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welcome back to another episode of handy creators where we're finally going to be finishing our kitchen [Music] yes thank you for sticking through so this part of you are watching today well this weekend or this video we're going to be finishing everything that the kitchen needs and we want to give you a little explanation why we did not um unite the video with the countertop one it's not because we want to torture you guys and drag it along there's really two logical reasons one was timing was not on your side and also we wanted to do this a separate video because there are going to be some of you out there that are just interested in learning how to do a countertop whether it be for the inside of your house or for the outside or for the bathroom or for whatever so we thought it best to just make that it's one separate video that any everyone can enjoy and if you are still interested in seeing our finished kitchen then you can tune into this video yeah so well i think another part was there's a lot of like little things that we still need to do so i thought it'd be nice to like give you guys explanations like we do in all of our other videos we really want you guys to know if you want to follow our videos to do it yourself to know what it is that you're actually doing and i feel like if we would have united these two videos together it would have either been a very very very long video or to make a shorter a lot of information was gonna be missed and we didn't want that yeah i mean what's the point of putting a video out there if it's not really going to help you do it yourself so that wasn't an option for us we're heading outside now and we're going to show you what it is that we're missing we're going to give you a little overview of what it is that we're going to be doing throughout the weekend and hopefully we finish it and tomorrow let's see let's just get started on finally finishing this kitchen so if you saw our last video we went ahead and installed these concrete countertops we've given it a long time to go ahead and cure so we're going to get started on doing the finishing touches so we have to install the sink and then once we install the sink we're gonna install a piece of door rock which is what we use for the concrete countertop and render it so you cannot see the sink at all the next thing we have to do is install the two access doors that will go right here unfortunately we did not leave as much space as we thought so we're gonna have to cut those woods and we're also going to be cutting the burner and installing the barbecue we're also going to be painting everything and hopefully cooking something on my knee i like that so the first thing we're gonna be doing is cleaning the sink how i said in a previous video um this was gifted to us so it was from a restaurant of a friend of ours and they upgraded but the material is amazing and we knew that we could restore it and use it even though it doesn't really have any damages whatsoever it just needs a good cleaning and let me apologize for our background view we're definitely not at that type of youtube video that's gonna put everything away and make it super pretty for the video um we wanted you guys to see what your house is really going to look like when you do these projects and this is a perfect representation of it obviously when we start working on that we're going to clean all of this out but you know we don't want to waste time right now because we know that this is going to constantly keep getting dirty and messy so we're just trying to focus on what it is that we have to do so yes i'm sorry it doesn't look nice but i want you guys to see that making these projects this is what your house is gonna look like it's gonna be very messy i mean it's all part of it so let's go back there let's go get the supplies and let's get started cleaning this bad boy to clean the sink we soaked it in purple powder degreaser as well as detergent don't forget to also add some fabuloso after we let this soak for a few minutes we grabbed a scrubbing pad and scrubbed the whole sink just to remove any excess dirt that was still there once done we went ahead and pressure washed the remaining material off after we let the sink dry for a few minutes we went ahead and tried to install it in place unfortunately there were some bricks that we had to cut in order to make this sink fit to the size that we wanted [Music] to cut the brick we used an angle grinder with a concrete blade and once we remove this excess brick the stick finally set leveled with the sink in place we're gonna cut a piece of door rock which is the same base that we use for the countertop which for the people who don't know it's this the difference between that one and the one we use for the countertop um the one for the countertop was half an inch thick that was a fourth of an inch thick because we have very small space to work with here so we went ahead and measured this and then i'm going to go ahead and cut it to size and hold it with liquid nail once it's set we're going to go ahead and render that portion and it's going to look like it was never there hopefully okay let's get cutting to cut the door rock we used a putty knife as shown in previous videos you can also use an angle grinder to go ahead and make this cut easier all right so with that done for the sink it's time to go ahead and try to get these access doors to fit so the first problem we had was that unfortunately the measurements that the uh vendor provided were not accurate so we're going to go ahead and make a cut along that line right there that's where the lip of the actual door is going to catch on and then we also have to widen the actual access door hole just a little bit to to make sure that the the door fits properly so we're going to be doing this to this one and we're also going to be doing it to this one and hopefully have the doors installed tonight so let's go ahead and do that to cut the excess wood we used an angle grinder and then removed it using a crowbar we then used a chisel to smoothen it out and even it as much as possible this part was not too important since the doors was going to cover this edge and it would not be visible you will not need to do this if you have the correct measurements all right so we officially encountered our first big problem i think at the whole kitchen note i don't even have to say anything the door is too small [Applause] what we're gonna do is we're probably gonna um build like some sort of uh support either with concrete or with um wood pieces and use that so that the door you can go ahead and do this there's gonna be a gap down here so we're gonna have to fill that up right here we're gonna have to fill that up with um stucco again i would just recommend order the doors maybe from the beginning before you open before you start anything that way you could have accurate measurements that you took because the ones that were online were not correct don't trust the vendor yeah and there's nothing more fun than doing something and noticing it's wrong look at that sunset you guys ah we got the most beautiful sunsets here let's try to figure this out to make the stands for both doors we used a scrap piece of 2x4 that was left over we cut it to size and then we went ahead and screwed it into place to the existing frame with the stand in place we pre-drilled the holes and used concrete anchors to secure the doors you guys we put the door it looks so good wow so the wood worked yeah you could barely notice it so i'm gonna zoom in look at it right there once this is completely in place we're gonna put some stucco in the gap and then um align it completely with the bottom part anyways if there's a difference in tone because it was done different days it's not really going to matter because we're going to be painting this regardless so that's not really going to affect the final product but yeah looking nice it's coming together it's looking great so yeah if this happens to you guys don't be scared by any gaps [Music] we repeated the same process on this door [Music] and for the moment of truth what still not enough good morning happy sunday today we are going to be finishing hopefully the installation of the doors last night we finished maybe like at 8 30 or so we installed the big door we got extremely backtracked trying to do this but i mean whatever it happens this is the first big big big hiccup that we come across so it is what it is today hopefully we're done installing everything we might not get to paint i mean we don't know but at least we'll get that done let's go [Music] once we got the right measurement for the door we went ahead and secured it using some concrete anchors [Music] okay guys so we wanted to show you what's been going on with these doors i'm gonna say it for like the fifth time order your doors before as the first thing before you even start this project do not pay attention to what the vendors say because the measurements were completely off online the doors are beautiful they're amazing but the vendors did not give the correct information and that's very important for this type of thing so we as you can tell they're a little bit different this one's flat on the sides um so completely seamless this one's not this one's more on the bulkier which i mean i don't care i think it looks nice like the difference what we're struggling with now is that this one has side ones as well to clip on to screw in but they're two on the edge so this is happening i'm not worried about the fact that it cracks we could always fix that with the stucco again but we just don't know how we're gonna really flip it on so i know i'm gonna clip it on don't worry you figured it out honey gosh you're so smart okay so let's keep going at this what i ended up doing is pre-drilling the hole at an angle so that that way once we screwed in the concrete anchor it would not be on the edge that was so hard that was harder than i thought do not do the kitchen until you have the doors this is taking twice as long as it should have so we're gonna finish installing that door up for the base inside the access doors and then we can go ahead and install the burner the burner install the barbecue see if it fits good and that's it and once all the door is installed we'll we'll get to rendering so just stick around a little longer and i promise you'll have a finished kitchen since we were working against time we decided to cut this door up with an angle grinder and then hold it in place with construction adhesive we are done you want to open up hunt to show them so we put this little the rock on the bottom to give it extra support just like here and we put two bricks to give it some [Music] weight on it so it sticks good so it should look something like this when it's completed we want to install everything before making the corrections where they're stucco because some things might still like break like that along the way and we don't want to be working back and forth so let's get to that okay burner okay burner it's time to cut your legs off damn that was harsh no i'm not playing we're gonna be cutting your legs off to cut this once again we used an angle grinder but this time with a blade that is meant to cut steel and other metal pieces for the moment of truth well that didn't work make sure to always have a set of hands to help you carry something heavy like this [Music] unfortunately the barbecue was going in a little bit too snug so we had to go ahead and trim the countertop a bit just to make it fit and with a few twists turned and pushes she's finally installed let's give them a close-up of what it looks like [Music] hey guys so it's the day after and we want to show you a little bit of what it is that we ended up doing yesterday we practically spent all afternoon till night time trying to figure something out and we ended up doing it it was pitch black i thought hey let me just show them now during daylight so you guys can see good what it was that we ended up doing here in the stove so it's installed so this burner that we purchased on amazon which is the one that we went with um is the type of burner that people buy for their rvs for camp outs and stuff like that so it has these long legs on them um so we cut those off because we wanted it to fit in this very small square and make it fit nice and snug the problem that we were having is that the actual connection for the gas since this is a gas burner was crashing with the bottom of the countertop so we had to keep cutting deep and deeper and deeper to make make sure that this fit the stove is pretty much just this and the burner and the burner so this is a piece of sheet metal we added because we did not want anyone to even ourselves to look down so if you look right here in the middle of the stove of the burner itself you could see that you could see down through here so you were able to see that all around and that did not look aesthetically nice at all my father-in-law had this extra piece of sheet metal laying around so we cut it to size on the areas that we wanted to cover and then we used a high heat spray paint to paint it black so that way it looks nice and aesthetically nice and we painted the bottom of the concept that you would be able to see as well so now what we're going to do is we're going to be rendering putting stucco here and then inside the access doors we're going to render that as well just so that when you open it it looks aesthetically clean so let's do that and then the next thing you'll see us doing is painting [Music] to render these sections we use the same instructions as given in our previous videos okay so i just finished adding this side and this is how it looks what we did up what i did up here was i kind of made like a little frame like if the wall would come all the way up and then when it completely dries i'm gonna i could do it now actually i don't want to play around you see because i just did that and this cracked here so i want to be very careful because i how i've said before i hate this process and oh look what i just did you see so just wait for it to dry and then you can fix the little touches we also rendered the inside of the access doors remember to mist the door rock before adding the stucco [Music] [Music] for smaller sections like these we used our hands and just press the stucco manually so first if you guys saw our last video we got a little puppy um i know this is mid video but if you guys hear her today is she's great training um so yeah we want to apologize if you guys hear her when we're talking she's crate training i promise she has a good life or she's not tortured i know she sounds like she is but she's not um today we plan on painting before we paint we're going to be masking everything up since we do have everything installed already just to make sure that we don't get paint where we don't want it yes and then once we do that we're going to go ahead and apply the paint today hopefully we get to finish it and maybe just maybe we'll cook something let's go you want to make sure to tape any edges that you don't want paint to get on [Music] all right so with that done we're going to be taping the ground guys sorry for the wind it's very windy day today it's beautiful to be outside but not to record so we're taping the ground right now um if you're going to be doing adding tile to the ground or doing anything else you can skip this step altogether we wanted to do it just to have the a seamless finish for the kitchen and for this video um but like i said if you're going to be installing tao like we are in the future you could skip this step but let's go ahead and do that and then we're going to get to painting we just finished taping we did everything across the house so i think we haven't shown you guys how the dried um stucco look that we added i had said previously that don't worry if it's gonna be another color it always happens it happened to us on the couch if you haven't seen that video go check it out it'll be linked below it happens if you do a stocko a different day it's gonna look a different color so if you are looking into leaving at this natural color just make sure you do the whole thing in the same day that way you don't have these differences in tone we weren't worried about that because we're actually painting again sorry for the wind this part right here is part of the flooring that was already there the concrete slab the concrete slab what we're going to be doing is that we're going to be painting the whole thing up to the grass so it looks like one whole structure and we don't have the difference because obviously back here we can't put tile so we just want to make it seem like the kitchen's coming off the floor all the way up look at her baby she's sleeping oh look at her baby you guys so for those that don't know we got this camera off amazon it is amazing if you have pets we'll put a pillow yeah he's an obsessed dad you guys he watches her all day long so she's inside right now she's had a rough morning but she's been napping for a while oh she's so cute we have to show her later let's let her keep sleeping and let's get painting i wanted to let you guys know our plan is going to be one of us is going to have a brush and we're going to paint all of the edges and then the other one's going to be with the roller i think i'm going to be the one with the brush i'm gonna do all of the edges around the countertop at the bottom and i'm gonna bring it a little up that way he doesn't have to worry about painting the house or whatever so divide and conquer to paint you're going to need a paint tray a roller some stucco foam rollers the paint and a brush we'll make sure to link everything below as well as the color that we used for this project we worked in small sections to make sure that we were getting an even coat [Music] we recommend that if you are going to paint a structure like this you get rollers that are meant to be used on stucco and concrete finishes this will make it a lot easier since the stucco is full of gaps and a smooth roller will not allow you to fill those gaps oh my gosh hi say hi everybody was so nice to you hey everybody loved you say bye say bye i'll see you later there's too much wind today it is not for recording but whatever let's show you guys so this is the before and after color so this is the color that we're giving it and this is the natural stone color again you do not need to paint this if you don't want to you could leave it as this natural um rock color but we decided that we wanted something a little bit more modern i guess you would call it so let's continue painting [Music] we repeated the process along the entire structure [Music] [Music] for the border of the concrete slab that was already there we used a piece of cardboard at an angle and painted it with a brush that way we can avoid getting the paint dirty with the grass we also painted the inside of the access doors and this was after one coat hey guys so we're exhausted as you can see i'm sweating and it's not because we've been working we've been working out this little girl has us in shape we should be adding the finishing touches now looks good man it looks really good i love the color even more today so let's show you this type of sink brings the faucet here but we're not going to be doing that what we're going to do is use these holes to add um a sponge holder and we're going to be adding the faucet right here and it's going to be one of these that goes up i have to show you guys we bought it already a long time ago we just haven't really we unboxed it yesterday so will link it below we'll link it below we gotta teach them soon she'll be screwing in stuff with them i'm gonna try to use a miter saw yes okay so i wanted to give you guys a little tip even though we taped up the barbecue it still got some paint on it so little trick is you get some rubbing alcohol the stronger like the more pure it is the better this one's 91 i have like other ones inside that are like 40 or so get it strong and then i'm getting some napkins and it's gonna remove the paint from the metal and the stainless steel i would recommend if you're doing this obviously try it in a small section before going ahead and doing the whole thing just to make sure that it doesn't ruin your item but we've done it already on the barbecue and on the stainless steel and it's worked perfectly for us so i want to show you guys how it looks but again try it in a small section before you do the whole item while adrenaline removed all of the paint i went ahead and finished putting the barbecue together by installing the handles and the rest of the equipment to open the hole for the faucet we drilled a lot of smaller holes and then used a metal filer to open it to the size that we needed they sell drill bits for this size but this is a budget friendly way of doing it and the moment of truth it worked so we finally got to the part where we're completely completely done with the kitchen we want to shout out and say thank you to our special neighbors for the [Music] tarp they lent us for the sun if it wasn't for that would probably be two um toasted roasted uh turkeys yeah out here because the heat does not forgive oh i'm sorry sorry i'm tired so i think it's time to show you guys everything we've done cue the montage [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you guys so much we really hope you enjoyed that little montage of the video of the kitchen if you guys have any questions let us know remember comment below if you want to know any specifics that we may be able to help you with um or that we didn't really explain too well or do you think that we might not have explained too well in the video yes let us know and we'll be more than happy to go ahead and answer your questions we didn't really put the plumbing because we're not experts and we got help from my father which i know you guys really like him so la papi as you can tell we're all very tired it's been a long day we didn't want to record anything of that or put it out there just because we are not experts so we don't want to give any information if we're not 100 sure that it's correct maybe reach out to someone a local plumber around your area or maybe i'm sure youtube has excellent yeah excellent videos with that so we wanted to say thank you so much so like last week or the week before that we were saying oh my god thank you for almost 50 subscribers and we're by 500 and something we cannot believe it and let's keep on the series i mean yes we're getting there and we have so many plans for this channel thank you guys so much for for joining us we really hope you guys enjoyed this video we got a few comments about people asking for like the finished product we are planning on doing a last last last video of the whole process and showing like a whole review of the whole backyard makeover from scratch yes so we haven't forgotten about you guys there are certain things we can't do right now because it would be working backwards so yeah you know hang in there a little bit longer and that's it for this week for handy creators we're all gonna go to bed like her so good night and see y'all next time bye guess what we're doing today we are carrying 150 bags of concrete lesson learned check your info
Channel: The Handy Creators
Views: 61,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OtSB1OcpbT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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