DIY Aluminum Bronze Hammer: Golden hammer for Black Smithing

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it's time to make the aluminium-bronze smithing hammer one could even say it's hammer time [Music] stupid stupid joke so here's the hammer design I printed up a split pattern basically what I did here I looked at row at christ-centered ironworks that's a YouTube channel outside of UT he's a professional blacksmith like full-time so I just looked at the hammer that he uses most of the time for stuff and straight-up copied it because you know he's a professional he should know what he's doing I have no idea so I'm just gonna copy the professional you can see I printed it with draft on all the faces that way I'll be able to get this out of the sand easily and this handle thing I'm gonna be using a core for that that's what these are for basically you know you stick them together stuff it fully your core and then when you lift off you have your core you Ram these up in the sand can you remove this and you have this kind of handle shape hole you stick this sand the the core in that hole and then when you cast you'll get kind of the shape of the hammer head with a hole through the middle you gouge out all the sand and boom hammerhead because I cannot drill through aluminium-bronze too hard daniel-san this edge alright plan ahead all the time yeah it's smoother shoe sure looks cruddy though from the sand another important casting feature these edges are all rounded slightly and that's something that you usually do in patterns of the the outside and inside edges also but I can do it in the modeling program and then just print it to fit so that's what I did now the sand which some idiot put all the way up here even though it's super heavy this time I'm not going to use all these runners I'm just gonna use risers and try to cut the gates so that's the plan so in the bottom flask here only gonna have this one this is a split pattern so we use you cut this down Ram it up flip it over stick this on top Ram it up with these in there then remove it remove these from each side of the sand and and there you go you got your pattern but before I do that what I have to do is I have to make sure that when I put together they will stay in the same place because right now they just gonna slide it all over so I need to attach them together and drill some locating pin holes and I don't you're thinking why didn't you put those in when you made the model and then they were just printing there well in response to that where were you when I was doing this mm-hmm mm-hmm is that was a really good idea I totally shouldn't on that but let's let er rip Oh not very centered but good enough how many gets sand from going in there obviously duct tape you might be asking will duct tape mess up my ability to get this pattern out of the sand well we are gonna find out together it won't we pretty-pretty make up now they always tell you want a little bit of space between the pattern and the wall but remember this is gonna have a core in it so this isn't gonna have any metal so I can put it right up against the wall not like super close but reasonably so and know that metal is not going to be in there hopefully make sure I have space along here and then put the the risers here but in in the other side of the flask remember parting surface down I totally didn't almost forget that just now you know the sand feels different in the cold this is oil bonded sand I know people tell me water bonded sand the normal like water green sand wet sand that stuff can freeze and you can't really use it when it's frozen wedding ring off little late in the game but hey it's never too late to try to protect your marriage or your safety and yes ruining your wedding ring that is a danger to your safety and your marriage locating pins cool glad that worked and what I'm gonna do with these I'm gonna push them into the sand underneath using manly strength boom all right then it just lifted the hammer out cutting a gate that I'm aware you can't see on that camera I'm sorry and another gate also aware you can't see on the camera I'm sorry remove hammer cutting these gates hopefully you can see it on the camera before I set it back down it's court time now generally use something called sodium silicate for Korres I don't have any sodium silicate so I'm just gonna use Petra bond and hope it's sticky enough couple of clamps to hold it together remember this dowel from like a few minutes ago it's hitting my overhead lighting making a clanging noise hope that works that should go without saying though I hope all of this works never made a camera before never made a hammer handle before never done a core before if I'm honest not like this anyway give it a couple wraps for good luck boom oh look at that looks beautiful looks beautiful you can even see the print lines cool now the reason people use sodium silicate oh this is too long I can just cut off the part that I screwed up it's like I never screwed it up the exposed sodium silicate to carbon dioxide and it gets harder and that's nice because you kind of need the cord to hold up to some strength fortunately Petra bond is very sticky and I'm very shaky Wow still shaky let's see that's how it kind of goes in and the idea is now the metal will flow around that and I'll have that sized hole right through the middle I think we got away with not using the right kind of sand for that let's try this huh I suspect the sand in this top flask is shifting downward just a little bit but it feel very secure so we're gonna ignore all that and move ahead anyway because I don't have time to do it again the Sun is setting of course I need my flask protection wall this basically just prevents the metal from flowing over and burning my flask again okay since that's going on full fires of death mode it probably won't be very long for the illumina brats of health if you remember when I did the testing I had to think lamps in the vise and I was hammering the crap out of that and I was able to make a ship in the incan and that to me said it's too brittle because if I can make a chip and intense stress testing hammering with it forever is gonna be you know about same so what I did I threw in another ingot of copper hopefully that will lower the aluminum content just enough that it won't be brittle the more aluminum you haven't it the harder it is but the more brittle it is so it's kind of a balance I threw it a little more comfort some people were mentioning the comments of my copper aluminum ratio was probably not ten percent the way I mixed it it was probably more like eight and a half to nine percent well I think there was some contamination some aluminum in the crucible ran off to the conference so the copper ingots went out a little aluminum already so that might have pushed the the percentage up the adding the copper will hopefully lower the content although rest assured I didn't measure any of that so I have no idea how much it would have lowered it and the copper that I threw it might have also been contaminated with a little bit of aluminum so I am it's kind of crapshoot but should be fun once it's once it's out of there I'll clean up the casting and then I'll put a handle on there we'll see how it works I've never done any of this before though so fingers crossed also yes you can see my breath it's gold winter is finally here I can simultaneously freezing cold and burning though when I'm next to a furnace so that's fun ready for the obligatory point into the furnace shot again melting quite quickly quickly quickly here we go pouring into the hole at the arrow it's taking all of it oh oh did I did I melt enough aluminium-bronze I sure hope so I didn't lose quite a bit again to the dross it looks about full enough hard to see there cuz still glowing but it did get all the way through alright well I went to pick it up to put it on here to remove it and this happened the sand stayed down there so I haven't seen it yet but it is under this so here we go Now or Never oh no chunks of sand falling this is gonna be a nightmare to clean up it's still warm oh look at that okay we got a little pitting where we got a little sinkage here whoo that's that's toasty toasty warm saved me spring clamp it worked hooray a hammer all right I will clean up and rejoin you later Wow jeez that's really hot toasty burn me well some idiot forgot to record button when he's cleaning it up so here's me work hardening the faces the way he's cooled off very slowly in the mold there is still very Emil I don't really know if it's hard in the face it didn't really do anything probably because it was already pretty tough but it certainly helped me relieve the stress from not hitting the record button because I need to make a handle that stems the rules so we got I got a stack of wood walnut yes walnut is good we get screwed poplar maple yeah maple I like maple but I guess we'll do maple ripsaw wait no measure once cut once I didn't measure it all cannot find the measure so I'm just gonna wing it doo-doo-doo middle ish middle ish good a straight edge is any you know I've seen projects that didn't involve any actual measuring tape so it was about making like a comfortable stool using just like body measurements like a span and a cubit and that kind of thing so you make it with your own body measurements and the idea is it would end up for comfortable height and all that stool for you and it didn't really matter if it was perfect glue it on either side this maple when it dries when I cut out a hammer handle I think I'm gonna cut it a little too long like I'm gonna make it this full length and then now of all you know shape it and then put a head put the head on it put the hammer head on it and that'll use it a bit and figure out what's the maximum length I care to use it ever and then chop it off good plan maybe I'm winging this so give me a break I've never made a hammer before definitely never made a hammer handle and guessing that's gonna be way too thick but yeah that's fine whatever oh I'll make it work do do to to to to to to glue glue glue glue what is the proper length for a hammer handle anyway like how do you figure that out that was shorter than I'm gonna make it that's good remember when you're doing these kind of things you can always remove more wood you can't stick it back on there well you can't glue it and mentally you can weld it so I guess that old saying is kind of crap but it's it's easier to take it off been a while since I've broken out the spring clamps that they were getting lonely over there see the cool thing with spring clamps is as the glue dries it kind of shrinks and the spring clamps are exerting a force so as it shrinks that they'll just continue squeezing down if use like those screw clamps and everything shrinks together the clamp is suddenly loose but these these maintain proper tension compression whatever clamp egde their clamp ajiz good naturally I'm not gonna let it get away with only a few clamps I don't own a million spring clamps so I can only use two of them I should probably amend that I don't own a million spring clamps I just own too many of them I'm staggering them so you don't end up with a condition where the wood gets wet on one side because of the glue and ends up cupping I'm clamping the two edges down so the joint hopefully will be nice and tight when I start removing the the sides now of course if I wasn't lazy I would have shave this off I could do it just on both sides all the way up but I was lazy this is sort of a similar clamping method the one I used to make long bows because when you have laminated pieces in a long it really matters that the glue joint is absolutely secure the whole way so any weak points will kind of be like a crack and a thing where the little weak point concentrates all the stress and kaboom explosion to the interest of speeding us along a bit I'm just gonna summarize how I made the handle basically I took that plank you saw I shaved this was like squarish and I traced out the shape that I wanted to cut of the pin that goes through the Hammerhead then I cut that out trim that event with some chisels then he use a spokeshave to kind of make the square handle into a round handle then sanded it no need to go through hours and hours of this because all of you watching are probably smart enough to just go buy a hammer handle because they sell them at the store for like very little money it's totally worth it finished handle except not not finished I'm gonna put a whale on it let's see let's try to make this fit drumroll easy hmm there we go this is too long obviously this this feels really awkward pretty stuck on there though how do you figure out how long to make a hammer anyway like that's that's too short no that feels that feels like a good place maybe right about here you'll see some hammers they'll be kind of thick by the handle and we'll get really skinny up here framing hammers but I kind of wanted it to be the same thickness the whole way just in case I wanted to hold it in different area also it's you know kind of chilly out here and I don't want to stand here shaving this down only to have it get too thin and a break later so yeah I'll just stick with this grab out there but yeah that still feels just a hair longer than I want it to be but that's fine like this right here there that's that's a good comfy yeah that's this feels this makes me feel manly alright see pins when you pin this I've seen someone make pins with a rip saw before and they bragged about it as an accomplishment so I'm gonna see if I can do that there this is kind of like a wedged mortise and tenon but then I remembered I've never done a wedge mortise and tenon so that's not gonna make me feel any better slight change this needs to be shorter shorter I've already told you I've never done this before right don't need to give you any excuses then you're well aware two pens their full width happy tap tap there Eddie a little aggressive with the tappy tap taps turn into whack whack whack yeah yeah that's that's pretty thick linseed oil doesn't like the cold it'll go on whatever would I say it'll go on and it'll like it it's going on a real nice actually no it's going on like syrup I may have to take this inside to finish and I will show you when it's done just kidding I'm gonna show you in a second but before I do I want to remind you that this was done in collaboration with another YouTube channel SW dweeb he also made an aluminium bronze hammer his video should have posted at the same time this one did so I want you to go over there watch his and check it out no need to tell us which one you like better and I'm not just saying that because I've seen his hammer already and I wouldn't vote for mine so yeah just just watch them just watch them both and enjoy enjoy no need to make it a competition no need at all hi it was a good time it was a good time right it's it's it's how you feel that matters it's not who wins but I want to say thank you to SW Eve this was fun and we should do more stuff like this right duh my very first hammer and handle and time putting a handle on a hammer now that I got this I'm one step closer to having everything I need to chili forged some metal what should I make next forward something another hammer more casting let me know in the comments [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Paul's Garage
Views: 66,946
Rating: 4.8901701 out of 5
Keywords: Aluminum bronze, blacksmith hammer, DIY hammer, make your own hammer, brass hammer, make your own hammer handle, how to handle a hammer, metal casting, bronze casting, metal casting process, metal foundry, propane foundry
Id: jFrczyOIwJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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