Building My Dream Outdoor Kitchen, Without Plumbing

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could something go right for once damn it stone popped off awesome awesome awesome guys it's summer time it's officially barbecue season let's take this project outdoors and it's even better i got a brand new grill this is a brand new traeger timberline xl boy this thing is like a sports car i'll show her more about the bells and whistles later on i'm going to mission to build an outdoor kitchen here now i've done a pella grill outdoor kitchen before and the problem is i had to leave the last house because it was built in not making this mistake again i'm not leaving this thing with the new owners let's see what we can figure it out so the idea here is to have the kitchen built-in part on the outsides now they're going to be completely movable in fact they're going to have their own little legs that they can kind of adjust height to whatever you want now what each of these cabinets is going to contain that's the part i'm really excited about so the first cabinet is going to be a sink now the only problem there is i don't have plumbing for the faucet and this needs to be movable so we'll have to figure that part out now for the second cabinet instead of having a cooler i'm going gonna have a mini fridge now there's two more things that's very important to me i need countertop space that's where this comes in and the second thing is i need a space for a sear box and that's gonna go conveniently on top of it [Music] the budget for this project is going to be probably because we have to buy the fridge and we have to buy the sinks and the faucet and granite countertops i think we can do it for about under a thousand or at about a thousand so far i have pressure treated lumber we have to consider to make it outdoor friendly so it's not rottening and the screws i'm about 140 bucks deep right now [Music] this is basically stonehenge the most sophisticated build i've ever made right here perfect [Music] shoot that's supposed to be a little bit longer like that that looks more like it the invention of the pocket hole jig has to be one of the greatest inventions in woodworking was actually my very first tools that i started woodworking or building anything was a pocket hole jig not this one but a pocket little jig and a drill an impact driver those are it just and look at me now i'm working with pressure treated lumber [Music] [Applause] [Music] who needs a hammer or a mallet you got pressure-treated lumber baby [Music] this the frame of this cabin is done let's start moving on to the sink one okay we have our second cabinet done i actually did a little more planning had to use a lot less wood which is nice i don't want to use too much of it i decided to also keep the same layout here nice big opening reason why is this thing's gonna be on top i decided to solve the problem for plumbing to have one of those pump actuated stuff so i'll need the cabinet doors to open and the foot pedal on the ground it worked basically building a house this is you know the studs then we have the exterior osb oh by the way four sheets of osb i just spent about a hundred bucks so take that off the budget uh we're gonna start cutting this up and wrapping both the insides and outsides this thing is dense start wrapping it with osb what does osb stand for oriented strand board it tells me absolutely nothing maybe it's because it's made out of strands what a weird name [Music] [Music] bridge cabin's done onward to the sink one [Music] i should have planned for this project in the spring it's like 90 degrees i'm sweating like a pig comment in the section i want to know where you guys are is it hotter am i being obnoxious guys i'm done being cooked for the day uh tomorrow's gonna cool down at least in the morning and i'm gonna start wrapping this with uh cheating so we'll keep it weatherproof all right guys wrapping a bunch of stuff today to this is roofing underlayment felt underlayment uh you guessed it it goes right on your roof we're going to wrap this puppy the fun thing is i kept this from two years ago and i built my first grill station and uh it was 28 bucks so if you buy 250 bucks i saved this from the last one so i just saved money on a project 28 looking good i'm gonna start wrapping this around and stapling it covering as much as i can before we start putting the galvanized mesh wire on it as you can see i temporarily made my little uh pegs for this just to see what it looks like i'm gonna order actually the adjustable one so water can get underneath it and you know a dolly when i need to move [Music] [Applause] galvanized steel laughs boys and girls this is a honeycomb mesh and so the paper's there to make sure the mortar moisture doesn't compromise the wood and then the lath right here is meant to have the mortar stick onto something quite well so the stone doesn't fall off one thing to note the honeycomb shape points up and down you want it to be flipped which way just like that you want it to be sitting like that where this little honeycomb is sitting slanted up so the mortar can actually sit on it and not slope off i'm securing it using my roofing nails they're galvanized as well you want to punch this sucker in about every six inches vertically up and down and then every 12 inches across a nice tight spread and trust me get it tight or else you're gonna have a miserable time putting the first scorch coat of mortar on and i've done that before it sucked really dead suck that has to be an easier way to do this i i think we're just going to roll this thing as a box this also helps by stretching it too oh good jeez my hat's so soaked in sweat good thing i have felt paper down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't even know i'm wearing this glove fingers out of it [Applause] [Music] she is wrapped and ready oh by the way between the galvanized lath the nails and the mortar spent about 50 bucks the mortar is called an s-type mortar i don't know what the s-type means but that's what masonry guys are you supposed to use for this kind of stone veneer trying to get this thing to the consistency about peanut butter i'm not saying sour cream because people are like that's such a slavic thing of you to say yeah that's the way i was taught peanut butter sour cream or ketchup whatever you want to call it just don't eat it this next part is the easy part all you're going to do is going to try to fill all of these little honeycombs [Music] it's actually a lot easier to apply now that i'm realizing this top down because those honeycombs are facing down or facing up if we did it right [Music] now that our scratch coat is on we're going to start doing the score coat and what that is is we're actually going to use a trowel half inch trowel and we're going to start making these horizontal passes why well once they dry when the tile or not this tile the stone goes on it actually has a leverage point so it doesn't slide off the nice part is it's added strength the bad part is we're gonna have to let it cure for about 24 36 48 hours or just 48 hours why am i i don't know working in this whole summer heat 90 degree weather finally finally solution get you that hot dad summer tank top like a description you'll like it you won't have a heat stroke of course it's the last side that i finally figured out technique how to make it nice i come alive in the fourth quarter what i'm doing here is taking on a good amount making sure this is mixed on a little bit wetter side especially the weather conditions and then once it's caked on and it has the base coat on there then you can use your trowel to move it and you get a nice little grate like that fourth quarter baby that's what i'm for let's let it cure let the water moisture evaporate we'll come back in about two days to start stoning we'll get stoned do the stone stoning all of it so since this is gonna be where the sink will be i'm gonna build a face frame what i'm gonna do is put this piece and secure it in place connecting this together and then build a inch and a half face frame completely around using pocket holes so i'm going with a an oak because it's easy to get attach them together with pocket holes and then i'll put pocket holes on the insides of it so i could secure it to the side dang that's not a perfect fit oops don't know my own strength now i'm gonna only temporarily secure it with these pocket screws on the sides when i'm done building the door then i'll take the face frame and the doors off and i'm going to marine varnish them mortars cured today's an official day that we can start laying the stone this stone i bought from my local shop stone shop so roughly around 50 something square feet paid about 580 bucks for the stone and the strategy is to do the outside corners first and then move it inside and let me show you how to apply it [Music] so here's a quick little how-to to do this you got a little spray bottle spray the back hydrate it to allow the mortar to actually not steal all the moisture right away and have good contact throw your s mortar on top you want to create about an inch inch and a half two inches of thickness and then you're going to use your trowel or whatever you're using and create those little channels push it in now you want to do your corners first just to make sure it doesn't abrupt your patterns and then fill the rest in and you definitely want to stagger them so the eye doesn't recognize consistent patterns [Music] i don't want this to be the general theme of this video but today's not a cold day at all so the people that do this on a regular basis they have a wet stone saw same kind of blade but it's running with water on it i don't have one i don't typically need one because i don't do some work that often so what's getting me by perfectly is a rayobi one plus angle grinder this is a masonry blade on there i'm really regretting kicking myself for not making this section thicker because this is uh having to stay on is gonna be fun to see the leaf [Music] all right one last finishing piece bittersweet moment oh we're kidding no it's not it's a sweet sweet moment all right there she is folks we stoned this thing to death okay the doors uh i just spent another hundred dollars on the doors for the oak i'm starting to worry if i'm actually gonna make this budget if you stick around to the end we'll whip out all the receipts and break everything down to see where we could have saved money and what the sanctuary ended up costing here's my door layout we're going to use a router bit system let's throw this on the router and start zipping these away [Music] now we're going to switch out for the tongue part [Music] here's our tongue and groove styles and rails by the way rail style anatomy and physiology of woodworking now we got our center panels we're going to create a groove completely around it i think i have a bid for this like a race panel bit look at this behemoth i'm always terrified to use it do gradual passes don't try to take a whole chunk [Music] all right let's see how it fits the only reason i don't like that style of creating these panels is uh you got to make all these micro adjustments before you get to the perfect thickness but i think we're there might need like a hair like one more hair taken off perfection let's start putting this puppy together all i'm going to do is glue up the end grain and that is it the center panel does not get glued up just because it's floating expansion contraction you got to let it do its thing science [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we got doors baby hey we're gonna let them dry overnight and then start saving them and rounding them over let's go see how the stone turned out and uh in hindsight i need to put some pegs underneath it but they never showed up in time and they're finally here so i'm gonna have to install them the most difficult of the ways let's go so i'm using these little levelers i got on amazon uh the idea is you drill a whole 3 8 slam this thing in so these spikes bite into it and then screw this in and you can adjust it how high you want look at that i already bent this one always buy extras nothing broke let's see if we can repeat this [Music] i'm so confident now that the stone is not popping off anytime soon if it could tolerate being laid on its back i'm pretty sure it's going to tolerate staining [Applause] [Music] oh that looks so nice i don't like how this face frame is inside and the stones protruding so i was actually thinking about this the other day i think my solution is going to be remove the space frame remove this piece and then move this piece out and then put more pressure treated two by fours on top so that the face frame maybe starts three quarters along the way of the rock and then the doors will cover and i'll conceal the side it's not side grain of the rock but it's the side cut of the rock you know in hindsight it'd probably be a smarter idea if i was to have these already made and then that way the stone could butt up against it but i'm more of an afterthought kind of guy [Music] door hinges nothing fancy anything you do need to know and this is when you're gonna even build your doors how much overlay you're gonna have varies inch and a quarter wild stuff i will need a little jig to space them out mark my holes and start drilling so all in the details these little bumpers to make sure they don't whack every time you close oh baby baby look how good does that look we got to do frame around here for the mini fridge boys and girls it's time for the mini fridge let's see if it fits doesn't fit damn because this cabinet has a brace down below the front of this one doesn't so it's in like a quarter of an inch to maybe a little bit over that so by putting a two and four down below i'm gonna spread them open there you go because everything lines up perfectly i think i'm comfortable taking the doors off taping off the edges and start staining originally i wasn't going to stain it but then i realized how dark the stone is and how dark the cabinet or the grill is it only makes sense to kind of go with the theme of darker stuff so pop them off start staining we're going to use ebony on it give it that darker charcoal color probably shouldn't have loaded up the fridge with beers already it all just dumped out by the way this is spar urethane i was gonna introduce it spar urethane you can use it indoor outdoor it's uv protection rain moisture sunlight let's see how far this thing will take us there's not much here look at this [Music] you want a little hack take some scrap plywood cut a 45 degree angle and now you have little pyramid triangles that you can use them as a drying rack folks let's figure out this uh plumbing situation we don't have direct water coming in so we have to improvise to make this kind of like an rv style thing we have our faucet that we got on amazon it's got a three inch 3 8 inch connection that's the hard part to figure out because all these adapters don't work together solution i'm going with is a classic traditional foot pump that you'll see like a porta potty to wash your hands half inch clear hose couple of fittings this will be to tap into the bucket below to feed the water into the pump and then this one will go to tap into the bucket to drain the soiled water by the way one fresh once old water [Music] this thing's weird because like the threadings are like reversed so not used to this way of life now by having that we don't have to take the bucket out when you want to drain the soil water here's where it gets tricky because this is a 3 8 compression connection a traditional connection with a pex doesn't work the solution i have is using a shark bite which you slide on like peck but it has a better connection so hopefully it won't start leaking on us now let's see if she runs [Music] that's exactly what you wanted to do this thing works this might be actually a good like a camping thing too if you want to just make it and throw the card got potable water or you can just buy one of those jugs it already has a little it don't do that this is just for this oh sorry i have to get you one of those like ponchos they have a sea world got a hole here this will be our for the sink drain it'll be you can manipulate if we need to move a little aside or not sink drains here fresh water there when we need to get rid of the soiled water open this little spigot it all drains out [Music] i don't know how we did it but uh we decided to put the countertops in the back seat standing up i don't know if i broke him as i was driving but we'll find out right now but it looks like i need to take down just a little bit to keep it from wobbling i don't want any stress fractures or anything like that [Music] so if you follow this channel for any time at all you know that it's not a mr bullet project unless things go wrong so when i measured for the cooktop and the sink i didn't account for the two by four it's gonna be in front of it i'm gonna have to move this away and cut into it to be able to slide the under mount sink there and then i'm gonna have to cut this part out in order to drop the sear box on top great stone popped off awesome awesome awesome [Applause] could something go right for once by the way i bought the sink amazon 150 bucks that's more like it so let's install the faucet first and then attach the sink [Music] so i'm cleaning up just the top with acetone of the sink that's where we're going to use 100 silicone put a bead on it lift it up clamp it in and let it dry overnight now i know how to do that i used to work for about a year with my father doing granite here we go ain't nothing to it but to do it what am i missing and to think today's supposed to be an easy install day i gotta stop blinding myself that's what things are supposed to do you guys having fun i'm having a lot of fun tighten it make any last minute adjustments so i'll need to be able to pull that thing out of there and make my adjustments so a little duct tape will go a long way that's damn perfect i mean look at that let's go i will take that w the issue that i ran into is plugging in the sear box into the smoker the trigger the only issue is i couldn't just get an extension cord because it's a special kind of cable connection so i didn't want to tinker with the wires and cutting extending so we decided to cut a little channel right here with the reciprocating saw and then now the cable can just like run right there now that i got my countertops where i want them to be i'm not going to put a bunch of adhesive there i'm just going to put maybe a quarter size dot on each corner that way nobody can bump into them and push them off and later on somebody can cut them with a knife and then take them off if they need to so there's a hot and cold line i don't need both of them i only need one line there's not going to be any water going through this next one and then therefore on the next house if i do want to plumb my backyard for water i can have hot and cold but for now i just need water water all right guys so the build-out for the outdoor grill station is done and like promised i'm going to tell you why this traeger timberline xl what makes it feel like you have a sports car in your backyard for a grill let me show you all right number one after building cabinets a lot of cabinets i appreciate the attention to detail soft closed cabinets come on details speaking of details the inside of the box when you take the box apart the inside of it is it's a kids playground that you build a plate house that's wild the details again the details that i love that i know that about is they give you actually a real ratchet wrench and a real screwdriver to put this thing together beautiful this is the wildest thing this is called an easy clean grease and ash keg all the grease from the grill go in here as well as the burnt uh pellets and these are replaceable little liners they just throw out and then you pop it in here slide it perfect we're done close again soft closing hinges baby next up not only wired temp probes but also bluetooth temp probes connects to your iphone android whatever you got control it from your phone you want to give it an extra smoke by the way there's a feature called extra smoke give it extra smoke do you want a warm-up feature warmer feature and here's another cool one this button right there keeps it warm 165 degrees freedom height i believe fahrenheit it's freaking cool now look at this this is a cutting board or a serving board whatever you want magnetized goes in the back lift it up together your pellets go in there i mean come on like i said i built a lot of cabinets before so i always think about what's convenient yes these are pellets this is a container that comes with it really awesome i love it now this section right here multi-use again use it as shelves if you want or pop this beautiful wood out throw this tote in here pull this lever i'm not going to do it but when you pull this lever all the pellets dump right inside of there and then you can change it to hickory or applewood or whatever you want so not only does it have a convection style exhaust circulation yeah i'm making some wings for the kids they're looking good and guess what nothing's burning this the thing's designed to have circulation so it actually is moving that hot air but also not only does have all these bells and whistles but you have a timer that you could set your cook time so there's no more playing with your phone then you can click on this menu here and have all these accessories that compare to speaking of accessories we can pair the bluetooth temp probes but also we have our convection cooktop that comes with this thing you click the sucker turn it to where you want it to one to ten and yeah it has a setting called the turbo you better believe we're gonna use it that's a perfect opportunity to use like a reverse sear on a steak smoke it on a lower temperature throw on here for a minute after time on a high temp and beautiful steak oh and lastly i swear i've never seen this before watch this we have a nightlight that illuminates our cooktop area which is super big by the way but that's so convenient come on oops i think the wings are [Music] ready try to catch me hollering at them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the [Music] [Music] all right let's talk about the budget breakdown for this outdoor kitchen grill station the lumber was 135 dollars the wire screws and nails were 74 for all the bags of mortar that was 45 dollars the stone was 753 for all the extra pieces the faucet the sink and all the necessary plumbing pieces was 329 the cabinet doors and the trim were 196 dollars the mini fridge was 242 dollars and the countertops would have been 800 dollars but we are able to save some money because the friends and family discount from my father-in-law making this grand total one thousand seven hundred and seventy four dollars making us go over budget by only two hundred and seventy four dollars hey thanks so much for sticking around watching yet another one of my videos if you like videos like this or any other kind of home improvement project maybe your homeowner make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the notification bell that will be alerted every time a video comes out remember we're not trained professionals we're just not afraid to try and fail courage that's our motto here make sure you connect me on my social media all the links will be description below as well as the patreon hour-long videos that we put out that don't make it to these 20-18 minute clips hopefully you guys can find a lot of useful stuff inside of those and don't forget to check out the merch section in description which all help support the channel tune out this week we'll see you guys on the next one see ya bye i was actually thinking about using the aluminum setting but i've never used it and i don't want to make a fool of myself they say if you're going to overlap seams you have to do it by minimum of like three inches usually they put like stainless steel cabinets in here but i don't know how to build a stainless steel cabinet [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mr. Build It
Views: 876,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Traeger, pellet grills, pelletgrills, outdoor kitchen, diy outdoor kitchen, outdoor kitchen build, outdoor kitchen ideas, building an outdoor kitchen, do it yourself, how to, bbq island, outdoor kitchen diy, grill station ideas, backyard diy ideas, diy outdoor kitchen on a budget, outdoor grill station, traeger grill, how to build an outdoor kitchen, mr build it, installing outdoor sink, outdoor sink without plumbing, outdoor fridge, outdoor mini fridge
Id: EsvDLVJKb84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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