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before we get started in this video ladies and gentlemen, I just want to thank you for the time that you're spending with me here today. If you guys enjoy the videos where I browse the dark web, explore the dark web & surf the dark web, then please go ahead and get this video into the double-digit likes. I really love recording these videos and if you guys want to see more of them please show me some love in the comment section down below. It genuinely helps the video out. Don't try anything you see in this video at home, please do not replicate any of the things that I do in this video. In this video, we are going to be digging the depths of the deep web and delving into the depths of the dark web for the people that don't know what the deep web and dark web is the deep web is the place that like it's just all the stuff you can't access on all the regular browsers like safari and google chrome, however, when it gets to the dark web this is all the territory that gets pretty freaking dark it gets damn near illegal when it comes to dark web browsing, there's a lot of blurring that I gotta do in these videos, so I hope you guys can understand that from now the first thing you have to do before you connect onto the dark web all the time is you have to use a VPN I'm using NordVPN, which is this is not a sponsorship by the way, I just really like NordVPN, I'm gonna connect it to the united states right now, what could go wrong if I connected to the united states huh after connecting your VPN you want to go ahead and open up the tor browser the onion router, and you want to connect to the onion router. Look at this privacy is a human right hands off my data which is something interesting going on now if you guys haven't heard there's a lot of a lot of changes that are coming to your data I've actually put an anonymous donation into the tor project they want to make the tor network faster more reliable (&) more accessible to the average user because like I said, there's going to be a big privacy change in the coming days i really like what tor does with our home pages I'm always a big fan of that you don't want any of your bank account information to follow you on the dark web so when you're using the dark web, You actually have to use a bunch of crypto cryptocurrencies. Mainly the two main cryptocurrencies that are used on the dark web is Bitcoin (BTC) and Monero (XMR) Bitcoin is the God of all cryptocurrencies, the daddy of all cryptocurrencies where Monero (XMR) is kind of I say it like all the time Monero's kind of the shady younger cousin that bitcoin has that people like to use because it anonymizes their transactions any transaction they make on the dark web or the deep web or in general overall if i wanted to buy this water bottle anonymously completely anonymously i would most likely want to use Monero because Monero is considered a private coin, private coins are really cool. It's literally the same thing as any other cryptocurrency, however when you go on the blockchain, you're gonna need a lot more information to see the transactions on the blockchain instead of just a transaction-id it's pretty cool when you're on the dark web; you don't use dot-com websites you don't use dot-net websites no dot org websites you have to use something called dot onion websites this is kind of like a top-level security domain and I actually want to tell you guys that there's a big update to all of the onion links on the dark web all the websites had to update to something called v3 onion links literally 90% of the links on the dark web that are available to find don't even work anymore because they're the short v2 links like if you click them it just doesn't even work, so when we're browsing the dark web nowadays you actually have to look for longer onion links like I said these are called v3 onion links it's a lot trickier but i found a lot of them, so I'm not too worried anyways a lot of people don't even care about what I'm saying they just want to see me browse the dark web so ladies and gentlemen, without any further hesitation, let's go ahead and get this video started the first thing i like to do when I go on the onion router the tor browser is I like to type in onion.ws. it's a "sketchy" page and the reason why I say "sketchy" is because i don't know if this is created by authorities don't click on any of these links on the screen if you are doing what I'm doing right now (don't do what I'm doing right now) listen to that disclaimer in the beginning of the video do not replicate any of the things that I do in this video don't browse the dark web if for some reason you're doing what I'm doing right now you're going to want to right-click & copy the link, and you're going to go to a new tab paste in the link you see how it says dot onion.ws at the end I always remove the ws because i don't know what the heck that means and I also removed the HTTPS protocol i don't know what I'm doing here when I do this but I literally do it all the freaking time, and this is what I mean by V3 .onion links they're all so freaking long now, so we opened up a RAPTOR and RAPTOR is basically a good starting point on the dark web it has a bunch of legitimate markets and the reason why i put legitimate in quotes is because when you're browsing the dark web, you have to take everything with a grain of salt you have to make sure you visit the dark web with your handy-dandy 50-foot pole because anybody can scam on the deep web like for example, there's the kingdom market the cartel market Aries Market arrest market we the north we the north that's a Canadian thing the asap market versus market I've heard a lot about the versus market just a lot of dark web marketplaces, and you can see if they have an e beside their name that means established, but yeah these are all the market places a lot of the marketplaces, not all of them but you can also find a lot of possible exit scams here. I'll go into that later on in the video, so stick around. I want to show you guys the hidden wiki because I give hidden wiki a lot of crap in all my videos, and I actually just wanted to say that there are great introduction points to how to start on the dark web or the deep web point being is you go on the Hidden Wiki and nearly every single Hidden Wiki that exists has something called introduction points where you can start off on the dark web not all of them you have to be very wary but nearly all of them are great introduction points onto the dark web and I just wanted to say that in this video so when you're browsing on the deep web you can't well you could use google on the dark web, but I wouldn't want you guys to use google on the dark web you wouldn't want to use google on the dark web but you can use something called DuckDuckGo, and I don't condone using DuckDuckGo because it - it'll still give you .com or .org websites if you guys really really want to get creative on the dark web, you want to use a darknet search engine or a deep web search engine. One of the very reputable ones is called 'Ahmia.' This is what the page looks like it's actually a relatively great page the problem with it is that there's a lot of duplicate pages, so for example, if I wanted to type in 'hitman' Let's get started with browsing for hitmen on the dark web. if you take a look on the screen, you can see there's literally hundreds if not thousands of links for actually v3 onion links to find hitmen on the dark web contract killing on the dark web, do you think this is a scam? I want you guys to actually let me know in the comments. What do you guys think about this? because when I take a look at this type of stuff I look at names like super hitman and silent hitman hitman working worldwide hire a hitman this is - This is terrible. I mean, I don't know if I believe this type of stuff I literally found a link in a matter of seconds that apparently hosts a working v3 onion link for a hitman on the dark web, dude, this is a full-fledged website, the problem is they use the video game hitman png here so i don't know if I take this too serious hitman services with killers all over the world in many countries such as the USA Russia, Australia, China and of course in countries of Europe, we will assign a proven hitman who has already completed jobs in the same country where your victim is our hitman will be able to complete your order professionally i don't know how I take this type of stuff man, every time I read this, I have to chuckle but let's play devil's advocate here for a second, imagine this is legit our assassins will have the option to finish your requests proficiently and discreetly the vast majority of the murdering is finished by low-level group individuals who utilize a handgun and a hooded coat sitting tight for the casualty in a parking garage, dude that's terrifying that that scares me every time I go into a parking garage or a parking lot late at night just because i read stuff like this man that actually scares me that genuinely terrifies me that's literally one website. The first link that I clicked opened up a working hitman service that's messed up. There's one here called the basal mafia 8211 hitman for hire I just want to know why they're why they're using like ad friendly images like what the hell is up with this, I want to do some blurring bro I don't want no google PNGs. let's see their service here let's see what they offer as a hitman service I can only imagine assassination ten thousand dollar knight fifteen thousand dollar poison for twenty thousand dollars acid attack for 4 500 a facial scar for 3 500. putting someone in a wheelchair is 7 000 blinding somebody is ten thousand dollars to castrate somebody cost ten thousand dollars torturing 15 the r-word for $4,000, beatings for $3,500 kidnapping, oh my god, it doesn't even doesn't give you a price that's literally two links that I found for hitman I don't know why hitmen are literally everywhere on the dark web everybody claims to be a hitman i watched a bunch of videos on youtube talking about how they bought clowns off the dark web or something, and you know I've checked literally every darknet search engine I can't find any clowns for sale I want to buy a clown why why can't I find any of these clowns that these YouTubers are are are buying in their videos you guys probably want to see some interesting things on the dark web so let's go ahead and go on to places like the silk road let's go on to some drug marketplaces so ladies and gentlemen if you take a look on the screen over here I actually just entered into the silk road marketplace, they have literally all these things on the side here. They have MDMA. a lot of stuff that'll get this video demon- and I just wanted to show you that this stuff actually exists in the first place i know you guys wanted to see this and that's why I show it, but there's gonna be a lot of blurring on the screen like I mentioned earlier on in the video, uh you can see "GHB 100 ml pure worldwide shipping" I don't know what any of those words mean fano [Music] I don't know what the heck that is this one is called Tesla XTC oh I get it, and they have high quality Colombian blow they literally have a bunch of stuff on the Silk Road 4, but you guys want to hear a little plot twist, a huge plot twist actually, I've showed you guys the silk road 4 before in one of my videos and there's actually breaking news, apparently the silk road 4 is a defunct exit scam market bruh bruh the silk road 4 the website that i just showed you guys don't go on this website I just wanted to show you guys that if you guys put your money into this you're most likely going to get exit scams, and if you guys don't know what an exit scam is literally self-explanatory there'll be a company that will make itself seem legitimate for example like the actual silk road was pretty legitimate for a bit, and what ends up happening with exit scams not the silk road but exit scams is after seeming legitimate for a very long time they will shut down the entire operation and steal all of the bitcoins all the cryptocurrencies that are on their server on their network you know, so it's by far the worst thing to happen to anybody it's been happening since the dawn of cryptocurrency but that's what an exit scam is and apparently, Silk Road 4 is an exit scam according to RAPTOR, now, I don't know if that's true or I don't know if the people at raptor have something against one of the vendors at silk road 4 or the entire page in general, but I thought that would be interesting to note nevertheless another thing you can find on the deep and dark web if you take a look on the screen, you will see a lot of hackers hackers are everywhere on the deep and dark web tons of pages pegasus hackers professional hacking services security hackers are everywhere on the deep web or the dark web even on the regular web the clear net, you can just go into some like random discord page and somebody will claim they're a hacker, and they'll hack into like your spouse's Instagram i actually get a lot of comments like that a lot of emails like that people are saying, "Crypto, I think my girlfriend's cheating on me, how do I hack into their Instagram account? I want to see if my girlfriend's cheating on me" and bro Instagram is such a problem now instagram's causing so many problems in so many relationships listen I'm not gonna teach anybody how to hack into Instagram because I don't know how to hack into any Instagram boom hire a cyber hacker welcome to cyber hacker hacking concepts we offer the best hacking services you can find online all of them available worldwide, including the united states below this text, we'll show you a list of our services simply Search for whatever you're interested in and click on two ways to see the information the details blah blah blah they have oh look at this Instagram hacking, oh guys, answered your question right here, however, is it a legitimate service is it a fake service I - I'm gonna stick on the side of scam. Playing devil's advocate here if this is an actual way to hack into Facebook sorry sorry a way to hack into meta if you guys didn't know Facebook changed their name to Meta, I'm sure everybody in their cat knows now, but um you can hack into meta's platforms like Facebook or Instagram or you can hack into Twitter and these are relatively unpenetrable like platforms, these are good platforms you know email hacking now this is where it gets a little tricky because different email service providers have different servers, different firewalls so like is this for Gmail? is this for Yahoo emails? is this for ProtonMail? what kind of email hacking service do they provide? Let's pay for paying Bitcoin (BTC). The email address that okay they don't want any more information they just they tell you how to buy Bitcoin and everything. Oh my god, I like how they're telling people that the smallest unit of a bitcoin is satoshi and yeah, it's true bitcoin has eight decimal places, and people always ask me crypto-like how do I calculate how much Bitcoin (BTC) I have if I have 0.016 bitcoin you take 0.016, and you multiply it by the current price of bitcoin in whatever currency you're wanting to convert it to and that's going to give you the amount that's how much money you have in bitcoin right now, so if you have 0.016 of Bitcoin at today's current price, this is what it's going to be. Let's press hacker hacking services hire a hacker security I don't even know the terms anymore man, look at this I am an independent security researcher and offensive security web expert I've been studying web technologies hacking penetration testing social engineering information security and offensive security since 2002, and again, this is a v3 onion link, so this dude has been on here pretty recently defined recently probably last five months. Who knows? They're apparently a legitimate hacker. They accept payments in Bitcoin (BTC) or Monero (XMR). They can hack web servers, computers, and smartphones. Malware development for any operating system, which basically means they can make a virus they can develop a virus for any operating system, so if you have if you have tails operating system or if you have temple os or if you have simply windows or mac os they can develop viruses for any operating system apparently they have social media hacking, change grades in schools and universities, getting private information from someone, exploits, trojans, backdoors, android remote access tools, keyloggers, spyware, SQL injections attacks, dos attacks or DOS attacks, DDoS attacks, whatever. Even at the end of this entire freaking paragraph the dude literally had the audacity to say and more I'm not even gonna cap the only thing that made me believe him, and you guys are you guys are probably gonna laugh but the only thing that made me believe him is the way they spelled hacker over here. That's literally, how hackers type I'm telling you, I'm telling you straight up these guys put an A as a 4 and an E as a 3. I don't know why. another thing that all these YouTubers seem to make videos about on the dark web is buying potion on the dark club, that's right Jester, I'm talking about you, and I'm talking about all your friends. You guys always buy potion on the dark web and I'm like wow I did the same thing what i did for the clowns I went on every dark net search engine dark web search engine that gives me dot onion links and i typed in potion guess what I can't find any potion on the dark web, kids, your favorite YouTuber is taking your favorite sports drink and putting it inside a tiny vial, I'm not even memeing at this point, I thought there would be somebody that would like take profit in this somebody that's like, oh my god jester's making all of these dark web potion videos, I thought there would be even fake dark web potion websites there's not even a fake dark web potion website I can't find them if anybody has access to any of these dark web potion websites, please let me know in the comments section down below because i want to turn into sonic the hedgehog speaking of sonic the hedgehog an infamous game on the deep web that I'm going to be trying to find it later on in the video, so please stick around till later on, I'm going to try to find Sonic.EXE because it's apparently still on the deep web, and there's a new v3 onion link to find sonic.exe, and if you guys stick around till later on in the video I will play the official sonic.exe game from the dark web in this video not a part 2, not a part 3 nothing I'm gonna play it in this video, and I did you will die I'm a minute 17 seconds in now you guys are gonna love me for doing this is because a lot of people ask me the question like Crypto what's going on with these mystery boxes, where do you get these mystery boxes from I'm not gonna answer where I get the mystery box from the exact marketplace, but I can show you guys other marketplaces that sell mystery boxes and the reason why i don't want to tell you guys the one i get it from is because people are gonna start going on there and putting up crap mystery boxes fake mystery boxes mystery boxes from stuff from their drawers and stuff I've been having a pretty good experience with all the mystery boxes I've been getting but if you take a look over here, one of these links says by dark web mystery box if I click the link it's going to open up a v3 onion link and it's literally going to be a marketplace where you can send somebody bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to buy mystery boxes off the dark web now again like I told you guys earlier on in the video you have to take everything with a grain of salt, so this one over here need an item not on the website contact us and we'll get it for you interesting I've never seen this website and I'm not going to cap order the dark web mystery box securely and anonymously here at buying dark web mystery box, we only sell real dark web mystery box haunted doll curse dolls dark web electronics voodoo dolls and other paranormal items and not that fake eBay garbage being sold dark web mystery boxes and dark web debit boxes are built by satanist voodoo shaman and black magic witch or other dark magic practitioner that's actually really freaking interesting and kind of creepy uh you can take a look over here on their shop page, they have a debit box for a hundred dollars, they have a small haunted doll for a hundred dollars, bro, imagine just like passing and becoming a haunted doll for sale for a hundred dollars on this guy's website; how does that even happen? They have a small dark web mystery box for 199 dollars a medium-dark web mystery box for 499 and a large dark white mystery box for 799.88 so they have a second page 404 not found This is actually the first time I've seen a 404 error on the dark web. I mean I've seen we can't access your dot onion website not reachable or whatever but I've never seen a 404 error. I found another website where they claim to sell dark web mystery boxes, and I want to tell you guys that I don't go on sites that sell only dark web boxes I go on market places that have vendors and these vendors have dark web mystery boxes I don't go on actual sites that say hey, we're a site that sells dark web mystery boxes I actually don't trust these I just - I don't want to show you guys, the marketplaces that I get them from but if you take a look over here the mystery dark box master 857 mystery seven for 130 dollars mystery 9 for 200, what are these names it's the dark web market that sells mysterious boxes our boxes are prepared with unconventional and mysterious products that our customers have a unique experience never felt before choose your box the gallery this YouTuber this is interesting because this YouTuber here, this is Jude Sommers. They're trying to - that - that's a YouTuber I - I've seen this thumbnail before this is Jude Sommers showing a mystery box and Jude summers fun fact he said his videos are fake so What does this mean? How can I trust you you can't even trust your local manager trust is earned in years you can follow our review section our review section is not censored in any way any of our customers can leave a comment as they wish also we can't trust you maybe you are an undercover cop who knows, but we do business with any customer normally if you keep a low profile and are a man of your word we can do long term business together wow, now listen, if they didn't put up the gallery if they didn't put up the Jude Sommer's picture and who knows, maybe Jude summers bought a mystery box off these people, dude, if you're watching this video let me know in the comment section down below, dude you can debunk this entire freaking website if you do but I mean, if your mystery box is real then I think I know where you found your mystery box dude, if you've seen his video let me know in the comment section which mystery box do you think he paid for another thing that I find on the dark web is fixed football matches fixed soccer and football American football matches like take a look at this x matches fix football. This is probably going to be soccer, but there is a lot of websites that claim to sell fixed football matches, and it's getting me to start thinking if there's that many websites that claim to sell it does that mean that there's fixed football matches, I want you guys to let I know in the comment section do you think that like soccer games or football games or any sport in general bigger games the massive games I'm not talking about every game, come on, I'm talking about the massive games, do you think they're fixed? I want you guys to let me know in the comment section don't worry the FBI isn't watching you this one here making betting profitable x matches trust section the next postpay match will be played on November 19th post play match costs 35 odds are 2.5 what oh this is This is seven days away. I'm currently recording on November 12th what the hell match id oh my god, look at this match id 3033 dates November 12th today oh 2.6 plus oh my god, I actually can you actually find fixed football matches on the dark web because if that's true then somebody should take a look into this, not the dark web aspect of it I'm talking about the games I'm talking about the corporations running these football matches or running soccer games American football, cricket whatever the heck the sport is being played these are literally coming up in the week this is an updated website, a daily updated website oh my god I this actually is eyebrow-raising subscriptions they spell subscriptions wrong, okay I lost a little bit of trust there the light plan hundred and ninety dollars. What is monthly medium plan? Oh, it's monthly. Oh my god fourteen hundred dollars a month, right now, if somebody's willing to pay 65 dollars for November 13th results and its legitimate results what in God's green earth, I don't know why there's a bunch of fixed bets on the dark web literally as much marketplaces there are on the dark web, there's freaking fixed bets it's so weird this one here is called insider matches. Oh my God, date November 12 odd 2 what the heck match id 07604 cost 89 we offer insider information about European national minor leagues fixed matches we also offer good odds and sparring prizes to earn money, please read the terms and conditions to con before contacting us what the info they provide is not an analysis, but it's insider information so the result is correct all the time it means you can bet any amount of money for the match and get big profit with the first time Dude, that's terrifying. You actually have to think of this because, for example this one here is odd 21.0. I don't know anything about the odd system i actually want you guys to people that understand the odd system, please let me know in the comment section i - I don't bet I'm not a better I don't understand this type of stuff, but if anybody understands how odds work all I know is this one here cost $440, and the odds are 22.0 what does that mean as a better interesting talks have been going around with like Reuben other casinos other online casinos and whatnot, and I actually wanted to see if I could find any freaking casino on the dark web, so this one here is called online play the only casino in the world that won't cheat you I wanted to say something a casino is a profitable organization it's a profitable business what do we know about profitable businesses they make money how do they pay all the employees there all of the dealers there. How do they have such nice floors nice walls some freaking casinos have statues the only way they can afford this is by constantly making money, the odds are constantly in their favor and the only way that's possible is for casinos to be rigged I'm not gonna sit here and say that casinos are rigged because that's that's kind of making a pretty stupid claim I don't know if I can get in trouble for that claim, but I will tell you here that it's a profitable business and these people know they're gonna make money this month they know they're gonna make money next month they know they're gonna make money in 2022 23 24. so when you know that, and you go to the casino and you put your - your $100 on black you should be a little weary about that you should always remember in the back of your mind that these are profitable businesses, so let's press this only casino in the world that won't cheat me look at this all our games are adapted from the original ones and based on mine blocks from the blockchain that actually is a really good idea somebody should come up with a legitimate service for this I don't know if this is legitimate or not I don't think it's legitimate in my mind in everybody else's mind when you're watching this video, you should remember that your handy-dandy 50-foot pole will really come in handy when when you're on the dark web because you don't want to you don't want to put your money in anything, unless somebody else really really really took the chance and put the money in something and is giving word of mouth about it it's basically kind of taboo at this point, not everybody does it but look at this take a look at this, it's impossible to do tricks that's wrong, just the fact that you wrote that is like begging us to put our money inside here coming soon, coming soon, coming soon, coming soon so I can play one game right now, so take a look at this guess, the last four digits from today's last mind block hash okay what choose a combination of four hexadecimal characters from zero to nine and eight to f then you will be assigned a bitcoin address send coins there to place your bet. you mean "send your coins to this bitcoin address so they could take the money" they have the private keys to the bitcoin address if you get the public address sent to you it doesn't mean that's yours you can send bitcoins to that, but they have the private key, and once you send bitcoin to it they're just gonna take your bitcoin from you send coins there to place your bet if the last four digits from the hash of the last block of the day match with the ones you bet you will receive the jackpot prize look on the screen you see that thing generating like crazy that's what a hash looks like. What are the odds? a Bitcoin hash happens every 10 minutes and it's extremely random extremely random like it's basically harder to win this than the actual lottery I'm telling you right now you have a better chance at winning the actual lottery than you do of getting a guarantee from this I don't know why they're I don't even know why this is a thing. What's the jackpot? 0.007 bitcoin that's not even worth it so I went ahead and pressed new bet so I'm on bitcoin.org, and this is the donation address to support bitcoin.org. not support the bitcoin project but just I don't know, support bitcoin.org? I guess? I'm gonna copy their donation address for bitcoin.org, and I'm gonna go back to so I typed in the bitcoin.org donation address, and I typed in one-two four as a combination I know I know I'm gonna lose oh, I got a 500 server Error. Not a 404 Error But a 500 error. what the - I don't think you're gonna have a lot of fun gambling on the deep and dark web, I don't think you're gonna have a lot of fun gambling in general, why don't you stop gambling if you if you like gambling if you like placing bets, I don't condone it like i said every time you walk into any of these establishments remember that these are profitable organizations, and they make money off you guys, so they know they're gonna make money next month they know they're gonna make money next year and the only way by that is by being a profitable organization and it's chance you know, do you really have luck? Do you really have luck? Are you really up at the casino? think of this they have your face and they have the amount of money you've ever spent at the casino and the amount of money you've ever won i guarantee you that you've probably lost more money than you want from the casino because don't forget every time you win money, and you put that money back in that's technically another bet, so you know don't forget another thing I wanted to show you guys is when you're browsing on the deep and dark web, you're going to come across tons of websites that are saying like, oh, official bitcoin giveaway free bitcoin these are all the bitcoin scams that exist on the deep web take a look, I'm gonna click this link over here the official bitcoin giveaway, and I'm gonna click on the bitcoin generator online bitcoin generator listen, there's no such thing as free money apparently on these websites you can just click a button and get free freaking bitcoin the current price of one bitcoin is this today, and apparently these people are claiming to give you fractions of a bitcoin for free. Look at this crap they say hurry up and take part in the giveaway of 5 000 bitcoin that's 350 million dollars from x-men bitcoin hacker event 2021 hurry up listen, this is definitely a scam. You know what? Let's press to join. I want some free bitcoin, some free bitcoin It would be great for me right now, bro bitcoin scams are absolutely everywhere on the internet, not only the dark web but even if you take a look in many YouTubers comment sections, unfortunately my comment section has a lot of bitcoin scams too. There's a crypto scammer the infamous crypto scammer that everybody in my comment section is almost aware of at this point, but yeah damn, even in my comment section, you can find a lot of bitcoin scams don't trust any of it please, if you see any person in the comment section of any youtube video including my youtube videos saying any words like telegram WhatsApp bitcoin contact do not contact anybody outside of youtube stay on youtube as long as possible, so I pressed this join link five and a half times and nothing open nothing's happening uh the rules let's read the rules to participate you need to send from 0.1 bitcoin to 10 bitcoin to the contribution address and we'll immediately send you back 0.2 bitcoin to 20 bitcoins two times the original amount oh my god, do you understand that if you send 0.1 bitcoin this is how much money you're sending them and they're like it's sending us this much money. Send it. it's okay, we'll double it how don't worry, there's no speeding up the cryptocurrency mass adoption there are the most powerful of the most powerful computers mining bitcoin right now it's highly competitive I just wanted to tell you guys know that there will only be a maximum of 21 million bitcoins that'll ever be created in the bitcoin network the person who created bitcoin the he, she, their name is Satoshi Nakamoto Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first 1 million bitcoins in a bunch of different wallets and 1 million bitcoins out of the 21 million bitcoins that'll ever be mined and the last one is going to be mined in the year 2140 but 1 million out of the 21 million belongs to satoshi Nakamoto and apparently - apparently 5,000 of the 21 million belongs to this doofus and he wants to give it out because he wants to speed up the process of adoption that's absolute crap the process of adoption is a very gradual process it doesn't happen from the giveaways if this was ever a legitimate thing if anybody ever took 5,000 bitcoins and gave it away from those 5,000 bitcoins are gonna drop onto the market and it'll plummet the price of bitcoin. nobody would do this nobody that's a bitcoin advocate would ever give away 350 million u.s dollars. Oh my god, go fly a kite stuff pisses me off. Bitcoin scams are absolutely everywhere. Let's take a look at another one. I know this is gonna bother me too, man. There's no such thing as a free bitcoin generator, all of them are scams I'm sorry I'm sorry if you are a person that believes that there are actual bitcoin generators, then if you take a look on your ceiling for 45 seconds and the word gullible will appear all these bitcoin scammers are just a bunch of Doofenshmirtz, honestly they don't deserve any bitcoin if they're just trying to scam people into obtaining their own bitcoin, to be honest to be real, if anybody falls for this crap, maybe you don't even deserve to hold the bitcoin too. oh, look at this the bitcoin generator apparently you can swipe swipe swipe swipe zero point one bitcoin, I can get a whole freaking Bitcoin, if I just press this button, you know what? Let's be greedy 2.5 bitcoins all I have to do is press this button oh yeah, I have to enter a valid address, so again, I'm putting 2.5 bitcoins being generated to the bitcoin.org donation address look at this I'm going to get the bitcoin and - and yeah, it's just it says it says exploiting spoofing package tunnelling via oh bro, I'm getting hacked What the heck? Oh, I'm getting hacked. I'm just gonna leave the page okay why do I feel like I'm getting deja vu bro, I don't know if anybody saw that on the screen but my location thing just flashed up on the top right of the screen Oh dude, what the hell? The next thing I wanted to show you guys on the dark web is something called carding. Carding is where you're given fake credit cards you go to ATMs, you withdraw this money and you basically throw away the credit cards, and it's just a bunch of stolen money from a bunch of stolen bank accounts and I think that that's the best description I have of it but clone credit cards is basically the right description of it, but if you take a look on the screen over here this one these are a bunch of cloned credit cards over here this is thief world 25 000 balance for the price of 4 500 what the hell fifteen thousand dollar balance for the price of two thousand six hundred dollars eight thousand balance for the price of nineteen hundred now this one here is relatively risky this is risky as hell because this is not a cheap purchase on the deep web if anybody was desperate enough like genuinely desperate enough to send over two thousand six hundred dollars to get hopefully get fifteen thousand dollars back the damn picture here the pin oh wow, they have a pin and everything the pin this one has fifteen thousand dollars, bro, dude, got a bunch of plastic cards and wrote in pen. Oh my god, I feel so bad for anybody that falls for this but at the same time, if this is legitimate and anybody's ever caught a dub with this that's the scummiest stuff ever, man, people are stealing credit card information to literally sell it on the the dark web, now you're saying why would anybody sell fifteen thousand dollars for two thousand six hundred dollars because the people that stole this money they don't want to use this money they're really scared to use this money so they want to give it to people that would risk it you know what I mean this is dirty money that's $15,000 dirty cash stolen money from somebody's account the person who stole the money, I can assume probably wouldn't want to use it themselves so they're gonna sell the dirty money that was stolen for $2,600 you know so that money that comes in the $2,600 it's cleaner than the $15,000 that was stolen directly out of someone's account that's messed up but a bunch of financial services you can find on the deep and dark web there's a bunch of those PayPal I'm gonna call them PayPal scams now; I don't trust any of them, but people are claiming on the dark web where they can sell you a bunch of PayPal accounts like they'll sell you the login information to these PayPal accounts, and even if it was legit imagine signing into a PayPal account to pay for something putting in your address like how it's so traceable Paypal is the most governmental thing ever why would you want to hack someone's PayPal account that can be traced right back to you if you were to buy a t-shirt with a hacked PayPal account, it gets shipped to your door or your PO box there's gonna be an investigation going on you know PayPal is not a cheap company, so if you take a look on the screen PayPal transfers PayPal is the only online transfer we make individual PayPal account to individual PayPal account only it means that you'll get a transfer from another person such transfers are not checked and can't not be cancelled we use stolen Paypal accounts for the transfers, so they'll transfer you five hundred dollars for the price of fifty dollars they'll transfer you two thousand dollars for the price of $149. They also have Western Union they have gift cards for amazon they sell you clone credit cards on this website they sell you prepaid cards master cards prepaid cards visa a total balance of 3 100 for the price of 90 and that's their bestseller, if that was legitimate, I can imagine that being bestseller what the hell the next thing that you can find on the deep and dark web is a bunch of stolen data, so this is payload bin Welcome to a leak site created by payload.bin disclosed leaks leaks announcement with the 300 of personal Info of judges crime reports, veterans reports and more. WRGtexas.com corporate network data leaks connellypartners.com documents and other data uptownbakers.com look at this 230 gigabytes data leaks of social security numbers contracts and more NDA non-disclosure agreement data part one I wanna what do I click it what happens if i Click it download links these are not even purchased like these are down oh my god, personal data of judges court documents, maps crime reports, report on military veteran reports, social security numbers, personal identification. This is the download link. oh my god Oh, I'm not downloading this. I'm not downloading this I don't want it I literally after two minutes of searching for data leaks on the dark web I actually found data leaks on the dark web-like pretty serious data leaks that's messed up what is payload been in our understanding we are some kind of cyberpunks we randomly test corporate network security and in case of penetration we publish the information about threats and vulnerabilities we've found in our blog if companies doesn't want to pay, dude? That's absolutely freaking messed up now. Apparently this website here has a bunch of links for all of these websites you see on the screen like miami.edu foodland.com all I know is that you can find a lot of leaks on the deep and dark web data leaks personal like social security numbers stuff that shouldn't be posted on the dark web because the wrong people can access the right data, and I can just imagine chaos happening. I don't know. it's not cool, but another thing that's not cool is on the dark web you can actually find I don't like saying it; I don't like saying this I mentioned this in my exploring every level of the dark web video but you can find lots of websites that house images of fetuses, it's absolutely disgusting. It's absolutely disturbing, but the good news is that I did ask whoever uploaded that type of stuff onto the deep web to stop doing it and an interesting thing is that one of the website owners who uploaded that type of stuff commented on my video I don't know if they were but apparently, they took down the website because they felt bad, all I have to say is somebody on the dark web listened to I and all I have to say is thank you I'm gonna request this again because there's another pretty messed up thing on the dark web and whoever puts this up on the dark web, I'm really gonna request you guys to take it off, there are tons of websites that house tons of images of after images listen, I'm not going to ask you guys what your opinion on the topic is don't tell me what your opinion on the topic is like keep that to yourself but whatever your opinion on the topic is I don't think there should be pictures of the - the after there are so many people that are against it in the first place I'm not gonna I'm not gonna explain where I am on that spectrum but there are so many people that are against it in the first place and the fact that there are other people that post the images of oh my god, it's terrible I'm i'm blurring everything on the screen for you guys right now but I don't know why people post this in the first place I don't know why people are on like if you are one of the people that house these websites just take these websites down Jesus Christ, I want to close the page. Please take these websites down, um, Not cool to have these; like I said it doesn't matter what your opinion on it is, a lot of people have an opinion on the matter. it's one of the most controversial topics in the world but we're not talking about your opinion on it, we're talking about the fact that these images are posted on the dark web, and, they should really not be posted on the dark web. I - I think it's time for me to play sonic i think it's time for me to type in sonic.exe and find the game sonic sonic.exe sonic.exe let's go ahead and get this started oh oh wow, that's loud [Music] his eyes data select good thing I've played sonic Before. not Sonic.EXE; I've never tried this. Oh, I can't even. Oh! I have to play as tails first. That's interesting. I thought I'd be able to play - uh I thought I'd be able to play as sonic first - that's actually really loud Oh my god. it's just a kid's game bro it's not gonna scare me. hill act one playing as tails you can't go back [Music] interesting the Music is Pretty creepy.. [Music] All I can do is.. [Music] There are no rings.. [Music] There are no characters to fight.. [Music] I can't even duck oh what the hell is that dude, is that blood Oh, what's that in the tree? [Music] okay, a bunch of characters from sonic that are mutilated um all the wow oh wow lots going on here, huh it's interesting the Music is pretty disturbing, and oh speaking of the Music, it's gone just walking, jumping oh oh look, it's Sonic, what's up with his eyes Hello? okay it's kind of loud it's not that it's scary, like loud sounds are not scary. It's just uncomfortable to listen to. Oh wow do you want to play with me now that's creepy hide and seek I'm tails what was the point of the time in sonic there was always time on the top left this game has it too I'm just I guess I'm still playing as tails right now, I don't get the whole Storyline. There's supposed to be an ARG behind this? never looked too far into it it's a really popular topic like a huge arg behind it [Music] I was supposed to run away. That's the chasing Music, that's the chasing Music want to try again now I guess I have to play as knuckles [Music] the main channel this one's called like it's called you can't run them three seconds in five seconds in okay perfect, I just want to synchronize it. it says x on the bottom the Music is pretty weird oh okay So I just have to run and jump. I don't know why it's telling me to punch it's really weird there are no characters to punch 25 seconds in [Music]  what do I expect from this Jesus Christ, stop that man. I hate that sound. I'll just stop moving, oh oh So knuckles is currently surrounded in blood. I can't even jump anymore. I lost the ability to jump [Applause] I'm 49 seconds in [Music] okay, wow, what the hell there is an actual conspiracy that this is [Music] [Applause] I can't do anything; I can't even catch him what's the point of this you I'm a minute 17 seconds in I like knuckles so many Dude, I'm not gonna lie. That actually sounds pretty creepy like I know this is made for kids i wanted to some people think that this is actually created by sega take a look over here oh wow tails is on the left knuckles is in the middle oh wow, what's going on there anyways I'm playing as the big dude I'm three rounds deep, and I keep forgetting about that sound, this one's called dot dot let me guess I have to walk around this guy he can't even jump; he doesn't have the ability to jump his name is dr r seven nine seconds in [Music] bro, what's up with this and all I gotta do is just walk? give me - okay, there we go staircase. oh, the Music is really it's actually kind of creepy it reminds me of the lavender town song [Music] oh oh this slaps [Music] I just want to listen to the music. [Music]  oh my god I don't care what anybody says that Music slapped, though. What the hell? I'm 53 seconds in now perfect uh the big dude does nothing's really happening here except that it says I am God on the screen; oh, it's so creepy the next thing I want to talk to you guys about on the dark web and thank goodness, I'm finding less links about it because the v3 onion link situation whatever but in the past, there was quite a few links of human experimentation i only found one link; I only literally found one link of it human experimentation for the people don't know self-explanatory where people are doing experiments on other humans torturing other humans but human experimentation on the deep and dark web it's absolutely sickening. I'm not gonna be showing you guys anything because once you open up the web pages, it just starts playing pretty loud sounds, and it starts playing gifs before you can play the videos, and I'm not going to be opening the website but yeah, human experimentation was a much more prevalent topic in the earlier days of the dark web; however, nowadays, you can't really find anything about it, thank goodness, those people that are responsible for the human experimenting websites and the people that are responsible for the next two topics that I'm going to talk about it in this video all of these people should rot in hell this is the worst of the worst of the worst on the dark web, and it's no specific order I just wanted to clarify that like whatever I'm about to say is in no specific order because human experimentation is pretty freaking bad but another thing you can find on the deep and dark web pretty prevalent until This very day is animal abuse. Now I hate this I hate this a lot. Like I said this is in no specific order, but I'm a big animal lover, for example, I'd be doing random browsing on the deep and dark web and I'd click on like a marketplace link and it would literally open up one of those chan websites and the gif of an animal being abused would come up it would ruin my entire day a simple gif would ruin my entire day. I - absolutely like I said, this fits in the category of people that should rot in hell alongside with the human experimenters because they're no better, but the last thing I'm going to talk about in this video unfortunately, this is riddled on the deep and dark web uh I can go back on excavators like scroll down for a little bit there you go there's one two three like that's absolutely bad, man; that's absolutely terrible. this stuff's absolutely riddled on the deep and dark web pedophilia this fits in the category of people that should absolutely rot in hell, I mean, I've taken and reported to the proper online authorities but damn like that stuff absolutely bothers me and like I said, those last three topics that I talked about the philia, the animal abuse and the human experimentation all three of those categories the people that are responsible for all three of those categories should absolutely rot in hell that's absolutely bad, man, ladies and gentlemen, that's all for the video subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and put on the notification bell to be notified whenever I upload these dark web exploration videos a dark web mystery box if you guys enjoy me digging in the deep web or delving into the dark web then please like this video try to get this video in the double-digit likes i really want to keep exploring the dark web I want to keep browsing it I want to keep digging on the dark web surfing the dark web, whatever you want to call it and if you guys really want to see more of these videos, two things subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and please get this video into the double-digit likes ladies and gentlemen but ladies and gentlemen, thank you guys so much if you made it this far thank you so much for spending your time with me here today, that's all for the video and remember to stay off the dark web
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 402,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: accessing the dark web, browsing, browsing the dark web, browsing the dark web 2022, crypto nwo, dark web, dark web explained, dark web exploration, dark web explore, dark web horror stories, dark web sites, darknet, darkweb, deep web, deep web browsing, exploration, exploring every level of dark web, exploring levels of dark web, exploring the dark web, going on the dark web, surfing dark web, surfing the dark web, the dark web, the dark web explained, what is dark web
Id: qU6FvM0x5Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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