DIY Barbecue Table
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Make it Extreme
Views: 2,217,253
Rating: 4.8435783 out of 5
Keywords: DIY Barbecue Table, make it extreme, diy projects, do it yourself, diy crafts, diy ideas, diys, do it, diy network, dyi, diy home, barbecue, grill, grill table, dining table, bbq, weber bbq, bbq galore, barbecues, barbecue sauce, charcoal grill, طريقة عمل شواية او منقل داخل طاولة, فكرة رائعة
Id: dmvLjHAyDPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Welding galvanized tubing, spraying two-part epoxy, and then cooking over galvanized steel... This guy is asking for cancer.
So is this table just a giant fuck you to whoever sits downwind?
I was down till that finish on the top... What a mess.
Not sure I'd consider this artisan. The video is plenty annoying and at the end of it all its just a skilled weekend warrior building a table of questionable utility.
Brought to you by Makita.
That's a grill.
My eyes and ears hurt too much watching this. Stopped within less than a minute. :(
That thing must weigh an absolute ton. Over-engineered or what!