DIY Cattle Panel Greenhouse Build (One Person)

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[Music] do [Music] so first thing i'm gonna do is uh i've got four stakes here i'm gonna tie some string to them i'm gonna move it this way a little bit and see where the edges of the greenhouse are going to be where the base of it's going to lay so i can kind of flatten it out make sure it's just not too lopside definitely doesn't have to be perfect the way i'm going to do it so uh just to make it roughly flat and get a big bump so it's gonna be easier to work with uh so i put out my strings in roughly where the where the little greenhouse is gonna go so i just need to level out where the frame of the box is gonna go uh build it and lay it here i'm testing up just a front piece dug those two sides those are the ones that need the most digging so i'm just going to test this out and then i'll do the same when i attach the walls on the other side and figure out how much i need to dig out of there [Music] just a little [Music] all right we did center on that now so this is a bit lower than i was hoping but that's fine this is all spf regular spf i know it's going to rot in a few years but i don't want to put any chemical treated stuff in here for growing plants chickens are going to be in here all the time [Music] okay so i'm going to lay out the wood like this the walls are gonna be two two by tens stacked out of each other total length is going to be 20 foot it's got to be a multiple of five because the cattle panel or multiple of four because the cattle panels i'm going to use to go over the top are four feet four feet wide so i just cut some two by three that i'm going to join together with and little bits of plywood i'm going to use where the boards the two by tens meet each other i got an eight foot two by ten and a twelve foot two by ten and i'm kind of staggering them so i have an eight and a twelve on this side and then the twelve and eight up on that side so instead of trying to butt them all together i think it'll be a little more solid okay so it's the next day um i was kept the two side while it's finished i was had to stay left or dark i don't know if the time-lapse came out an output so i'm going gonna attach the two by six by ten across the bottom of the front of the wall from the back of the walls the next step then will be the cattle panels then building the walls on either side either side and then plastic it in and it's finished then so so uh sitting here with the cattle panels that we're going to be using to put over top of our greenhouse pretty thick gauge and they're 16 feet long the only downside is they're they're pretty expensive and you know as far as i'm concerned they're close in canada they're close to 100 bucks each once the taxes are in there actually they're yeah almost exactly 100 but they transport nice and easy you can bend them like this and that's why they're going to be going over the top of the greenhouse now they'll be more spread out but they'll have a 20 inch lift off the ground with the 2x10s that we had there it's really too bad we couldn't find the 2x12s because uh that would have been uh an extra you know four inches off the ground or pretty much four inches off the ground so that would give me a little more headroom i'm a touch over six foot tall so uh i'm hoping it's not gonna be cramped but we'll see what it looks like when i get it all done but from what i've seen from other people who've made this i think it'll be good for us and it's gonna be chicken paradise hopefully here's the uh the wall where we're gonna attach the cattle panels and uh i'm gonna use fencing staples to do that um so the awkward thing is gonna be getting the cattle panel to stay in place while i'm nailing it on and keeping it straight so i was thinking about it and i think i'm just gonna mark say maybe two inch and a half down i'm gonna mark and put in some screws to hold the cattle panels in place and then uh i'll just be able to lay it on the side bend it lay it on the other side hopefully it's not jumping out on me and that should keep it nice and straight and level and everything too so that's what i'm going to do right now so uh i'll grab a cattle handle and do an experiment see if it works if it works i'll carry on doing it if it doesn't work i'll have to wait for jenny to get home to help me [Music] so i was worried about it being too short but i think this is gonna be a lovely height i think it's just right i'll still be able to get into the sides pretty easy yep i think that'll do nicely [Music] well that was easier than i thought hopefully the rest of it goes that nicely i left it out an inch over on the end here i think that's the right thing to do because we need to wrap around the corner there not hard to get on and off if i did it messed up thanks sweetheart but i think an inch over is good if i stayed in bar tight right to the end of the wood here then once i put the i'm going to put some foam on this edge i'm afraid it's going to wrap over too far we'll leave it like that until i think of a reason why it shouldn't be and then i'll uh i'll i'll just do a time-lapse of me taking it all back down and putting it all back up so i'll zip tie these together where the uh where they meet but that system of putting in the screws makes it easy to shove these on by yourself so i'm pretty happy with that it's a bit wobbly when i'm pounded in because on this side it's not touching the ground hardly at all and i noticed that the 2x6 were starting the screws were starting to rip out a bit so i went and got some four inch screws a little bigger to tack them in so now they have six screws in each corner to hold down the two by six and hopefully keep this upright it's top heavy right because the two by six is right on the ground and then i guess presumably these are supposed to hold it together but once i build the door frames on either side it'll be attached to the walls it'll be attached to the base so it should be way more solid then hopefully so let's get some zip ties and attach up these panels as we go maybe on every one is overkill but i don't really care about 200 zip ties so i'll worry if i run out i feel like this stability in this direction is going to be important we do get a lot of snow here and uh from i've watched a lot of videos about this and read different builds and stuff and i'm kind of mixing up a few different ones but peop some people say you definitely need to have support structures in place uh for the snow and we do get a lot of snow and other people say it'll be fine so what i'm not going to put it in at first [Music] and i'm going to see how it goes um i'm going to like i think i mentioned earlier i'm going to put big black barrels full of water in here to hopefully keep some heat and there's going to be constantly a compost pile in here hopefully that's pretty warm that's going to be giving off heat all winter as well so we'll hope for the best if it starts to sag in a heavy snow you know it's as easy as coming out and putting up some some wood just to hold up the roof a bit better so putting on the panels what i should have done is had wire or something to connect both sides together as we go and obviously this doesn't help can you come down out of there baby thanks but you can see here probably that the walls bowed out because of the pressure from those cattle panels i don't think it's a big deal because when i build the end walls now maybe today i'll be able to suck those back in but i'm thinking if i get a ratchet strap or two i can suck in the sides a bit and just take some of the pressure off of us we're gonna grind off the excess cattle panel that came over so there's one problem that i'm seeing so far other problem is the boat out walls so i put in four hardware staples on each one and after i shore it up now and get it more solid and put on the end walls i'll probably just go through and put one in every square because why not there's if when the wind blows there's going to be a lot of there's going to be a lot of force getting put on those so i don't think four will be a problem but i got lots of hardware staples so they're not that expensive so i'll use those up i wonder why the it's bowing out so much genie i got kids climbing all over us this would be a perfect jungle gym for you martin wouldn't uh i've got this two by six across the front which should be 10 feet which it is but if i measured from across the top especially in the middle you can see that 10 foot or about almost six inches bowed out on the sides so i think couple of ratchet straps between the panels there is going to suck it back in for me and then building the end walls and suck it in a bit more and then that'll hold it in place so that took the strain off of the uh strain off of it you can see his boat in the middle a little bit there now so you can see now it's uh bowed in very slightly in the center which is great that's fine by me but it's just about 10 feet on the top of the walls here now so that's where we want it probably a little bit more but like i said once i get the end wall built now that'll shore that up and make it nice and solid okay so today we're gonna start on the end walls here my plan is to uh to make the doorway wide enough for a wheelbarrow to get into and for the 2x3 to line up right underneath the wire on the cattle panel at the same place on both sides so it's going to be mostly perfectly centered it might not be perfect perfect centered but i'd rather it line up with the wire then it'd be perfectly centered i brought the wheelbar down and tested it out at this width against these two wires the wheelbarrow still gets in there it's only a two by six here and it's going to be half under the ground anyway so it'll be easy to pop the wheelbarrow in and out there uh from here to try to make the sides more stable because the cattle panel did push them out a nice bit i'm going to run a run of support diagonally from here down to the bottom of this bottom of the door and we'll see what other how much other support i'll need and i'll put one of course horizontally across as well so first thing i'm going to do here now in a second is i just measure those from the center make sure they're kind of within reason close to being the same distance away from the center once they're level and then we're going to mark off where i'm going to have to cut them and then we're going to put them on and nail them there all right so i measured where these would be level from the same wire i don't know how well you can see that however uh when i measured their distance from the center one was 13 inches one was 17 inches and now that i measure that i can kind of see when i'm looking here the uh it is bowed a little bit to the left so meaning the cattle panels are leaning to the left a little bit there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to push those across and uh until it's pretty centered then i'll take another measurement then i'll attach them so that the two by fours are holding the cattle panels in place so i don't have a plumb bob so we're gonna tie this giant screw to a piece of string and hang it from the center there so cattle panel is 24 it's 24 panels wide or 24 squares wide so in between the two 12s is where i'll tie this off and it's not going to be perfect because it's not going to be it's going to be on an angle i'm just going to have to judge my best from the string and not from the bob itself but it'll be approximate enough all right so i'm going to go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so this is the center line i think i cut my string long enough as you can see probably that little pencil mark there is the middle and their plum bob or whatever is blowing in the wind now but it's substantially to the right of that so we're going to push the panels to the left until they're lined up that's funny you got to push it to the left it looks like to me it's slanting to the left already we'll trust gravity and not my eyeball so i'm going to just push it across with the 2x4 until it looks like it's in a good spot and then try and jam it in to the ground we got it pretty much centered up here i think within uh half an inch or so from the center so i reckon that's probably good enough so i just marked off where i need to cut us so that when it's level it's sitting right under that wire so i'm going to slice the tops off of those and on the bottom i'm going to put in three four inch screws and hopefully that's good enough to keep them nice and rigid [Music] so uh we got the two uprights there once i push them over they'll be leveled up and once i attach them to the sides there that should be all squared up then i'll make sure it's all square then before i keep going three screws on the bottom a yeah wood staple on the top and there shouldn't be any wood sticking up for the plastic to rub on so i'm just going to make a sport i'm going to i have this offset the doors offset inside and i put the 2x6 to the outside of the walls so that i can drill my support straight across on top of both on top of both of those um [Music] take two hands and push on that wall as hard as you can [Music] so i'm going to do the same thing i did on the other wall i'm going to measure center i'm going to come out to the wires that i need to come to the lengthways bars on the cattle panel and i'm going to attach the wood there and uh make the 32 inch wide door so i measured my wheelbarrows like 28 inches so 32 inch wide door i want the smallest door that i know i'll be able to get the wheelbarrow through basically so yeah i'm just gonna frame her out here just like i did on the other side [Music] all right you can see that the cattle panel goes a little further than the 20 feet three inches and i tried to space it out so it worked out that i'd be grinding it off and the cattle panel would reach right to the end of the wood and it's pretty great i think so you can see there hopefully so you can see here that i'm less than a thumb width away from the edge of the board here so that's going to be perfect i'm going to grind it off along this wire i'm going to have foam to put over the edge to help the plastic not rip so that's gonna be the first the next job i need to do i got my two end walls built i'm not gonna build the doors until i have the plastic inside or the plastic over the top and wrapped around the doors and stuff and then i'll build my door inside the frame and then take it off and wrap that in plastic and put it back on [Music] [Music] okay so for the strapping to keep the plastic down i got some 1 by 2 strapping i'm just going to use two and a half inch screws i'm hoping they don't split the wood if they do and i need to pre-drill it that's going to be a bit of a pain but if that's what i got to do it's what i got to do so i've been thinking about the best way to do this because i really don't know how and i'm just going to drape the plastic over just right over top of the uh the hoop house here and then i'm going to uh i'll take you take you off here take you for a walk on the sides well the first thing i'm gonna have to do is uh trim off the two by three where it sticks up you can see it's being bowed in a little bit with the straps i have on there um i'm gonna see how bad it comes back out when i let go of the straps but if it's not too crazy i'll leave it as is if it bows out real bad then i'll drive in some stakes to hold it up but anyway i'm going to take the chainsaw and trim these off and do the same thing on the other side and on the sides i'm going to put a strap all the way along the top here then on the sides i don't think i'm going to put any plastic i can definitely see why people if you remember earlier in the video i said i don't know if i should put these in or out i think that's why people put them in i guess is because it's easier to strap the plastic on on the inside but it's you end up with real janky looking uh cattle paneled in so we'll see how this works out either i'm going to just strap it along the top and then put another strap on the bottom or i'll strap it along the top and i don't see i can't see that letting in a lot of a lot of cold in the summertime or leaking out a lot of uh heat in the summer when we need the heat there's a little bit of space on the bottom but that's obviously that's going to be filled up with wood chips and compost and all that stuff so that's that's my plan for the side here so the plastic's going to come over the top here go around the foam i'm going to put on there and then i'll strap it around the door frame and i'll strap it along the bottom uh and probably wrap inside the door frame i'll probably strap it twice once on the outside of the door frame and once on the inside of the door frame or maybe once might get away at once so yeah there's going to be on the ends i've never seen anyone get a perfect there's going to be a little bit of bunching because you're you know you're folding in the plastic over the top and around the side it's going to be a little bit bunchy on the ends because there's nowhere to like fix it around the edge right you just got to wrap it around all right so we're going to put the foam on the edge here and i think i mentioned it already but that's to keep the plastic from ripping because if you just put it right over this especially on the side where i had to grind off cut off the excess panel then that would really tear up the plastic pretty fast and be in such a sharp turn uh you know the plastic is gonna rub on that pretty good so all i did was buy some of this uh foam insulation for pipes you can get it in the plumbing section and we're just gonna run that around [Music] so when you're doing this just make sure you get the uh the sharp part of the zip tie kind of pointing towards the center of the greenhouse basically pointing where it's not going to get any plastic rubbing on it [Music] all right so i got the uh the foam is on here on the edges i got my strapping laid out for the sides i'm going to try to heave over the plastic and try to get it equaled out as much as i can it's a 10 by 20 uh footprint for the hoop house and i bought a 25 by 40 i think it was 25 by 40. uh piece of plastic so that we'd have lots of extra you know because it's got to go over the top it's got a wrapping around and then i need to have enough left over to do the doors as well so hopefully my estimations were pretty good and we're going gonna have enough to get that done no problem i don't know if you could tell on video that the wind picked up the second i started to do this [Music] [Music] okay i think that's going to be plenty there's big left over all kinds left over so uh yeah i think that's gonna work so i'm gonna try to figure out the best way now to strap all this down and keep it keep it as tight as i can over here you're probably going to be able to see how it's got a bunch you're going to get folds like that in it when when it's pulled tight but my strategy here is to just actually i'll probably start on the other side let's go over there because i can see where the edge is over here and i'm going to square that up as as good as i can eyeball it and get it on that edge get it right on that edge i'm going to leave enough plastic on right now to be a skirt to the bottom in case i decide i want to attach it at the bottom as well but uh i'm gonna just yeah i'll pull this side back a little bit because it's a lot closer over there and i'm gonna strap it onto the side and see how that looks that then i can get to the other side and pull real tight on her and uh attach it over there then that'll just be the end pieces that are loose and i can take my time and pull it inside the door there strap it on sounds easy in my head let's see how she goes [Music] so the other side went easy peasy no splits in the strapping right in which is great so for this one i just got to try to bunch up the plastic down below and get a nice tight uh get a nice tight sheet going across the top of the greenhouse there [Music] we got the strapping on here the i think it's reasonably reasonably tight over the top so now as i've said on this channel many times i have no idea what i'm doing but i'm going to uh i'm going to cut off the plastic kind of trying to make it straight as i can and i'll just leave enough to make sure i can wrap wrap inside the door frame and everything really nice strap along the bottom and then that should definitely leave me with enough on the end for uh for the doors after this side is already maybe i'll start on this side looks like it's already about the right length to uh wrap it in there really nice then i'm gonna have to decide what am i gonna do with the skirt am i going to try to put it right to the ground i've got a couple ideas i'll run up by the boss when she gets on and see what's what's going on i think right now i'll go have a cup of tea though [Music] so [Music] so i'm going to use a little bit of this extra leftover pipe insulation on the corner here just where i have my braces put in it's not sharp sharp but i think eventually it may fray so i'm gonna just try that out and see if it helps [Music] just trying to think what's the best way to go about this should i cut the center or the door is and wrap it inside and strap it inside and then straighten out out here that's what i feel like might be the best thing or should i get a tight on this purse and then tighten up there and then tighten down here [Applause] hard to know what to do we'll go for it we're gonna cut it [Music] [Music] okay here's the plan i'm going to strap it on the bottom i'm going to get it tight on the bottom as much as i can and strap it in then i'm going to suck it in around the side and strap it on the back see how that goes okay so on the inside where these are coming in around the door i'm gonna put some more of that little bit of pipe insulation just to try to eliminate any places where that could rob depending on how it looks from outside i may have to put some more strapping out there but the plan right now is to wrap the plastic around this upright as good as i can and tack it on there so i should probably cut my strapping first [Music] all right i don't know how much uh the camera died there so i don't know how much we missed but uh i decided to come inside first and put the strapping on there a lot of extra plastic here which is good so i'm going to put in that upright piece [Applause] as you can see from the inside it's tight-ish it's pretty tight like there's a good attention on it but it's wrinkly right so i'm going to bunch up as much as i possibly can [Applause] and try and tack it on here with the piece of strapping [Music] well uh we got it wrapped in there it's really tight down here a little bit loose up here and i remember i mentioned earlier that it's gonna crinkle uh i'm wondering if i took off the strapping on the inside just the top two screws and give a real good pull on this now that this is a bit tighter would that help so i'm gonna give that a try but overall i think it'll be fun anyway [Applause] like on the this part feels way tighter now so i think once i get all four corners pulled in like this the top is going to be real nice and tight so happy happy how it's going so far let's see if these wrinkles can come out oh so the wrinkles didn't go didn't think they would but it's tighter now i think it's sufficiently tight that blowing is not going to be a problem maybe hopefully [Music] [Music] uh so she's strapped in around the door frame there oh i forgot the top of the door i'll have to put a piece on the top of the door and trim on the inside it's wrinkly as i said but uh i think it's tight enough i hope so and uh it's kind of uh if you'll look here kind of uh getting condensation and stuff inside so uh i need to be careful oh i don't have this side open yet i need to be careful with the chickens when i get them in here make sure i keep good ventilation happening so they don't get pneumonia and stuff but or whatever they get i underestimated the amount of strapping i'd need so i'm gonna have to pick up another bundle or probably just one more bundle all right so we got delayed a few days i'm gonna get back at it today hopefully i can get it finished at least get this end done and hopefully get the doors in that's the hope but i don't know if the weather is gonna cooperate again today so i've been thinking about how i wrapped the last side i think there's a better way that i'm going to attempt to do here last side i didn't cut any off i tried to pull it down as far as i could screw it on with strapping and then pull it all in through the door um but i think what i should have done is pull it down and strap this pulled it down and cut off most of it and leave enough that there's a little bit extra to trim off later um you know make sure i don't cut it too far uh and then strap it on the bottom and then pull it in the door i think on that side i got way too much plastic so i'm going to attempt that on this side if it works out really good i'll go back and redo the other side [Applause] [Music] so it's cut off there hopefully it's gonna be a lot easier to tack on i'm just gonna grab the stuff on the other side of the greenhouse there and pack that up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so it's a little bit loose for sure hopefully when i uh oh i forgot to put on my little rubber bits my little foam bits i'll put those on now see if i can squeeze them in there try to i'll try to bunch this up as much as i can on the strapping maybe i'll put a piece on top if i can get it on there but i don't think it's too tight here a little bit loose over there so see how it goes [Applause] so let's uh it's i feel like it's definitely looser on this side let's see how to go over here okay well no real big improvements i guess it didn't really matter which way i do it but i guess i get to save a little more plastic doing it this way um maybe if i put another strap on this uprights that might tighten it a little [Applause] bit okay it's uh it's all on there i'm going to trim it and then i'm going to see if i need to put another piece of strapping around here oh i got to put trapping on top first we'll do a do a strap on the top there it looks real bad there i think i need to put a strap on the front as well i'm going to trim it first on the inside and see how that goes and then maybe i can get this pulled up onto the top strap actually [Applause] yeah get it a little bit tighter and then uh then i'll trim i got the top pieces trying to put on the walls are here they're crinkly just like i imagine they would be not quite as tight as i'd like so we'll see how it goes let's see how it goes all right trimmed up not bad i think it'll do the trick you can kind of see the wrinkles in it better from this side but uh it's fairly tight i think plastic is going to blow around no matter what you do ventilation seems good but the door is open so i need to uh need to get those doors on so it's next step two we'll try 30 i suppose [Music] a little more space up here but i think that's fine we'll do it anyway three feet it'll look normal i think once we get there so three feet minus three inches so i need 33 inch pieces in case you haven't guessed dominic is putting the doors on to the greenhouse so he's gonna make um two pea stores for each one so that we can open them halfway we're gonna have the chickens in them for the winter and into the spring so we might want to open up the top part to allow for airflow but have it closed the chickens don't get out so he's going to be building them three feet as the regular door and then another door up on uh for the rest of it the full size of the door minus three feet and possibly we can put a screen in there later should we choose to so he is building them there and they're going to be here and they'll be opening in opening in a waste space but we get a lot of snow in the winter and we're going to be using them right there so you know it's going to be hard to keep shoveled out in front of breaks in the crosses well i'm just we got those even the floor to shed if i went in there that's so not square that i'm just as well doing there i think relatively square hopefully dare i put a square into it [Music] that's square enough you're nice looks okay okay so we got the one panel of one door done so i'm gonna wrap some plastic around it there now and we can install that as we go [Applause] so just going to use up the scrap pieces that i cut off earlier [Applause] all right so i'm gonna hang the first door then i'm gonna make the second door and hang that and hopefully still have time to uh do the other side before trick-or-treating starts good [Music] um [Music] [Music] okay we got the top half of the door ready here and maybe we'll uh play it in place first and see how how she fits [Music] i think i mentioned this every time i turn on camera so far but this particular upright ended up i don't know if the wood was twisted or uh or just to line up with the wire but i think uh no matter what i did that wouldn't really go straight for me which has caused some problems for the door obviously because the opening is a little bit wider in the bottom than it is up on the top right so i hung up the doors and they do close but not perfectly as you're going to see now so the bottom one is all right it's not too bad and then the top one though really leans down it's leaning down on this side so this edge of the door is lower than in by the hinge because of that tip on the wood so all i'm going to do to fix that i'm going to try to fix it as take out this hinge and there's actually quite a space here once i if i force it closed it's a i don't know probably can't hear me anymore but i can almost put my fingers out through it so i think if i've just put a little piece of strapping here attached to the wall and then put my hinge into the strapping that'll pop the door out enough that it'll swing closed a lot better [Music] so [Music] so i think uh this is where jenny's gonna want to end this video uh we got her all closed in for construction purposes everything's done so uh i think it worked out okay given my poor carpentry skill and i did it all by myself i don't think i got help with anything so uh just to show that you know it can be done with one person um it's not perfect maybe we'll do another video about some of the things i don't know how they're gonna work out but it's not a permanent thing anyway uh so i'm pretty happy overall and uh everything else from the sound is basically you would tune it to what you plan to do so because we're putting chickens in here next we'll be putting things like roost in putting in some barrels to hold heat we're going to put a compost ring in here for the winter and then take all that out in the spring and set our plants in there so we want it to be kind of a multi-purpose greenhouse not just for growing uh but to try to keep the compost going over winter hello here [Music]
Channel: O'Driscoll Family Homestead Experiment
Views: 283,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 68x8oYuJrCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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