Divine Mercy Conference 2019- Fr Jim Blout Day 7

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[Music] I decided to become a Benedictine monk because I loved I love to pray and we had we will win the battle on our knees amen no other way nothing else will work machine guns won't work atomic bombs won't work we will win the battle on her knees amen so I decided to become a bidding monk I was being led by the Lord and my family brought me to the monastery to say goodbye to me so we're there at the entrance in the front yard of the monastery in Florida and one of my brothers started crying we're a close family you know we're italian-american who were very close and when I brother started crying I'm one of eight children and so he said to me he said Jimmy don't go I bet he was crying he was younger than me you know and I felt sorry for him because you know it's sad too you think you're losing a relative you're not really but you think you are and I felt sorry for him but I also realized something else that the enemy was trying to use my brother to pull my heartstrings so would not enter in fulfill God's will amen to be very careful not to let emotional ties or human love block divine love amen then it's not really love at all to be honest with you well anyway I knew the devil was trying to use him to stop me now he wasn't possessed he's just a good young man who missed his brother but he was crying and he said to me Jimmy don't go and he said to me these famous words my brother said Jimmy stay in Tampa with me and he said Jimmy stay and become a millionaire with me he was younger than me you know and it was actually kind of funny to be honest with you he was sincere I mean he meant it when I was a teenage boy that was the American Dream you see I would call that the American nightmare because the Bible says 'set not your heart on riches even when they increase amen never put your heart on money never always put your heart on Jesus he will give you what you need a man you don't need to set your heart on riches the bishop asked me in Belize to build him a radio station because there was no no Catholic media and I was actually the poorest priest in the country I have a vow of poverty I don't even receive a stipend no salary no stipend nada can you say that say nada that's what I get you see but my retirement benefits are out of this world amen I've got the best boss in the whole world how about you mine is really good and listen when my brother said to me he said stay and dip with me become a millionaire with me I said you know I'm the worst person you should have asked that from I'm not even interested in money you know but he thought that would be like a drawing card my brother was and is a genius and he was determined used want to become a millionaire by the age of 30 so he said it to me I looked at him and he was crying he was sincere and I said to him I said bro I'm already in the you Nair and he looked at me like in two steps back like it you know what I meant and I saw that brilliant mind if he was working I could see the gears moving he's trying to process what I just said I said I'm already a millionaire if he got real quiet thinking about it and I thought oh good he's quiet I better run right now see ya and I ran off right then well he was quiet they get in the monastery don't me so I couldn't be stopped to fulfill God's holy will and so when it to the monastery and that night I was consecrated as a young monk I could ask for it you see like a novice a postulant put on a black robe and the abbot blessed me in front of the Blessed Tabernacle and I became you know official you might say at that moment and I went to my cell my little room for the first time and I put on my brand new monk pajamas and got ready for fighting first sleep you see as a monk as I got ready to go to bed I still remember clearly for somebody I remember this clearly I was standing up across the room my bed was over there I was by the closet and I said a closing prayer and I was so filled with joy it's like your wedding day when you take your promises or you become a priest it was like an ecstasy I had a joy that was heavenly and I just said this I had so much joy I couldn't be sad for a moment but I remembered my beautiful little brother and I said Jesus and Mary take care of my brother and I was smiley see and that's how you have to pray don't pray with worry or anxiety don't pray stop it you say Lord you love my brother more than I do and I know you'll take care of them amen always pray with joy and confidence amen guess where my little brother is today his name is father Anthony [Applause] and he's my superior he's the fixer general for my community for the whole world and it's not fair I didn't ask for that is God great or is God great is it be great now listen we love it I'm gonna give you a prayer okay another prayer you're gonna be millionaires before this thing is over amen oh you were the most beautiful prayers I've ever seen it's only one line and it's part of a novena give it to a new Saint his name is Don Dolan no have you heard of him have you heard of Padre Pio this is his best friend Donnelly knew was it was also a Franciscan Capuchin priest for the same order in Italy he was a holy man he was a holy man he was short and crippled very very very very very very humble you'll never reach holiness without humility amen you've got to build it on humility he was humble and crippled and one day he came up to Padre Pio in the refectory you know what that is that's the dining room in a monastery so he came up to Padre Pio he was sure you know encrypted like this and he came up to him and he said to Padre Pio he said Padre Pio now remember they're equal they're two Franciscan priests neither ones of the superior they're just equal brothers but how humble he is in front of his community he asked his equal he said Padre Pio would you please give me your blessing and Padre Pio turned to Don de Lindo ins and Don Lindo you don't need my blessing you have all of paradise in your heart amen I tell you what that's quite an affirmation isn't it what a recommendation from Padre Pio but if you looked upon this beautiful humble priest like a superior to himself amen I'm gonna give you the prayer that our Lord in Our Lady inspired in Dondo Lindo the inspired is called the novena of surrender I'm gonna give you the main prayer I have never in my entire life use a novena that always worked never this is the only novena of ever use that always works it is the most powerful and effective one I've ever used as the laymen and as a priest amen you can look it up easy you're gonna read a little meditation each day one paragraph is simple and the Lord's dictated it and he says to Don Deline to win to you and I he says listen to this don't send me up your worry disguise as a prayer I will not accept it he says don't do that he says let go of it and I will give you a miracle every day amen but be careful because your brother might become your superior if you're not careful amen so this is the main prayer you do a meditation each day for nine day just written right there from Jesus takes you one minute then you say this line 10 times it is exquisitely beautiful oh Jesus I surrender myself to you take care of everything oh Jesus I surrender myself to you take care of everything oh Jesus I surrender myself to you take care of everything amen that's the main prayer now what I do is this personally that's up to you I use my prayer beads and when I say this every morning I go around my rosary with this prayer of five times so I say it 250 times every morning that takes 12 minutes at the most it's a short prayer it's 10 to 12 minutes of surrendering your whole day to God do you know my whole life I've been studying the Bible I never understood what Jesus meant when my beautiful Jesus I loved him he appeared to my brother and I when we were teenagers by the way he appeared to father too now when we were kids isn't God cool and I love him love him love him I never knew what he meant but he said my yoke is easy now listen I loved you I said Lord listen you know I love you but wait a minute it doesn't feel that light to me I get a few persons now and then even as a kid when you come from a big family you'd have burden John I mean like my cousin was killed in a car crash I love my cousin boom gone that's not easy that's not light I didn't know what he meant I really didn't I would search the Saints and study the commentaries beautiful one what do you mean I know that you that you're real I know that it's true I'm the dummy not you brother I understood that all I'm not understanding it because I know you're always right you see what I mean I didn't say well you're wrong uh-uh no I'm wrong but please help me to understand it I never understood that verse till I began praying this novena now I know what it means no matter what life throws at you or me we surrender it to God we do not hold on to it for a moment you give it to God no matter what it is oh Jesus I surrender my business to you take care of everything you put it oh Jesus I surrender my spouse to you take care of everything Jesus I surrender my son or my daughter to you take care of everything the Lord says don't hold on to it you have to release it I now know what it means when you release it to God he takes care of it and I go do my business with a beautiful smile amen that's what he means you can't hold on to it you then his joke is easy then his burden is light because he takes all of it amen praise the Lord it reminds me that I remember seeing one of my uncle's was working out there with his with my cousins and it's big old giant log on his shoulder bit like a railroad town couple hundred pounds and he's carrying it and my little cousin wanted to help my uncle easy to carry it and he's like three years old so he wanted to be like a big man you see my little cousin and so my uncle's that let his son help him so as my uncle carried the big giant cross the little tiny boy he got at the very very end and he was holding it like this my uncle's carrying all the weight it was already off the ground but my little cousin was going like this he was going now he wasn't holding anything because my uncle had all of it it was actually off the ground but he put his little shoulder as there in his little tiny hands and he's carrying he's helping my uncle the whole way that's what God does to me he takes all of it and I follow behind but instead of oh I smile we have to smile amen that's what it means let Jesus God carry it listen he says to tell you something he's real he's not an imagination he's not a concept God is realer than real all of this will disappear but God remains forever amen God is real we're not real he's real amen remember that and he loves you and his love makes you real amen he too here to help the Lord wants the gospel preached well incorrectly the gospel is not a burden the gospel is a joy Amen Alleluia it's lint don't tell the bishop I said that oh it's Sunday that's right so I want to read you a scripture verse to show you how this theme in Holy Bible is even in than in the Old Testament from the book of the Prophet Nehemiah you can see this accurate you'd like to this is beautiful just just two verses from Nehemiah today is holy to the Lord your God do not be sad and do not weep for today is holy to our Lord do not be saddened this day for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength my goodness you throw out all the other shooters just keep that one make that the whole Bible right there amen we're gonna say it one more time so is written on your heart are you ready today is holy to the Lord your God do not be sad and do not weep for today is holy to our Lord do not be sad in this day for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength amen now listen Trinidad a case it's not clear Trinette in Tobago you say tobacco tobacco tobacco like a bagel eat in the morning with cream cheese okay Trinidad and Tobago listen to this now listen what God says today is holy to the Lord our God do not be sad and do not weep for today is holy now listen what is that saying it says when you're sad and you're weeping that does not make the day holy isn't it interesting I know holiness when I see it beloved listen I have seen Lucifer face to face he's come to my room at night he told me one night after we set two people free his true story in my room in the air full-size red eyes awful he looked at me and he said to me I despise you like that I thought well good if you must be up in trouble right actually actually I thought that was a blessing really he said I like you I'd be a drop off you know everywhere that all same when you're walking down the sidewalk and you meet the devil face to face you're going in the right direction amen isn't it true it's true isn't it when you mean a face to face you're in the right direction so he said to me I despise you I thought well praise the Lord and then he said to me he's trying to scare me you know he's been an actor I I see the devil as a drama queen to be honest with you really and that's what we do an exorcism we don't do it publicly because he likes to put on the show well then he said to me this is true he said to me I'm going to kill you like that so what I did is I always keep a special cross with me you have it on the altar I keep it in my hand or under my pillow this is from the Vatican and will let you touch it when we have a healing service in a few minutes it has a piece of wood from the true cross inside of it I've had blind men see when I touch it to the rise true and deaf men here in Creole a Amen is God real or is he real has he risen from the dead does he love Trinidad then get ready for miracles a man a man praise the Lord so when that old thing said that to me I just reached under my pillow and I looked at him and I blessed him like this I nice he said it out loud I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit when I said the word spirit he disappeared an amazing thing was amazing was this as he was sticking to me there was like hurricane winds and rained on my rectory I mean hurricane the windows rattling like a rattlesnake all of this the walls were banging literally banging like this all over my room when I rebuked that old boy i rebuked the name but Jesus Christ Father Son and Holy Spirit when I said spirit God the rain stopped the wind stopped the knocking stopped everything was quiet in one split second I looked out my window because my room was on the third or you could see the Caribbean from my window in my rectory I went to look out the window like you're imagining something and all my window is wet and my balcony is soaking wet but the rest of my yard and the neighborhood is totally dry just my balcony and my windows are soaking wet amen well what I tell you is the devil is ugly he's mean and he's a grouch and so when you comfortable to comedian you have old grouchy face I know who you're serving I always know who you're serving because I've seen the Angels too and the angels are usually smiling they're so happy they have the beatific vision you see they're always smiling and when I see them once I was walking course you know Mother Angelica from EWTN she was a friend of mine I was coming from a visit and I was walking across the yard but from her monastery to a special place where the the painter works is a beautiful painter there he was doing some artwork so I went to visit him his name was Michael to see how he was doing and give him blessing as I walked across the grass I just happened to look up and there across the field he'd been to EWTN there's these green rolling hills all over or the white picket fence is majestically beautiful as I walked across with my brother father Tony my boss are walking with father Tony and I look up and I see thousands of angels all in battle array across the whole yard thousands of them thousands in battle formation as they were in what called a diamond formation and they all look like young men they're like they're like six feet tall or at least blonde hair totally like white Chinese white light they all had swords in their hands but the swords were down the swords were not up when the swords autonomies everything is okay when the sword is up you better you better go to confession the sword is up the swords were all down and they were in a diamond formation to be an angel right here then another one maybe six feet behind him right here another one's 6 feet over here and another one 6 feet over here all the way like that all the way around a diamond formation thousands of them and they were all were looking at my brother and I and they were all smiling the most beautiful smile in the world every one of you has a guardian angel I see about half of them right now all of you have an angel some of you I can't see your angel and I know why either because you're in sin get a repent of something or you never you never say good morning you never say Thank You guardian angel I love you guardian angel help me you never call upon him that's not very nice is it he's there with you from the moment you're conceived every day to help you we should every day so a good morning guardian angel bring me closer to Jesus and protect me amen oh Jesus I surrender myself to you and you say take care of everything you ready oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you oh Jesus I surrender myself to you now we're gonna reverse it beloved who you would say the first part and I'm gonna answer you ten times in a row as you say it have in your heart what you're most worried about whatever that is surrender it with these words okay so you lead me now ten times in a row oh Jesus take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything take care of everything teach me how to count it's a do surrender prayer now isn't that beautiful I want to tell you what that prayer is a miracle prayer if we all start doing it every day your worries will shrink up to nothing and your trust will expand to a saintly level amen it's that simple did he not say my yoke is easy my burden is light if you use this everything becomes simple that everything becomes easy like a child that's why the angels are always smiling because they give everything to the Lord they don't worry about a thing amen because it was a Chesterton who said that the angels are able to fly because they don't take themselves too seriously you see what you think those two seriously you're too heavy and so uses for everyday let God guide you I would recommend say it to 250 times a day in the morning ten minutes is all you need it'll fill you really this is Mhairi spirit this is the spirit of the Virgin Mother amen listen her divine son is on the altar on the altar of the Cross it he's dying in front of her and her own people have betrayed him and murdered him and she sees this and she knows he's dying for you and for me she knows he's dying for her and Mary accepts it with serenity although she's dying inside she doesn't scream or curse or cry out she accepts it and after the Lord Jesus has been buried Mary is on her porch on Saturday on Holy Saturday and Mary is sitting in her rocking chair on the porch and she's walking back and forth and she's saying oh Jesus I surrender myself to you take care of everything she's saying it all day long she is waiting to midnight cuz mama knows that Jesus Yeshua will rise amen she has not an iota of doubt she knows he will rise amen and the Saints say that right after midnight when Easter Sunday morning Jesus rose and he appeared first to the Virgin Mary amen can you imagine that meeting maybe twelve thirty at night knock on the door and Mary says son come in she knows she knows she knows Jesus come in I have coffee tea and cookies waiting for you amen mama is virtue par excellence mother mary had this phrase of surrender this really is her prayer amen mary says she'll give it to you if you ask her would it be better to live this way let's live in surrender amen and so with the bishop as being believes to build him a million-dollar radio station on the poorest priest in the whole country the Lord told me what to do and I found a lay missionary who came and joined me we built this on faith made a holy hour every morning a holy hour every night with a rosary we now have running in Belize a four million dollar radio station 24 hours a day in English and in Spanish and a teamate station as well and a television studio amen just surrender so whatever your need is God has it amen if you surrender it God is going to do it now we're going to pray to the angels because they to master this we want to feel trinidad and tobago with angels let's flood the country with angels amen and so with your chaplet you'll notice the design this is not the regular rosary this is the rosary of Saint Michael or the chapter of Saint Michael and you'll see you have a circle there of one or father in three home Ares nine times this was revealed by Michael the Archangel - Antonia a holy woman in Italy about a hundred years ago it's been tested and approved of course by Holy Mother Church it has an imprimatur so you say one our Father in three home Ares nine times in a row for the nine choirs of angels that's defined by the church is in the Summa as well right this Seraphim the cherubim de Thrones dominions powers virtues principalities Archangels and angels nine choirs each one has their own gift and so the Seraphim serif means fire serif means fire so the Seraphin bring you and I the fire of divine love amen so the server when they come down we're gonna call upon them the start to come down right now when you call upon them they'll come down with fire from the throne room of God and they will fill your heart with his own fiery love amen it's a powerful prayer you want to say it every day you will protect your entire family with angels and pretty soon trinidad and tobago will fill up with angels amen are we ready to start at the end of your chaplet there's four beads there that looks like the beginning it's actually the end at the end of your trap I'm going to save those four beads for our fathers at the very end for Michael for Gabriel for fil and for your own guardian angel is that cool you introduce that from heaven are always better always design perfectly when they come from heaven then there's two closing prayers and we'll say that at the end one to st. Michael and went to God himself let's pray now and surround you and your country and your family with angels
Channel: Trinity Live
Views: 10,819
Rating: 4.866221 out of 5
Id: OYbjsx3IOgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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