DIY PVC Greenhouse In A Day 🌱 Full Step-By-Step Easy Low Cost Build Instructions

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in this video i completely rebuilt my greenhouse just so i could make a step-by-step instructional video so you guys can follow along at home if you find this video helpful i'd appreciate if you hit that like button i really appreciate if you subscribe as there's tons of content on my channel already and way more to come and as always good luck and god bless all your greenhouse and garden projects [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] go into the beehive here's the queen right there [Music] hello everyone and thank you for watching i got so many requests from my previous greenhouse video about how to build it step by step so i decided i would tear it down and rebuild it again if you like the video smash that button down below and don't forget to subscribe this greenhouse can be built in a day my friend and i did so here on this farm in just over 10 hours while this greenhouse rebuild video took several days because we were filming it and we had weather issues this morning it's best to always start off by leveling your land we did so here by using these large retaining wall blocks if you have a significant slope you can terrace the land using multiple layers of blocks in order to level this greenhouse i find it easiest to pick like pick one corner and use that as your master you level it in every direction off of that one choosing this one down here either raise or lower everything else around it in accordance with this one this is very rough but i got my master corner down this one's now level oh beautiful subtract or add soil to level each block to get them straight use a string tie between two spikes [Music] one of the first things you want to do is choose the proper materials on the previous greenhouse i was on a really strict budget so i only use standard non-pressure treated pine wood and i actually use two by fours in some spots they have two by sixes this time i'm using pressure treated two by sixes which will probably more than double the lifespan of the greenhouse the rough outline of the greenhouse is 10 feet wide by 12 feet long using the 10 foot pvc piping it creates the perfect arch just the right height to resist wind rain and snow snow kind of just falls right off of it i'm doing this one 10 feet by 12 feet i'm getting a 13 foot wide by 25 foot sheet of greenhouse plastic for the main arch to go over the top so therefore i can go exactly 10 by 12 and have enough overhang so the plastic can meet over the edges i can crimp them down usually i would cut the ends down because when you put them together you get like the extra width of the of the two by so it actually adds like a couple inches to your overall project but as with all things measure measure twice cut once this raw lumber even though it's called a two by six by twelve foot it's not always exactly twelve feet long case in point this board right here is an inch and a quarter longer than 12 feet that's 12 feet right there use a scrap piece [Music] i'm gonna be using these three inch exterior screws i find they last very well out in the elements level up and square your corners now i'm not too worried about making the whole thing level and square right now i'm gonna work first to get all the corners connected then it'll be easier to move it around where i want it and get level at that point this other 2x6 right here this is going to be the other side of our planter bed i'm going to hold off on that for now nice oh beautiful thing you want to put a t okay so on the ends the two ends you put a t for everywhere in the middle you're gonna put it across now the debate has been whether to use pvc cement on there some people say yeah go ahead and do that so it lasts for years people say no so that way you can easily change it out i i didn't do it last time and it made it a lot easier to disassemble for the corners we have to bend the pieces you're taking the two hole straps and you just gotta bend these ends up [Music] to accommodate the corner good correct that's gonna be very loose because it's not meant to be like that so i want to place a piece of either a piece of wood or something in here as a wedge i've got a piece of extra tv [Applause] and i'm just eyeing it up but i mean you want it like about six inches so i cut that pvc pipe in half just like so i'm gonna use this as my like spacer right over the pipe like so look at that i'm gonna put one on both sides actually even stronger [Music] now this is just for the corner once again it's not for the whole thing i'm going to add the tape because it makes it easier to hold in place while you're working got right level where i want it don't go too far i was with through the strap on that one so we're going to repeat the process in this corner now just repeat that and all the other corners so on the ends we're going to use the t whereas in the center we're going to be using the crosses this on the other end also when you get them new they're going to be perfectly straight these are already pre-bent from being out in the song it's easier just to put the pvc pipe in straight up and then bend it later so because he's already been we're gonna do it together like this dead center of this length here is 12 feet one and a half inches so we're going to mark our center six feet three quarters each 23 or 20 and a half and we're gonna mark it on the other side as well [Music] trying to figure out the width of the door that we need or want on here and we're basing that on the width of our bins so we would like to be able to carry our bins in and out either with soil we just mixed or with plants and this is the best way to do is to measure that so you know how wide to make your opening i mean if you're not gonna carry bends in you can make any size door you want probably talking about 25 inches we have agreed upon a 30 inch door so that's what we're going to go with we're going to find the center point so it's ten feet and a quarter inches five feet and eight the center right there that is correct here's 15 inches so our door will be inside of that now that we know where our door is going to go take the board we're going to be using go by the top line that i made the top like okay top corner is that your guide okay right on once you get it level what you want to do is you want to mark it off where this thing is you get a couple of lines whatever shows up the most that's where you're going to cut it at that's how you would do it if you were by yourself or if you just want to make it easier just put two clamps on it and you're good to go it's fast faster than drilling it in actually all right without touching it so we can see where it lays naturally and if that is your leader mark the back of it perfect so i'm going to make sure it's exactly 30 inches i'll make the gap 30 inches the door will be slightly smaller so i cut the next board to 30 inches these are two cut offs from six by sixes okay so we can actually see exactly where we need to put the boards at so in other words if i take this boot right here and you go okay i want the board to run across the top right here so i'll say i'll put it right there said these pvc pipes can rest on it this way we know exactly where the board's going to be so there's no guessing beautiful i'm gonna try to get one in [Applause] [Music] not bad this screw only will go in like an eighth of an inch so what we're gonna do is we're gonna sink it in about that floor we got a drill bit here we're going to drill it in to a halfway the trick to this so you don't go in too far you get a piece of tape and you put it to where you want it to be i went too far in this one that's why i'm doing this now yeah i went too far [Applause] [Music] right there last time because i had the boards all sitting on top of this and use the plywood it was up here i'm gonna go all the way out this time i think overall rigidity of the structure is worth that little bit of sacrifice for like the style whereas the last time it was like flush mounted it looked really smooth but it wasn't as strong as this way would be in my opinion so it's exactly six inches from the corner over the top all right so we'll put top angle right there beautiful don't worry about the bottom let's try to get this top part level right there putting one screw all the way around in case we have to make adjustments all right once i get my pilot drilled then i'm gonna come around make sure everything is where i want all right [Applause] beautiful all right on the next side oh man i'm sorry i missed that guys but i literally just repeated the same thing on the other side on this side so just literally do the same thing over again the same 79 and a half and three quarters from the bottom um same thing i just ran this one a little lower so it'll be extra strength in the middle of the greenhouse you can do that if you're on a hill like i am or you can just make it flush with the bottom and then just put stones underneath of it or whatever you choose but other than that it's the same thing as the other side so far i want this screw to sit about right right about there i wanted to see so given that you roll it make a little mark like that so that so then you take the drill bit and you mark it with some tape so that you know don't go deeper than that then you repeat that on the other that's perfect right in there where you want it to be so between the two screws on the other side and this one this should be pretty strong you could always add steel plates these are like hurricane ties if you really want to make it even stronger you always said you were going to build me a house you just didn't say that it was going to be a greenhouse so that's where the top will go sits into the corner take your line down the board and the rain's coming in you know there's rain dances was there an anti-rain dance [Applause] again six inches from the core is that where you want it all right so you match the top corner up right here you go on your line and then you draw maybe a pilot screw in there to hold things together for us all right now's when you want to make it right where you want it all right line that up now beautiful almost perfect are you doing double checking with two levels in case one's lying [Music] [Applause] [Music] day three because we've been putting around and filming it and didn't have the supplies here we're going to put it on the back side of the board right here okay but go down go to the bottom now so you get an accurate reading 142 and three quarters slightly larger just like an eighth before i cut the ends off of the board what i usually do is i look for damages like this one has a little chip there's got a knot so you're gonna cut something off get rid of that 142 and three quarters same thing on the next board back [Music] that feels so much more sturdy now having double braces spread apart than just one single brace [Music] so let's go with 47 26 15 16. one screw on each end pvc pipes are just about two feet on center just about not perfectly with just about two feet on center you gotta think when you add the clip in you have to make the p this pipe right here a little shorter than the two feet so they when it fits in the ends it lines up i got 22 and a half inches using a relatively fine tooth saw the finer the better because it won't get caught and break and then you cut that one then you measure the next one cut that one you don't want to measure them all out once more every time you get out take out a stall but you're going to lose some all right once you get them firmly in if you look inside you can see that the ends meet looks pretty good [Music] it is perfectly cut yeah see that that good i am susie because i'm the job perfect instead of doing the standard plastic flapping window we had last time you got a real a real actual double pane double hung window uh secondhand of course but if we knew that we would have moved this thing in maybe not because we wanted this side to match that side so i mean yeah it's giving a take so now it looks uniform but now i have to put this here the window is 23 and three quarters so in order to get our our gap back we have to cut with the rip a two by four long ways so what we'll do is mark it at 23 and three quarters we want to remove seventh and then every day [Music] the sun is shining outside [Music] hold on all right okay we'll fall out don't let it go let's see where we're at with that point five eight so now these measurements don't matter because at home whatever kind of window you got watch your palm don't not there huh anywhere but there hey [Applause] [Music] i don't [Applause] hear you bye perfect good one [Applause] all right so these little wax it's not bad we got a window in our greenhouse now take this please hold down low we'll go to the corner of the pipe not the wood but the pipe itself the outside of the pipe i have 124 inches okay okay so 29 hold the wood grab the grip and let it release it stop and that's at 29 inches once again take our two hole straps and we're going to mount them like so before we do that though we're going to measure where they should be so it's 23 and a half inches from the corner to the center so we're going to do the same thing so we're going to make mark that as the center and you don't have to do this this is just to like make it look as neat as possible so all the lines are perfect that's why i'm measuring each one because they're kind of all off just like slightly let's go halfway in to get started eating all the food snuggles and he's pretty singing that's my little dude way too many toys up in the room and this is all he really ever choose [Music] so it looks like so [Music] some of them are harder than others to straighten out you might need to use a hammer we're going to go 29 inches and that'll be the bottom mark of our wood [Music] take your half inch two hole strap it might be easier to use a pair of pliers for this part i'm going to come around here and straighten it out like that so once you get it looking like that just by straightening out one side i'm gonna go halfway in now so i have room to adjust we're gonna do one more before we tighten them down 27. okay so pretty much this knot is not as dead center right there going by that other end is off but we'll tighten this end down first and we'll go from there all right that has like super rigidity to it i mean you could double it up and put an extra strap here and strap here if you really wanted to so you want to straighten these out on one side and right about the highest point where it meets on the two by six and once again we'll cover that with some foam padding so that it won't affect the greenhouse sheeting let's check the measurements this is a speed square i have tightened down a little too much to move [Music] beautiful varying the long screws on the short screws so like the ends i use the long ones in the middle these are long ones and like every other one i'm using long ones love to see [Music] and she's done a bunch of different options here insulation uh pipe wrap that has like tinfoil on one side and foam in the other we have thick boom wrap and these are like type of like rubberized coating these are all things you can get your local like big box stores and this is what we're going to use to go over the edges where there might be a screw or um any kind of metal anything where it would possibly wear at the greenhouse plastic and cut it we're going to put this over as a precaution i decided to use a piece of 1 8 inch thick rubber and just cut it put over these top spots on the corners only on the edges just because these are going to have i get the most tension out of the whole greenhouse probably this this area right here put that over there thank you i'm putting the staples on the back side where you won't see it and because that way is less chance the plastic touching it i'm gonna go over it with this like i guess it's like a weather seal self-adhesive it'll just look that much nicer and if you're super extra like us you put the white tape over it so you don't see it super padded it looks nice we also started to fill in the gaps we'll add rocks and gravel and other dirt as needed um i probably could put just tapered you don't always have to do the film the only the film if it feels like it's protruding out more than tape can cover but for like this it's not that bad so tape will be fine all right up top we're gonna do the same thing all right after a long rain delay we are back this is our one by stripping it's like half inch by one inch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now these strips will hold the plastic on to here and we're going to do the same thing here on the other end our friends over at ag fabric sent us this 5.5 mil 12 by 20 greenhouse plastic since it's only 12 by 20 we're gonna cut it in half and use it to sheet the sides and we have another sheet that we have from another supplier that we purchased for the top this is not a sponsored video he just sent us this for free because they wanted us to test it out so we're going to give an honest review since i'm not being paid for it by the way if you want to send me some products to test out be sure to email me be careful cutting it open so you don't cut the plastic itself ag fabric all kinds of like landscaping fabric greenhouse shade cloth all kinds of stuff first impressions it looks looks pretty decent heavy weight nice that's some good stuff right there there's like a 10 foot it's gonna be perfect as long as you know you have enough excess to cover everything we're good [Music] all right we take this put it up here it's very easy to crack these boards if you're using impact you lower it down to one you can put on two just just don't go in all the way let's go to the edge of the two by four over here to the left yep right to the edge because we want to put a hinge on here it's better to get it as much out of the way as possible so much better with pre-drilled pull tall this way and down place it pulled straight down yeah there you go don't have to make it super tight but the tighter you make it the cleaner i think it looks so now you can readjust these guys [Applause] this sheet of plastic is 13 by 25. this will go over the top of the greenhouse 13s we have a foot wider and 25 so it would be x's on both sides [Music] for now we can just use it and now we take off the clips boom that awesome then you can also readjust and spread out as you need them now you can cut off the excess make it look pretty i'm going to add more strips of wood here and here get some airflow so we don't get cooked while we're in here [Applause] i love the plastic overhanging overhanging the window a bit because i figured that way less chance of water or anything getting in there and rotting it why not if you have it just leave it even here i mean it doesn't really matter but that much more insulation hey hi how you doing look at that i cut it just below the window sill and now i'm gonna put some tape on it that watertight seal so when the rain comes down doesn't go behind the plastic [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] i have these milled pieces of one by they are a little over three quarters of an inch by about an inch and three eighths so i mean you can use whatever you want to make your door you can use the pressure treated pine versions these milled ones because it's hardwood i'm thinking it might be a little a little stronger now it's not pressure treated so i'm gonna have to stain this and seal it our door opening is 30 inches by 70 and a half roughly so it might be measure yours before you make the door 30 inch boards top and bottom and then we'll cut the other ones to go in between that and we'll put one in the center that's even shorter originally one at 70 and a half total overall height of the door but because we're going to put these 30 inch pieces on top i got these two little pieces of scrap here to represent the top and the bottom so what i do is i go to 70 and a half put a little mark on it where it would be then i take the two pieces of wood put them on that mark and now i get where it will be now at the tops and bottoms on it and that's what you cut line them up make the mark so if you get them cut line them up we're going to make a mark at 30 inches just a little dot this is not really the cutting mark then take your two scrap pieces put them on that dot all right now i'm going to make some brackets by taking my speed square going by the outside line which makes a 45 degree angle make a mark at six inches turn your speed square over go by the back line we just made that will be your bracket now if you if you make that you think it's too big you can always go back and cut it again 45 degrees so there's the brackets i'll make it look nice and i'll keep it stronger just make a bunch of the same ones you can cut either four or six of these i'm doing six so i have them in the four corners and then two under the center of the door for extra strength you can do whatever way you like i will be pre-drilling holes since this is hardware i want to split it with pre-drilled holes and i'm going to use like a liquid nails type adhesive i think it's gorilla glue but whatever you also use standard wood glue if you like [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] we're going to use two and a half inch zinc plated hinges and screws [Music] [Music] you may be wondering why everything's super green and we're wearing hoodies it's because it's may 10th and it's actually like 40 degrees that's why you need a greenhouse because you never know what's gonna get cold [Music] yo that clothes is nice look at that ladies and gentlemen that's how you do it right there oh they're nice yeah start from the top so this is the only downside of using hardwood is that a normal stapler has trouble getting into it [Music] because the screws are extra short and won't make it through the wood i have to then drill it in to at least right there it doesn't go all the way through this will have to drill hole in a little bit now a door handle took this one inch pvc pipe we got a 10-foot section a coupler and another about 25 feet of another put together and this is what we're going to use to roll up our plastic later in the season when it gets hot you can roll it up with this you can put tape on it right now it's like temporary we're just going to put it on here to keep the tank out of the way and you create a seal along the bottom then you can put a rock on it where you want to hold it down i'm gonna get a nice nice size grip there's a rock right here no rotting wood nothing way better than the old way and it's lightweight too now you'll be able to literally roll it up like with one or two people put up on the side and just mount it with a piece of tape wire for a quick clamp or whatever else you have we finally finished the greenhouse 2.0 boom check it out how you like your new greenhouse awesome i love it we got the window we can open when it gets hot and we hung um professional greenhouse fan that we got second hand these clamps are working well what we have to do now is trim off the excess i like to leave at least like an inch so if i cut it like right there maybe inch or two inches just in case and if you want you can put clear tape over it just to keep it down but as you can see it's pretty sturdy if you haven't done so by now be sure to subscribe and smash that like button thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] check it out [Music] [Music] for this rebuild i decided to place the pvc pipes on the inside of the 2x6 thus creating a more flush outer look as well as a better seal when you roll the greenhouse plastic down and place it on top of the two by six on warmer days you can easily roll the sides up and secure them using a piece of aluminum wire string or a quick clamp it's 88 degrees in the greenhouse on april 14th seedlings are already coming up [Music] to raise and lower it it's as easy as pulling off your piece of wire then you lower it take your clips snap it off for safety to place the cinder block on top in the center [Music] somebody recently asked how did greenhouse plastic last after the past six years here it is right here i took it out it doesn't look it's actually not that bad still feels like stretchy pliable like fresh plastic it doesn't feel brittle like that cheap dry um drop cloth plastic does [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Living The Good Life
Views: 556,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greenhouse, Hoophouse, Hoop house, Polytunnel, Poly tunnel, Homemade greenhouse, Green house, Homestead, farming, Gardening, Garden, Greenhouse build, PVC greenhouse, Home growing, do it yourself, Winter Growing, Grow In Winter, Grower, Hydroponic, Farmstead, High Tunnel, Planter Box, Garden Box, cold frame, aquaponics, low cost, hothouse, conservatory, Winter Greenhouse, Cattle Panel, Aquaponics, Self Sufficient, Self Reliance, Food Shortage, Sustainability, how to build, plastic, prepper
Id: r4MTCKNmryI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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