barry] Well, hopefully they taste like it, 'cause that one's blooming gorgeous. Can't really see much of the apple chunks really, but we did put a lot in there, didn't we, Chloe? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - I chopped them. - [Barry] All right, let's give them a try. - That's nice. - [Barry] Yeah? - Mm-hmm, I have no words. That's rare for you Chlo. That is incredible. - That is so nice. - That is, ah, there's always something when it's just freshly baked as well. A lot of the time when we do these videos, but the time we've taken photos and sorted the cameras out, it sometimes cool. But we've managed to capture these when they're still just warm. You got the sweetness of the apple, the caramelised onion, and the warmth of the pastry, and the seeds, that little punch, the little chilli kick. Really hope you try these folks, if you do, as always, don't forget to tag me on your photos on social media. Remember to smash that subscribe button for regular videos each week. The dogs are very keen, they've suddenly appeared out of nowhere, you want some? But seriously, try se out, any way you want, put some chicken mince in there, do a vegetarian version, whatever you do, do send me a photo, I would love to see it. And we will see you again after we've had a bit of a sausage roll protest. Bye. - [Family] Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ (upbeat music) And generally when I really love, I never touched on it in the video, is the, we ain't like a cooking show, I know how some of those work behind the scenes, how you make it look brilliant all the time, and rolling up the sausage roll, like half the video is like, do you know what I mean? You've got to show and learn how to do not do it. So hopefully you guys will know that the size didn't really change. So the amount you roll it up, if you want big, fat, gourmet ones, it holds its shape, go for it. Oh, save me one, yeah?
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 80,945
Rating: 4.9544096 out of 5
Keywords: homemade sausage rolls, how to make sausage rolls, sausage roll recipe, pork and apple, caramelised onion, sausage, rolls, what are sausage rolls, baking, barry lewis, recipes, simple recipes, learn to cook, food, cookery, cookery show, DIY, tutorial, british, snacks, picnic, virgin kitchen, cooking, novice cooking recipes, sausage roll (dish), sausage rolls, sausage rolls puff pastry, family recipe sausage rolls, the best sausage rolls, ultimate sausage rolls, puff pastry recipe ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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