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welcome everybody welcome back to homestead heart and today i am outside getting ready to build my very own cattle panel green house yes i am y'all stay tuned [Music] all right y'all so as you can see i have my lumber on the ground all ready now this cattle panel greenhouse that i am making today is it has a specific purpose because i do want a place to be able to start my seeds and kind of keep them out in a nice warm area because i just don't have room in my laundry room no more so with that being said i decided to go the kennel paddle jacks he's eating on a stick i've decided to go the cattle panel route it's inexpensive not to mention i had some of the materials already on hand so i figured i may as well repurpose them because i'm not using them right here we decided last year last spring i believe or something like that that we were going to make our chicken tractors out of cattle panels now we quickly changed our mind on that after we had already started and we decided to put them in our big garden for the fall which worked out pretty good with the exception of them eating all of my tai lupa but i still have like seven or eight cattle panels that's just on here and over there on the ground that i'm not using so i'm going to go ahead and put them to good use mr h did go by and he picked up me some lumber now the lumber that i'm going to be using is 2 out 12 by 16s that's going to be the foundation for this this is going to be a 30 foot 30 foot greenhouse okay it's going to be a 10 by 30. and i'm going to be working on this project solo because right now all hands are on deck we're getting the property line cleared out for our fence so i don't have any extra hands to help me so i am going to be flying solo with this project and i'm okay with it i'm not afraid of power tools all right so you all again i'm gonna be working with two by two uh two by twelve by sixteen i have some two by fours i have some four by four posts that i'm gonna be hey sweetie hey tweedle hello sweetums and no sweetums my neighbor's dog is here now look not raining another one but anyway you all i am going to be using uh the two by 12 by 16 some two by fours and uh four by four post and i'm going to walk you through every step as i go along but that's basically all the lumber that i'm going to be using and of course i already got the cattle panels over here so because we did have the cattle panels already on hand we already have screws on hand the only thing we were out of pocket for was our lumber and each one of these the most expensive parts were the the two by twelves those are like 35 bucks a piece yeah but that's a whole lot cheaper than trying to come up with that couple of grand that we were originally looking into for a greenhouse so and since i'm only going to be using it primarily to start my seeds in maybe store some potted plants in over the winter then this is perfect i'm not growing in ground in this greenhouse i'm just going to be kind of using it as my own little garden workspace if you will so i don't have any more room in my laundry room i just can't do that anymore so i'll be starting them indoors i mean i'll be starting them outdoors in the greenhouse but the other side of that is i'm going to be building like a greenhouse inside of a greenhouse and that's to just make sure that my seedlings are nice and warm so in any case the plastic that we have in the back we will be re we will be using it whether it be for the greenhouse or whether it be for the mini greenhouse box that i'm going to be putting inside okay all right y'all so i got a lot of work to do let's go ahead and get started all right y'all so the first thing i'm gonna do is measure off my four by fours i'm gonna be cutting my posts to be two and a half feet long or two and a half feet tall [Music] ah okay so one of the things that i forgot to do because i was so anxious to get started i forgot to put down my landscape fabric so i'm gonna go ahead and do that now [Music] [Music] so i need to create a brace to con where the two boards are connecting or where they meet in the center of the four by four to make that strong i'm going to brace it with some scrap wood and i have here [Music] just a piece of 2x4 that i'm going to go ahead and cut maybe in half and then i have to cut this off too i don't think i could get that screw out of there i don't know we'll see but um i'm gonna go ahead and make a brace out of this [Music] all right you always another day and i'm back out here so just to kind of tell you the day before the only thing i was able to get done was i got the two side panels well actually start again i got the landscape fabric down i got the two side panels down and i got the 10 foot board cut for the back wall now i did have just two by fours out here covering this but i came back and i pushed in some of these six inch uh fabric staples hey girl get get little poop magnets go i managed to get the six inch staples in this morning to kind of hold it because no matter how many boards i put down there it's still gonna blow plus i need to use these boards so i went ahead and used the staples to hold this down and i put them about every eight foot okay so see what i mean about my greenhouse that's been covering maxine look at this it blew over again and maxine has been exposed so this is what this is just even though we had it anchored the winds have been strong lately and it's just not strong enough with anchor cinder blocks it's just not strong enough to hold this little thing so these 16 foot boards are extremely heavy very strong and i do believe that this will be sufficient for holding um for holding in place okay so now what i'm going to do is go ahead and i'm going to get these i'm going to stand these up i'm going to get my uh back panel on mr h wants it to be a little bit stronger so he's gonna get some minose bird two by sixes and we're gonna add them on top of these two by twelves but that's not gonna stop me from getting the wall up i can go ahead and get this up and then whenever he comes with the boards i can go ahead and get those put in place with the sides standing okay so let's go ahead and get started day two [Music] thing is heavy [Music] all right y'all so what i am doing is um since mr h is so [Laughter] wonderful he's here to help today so what we're doing you all is we are adding an additional two by six yeah uh to go all the way around because the height was not good enough for mr h he was gonna be bumping his head if it was gonna be at six feet so we needed it to be a little bit taller okay yeah so we're gonna go ahead and add uh more uh two by sixes all the way around on the two sides and in the back and that way we'll be raising it up a bit when we put the cattle panels on yeah so so we have enough head space yep yeah so it's gonna work out pretty good gonna work out great yes i'm cold kind of brisket today it is briskly all right y'all we're gonna get back to work [Music] [Music] all right y'all so so far we've gotten all of the sides done and we had to do some extra bracing now on the outside here we put just some scrap pieces of wood on the outside to brace the boards where they came together because this is 32 feet so we braced them with some two by fours where they joined on both sides and now remember this is two by twelves on the bottom and two by six is that other board that's sitting on the top and they're each sixteen feet long and we have four by four post um is what we're using to make sure this thing is strong and secure now come on home all right so the braces are on and now we're going to be using these these are temporary we're going to take them off and we're just using them to secure the cattle panels just to make sure that they are even all the way down and we've already started getting the cattle panels put on let me show you so far mr h right there there's miss drake so far so good so we got two cattle panels on we had to get started to make sure we uh we're doing it right so now as you can see the two by fours are helping because we're just resting the base of the cattle panels on the two by fours and we're just putting a staple in to hold them in place for now [Music] so [Music] all right y'all so it's the end of the day and we've gotten five cattle panels on and we are three short so we're gonna have to pick up three more cattle panels mr h is gonna go ahead and start on the evening chores and what i am gonna do is go ahead and zip tie uh the sides together because they are a little you know [Music] all right y'all so we're back it's another day and uh we are getting ready to now go ahead and finish putting the cattle panels on sun is bright all right y'all stick around [Music] foreign all right y'all cattle panels are on all counter patterns are on and we have everything we got the panels joined together with the zip ties mr h is clipping off the excess right mr h now the older panels that we had on the ground had kind of a sag in it so we put these posts up right here just to kind of brace it to kind of push those panels out right there and hopefully by pushing them out uh letting them sit like this for a little bit hopefully that'll kind of get that little sag bump that was sitting right there in them yeah and on the front right here let me show y'all these we put these on just you know we was using it to help to kind of be a measurement for the cattle panel these right here but once we put them on it's just with some scrap lumber and attached it to the 4x4 we actually like the way it looks so we left them there it made it look so clean and so neat so we actually like the way it looked so we just left it total accident totally [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] all right y'all so now we're getting ready to frame out the back window here we have this window that when we were doing some work on the house and we had these extra windows that he just had extra and so he left them here with us because he wasn't going to use them so we put them away because we thought maybe one day we may need them [Music] so [Music] bye all right y'all so it's the end of another day um we've gotten a lot done today we got all of the rest of the cattle panels up we were able to get them all uh zip tied together right yeah we built the frame for the front door yes we got the frame completed yeah yeah and the braces for the front door yes and we also got the window in yeah got the window here all right y'all it is a new day the window is in on the greenhouse i'm actually getting ready to put the braces up on the side i just finished going around reinforcing the cattle panels on the outsides putting those staples or those um little you nails or whatever fencing staples is what they're called but i just got to going through reinforcing those just making sure that i had enough in and making sure that the ones that we put in were all the way in to hold it nice and firm so that's done smash my finger it hurt so now i'm going to go ahead and get started with measuring i still got a lot to do i got to do this get the braces done get the the door frame is already done but i got to make the door so i get those two things done and then i'm off to the garden [Laughter] [Music] hey [Applause] all right y'all it's another day i'm getting ready to put the insulation on on the edges here [Applause] too short he called me short i'm vertically challenged all right so now what we have decided to do and what mr h is doing is we're actually cutting the pieces in half and the reason why we're cutting the other pieces in half is because our wire is on the outside of our greenhouse instead of on the inside and so what we're going to do just to make sure that we protect the greenhouse plastic we're cutting it in half and then we're putting the insulation on the end or the bottom pieces of that uh cattle panel right there [Music] all right now it's time for us to put on the plastic all right the plastic we got is yeah i think it's 25 feet wide by 50 feet long he calling me short again [Music] [Music] [Music] all right y'all so it's another day now as you can see it's windy and plastic is blowing everywhere the staples we were originally going to use to put the plastic on we just didn't think it was going to work so we got these let me show you see that plastic i got to do this in a hurry what we decided to get was these one and a quarter inch roofing nails and we got them because of that plastic um forgot but anyway this little plastic cap here that is on here nailing it in this will help to hold that plastic secure that plastic to the board before it blows away or before it rips my plastic [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm not gonna throw this piece away i'm gonna use this for my door because i still gotta get the door on [Music] all right y'all it's another day it's about seven o'clock in the morning i am in the greenhouse and it is raining to kind of show y'all what they see that green hustle fell over again back there look i'm watching lady lead and what she's doing is shopping in her own backyard don't you just love that shopping in her backyard right that's who i'm watching [Music] all right y'all several days have passed due to weather this entire project was put on hold for the better part of a week okay it's been raining and extremely cold and actually it was well below freezing this morning but we got a break and it's warming up a bit so i'm going to try to take advantage of this and come out and get this done so the screen one two three [Music] now we're gonna put we're going to put down this batten strip that we got from grower solution and that will help with that will help with the wind because we've had some really high winds here lately yeah so we got to do something about that so we're going to put down this batten stripping to hold our plastic in place [Music] now the stage got us this heavy duty latch right here yeah to hold our window in place because the other one was a little bit too big okay latch is done for the window so we got our screen window right here and then we got our plastic window right here and this just lets up like this and we had to put the latch on the side because it wouldn't work up here so we just put it on the side and lock that in place like so and our window stays in place yes so we're good to go we're good to go y'all so all right y'all it is finally done the cattle panel greenhouse is complete and i am going to go ahead now and give you all a tour let's get to it all right y'all this is the greenhouse the pup does not come with your cattle panel greenhouse just for the record all right you all so as you can see it's all done now i know the first thing that catches your eye is all of the orange uh roofing nails i asked mr h did i go overboard with the roofing nails he was like no not at all however i did want to make sure this plastic was good and secure all the way around y'all and it is because i got those roofing nails everywhere but any case you all can see the greenhouse and just look at the outside you can see i have the hinges there for the door here i have my handle here and then for the little window at the top i love that little window you all i really do because once i and of course the window is hinged at the bottom now this right here is just this doesn't open this plastic right here is going to be the plastic right there no matter what okay but this right here i just wanted that window to open in the spring and summer just for some extra ventilation and it's a nice big window and it has screen on the other side and i'm going to show you that okay now you see the insulation that goes around the edges here and of course if you remember me saying that's strictly to prevent the plastic from tearing on the rough edges of those cattle panels and i even cut off pieces of insulation where the wood would touch the plastic like here i put insulation i just cut off pieces of insulation and put it here and that would just add some just be an extra bonus and i did the same thing up here at the door frame as well for that door frame i did the same thing i'm going to back up so you can see look at there this is the side of it right here and we got the strapping over the top because we had some terrible winds to come through after i started putting the plastic on we put it on in four sections and it looks really good and of course i use roofing nails also for the strapping when we put the strapping on i put a roofing nail here the strapping we actually measured it the length of the board almost rather and then i just folded it tucked it in and then put another nail here just to give it some extra strength and i did that all the way around and again this is the back side this is the window area and as you can see that window looks really good it looks real good we did a really good job of framing that window out stabilizing it putting in that old window even though it was really nasty we also you all because the ground is so unlevel we had to add some extra wood at the bottom of this on the outside just to give the bottom boards just to make sure that they had some extra stabilization there even though we have them connected to the 4x4 post on the inside we just added an extra piece of wood to the bottom and it also helped to compensate for the fact that because it's not leveled it was open and anything could just go right on in but we put another board on the inside as well and i'll show you that all right so there's again that insulation right there on the wood where the wood may have been touching the plastic and it didn't do that in every spot just in some all right y'all before we go in i'm going to show you this awesome window and how it works i love this i'm going to open my latch on my door i'm going to open my door just a bit i'm going to unlatch my window and even when i unlatch it it doesn't just fall out but it does allow for me to fold the window all the way down just like so and then i have screen right here as you know and so this just provides for some added ventilation i mean a nice big window so if i open that back window and this big window that'll give it some good circulation i love this window now we can go on inside welcome to my little cattle panel greenhouse and i just love it it is so warm in here now y'all can see the strapping here y'all could see it this this greenhouse is about six and a half feet tall in some places in the center yeah it's still about six and a half almost seven feet tall but as you can see y'all we did connect the panels because we didn't cut this we just overlapped it right here but we connected them with some strong zip ties but and then of course we have the ground cover down and you can see we put the boards down on the inside because where because it's not level ground we didn't level the ground we did have some gaps i just uh nailed in some boards where the gaps were to keep rodents out and that look at it it's doing the trick right and our window does let up and down easily let's up and down now you can see how we nailed underneath the 2x4 that the window is sitting on we just put some extra bracing there to be a support for the window and it turned out really really nice it really did now i know somebody's going to ask what is this and we'll talk more about that in another video this is that old greenhouse that kept blowing in the wind kept falling over right and i'm going to show y'all that in another video as well all right y'all so i am 98 done with this greenhouse the final two things that i have to do to this greenhouse is number one i have to add my other handle to the inside of this greenhouse i almost forgot about that but i have to add my other handle to this and i also have to add a little hook latch so that i can keep it closed from the inside so it just don't swing open so as i was saying if i can see it then and i can envision it then i can do it you know it might not be perfect but i can do it i know how to use a drill i know how to swing a hammer and i can do it right and so can you but so far i'm just absolutely i'm just loving it y'all i really am how much did it cost mrs homestead heart i'mma tell you significantly less than if we would have actually purchased a hoop house or a high tunnel or greenhouse whatever you want to call them you know i know they have different names because they have different purposes but this was significantly less expensive so for the plastic and for everything else all in we may be at just under 600 bucks and i think i'm being generous i think i'm being really generous all right y'all that's gonna do it i hope you like this cattle panel greenhouse now i can get back to work i have so many other projects to tackle and i'm having to do most of them on my own because as you know we got a fence project going on and so i don't have extra hands right now it's just these two because defense project is off limits to me since i got stung in my eye i can't go help no more but i am still filming um as we go for that and i'm gonna do another video talking about the fencing project and where we stand the bumps in the road and all of that because we have hit some more bumps in the road but that's okay it it just comes with the territory that's all i'm not stressing out about that because i know it's gonna get done okay but in any case you all that is going to do it for my greenhouse build i'm so excited because now baby i'm fixing to go ahead and mix up my seed starting mix i'm gonna get started with some seeds cause i'm a week late i'm a week late on my seeds i couldn't even get all my onions planted because of the weather we've had storms and it's been crazy it's been crazy but that's okay the greenhouse is done and i'm ready to get started all right y'all i hope you liked this video if you did give it a thumbs up i know it's probably gonna be a long one too because it took so many days and uh a couple of weeks actually yeah a little more than a couple of weeks since i started this so who the editing on this is gonna be all day no it ain't hopefully but anyway you all that's going to do it now can get back to work on the other smaller projects and other little videos because i really haven't been filming much because my focus has been this mm-hmm but y'all that's it if you haven't done so already give our video a thumbs up subscribe to our channel hit the notification bell so you don't miss a single video that we upload to our channel and share this with others as well that you think would enjoy our content we love for you to share thank you all so much for your wonderful emails and all of the wonderful kind things you all have been doing for us and prayers and everything thank you all so much right we appreciate each and every one of you for all of your love and support all right y'all thanks so much for watching homestead heart peace and blessings to each and every one of you and we'll see y'all in the next video [Music] you
Views: 684,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to build a cattle panel greenhouse, how to start seeds indoors, Homesteading Channels, How to grow Cushaw, Black Farmers, Black Homesteaders, How to make pineapple jam, How to store Dry Beans Long Term, How to can potatoes, How To Can Carrots, How to make homemade Jelly, How To Can Green Beans, How To Start Homesteading, How to Process Chickens, How to grow watermelon, how to can meat, how to can butter, livestock guardian dogs, how to start a garden
Id: bdoNA-hsDeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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