Making A Concrete FIRE PIT | from a washing machine drum

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[Music] so a couple months ago I was riding through my neighborhood and I happen to see this washing machine drum on the side of the road and I had to have it my first thought was to make a raised fire pit they had a few features on it for the time being I nixed that idea but it may be a future project this ended up being a really cool project loved away came out at the end of the video I'm gonna let you guys know what my thoughts about this project is and I also want to thank this week's sponsor world of warships for sponsoring this week's video to check them out click on the link down in the video description and use code play warship 2018 to redeem some cool prizes for this project I use a 3/4 inch thick melamine this will be the foundation of the concrete mold depends on if a project is pressing or not I would put more time into thinking and planning that way execution can go a whole lot smoother my thinking was to route a few circles in the base this will allow me to worry about supporting the form versus the actual shape turns out this whole saw is the same size as my router base so making this quick jig is gonna allow me to make quick circles and really simple because I can just drop my router right in the hold and not necessarily have to attach the router around at the hotel it was about 3/8 of an inch deep so I made multiple paths to get there and since I need two of these I drilled out a second hole in the jig and then routed a larger hole in the base I ripped down a few pieces of white hard board to 12 inch in width in order to find a distance around a circle I needed to do some math I measured the distance across the circle 10 times at times pi which is 3.14 I closed off the circle by a screw on both ends to a piece of scrap wood to the inside I couldn't quite think of a better option so I used tape to cover the screw heads now the smaller the circular is the harder is going to be to bend his white board so the second circular created was a whole lot easier to cooperate with when rolled out this second circle is about 11 feet in length the only way for me to get this circle to be big enough is by attaching an additional piece which will now give me two seams and the largest circle went in a whole lot easier than the first one to wrap this up I'm going to add support on the outside of the large circle and support on the inside of the small circle as a way to prevent cement from getting down in the crack I use silicone and filled in the cracks which not only fix that problem but also add a bit of a roundover on the edge so me and Kenneth actually live in the same neighborhood and he's part of the Southeast region with rapidset he's gonna be giving me some hands-on experience with the product so what you got here what is this so this is our flow control what this does is it increases fluidity of the product and increases the compression strength so what it does is breaks up all the aggregates in the concrete mix or cement also it can flow a lot better get details especially when you're pouring molds like this you want to have something to break up those aggregates and get into those cracks and crevices this is to be mixed in with the powder as I'm mixing the concrete I'll mix in the flow control powder with that [Applause] we make the product for 40 bar [Applause] local over in there Onix es CSA formula calcium sulfate lumini you want to have a loose mix because you're pouring into a mold we want to get all the cracks crevices everything filled that will help with your finishing work once we flip the mold over there'll be a lot less work involved with a nice loose Mik that can get in all the cracks and crevices and still be at 3,000 psi on one hour the minute we open the first bag it was go time there was no time to waste and within 15 minutes this thing's already starting to sit we installed a white grid mainly because I made it but I was told that I didn't need it because this mix can support form of the 2 feet thick without rebar now we use two different mix for this pore to my understanding we could have went with either however combining the two and alternating each pore gave us more volume this form was 36 inch wide by 12 inch high with an eighth inch thick wall so I wanted to add a dark line going around the bottom of the fire pit now because we were moving so fast I almost forgot to add the pygmy on top of that I forgot to shake the bottle so the color didn't come out as dark as I liked and by the time I poured all the mix out I realized there was still stuff left in the bottom now this didn't make or break the design from a design aesthetic I just missed out an opportunity to get something I wanted after the pour was complete we had to keep water on this for the next 4 to 5 minutes to an hour through the curing process this was putting off an enormous amount of heat it's almost like putting your hand on a hot head during the summer so it's been went over an hour now and it should be a good time to go ahead and remove the mold so we have about an hour and 40 minutes tied up into this section of the project for the time we open up the first bag of cement mix to the tally remove the mold this thing is in the neighborhood of 450 pounds so it's pretty heavy we were able to hoist it up and then roll it into a location that I thought I after Kenneth left I realized that this probably wasn't the most practical location so this meant that I had to move this thing on my own and I did it with the power of leverage and did it safely in a way that I didn't hurt myself so that was a really tough task to take on and before I take you back to the project here's a quick word from today's sponsor world of worship is a massive online multiplayer game since launch they've added over 200 ships in eight different nations which is insane because it can take up this six months to create a ship entirely from scratch and that's because they put a ton of detail in each ship and with over seven million players worldwide dive into the world of naval battles and fight with epic battleships discover ways to attack ships and watch out for hints so you don't waste your ammo understand the game mechanics and that will play a huge role in becoming a fearless hunter in the waters now that we're back to the project I'm gonna send a drum down so I can apply paint to a clean surface I'm going to use a spray painting that's rated for 1,200 degrees now you'd use this if you were repainting your barbeque grill or any kind of high temperature application now you'd only apply this on the outside the first location not place this just wasn't gonna work out so I had to relocate this and I ended up using the power of leverage where I was able to hoist this up and then I could roll it to the back of the house after removing sore from the fire pit opening I compact the ground and added rocks and a cinder block for drainage the next thing to do was to drop the drum in and level it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] overall I love the way the project came out however I'm gonna convert it to a gas fire pit at some point I'm not a big fan of the wood-burning fire pit I think it's a little hard to light the wood and I just don't want to deal with that so I am a little bummed that I couldn't get you guys some night footage the rain was a constant problem on and off I don't have about three hours or four burn time with this so I can't give you a true evaluation on how this would actually hold up in the heat so the biggest recommendation I can give you is you're not put fire directly inside of the concrete form because that's gonna cause a problem they would crack the concrete and in some cases they could possibly explode the mix I'm using is only rated at 300 degrees Fahrenheit the main reason I use this product was because of the rapid cure time so once I do the conversion everything is gonna stay the same as it is now the only addition is I may add a bowl that goes above the fire pit itself so that the flames are a bit higher again big thanks to the world of warships for sponsoring today's video be sure to click on a link down in the video description so check out their game and you can also use code play warship 2018 to redeem your free prizes [Music] [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: DIY Creators
Views: 1,338,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wood, Easy DIY, fire, washing machine fire pit, diy fire pit, pit, washing machine drum fire pit, how to make a fire pit, drum, how to build a fire pit, fire pit washing machine drum, outdoor fire pit, firepit, washing machine drum fire, diy washing machine fire pit, fire ring, machine, washing, how to build a square fire pit, how to make a propane fire pit burner, diy, concrete, concrete firepit, backyard, backyard fire, fire pit, wood burning, outdoor
Id: rB__p25GUpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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