The Ultimate HOW-TO Van Conversion guide | My best ever build!

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so this is my game I convert a van I use it for a few years and then I sell it for a profit this method it doesn't matter what my budget is owning a van doesn't cost me a dime later in this video I'll tell you more about this [Music] I built this van over 26 days while at the same time filming 150 videos for our van build course see the link in the description for more about this and our ebook which is now in its 14th Edition [Music] basic prep work we're going to store a little key safe lock box there's a good spot literally just by the door to hold the gas tank up and somehow mark it will be a bit of a nightmare so what I've done I've just taken a bit of cardboard to basically make like a simple template [Music] so now we're going to try and mount the gas tank we're going to install a window now this is a tinted window bonded on which means we basically glue it to the side of the van the next phase is we want to apply the primer [Music] we're going to install a Max fan this fan I'm a little bit lucky because we're the only place I want to put my fan is right at the end here and it's got this kind of flat area which is made for putting air con units [Music] we're going to make a simple frame [Music] and now I'm going to go around the unit very easy touches I'm going to start with the subframe of the roof [Music] uh basically Light It Up [Music] we've done these top parts now we're going to work on some of the stud work which goes around this side [Music] so this piece in here it's really strong now [Music] we're going to do the floor which will be a me so I've put some stud work down insulation and then apply finish this first bit I've cut to length because it's a funny like lumpy bit of the back I've just shaved the back up maybe maybe about that's about right I'm not going to insulate the floor where the shower is it's gonna mean we have like a bit of a cold floor in winter in the shower but it does mean I'm gonna have the maximum height in there for showering so now we're just putting a good line of this uh adhesive down so before I insulate and put my ply on the floor which will really kind of seal it all in I've decided to put some conduit so my idea is my electrics will be in this corner and then I'll just leave a couple of conduits one go into the front of the van and one going to this side so the next phase of the flooring is we're going to put the poly ISO board in I'm going to cut the ply before I put the insulation in because I don't want to be walking around on the insulation damaging it I can basically draw that out floor now I can remove all of these panels we'll do the sellotex we'll insulate we'll put in the conduit and then we'll put it all back down there's a few little gaps and little bits we can fill [Music] foreign kitchen unit across here so this will be a backsplash and above that maybe a spice rack and then some Thin cupboards which will access above the cab I'm not going to remove anything this time I'm not going to have a hatch even so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna bolt a frame to this because this upper part is at 90 degrees to the base of the band [Music] so as you can see we've framed out basically what will make up the back of the kitchen what we're going to do here is I'm going to use quite a beefy piece of wood to give me something that I can always screw into when I'm building my bed out [Music] what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a layer of plywood in there and then I'm going to add this shower wall on top I've been just trying to see how it looks with plywood on it and I realized that we get to bridge this bit a little bit and now we have a kind of quite a smooth run all the way up to the top as I continue this work around the kitchen I want to prepare where I'm going to fit my water tank foreign [Music] hey this is Nate from the future and I just want to tell you that I'm hosting a free online training that will teach you how to make van life zero cost or profitable in this free seminar I will show you exactly how to buy a van build it out in a profitable way and avoid the mistakes that most people make I will show you how I made van Life free and a bunch of other stuff that nobody else talks about if you want to join just click the link here or in the description and register for free now I've got pretty much the back all done I'm gonna install two of these windows in my van each side of the bed like the other window this window is essentially bonded on all we've got to do is cut the hole in the right place at the right size put on a glue line and then glue it into the panel so when I'm deciding the height of these windows and where I place them I want them to kind of be Central within the bed I'm basically going to have a double bed which goes sideways but then what I would like to do is add a bed plug which is like an extra piece of mattress which you put in and you take out which will turn into a king-size bed so my bed is four foot six so one three seven centimeters and the bed plug is about 15 inches around 35 centimeters so what I would like to do is have it so I can remove that bed plug and then the ends fall over and it will fit underneath the window last bit so we're taking that out foreign [Music] now I'm applying the primer as you probably meant to do it in just one continuous run [Music] I can just stop now these windows are in I can start working on a bit of a frame what I'm going to do is I'm going to attempt to make a slider box so I've made my first slider window unit and as I make the next side I'll walk you through how I did it so first I have my back pieces which I'm just making the same size so it fits the next job is to make the back piece so now I'm just checking it so because I need to finish these before I put them in I'm gonna paint a blue stripe right down the middle these are basically almost dry so here this is going to be a chair within the chair I'm gonna have the water heater and also the gas air heater they both need to be vented outside the van [Applause] so my holes come through here and I know from there to here I have a beam under this point we have beam a cross beam and then a big fat bracket but I think I think we can bring in here so we've got a position for that I'm quite happy with it I think it'll be fine now I need to work out the exact position for the water heater and cut the hole next thing I'll do is I'll apply some sealant so all I've got to do now is wait for this to dry and then this bit just hooks on screws in so what I've decided to do is I'm going to have two water tanks so then we'll have one tank which is going to be dedicated for the shower and one tank which is going to be dedicated for drinking water and cooking I can also add a pipe which goes from this tank through the pump to the other tank so that if there's good water in both of them and you run out of drinking water but you still have shower water you can turn on the tap and you can basically empty this tank into your drinking one I'm now going to drill a hole here this is going to be a hole to take the drain out the drain out will come from my sink so I'm going to have two options one to take into a small waist tank and one just to let it go outside depending where I am I'm gonna install the Gas billing point which means the hose which goes from the gas station pump will go in through here it's going to go through the floor and into the tank which is on the beneath the band slot that in [Music] I'm going to drill a hole now which will have the gas coming from the regulator which is fitted under the van and that will come up through into this box and then inside here I'll have my manifold so go the holes of the van we've done almost all the stud work the last most important thing to do before we start insulating is to do the wiring we're just gonna basically from where I'm gonna have my battery where I'm gonna have my fuse box I'm going to run those cables and I'm going to mark them on the end using some masking tape so this is my van design how it's going to look and then I just click my electric layer and then I can see all the points just the red boxes where I need to put things [Music] okay so got that one through a little bit of a game because I don't want it to be here now I'm going to leave myself a generous amount of extra cable and I think we'll come down here [Music] so I've finished now with the light wiring so I'm gonna run this through the front of the band because I'm gonna have to bring in Split charge cables today's feeling very hard she's pretty much just aching but I give her so now we're good now I can use my cable drawer for the next run and bring the pipes anywhere I want now on the last things I need to do before we insulate I need to make sure I have appropriate stud work and anything in place for holding my shower faucet that's that's gonna work I am insulating the van with this recycled polyester fleece we will be using the trim fix adhesive to stick it to the wall and stop it falling down and we'll also be using some spray foam to fill in places that we just cannot get the fleece I'm going to start by putting it in here [Music] anywhere where I have like a little Gap all right I haven't managed to fill I can always just put a line of spray foam [Music] it's a little tip obviously here it could sag but I didn't really need to spray glue the whole top and I'd like the edge to touch this so what I can do I can just spray the top of that and then you can just bring it up and magically it stays there what we're really trying to achieve here is just a tight fit everywhere what's just as important as what you do insulate I think it's also really important what you don't insulate and what I'm not insulating here is right down the back of the wheel arches so if in the future someone needs to do some welding there's a good hand span distance none of this is pushed straight into it it's just to the edge most fans there's a seal so this goes down a really long way and the bottom of that sill is often the bit which needs to be welded so I'm not going to touch them some channels don't have any holes so we're just going to have to spray from them if we want to insulate them but then these ones are quite big so what I can do I can get chunks of my insulation or strips of it and I can push it into these gaps so now I've applied all of my insulation I bought about just enough now it's time to do some spray foaming so there are some parts of the van where you just can't get insulation so for these we're going to use spray foam [Music] this is a reinforced foil vapor barrier as with applying the fleece we're going to be using the auto carpet glue the trim fix and also we're going to be using the spoiled tape what I'm going to do I'm going to do first the bottom layer then I'll lift it up I'll spray all the parts which I want to stick it to and then I can cut out all the areas afterwards first I'll cut for my wires [Music] and then because I want my window to act as a moisture barrier as well I'm gonna seal it in underneath it's not going to go anything I can see [Music] so we've got this in place pretty secure now and now we can start framing out the kitchen to start my kitchen I'm going to start off by building the back bath [Music] foreign ER and we already have a piece of stud work here behind the scenes so what I'm going to do I'm going to build a similar frame at the front [Music] so just to make my life a little bit easier I'll be using a few of these little corner brackets just to get things set up [Music] this is the kitchen really simply boxed out now I'm going to build the wall which comes from around the shower [Music] thank you [Music] so first I started building from that side and now in the same way that I marked out the van I'm going to start building from this side inwards so what I've been doing is I've put in this piece I've cut it to size taken the back off just to help it Bend what I'm using I'm using screws to do the bending and I've got holes which go all the way through and then I'm using impact driver and I'll go through them bit by bit [Music] what this really does this gives me the exact end of my bed so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to find here it is the big beam we put in to support the bed I'm gonna we'll work out the exact height of the bed I'm going to take away the bed slat and I'm going to screw a piece of stud work along it [Music] oh so as you can see we've got a shape of a bed what I wanted to do was sense check this one we've got a fridge in it which rolls out and I wonder for the safe in it as well so I need the clearance for whatever that lifts up to be although it'll be thinner I'll put a strut down the side in case the safe in and then in the front we have the fridge which is going to be on some kind of Runners but the fridge as it comes out can't go any further than this so what I'm thinking is basically having part of the seat on a hinge and as you lift up the fridge it will just roll up [Music] no that's really strong this is in place and it opens no problem pull it out on runners no further them not probably and then we can lift it up so now I could put my manifold here have the gas come up and then it will go off to my things and I could build like a little cupboard around it [Music] so now allow us to turn on and off the gas so as we're continuing the stud work what I wanted to do was start to divide the areas so beside the bed we're going to have clad in and on this side we're going to have some slats I'm just working out how I'm going to do my stud work around my battery and my electronics kit this is my big lithium-ion battery I chose a 400 amp hour battery from ampere time it it's an absolute monster but it's great value for money and they offer good customer support and a decent warranty this is the inverter so it takes 12 volt to Mains power then we have my set of charge controller then we have my battery to battery charger also on this board we'll have the fuse box and some cutoff switches and some other fuses so to manage that we need to build a bit of a frame and I like to have a slider door which will slide open and shut so these two will be my sliders [Music] so I've made this structure what I've done is I've made this top beam which will take the slats so it breaks the slats up and will make them stronger across the distance I've made a sub floor which will just put a very thin bit of ply in here and that would just mean we can kind of stuff stuff in there I don't know what but you can imagine like towels or bedding stuff that you don't need to access very often and then this will be paneled in but I have a hole here as it stops here and then I'll be able to drag it across and then cover up all my electrical stuff which will be in here now the fridge is going to be in this space so I put a couple bits apply down to make sure we get the right height put at the end and I just slide it out so you can access where the screws go they give you very small ones very short small screws because it's designed to go in a lot of different applications but I'm just using slightly longer ones because I can so I've got quite a strong Runner now [Music] let's fit in there [Music] so here we have our fridge in now I'm gonna pop my safe in [Music] so what I've done to fit this in is I've got two extra studs down the side and they're all like meshed in with other screws and I've basically screwed it down properly to the base studs as well so I'm gonna put a cupboard here and I want to get in like the first kind of back piece of it so I've set the table saw at the angle and I'll just run this through it [Music] so we have an angle now let's come in here foreign [Music] where top beams gonna be [Music] [Music] so now I can take apart my guides so we've got the Bare Bones of our frame it's Square it looks good so what I've done is I've cut these bits and these bits all completely fit I've checked it measured it [Music] [Music] there you have it one nice strong window frame beside the bed I want to have a fabric covered panel I love this fabric cover panels and inside we're going to have an LED strip which down lights the panel now to do that I've made a strip of the Redwood I've cut a channel in it and I wait for the LED strip to access it [Music] so I'm going to build an end to the bed my bed's four inches or 15 centimeters and therefore I need to build it up a bit and I'm going to use this board I'm screwing from this side so that on the outside there's no screws and it will kind of look good [Music] so the next stage for me in this van is to do the cladding now this is eight mil clad ins I think I'm going to use screw cups so what I'm going to do I'm going to find my my stud work [Music] so I just clamped this one up here just so I can Mark out and just check and double check my lights but the light here and we'll put the light here also a little bit trickier with this one we've got to go around the cupboard so we're just gonna key moving across the roof making holes for the Lights making those decisions [Music] so I'm just working out what to do with my kitchen unit they need to really get my waste canister out yeah I'd like to have a set of drawers which go back to the width the waste tank and I'd like a few more drawers which go a little bit deeper so I've just spent quite a bit of time making these perfectly level and completely Square so what I want to do here is I want one part which goes up around and down a bit of a moment of truth [Music] so now I'm going to fix this in this is not the greatest Oak worked up it's a bit longerating but it will be perfectly fine for a van this is my hob symptomatic Hub [Music] the next thing is up the water tank fill point [Music] copper pipe is quite malleable as you see this has come in a bit of a ring but if you need to do a tight Bend there's a risk that you just fold it so what you can use you can use a pipe bender and to cut your copper pipe you just clip on your pipe cutter keep it stable you can tight your pipe so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to do my middle manifold to this unit [Music] so this comes from directly from the manifold and I've just got to bring it put it into my regulator gas pipe bag is under the van should have plastic coating on it [Music] so I'm just going to make the front covered uh which will take the vent to the heater the propex heater itself it has its exhaust pipe and air Inlet which go underneath the van so we need to attach those and it comes with this so this is where your hot air goes out and this is the inlet just gonna post these through the van we do want to have these together because one's pumping out spent air and one's bringing it in so we'll we'll have them separated out [Music] I'm working on this side of the bed area and I've put in this little shape I put on a bigger strip here which will house the table and now I'm gonna put in a back box for my plug this will need to cut a hole in the wood and I'll need to build some stud work behind it the house and drawer with whatever's left over of the space [Music] thank you so I am going to glue this in place [Music] so I've put my pump in my accumulator in place and I've just placed my components around so I've got an idea of where the pipe's going to go [Music] so we've got a lot of my pipes run now it really didn't take very long one line goes into my hot water heater goes through the hot water heater and then it's hot water the other goes all the way through and feeds the cold to my shower the hot water likewise goes all the way to my shower the cold that goes to a shower also has a t-junction and the t-junction comes into the back of this cupboard I have a cut of valve and the valve will connect to this tank so that if I want to empty my shower tank into my drinking water tank it's quite easy to do so now I'm gonna make a few more bits like this so this one is just simply see it's gonna be screwed in as it is and this one will sit within a little border and it'll lift up because we're going to have a storage unit which will stop here foreign [Music] and here we just need to put a handle in so I've added a couple uprights and horizontals and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to work out my cupboard doors so the fly I'm using my doors is quite thin so I'm just going to build up the layer [Music] so now we have a line which gives round and now I can cut this line precisely so these will cut to size I've cut down I've got the space for the hinge [Music] so I'm going to make a board for the bottom it's using pinpai so this fits now I'm going to put a piece of ply in the back what I'm going to do now is I'm going to glue the bottom of this cupboard on this one get it really snug so clamped it around so I'm painting the front of this cupboard I've got an end piece of the cupboard I'm just gonna glue that on I'm going to be using this engineered oat flooring this is basically a laminate so you have a few millimeters of reawaked and underneath its MDF in this case Pine now where I'm going to place things on my board so what I'll do is I'll wire up the whole board and I'll have a whole liner connectors which will go off to my switches and then I can wire my switches in one by one here afterwards once I've got the whole board set up I think I'll put my battery to battery charger close to the battery just because that makes sense I will put my fuse box somewhere in the middle and then I'll have my mppt Center charge controller somewhere around here so it can connect easy to the fuse box and to the solar cables that come in from behind [Music] so now I have my board prepared all I need to do now is wire it in foreign [Music] hot pipes oh yeah so the next job is to put in the shower tray [Music] no we're just gonna pop it in it's gonna basically press everywhere I'm gonna put a beam in [Music] so if this cardboard was made of shower I think I'd be quite happy with that so I'm making sure this is straight along this Edge and I'm going to draw the line down and then I'm going to double check kind of the key points and measurements just to make sure because I really don't want to mess this up so I'll start with some glue and right now I'm coming up to this line so we just make sure we've got a good amount [Music] so this panel's good now I'm just going to measure the bottom and the top it's not easy to push that in so we're going to have to get some pieces of wood which is like more or less the right size and sort of wedge them in place with some other bits of wood and stuff [Music] so I'm going to paint the sides of the van maybe the roof but I'm going to do the sides first [Music] so this is a slat panel which is backed onto felt it comes in these long lengths it's basically the MDF for the laminate and it's a stapled onto this this panel so what I'm hoping to do is around my seating area so use some of this just to create like a nice effect [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I've cut my panel I've cut a hole in it which would take my box which will carry all my switches now all I've got to do is put it in place and fix it in it's going to get messy behind here and this this will be our switch panel [Music] so allow my fridge to open it I'm gonna have a hinge here this Wood's quite thin so I've made another piece which will go on the front of it so I put my polyurethane wood glue on let's get it in the back and make it central these are the cupboard doors and the hinges I'm going to use I'm going to use piano hinges [Music] bit of a moment of truth now I'm gonna take out all of these and hopefully this wool doesn't just pop off or do something horrible [Music] I've cut these panels to go across the back of the kitchen leaving space for my shelf just making sure because I got a flipping hexagon pattern that it's all matching up so I'm going to glue these panels on now [Music] so this is my little submergible pump it's manufactured by a company called whale and what I'm going to do so I'm going to put a little smudge of silicon on it [Music] so put a clip on it I just want this to be sitting really like vertically at the bottom so now this water tank is done this end of the water system so now here is the last tricky part of this build and it's a little bit critical because it's the design of the flap that will hopefully make a really nice shower so we have got the top in let's see next stage and I'm kind of happy with this is to start putting in these hinges [Music] nice does the system work oh it worked I got my sleepy Edge and it should just pop on there there we are so it just slots in pretty neatly so just cut the other part I had on the opposite angle so I'm now wiring up the LED strip lights which will go beside the bed and these strip lights came with a dimmer so what I've done is I've taken the end which isn't connected to the LEDs I slipped it there's a black and red wire because they're going to be in parallel I'm connecting them up so red red red and then I'm going to collect up a blacks my neutrals so my table comes in assembly and it has six bolts so I've clamped it in place now I've just got to do is screw the holes through so my idea for the table obviously I've got my raisy moving around bracket thing but I want my table to kind of come down and when I put the bed extension sewn piece on I want it to be supporting that I'm going to make a table with folding edges which when it's put down underneath it makes like a strong structure origin side to side of the cushions so I've cut my wood which will make the sizes [Music] so this is my table and it's gonna when it's in its folded position it's gonna sit here and what's gonna happen is there'll be a cushion which will come up exactly to here nice that looks pretty good sit on it so on this side of the worktop I'm gonna have an organic waste container now we're going to install the mixer tap so the most important thing is that the pipes come out perfectly perpendicular [Music] so we've got the little rubber seals so make sure they're in as it's not gonna seal you don't have to do these up insanely tight because it's just compressing into that Rubber seal [Music] it's quite a good angle for a roofy shot and then I just need to decide how high can I put it [Music] all right look at that show down position child cling and when you want to shower you just pop it up there I'm very happy now with my pop-up shower wall what I now need to do is decide what happens to the wall that meets it so now what I need to do is build some stud in here and then I'm going to put some ply down the side which will match the height of this here we have it the kind of top piecing I'm really happy with it [Music] and I have a nice belt no we're going to play the game of silicon up the slightly too large hole I'm gonna need a nice oh dude it's quite hard to catches on these things so for the the ceiling on the inside of this part which is gonna get splashed I'm gonna use this moisture resistant paint it's like a plasticized paint this is like a kind of like a bit of an ugly gap up here so I should better just pop in a piece of trim and it will look a lot better anyway [Music] okay so now I'm gonna wire in some USB points these ones have like a slidy thing going on first thing I've got to do is strip the wires back and then we're just going to connect our USB now I need stairs okay this cables back in the hole in the cables out of it we looped before we came to the end we're going black to Black to black red to Red to Red that means that if one light drops off the circuit then the other lights would work and we were all wired up in parallel get in now I'm gonna fit the propex controller this is the on fan mode heat and thermostat setting it's just the little clip to go in the right way Plus and then we put on the tin and and then the olives and tighten it for now this is the compression fitting so I need to make sure that that is also all the way in so now it's time to start commissioning the gas and checking our system this is a high pressure section go into a regulator so typically if there is a leak you see a lot of bubbles coming out [Music] so before I move on I'm putting this Fabric or anything in I want to start Danish oil in so what I'm going to do I'm going to go around all of my exposed woodwork anything that I care about uh I'm gonna give it a go [Music] so now I'm going to Danish oil at the back of my cooking top which is also obviously the shower wall now I'm going to do this a solid three times just to make sure because I don't want any water to Ingress in it so now I'm going to clad the back doors we have a Rubber seal here and that also goes for if you use auto carpet you can't go over or behind the Rubber seal because these doors have all sorts of different angles on it I'll match that one then we'll cut it on the cross cut and draw my line and then I'm going to line it up for the cuts as you can see it's not completely straight [Music] [Applause] and really it's just a methodic as you can see I need to trim this one back a bit to meet my line [Music] finish the cladding now so I am making a shelf to go above the kitchen and at the bottom of the Shelf is going to be these grooves in these grooves I'm going to use a cable that comes out there to have a couple lines of LED lights just to give extra light to the kitchen [Music] bounce around I need to cut the cut it down a bit because my roof isn't that deep [Music] nice the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put the slats in the bed I'm going to use the plain Timber the thin plane Timber to make sure I have the same distance same width I'm just doing it basically slapped on Saddle so where I'm going to do these drawers I'm going to wing the sides and the back and I'm going to make a piece in the middle and we're just gonna screw glue nail gun it all together and then we'll do the front [Music] I've cut cleaned up my drawer sides and what I'm going to do now I'm just going to pre-drill some holes all the way around other sides and then I'm going to use a little line of glue we have a drawer which is drying it's already pretty strong so what I've done is I've put the drawer in I've clamped in position I'm supporting my hand now so it would fall down so before I fix this in I'm gonna put my sink in I'm going to do the plumbing because it's going to be harder to access when I've got a drawing away so we're just going to fit the little drain on here it's got a Rubber seal these are the flexible waste pipe that means I can poke it either to my waste container inside the van if I don't want it to drain out or I can let it just drain out through the pipe which I've got going through the van so I've cut my drawer fronts and we'll start the top and we're going to work my way down attaching them and making sure they're perfect [Music] so we've got a kitchen drawers they're done they're sanded we're ready to paint [Music] so I've put these handles on the cupboards still need to put the Clips in and it's looking really good this one here is a little catch because this is like the pillow part and I chiseled out a little area put in a piece of metal and then I do this on top just this ethics this just slots into bow holes and Clicks in the other thing I need to do is wire up my tap the tap is to send you a switch One turns on it'll turn on our pump the next thing to do with the shower is I need to make this shower door so we've constructed the unit I painted the back and sides gray I've put on this piano hinge and on the front we have the shower wall [Music] so my Cannon plan with the fridge is to use the fridge as part of the structure so I'm going to glue the feet of the fridge down and then we're going to have this cupboard door which should fit very neatly in here the next game is going to be bolted to the fridge I got the fridge it's quite cool big doll up there this comes out obviously we need the space we're having a folding cushion and now we can access our fridge of dreams so beside my bed I'm gonna have these little panels which have been coated with five millimeter foam and then fabric on top [Music] for the next job can we do the same thing for the foam but with the fabric this is the fabric I'm going to use so let's see if it fits [Music] the next thing I need to do is finish off some kind of cupboard here what I'm going to do is I'm going to have a block of wood I'm going to have a simple flap cupboard which will avoid this handle now what I've got to do is get it precisely in the right place and I think what I'm going to do is I'm basically going to put a line of glue there and just prop it and let it settle itself [Music] squish it on [Music] so I'm gonna put now the top of the floorboards so I use a spare floorboards here because it's always like where people's feet go so I'm just gonna glue it along the battens and probably pop a couple of Nails in there just to hold it [Music] [Music] okay so one of the final parts of the van is applying trim or water carpet this is typically a car for it's a bit fluffier on the back and less fluffy on one side and it tends to be a little bit stretchy they say it's got a four-way stretch so that means you can sort of mold it around things just by easing it and cutting it and using it it's quite easy to cut if you have a very sharp blade so definitely have a whole bunch of new standing Bays because they blunt and fast and if you use sharp ones your life is a measuring easier some screwdriver to help me get it in [Music] honestly this build was brutal I didn't recommend building a van and filming a course in 26 days but boy am I happy with the result this van is the result of years of Van life and 20 years of experience making things and I think it might just be the best thing I have ever made so in a year or two if you want to buy this one hit me up [Music] thank you if you didn't notice I am offering a free online training which will help teach you how to make van Life free or profitable in this video I will show you exactly how to buy a van how to fit out in a proper way and teach you how to avoid the mistakes that most people make and all the other stuff that almost nobody else talks about if you are thinking about converting a van or living van life it'll be one of the most valuable things you will ever watch just click the link register for free and I'll see you there another great place to start is to get the van conversion guide it's packed with useful information and includes 20 video lessons to help you convert a van check our website all the information is there
Channel: Nate Murphy
Views: 348,370
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Keywords: van conversion how to, how to convert a van, van conversion, campervan conversion, van build, vanlife, van tour, diy van, diy campervan, sprinter van, tiny house, living in a van, camper, how to build a van, how to build a camper, stealth campervan, low budget diy van, building time lapse, van life build timelapse, full van build timelapse, camper van full build, campervan build timelapse, van build series, #vanlife, step by step van conversion, van build out
Id: ZHmv5Nzle14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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