DIY Backyard Greenhouse || Homestead Day Vlog! + Canning up the Last of our Beef Stock!

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hey guys welcome back to my channel tina here with our blessed and beautiful life um i'm standing in the shade in the garden right now joe and i are getting ready to embark on yet another project so as most of you know um we're going to be retiring here in a couple years and we will probably not stay in virginia so um we've got big plans but for now we're you know we've got a little garden going on because you know me i want to be able to garden and do my canning and stuff like that even if we're only going to be here for a little bit so we were not going to do a greenhouse at the new property um at the farmhouse you guys probably remember we did a really big beautiful magical greenhouse and i was super sad when we left and i even joked and then i told joe that we were going to bring it here with us so um but this year's garden um it's kind of been a flop to be honest with you it's been a little disappointing in fact i've kind of just like given up on it for the rest of the year so um you guys probably remember from the greenhouse video and if you don't you can always go back and check that one out we had all of our tomatoes inside the greenhouse last year and they did amazing we had no problems with worms we didn't have any any issues with you know the elements like the weather and too much rain and things like that well this year we've had some serious issues with the tomatoes first of all it has rained a ton this year and the tomato plants have put off big beautiful tomatoes but they have split and the skins are super tough which usually is because the soil is really really moist and just too wet so it's been really disappointing we've had a lot of tomatoes but we really can't eat them they're gross and we've had a big issue with tomato worms i mean joe had one the other day that was like as big as his finger so super frustrating we've had aphids um my cucumbers were doing wonderful and then they got some kind of a disease and all of a sudden they just died like we had beautiful cucumbers pickling cucumbers regular cucumbers and then all of a sudden it was like one day they just started turning yellow and then they were just dead we had to pull them all out watermelons i got one watermelon off my entire plant the cantaloupes i think we got two cantaloupes so i think really the only thing that did well in the garden this year is my jalapenos which are still doing amazing we have canned up a lot of pickled jalapenos and they've just done really good and then i had a big lettuce bed this year which i always do because we like fresh salad the lettuce did really good um and my herbs my herbs usually always do pretty well because herbs are easy they're a hearty plant so but yeah the tomatoes flop cucumbers flop carrots big flop we even replanted some and then these worms came through and just ate the tops off of all of them in fact here we pulled out what was left of them and it's like it was pretty pathetic little tiny mini carrots so yeah so i told joe let's build a greenhouse let's do a greenhouse number two so this one's not going to be anywhere near as big and magical as the one that we did at the farmhouse but knowing joe it's still going to be beautiful and it's going to be a great place for me to do my tomatoes and stuff next year and once we get it done i might even transplant and put some things in there to continue growing throughout the winter so we shall see but let me show you the area that we're gonna do the greenhouse this year so um yeah so let's take a little walk all right so over here we have our little garden space and this is where i think i posted a picture of this on my youtube community board this is where we were gonna do a little pond for the ducks and you know it's all overgrown and just nasty and we we we kind of just stopped maintaining it really but we found that with the ducks it's really hard to keep it clean and it was like just disgusting and the smell that's coming from it is just terrible so i think if we just had a little fish pond it would be different but the ducks just go in there and they poop and mix their food in there and it just is disgusting it draws mosquitoes and gnats and bugs right next to the garden which i put it here because i thought it would be really pretty and i like the sound of a waterfall so but that vision didn't really pan out so we kind of just gave up on it too much maintenance so what we're gonna do is fill in this big hole and we're gonna put our greenhouse right here next to the garden so it's actually kind of a flat area so it should be perfect for it but we're gonna fill the hole in and we're gonna build a super cute little greenhouse so yeah stay tuned all right so we got everything cleaned out of here hauled all those bags of gravel out of here cut the liner out and threw all the rocks in we're just going to fill it in but have you guys ever smelled a drained duck pond it's disgusting trust me when i say you don't want to so we're going to fill this in we've got a whole bunch of buckets of dirt from some plants that didn't make it we're going to use that and whatever whatever else we can find from the property and just fill this hole in well we've got the hole all filled in and i'm absolutely exhausted it's so humid and so hot and out there in the forest we're getting the dirt it's like a canopy of just mosquitoes and bugs and like the air does not move out there but we've got everything filled in so now we're going to pack it down and get started on the foundation for the greenhouse hey ducky there's my babies here's my babies here we are on day two working on the new greenhouse um we've got the framing done for the foundation footer that we're gonna do so let me turn you around and show you how we did that [Music] so we're filling in dirt around the edges so that when we pour the concrete in it doesn't just seep right underneath it [Music] show you guys these little sweet babies real quick so we decided we want to add to the flock and uh we wanted some more colorful eggs so we got some americanas some olive eggers and some well summers so joe's cutting some of this chicken fencing just to act kind of as like rebar to put down in the cement when we lay it all right we've got the foundation ready to go so joe went to get the cement and then we'll get it all put in here the chickens have come over to clean up all the bugs [Music] all right so the foundation is in joe's exhausted mixing all that cement by hand so this um 8x10 greenhouse foundation took 13 80 pound bags of cement so joe's just working on leveling everything out now and then we'll let it dry hey guys so we took a break from working on the greenhouse so we had to let the foundation set i think we let it set for what two days joe and joe went out today and took the wood off of the foundation and it looks great except for the chickens got over the fence the little temporary fence that we had put around it and so there's some um chicken footprints in the cement now but whatever it still turned out great but it's extremely hot outside so right now we are just working on a little side project we had a bunch of beef well we still have a bunch of beef in the freezer from when we butchered our cow at the farm so we decided to go ahead and just chop a bunch of it up and can it that way we can preserve it some of it was getting freezer burn so um so that we didn't lose it we decided to canada [Music] so let me take you guys over while we've got that going and let me show you the foundation for the greenhouse so it looks pretty good joe did a good job [Music] so everything is nice and dry and ready for us to start framing so as soon as we get a little bit more time we'll get out here and start doing that [Music] hey guys welcome back so we are continuing to work on the greenhouse and um i've swept off the foundation and joe is working on cutting our beams for the walls so the foundation is um six inches wide just in case you guys want to know i think at the farmhouse we actually did the foundation um not as wide i think it was like four inches or something but either way it'll work fine and it'll be nice and sturdy we get a lot of storms here with lots of wind and rain so you know sturdier the better no harm in that so the um the walls are 65 inches tall [Music] and then of course we'll do our rafters for the um the top peak but the side walls are going to be 65 inches tall what you got there p yep duck it's our little mama duck he finally caught her huh hey mama it's okay did that noise scare you oh pretty girl [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you guys we are stopping for the evening because we are running out of daylight and um we need to get a door so we've been doing some research good we've been doing some research on a door so that we know what the measurements are going to be before we do the front um the front wall so we want a glass door that's what we had at the farmhouse when we had our greenhouse out there and that way it lets in as much sunlight as possible so we're gonna research that and then we'll do the front panel here for the door but for tonight that's a wrap and i think we got a lot done guys here we are day i have no clue i've lost count can you guys see my screen is kind of um fogged up it's so humid here anyway this is a good day we have all four walls up look at that and joe just framed out the door i think he said he did 30 by 80. we've got the center up and he's working on doing the back side and that way we can get the rafters going for the roof starting to get dark the sun's gone down but we're still working so the staining has officially begun i say don't stain this isn't our forever home but joe's like if you're gonna do it you might as well do it right right joe yeah so we are staining all of the roof um rafters beams two by fours whatever you call them so that um we can just put them up and be done with it because last time we didn't do that and we put them up and then we had to stain them and it just made it that much harder because we'd climb ladders and get all the little weird angles and so it was a lot harder once we had already put them up so just a little tip you may want to stain before you put everything together i thought you were supposed to be staining this babe you're so good at that like dang [Music] why are you trying to block my shot joe look at all these we have to do well i guess i should pick up a roller and help poncho yeah yeah excuse me it's only 155 degrees out here [Music] all right guys so what we're doing now is putting these little foam strips on the greenhouse um so it says closure strips and that's for when we uh screw in the plastic siding it really pulls that plastic in and kind of seals it [Music] [Music] so [Music] guys it's the end of the evening and the sun has gone down we have worked on the greenhouse pretty much all afternoon and we're very tired but we got a lot done today so we stained the entire greenhouse that's a pain in the butt and we have all three sides up with the plastic so now we need to work on the roof and the door which we still haven't got but let me turn you guys around and show you how far we got today here she is but we have all three sides up and it turned out great so now we just got to get the roof done in the front and find us a door and it should be just about completed look at that it's perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that looks good joe [Music] [Music] so we finally found a door ten dollars on offer up baby so it wasn't the right size and joe ended up having to cut it and do some modifications but it is going to work out just fine [Music] so [Music] [Music] here is my pink vintage sink that i found on offer up for 25 dollars it's going to look great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you guys know me i cannot wait i already filled the boxes with garden soil and i'm getting ready to put in some nice hearty cold weather plants [Music] this is our rain catch system that we did on our last greenhouse and it worked out great this is going to give me running water in the greenhouse which is awesome when i'm working in there to wash my hands water my plants and not have to drag around big garden hoses we get tons of rain here in virginia so the barrel stays full all the time [Music] so now we're starting to add our garden boxes i'm really trying to maximize this space in this greenhouse since it is smaller joe has installed a fan and we've also put in some dryer vents on the back side of the greenhouse so it's going to suck in the cool air and it's going to have a constant circulation going through the greenhouse which is really important to keep the plants healthy and i've installed while joe did this adorable little chandelier and we're just starting to really make the place look cozy and cute and what would a greenhouse be without a little bit electricity to power the chandelier and our fan so joe has got that running which is a really nice addition we did not have that in the last greenhouse so i am very grateful [Music] and what would a girl's greenhouse be without a beer bottle opener hello [Music] you guys i have had this little antique glider for probably four years i bought it because i just loved it and i have not found anything to do with it and i think it was meant for this greenhouse so joe was a little irritated with me because he had already hung the chandelier and i asked him to take it down and readjust it so that i could put this antique ladder up there because i have a vision of something really cute to do with it [Music] [Music] so now joe is working on the piping for the sink and we're just going to have this go through the bottom of the greenhouse so that the water flows out into the dirt [Music] so we've added tons of pots and little garden boxes and i went ahead and transplanted my jalapenos and brought them into the greenhouse and they're loving it and my little lettuces have already sprouted super excited i tried to choose plants that were cold weather plants we've got some green onions going here those are gonna be perfect on some potatoes really excited about that and look at these adorable green beans oh my goodness i plan to trellis them above on the ceiling of the greenhouse and then garlic you guys i have tried many times to plant garlic and have never been successful and they happen to love the greenhouse environment i've got some carrots about 55 carrots that have already sprouted so they are also happy with the warm temperatures in the greenhouse and then i also decided to try my hand at brussels sprouts i have never planted them before so i've got three brussels sprout plants these plants get fairly large so i wanted to keep it small and each plant gives off a lot of brussels sprouts [Music] and there you have it you guys and we're going to continue to plant throughout the fall and winter season and i'm just really excited to have a space that i can go into and be creative during those cold dreary months in the winter and there are a lot of vegetables that grow well in the cold weather so i think that the greenhouse is going to be perfect you know it'll stay warmer in the greenhouse throughout the winter obviously that's the purpose of the greenhouse the sun will be shining through but it's still going to get chilly so you want to make sure you choose cold weather plants for this season i think everything turned out absolutely wonderful you guys it's just cute and quaint and i'm sure that it will progress and you know morph into something even more adorable as we go and we add things i just added this simple little curtain with some burlap bows to the sink and i think it's super cute ties in the colors of the pink and the green door and my counter and my sink is just perfect we've got the running water from the rain barrel so this is super convenient to have in the greenhouse and i'm really really happy about that i hope you guys enjoyed this video i really loved taking you along on this journey with joe and i and all together the greenhouse took us about two and a half weeks to build i was really shocked at how fast we got it done um but we that's just how we are we just put our minds to something and we just go at it hard until we knock it out so it turned out great and hopefully in a few months i'll have beautiful blossoming plants that i can show you guys please subscribe if you haven't already i love having you guys on my channel and don't forget to hit that notification bell so you get notified when i upload a new video take care for now and i'll see you on the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Home Free Alaska
Views: 318,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backyard greenhouse, how to build a greenhouse cheap, how to build a greenhouse from scratch, how to build a greenhouse with wood, how to build a greenhouse for winter, diy greenhouse build, diy greenhouse cheap, backyard greenhouse diy, greenhouse build, wood greenhouse ideas, building a greenhouse from scratch, winter greenhouse gardening, how to build a cheap greenhouse for winter, greenhouse construction step by step, greenhouse construction ideas, wood greenhouse door
Id: NMsvyfRBvWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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