DIY Camper Van Build: The Ultimate Road Trip Machine

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well hello good people how are you very well I hope I've got a really nice motorhome stroke campervan a self-build one one of the best I've ever seen I would say that though because I built it I'm really looking forward to showing you this one do stick around to the end because there are some things in this that I did that I would definitely change see what I did down King you hooked in keeping you hooked in come let's go and have a look [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's a 2.3 liter 130 brake horsepower but I've had my one upgraded to 165 brake horsepower because I really wanted that extra bit of oomph on the motorway and overtaking because I got quite a lot of stuff in there and it is a bit heavy so what's the benefit of the Maxi well it's about that much longer that's great I visually think it looks much better from the side it just looks just looks right to me they are a bit rarer to come by but you do get a few extra bits you get this extra bit of plastic here which I quite like 16 inch wheels is standard so a bigger brake disc as well better stopping power and it takes a better heavier payload as well which is good isn't it you know not bad now I want to show you around the whole vehicle inside and out especially the garage because that's my favorite room but I need to give you a little bit background about me first my name's Errol and a bit of a disclaimer here I've been building uh campervans for about 10 years now mostly Land Rover Defender campers for like Expeditions and things like that um I thought I'd Branch out and try and do one of these so this was done originally as a demo vehicle having finished it which took me a year part-time evenings and weekends I realized I just couldn't do it I couldn't make the figures balance at the end of the day so having said that I've got a really nice vehicle out of it so I'm really pleased with that I really do love this particular vehicle so let's have a look about let's go to the garage first oh my favorite room what have I got in here all kinds going on oh I gotta let you know I win a bit Ott with some of it everything I can give you material Wise information wise I'm going to put on the description below I probably won't remember everything but I do my best and there's anything I missed out anything you want to know please do put a comment there and I'll get back in touch fingers crossed okay thanks to the garage to stuff going on this is the main control room I'll show you that in a minute in this cup down here we have two Leisure batteries here and we have another one down here as well at the moment they're just AGM batteries I really would like to put some lithium ones in but we all know how expensive they are don't we but one day it will happen what else we got up here we have a little area here I can put my hose in we've got the hose up here this comes all the way out two meter hose I didn't have it on the end there because I didn't want the water running across the top of the battery so I decided to keep it all separate and also easy boxes just to take in and out and slot in like so over here this is the boil that's a Truman tumor boiler I believe it is in the description below um lots of fuses up here as well as you can see I went a bit mad with the fuses I'm a bit like that though everything inside the truck has pretty much on its own separate circuit LED strip lights all the way through as well control from this end and from over there as well where the door is that goes all the way through so if you're inside pour them with rain you want to get something from in here just come on through ah two more cups down here what we got going on here foreign the filter as well and uh oh what's the oh that's the storage more storage there you go in this cupboard here is uh all the big stuff all the good stuff we've got uh solar we've got this great big victron it's an easy plus compact I'm just reading it off of there because I can't remember everything that does the uh onshore offshore that does the inverter as well all the three pin sockets as well um we have another battery there as I mentioned and lots and bits and pieces yep I really went for it in there I loved it I loved every minute of doing that I know weird foreign I decided to go for a wall at the back of the bed because I wanted extra space to store all these bits and pieces this material is nine millimeter Birch reply and it's a flight case material you know you see on bands with the Roadies Wheeling those big containers around well that's what this is all made out of so it's really tough sturdy material it's the sort of stuff I I did all my Interiors for the Land Rovers exactly the same way but I only did it in the garage not inside we'll take a look at that in just a second oh also these so you can see these These are really nice as well I'll put a link in the description below where these come from as well I like those now for the Keen eyed amongst you you will recognize that this body wrap looks very similar to maybe something you've seen in the past and that's what you're thinking then you're not mistaken about four years ago it might be five years ago I can't be sure Fiat tacato decided to do a promotional vehicle it's a four by four version it was a maxi length and they had this lovely body wrap around it and here's some pictures for you of what it looked like when I saw that I was like I really want to emulate that but I do want to be exactly the same because you know that's kind of cheating now fortunately for me my neighbor does body wraps so I took the vehicle to her and I showed her the images I said can you do something like that and she said sure and um well this is what she came up with as you can see we added some red in there and a little bit more gold so it had to be a bit more personal it's what I wanted but she'd done a fantastic job and I gotta say when I drive this around he gets so many looks and people comment on it I think it's fantastic and the best bit is when you add in the wheels I've got the all-terrain BF Goodrich Wheels with a 16 inch Ally by by super Metal description below um it just sets it off fantastically I think it's a it is just for me it looks brilliant right then it's time to take a look inside now the layout is a very traditional layout um like you've seen in loads of campers and as I said earlier the reason why I did it it was a prototype to show potential customers what they can have and it's a kind of tried and tested layout and it does work for me I do like it let's have a look ah let's get the big step out [Music] lovely oh that's better okay so got the swivel seats and this double seat here as well this is from a VW T5 and it's brilliant because it's got storage underneath as well really impressed with that and the best bit I got that off of eBay for 100 pounds that was by far the best bargain of the entire build I put lots of other bits in we've got USB ports on the window ledge here all the lights are on touch sensitive switches and they're all dimmable I've got USB ports and three pin sockets all over the place in this camper I've also got hidden away in this cupboard uh 4G Wi-Fi unit as well we can connect up multiple devices all that kind of stuff one thing I wanted to show you and um well I've completely forgot to bring it is I had a little table that drops in just below this so this comes out the way in stores in behind the seats there and this table then sits in this middle bit and the best bit about is I've got a dog and this comes the dog's bed but when he's not on the bed during the day it becomes like it becomes like a day bed it's fantastic I can sit there my relax my legs out there it's brilliant I really love it now I really like my cooking and I wanted a big kind of kitchen area and a hob sink combination unit that would work well obviously I haven't done many of these before and so I decided to get the can double burner with a glass lid um now one thing I decided I definitely wanted was a really good quality tap uh it's a feeling of home which was great now these particular units here are in fact full size kitchen carcasses um all I did was chop the back section off just down the back of them you know the bit where you put your power and Plumbing in your piping in your home so I cut that away put them in it's the easiest way to do it and all these doors here that you can see I just ordered them online on the internet I just got my measurements and there was a amazing array of choices you could have as you can see also down there we've also got the oven as well I'll be honest with you next time I build one I'm gonna have that a little bit higher up um and of course funky lights underneath who doesn't want funky lights and a nice white light under there as well for all your cooking lovely white splashback oh the fridge why we're about it check out this fridge uh what makers it's a fit for the fridge I can't remember his descriptions below this is a great fridge actually um it's huge as you can see and we've got a freezer compartment oh in the top there as well which I love um lots more storage up here back here some of them I put lights in as well as you can see when I first decided to build this I kind of wanted to go more natural materials um one thing I have used you can see on this gray here for instance is your normal lightweight fiberboard which is used in loads and loads of campers it's great stuff you put these kind of rubber Trims on comes in so many different varieties of colors and materials it's really nice so I used it a bit but I do want this everywhere what is wood I really love wood so I've never used bamboo so I decided to use some and it's great I'm going to give you a close-up of some of the bamboo look at that and bamboo is just lovely now the only problem with bamboo is it does weigh quite a bit so I probably put a bit too much bamboo in next time I'll put a bit less um but otherwise I think it looks fantastic also other areas you can see on here I decided to go for this lovely lovely padded fabric as well just gives it a touch of glamor and a touch of uh five star and I've got that pretty much throughout oh another thing about the bamboo the bamboo also comes in these nice very thin strips on a roll lovely bit of texture and I've got that in a few areas one thing I've decided to do for the toilet is the toilet could sit here I decided to have it internally like so and I know a lot of people like oh I don't want to be taking that through the camper when I got her empty honestly these things are so well sealed in it's not an issue or two at all so um you know it's a lot easier a lot easier to have it there than it is to cut a hole in the outside when I came to the design of the bed I really thought long and hard about what I wanted and I decided to go for an enclosed bed and I wanted to make it kind of kind of Hotel roomy a bit like that now the bed does look quite a fair way up but I have gone and put a nice little step in here so this little bit here for instance all do is pull it out there we go he's got it pull that out like so there you go and there's your step going up to the bed like so there we are all more storage covers in here it's a great big cupboard all the way through there and of course there's another one down here as well and of course this is the access through to the back for the toilet and the shower I I decided to go for a proper sink which is one of those proper ceramic jobs as opposed to a plastic one um the shower is pretty good it's not like a shower at home you know it's lovely lovely it's pretty good but you know it's a motorhome shower basically um yeah that's that one other little touch for more work surface area I did as you can see down here there this lovely bit down here there's something out there got a campers and you can't have a camper without that beautiful oh if you're wondering what this thing is here this black thing here that's because my dog has a habit of jumping up uh looking out the window so I had to put that there to protect some of the fabric and that's for all the controls while they're all up here as well if you look behind me here we've got uh we've got cobwebs got cobwebs we've got USB we've got the trauma heater um that external awning lights uh water tanks gas all that sort of stuff all the normal stuff you would expect to find a camper oh one other thing I want to show you I went for the winter blinds these window blinds very very expensive but you know the ones they go like this oh look at those oh there we are these things here very very sexy but also extremely expensive they've got two that come across the front window as well I highly recommend them if you if you're thinking about because they're like five and a half hundred pounds I think I can't recommend them enough they are they just make a world of difference uh easy to operate as well so yeah it makes the thing look much more professional yeah well there you have it it's all pretty straightforward all very Compact and it's all there um I did say oh that's bright out there isn't it I did say at the beginning I'll let you know about the things that I would change if I had to do this again and I do intend to build another one I just got to get the time what would I change well in front of me is the uh sink here we go look that there what's wrong with that well the sink is way too small and on the edge here it's chipped away a little bit at the glass very annoying um I like the fact that these are separate fantastic but I really need a bigger sink so I think that is something I would change also the width of this I might just reduce it a little bit down to about here just to give me a bit more space in here it doesn't need much but just a bit another thing I would change is this here I will reduce it back that way a bit because behind the toilet there's enough space to allow this seat here to go back by about that much which means I can have a much bigger day bed in there what I normally do usually is that is normally turned around Lean Forward little table in there and that becomes my day bed now a little snooze in the afternoon lovely and I think that's really about it I really do I think that's all I would change on this camper everything else I really really love um yeah so thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll try and put as much as I can in the link below uh with all the descriptions and so forth and if there is anything that you want to know that I haven't put down just leave something in the comment and don't forget to give me a thumbs up I really do appreciate it so thank you so much I'll see you in the next one take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: Errol Wright
Views: 206,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4U9hP8SsUv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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