DIY Cat Playbook From Foam Paper || 3 Interactive Playbooks

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where did the story of our kitten begin the book tells it all you trash containers let's check this box perhaps he's been hiding inside I'll open it up oh here he is our main character let's get the little one out we need to feed and clean our new kitten first we've got some really good food here I'll fill the bowl up off wow he's very hungry Sammy please stop or the kitten's going to cry too come on let's wipe those tears away oh don't cry do you want another treat I can wipe your tears too if you want blow your nose that's right let's wipe off all the dirt from your ears and your polishes stay soft and fluffy now let's clean your eyes poor little thing he's been alone for so long it's all over now fluffy he sure needs some vitamins right too it's time to send the kitty for a wash awesome cleaning companies here to help thanks but we don't need that drastic cleaning no mops just use gloves Roger the vet is on air this fur coat is so dirty let's hurry up and clean it off can't see it right away but parasites may look in your fur good kitty will check him up oh I see Roger I think he's hungry again his stomach is growing it's not a problem we'll feed him again in a minute [Music] kittens are wary of medication so we'll mix it in with the food eat my kitty cat get your strength back [Music] well what do we have here huh kittens don't eat fruit yummy thanks Sam now it's time to wash let's go to the groomer salon oh the kitten is already on spot so many cats don't like water but this one is an exception I'll add some more soap to make his for a clean and silky this way all right [Music] Sammy you can't do it in a paper bath let's wash off the phone off like this and gently rinse it off with warm water it's time to take some pictures for the future owners hey is it broken or something we need another device a paper one check this out [Music] cool I'll print out the pictures and place them on Sand Bliss if Sammy's on it we'll find you new owners in no time you'll see what shall we do next adaptations hello here's your new family member hello bye-bye take good care of him we will continue to look after our kitten in his new home let's get him all cozy and the tools and get ready let's go [Music] what does the kitten say that's right meow let's spell it on the front side [Music] Roger let's show the kitten his new home he'll get the world oh he's already on a home tour I hope you're comfortable here Sam got you a cute belt too didn't he so adorable interactive books sure stay tuned friends whoosh whoosh oh here you are I've already secured all the pages um ratch what will be the emblem for a vet clinic Sammy the storybook is about a kitten right so his paw should be Undercover and this will be the vet clinic sign oh great great hold on it's amazing let's go for our first book spread the kitten's box was in an awful place and it was raining heavily back there and here some greens were growing sure but we agreed to put a trash container here so I brought this oops not that much uh Sammy can you help me clean this up fine but I did it anyway yeah the trash bags in a picture now okay now it's time to assemble our Kitty shelter it's all cute and pink but with some crawling spiders on the surface Roger is everything ready oh give him here stay right there buddy oh don't look like that we'll get you out really soon let's play hide and seek shall we that's right we'll come back to you sure if you help me we'll be done in no time what do we have here again check this out I've already made a football fight Sammy what would I do without you could you help me pick out the pet food too let's smell it let's keep them both that's right why choose when you can have it all oh and put some food into the bowl we'll use the stick to fill it up I almost forgot about the vet clinic emblems such a pretty picture it's very pretty well done Sammy let's find a better spot for it right here now we'll build a shelf ah it's for prescribed medicines oh great they're eager to play Roger shall we start right now we're all set wait the clinic isn't finished yet stay tuned everyone [Music] I'm finishing up the exam room and here are the medical tools we need to store if your pet is ill go to the vet clinic and it's everything you need [Music] hahaha great I'll just set up the medicines here and you can call into kittens dear patience please take your seats uh-huh it's time to move on to the other rooms next we're renovating the bathroom they need some bubbles [Music] now let's tackle the stand for photo shooting [Music] oh let's take some pictures shall we this place is one of a kind so Raj what's next one more part of the story is left let's see this is the page where we will meet the future owners [Music] hey you need to hide watch close the door now now let's do this there everything's in place Sammy what do we have next do you remember uh hold on my mind went blind crotch oh what are we going to do think Raj think well take a picture of me and my mom oh wait yay the solution is found we can turn the page now now let's create a great ending to this story first we put our handsome Kitty in here here you go all set for a delicious lunch [Music] then book a guest visit bye now fellows let's enjoy the result [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Sammy look the first applicant let the meat oh he's so cute I want him I want this one please can I have him I'm exhausted it's so hard to help with adoptions I'm putting some straight talks in good hands are you in did you think did you like our kitten story give us a thumbs up and we'll see you very soon bye-bye hi everyone today we'll test this really cool craft oh don't cry big guy I'll help you right away we'll start with lipstick just kidding we're going to become dentists for the next few minutes don't worry I'll cure all your teeth so they stop hurting let's see did you know that everyone's teeth prints are unique it's very interesting right oh there's so many germs they have no place in the mouth come on get out of here because of you the teeth hurt that's much better the first stage is complete [Music] what do we have here oh I got it food that is good and bad for teeth with an apple there are definitely no questions it's definitely good and here's an interesting case milk itself is good but together with chocolate it creates an unhealthy sweet milkshake it's so delicious but we'll put it here and chocolate alask goes here too look if you add nutritious bananas to some milk and then freeze it you're gonna get really bad for teeth ice cream you can only eat it occasionally which is a Pity I would like it the other way around although bananas themselves can be eaten more often and they're delicious too you can also make ice cream from milk with berries for example with blueberries that sounds yummy have you tried it by the way berries are rich in vitamins okay let's finally put milk where it belongs oh I remember milk is also used for making cakes but the cakes are not so good as well as cupcakes and other sweets here's a donut and sweet soda for example guys would you like to have such a snack right now oh I would but we shouldn't eat them too often so that our teeth and stomach didn't ache that's why we'll melt the candy right here although Sam would have argued about that it's one two three four nutritious products and not so good one two three four five six seven whoa so they're more back within the good one well let's not hurry we'll eat in the odds right now these have a lot of protein almost like me it goes here carrots good too it makes teeth strong and let's add some fish all right oranges they make delicious juice and Greenery contains a whole bunch of useful vitamins and minerals look we have fruits vegetables milk and fish here what a great variety while here with harmful for teeth drinks and sweets there are far fewer options so there are more Good Foods hooray but now I'm hungry all right we can continue There are pieces of food stuck between the teeth you may have heard that little birds help crocodiles to get rid of them we're gonna do it with the help of special tools let's define what these pieces were in the beginning the first one was an apple okay now let's get this out it's hard because it's sticky uh huh so what is this I know our character is a bit of a sweet too this is the same candy that can cause cavities [Music] by the way it's useful to use dental floss after eating to get rid of the pieces of food now we can move on to the lower jaw this time the first one in our list of dental Treasures is um all right pieces of how people can also get stuck in the teeth causing pain that is why it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day alright I wonder what is this hmm it's chocolate looks like this guy has sitting a piece of it in his teeth [Music] lats plus again we should lead it from the gum up to the top like this we dealt with the rest of the food and now let's deal with the largest cavity this happens when you don't brush your teeth properly now you know how many times you need to do this people used to use coal and Ashes for cleaning their teeth but the toothpaste is nicer and we need to go deeper to clean everything thoroughly only after that it'll be possible to put a feeling that will close the cavity now nothing will hurt this tooth for sure let me just grab everything here and well that's it [Music] the feeling is like a patch and soon the tooth will be as good as new a bit more and it's done great we only have one step left we have got to learn how to brush the teeth we'll use a toothbrush you definitely have one so that the tea didn't ache and cavity to not appear it's necessary to brush thoroughly microbes also accumulate on the toothbrush so you must change it every three months we brush with sleeping movements from the bottom and up repeat on the other jaw too from the gum to the crown or the top of the tooth well now you all know how to brush your teeth give us a thumbs up okay this is it the teeth are clean and healthy we can put the brush in place look our boys no longer crying take good care of your teeth and you won't have to go to the dentist often so you forgot to tell our viewers how to make the craft Sammy you scared me I didn't forget I just left this part for later now we can get into the detail here I am choosing foam paper for our book join in while I'm making sure no one bothers you I am her Knight oh my knight can you help me make opponents in these sheets easily give it to me now I'll do everything quickly and accurately like this and like this all right you can take it Sammy you're a master these are the perfect openings for the fastening Rings it remains only to secure everything neatly by the way I even prepared a bunch more details for her book check it out oh excuse me you're so great when did you only manage to do everything then I will take over the Assembly of this part of the craft I can do some stuff too you know [Music] foreign [Music] like this oh but how do I attach this detail to the book I have an idea please are nails door hinges and stuff um Sammy I doubt that these would fit I have another suggestion let's do foam paper looks they fit perfectly into the overall look uh huh so here comes this kid um Sammy what are you doing taking the shirt collar for our boy it's very important oh so you'll take care of it excellent then I can just finish here well I trust your taste completely and I'm gluing the face of our Daredevil who came to the dentist all done he should try this on this is the latest plan wow Sammy such a beautiful outfit and it suits him so well as the doctor says say ah let's make the teeth otherwise what will the dentist treat and here comes the last details germs get out of here you nasty little things oh come on well let's better continue with our book look at all these flanked peaches here we'll have two teeth and some food so now we're going to cook them and you keep working on those teeth of course someone has to and what you gonna cook I'm in the process of creating a culinary Masterpiece are you done yet hey okay it's just I'm almost done and I can't go on without you no problem I'm all set wow you've made so many things we'll have a huge selection to play with foreign friends you wait for us right it's time to continue creating our book let's turn them you know what now it's my turn to decide what will be here sure Sam and if you like our book don't forget to give us a thumbs up and subscribe wow Sammy you did an amazing job but these images is not yet complete let's add just a few things nonsense everything say so I think we still need one big tooth with a cavity which we will treat and I'll get everything ready for a dental drill to work I'll put this here and here's our big sad patient now let's add the carries indicators it'll be easier to remove this one and the real one [Music] and we're done it remains only to fill the last page of the book [Music] and we'll definitely need it contested for now I want to brush your teeth with my super brush Tammy blush toys don't have to brush their teeth your teeth gotta stay healthy yeah me a few people love dentists get out clean our boy's mouth he can't run away don't rush he doesn't have any teeth yet now let's quickly make him some so that I could start doing my difficult work uh-huh no you are a hard worker while I was doing all the preparations [Music] this is still mine I'll get these teeth ready for brushing right now I'm playing the role of evil microbes [Music] attention attention carries it needs to be removed immediately not yet let's fix the brush on the page uh-huh well we did it our Dental book is ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is Conquering the mountains of tibetabo I decided to draw him but something went wrong so instead of Sam I got this cat I named her Kitty now Kitty needs a house so it's time to draw it [Music] I forgot to tell you before leaving Sam shared a bit of his slime speed with me [Music] this will really come in handy in our craft check this out pup huh great oh I almost forgot about the mirror it's the most important thing in the dressing room Bing much better I wish Sam was here I really want to meet him don't worry Kitty when he's back you're gonna need him for sure is it just me or is there something wrong here what are you hiding me hiding never better check out your beautiful bathroom no meow I know for sure that you hid something tell me tell me um okay okay yes I have a surprise here don't look yet you'll see it later I promise [Music] Kitty do you like the colors I chose it's you who is gonna live here after all the whole wig but what about these rooms are they gonna stay like that they sure aren't just watch how I'll be transforming this black and white picture into a bright room [Music] check it out your house is getting more colorful can you finish other rooms as fast as you did or you ran out of energy easy peasy watch and learn [Music] oh now I'm tired Sam didn't warn me that super speed is so exhausting where are the rooms you're Depo hiding something from me I just want our mini house tour to be a surprise for you too and not just for the viewers would you look at her and what's here come on Sue spit it out shoo shoo you're so impatient just like our Sammy oh I already missed him look at your wonderful house but that's not all this way will Define your needs at every moment I'll put them here for now so cool what else is here tell me already should I cover you with the box and leave you inside yeah no I don't like those faces Kitty relax it was just a joke but I still can't reveal my secret yet okay but don't prank me like that and we can become good friends all right then hide behind the door and we'll start playing so shall we guys we invite you to Kitty's house and we are welcoming our guests today you will have a sneak peek at Kitty's life knock knock welcome guests oh you're already here hello everyone meow please come in come in one by one guys please don't rush and take off the shoes to my house I'm always happy to have guests here so what is Kitty's morning routine I always go to the bathroom first how about a kitty great I have an important business there actually and I can guess what it is I'll help you with that here you can come inside no one will see or disturb you here thanks then I will leave you for a sec if you don't mind Kitty is ready to proceed with our mini reality show yeah but we're not done with the bathroom yet sure you still need to take a shower or a bath but we'll start with teeth brushing [Music] our kitty needs a little makeover here I am meow I didn't brush my teeth yet so please excuse me don't worry we'll make your teeth shine bright [Music] look how clean her teeth are guys don't forget to brush your teeth in the morning too no no fresh I'm happy that you're happy now it's time to take a bath even though cats don't like water I love a good bath but you're not gonna bathe in your clothes right let's take them off blood water I love it do you want to take a bath too I will skip it this time but the ducky will be happy to join you but my bathtub is too small you can't fit everyone now Kitty hold your breath or the soap will get into your mouth and eyes Kitty are you ready to proceed it's so nice to be green I agree but our journey doesn't end in the bathroom so let's give our cat a moment and we'll move on laughs Kitty I hope that you had enough time oh your fur looks so fluffy now we have to fix it let's go to the dressing room please follow me though I don't show this place often [Music] I guess you will need my help though let me brush you now all right [Music] and we're ready for the next step let's do some makeup I will prepare everything for that meow my favorite part I love makeup meow guys check it out how we're gonna do it sure Kitty with such a surveillance everything is going to be perfect a little bit here let's make it brighter so the eyes look more expressive sure you're doing it right I don't want any mistakes Kitty don't move or I will really make a mistake and then we'll have to start all over again okay okay I want to be I'll do my best just like an experienced makeup artist one move and a perfect eye makeup is done all I can become even more beautiful than Egyptian cats which one to choose I know this is a perfect choice oh this is scary I hope the brush won't get into my eyes it won't don't worry but Don't Close Your Eyes once I blinked accidentally so I had to redo the whole makeup okay this part is done just the lower lid is left let's get to it I used to think that cats are beautiful without any makeup of course everyone is naturally beautiful but sometimes you want to add some accents check out how bright your eyes are now guys give our kitty a thumbs up [Music] watch How We Do to finish the makeup I will add some blush here and here so everything looks symmetrical there we go I want to see how beautiful I am you remind me of Sammy he also thinks that he's the most handsome One foreign the lipstick here oops what what is it what what happened uh oh sorry it's a wrong shade don't worry I'll fix it in a second I think this color fits better see you I was right about the shade this time this is a perfect choice for our makeup [Music] look [Music] you're just like Sam he's also very impatient I want to add some stars to make your face shine bright I'll be a super Queen but I need an outfit and a hairdo phew let me rest a bit it's hard to be a makeup artist we'll proceed in a second okay I'm totally in come to this side and we'll start huh perfect hmm nope not this one I don't like it at all you have other options I think this hairstyle is a perfect fit what do you say I like it meow now I need a matching outfit I agree so shall we try some clothes on here we go meow I'm so ready guys are you with us give us a thumbs up if yes we'll start with clothes let's try this outfit we also need a hair accessory hmm that doesn't look bad add more accessories the style is about details okay but it's not what we need let's redo oh you're so serious don't worry I can make it I have a perfect taste you'll be the most gorgeous cat voila awesome I have to say you did you decorate thanks now I guess Kitty is hungry already shall we go to the kitchen here we go it's time to change the location now let's see pup and we're moving here I'm so hungry oh but there's nothing here okay then we'll do some food shopping the supermarket is right here in the house hmm nice assortment and reasonable prices we'll take some ice cream here we go [Music] and this will be good for a smoothie let's put it here awesome [Music] smoothie interesting then you have to use the blender right you are and that's just what I thought about [Music] [Applause] thank you now we have everything ready let's pour it in the glass this is sure tasty come on feed me already give me a sec you will have as much food as you want um [Applause] [Music] well I hope you are full we have one more thing left to do don't go anywhere just yet guys [Applause] a busy day in our cat house is almost over guys our kitty is really sleepy so let's go to the bedroom we have a warm and cozy bed there I'm ready to rest meow good night Kitty you have a wonderful house meow oh guys I'm so happy you were here with me today
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best crafts for kids, crafts, crafts for kids, crafts ideas, decor ideas, diy, diy family projects, diy for kids, diy ideas, diy ideas for kids, diy kids projects, diy projects, easy crafts, family crafts, family diy, hacks, how to, ideas for kids, kids diy, kids videos, know how, learning video, school hacks, school tips and tricks, slick slime sam, slick slime sam live, smart ideas for kids, tips and tricks for kids, tutorial, tutorial for kids
Id: l-dvcSSv4Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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