Divine Recovery Revival: Bishop W. Darin Moore

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so glad to have with us uh all of our wonderful visitors who may be visiting with us online and we're so glad to have two of the pastors uh one of the east north carolina episcopal district and one of the north eastern episcopal district that of the reverend brandon mclaughlin of the northeastern episcopal district from the saint charles amusement church his lovely wife is here with him sister mclaughlin we thank god for you and we thank god amen we have a son in the ministry who started at this church and is now the pastor of the grace amy zion church in raleigh north carolina the reverend james davis amen praise god dr mclaughlin and soon to be dr davis amen these young men young men are getting their education and doing awesome ministry in their prospective places my wife and i love to see these young pastors come back i wish i'd have went back to seminary when i was they that young that way i wouldn't have had that much trouble when i was trying to get out but we just thank god for these young men and we thank god they're here we are so happy tonight to have back with us again it's been a while uh he's been busy he's been quite busy that of uh the right reverend uh w darren moore he is the bishop of the mid-atlantic episcopal district and he is a special kind different kind of preacher and i say that because i got a chance to know him when he was the pastor of the greatest centennial amy zion church in mount vernon new york let me tell you something it's some if some of your former members are here sister claiborne is back there well yes sister claiborne uh there's others that from greater centennial others from new york area so a lot of persons know you and even though we had a limited wonder that people could get in they made sure they registered so somebody's homes that they could be here tonight so we thank god for them but bishop moore used to give a young country preacher an opportunity to come to a greater centennial every year and when he called it was so funny he texts a call and said brian can you come and preach a greater centennial and you know us preachers say well let me see and check my schedule and then i'll get back with you as soon as i hung up with him i got to say babe guess what bishop more uh pastor more want me to come the greatest intentions of what you tell him i said i'll get back you better call him back we going to new york amen and we would go and he would treat us like king and a queen and the atmosphere was charged and he we would hear our god is awesome and the whole place would reverberate in there and it was just an awesome time but more than just going to greater centennial and being in new york it was about being in the presence of him and his wonderful wife and the wonderful people of greater centennial well the lord would have it that if when he offered himself to be a bishop in the life of the amy zion church when he offered himself it was in no way i knew that he was not going to be elected because he had so much to be able to offer to the church and as he has offered himself he's still the humble powerful preaching of god that represents the kingdom of god the body of christ and the amazing church all over the world so when i called him and he knew we were in covet but he also knew we were going to be careful and i say to every church that is out there you can still have vibrant effective ministry without putting your people in danger you can still do it and you can do it right so you don't have to sacrifice that so the lord would have it that the amy zion church would elect him to be the 99th bishop in line of succession in the life of the amy zion church amen somebody come on somebody ought to give god some praise that's what we come to do that's what we come to do we came to give him praise we came to give him glory i mean that's why you left your home that's why you drove to simon temple that's why you pulled into the parking lot you ought to have had one thing on your mind sure it's nice to see pastor and lady thompson sure it's good to hear the music but we came to give god the praise was that what was at the top of your agenda you missed seeing folk you wanted to see him but what was at the top of your agenda was to give him some praise that's why you enter his gates with thanksgiving and enter his courts with praise are there any real worshipers in him well come on you are to mankind the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah didn't she say if you're in your right mind you want to thank him if you're in your right mind you ought to thank him you know what that's also saying if you don't thank him you're not in your right mind i've come to tell you if you're in your right mind you are to bless the name of the lord come on let's give god some praise hallelujah hallelujah amen amen hallelujah god bless you you may be seated hallelujah i tell you my lord y'all can sing you sang amen she didn't just sing she sang amen i tell you i i miss being in worship with people it live and in living color amen it's been 16 months i've been preaching at a computer screen and now this is the third time that i've had an opportunity to be back in front of people and it has lifted my spirit i need to thank god for your bishop bishop kenneth monroe who is a dear friend and a great leader in the life of our church he and missionary supervisor sheila monroe i want to thank god for my missionary supervisor in fact she's actually the missionary supervisor of the mid-atlantic episcopal district she's just plain old my supervisor it didn't take me being elected a bishop before she was my supervisor she was supervising me now for 37 years so thank god for her and she is joining us online so shout out to her and i want to thank god for all of these preachers both those in the pulpit and those in the pews as well these young preachers i like being around young preachers um because it makes me feel like i'm still young enough to hang with them except then when they tell me bishop i've been listening to you since i was a little boy but i'm grateful for these young preachers who are doing great great work i thank god for pastor davis and grace doing a great job there and dr brandon mcclendon thank god for you and how god is using him saint charles you know i was in the new york conference and that's a great historic congregation my brother in the ministry older brother in the ministry the reverend louis sanders pastored there for many years and this pastor got it right as a young pastor succeeding a veteran pastor who had been there many many years he didn't come in tearing down his predecessor you never make yourself look big by trying to make somebody else look small and so he came in and honored and celebrated the ministry of pastor louis sanders although it was completely different in style in tenor and in tone than this preacher but he honored that legacy and built upon it and now that ministry is going to higher heights and so i thank god for you pastor first lady god bless you and then i just need to say a word about your pastor and first lady what a dynamic team they are i thank god for dr brian r thompson [Applause] and reverend felicia thompson thank god for their ministry um i love them dearly and i love them because they believe in excellence of ministry but not in an arrogance of ministry there are those who approach ministry as if it's celebrity and they want to make it about them these two anointed you will not find two more anointed and gifted individuals anywhere in ministry and yet they love people authentically simon temple will you once again celebrate your pastor and first lady i i'm praying for him praying for them as we approach the general conference i'm praying that god's will would be done and i i know how you feel and the members of greater centennial who are out there know how you feel uh but i thank god that god has a way of blessing his church and leading us from one season to the next and i got news for you simon temple god has his hands on this ministry and you'd be encouraged you'd be encouraged this is a great church you've got a great ministry and we pray that your latter days will be better than your former days i want to thank pastor thompson for inviting me because i know he did not have to invite me he's got such a lineup of preachers here that it is not for lack of great preaching coming your way i have a sneaking suspicion that he did it because he wanted to do me a favor and make sure that i had at least one more time to have the simon temple experience and i'm grateful to him for thinking enough of me to let me do it one more and again because indeed this is a wonderful wonderful experience but i i must confess that when he first invited me i paused for a while not because i didn't love simon temple and love the thompsons and not wanting to be here i said does he realize this two weeks before general conference and then i said well if anybody realizes that he realizes that and with everything that we're dealing with i pause for a moment to really ask did i need to do this right before we go into the general conference and i felt the lord speak to me and say if the work of the church keeps you from doing the worship of the lord you're doing the work the wrong way and so i'm grateful that you simon temple have helped me be reminded that our worship needs to be our priority and in fact in fact thank you lord the lord every now and then send you text messages and uh thank you because the lord also reminds me if we do our work the right way our work is worship hallelujah and so pray for our church as we go into our 51st quadrennial session of our general conference again thank all of you for being here those greater centennial members one centennial members you always a part of the greater centennial family and thank you it's just so good to see you all here i want to call your attention to the passage of scripture that reverend thompson read to us earlier i said to pastor in the office that i'm grateful that he invited me to come first with all these preachers these heavy hitters any of you that know anything about baseball you know that you bring the cleanup hitters last and the one that gets you started the only job that person has is to get on base it really doesn't matter how you get on base if you walk get on base they are cheering if you bunt get on base single get on baby you could even get hit by a pitch just as long as you get on base so i got one job to get on base because you've got some major cleanup hitters that are coming afterwards and so i thank you i thank god for the hospitality i got a couple of ties from the pastor as a hospitality gift and got a chance to check them out pastor davis and they were all wonderful colors including old black and old gold and i looked and i said there's not a candy stripe in this bunch at all i said this is a pastor that knows how to extend hospitality so i am so very grateful for this opportunity are you there at the book of habakkuk it's back it's there if you have a bible not a a pad or iphone if you have a bible it's in those that section of the bible where the pages stick together because you don't spend much time there uh and i i find that it's best when i'm preaching from the minor prophets to tell people to go to matthew and then make a left-hand turn uh and then you will find yourself if you get to nahum you've gone just one block too far you'll find the book of habakkuk they're minor prophets prophets not because they have a minor word but just because they are shorter in length than the major prophets and uh habakkuk is a perfect example of that the entire book is only three chapters and so i need you to stay close with me as we look at chapter one verse one through four reading from the new living translation once again this is the message that the prophet habakkuk received in a vision how long o lord must i call for help but you do not listen violence is everywhere i cry but you do not come to save must i forever see these evil deeds why must i watch all this misery wherever i look i see destruction and violence i'm surrounded by people who love to argue and fight y'all don't know anything about folk like that the law has become paralyzed and there is no justice in the courts the wicked far outnumber the righteous so that justice has become perverted i want to speak for the time that is allotted for us this evening from the subject makes me want to holler makes me want to holler now i'm old school uh i i'm old school enough that uh the marvin gaye generation is my generation the music out of the 70s is what i jammed to now i'm looking out here and all of y'all are younger people so you don't know what comes right after that phrase uh it makes me want to holla all right yeah throw up both of my hands all right there they'll feel you know i i want to just talk about makes me want to holla i need your prayers consecrate me now to thy service lord by the power of grace divine let my soul look up with a steadfast hope in my will be lost in thine oh god you are awesome and so now god we ask that you grant that anointing that makes preaching possible that makes preaching purposeful that makes preaching practical that makes preaching personal but most of all that makes preaching powerful speak now for your servant heareth in the marvelous mighty matchless magnanimous name the only name that eternally matters the name of our lord and savior jesus christ the people of god said amen makes me want to holler beloved we don't know much about habakkuk in fact only a few verses in all the bible indicate to us habakkuk's resume and although we don't know a lot about him what we do know about him is intriguing and illustrative for habakkuk was a prophet a prophet is one that speaks god's will concerning a situation i don't have time for us to go to bible school tonight but it's unfortunate that the term profit has been distorted and misused in contemporary society so much so that we have people manipulating folk by assuming that being a prophet means that all you are is a cheap highly spiritualized fortune teller when the reality of the matter is that biblical prophecy is much less telling the future as much as it is telling what god says about what you're going through and the fact of the matter is whenever you are truly a prophet that god calls you will never be popular so if you can have a prophetic conference that people have to register for then it is highly likely you are not authentically a biblical prophet because prophets never draw a crowd prophets make people feel uncomfortable we live in a not-for-profit culture not p-r-o-f-i-t but p-r-o-p-h-t because no one wants to hear the total truth that god has for their life all the time and you certainly don't give a seed offering you want a prophecy that 30 days from now you're going to have a man you want a prophecy that says you're going to get a million dollars in 45 days you you want a prophecy that says that you're going to be healed next week when often what we hear from god from a prophet is to call out our sins out our error call out our wickedness challenge our waywardness and we often see throughout scripture that whenever our prophets spoke people were angry left mad and even threatened to stone them do i have any bible readers and that's why when i was pastoring greater centennial i told my stewards that if anybody ever stands in the pulpit and tells our people that you've given this offering a thousand dollar seed offering and you'll be blessed 30 days from now i told them post-date their honorarium for 31 days because it always amazes me how they can prophesy your blessing is coming 30 days from now but as soon as service is over they want their love offering so habakkuk found himself as a prophet but that was not his only job according to the text habakkuk was also in the levitical choir so it was almost as if pastor brian thompson was preaching but right before he got up to preach he got with the praise team with the choir no that's not a good example he wouldn't he wouldn't do well we that's not his anointing that's that's that's not his gift area but but if it was his gift area it's like he would move from the choir love to the pulpit and from the pulpit to the choir because habakkuk had a double anointing to both prophesy and to praise and yet as habakkuk opens up we find him in a strange place because in light of what he sees all around him habakkuk got to the place that he was ready to submit his resignation he didn't know what to preach and he didn't feel like praising what a terrible place to be he didn't know what topic to choose for his sermon and there wasn't a song in his heart what do you do pastor ah when you need a word from the lord but you can't find a word from the lord what do you do when you have a hymn to sing but there is no hope in your heart what do you do when there's no melody in your spirit and yet the folk are looking to you to lead the praise team what do you do when you are empty on the inside and yet people are sitting waiting to be filled i tell you what you need you need a divine recovery you need a recovery and here is where habakkuk got the script twisted and shifted on him uh lady thompson because he came to god on behalf of the people seeking a recovery revival and god ended up saying to habakkuk before i bring recovery in the land i'm going to bring recovery to the man preach bishop i'm doing the best that i can because so many of us pastors are engaged in performance pulpiteering so many of us are engaged in stylistic sermonizing so many of us are so busy trying to impress people that we are operating out of an empty spirit and what the lord is saying to habakkuk before you can sing to the people i'm going to minister so that there's a song in your own heart because you can't lead worship if you are not a worshiper you can't preach to people what you do not experience for yourself god is saying time is out for you putting on a show in the pulpit and a show in the choir this is not real wise of the failed deal this is the church of the living god and you've got to be what you are presenting [Applause] because i want to suggest to you there are a lot of folk that were wearing masks before coving now we just know their mask but there are a whole lot of people that have been masked ministers mass musicians but this text is powerful y'all sit down i'm a methodist bishop you make me nervous and so ibaka goes to god and dr brandon he he goes to god saying i need an update in the curriculum of a a crt not critical race theory critical recovery theory i need to understand how if you are a good god then why do bad things keep happening to good people now your pastor is not watching anybody ever feel that way listen those of you joining us online nobody sees you but can you just tell the truth shame the devil like my wife likes to say and can you testify that you've wondered god what are you up to why is it god that over this year that good people have succumbed to covet loving christians have lost their lives people who wanted to do right and have been doing right by other people caring people lost their lives to covet and you got folk in washington uh lying to people last year and telling people you don't have to wear masks and y'all have to get vaccinated and then when they aren't seen by folk they're in the hospital getting vaccinated getting all the cures that they can get why why lord did you allow good people to die and narcissistic corrupt lying individuals to now be just chilling in mar-a-lago what are you up to god now see i know you don't want to admit you ever have those kind of issues because focal thinks you're not saved i know you want to act like you don't have those kind of questions because people won't think you are anointed a holy ghost field but i'm a bishop in the lord's church and i must confess to you that there are many days that i'm on my knees in prayer and i ask god god what are you up to in fact i began to ask god what's going on [Music] oh what's what's going on and so uh the truth of the matter is that in 1971 marvin gaye uh released what would become his uh magnum opus in other words uh his greatest work uh y'all old school focal tell the true shame the devil uh you'll know that uh marvin gaye all during the 60s just sang clean cut motown love ballads some of y'all uh remember singing in duets with tammy terrell ain't no mountain high enough go ahead tell your age go ahead tell your age sing it you're all i need to get by uh y'all ready to sing it right here and then some of us are old school enough to know that before gladys knight and the pips sang it uh it was marvin k who sang i heard it through the great vine yeah can't nobody do it like like margaret and too busy thinking about my baby oh i'm getting nostalgic right about now ah hallelujah too busy thinking about it but it was marvin k who decided in 1971 i'm tired of just singing love songs the sharpie sweet ballads when i see my people out on the streets struggling and so he went up against his producers and agents and he said i'm going to be real i'm going to remove the mask and i'm going to tell it like it is and he released an album called what's going on and the album focuses on the issues of poverty and war and one of the songs on the album was called inner city proves anybody know what i'm talking about and the song was entitled makes me wanna holler ah it goes a little bit like this our crime is increasing trigger happy policing panic is spreading god knows where we're headed and then the chorus could have actually been written by the prophet habakkuk or it could be written by george floyd's family oh make me want to holler the way they do my life make me want to holler the way they do my life make me want to holler [Music] anybody ever feel that way come on tell the truth shame the devil have you ever dealt with sickness and if it wasn't one thing it's another going from one doctor to the next and you just wonder god what are you up to have you ever wanted to holler and throw up both your hands have you ever gotten sick and tired of being sick and tired if it wasn't michael brown in sanford missouri it's george floyd in minneapolis minnesota if it's not george floyd in minneapolis minnesota it's andrew brown in elizabeth city north carolina if it's not andrew brown in north carolina it's sandra bland in texas if it's not sandra plan in texas it's arigato in staten island if it's not there it's one thing after the other and have you ever gotten to the place that it makes you want to holler throw up both your hands problems on your job problems in your home children acting up husband going crazy life acting up economy is down drug abuse is up sickness all around and then you can't even get to your church because it has you out of the church it makes you want to holler come on and throw up those hands because when you throw up your hands you're giving a testimony somebody shout i know that's right i'm gonna press my way y'all pray my strength real quickly because when you throw up your hands you're saying three things i'll get out of your way uh you're saying first of all i'm giving voice to my protest oh god i feel right preaching up in here uh y'all pray my strength bruce i feel preaching in my spirit uh because the truth of the matter is we have been miseducated in the church to think that when we voice protests it's a lack of faith i want to do a temporary moratorium on profoundly premature performative praise in other words i want to stop treating folk as if you could just wind them up and get them to jumping and shouting and not acknowledging the pain that they have in their life i know you don't have this problem at simon temple but i know there are some churches that make people feel guilty if you don't feel like shouting if you don't feel like praising the lord you've been dealing with hell all week long and sometimes you just don't feel like immediately jumping up and giving god some praise in fact if somebody is preaching and tells you turn to your neighbor and repeat now the one thing about coffee it has kept folk from telling you to turn to your neighbor because it's it now y'all don't look don't look at your pastor don't look at these preachers look this way have you ever ever been in a service and somebody said turn to your neighbor and repeat after me and if you could tell the truth you would say i am sick and tired of turning to my neighbor if they tell me one more time i tell you i can't help it i've been preaching too long now the fact of the matter is i i don't always feel like jumping like popcorn i don't always feel like waving my head i don't always feel like giving an immature profunctory praise because sometimes i need you to deal with me where i am before i can get to the place where i can offer authentic praise i don't know who i am preaching to but we gotta stop engaging in denial and delusion we have got to meet people where they are hurting we got to deal with people where they have mental health issues we got to deal with people when they are dealing with poverty we gotta deal with people when they are crying because the truth of the matter is pain is real this is not in my service sermon but i got i just dropped it the text message came in even jesus when he was facing the death of lazarus even though he knew he was going to heal him he said the text says show me where you laid him in other words take me to the place of your grief take me to the brink of your death and then it says jesus wept jesus didn't say right away name it claim it too anointed to be disappointed too blessed to be stressed jesus said come on i'm going with you to the grave show me where you laid and then he said i am the resurrection and the light oh god hallelujah i came to tell somebody the lord will show up right at the place where you thought it was all over right at the place that you thought it was dead right at the place you thought you would never ever come back and recover from what you're going through and the lord says i'm gonna go with you to the place of your grieving and instead of us grieving i'm going to turn it around and give you joy in your sorrow somebody shall preach bishop i'm doing the best that i can uh but i've come to tell you we got to start by keeping it real j johnson who was the secretary of homeland defense under president barack obama said if you see something say something too many of us see something we won't say something but if you see pain you ought to say something if you see sorrow you ought to say something because our sociology racism classism poverty our sociology has so adversely affected our biology lack of access to quality affordable health care health disparities high blood pressure diabetes cancer and even now covert in fact i don't know a black person over 50 that ain't dealing with something i i don't know maybe you all are special here but but over 50 you're dealing with some taking pills for something dealing with something ah why because your sociology affects your biology and your biology affects your psychology mental health issues stress lack of focus lack of sleep are addictions abusive relationships your sociology affected your biology which affected your psychology which then challenges your theology ah but i come to grow you somebody say help us bishop uh i came to grow you so that you don't have a cotton candy christianity that you don't have a kindergarten a lack of sophistication with your theology by telling you sometimes you're crying is a way of acknowledging that god is still able god help me tonight that there takes a level of faith in order for you to lament biblical lamenting is holy so i've come to encourage you every now and then you ought to let go of a holy holla anybody want to holler even right now anybody got some pain that you want to holler about anybody shed some tears and you want to holla about it i dare you don't worry about the one who's around you uh you go ahead and holler you're carrying burdens go ahead and holler you've been feeling lonely go ahead and holler you've been looking for love in all the wrong places go ahead and holler you're tired of being alone your children have been acting up holla you have felt abused and misunderstood holla your money is funny your change is strange holla you see god blessing other people and you say while on others thou art calling do not pass me by go ahead and holler ah cause i got news for you you can be holy and still holler you can be burdened and still be blessed you can cry and still be a christian you can lament and still love the lord because this joy that i have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away can i preach it like i feel it i hear reverend doctor marvin gaye say mother mother there's too many of you crying brother brother brother there's too many of you dying you know we've got to find a way to bring some loving here today father father come on preach it reverend martin gay father the father we don't need to escalate you see war is not the answer for only love can conquer hate you know we gotta find a way to bring some loving here today picket lines ticket signs don't punish me with brutality come on and talk to me so you can see what's going on what's going on i want to know what's going on will you open up your mouth and holler and throw up both your hands shout yeah shout yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god i gotta close now thank you for your patience but i want you to know while he's hollering oh god habakkuk gets to chapter three and he's still hollering but his holler has shifted from protests to prayer because he says i'm going up to my watchtower i forgot to tell you that there's something else you do when you hold up both your hands i told pastor and lady thompson that we were with our grandchildren this weekend and little kevin was running and playing and he fell and he scraped his knees and immediately from on the ground he was hollering but while he was hollering he lift up both his hands i didn't need anybody to have the gift of interpretation i didn't need anybody to translate toddler talk because as soon as those hands went up i know what he was saying papa [Applause] and you know what papa did i bent down and i picked him up and i lifted him higher and you know what kevin did he hug his papa can i blow your mind can i blow your mind you know what the word habakkuk means in the hebrew the name habakkuk means embrace shout yeah so habakkuk is saying while i was hurting i embraced god and when i embrace god god he picked me up and he turned me around he placed my feet on a higher ground is there anybody here who can testify that god has picked me up shouted shouting can i preach it like i feel it yeah i was sinking deep inside far from a peaceful shore very deeply staying with him sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea i heard my despairing cry from the water he lifted me now say now say now save am i anybody here need to be lifted anybody here need to go higher anybody here need the lord to pick you up well go ahead and throw up your hands [Applause] and throw up your hands he'll pick you up he'll pick you up he'll pick you up but i gotta tell you one last thing habakkuk had stopped preaching habakkuk had starved stopped leading the praise team can i preach it like a feeling he had thrown in his choir robe he had given up his microphone but brother bruce after praying after being picked up habakkuk went back to the choir room put his robe back on grabbed the microphone and started singing with the praise team you said bishop you making that up where'd you get that from is right there in the bible you just got to know how to read it because when chapter 3 starts off says to the chief musician and it says sugar not sure enough is a musical meaning i'm gonna open up my mouth and sing to the glory of god and if you look at the end of the book of habakkuk here's how it ends the last chapter and the last verse of habakkuk said to the chief musician let it be played with the instruments in other words habakkuk started in chapter one first one with sorrow but he ended with a song he started chapter one first one with his problems but he ended it in praise he said let's have a recovery let's recover let's have a revival is there anybody here that says tonight is the first night of my recovery tonight is the first night i feel like preaching tonight is the first night of my comeback tonight is the first night of my revival shall you shout yeah throw up your hands and say lord send a revival lord send a revival lord send a revival tragedies are commonplace all kinds of diseases people are slipping away the economy's down folk can't get enough pain but as for me all i can say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord for all you've done for me folk without hope living out on the street and the drunk having said it just can't be beat hallelujah but you didn't see fit to let none of these things be cause every day every day every day by your power you keep on keeping me i gotta say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you die for me it could have been me outdoors with no food and no clothes or just another number with a tragedy but your dick seemed fit you dancing fit to let none of these things be because every day by your power you keep on keeping me i gotta say i gotta say thank you lord make me wanna holler i dare you throw up your hands and give god praise it praise [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah everyone stand to your feet and that song is that bishop mentioned it says it could have been me outdoors no shoes no clothes but if it had not been for god who was on your side and my side and their side could have been me could have been you but the graciousness of god the mercy of god sometimes you want to throw up your hands both of your hands and holler but god thank you for bishop for the transparency thank you for the truth thank you for being able to echo out of your mouth what we have been feeling because i contended everybody needs a divine recovery don't ever think you can get to the point where you can do this by yourself it takes the hand of god and as the preacher bishop moore has so eloquently put in the powerfulness of preaching of the sermon that habakkuk had to go through transformation but look what his end was his ladder was better than his former and is there anybody that believes that your ladder is going to be better than your former you you better believe that tonight and i extend the invitation the word have been preached and we don't ex let the word go forth without extending the invitation because you don't have jesus you ain't gonna recover nothing right you'll be like a ship without a sail so if you're here not saved you can come give your life to jesus christ likewise if you're virtual and want to give your life to jesus christ you can do it today you don't have to belong to simon temple if you don't even belong to a local assembly we'll find a local assembly but the prerequisite is is thou shall confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in the heart that jesus christ has been raised from the dead thou art say we just put it so simple because we make it so hard this is the divine recovery lord jesus i've spent my life up until this point saying against you lord jesus please forgive me of my sins i believe that you are the son of god and i believe in my heart that god has raised you from the dead please come into my heart and make your home the lord of my life in jesus name amen and if you pray that prayer we believe that you're saved you ain't getting saved you ain't on the way to being saved you have just gotten divine recovery if you'll call us right now at 855 979-9804 there are trained prayer counselors that are waiting to pray with you individually they're there seven days a week but tonight especially we've extended the hour so that you might be able to for somebody to celebrate with you and tell you what it means to be a part of the family the family of jesus christ likewise if there's anyone who is right here in this sanctuary who wants to come give your life to jesus christ if you come we'll lead you to the one that saved us none of us have the power to be able to save you but we can tell you about a man that can save anybody if you're here and you want divine recovery you've got to be born again if you're here i invite you to come if you're virtual it ain't too late call 855-979-9804 and we would be more than glad to pray with you there are persons waiting to pray with you right now praise god from whom all blessings flow i thank god for the word of god that has gone for how many receive the word that went forth for tonight [Applause] he told us he was going to bunt nobody told him that he was in the home one day bed and he decided to go ahead and knock everything over the fence and i'm glad he did because we needed that tonight and our divine recovery i'll say this and you remain standing and we're getting ready to go and then i'm gonna have bishop motor come back in his own way and he will give instruction this is what he's done in mentoring i want to thank you publicly for mentoring not only through the word of god but taking time for young preachers like myself and my wife to not only invite us but to be able to mentor us you teach when you preach you teach when you sing you teach when you reminisce and become nostalgic you teach on purpose and i want to thank you tonight for simon temple need needed divine recovery and some persons out there according to our social media thread needed this word from god so we thank god for each and every one of you we'll be back here tomorrow night dr jasmine scula from washington dc will be in the house and she'll be ready to preach the word of god and we thank god i pray that all of you will be praying for us as we continue to pray for god to continue to give us divine recovery i'm going to ask bishop moore to come back at this time and he's going to give us final words and benediction beloved thank you for allowing me to come and have the simon temple experience once again thank you [Applause] i needed this more than i realized as we go into this general conference so i pray you were blessed but i know i was blessed by being with you so thank you and let me say this just before we pronounce the closing prayer this revival is strategic pastor knew exactly what god was saying to him but god is even doing more than what this pastor understood because you're in a season of transition this recovery is not just a congregational recovery it's individual recovery and i pray it sets the model the seed the atmosphere for recovery throughout zion and beyond praying for you simon temple i need you to know god doesn't make a mistake and if your transition comes through the general conference please know that he's already prepared you one of the signs of christian maturity like with maturity we raised our three children my wife and i to now the three of them each are raising their children as you mature you don't need the same level of parenting that you needed during your last season are you following me don't just simply be takers taken blessings be mature now my oldest son can pick up the tab at dinner because he got that kind of job praying for my youngest son he's still but maturity means you shift simon temple you're shifting because you're maturing you're growing and so now pour into the lives of others god bless you if you're viewing us online if you just touch your keyboard you touch your screen if you would just stretch your hand in this direction and those of you who are in the sanctuary just lift your hands right where you are hallelujah sometimes we feel like hollering but the world needs to understand the hermeneutics of our holler they need to interpret our hollering because yes sometimes we holler out of pain sometimes we holler out of protests but whether by pain or protest or prayer our holler is going to lead us to praise so we will praise your god we will bless you o god and like habakkuk we will say though the fig tree does not blossom yet will i rejoice in the lord so god i pray your blessings on each person under the sign of my voice whether they are joining us virtually or they're in the sanctuary actually god you get the glory in their lives and when we holler we're hollering glory to your name it's in jesus name we pray amen y'all be blessed amen you
Channel: Simon Temple AMEZ
Views: 679
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SimonTemple, AME Zion, LookAtGod, Jesus, Christianity
Id: PeOsmDkPJrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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