Casting Aluminum Sand Rammer from a 3D Printed Pattern with a Vertical Casting Flask

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time to sign Casa News San Ranbir using the old sand rammer okay here's the deal this is the sand rammer you've seen me using I got this from chirpy he sent this to me it's made out of what appears to be pine and it works - slight problems one the sand sticks to it you can see yeah makes kind of hard like when you go to sand Ram you lift up it pulls a lump of sand with it now you might say you could just sand that down and put a finish on there something I'm saying sand a lot aren't I sand is very important in in the workshop as it turns out you might say a finish would fix that and I I'm gonna do that basically but the second problem this is very large so I printed up this it's a new pattern see it's smaller the main difference is the end the end is smaller now this it's not that much smaller but remember this is going to shrink during during the cooling solidifying and cooling and then also this is just the raw pattern I'm gonna I'm gonna grind it down quite a lot more and I'm gonna do something different a little different with this than I've done before so this is the vertical flask that I used to make the spear seeing earlier I should get that show and tell time here it is yeah that was an earlier video you should probably go watch that I haven't really done anything with this although now that it's sharpened it makes a really great box cutter cuz it's thick spine I can just hurt right into a box and yeah it's it's it's pretty sweet that's a little off-topic but a stabbing things is fun right anyways I cast this vertically and I used a very tall riser here feeder or whatever it's called you know I poured into this it went around it trickled up through the blade this became the riser feeder MIDI Lee and I was going to then use that as the handle although I never made this end anything because seriously like swords and spears and knives and stuff are cool but how on earth am I gonna use a spear in my day-to-day life you know boar hunting there aren't any wild boars in Wisconsin although I can hunt my workbench so I'm going to use the same the same kind of in system here very skinny very skinny thing I'm gonna I'm gonna put the tapered sprue on the top again the tapered no wait scratch that I'm gonna use the pouring Basin thing on the top so there's gonna be the pouring Basin goes into this but there's a slight difference yeah this thing this was a riser so I knew when the molten metal came up to the top of here that it had filled the whole mold this time I'm going to do kind of a blind mold check it out copper pins copper locating pins when I made this there were quarter inch holes and I could have swore I had quarter inch dowels out here but no I can't find him don't know where they went but they're not here at least I can't find them so I'd use copper pretty bling-bling too bad they'll be hidden Oh also I made this in fusion 360 and I'm putting the file up on on my mini factory if there be a link down below if it's not up if it's not ready by the time this video comes out like if it's not approved there's an approval process or something if it's not ready I'd just wait a day or two they're pretty quick about that and it'll be free it's not anything I'm gonna charge for I know you can charge on my mini factory now but I not me so anyways I'm gonna put this here this is gonna come through the top it's gonna go down through the very skinny thing I'm then going to cut the little in gate down here this will be a trap I know I saw in a video swd we've had a circle trap fancy I'm not that fancy I'm just gonna do just just gonna end and then I'm going to cut a very small end gate same same size as this roughly speaking into this it will feed up I'm going to vent through the top here with just a tiny tiny wire tiny wire vent and I am not gonna know if this fills all the way at the top it'll be blind well I guess it'll the metal will stop pouring in here so that'll that'll be my sign but what about shrinkage this is a pretty big honkin thing especially this this part up top is going to be the biggest honk in this part of the entire thing and it's also going to be vertical so I'm going to get a lot of shrinkage up here especially on this face well you might notice this face looks kind of long I made it extra long like a finger longer than I want it to be so hopefully there this will act like a feeder this face will shrink down it will come out this will be too long and nasty over here I'll grind off the nasty from the top down to the the size of whatever I feel like and that will get rid of the gross surface and I'll have a nice part yeah I don't know if that's a thing if that's a good idea about idea it's probably a bad idea but that's what I'm gonna do because I I've heard Petra Bond vents pretty well and I'm just gonna take a gamble I won't have a sign that it's full of metal like there won't be a little mini volcano of molten awesomeness coming out but I guess it also means although I'd be less likely to burn the the flask hmm it did it has been kind of roasted a bit but it's still good and now to the ramming hopefully the sand will be better that's a thing Petra bond doesn't like being cold well now it's like nice out check it out it's like nice so I got the door open even mostly because of that light there's a big light there that fell down and smashed onto the ground and I need the sunlight to like lighten the stuff up so you can see ok enough blathering onto the under the sand stuff wedding ring off I'm so glad it's not just my imagination that the Petra Bond doesn't like when it's cold like this stuff is so sticky but when it's cold actually I'm not gonna put this in right now the stuff is usually so sticky I'm like lemon what's what's going on is it did lose its stickiness can that happen am I losing my mind I mean probably I should still at least remember how sticky sand is oh yes this is pushing through the sieve in a more difficult manner that is a good sign it's more like I'm squeezing it through it's not just like filtering through now the main benefit of this smaller size sand rammer is that I'll be able to get between like where I have the two risers too close together cuz I'm bad at planning I can't get that big honkin one between this smaller one I'll be able to get between her between a riser and the edge you know the edge of the flask I mean you might say I should plan the layout better or use the proper sized flask but answer me this shut up dududu lineup them pins see with this with this for a pattern I just kind of dig it in there halfway oh no it moved I'm not the horror here yeah that's not that's not real great up there I gotta patch that afterwards anyway and I really got a catch back up on these casting videos that a bunch of the people and knew have been making they've been doing some really awesome informative stuff and here I've been not watching everybody's videos I mean I don't have time to watch everybody's videos but there's a lot more videos out there that I know I should watch then I have been watching you want to have time to watch videos I usually pass out on the floor that's not good like there's there's no way that that's a healthy thing to do Who am I kidding I don't have time to watch anything I'm gonna sacrifice sleep and catch up on videos on that I promise you yeah that didn't that didn't release super good it's good to sing poorly to your castings helps them come out better because they're so traumatized from the bad singing they don't want to have to go through it again please that's my theory I need to fix that light fixture because this is backlit and I don't want it to be backlit backlighting always looks bad in my opinion wonder if this can grab better oh yeah oh no the horror yeah there's only like three degrees of draft on this I should have done more that'll be fun to clean up oh well not going to fix it now to secure these flasks together I'm going to use these big screws I've used these before the last time generally flasks if flat and the gravity of the top the top flask full of sand can hold it if you have a particularly big cast thing it can float like the metal can float the sand up and you'll end up pouring metal out the sides in that case they generally put weights on top so that can help counteract the the buoyancy this is going to be sitting upright so really the metal is going to be pushing them apart and there's not a lot holding them together so now just to make sure I don't have a spill situation I'm going to screw the flasks together solid some people use clamps I generally use nothing but I generally don't do vertical casting now for this part instead of building up a large thing I'm just going to kind of form my my pouring Basin right here I'm gonna put this here back in the hole just to stop some sand from falling in there because at this point the mold is made don't know if that's showing up but I have a basin here hole next to it yeah it's not showing up but here you can see well you still can't see it it doesn't read well and on camera but this pits way down it's kind of up the ridge around down deep and then it overflows up down the hole there which is currently plugged by that Oh Cass focus or don't okay fine don't focus you stupid camera I'm not the boss of you I guess see what you say when you're in a blender see how you like that stupid refurbished camera I'll show you what's a great by Amazon this is really cool this is like four wire things you put the the two things in the little c-clip holes squeeze it and it pulls it apart singing the clips off neat works for rich for copper odd to fancy figure something out new every time they go in the garage eh oh and I should have mentioned this way earlier in the beginning a video I'm gonna cast this on aluminum because I have a lot of aluminum left over and now realize you didn't see any of that of me talking that's fine you don't need to see my face well that didn't go well not one bit it's even leaking and it didn't take much I'd say I don't think this is a good one not at all but we'll find out later okay oh boy it's already coming apart not confident here not even a little bit I feel like it should have taken way more metal it's it's um I think part of the problem is I vented I said it was going to vent it and I did I vented it using you know the vents and there were some holes all the way through and out the top I don't know if that first crappy dump of metal blocked the holes or if it wasn't enough venting there I don't know who knows but it was vented oh dear oh dear cross your finger why am I worried what's wrong with me but it doesn't work I can just remember I've make it a big deal probably because I don't have enough time to do it again before Friday put the video up and one more thing just kidding just kidding I'm just stalling for fun hmm whoa whoa look at that whoa it actually worked what what yeah get lost check that out it's good surface finish very good surface finish if I do say so myself okay just gets a little hairy up here and as expected the top sink in a little but much less than I expected so I can just chop the top of this bit off or not even I actually I like the weight Wow if this crap can't focus they're actually like the weight I might just smooth it out just grind it down a little bit a little bit of flashing here you know where that chunk fell out this this here that's a funny story I was venting the top I was venting it with a piece of steel filler rod and when I poked a hole in and I'm before I pulled it out I let go and it fell right in so that's a piece of steel filler rod don't know where the other end is I imagine it's there maybe it's that yeah it's it's reinforcement it makes it stronger right like reinforced concrete yeah yeah we're gonna go with that cool shiny shiny yeah wait wait let's let's see if it works huh now the other end kind of did that backwards but whatever [Music]
Channel: Paul's Garage
Views: 10,482
Rating: 4.9464288 out of 5
Keywords: metal casting, sand rammer, green sand rammer, paul's Garage, melting metal, how to cast metal, propane foundry, foundry furnace, casting aluminum, metal casting tools
Id: eHb22MaZcuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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