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today we're going to be testing out this new gun this is a R500 it is made by wrong Pang but it's branded under yt160 so this is a new seller of this particular gun it's an R500 yt60 is the number I'm not sure if it's available on Amazon yet I'll let you guys know if it is I'll put a link in the description but it's basically the same gun as the aeropro a610 which is also in our 500 it's a low volume low pressure paint gun consumed under four cfms so very good for home use for hobbyists and it produces a beautiful looking finish these guns are great for running out of your garage or at home if you want low overspray material savings we're going to go ahead and seal this bumper with it we'll seal it we'll paint it we'll clear it I'll show you how it performs and we'll take a look at the finished results this particular aftermarket bumper came pre-primed so we sanded it and prepped it out with 600 grit sandpaper to smooth everything out and now we're adding Bulldog adhesion promoter just to ensure that we get copper adhesion of the new sealer and paint we're going to set this gun up for sealer at 15 psi as far as the fluid volume which is this knob here we're going to close it all the way we're going to open up one two and a half to start with just to see I think that should be enough and then as far as the fan pattern will open it up all the way we're gonna spray it just like base coat so you want to overlap about 75 80 percent you want to have a consistent speed and a consistent distance when you're spraying so my distance that I like to spray it at with these air pressures is about five to six inches away sometimes a little bit closer you want to apply a smooth looking sealer when you're painting with this gun that's the goal smooth sealer it's got a little texture to it so I'm going to reduce my fluid volume keep my air pressure the same maybe bump the air pressure up a little bit and reduce my fluid volume so the gun spraying really well it lays down a beautiful looking sealer now as far as sealer goes we only need one coat and even if it's a little bit transparent in areas that's really not going to make a difference we're going to be applying paint over this but it does give us one uniform surface to apply our paint to okay we'll get ready to spray the base with this uh yt160 gun low volume low pressure paint gun Let's uh set the air pressure to 18 PSI we'll go one two turns out on the fluid volume and the fan pattern wide open let's go two and a half on the fluid volume there we go if you're working at home you're probably working out of your garage or outside chances are you don't have a paint booth so I'm spraying in an open garage with no paint booth you can see my doors open because of that I want the least amount of overspray possible so that's why I set this gun up the way I did now just remember these gun settings are all adjustable no one gun setting is perfect so just because I'm suggesting this is how you do it to get these results yes but you can adjust it don't think it's set in stone and you need to be at these settings that's not the case adjust it to where you feel comfortable that's the most important thing is where you feel comfortable your gun settings are these are just a guide now you can change the appearance of how the paint's laying down or the clear Coast laying down by some other techniques like your speed and your distance and we'll get into that later on when we clear relax it's running well but I'm going to bump it up just a little bit more about 20. yeah that's just a little bit better [Applause] this is dry enough that I'm going to go ahead and put one more coat on it it's drying quickly and I'm having I'm spraying a little bit slower because of the low pressure foreign before we put our final coat of base on probably our final coat if you need to get into a tight spot you can always adjust your fan pattern down so here you're going to see me narrow my fan pattern now typically you want to adjust your air pressure with your fan pattern because if you don't adjust your air pressure you're going to get a lot of paint in a small area now I just adjusted my fan pattern and I moved away from the panel quite a bit with my experience I understand how much paint's going to be coming out of it so I can adjust just my fan pattern and hit those tight areas in that bumper before you start clearing make sure you have good coverage on your part check all those tight areas those areas that are hard to get paint to and make sure they're covered you can use one of these sunlights or any light will do it's got our second coat on this bumper I just want to inspect it I saw some particles of dust like right here so what we're going to do is take this 800 grit sandpaper and I'm just going to smooth these out a little bit and then we'll put a drop coat on this just before we clear it so I'm looking this over real well and this is a just a good opportunity to look for any particles of dust get yourself a cleaner paint job in the end anything that can make it just a little bit smoother is going to help out because we went ahead and sanded out those particles of dust got those imperfections removed we need to add another coat of Base to get those scratches covered now they're not very deep scratches so I'm just doing a drop coat here or some people call it an orientation coat this is to make sure everything's nice and uniform the only thing I'm doing different is just moving back a few inches so I'm not putting as much material on the panel now you don't want to do a bunch of coats like this you just want to do maybe one okay we got the yt160 the low volume low pressure budget paint we're about ready to lay some clear on this Mustang bumper we're going to set it up at 22 PSI I'm gonna do two turns out from close one two fan pattern is wide open first coat we're gonna just introduce the clear to the surface not looking to make it perfect and then the second coat will slick it out so the first coat will lay on then we'll lay wait wait about 10 minutes and this heat we'll wait about 10 minutes and lay out on the second coat so earlier I talked about sharing some different spraying techniques that are going to allow you to keep your air pressure low your over spray low and still lay down a beautiful looking clear coat and the way we're going to do that is with our speed and our distance from the panel so I'm able to spray a little bit quicker on this bumper than when we are spraying our base coat because I moved a little bit closer to the panel so probably like an inch or two closer to the panel I'm spraying about four inches away and I didn't really have to adjust my air pressure or my gun settings at all now we did bump up the air pressure to 22 PSI just because clear coat is a different thicker product and you want to have enough material coming out I don't want any dry spray or anything like that uh but you can adjust all that with your speed and your distance so if you notice I am spraying a little bit quicker here and I'm experimenting here so as I'm laying down this clear coat I'll go I'll go a little bit slower to see how that clears the lane down and then as you see here I start to speed up and I move in a little bit closer so we really slick that clear out and get a beautiful looking finish if you're new to painting and spraying clear coat I would just say experiment with it do a couple test panels experiment with your speed and your distance and different gun settings and just find out what works well for you and what gives you the results that you're looking for okay so after the first coat you notice I sprayed a little bit closer to the panel with a little more speed because of the fact that it's a hundred degrees and it's drying really quickly so I wanted to get the get the clear on there this is the First Coast so we're just introducing that clear to the surface and now we'll slick it out but there's a couple little dry areas but we'll even that up on this second pass and it is pretty much ready I'm going to come in here and hit this Edge I'm going to dial my dial my fan pattern down and hit this Edge real quick before I start anything got a bug I'll have to pick that out foreign yes okay after the second coat of clear with that low volume low pressure paint gun the yt160 it came out beautifully I adjusted my speed and my distance I got a little bit closer to the panel in order to get the finish that we were looking for because it's really hot today and this clear coat was drying pretty quickly even though I was using a slow activator but yeah the Finish came out beautifully I really love how these low volume low pressure paint guns spray these budget guns uh they really spray really well and I think you guys if you're interested in a starter gun uh that really really is easy to use and gonna produce a beautiful looking finish so there's a lot of things to like about these guns if you're a hobbyist you're working at home you know low over spray material savings you can use a undersized compressor with them so a lot of things to like about these guns so I would definitely check them out I have links in the description but if you look up R500 on Amazon or on the Internet or aeropro a610 I don't know if this yt160 is on Amazon yet but you can check it out and if I have a link for that I'll leave it in the description listen up I hope you enjoyed this review and demo of the yt160 low volume low pressure paint gun another great option if you're working out of your garage and if you want to learn more about paint and body repair check out one of these videos now I appreciate each and every one of you watching we'll see you next time on garage noise
Channel: Garage Noise
Views: 5,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage Noise, auto paint, small compressor paint gun, budget automotive paint gun, lvlp paint gun, paint your car with less air, diy automotive paint gun, paint a car at home, diy spray gun, clear coat paint gun, how to auto paint, low cfm paint gun, yt160, r500, aeropro a610, how to, learn auto paint
Id: mWvFV2R5kis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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