My Wife Sharpens the Aluminum Bronze Knife

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time to sharpen some more last week I did a live stream where I sharpened one side of this but I've gotten some comments that people don't like the live streams as much they like the more edited videos so are we gonna sharpen the other side but just in case you did see the live stream we're gonna keep it all new because I'm gonna make her do it okay it's not that sharp it only cuts paper really well okay I did not watch the live stream so this'll be new to you okay no one tell her how much hammering and blood this makes yeah you might not want to run your finger on that so this is not like steel so it's steel you can you can quench it and heat treat it and do some other stuff what this does there are some aluminum bronze alloys that you can do that but I eyeballed the alloy on this like hard core so I have no idea how you would he treat this properly okay but all metals especially aluminum bronze will work harden that means the more you bend or try to compress while it's cold it will get a lot harder so we're gonna take this hammer and we're gonna hit along the edge with the edge sitting on this railroad track so we got hardened steel hitting nice hard railroad track and where you hit underneath that impact will be much harder than say here which has never been hit edge holding edge like sharpness holding edge and a crack resistant Center spine so that's what we're gonna do basically we harden the edge of the hammer first then we use a file that's over there to sharpen it okay so here's here's basically how I was doing it I was laying this edge down and I was just working up with the pick hammer as close to the edge as possible if you get too far this way it's not going to help the edge where it holds an edge maybe at this obviously that doesn't do jack then when you get all the way to the end flip it over do the other side yourself no comment I thought I thought just hammering with this edge was gonna screw up the look and then I realized you file it off anyway so it really cares okay three two one go so how do I know to move on to the next part if you look close then it's just covered in dings all over keep going [Music] put these up there was only a minor hearing damage so far minor but you don't need all of your hearing I'm seeing like flakes coming off maybe the alloy is a little brittle just keep going I suppose maybe hit a little softer flipping it over okay very challenging that got it all it's pretty much like you dinged the crap out of the entire thing which is what you're supposed to do in this situation okay so the next part is file and files very important I don't drag the file just push pick up also aluminium-bronze ID this might be something that gums up files I really don't know but a trick that chirp he told me it was wd-40 hopes if you actually hit the file mm-hmm and that will help the the chips not plug up in the file 3 do one go this is way easier just being the cameraman not ruining that my well if you screw up the file I can buy a new one it's gonna be pretty tough to screw up the railroad track and this knife thing is just for show so it really doesn't matter I mean you're not doing pointless labor ignore me of course not this isn't a job easy my precious time oh it definitely has a point on it we tested during the live stream I can jab the point right into the bench flip it okay so flip it around and start doing the other side and you'll see that this Edge has a thickness to it and you want it to get more like an edge like here now this still has a thickness I did a bad job but this is an edge so with blades there's a there's an angle so you can have the sharpness of the edge itself but also the angle of the edge can be thicker or thinner and since a lot of things are sharpened with rotating stuff you'll end up with like a curved bevel so you can end up with a thicker thing with a sharper point to tell a lot of razor blades are so they can take and sharpen however like a lot of swords are like this so it's more of a knife angle like a thick not obtuse it's still an acute angle but a much much thicker sort of edge on it and that's probably we're gonna have to end up with here so it's not gonna be as great for shaving or like slicing through really thin stuff but it hits something and move it'll still cut into it definitely cut the paper yeah well and the reason we're using a file for this and not something like an angle grinder which is one of my favorite ways to grind stuff because the angle grinder heats up whatever you're grinding right so work hardening bashing it with a hammer makes it harder heating it up once it's work hardened softens it again so we don't want to soften it we want to do all of this cold temperatures now there are ways to use a power tool to file it like there's there's Whetstone's and there's also like big rotating grinding stones that don't rotate is faster than angle grinder or they're covered in oil or something to keep it cool I have none of those I have this file I'm doing a decent job here no one's cringing or watching me doing this well if you screw up I'll take it out here pay what they yes that's coming along nice for whatever reason the tip is really thick on this I think that was because this was two pieces of printed plastic that I glued together that I used to cast them to make the mold the tip kind of spread apart so there's a little extra mass there at the tip but that's all it better for stabbing should i spray with wd-40 sure it was covering golden glitter like we're some kind of fancy rich place or the poor kind of fancy rich place where instead of putting gold flakes in the drinking water we put brass in it or aluminum you know I never understood fancy like places like I remember that scene but there is this ice cream that's like really expensive and one of the things in Greece go on it's gold flakes just because the ritziest way to get heavy metal poisoning like why no because they can more ridiculous I saw another one oh you can take a pill don't make you poop gold literally flushing money down the toilet is that what they want to do pointless money wasting yeah what they should spend their money on tools that they don't use a lot yeah yeah chainsaw file imperfect one you know one where the blade is not straight sure criticize my work so you would have to live with a beautiful woman how terrible know in modern day nowadays they're doing this repetitive tasks they could turn on music or podcast or something to listen to right but in the past I wonder how they did it without going crazy in their head they probably had the old fashioned podcast a guy sitting there talking to you what is a weapon it's a weapon a weapon when it's used as a weapons can see I got a pocketknife and I don't think that's a weapon is only sole purpose is violence okay you know but a tool like a hammer is a tool you used it to make something you know be it all shall bash someone's face in but you can also make something with it so like a knife can be a work tool or you can stab someone well like a sword is a little more of a weapon because you're not gonna like open boxes with it or cut your steak with it well it could but it would be really weird okay where do you fall on the bow and arrow cuz that's clearly meant to shoot stuff but you can shoot animals that you can eat same fur gun I guess or Simpson even used the gun to turn off the lights in his house so it was kind of a tool was first created was it for war or was for hunting I suspect it was for war cuz they suck too much to shoot an animal it was for like multiple people to shoot and multiple other people cuz like the early guns were terrible and if you had a hundred people shooting them at a hundred other people they're pretty awesome early gun would have been terrible for hunting because he would shoot once and he'll just sit there yeah usually you're like shoot and the thing the ball which is like a hook at a random direction and the deer would look at you like you're an idiot and then just run away and you'd sit there like like like pouring in the powder and like tamping it down and the old ones didn't even have the flintlock yet like hold a burning piece of twine into a hole to shoot them okay then let's if hunting animals counts as a tool people all over the world hunted animals with Spears and some people still do it's a spiritual a knife can be a tool and a weapon but a sword is kind of a weapon only kind of blade right anthropology the people during like the Stone Age when they're more of a hundred gatherer are there any evidence that murder happened yes yes but they use like a different thing they use people have tried to kill each other since there were people well that's true but they like kill people with tools oh I imagine whatever you got it's gonna work I mean projectiles have been around a long time even like our shoulder like the human shoulder joint can throw a ball really fast and very accurately way way better than a chimp and chimps are really is really strong but there's no chimp pitcher in Major League Baseball impossible the chimp I've run of the mill standard mediocre chimp could rip of pitchers arm off but he could not throw the ball okay try ripping an arm off no teaching the chimp to throw ball yeah they do like underhand they can't do overhand not really why not they're their shoulder joint is arranged differently oh yeah they're designed to hang upside down like hang on branches not overhand throw anything what about eight chimps are Apes okay so are people chimps are primates gorillas they're Apes okay this is way off topic people way off topic fine this task way off topic what makes Apes different from monkeys oh yeah among many things is our hands monkeys walk on top of branches apes hang on branches called brachiation if you see a chimps hand they're curved so they're like humans are different we walk on our feet we don't climb on junk so our hands while still if you rip the skin off and look at bone for bone it's very much an ape and especially dexterity and strength we don't have the big thick curved bones or the arm muscles to hang on stuff not not as much but we definitely have a pike hands yeah when they're walking they're welcome to knuckles because they don't do like flat on the hands one thing we have even more dexterity I don't think a chimp can do this they can't they can't touch their thumb to their other fingertips we have much better dexterity I think the old one of the only other animals with such good dexterity is like a raccoon okay back to sharpening no more talk though it's very sharp okay the rest of us fine here's what we're gonna do okay since these covering filings and takes a long the the fire really doesn't like biting into this so what's the next step well that's sharp the next step is testing it box so which one did you do now remember I said this is really thick it's not gonna slice as nicely as a steel knife because it's like a quarter-inch thick in the middle but it still kind of does so here's what we're gonna try more of a sawing motion seems to saw pretty good yeah most elaborate letter opener ever what about the handle can you just do something about the handle you leave a handle flattening this down with an angle grinder and then trying to glue stuff on and wrap it in leather like wood are you gonna keep long no I'm getting definitely to cut that off okay final test when that road edge [Music]
Channel: Paul's Garage
Views: 8,048
Rating: 4.9087949 out of 5
Keywords: knife making, sharpening, paul's garage, aluminum bronze, bronze age, spear
Id: 3XhEitDYC5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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