Building our 1st Greenhouse! || Greenhouse Gardening || DIY Greenhouse Build!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] here is going to be the greenhouse in the garden Joe is getting it ready to do the footers b15 ends up being 15 and a half by 10 so it'll be a nice decent size [Music] Sara totally centered here with the front gate you're doing a good job Joe [Music] [Music] we have all four walls up on the greenhouse and I'm super excited come it together nicely we're working on the roof I'm excited but I'll be even more excited when we get that plastic going Joe because then it's gonna really start looking like a greenhouse you know [Music] ow [Music] [Music] [Music] Rhonda he's coming we'll get a beach boy [Music] oh snap it's a rare sighting lexi is out of her room and she's actually helping with a farm project what are you feeling okay today made to do even voluntold but look how much faster we got it done because you kids you should get community service for it seriously yes you're doing a great job though now that I see how good you can paint I might have to have you help me with some other stuff you doing pea Wow make sure you get all the yellow looking good make sure you get the excess paint off of there buddy let's show him how to get the access paint I'll show them how to wipe it on the rippled part or like that yeah you got to get the extra off so it doesn't drip her everywhere okay there you go make sure you get it all [Music] dang you kids are doing great does it help you when you hold your gun at the same time huh why do you have your gun for their zombies yeah never know when zombies would come right yeah yeah look at that only took us half a day just stayin this bad boy finally done and now we can start putting the plastic on it he's gonna put some stabilizer two-by-fours up in that raptors too so I got all these painted almost today it is 70 75 degrees yesterday was in the forties but it was it just felt freezing cold because of the wind we'll find hold up in car hearts yesterday tank top in flip-flops today [Music] three is probably good okay or fourth [Applause] our first cable on I'm good I'm good it's a lot of work though these little styrofoam things in here so that wouldn't screw the bolts and it doesn't crack so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just hum the back in the roof to do [Music] hey guys here we are still progressing on the greenhouse we're on probably week three of working on this and we probably could have been done a lot sooner but after we got the foundation laid we actually had a probably like a week and a half of just constant rain so it kept us from coming out and getting the framing done but now that the framing is done and we're getting some of the plastic on here it's coming along really fast so I'm really excited Joe is cutting a few more pieces of wood and then we are going to get the roof put on hopefully today we'll see and in the back and then of course you know we've got the the door that we need to put on and you've got to do some vents and things like that and then we're gonna come in and level out the ground with some dirt just looking back on my Facebook and all the beautiful photos that I took of our garden last year in we had probably just as many successes as we did failures you know we we didn't get an ounce of cauliflower an ounce of broccoli the cabbage worms ate it all before we could get to it but we were just overflowing with cherry tomatoes and cucumbers and onions and all kinds of other delicious vegetables so but we learned a lot so here's the inside so far we still have to do the panels on the back there the plastic panels and we still have to do the roof so Joe is in the garage right now cutting some more of these little support beams here 2x4 is to put over on this side Oh got a bug and then once we get those up we can put the plastic on top [Music] but it is coming along so beautifully and it's not too far from the farmhouse so coming over to the garden to harvest or grab a couple things for a salad for dinner [Music] I'm working on putting up a shelf now for all my herbs is right now I just have them on the counter that Joe built me and I really want to be able to use that counter for planting stuff filling up pots and starting some seeds and everything got my tomatoes in the box [Music] it's just turning out fantastic I'm so proud of him it looks great so what we're gonna do is use these wire shelves for my herbs and some other plants to kind of give us more space but you know we're doing the wire shelves so that the Sun can still shine through as much as possible to whatever is planted on the bottom which in this case is the tomatoes we just got a door for like 20 bucks on Craigslist what was it 20 bucks Joe 25 dollars but it's gonna be perfect it's all glass with a wood frame so again let the Sun Shine through as much as you can let's now look really good that rack sits on there just fine so you know you can get the regular brackets for these but you wanted something really strong and sturdy that'll hold the pots up really good because they're heavy there's gonna be a lot of them on there [Music] got thyme parsley basil back there we have some rosemary which rosemary is my favorite smells so good that's the sage cilantro but I've got some labs are growing back there it's gonna smell so good when they start blooming hey guys so here we are a couple months later and we have finished the greenhouse I say that knowing that we still obviously have some work to do I don't think it's ever really over and you have to forgive me as gloomy and overcast as it is today it is blazing hot and humid so I feel like I'm just dripping in sweat right now so but I wanted to get out here and show you guys the finished product because we worked so hard to get this greenhouse done and it is thriving the plants are doing great so let me turn you guys around and show you our greenhouse show you what we've done and show you what we still plan on doing you know we we sit and think of these ideas all the time and we're constantly changing them and adding new ideas but Jos done a great job you know he takes the brunt of the the heavy lifting and the heavy work and I'm just so impressed with him on this greenhouse and so far this season for the garden has been amazing so I can't wait to show you guys what we've done all right let's go so here's the greenhouse it's for the most part all complete we've added vents on both sides to allow fresh air to kind of flow through because we learned really quickly how hot and still the air can get inside this greenhouse you know we are new to farming just a couple years in and so we are still learning as we go but the vents have helped out tremendously and Joe started putting a screen on the inside of the vents to try to keep the bugs out and so far it's it's been great we keep the greenhouse door open all day long and we keep the vents open so we do get some bugs but it's nothing like outside in the garden so the plants are still really protected in here we haven't found any worms on our tomatoes and last year that's what just took out our tomato plants just they were overcome with worms and it was disgusting I had originally intended this to be for my herbs but some of my herbs like basil and cilantro of course they didn't do well and then the the high temperature let's just say the higher temperature in here so we moved them outside and I have a few I had my rosemary in here still because it's such a hearty herb they're doing just fine in fact I just harvest them yesterday so they got a haircut got a little strawberry pot up here and I've been taking all of my strawberry runners and starting new baby plants off of them we've got about ten of those going right now and then I'm going to transplant them here soon maybe into pots and fill up the rest of this shelf with strawberries we have some more strawberries down here [Music] you've got some where the little runners that we've turned into baby plants when those are ready to be transplanted we'll just snip off the spine here from the mother plant and then they will be their own strawberry plant it's pretty cool so these boxes Joe built these boxes in here and we put down plastic over the soil and then we mulched over that really the mulch is for cosmetic appearance I don't like the plastic look so we covered it in mulch and it also helps keep the moisture in - but you guys the weeds the weeds are like not an issue it's amazing I will never garden without garden plastic again not in an area where we have as many weeds as we do here in Virginia as you can tell there are just no weeds at all nothing so we literally just have the pleasure of coming out here and watering and maintaining and pruning and snipping and harvesting it's awesome I've put in some mint plants and some of my boxes and I've got some beans growing my beans didn't do so well outside they all started dying off I think that the elements were just too much for them so we moved them inside got some snap peas and they're doing really well they've actually tripled in size since we brought them in in the greenhouse [Music] all of Joe's hard work all of his angles everything he's such an amazing builder I'm an old mere that I found I can get a yard sale or something one time I don't know we brought in a couple box fans and we have an extension cord running out to the greenhouse I have them turned off right now just so you guys can hear me talking but we normally run these all day long and really help circulate the air in the greenhouse and keep it cool in here the other thing we did was added this shade greenhouse shade cloth but temperatures in here even with the fans on was getting way too hot for anything to thrive in here so this shade cloth has been amazing still adds a lot of shade still allowing a light to the Sun to shine through because our plants need the sunshine to grow but the temperature in here dropped 15 20 degrees easily just by adding the fans of the shade cloth so and our Tomatoes we went and got some sticks from the forest and we added them for support we kind of have tomato trees growing this year I think it's lovely we've heavily pruned all of our tomato plants we've never grown tomato plants like this before we've always ended up with kind of a crazy mess a bushy plant that we can't even get into to harvest the tomatoes because if you let them go they will just do whatever they want to do so this year we have been diligent with pruning them and look at all these beautiful tomatoes they're so gorgeous no worms no F is nothing and they're growing all the way to the ceiling [Music] the other thing we did was brought in a battery and a solar panel and Joe ran the line to install these ceiling fans we bought these on Amazon fairly inexpensive so we leave these on all day and then you turn them off at night [Music] [Music] we've got my dill because I'm a pickle lover so I always have fresh dill growing one of my favorite herbs and another box of strawberries down here and the only thing we really have left to do in the greenhouse for the most part other than little things here and there is we want to do some kind of flooring in here because the dirt obviously you know it's dusty and it just anybody that Gardens knows how dirty your feet get anyways so we want to put something in here we're thinking about doing you know laying bricks down stepping bricks maybe just some gravel I don't know we haven't really decided for sure what we want to do but we do want to put some kind of flooring in here I was gonna have Joe build another shelf like this over here until I learned how tall tomato plants can grow like woah clearly we can't have another shelf there and I'm fine with that you guys I think I will always do my tomatoes in the greenhouse from here on out because they just really done great this year these ones aren't as tall because they're cherry tomatoes [Music] you know I guess we could always top these off and control how tall we let them get but I actually don't mind them growing all the way the ceiling I think it's just fine the other thing that we added to the greenhouse was gutters to catch the rain and so we've made a rain catching setup and we now have running water in the garden which we've never had before so this has been really cool we just have the rain going right into these barrels and then you put spigot on each side of the greenhouse so we can have hoses and wash up our feet and water the plants and it's been really really convenient we get a lot of thunderstorms here in Virginia in our area of Virginia anyway so these have always been cool for the most part you put a clear center strip on the roof I don't know if you can see that you know there's loss they have toppers that you can buy at Lowe's that are meant for that but we just used part of them green health plastic and we cut it and lay it down the center and it's working just fine [Music] [Music] because all of our cucumbers we have pickling cucumbers upfront and regular cucumbers in the back as you can see Joe's out here working already pulling some of the pickling cucumbers so thanks for joining us you guys on this journey building our very own greenhouse from scratch it's been a lot of work but it's been a lot of fun and I think that it's gonna pay off so many times over with the gardening seasons to come and don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell if you'd like to be notified anytime our videos go live all right happy gardening [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: Home Free Alaska
Views: 163,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy greenhouse build, winter greenhouse, diy greenhouse cheap, backyard greenhouse, diy greenhouse, greenhouse build diy, diy greenhouse for winter, diy greenhouse cheap easy, how to build a diy greenhouse for cheap, backyard greenhouse ideas, cheap diy greenhouse ideas, greenhouse rainwater collection, greenhouse rainwater harvesting, greenhouse rain gutters, greenhouse solar fan, greenhouse shelving ideas, greenhouse shelves, greenhouse shelves diy, greenhouse garden boxes
Id: f-eRF65JIeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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