DIY Blackout Bag - Build it Before It's Too Late

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hey what's going on youtube marinex back at it again listen there are going to be folks that want to have survival bags get home bags bug out bags you know zombie apocalypse bags hell you've even seen some stuff where i've put together like many survival kits but a lot of people don't think about home first and i think that it's very important to be prepared to bug in whether that be because an emergency or because of some type of political disaster or something like that it's more important to be prepared in your house than being prepared outside of your house so i bring you the blackout bag this is a reflective apparel high visibility waterproof safety gear duffel bag 3m reflective tape 100 polyester of course it's lime in color super bright 24 by 24 by 11. i mean there's a few features about the back i didn't buy the bag because i intend to take it outside the house but you know there is a id card holder for whatever reason you need to have something out here has a couple of pockets on the outside we'll talk about what i keep on the outside of the bag a couple of actually pretty sturdy loops for the actual shoulder strap let's talk about what i keep on the outside of the bag so if we look here first thing is i keep a stream like this is the protac hl5x super powerful flashlight this thing lays down tons and tons of lumens this is to only be used by myself or my wife if we have a emergency situation last year here in the dfw metroplex we had a whiteout situation which took our grid down people had power outages people had water pipes being busted and all that type of stuff my preparedness was able to keep us firewood keep us warm keep us with our own source of lighting and comfort so just having these small things are important so let's continue looking on the outside of the bag here so the one singular pocket that has a zipper here i keep this pretty simple i have four of these little hand crank flashlights these things are pretty cool they work well they hold their battery for they're not the brightest things ever these are going to be bright enough if you're walking into your room by yourself you need to walk into your closet look for an outfit look for some clothes they have the the ability to charge via um you know solar and they also can be charged via hand crank so two different ways to charge these bad boys so four of those in here for the two oldest kiddos my wife and myself also in this pocket we keep a rav powered ten thousand milliamp hour battery bank any battery bank would do i would say at least ten thousand milliamp hours if you're in a blackout situation and cell phone towers still work then the ability to use your phones might become very important also keep the cordage in here that allows for all of our phones to work i have a google phone so i need a usb type-c my wife has a iphone so you know we have all that here also in the bag we keep a swiss army knife this is primarily for my wife to be able to grab and use just in case she needs it but it's just stored right on the outside of the bag and we keep a very simple lighter um that way we can use other items which are inside the bag so we're not digging around looking for stuff in the bag another reason we keep the flashlights on the outside of the bag is so that we can use them to look on the inside of the bag but i got a highly reflective bag for a couple of reasons one if i'm digging this out of our closet which is underneath our stairs this bag is very easy to see even in a blackout situation too you can still see pretty well in here and not concern yourself with not being able to find what you need so let's get in here real quick so we're going to go through what i first off i'm just going to show you how my bag looks top down real quick then i'm going to pull the stuff out so this is what my bag looks like completely decked out so it looks like a lot of chaos but you know it's not that bad so all right so first off let's talk about the med kits i keep in here so i do keep two different med kits in the bag itself one of them is by urban medical gear this is more of a high trauma kit and this one here is going to have the items that i'm trying to use so it's going to have your israeli bandages it's going to have your swat tourniquets it's going to have your cpr masks and kim lights gauze all that type of stuff that just in case there's a very big emergency then i'm able to deploy this kit urban medical gear uses the van quest medical bag to deploy their kids on the outside of this kit also i do keep a leatherman raptor tool of course this is good for cutting clothes it has a seatbelt cutter which we're not in the vehicle but you know so just a lot of different tools all in one in this thing you know has a little ruler it has the ability to like i say cut through some jeans or a shirt it has a like a rip hook just in case you need to use that for whatever reason and then obviously it has a belt clip just in case you want to just walk around with this thing connected to you so also i keep a more of an ouchy booboo type kit um i think i picked this up at rei but they sell these things all over the place you can buy them on amazon so this is the type of kit it's waterproof and you know my daughter could deploy this kit this has your band-aids your gauze um we've also put aspirin in here we put tylenol so lots of just more simple type items for more ouchy boo-boos or somewhere to where to cut themselves we have this as well if you've seen my other videos you know i have a junk drawer medical kit and of course there's med kits throughout my house but these are this is the one that stays specifically with the blackout bag now also in the backlog bag i keep four of these little lanterns these things come in multiple colors these are just some lanterns that you can use um you know kind of have your own little personal lantern which my blackout kit yes is for a function of survival but it's also a function of keeping my kids sanity in check so these things are really simple so basically all you have to do to deploy this thing is you simply pick it up here and once you open it boom it automatically illuminates itself so as soon as you open it up it is illuminated and then when you close it it turns itself off real simple functioning and it runs off of unlike a lot of lanterns this thing runs off of double-a batteries you guys know how i feel about double a or aaa only these are awesome so now my six-year-old my 13-year-old my wife myself we all have a lantern and in a blackout situation what i learned last year is that it it's still important for everyone to have their piece of the survival they need to feel like they are participating in the survival and this is the type of item that helps with that now we keep a lot of hand warmers in here just to pull a couple of them out super simple these things came in handy really quickly just to keep you know keep hands warm and we were kind of bundled up under our blankets and all that good stuff we keep a bunch of emergency candles in here so you did see that little lighter on the outside these things can burn 115 hours and in our emergency situations i have so many of these i light them and i leave them on there is no hesitation about it i don't care how long they take we also have the soy wax candles that we use as well but just having emergency candles that can burn a very long time is a good thing 115 hours is more than four days because that's really good an emergency radio is incredibly important you guys absolutely have got to check out the midland noaa emergency radio this has been the best emergency radio i have ever owned other than this old school radio i had from like the late 80s that was like built like a tank this is probably a close second of course like a lot of emergency radios you can charge this via solar power has a huge flashlight on the side you can crank operate it on the back if you need to hand crank it and then also you still have the options for um charging it here on the side with the micro usbc cable which is important i had that cable earlier and you can also plug in a headphone jack if you don't want the if you don't want the noise coming out the actual speakers you can plug in a headphone jack and this is a battery bank so you can plug in your own cable and tap into the power of it and so it just has plenty of different bands on here you can use am fm and the weather band it's very big tactile buttons that's what i like about it like you can easily just listen to that very very clicky buttons which makes it easy to use now i'm gonna show you some emergency drinking water this is not a part of this blackout bag in its entirety i use five gallon jugs which are manual crank we also have them that can come out of an electric source if i decide to hook them to my generator if you don't have five gallon jugs or a gallon of water at a minimum go out buy a pack of the day tracks emergency drinking water so the first thing we did in our emergency situation last year was fill every tub in the house a standard bathtub will hold approximately 400 gallons of water your big garden tubs are 600 700 gallons of water that's a lot of water that you can boil you can use um so that's one source of water and then also have having gallon of water and five gallon jugs around the house are important and then just keeping these for like an all-out emergency like your pipes bust so you can't even fill your tub you run out of gallon water you know something like that my house was strategically chosen for a reason as well you don't have to go as extreme as i did you know my house is located right next to a creek so i can tap into that and drain and purify that water as well so we have a lot of different options here still very important for the opportunity to actually be able to charge devices this is a very this is a solar um power charger basically we sit this thing outside in the at the beginning of the day during the power outages and we grab the sun showing that it's a full power then we can utilize this thing via under here and we can plug up our devices and this has um you know a battery bank so that we can use this as well just in case our battery bank is goes out what i primarily use this for is to charge my battery bank which sounds kind of weird but so i'll plug this up to the battery bank that that 10 000 milliamp hour battery so that way i have kind of power 24 hours a day so next thing we have here is a little bit of entertainment just to keep folks you know from going completely crazy we got some standard cars we like to play go fish um so we always keep a bunch of these unopened some are open and i know my girls have gone through them and tore them apart so it's important to have some of those a set of dominoes just to keep our minds busy and we're not just completely sitting there bored out of our minds so if you're in a blackout situation it's highly likely that you're at the house and i would hope that you have food stores you know in your pantry or something like that but in your actual kit itself if you want to you can keep some of the day tracks meals i have a couple of i have mres in mind we strip these down we can use these how we see fit cold weather mres just have more calories than a normal mre uh this is a so just uh food sources is important another thing about my house which is why we chose it is that it runs off of gas so even during that blackout last year for all four days i was able to light our stove and could still cook so that was a big thing for us but if you have an electric stove or something like that you're going to want another food source whether that be a camp stove that runs off of propane or a larger propane tank that you can cook you can grill outside something like that you're gonna want a food source next thing we keep is a bunch of snap light or chem lights in the bag and these are big because you know obviously these things you can um we like to snap these and put these on our stairwell and what that does is as we walk up and down the stairs we don't have to worry about tripping over a candle and lighting a house on fire but we can light several of these a day one thing we learned last year is that for the most part we do have a lot of hygiene gear but um kids being kids sometimes they don't tell you when they're running low on something so we keep a couple of hygiene kits in this bag as well but there are times when my six-year-old and my 13-year-old failed to tell us they're out of toothpaste they're out of lotion they're out of whatever and so now we can give them a kit and it will sustain them for a few days so i mean you got all sorts of stuff in here mouthwash you got lotion you got razors we have shampoos you got your deodorant your luffas you got your feminine hygiene products so your male centered kit for those of you that have teenage boys or young preteens or boys that just don't tell you when they're running out of crap you know so similar concept both of these kits i just bought on amazon fully kitted out these actually pretty good so the same type of stuff you got your deodorants you have more shaving cream that's more centered towards your face toothpaste toothbrush got your body washes you know dove for men whether it be yourself or somebody in your house your day three into an emergency you can't go down to the walmart because physically you can't get there because of ice or snow also in the kit i keep some uh right in the rain pads now the thing i learned that these were important last year is there was times when we were listening on the radio we wanted to quickly jot notes about what was going on and we were kind of scavenging through the house just to find a pen and pad so we're we keep these in the kit from now on all right so also we keep a bunch of emergency blankets uh more like bivvy sacks in here and these also have whistles on them i got the high bright orange ones so that you know i can see my family even in the house which would normally all sleep in one room but you know we never know also keep paracord completely unused 550 paracord 100 feet of it this was useful last year i had some i used i actually had to go and um physically chop firewood for from a pecan tree that's near my house and i was able to lash the pecan um actual wood together before i walked it over to my house so that was really useful i mean that's it man what you keeping your blackout kit do you have a blackout kit like what happens when the lights go out at your house do you guys just kind of sit around and look at each other you might want to make sure you got something for those situations and listen this is your second to last chance to enter into the giveaway for the benchmade boost the federal government edition this one is my personal one so you can see it's been used got a little bit of scratches on the blade there but there's still the brand new one bring you in a little bit so you can check this thing out brand new one unused ready to be shipped off and sent to whoever you know is the lucky winner and so you comment on today's video somewhere incorporate it in your comment use the word battalion even if you're commenting about the video just make sure you incorporate the word battalion you can get this awesome uh partially assisted opening knife has a little bit of serration on there which is good for cutting cordage 550 cord rope stuff like that and then the rest of the blade is not serrated completely drop point s30v steel it has this olive and khaki colorway because this is the federal government exclusive edition i love this thing i carry it all the time you can switch the pocket clips around to whatever way you want i like to carry blade tip up but for however you see fit so you can comment on today's video in a video that i dropped next week as well now for the actual drawing of the name i'm going to do that on instagram so if you want to actually see my daughter draw the name out of the box make sure you're following me on instagram if this is your first time here thank you for stopping by for everybody else we'll speak soon
Channel: Marine-X
Views: 71,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power outage, blackout kit, black out bag, emergency kit, emergency preparedness, survival kit, emergency preparedness kit
Id: Wcgd7h9YILc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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